Calcium preparations for the prevention of osteoporosis, means for treating the disease


  • 1Calcium preparations for osteoporosis: the choice of a remedy
    • 1.1Osteoporosis and its manifestations
    • 1.2Why you need to take calcium
    • 1.3What drugs are recommended to take
    • 1.4Selecting a specific tool
  • 2Calcium preparations for prevention of osteoporosis and its treatment
    • 2.1The role of calcium in the body
    • 2.2"Calcemin"
    • 2.3"Calcium D3 Nycomed"
    • 2.4"Osteocaia"
    • 2.5Calcium lactate
    • 2.6Calcium gluconate
    • 2.7Recommendations
  • 3Calcium preparations for the prevention of osteoporosis
  • 4Methods of treatment of osteoporosis
    • 4.1Medication for osteoporosis
    • 4.2Medication pain therapy
    • 4.3Means of pathogenetic therapy
    • 4.4Fluorides
    • 4.5Calcium preparations
    • 4.6Vitamins and trace elements
    • 4.7Bisphosphonates
    • 4.8Flavonoids (osteohin)
    • 4.9Calcitonin (thyrecalcitonin)
  • 5What calcium is better to take with osteoporosis: consider in detail
    • 5.1How to choose the right calcium preparation?
    • 5.2What drugs are used for osteoporosis?
    • 5.3Additional factors for the choice of drugs Ca
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.4Additional calcined preparations
    • 5.5Instructions for the use of the most common drugs
    • 5.6Cost of calcium preparations

Calcium preparations for osteoporosis: the choice of a remedy

Calcium preparations for osteoporosis are necessary to maintain metabolism in the body, because this unpleasant disease changes the structure of bone tissue and muscle mass.

Bones become brittle and less dense, calcium is poorly absorbed, and the available is excreted from the body at a rapid pace.

Lead to this disease:

  • age changes (especially in the beautiful half of humanity);
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • alcoholism and smoking.

Osteoporosis and its manifestations

It is known that the fragility of bones significantly increases the risk of various injuries and fractures. Bones become extremely sensitive to normal load.

So, often people break down limbs or get a fracture of the spine, coming or going out of public transport, with a slight fall, when lifting previously used heavy weights.

Osteoporosis is a pathological condition in which there is a violation of calcium metabolism. Occurs in people after 50 years.

At this age, bone regeneration processes slow down, recovery is slow.

Therefore, to accelerate the recovery of doctors strongly recommend taking osteoporosis calcium preparations.

Osteoporosis is diagnosed by a specialist if the following manifestations are found in the patient:

  1. aching pain in the bones and lower back, worse at night;
  2. limbs periodically cramps;
  3. increased fatigue, a feeling of weakness, dizziness;
  4. excessive plaque, parodontosis;
  5. fragility and bundle of nails, hair loss;
  6. cardiopalmus;
  7. the growth of a person decreases.

Most often, the disease manifests itself in women during menopause or after it - due to changes in metabolism. Lack of calcium in the body becomes the culprit of fractures, leading to a deterioration in human life, and often to disability.

Why you need to take calcium

For the prevention of osteoporosis, additional calcium intake is recommended. After all, such an ailment can arise both during pregnancy, and after childbirth, and after reaching the pre-retirement age.

A separate group of patients are women with symptoms of menopause.

During this period, a sharp decline in the production of sex hormones by the body, in particular, of estrogen, which, in turn, affects calcium metabolism. Bones become more sensitive and brittle.

Kidneys worse absorb calcitriol, due to which the digestion of the microelement in the intestine worsens, and its excretion from the body with urine is accelerated.

The absence of calcium in the bone depot leads to the development of osteopenia, the precursor of osteoporosis. Usually the period of development of the disease takes about 4-5 years. In this case, there are significant changes in the mineralization of bone tissue.

The patient taking calcium preparations must follow the recommendations developed by the specialists:

  • therapy is appointed by a doctor who assesses the prognosis of the development of the disease, the general condition of the patient's body, Carries out a choice of a preparation, concrete dosages, etc.; taking drugs at prescribed doses is absolutely safe;
  • in the presence of neglected osteoporosis, calcitonin and bisphosphonates are also prescribed (by the way, the cost of purchasing medicines is many times lower than the cost of treating the consequences of osteoporosis);
  • The therapy is controlled by the procedure of densitometry (determination of bone density), regular blood tests for hormones and biochemistry.

What drugs are recommended to take

There are many calcium compounds that can be used to improve bone density. The most popular and effective to date are calcium salts, because they are capable of:

  1. preserve the properties of bone tissue;
  2. reduce the risk of fractures;
  3. stabilize the mineral composition of bones.

It should be understood that a significant intake of calcium into the body can lead to its elevated level in the blood - hypercalcemia. It is difficult to diagnose, because manifestations are nonspecific:

  • there is weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • the emotional background changes dramatically.

A prolonged overabundance of trace element in the blood leads to:

  1. violation of the cardiovascular system;
  2. the formation of stones in the kidneys, in the urinary and gallbladder;
  3. provokes the appearance of gout and arthritis.

In addition, the body almost does not absorb calcium without the help of auxiliary drugs.

As a rule, prescribe the reception of a microelement together with vitamin D - only if this condition is met, a good result of therapy can be expected.

This reduces the likelihood of hypercalcemia, helps maintain muscle tone, reducing the risk of falls and, as a result, fractures. Vitamin D is synthesized in the human body under the influence of ultraviolet light.

In winter, it is recommended to actively fill the shortage of this vitamin by taking dietary supplements or complex preparations.

Selecting a specific tool

Nowadays, the pharmaceutical industry produces a wide range of different drugs, in which calcium is present as the main component or as an additive in complex preparations.

Most modern biologically active supplements and vitamin complexes are made with the content of carbonate, citrate, lactate or calcium gluconate.

Different preparations contain different compounds of the microelement and its different amounts, and the dosage depends on this.

On average, the daily calcium intake for an adult is 1000 mg.

Efficient and inexpensive remedy for osteoporosis - Calcium gluconate.

However, taking combined medicines (containing vitamin D and other additives that help to assimilate the basic microelement) has a more effective effect.

The most popular drugs are: Calcium D3-Nycomed, Calcimine Advance, Calcium Sandoz Forte, Ostalon Calcium-D, and others.

Regularly taken calcium helps to prevent or slow the development of such an unpleasant disease as osteoporosis, and also will preserve health for many years.

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Calcium preparations for prevention of osteoporosis and its treatment

Osteoporosis is a pathological condition characterized by imbalance between the processes of formation and resorption of bone tissue. At the heart of the pathology, metabolic changes, in particular, the washing out of calcium.

Most often, this disease affects women in the pre-menopausal period. The doctors explain this by hormonal restructuring of the entire body, and recommend that patients take calcium preparations for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

What means will be most effective? Let's try to answer this question.

The role of calcium in the body

In the body of a healthy man contains about, kg of calcium. In a woman, this indicator is slightly lower, and is about 1 kg. 99% of the substance is found in bone structures. The element plays a key role in the operation of such systems:

  • musculoskeletal;
  • central nervous system;
  • cardiovascular;
  • cell membranes;
  • coagulation properties of blood.

Calcium is the key element from which bone tissue is formed. Outwardly it seems a simple solid. In fact, it is a complex organ consisting of cells and intercellular substance.

Throughout the person's life in the bones, the processes of renewal occur - every year approximately 20% of the tissue is replaced with a new one, which requires a certain amount of calcium.

The lack of an element leads to the development of osteoporosis.

In the central nervous system, it activates enzymes that take part in the production of neurotransmitters - the substances responsible for the transfer of impulses.

Together with magnesium, potassium and sodium affects the tone of blood vessels and normalizes blood coagulability.

It normalizes the permeability of cell membranes, transports substances into the cell.

In addition, with the help of calcium is activated a huge number of enzymes, hormones and other biologically active substances that participate in all types of metabolism.


The drug "Calcemin" is one of the most common calcium preparations on the pharmacological market. Each tablet contains 250 mg of calcium and 50 IU of vitamin D3. In addition, the preparation includes boron, manganese, copper, zinc and a number of additional substances.

The main element of the drug is in the form of citrate and carbonate.

These salts are considered to be the most effective, and the preparations containing them are most often recommended for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis.

The digestibility of calcium citrate does not change with the intake of food and the acidity of the gastric juice.

This allows it to be used for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in patients taking acid-lowering drugs or suffering from hypoacid or anacid gastritis. This form is highly soluble in water, does not affect the likelihood of urolithiasis. In 100 mg of calcium citrate contains about 20% of the pure element.

Calcium carbonate is one of the cheapest and most common forms. The share of pure calcium in it is up to 40%.

It does not dissolve in water, but in the body it is absorbed only after the reaction of the carbonate with hydrochloric acid.

In this regard, calcium carbonate is better to take with food, when there is a high secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to the classic preparation called "Calcemin manufacturers produce "Calcemin Advance" and "Calcemin Silver". "Calcium Advance" contains 500 mg of calcium in the form of citrate and carbonate, 200 IU of vitamin D3.

Its main purpose - correction of calcium metabolism and slowing the rate of bone loss. The medicine is prescribed for the treatment of osteoporosis and dental diseases.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to take medication for adolescents and women during menopause.

"Calcemin silver" contains 500 mg of calcium salts and 400 IU of vitamin D3. The drug is indicated for the complex treatment of osteoporosis, regardless of its origin, severe dental diseases. As a preventive agent used in patients older than 50 years.

"Calcium D3 Nycomed"

The active substance is calcium carbonate in combination with vitamin D3. Regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Increases the mineralization of bones and teeth.

Thanks to vitamin D3, calcium is well absorbed in the intestine.

In addition, the use of a combined agent inhibits the synthesis of parathyroid hormone, which stimulates resorption of bones.

The drug is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, as well as increased demand for calcium - a period of active growth, pregnancy, lactation, pre-menopause.

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Since the drug contains calcium carbonate, it is a means of choice for patients with a hyperacid gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by increased acidity.


It is a combined preparation containing 1000 mg of calcium carbonate, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D. Magnesium prevents the formation of oxalates in the urinary system. Vitamin D promotes the normal capture of calcium from the blood.

Zinc improves mineralization by activating alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme that transfers phosphorus through the cell membrane.

The drug is used to prevent osteoporosis, the treatment of fractures, elimination of calcium deficiency during periods of active growth, pregnancy and lactation.

Calcium lactate

Like calcium citrate, it is an organic compound.

Preparations, which contain calcium in the form of lactate, are well absorbed, regardless of the pH of the gastric juice and food intake.

These drugs are especially effective for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in women before the onset of menopause.

The essential drawback of the remedy is that it does not contain vitamin D, so the patient should take it separately.

In addition, 100 mg of calcium lactate contains no more than 13 mg of pure element.

Therefore, to meet the daily needs of the patient should take relatively high doses of drugs.

Calcium gluconate

Absorbed somewhat worse than previous drugs. The amount of pure substance in the compound does not exceed 10%. Therefore, the remedy is not the best medicine for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. His popularity, he gained through cheapness.

In addition to directly replenishing the deficiency of the element, preparations containing calcium gluconate are able to enhance the synthesis of calcitonin in the cells of the thyroid gland.

In addition, they positively affect the function of the kidneys, expanding the vessels and promoting an increase in daily diuresis.

It is most often used to compensate for calcium deficiency in premature infants.


When choosing drugs for the prevention or treatment of osteoporosis, first of all it is necessary to consult a qualified specialist.

First, he will recommend additional methods of examination that can confirm or deny the presence of pathology.

Secondly, the treatment of osteoporosis gives the best results only with a comprehensive approach.

Patients are assigned additional minerals, vitamins, antiresorptive drugs.

Thirdly, the expert takes into account the patient's age, general health, the presence of concomitant pathology, contraindications to the reception of any funds.

Based on these data, he will propose the drug that will be most effective in each case. This will make treatment as effective and safe as possible.

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Calcium preparations for the prevention of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that, according to statistics, is among the five most common ailments in the world.

This pathology is characterized by increased leaching of calcium salts from bone tissue, which leads to brittleness and fragility of bones.

This disease is more likely to affect women after the age of 45, but men are also familiar with this pathology personally.

To protect yourself and your loved ones from similar problems with health, it is necessary to conduct timely preventive measures, and with the appearance of the first alarming symptoms - immediately start treatment.

In order to restore the strength of bones apply a lot of drugs, where a special place is given to calcium preparations. About what calcium is better to take with osteoporosis, as well as how to do it correctly, this publication will be discussed.

Calcium is the most important microelement in the human body. This micronutrient is of particular importance in the construction of bone tissue.

In the norm for the human body enough natural calcium, which enters the body with food. But there are pathological conditions that lead to disruption of physiological processes.

In the bone tissue is constantly updated cells, some die, others are synthesized.

When the adverse effects on the body (hormonal failures, oncological neoplasms, unbalanced nutrition), these processes are violated.

Then, in the patient's body, the first alarming symptoms appear (non-traumatic fractures, brittle hair and nails, damage to tooth enamel, joint pain).

The danger of osteoporosis is that the first pathological changes in bone tissue pass without visible clinical manifestations. This fact should alert all people and become a motive for a preventive examination by a doctor.

When diagnosing osteoporosis, and also for the purpose of its prevention among patients from the high-risk group, it is necessary to begin medical therapy. Among several groups of pharmaceutical drugs effective for this disease, calcium preparations are widely used to treat osteoporosis.

It is worth noting that, despite the effectiveness of calcium preparations, they are not able to independently defeat osteoporosis. It is for this reason, each patient should understand that to achieve positive dynamics in treatment is possible only in the case of an integrated approach.

In modern pharmacy, there are three groups of drugs with calcium that can be used in the treatment of osteoporosis:

  1. mono preparations;
  2. calcium in combination with vitamin D;
  3. combined preparations.

All children remember how in childhood they were told that chalk strengthens bones, and also gave calcium gluconate in the period of teething and active growth. This is one of the most common monopreparations.

Lactate, citrate and phosphate Ca also belong to this group of calcium-containing drugs.

All these drugs are medicines and should be used exclusively for medical purposes, and not to the council of acquaintances.

These drugs are bribed with their affordability and cheapness, and many still consider them safe, which is fundamentally wrong.

The fact is that for the full absorption of calcium in the human body must be a certain amount of vitamin D, and also normally all metabolic processes should proceed.

In the absence of these components, taking monopreparations will not bring the expected therapeutic effect. But it is also necessary to take into account the fact that uncontrolled intake of Ca preparations can lead to a hypercalcemic crisis.

Not for nothing that all doctors emphasize that treatment can be carried out at home, but the doctor's control is necessary.

To make calcium preparations have the desired effect, it is necessary to control the process of their assimilation, with the regular determination of the amount of this trace element in the blood.

Otherwise, uncontrolled treatment, can cause hypercalcemia.With an increased content of Ca in the body, almost all organs and systems suffer:

  • the brain activity worsens;
  • suffers from hepatobiliary system and digestive processes;
  • concrements in the kidneys are formed, which leads to urolithiasis;
  • vision deteriorates;
  • Skin covers are affected by dermatoses.

Modern pharmacy does not stop there and daily works on improving existing drugs.

This is how the new drug, Calcium D-3 and Calcium D3-Nycomed, appeared on the drugstore shelves.

These drugs differ in that they have not only Ca, but also vitamin D, which is an essential component of calcium absorption in the intestine.

These drugs are convenient to use and have a good therapeutic effect. But, with their application, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dose and duration of the treatment course, so as not to provoke the development of hypervitaminosis or hypercalcemia.

For the full restoration of bone tissue is needed not only calcium, but also other trace elements. Therefore, the most popular among doctors use modern combination drugs, which include magnesium, zinc, copper, boron, manganese.

Such drugs are Calcemin Silver, Calcinov, Calcemin Advance. They are widely used for both prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. It is recommended to drink calcium during meals or immediately after meals.

The dose and duration of admission is set individually for each patient.

Calcium preparations should be given to all women during the menopause for the prevention of osteoporosis in combination with estrogen, which is prescribed for replacement therapy.

As mentioned above, in order to obtain the expected result from the intake of calcium-containing drugs, it is necessary to comprehensively influence all links of the pathogenetic chain. And this means that in addition to calcium preparations, it is necessary to stabilize metabolic processes in bone tissue, eliminate hormonal imbalance, and remove pain syndrome.

For this purpose, patients are prescribed a course of complex therapy, which necessarily includes:

  1. bisphosphonates - drugs that slow down the processes of bone destruction;
  2. calcitonin - thyroid hormone;
  3. Estrogens - for the prevention of osteoporosis in women during menopause;
  4. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - a group of drugs that effectively eliminate pain syndrome, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  5. hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs - contribute to the removal of acute inflammatory and pain syndromes, are used in extremely severe cases in short courses.

Selection of preparations for complex treatment is the responsibility of the attending physician, and careful adherence to his recommendations is the task of the patient. Therefore, everyone should perform their task, and do not engage in self-treatment, so as not to harm the overall health.

In the treatment, as well as for the prevention of osteoporosis, a balanced diet plays a decisive role. For patients from the risk group for osteoporosis, it is necessary to eat a balanced diet of natural products, where natural sources of calcium must necessarily be present:

  • dairy products;
  • fresh milk;
  • greens in large quantities (spinach, parsley, celery);
  • liver;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • eggs.

Do not forget about vitamin D, which is necessary for the assimilation of calcium.In products, it is found most in nuts, pumpkin, sunflower and olive oils.

A sufficient number should also contain proteins. Daily it is recommended to eat lean chicken meat, in boiled or baked form.

Fatty, salty and smoked dishes are recommended to be completely excluded from their diet, replacing them with more useful products.

As practice shows, most often osteoporosis affects women vegetarians, as well as those that have long been tortured themselves by rigid diets.

Even ancient healers claimed that everyone can find at the bottom of his plate, both the cause of the disease, and the cure. This statement has not lost its relevance to this day.

The nutrition of our fellow citizens is difficult to call healthy and balanced, because it contains many ingredients that negatively affect our body.

And useful and environmentally friendly products are getting smaller every day.

Treatment of osteoporosis is a very long and time-consuming process, but an active and healthy life is worth it. After all, in the absence of adequate treatment, osteoporosis of the bones can cause many complications, up to partial or complete disability.

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Methods of treatment of osteoporosis

Treatment of osteoporosis includes four areas:

  1. basic therapy aimed at reducing pain syndrome (medical and physiotherapy), expanding motor activity, dietary norms;
  2. therapy of the underlying disease that led to metabolic abnormalities in bone tissue (not described in this chapter);
  3. pathogenetic therapy (stimulation of bone formation and inhibition of bone resorption);
  4. treatment of complications of fractures, orthopedic support, surgical treatment (let orthopedic surgeons).

Medication for osteoporosis

For prevention and treatmentosteoporosis and its consequences (fractures) require the following drugs:

  • retarding bone resorption;
  • stimulating bone formation;
  • optimizing bone remodeling;
  • reducing pain syndrome;
  • stimulating the defenses of the body;
  • which improve blood circulation.

In secondary osteoporosis, treatment of the underlying disease that causes disturbances in bone tissue is necessary.

Medicationspathogenetic therapy, directly affecting the bone tissue, are divided into the following three groups:

  1. preparations that inhibit bone resorption, - osteochin, estrogens, selective modulators of estrogen receptors, bisphosphonates, calcium, bivalos, myacetcic or calcitonin, osteogenone;
  2. preparations stimulating bone formation, - osteochin, fluoride, somatotropic hormone, anabolic steroids, vitamin D and its active metabolites, parathyroid hormone (low doses), osteogenon, bivalos;
  3. multidimensional drugs- vitamin D and its active metabolites, osteochin, osteogen, calcium-D3-Nycomed.

The use of these three groups of drugs can restore the imbalance of the processes of resorption of bone formation, as the prevalence of resorption over bone formation leads to a loss of bone mass.

Medication pain therapy

Osteoporosismanifests itself clinically not only with bone fractures, but also with pain in the bones of the skeleton with a predominant expression in the spine, as well as in large joints.

For relief of pain, patients may be prescribed NSAIDs: first of all, diclofenac sodium preparations (olfen, rheoperin, tilfen, almial, dicloberl, orthophene, etc.).

These drugs are powerful enough to relieve the inflammatory reaction and pain syndrome, but have a side effect, increasing the acidity of gastric juice and with prolonged use causing an exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach.

To this group of drugs can be attributed and preparations of indomethacin (ibuprom, ibuprofen, etc.), piroxicam.

Currently, there are drugs that have a less pronounced effect on gastric acidity and hepatotoxicity:

  • nimesulid (nimesil, aponil, nise, cigans, etc.);
  • preparations meloxicam (movalis, melox, etc.);
  • Ketarolac (ketones, ketarol, etc.);
  • oxyb (celebrex) - celecoxib and rofecoxib (viox, rofica, rofnix, etc.).

With acute compression of the vertebra, other analgesics and anabolic agents can be prescribed.

In subacute compression of the vertebrae, along with analgesics, anabolic steroids (retabolyl, etc.), muscle relaxants (midocalam, sirdalud, etc.) can be shown.

According to the indications, patients may be assigned tranquilizers. An expressed analgesic effect is possessed by the preparation miakaltsik in combination with calcium salts.

Means of pathogenetic therapy


The action of fluorides is based on the stimulation of osteoblasts, which contributes to a certain addition of bone mass.

However, studies have shown that the use of large doses of the drug (30-80 mg per day), although it gives a certain increase in bone mass in the spine, but its quality is insufficient to prevent fractures.

Therefore, the importance of these drugs in the treatment of osteoporosis has recently declined.

Calcium preparations

Calcium preparations can reduce the risk of vertebral injury and development of limb fractures, since The mechanism of their action is aimed at reducing the loss of bone tissue due to inhibition of activity osteoclasts.

In theory, calcium and vitamin D enter the body with food, but experience shows that it is usually not possible to achieve the necessary norm in this way.

In elderly people, the condition is aggravated by a significant decrease in the absorption of nutrients in the intestine. As we already know, the body reacts to this by increasing the production of the parathyroid hormone and the activation of osteoclasts.

Only by taking calcium, it is possible to reduce the loss of bone mass from 2 to 4% per year, to prevent fractures of bones.

Studies have shown that in patients with osteoporosis, treated with calcium, the incidence of new fractures is reduced by almost 60%.

Calcium preparations are combined with other medicinal substances. They are released in combination with various salts: carbonate, lactam, gluconate and calcium gluco bionate. The recommended daily dose (1000-1500 mg) should be divided into three doses to improve absorption in the intestine.

The question of the appointment of calcium is decided depending on the organization of nutrition.

After all, it is believed that we meet the need for a mineral, if daily we drink, a liter of milk (750 mg of calcium) and include in the diet also milk products and foods rich in calcium.

Intolerance to calcium preparations is rare (nausea, diarrhea). In such cases, the change of drugs helps.

VitaminD, first, it promotes better absorption of calcium in the intestine, and second, it acts directly on the cells involved in bone metabolism.

There are two forms of vitamin, acting approximately the same: vitamin D3, which is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and vitamin D2, which enters the body with food.

Today, the industry produces various combinations of it with calcium, other vitamins and minerals in various forms of use. The most reasonable choice will help make a doctor.

Usually the therapeutic dose of vitamin D is within 1000-3000 IU. These drugs can be used for prophylactic purposes, but with a lower dosage.

There is an injection form (50 000 IU) for elderly patients with weakened memory, long-term inpatient treatment, and for other similar cases.

Limitation in taking calcium preparationsis urolithiasis and hypercalcemia (high level of calcium in the blood); treatment of such people should be controlled by the level of calcium in the blood.

CalcitriolIs an active metabolite of vitamin D. It is prescribed in capsules, the initial dose is, 5 μg per day.

This drug promotes a rapid increase in the amount of calcium in the blood and urine.

Therefore, when it is used, blood and urine tests are regularly performed, and the kidneys are monitored (due to the possibility of calcification) in order to cancel the treatment in a timely manner.

Calcitriol is not recommendedpregnant, breastfeeding mothers and those with a high level of calcium in the blood (to prevent stone formation in the kidneys).

Vitamins and trace elements

Vitaminotherapy is an indispensable link in the therapeutic practice of treating osteoporosis. Along with vitamin D and its active metabolites, vitamins A, C and B are prescribed.

It is known thatdevelopment of osteoporosismay be due to a shortage of certain trace elements as a result of irrational nutrition.

Thus, magnesium promotes the formation of bone tissue, stimulates the formation of calcium phosphate; Manganese is part of the enzymes required for metabolism in cartilage and connective tissue; copper stimulates metabolism in bone tissue, taking part in carbohydrate metabolism; Selenium has cytoprotective properties and other

In this regard, it is advisable to assign microelements and vitamins in the form of multivitamin complexes, such as Vitrum, Multitabs, etc.

Hormonal preparations.Anabolic steroids (anabolic).

These drugs are similar to male sex hormones, they help build muscle tissue and strengthen its strength, which stabilizes the bone skeleton.

Anabolic effects on bone cells have a definite positive effect. They have been prescribed for a long time as a weakened, exhausted patient.

Anabolic injections are applied monthly for 3 years, but one should remember about their side effects, which are many. In women, there are male secondary signs (unusual hair, voice changes, etc.). Possible increased risk of heart and liver diseases.

It is more difficult with men. In them, the use of anabolic drugs leads to a decrease in sexual function.

In addition, the growth of prostate tumors may become more active.

Many experts believe that the time of use of these drugs, as well as hormone replacement therapy for the treatment of osteoporosis has passed.


Bisphosphonates are a completely new class of drugs that have a powerful effect on bone tissue: they inhibit the bone resorption caused by osteoclasts.

Recent studies have shown that prolonged use of bisphosphonates leads to a reduction in the incidence of fractures in patients with osteoporosis or malignant bone disease.

Several years ago, a number of new bisphosphonates became available for clinical use. Among them, alendronate, which prevents the resorption of bone tissue without disrupting its mineralization.

The main effect of bisphosphonates on the skeleton- Deceleration of bone mineralization and calcification of cartilage, as well as inhibition of bone resorption caused by osteoclasts.

The action of various bisphosphonateson bone resorption is significantly different. There are also differences in comparative activity with different test systems.

In the long term of their clinical use, new bisphosphonates are of interest with minimal undesirable effects on mineralization and a pronounced antiresorptive effect.

In this aspect, the amine derivatives of bisphosphonates show considerable activity without increasing the effect on bone mineralization or altering their affinity for hydroxyapatite.

Comparative table of antiresorptive activity of bisphosphonates

Bisphosphonates Degree of activity
Etidronate 1
Clodronate 10
Tiludronate 10
Pamidronate 100
Alendronate (fosamax) 1000
Risedronate 5000
Ibandonate 10 000
Zolendronate (aclast) 20 000

All representatives of this group of drugs can significantly slow the restructuring of bone tissue. In this case, the preparations of the last generations have a significant effect on the resorption of bone tissue.

Fosamax (alendronate sodium) - aminobisphosphonate, which acts as a potent specific inhibitor of bone resorption and, thus, normalizes the rate of its reorganization. This allows to classify this preparation as pathogenetic antiresorptive agents. As a result of the treatment with fosamax, a bone of normal quality is formed without disrupting the mineralization.

The decrease in the amount of resorpted bone is associated with an increase in newly formed normal bone, leading to an increase in bone mass, an increase in its mineral density in the treatment with fosamax.

Fosamaxis an effective tool in the treatment of established postmenopausal osteoporosis and its complications.

The drug increases the density of bone tissue, improves its strength, which is accompanied by a significant decrease the severity of the pain syndrome, increasing the functionality of patients, improving their quality life.

Aklasta (zolenderraic acid)- bisphosphonate of the latest generation, has the most powerful effect to date. It differs in frequency and mode of administration: only once a year intravenously.

Flavonoids (osteohin)

Ipriflavone, patented in Ukraine as osteochin, is a derivative of flavonoids. Flavonoids are widely distributed in the plant world, are found in higher and lower plants, for which photosynthetic processes are characteristic.

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Flavonoids have a wide spectrum of pharmacological activity. They are characterized by vitamin-like properties.

Flavonoids are the main constituents of folk remedies used for thyroid and other hormonal disorders.

They cloud-reaches a maximum in, hours, half-life is, hours. In the blood serum, ipriflavone and its metabolites bind to albumin (94-99%).

Osteohininhibits the resorption of bone tissue, stimulates the processes of bone formation and mineralization.

At the basis of the mechanism of action of the drug - a direct effect on metabolic processes in osteoblasts and osteoclasts or mediated, associated with the stimulation of the biosynthesis of estrogens, which have an inhibitory effect on bone resorption by suppressing the development of progenitor cells osteoclasts.

Osteohin does not recommend prescribingwith ulcer of the stomach or duodenum in the active phase, with severe damage to the kidneys, liver, blood diseases.

Indications for the use of the drug are all forms of osteoporosis, various types of osteopenic syndromes, Paget's disease, imperfect osteogenesis.

Calcitonin (thyrecalcitonin)

This peptide hormone, the physiological function of which consists in regulating the exchange of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P).

Calcitonin is excreted mainly by parafollicular cells (C-cells) of the thyroid gland. There are also data on the production of calcitonin in mammals in the thymus, parathyroid glands and adrenal glands, lungs, brain.

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What calcium is better to take with osteoporosis: consider in detail

When bone is broken, you need to take calcium

Osteoporosis leads to brittle bones. This increases the risk of fractures of the limbs, curvature of the spine.

To prevent this, the bones should receive enough calcium. This "building material which is responsible for the strength of joints.

What is the best calcium for osteoporosis? To answer this question it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the classification of drugs, their features and contraindications.

How to choose the right calcium preparation?

Can not restore calcium in osteoporosis is not all containing this substance, drugs. They are selected strictly individually. Various factors play a significant role in this.

For example, if the body has a lot of magnesium, then some calcium preparations are not recommended. Otherwise, they will only increase the imbalance in the body. Together with calcium, you need to take and vitamin complexes. This will give the best effect.

Any Sa-drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. Incorrect intake of medicines and vitamin D can cause the deposition of calcium salts. As a result, the kidneys, heart and vascular system may be damaged. Incorrect doses of drugs also contribute to poor health.

What drugs are used for osteoporosis?

When osteoporosis is detected, calcium deficiency in the body needs to be replenished first. However, it is necessary to know that in therapy not all agents are equally effective. Medicines are classified by composition or by form of release of drugs.

They are divided into three groups:

Monopreparations They contain calcined salts. Most often, lactate, chloride or calcium glycerophosphate is prescribed.
Combined funds In them, Ca is combined with vitamin D and some microelements. Most often appointed Vitrum, D3-Nycomed, citrate with magnesium and Natekal.
Multivitamins One of the most famous - Kaltsinov, Complevit and Nutrimaks. Such drugs are not effective enough for restoring bones in a progressive patprocess, so they are not used for therapy with osteoporosis. These drugs are prescribed for pregnant women and children - to prevent the destruction of bone tissue.

Calcium chloride refers to monopreparations, and it is now rarely used in osteoporosis Combined drugs (calcium + D3) used in complex therapy for the destruction of bonesPolovitamins with minerals are used to maintain the physiological state bone tissue

In monopreparations consists mainly of Ca and its salts. Medicines are manufactured in the form of tablets, injections or solutions. Monopreparations are gradually replaced by combined drugs.

Combined products with calcium content include vitamin D. One tablet contains 500 - 1500 IU Ca, but such drugs, if misused, can cause an overdose.

Polyvitamins contain Ca, vitamin D and many useful trace elements. Calcium in such complexes is very small - only 112 - 217 mg.

Therefore, such drugs are usually used to prevent the development of osteoporosis and bone maintenance during intensive physical exertion, during pregnancy and lactation, in children

Additional factors for the choice of drugs Ca

Identify with a group of drugs is not enough. You can see these tools on the video in this article. For the right choice, you need to consider which calcium salt was used in the preparation.

The drug with calcium carbonate is quite effective, but they should be taken with caution to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract citrate prevents the destruction of bones, but it should not be taken to people with gastritis and peptic ulcer disease (or intestines)
Calcium and Magnesium Helate will restore bone and normalize the nervous system Capsules with calcium and hydroxyapatites are effective in osteoporosis, they can be taken and people with digestive problems systems

Carbonate Ca is the most simple compound, but it is not recommended for patients with a gastrointestinal disorder or suffering from reduced acidity. Otherwise, the medicine may cause constipation and flatulence. Take Ca carbonate is better on an empty stomach and wash down with sour juices.

The drugs with calcium citrate have a number of advantages. They interfere with the production of parathyroid hormone, which contributes to the dissolution of bone tissue.

Citrate counteracts the appearance of inflammation in the bladder and the appearance of stones in it. During the absorption of the drug, hydrochloric acid is not involved in the process.

People who have problems with the digestive system, Ca citrate is not recommended.

Calcium chelates refer to organic compounds. They are fully and quickly absorbed, and the excess amount is derived naturally. Calcined preparations with the content of hydroxyapatites appeared not so long ago. These are organic substances that enter into all tissues of the body.

Choosing funds based on calcium, it is recommended to pay attention to the composition. Preferred preparations with citrate, chelate and hydroxyapatite. The most inexpensive are calcium lactate and glycerophosphate. All means should be prescribed by a doctor only.

Additional calcined preparations

The vitamin complex Vitamax is developed by a special formula. It contains some minerals that contribute to better assimilation of Ca.

The drug helps in faster bone splicing. Vitamax contains two hundred milligrams of hydroxyapatite Ca (phosphorus and calcium in the proportion of one to two, additional substances for strengthening and growth of bones, vitamins D3 and C and chondroitit sulfate).

Vitamax capsules will help restore damaged bone tissue.

Coral- and Alkamain-preparations containing Ca. The composition of the funds is extracted from corals from the Japanese islands. The drug is not completely calcium. Additionally contains many useful trace elements.

Calcium Magnesium Chelation contains phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. Their rapid assimilation is helped by vitamin D, which contributes to the formation and regeneration of bone tissue. The preparation contains 250 mg of calcium, 125 mg of magnesium and 100 phosphorus.

Ortho Calcium and Magnesium are considered one of the best drugs. The complex is sold in powder form. It consists of microelements and vitamins. In a day you need to take 1 hour. l. facilities. Ortho Calcium Magnesium is indicated for people with an overabundance of phosphorus.

Side effects from drugs are rare. Overdose manifests itself usually in the form of bloating, dizziness and headaches. There may be nausea and vomiting, weakness. Sometimes in the abdomen there are small pains.

Instructions for the use of the most common drugs

There are three most common drugs among people with osteoporosis and other ailments of the bone system, and also used to prevent the destruction of bones. They are accessible to all segments of the population.

Each of them has its own peculiarities of application and contraindications:

  1. Calcium carbonate is taken 2 to 3 times a day, 5 to 1 g, regardless of food. If the time of taking the medication is missed, then after using it before the new dosage it is necessary to make the recommended interval. With prolonged treatment, it is necessary to control the level of Ca in the blood. The instruction contains a number of contraindications:
  • hyper (calcification, calcicuria and sensitivity);
  • chronic renal failure;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • nefroourolithiasis;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • multiple myeloma.
  1. Calcium lactate is taken on, - 1 g for 2 - 3 times a day. The preparation is made in the form of a powder, tablets and a solution. The medicine does not irritate the mucous membranes, it acts more efficiently than calcium gluconate. Among the contraindications:
  • hypercalcemia;
  • thrombosis;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • severe atherosclerosis.
  1. Calcium gluconate in tablets before taking must be crushed. The medicine is taken before or after food after 1 hours. The drug is washed down with milk. For adults and pregnant women, the norm is 1-3 grams 2-3 times a day. A maximum of 9 grams of medication is allowed per day. For children, the dosage depends on the age. Calcium gluconate solution may be administered by injection or with the help of droppers. Among the contraindications:
  • children up to 3 years;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • thromboses;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • sarcodosis;
  • calcium nefrourolithiasis;
  • pronounced hypercalciuria.

With the simultaneous administration of Ca-gluconate and cardiac glycosides, there is a risk of arrhythmia. Self-medication is not recommended, before you start taking such drugs, you need to consult a doctor. This will help prevent possible side effects.

Cost of calcium preparations

The price of calcium preparations varies greatly. It depends on the dosage form, composition, manufacturer and region of sales. For example, calcium carbonate in the form of food powder capacity of 200 g bottle will cost an average of 250 rubles.

The complex containing additional magnesium (from 90 tablets) is sold for about 1100 rubles. Calcium lactate costs from 230 rubles. Acquisition of the calcium complex Vitamax can be approximately 800 rubles. Some drugs reach a price of up to four thousand rubles.

Calcium preparations are harmless and are useful for any person, regardless of sex and age, if they are used according to the doctor's prescription and are used in the indicated dosage. These are quite effective medicines for osteoporosis.

But remember that it is better to fight the disease in a complex way - with the help of drug therapy, physiotherapy and Exercise, and also should be observed diet and drinking regimen, the necessary daily physical activity and other

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