Exercises for the neck: gymnastics to strengthen the muscles


  • 1Effective exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck
    • 1.1Advantages and disadvantages of exercises
    • 1.2Indications
    • 1.3Contraindications
    • 1.4Overview of exercises
    • 1.5Preparation
    • 1.6Charge and warm-up
    • 1.7Exercises
    • 1.8Exercises suitable for drivers
    • 1.9Nuances and precautions
    • 1.10Prevention
  • 2Exercises for the neck: for men and women
    • 2.1Indications
    • 2.2Basic Rules of Occupation
    • 2.3Exercises that strengthen the muscles
    • 2.4Isometric gymnastics
    • 2.5Gymnastics with pathologies of the spine
    • 2.6How to keep the youth of the neck
  • 3Simple exercises for strengthening the muscles of the neck
    • 3.1Complex of exercises for neck 2
    • 3.2Tips for doing exercises for the muscles of the neck
  • 4Exercises to strengthen the neck muscles for those who work at the computer
    • 4.1Complex of exercises for the neck 2.
    • 4.2Tips for doing exercises for the muscles of the neck

Effective exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck

One of the most common causes of osteochondrosis is

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sedentary lifestyle. Long sitting at the computer or monotonous work provokes a spasm of the muscles of the neck, as a result of which painful sensations appear.

Exchange processes slow down, so osteochondrosis develops faster. One of the ways to prevent this disease is physical education.

Simple exerciseshelp strengthen the muscles, as well as reduce the load on them. They are easy to carry out, and the first results will be visible after a week.

How to strengthen the muscles of the neck with osteochondrosis will be considered further.

Advantages and disadvantages of exercises

It can not be said with certainty that therapeutic exercise gives only positive effects. In some cases, the patient's condition may worsen. Advantages of exercises from cervical osteochondrosis are:

  • elimination of hypertonic muscle, which allows you to reduce pain;
  • increased blood flow to the neck and head, which speeds up metabolic processes at the micro level;
  • the possibility of obtaining a good result without the use of chemical medications;
  • ensuring maximum flexibility of the cervical vertebrae, which develops with each exercise;
  • acceleration of recovery in exacerbation of chronic illness.

Also, scientists have proved that physical exercises contribute to the production of serotonin - a hormone of joy and pleasure, therefore performing exercise therapy under your favorite music, the patient will always have a great mood and positive thinking, which, incidentally, is also extremely important in the treatment osteochondrosis.

But not always the result is what many patients want to see. In some situations, sudden movementsmay cause excessive mobilityvertebrae, which in turn cause:

  1. increased infringement of nerve endings of the spine;
  2. violation of the blood flow of blood vessels leading to the brain;
  3. development of hypertension;
  4. increased intracranial pressure;
  5. increased pain;
  6. protrusion of intervertebral discs.

Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, before starting the exercises it is necessary to get a consultation of a specialist who will tell and show how and what exercises should be done.

At spontaneous performance of exercises the probability of deterioration of state of health, and also an exacerbation of an osteochondrosis is high.


Physiotherapy is prescribedin the presence of moderate pain in the neck, as well as osteochondrosis, which is in remission.

Before assigning a set of exercises, the doctor should make sure that there are no contraindications that could harm the patient's body and sharply worsen his body condition.

It is worth noting that the exercises are carried out under the control of the coach, which shows how and what zones should be worked on.

Exercise is recommended not only when cervical osteochondrosis progresses, but also as a means to prevent its development.

Prophylactic exercises reduce the incidence of dystrophy of the cartilaginous tissue of the spine by 40%, and also promote a good sleep.


In the neck area is locatedlarge number of nerve endingsand blood vessels that feed the brain cells, so you can not perform physical exercises by all. Contraindications are:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • the presence of aneurysms of the aorta, increasing the risk of internal bleeding and death;
  • diabetes mellitus in severe form of flow;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the neck, which during movement can provoke an increase in pressure on the nerve and vascular network;
  • acute cardiovascular diseases, including pre-infarction.

You can not engage in physical education, when osteochondrosis is in the acute stage and is accompanied by severe pain and stiffness of movements.

This can only increase muscle spasm and help increase the inflammatory process.

Overview of exercises

It is not recommended to start the exercises without adequate preparation. This can provoke microtraumas of the soft tissues of the neck, which will only increase pain. Therefore we will consider the whole complex in stages.


The ideal time for exercise is 9-10 am and 17-18 pm. You can not strain your neck right after you wake up.

It should be given the body to wake up and have breakfast properly.

It should be ensured that the exercises are not performed on a full stomach, since there is a chance of developing nausea and severity.

That significantly affects the quality of the performed movements.

For preparation it is necessary:

  1. Fill the room, which will be charged with clean fresh air.
  2. Prepare a chair or a soft mat.
  3. Choose suitable clothes that will not restrain movement.
  4. Collect hair in a bun, if they are long.

You can also include your favorite music, so that the exercises take place in a pleasant atmosphere and bring not only benefits, but also pleasure.

Charge and warm-up

Before you load the muscles, they should be prepared, otherwise the micro-injury can not be avoided. For these purposes, the most primitive exercises will do. Allowing to warm up muscles:

  • Slow rotation of the head, while the muscles of the neck are relaxed.
  • Turns and tilts of the head to the sides.
  • Throwing the head back and making minor fluctuations in this position.

All exercises are done slowly and smoothly, which allows you to gradually develop the muscles and prepare them for the load.

The warm-up takes 5-7 minutes, which is quite enough.


When the neck muscles are ready for more serious stress,You can start such exercises as:

  1. "Goose" - from the standing position, hands are retracted and fastened to the lock at the level of the waist. Should be bent in the sternum, and neck with the chin to pull up. Initially, this exercise will not work well, but with constant training, the occipital part will be as close as possible to the shoulders. Exercise is performed 5-7 times, alternately straining muscles and relaxing them.
  2. "Emphasis" - from a standing position or sitting on a chair, you need to put your hands to your forehead, then with maximum force to rest on them. In this case, it is worth keeping your hands still, resisting the head. Further hands are behind the back of the head, performing the same exercise in the opposite direction. After applying the right and left hand alternately to the temporal part, trying to displace the support. For each position of the hands carry out 10-15 stops.
  3. "Dunno" - feet shoulder width apart, hands at the seams. Raise the shoulders to the level of the earlobes of the ears, while the hands are as relaxed as possible. To increase the load in hand, you can take small bottles of water. Perform 10-15 times.
  4. "Yes and no" - shake your head, imitating the answers "Yes" and "No" with the maximum amplitude of movements, as it happens in ordinary life.
  5. "Superman" - lie on the floor on your stomach, stretching the body in one line. Tighten to the string, tearing off the hands and feet from the floor, and the head and neck should be stretched up to the ceiling.
  6. "Embryo" - lie down on the floor, taking the embryo posture, when the legs are tightened to the chest and are clasped hands. The head and neck are at the same time maximally compressed and close to the chest.
  7. "Reverse embryo" - kneel down and gently drop into the chest on them. Hands are located along the trunk, and the head rests against the hard surface of the forehead. Breath even. For each exhalation, hold the breath for 3-5 seconds and bend the forehead as much as possible, then relax and slowly inhale through the nose.
  8. "Ring" - lie on your stomach, at the same time raise your arms and legs. Embrace the ankle with your hands, trying to form a ring. The head should strive forward, stretching the neck.
  9. "Cat" - get on all fours, knees well on the floor. Bend at the waist, trying to get the head of the spine, imitating the movements of the cat, which will run under the low fence. With pain in the knee joint, you can put soft pillows.
  10. "Capture" - sit down on the floor, straight back. Hands clasped his head, his hands behind the back of his head and fastening them to the castle. Press your elbows against the temporal lobes, and gradually lower the head under the action of your hands to your chest. It should be based on personal feelings. They should not cause pain, lumbago and burning.

Exercises suitable for drivers

The sedentary lifestyle of drivers,especially truckers, affects the condition of the spine, in particular the cervical spine.

In order to relieve tension and fatigue from the neck, and also to prevent the development of stagnant processes in the back, it is recommended to stop every 3-4 hours and perform simple exercises:

  • turns and inclinations of the head;
  • circular rotation of the head and trunk;
  • squats, the hands are behind the head;
  • stretching the neck forward, straining muscles.

Such elements of gymnasticshelp strengthen the muscular corset, and also to eliminate the costs of the profession, which can adversely affect the health status.

Nuances and precautions

To exercise and gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the cervical region with osteochondrosis brought only benefit,should follow several rulesprecautions:

  1. Always pay attention to health - with a deterioration in health, the appearance of shooting pain, darkening in the eyes and feelings of nausea, exercise therapy should stop.
  2. Do all the exercises slowly and slowly. The desire to do it quickly, and to be free does not contribute to obtaining the maximum therapeutic effect of exercise.
  3. Exercise to perform systematically at the same time, which will develop a habit.
  4. Reduce consumption of sweet and salty foods, which will improve the effectiveness of exercise.
  5. At occurrence of acute pains to inform the doctor that will allow to pick up more sparing exercises.
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These 5 factors will make exercise therapy not only useful, but also an exciting procedure that strengthens health.
Be sure to look at the set of exercises from Dr. Bubnovsky, which has the necessary methods


Scientifically proven that with the daily implementation of such procedures you can forever forget about the problem of cervical osteochondrosis.

Preventive activities contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the neck, and also reduce the likelihood of development of stagnant processes.

Therefore, the above exercises can be used as a preventive measure of spine disease.

Thus, training is highly effective, allowing you to prevent the occurrence of cervical osteochondrosis, as well as to fight with an existing disease.

Strengthening the muscles of the neck with osteochondrosis can reduce the burden on the spine, as well as normalize metabolic processes.

By observing precautions, and by exercising systematically, you can achieve excellent results, which in combination with other methods of treatment of the disease will significantly shorten the duration therapy.

A source: http://zdorovya-spine.ru/bolezni/osteohondroz/shejnyj/lechenie-shejnyj/lfk/ukreplenie-myshts.html

Exercises for the neck: for men and women

Recently, more and more popular among the broad masses of the population is gymnastics for the neck.

And such exercises are performed by men and women at any age. And in the West special gymnastics is necessarily held in schools.

It helps to improve the performance, prevents the occurrence of headaches.

A person's neck is one of the most moving parts of the body. She always withstands a heavy load, because the head on average weighs 3 kg. Whatever a person does, the neck muscles are constantly working.

And the spine in this place has a rather fragile structure. In addition, there is a lot of nerve fibers and blood vessels that feed the brain. Therefore, it is very important that the neck muscles are strong.

Then they will be able to protect the spine from injuries and diseases associated with overloads.


Gymnastics for the neck - this is the most important method of strengthening the muscles. Such activities are very important for athletes, especially when practicing martial arts or boxing. For a man, a strong, powerful neck is the standard of beauty.

In addition, it will help to prevent injuries with heavy physical exertion or lifting weights. But to strengthen the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle is necessary for all.

After all, they help prevent the development of osteochondrosis or spondyloarthrosis, ensure normal blood supply to the brain.

Such gymnastics is necessary for everyone who works at a computer, leads a sedentary lifestyle, has bad habits, or does not eat properly. In addition, with age, the muscle strength decreases slightly, so the neck can no longer perform its functions in full.

As a result, after intense exertion, inflammation develops, swelling, and pain develops. Inflamed tissues can squeeze blood vessels or nerve endings. Because of this, the patient will often experience headaches, dizziness, vision, hearing, and memory may be impaired.

In addition, exercise therapy for the neck is an obligatory therapeutic method in the treatment of certain diseases. It is useful in pathologies such as:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • hernia or protrusions;
  • scoliosis and hyperlordosis;
  • hypertension or atherosclerosis;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • migraine headaches, frequent headaches, fainting;
  • problems with sleep.

You can do it at home or in the gym, the main thing is to do it regularly

Basic Rules of Occupation

Performed for prevention, charging for the back and neck is necessary for every person. It will help maintain muscle tone, as well as prevent the development of spine diseases.

But if the person decided to deal with the appearance of pain in the neck, you first need to undergo a checkup with the doctor, since in some pathologies, not all exercises for neck muscles can be done.

Classes will only benefit if you comply with the rules for their implementation. The main thing is not to deal with them, if the neck is very sore. No movement should cause suffering.

All exercises are performed slowly, you can not make sharp jerks or active rotations with a large amplitude. Breathing during exercise is necessary calmly and deeply.

The load must be increased too gradually, do not try to master the recommended set of exercises for the neck at once all.

Do not take more than an hour after eating. Before performing exercises, muscles must be warmed up. It is best to do this with a massage. To make gymnastics really effective, you need to remember to do it daily.

It is often recommended to practice even 2-3 times a day. In addition, if therapeutic exercises for the neck are being performed, the first sessions should be conducted under the guidance of a specialist. After all, for example, with osteochondrosis or a hernia you can not throw your head back strongly.

It is useful to periodically warm the neck muscles to those who sit for a long time in an uncomfortable position

Exercises that strengthen the muscles

They must be performed by every person. Especially shown is charging for the neck to people who spend a long time in one position, for example, when working at a computer. They are recommended to perform a special warm-up every 1 hour.

This will help avoid muscle spasm and headaches at the end of the work. In addition, it is important to include exercises to strengthen the neck in the daily complex of morning exercises.

With their help, the neck muscles will strengthen and will be able to support the spine in the correct position.

Such exercises are useful:

  1. rotate straight ahead, then back;
  2. lift shoulders, touching the ears, alternately or simultaneously;
  3. should spin the shoulders;
  4. do the incline of the head to the sides and back and forth;
  5. perform slow circular motions with your head.

These exercises help to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders, relieve spasms, improve blood circulation.

To strengthen the muscular corset of the spine, it is best to practice at home or in the gym, as some exercises are performed in a prone position.

For example, lying on your back, lifting your head, turning it, you can hang on the bar, use an expander.

Such exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck are especially needed for athletes, so as not to get injured by the spine with high loads.

It is very useful isometric gymnastics, for which no additional devices are required

Isometric gymnastics

Those people who want to strengthen the muscles of the neck, you need to know what it is. After all, isometric gymnastics for the neck can be performed anywhere, anytime.

For it, no special adaptations are needed, since the muscles are strained due to the resistance to pressing hands.

This helps to relieve spasms, reduce pain, improve cerebral circulation.

Due to the fact that the muscles do not contract, but only tighten, such exercises for the neck with hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia, they can be done with osteochondrosis and other pathologies the spine. The main thing is to perform them slowly and not to allow the appearance of pain.

There are many isometric exercises that affect different muscles. You just need to understand the principle of their implementation. The slopes and turns of the head are not so easy, but with the participation of hands.

When tilting back, you need to hold your hands on the back of the head and push them forward. Do the same by tilting your head to the chest and trying to lift it.

If you place your palms on your forehead or under your chin and press them, trying to tilt your head forward, strain the muscles of the front surface of your neck. You can do the same by tilting your head.

But such an exercise is contraindicated in diseases of the spine.

Isometric exercises for the neck, strengthening the lateral muscles, are done with the participation of one hand. The palm is placed on the temple or on the cheek. The head is attempted to turn or tilt, overcoming the resistance of the hand.

Gymnastics with pathologies of the spine

Most often, the cervical region is affected by osteochondrosis. In this case, the cartilaginous tissue is destroyed, which adversely affects the entire spine.

And in the cervical region, this is especially dangerous because blood vessels are squeezed and nerves are affected. More and more people are suffering from osteochondrosis, even young people.

The disease must be treated as early as possible in order to avoid complications. At the initial stage it is often enough to perform special physical exercises.

They will help strengthen muscles and restore blood circulation. Regular gymnastics will prevent displacement of vertebrae, pinching of nerves, eliminate pain and restore mobility.

It relieves tension from the muscles, reduces inflammation and swelling, speeds up the regeneration process. The best effect is exercised in exercises with osteochondrosis of the neck, developed by Dr. Shishonin.

There are only seven of them, but with proper performance all muscles are strengthened.

Dr. Shishonin developed a set of exercises that are effective for various pathologies of the spine

The peculiarity of the Shishonin gymnastics is that it is performed at a slow pace, with a delay in the extreme position for 30 seconds. The simplest exercises help to strengthen the muscles.

  • "Metronome" - the slopes of the head to the shoulder;
  • "Look into the sky" - turns to the side;
  • "Fakir" - raise your hands, bending them in the elbows, join hands and turn your head to the sides;
  • "Frame" - put the right hand on the left shoulder, lifting the elbow parallel to the floor, turn the head to the right;
  • "Goose" - to extend the neck forward, without lifting the chin, to perform the turns of the head to the right and to the left;
  • "Heron" - sitting on a chair, pulling his hands back, pulling his neck up, not lifting his chin;
  • "Spring" - slow slopes of the head forward, alternating them with lifting the chin up, head back not to tilt.

Special exercises will help to preserve the youth of the neck, relieve the second chin and wrinkles

How to keep the youth of the neck

Daily performance of special exercises will help not only to get rid of pain, to restore sleep, to remove inflammation. Strengthening the muscles contributes to the extension of the youth of the neck, as it improves the condition of the skin, tightens it, makes it more elastic.

This will help to avoid costly lifting procedures. It is very important for a woman to maintain the muscles of the neck and chest in a tone. Their weakness is especially visible with age, because they say that the neck is aging in the first place.

And hide the clothes flabby muscles and fat deposits are not always possible.

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Exercises for neck flexibility will help a woman look more attractive, get rid of the second chin and folds. To do this, you just need to start practicing as early as possible and do it regularly. Only 10-15 minutes a day will help to preserve youth and beauty.

You can use for this purpose exercises for neck tightening:

  1. slightly to throw back the head, to open the mouth, to carry the movements of the lower jaw upward and forward, straining the muscles near the chin;
  2. clasp your chin with your clasped hands, then try to tilt your head back, keeping it in place;
  3. Put your hands on your shoulders, stretch your neck up, while pushing your hands down;
  4. The usual inclinations and turns of the head are useful;
  5. perform movements as in oriental dances - stretching your neck forward and feeding it back, and also moving your head to the right and left, without tilting it and turning it;
  6. It is useful to "write" the nose in the air letters, numbers or geometric figures.

Gymnastics for the neck is useful to everyone. It will not only help to strengthen muscles and keep youth. Special exercises can relieve headaches, insomnia and various pathologies of the spine.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/profilaktika/uprazhneniya-shei

Simple exercises for strengthening the muscles of the neck

Being engaged in fitness and taking care of our figure, we often forget about exercises for the neck, which is not fair in relation to it. After all, most of us lead the same lifestyle, mostly sitting.

Hours of work at the computer do not pass without a trace of health, and a sore neck, brings so much anxiety.

It is important to give at least ten to fifteen minutes a day exercises for the muscles of the neck. This will make it healthier, more flexible and more beautiful.

The result can be felt after the first exercise, and in years, your neck will respond to you with a young and healthy appearance.

The next set of exercises for the neck is perfect for those whose work requires a long time to sit at a computer or desk. Repeating these exercises a couple of times a day in between work, you can maintain and strengthen the health of the neck.

It takes only ten minutes to get rid of the tension and pain in the neck. All exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck, you can perform in any position, standing or sitting at the workplace.

Start each stage of charging followed by straightening your back, keeping your head straight and looking forward. For the greatest, repeat the exercises ten times.

Exercise to strengthen the neck number 1.

The first exercise helps stretch the muscles of the neck and prepares them for charging. Slowly stretch your chin forward. Then return to the starting position. After that, pull the neck and chin back. Then, go back to the starting position.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck number 2.

Unbend the spine in the cervical region as if looking at the sky. Stop in this position for a couple of seconds.

Next, lower your head down, as if looking at the ground. Again, hold for five seconds. Return to the starting position.

Bend on the exhalation, return to the starting position - on inhalation.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck number 3.

Turn your head to the left, without unnecessary haste. With careful jerks, try to turn your head even further. Stay in this position for a second. Next, take the starting position. Take your time slowly, turn your head the other way. Hold for a second, then, take the starting position.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck number 4.

Gently tilt your head to the left, try to make an inclination

as strong as possible. Hold for five seconds. Take in the starting position. Do the same actions on the other side.

Exercise to strengthen the neck number 5.

Slowly lift your shoulders and stay in this position for five seconds. Accept the starting position. This exercise helps not only the neck, but also relieves stress from the shoulders.

Exercise for the neck muscles number 6.

Smoothly lower your chin as close to your chest as possible, hold it for a second. Next, take the starting position.

Exercise to strengthen the neck number 7.

Gently with your right hand, bring your head to your left shoulder. Then repeat this action with your right arm and right shoulder. After that, put your hands behind your head, locking them with a lock. Now, with your hands, press your chin to your chest.

Exercise for neck muscles number 8.

Using your palm as resistance, tilt your head forward, then back.

Exercise for the neck number 9.

Stretch the neck muscles, throwing your head back. Use a towel or scarf for resistance. These simple exercises to strengthen the neck will add tone to your muscles and adjust to the workflow.

Complex of exercises for neck 2

The second set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck is more difficult. It is convenient to do it in a calm, unhurried atmosphere, for example, at home. Although some exercises may be suitable for performing at work.

This complex not only strengthens the neck, but also relieves the second chin, which appears due to weakening of muscles and excess weight.

Also, a set of exercises will be useful for people with cervical osteochondrosis.

It is very important not to overdo it. Choose among, below the proposed exercises for the neck, what you prefer. Do complex exercises three to five times, and the lungs for ten to fifteen repetitions.

Gradually, you can increase the load. If you feel dizzy, you need to pause and continue charging later. The main thing to do everything slowly and carefully. You can also practice in front of a mirror.

In this case, the process will be easier to follow.

Exercise for the neck number 1.

Charge for the neck should start with a warm-up. To do this, you can tilt the head anteriorly and posteriorly, to the sides, to make a quiet head movement first in a circle in one and the opposite direction.

Exercise for the neck muscles number 2.

Take the starting position: sit straight, straighten your back and relax your shoulders. The tip of the nose, like a brush or a pencil, draw in the air numbers from 1 to 9. Exercise makes the muscles elastic, and the neck - more flexible.

Exercise for neck muscles number 3.

Bend the spine in the cervical region and open your mouth.

Now tighten your chin and gently lift the lower jaw as if you want to reach the tip of the nose with your lip. Stop for a second, then relax.

Do the exercise again. It helps to become neck more flexible and eliminates the second chin.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck number 4.

Tie your hands in the lock and put them on the chin. Then slowly with resistance, straighten the spine in the cervical region. Exercises with resistances give a very good result. They strengthen the neck muscles.

Exercise for the neck number 5.

The back should be flat, the head looks straight. Put your hands on your shoulders. Pressing on them with your fingers, pull your neck up. You must feel the tension. Relax, then repeat the exercise again.

Exercise for the neck number 6.

Shoulders and arms are relaxed. Lower your chin to the chest. Without lifting your head, stretch it to your shoulder. Accept the starting position. Then repeat the exercise with the other shoulder.

Exercise for neck muscles number 7.

Place your elbows on the table and clasp your fingers. With all your might, press your chin on your hands, which should create resistance to it.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck number 8.

Imagine yourself in an Indian movie. Raise your hands over your head and twist your fingers. Without tilting the head, move it to the right and left. Do the exercise very carefully.

Exercise for the neck number 9.

To strengthen the muscles of the neck it is useful to do the following exercise. Pull your lips with a tube and say the vowels "a "o "and "y etc. Feel the tension of the neck muscles.

Exercise 10.

Try to walk around the room with a book on your head. This exercise not only forms a posture, but also strengthens the neck, relieves the second chin.

Exercise 11.

The initial position on the abdomen, hands parallel to the trunk and relax. Make sure your chin is parallel to your torso. Turn your head to the left. Try to have the ear touch the floor. Accept the original position and repeat again with the other side.

Exercise 12.

Sit down in Turkish, or, if it's hard, just sit on a chair. Squeeze your hands into fists, holding them together, put on the chin. Make sure that the elbows are perpendicular to the body. Tilt your head forward, resisting your hands.

Exercise 13.

The next exercise can be done in the mirror to better control the process. Lower the corners of the lips down and hold this position for a few seconds. Your neck should be strained at the same time. Do a few repetitions.

Exercise 14.

Make a circular movement of the head, but notice, the head always looks ahead while the exercise, and the chin - towards the chest. Do this exercise for the neck, describing the circles in different directions.

Exercise 15.

Do frequent but accurate movements forward with your head as if pulling your chin forward.

Exercise 16 (with humor).

Read the poem in the picture below. May your good mood be strengthened together!

Tips for doing exercises for the muscles of the neck

A few more useful tips that will help to preserve the beauty of the neck:

- If you have a sedentary job, be sure to do exercises to strengthen the neck a couple of times a day;

- do not choose to sleep high pillows, this will create problems with the second chin;

- caring for the face, do not forget about the sensitive skin of the neck, which also requires care;

- keep your head straight and do not forget your posture.

Most exercises for the neck are designed to stretch the muscles, so it's important to do them qualitatively, not quickly. If you tackle your neck in time, in the future you can avoid its rapid aging, because it is the neck that gives the age of the woman.

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This is due to the fact that over the years the muscles of the neck become weaker and lose elasticity, and the skin fades.

No make-up will save from the flabby skin of the neck, and simple exercises will add tonus to the muscles and will prevent the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

A source: http://jenskie-shtu4ki.ru/uprazhneniya-dlya-ukrepleniya-myshts-shei.html

Exercises to strengthen the neck muscles for those who work at the computer

Being engaged in fitness and taking care of our figure, we often forget about exercises for the neck, which is not fair in relation to it. After all, most of us lead the same lifestyle, mostly sitting.

Hours of work at the computer do not pass without a trace of health, and a sore neck, brings so much anxiety. It is important to give at least ten to fifteen minutes a day exercises for the muscles of the neck. This will make it healthier, more flexible and more beautiful.

The result can be felt after the first exercise, and in years, your neck will respond to you with a young and healthy appearance.

The next set of exercises for the neck is perfect for those whose work requires a long time to sit at a computer or desk.

Repeating these exercises a couple of times a day in between work, you can maintain and strengthen the health of the neck. It takes only ten minutes to get rid of the tension and pain in the neck.

All exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck, you can perform in any position, standing or sitting at the workplace.

Start each stage of charging followed by straightening your back, keeping your head straight and looking forward. For the greatest, repeat the exercises ten times.

Exercise to strengthen the neck number 1.

The first exercise helps stretch the muscles of the neck and prepares them for charging. Slowly stretch your chin forward. Then return to the starting position. After that, pull the neck and chin back. Then, go back to the starting position.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck number 2.

Unbend the spine in the cervical region as if looking at the sky. Stop in this position for a couple of seconds.

Next, lower your head down, as if looking at the ground. Again, hold for five seconds. Return to the starting position.

Bend on the exhalation, return to the starting position - on inhalation.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck number 3.

Turn your head to the left, without unnecessary haste. With careful jerks, try to turn your head even further. Stay in this position for a second.

Next, take the starting position. Take your time slowly, turn your head the other way. Hold for a second, then, take the starting position.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck number 4.

Gently tilt your head to the left, try to make an inclination

as strong as possible. Hold for five seconds. Take in the starting position. Do the same actions on the other side.

Exercise to strengthen the neck number 5.

Slowly lift your shoulders and stay in this position for five seconds. Accept the starting position. This exercise helps not only the neck, but also relieves stress from the shoulders.

Exercise for the neck muscles number 6.

Smoothly lower your chin as close to your chest as possible, hold it for a second. Next, take the starting position.

Exercise to strengthen the neck number 7.

Gently with your right hand, bring your head to your left shoulder. Then repeat this action with your right arm and right shoulder. After that, put your hands behind your head, locking them with a lock. Now, with your hands, press your chin to your chest.

Exercise for neck muscles number 8.

Using your palm as resistance, tilt your head forward, then back.

Exercise for the neck number 9.

Stretch the neck muscles, throwing your head back. Use a towel or scarf for resistance. These simple exercises to strengthen the neck will add tone to your muscles and adjust to the workflow.

Complex of exercises for the neck 2.

The second set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck is more difficult. It is convenient to do it in a calm, unhurried atmosphere, for example, at home. Although some exercises may be suitable for performing at work.

This complex not only strengthens the neck, but also relieves the second chin, which appears due to weakening of muscles and excess weight. Also, a set of exercises will be useful for people with cervical osteochondrosis.

It is very important not to overdo it. Choose among, below the proposed exercises for the neck, what you prefer. Do complex exercises three to five times, and the lungs for ten to fifteen repetitions.

Gradually, you can increase the load. If you feel dizzy, you need to pause and continue charging later. The main thing to do everything slowly and carefully. You can also practice in front of a mirror.

In this case, the process will be easier to follow.

Exercise for the neck number 1.

Charge for the neck should start with a warm-up. To do this, you can tilt the head anteriorly and posteriorly, to the sides, to make a quiet head movement first in a circle in one and the opposite direction.

Exercise for the neck muscles number 2.

Take the starting position: sit straight, straighten your back and relax your shoulders. The tip of the nose, like a brush or a pencil, draw in the air numbers from 1 to 9. Exercise makes the muscles elastic, and the neck - more flexible.

Exercise for neck muscles number 3.

Bend the spine in the cervical region and open your mouth.

Now tighten your chin and gently lift the lower jaw as if you want to reach the tip of the nose with your lip. Stop for a second, then relax.

Do the exercise again. It helps to become neck more flexible and eliminates the second chin.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck number 4.

Tie your hands in the lock and put them on the chin. Then slowly with resistance, straighten the spine in the cervical region. Exercises with resistances give a very good result. They strengthen the neck muscles.

Exercise for the neck number 5.

The back should be flat, the head looks straight. Put your hands on your shoulders. Pressing on them with your fingers, pull your neck up. You must feel the tension. Relax, then repeat the exercise again.

Exercise for the neck number 6.

Shoulders and arms are relaxed. Lower your chin to the chest. Without lifting your head, stretch it to your shoulder. Accept the starting position. Then repeat the exercise with the other shoulder.

Exercise for neck muscles number 7.

Place your elbows on the table and clasp your fingers. With all your might, press your chin on your hands, which should create resistance to it.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck number 8.

Imagine yourself in an Indian movie. Raise your hands over your head and twist your fingers. Without tilting the head, move it to the right and left. Do the exercise very carefully.

Exercise for the neck number 9.

To strengthen the muscles of the neck it is useful to do the following exercise. Pull your lips with a tube and say the vowels "a "o "and "y etc. Feel the tension of the neck muscles.

Exercise 10.

Try to walk around the room with a book on your head. This exercise not only forms a posture, but also strengthens the neck, relieves the second chin.

Exercise 11.

The initial position on the abdomen, hands parallel to the trunk and relax. Make sure your chin is parallel to your torso. Turn your head to the left. Try to have the ear touch the floor. Accept the original position and repeat again with the other side.

Exercise 12.

Sit down in Turkish, or, if it's hard, just sit on a chair. Squeeze your hands into fists, holding them together, put on the chin. Make sure that the elbows are perpendicular to the body. Tilt your head forward, resisting your hands.

Exercise 13.

The next exercise can be done in the mirror to better control the process. Lower the corners of the lips down and hold this position for a few seconds. Your neck should be strained at the same time. Do a few repetitions.

Exercise 14.

Make a circular movement of the head, but notice, the head always looks ahead while the exercise, and the chin - towards the chest. Do this exercise for the neck, describing the circles in different directions.

Exercise 15.

Do frequent but accurate movements forward with your head as if pulling your chin forward.

Exercise 16 (with humor).

Read the poem in the picture below. May your good mood be strengthened together!

Tips for doing exercises for the muscles of the neck

A few more useful tips that will help to preserve the beauty of the neck:

- If you have a sedentary job, be sure to do exercises to strengthen the neck a couple of times a day;

- do not choose to sleep high pillows, this will create problems with the second chin;

- caring for the face, do not forget about the sensitive skin of the neck, which also requires care;

- keep your head straight and do not forget your posture.

Most exercises for the neck are designed to stretch the muscles, so it's important to do them qualitatively, not quickly. If you tackle your neck in time, in the future you can avoid its rapid aging, because it is the neck that gives the age of the woman.

This is due to the fact that over the years the muscles of the neck become weaker and lose elasticity, and the skin fades. No make-up will save from the flabby skin of the neck, and simple exercises will add tonus to the muscles and will prevent the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

A source: http://s30969595818.mirtesen.ru/blog/43375634753

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