Cough Balm

Ointments for cough: warming and warming balms for rubbing

Cough ointment is an affordable and effective remedy for external use, which, according to the instructions, can quickly eliminate unpleasant cold symptoms and accelerate recovery.

Ointments for coughing can be of very different effects:

  • Warming;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiviral;
  • Causing expectoration of sputum.

Antitussive balm can be purchased at the pharmacy, or prepared independently from natural ingredients. In any case, a cough ointment will help to overcome angina or bronchitis if applied several times a day to the chest, neck, back and feet. In addition, it helps to cope with the common cold and strengthens the immune system of the patient.

The great advantage of ointments is that their active substances enter the blood in very small amounts, bypassing the digestive tract and immediately acting exactly where it is needed. Therefore, such drugs have almost no contraindications and can be combined with other drugs of systemic action.

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Cough oil ointment based on turpentine

Turpentine warming ointment is not particularly popular among patients, despite the fact that it is very effective for cough and cold, and is cheaper than other means of imported production. This is due to a lack of information about the drug. Turpentine balm has such an effect:

  1. Softens cough.
  2. Removes inflammation.
  3. Neutralizes microbes.
  4. Eliminates irritation and perspiration in the throat.
In turpentine there are substances that act as mucolytics, stimulating expectoration of sputum from the bronchi and lungs. This effect is possible due to the turpentine oil, which is extracted from the resin of coniferous trees. Terpentine oil is quickly absorbed into the skin, penetrates deep into the tissue and irritates the nerve endings.

The blood flow increases, the vessels in the area that has been ripped with turpentine ointment expand several times. Therefore, after applying the ointment, the skin may slightly turn red, the patient will feel warmth and slight burning sensation - this is a normal reaction, indicating that the medicine works correctly.

Turpentine can cause allergic reactions, so before the start of treatment should be a test for sensitivity. For this, a few tools are rubbed into the skin on the wrist and wait two hours. If there is no rash, swelling, redness and irritation, there is no allergy. To enhance the effect, sometimes turpentine ointment is mixed with badger fat or honey.

Such a remedy can be used to treat various chronic diseases of the respiratory system, neuralgia caused by hypothermia, the elimination of pain in radiculitis.

Vishnevsky ointment for coughing

Ointment Vishnevsky can be safely considered a universal external remedy, which is effective almost with any disease. In addition, it is accessible and safe. Very rarely, after using this ointment, allergic reactions and other undesirable side effects occur.

The main active ingredients of Vishnevsky ointment are:

  • Birch tar;
  • Camphor oil;
  • Xeroform.
The most effective for colds, severe coughing, wheezing and chest pain compresses with this remedy. Ointment is applied to the bandage, applied to the chest and throat, from above heat. Keep such a compress so that it does not take more than three hours to work. If you leave it for the whole night, you can get a skin burn.

Patients should pay attention that Vishnevsky's ointment does not have an irritating and warming effect. But it has excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, as a result of which an infection that causes cold symptoms, including cough, is suppressed.

Some see this as a lack of funds, preferring to use nevertheless warming ointments to treat angina and bronchitis. But Vishnevsky's ointment can be applied even at a temperature, while ointments with a warming effect in the heat and fever are prohibited.

Vishnevsky's ointment is treated only with a cold in the early stages, with chronic bronchitis or a dry cough, it is unlikely to help.

Heating antitussive ointment

A warming balm or ointment with antitussive effect is a whole group of different drugs with different composition and application features, which in a wide range can be found in any pharmacies. Usually these funds are used as preventive if a person has gotten wet feet or freezing.

It is recommended immediately to rub the ointment with breast, back, calves and feet, change into dry and warm underwear, and drink hot tea with lemon. If the first symptoms of a cough have appeared - perspiration in the throat, hoarseness of voice, difficulty swallowing, ointment should be rubbed several times a day, after which it is desirable to lie under the blanket.

Any means with a warming effect can not be used at a temperature - this will aggravate the patient's condition. If the temperature rises, the blood begins to circulate several times faster, the load on the heart grows.

Ointment will additionally increase the flow of blood, which can trigger the spread of infection throughout the body.

Ointment Doctor Mom from a cough

This balm is very popular among patients, it can be used for colds in several ways - as rubbing, as a compress or for steam inhalations. The main component of this remedy is eucalyptus. If the patient is not allergic to this substance, the ointment will have virtually no side effects.

Ointment Doctor Mom has a pleasant smell and unique texture - it is easy to apply and rub, it is perfectly absorbed, but it does not leave greasy marks on clothes and underwear. The product is consumed very economically, one small jar is enough for the entire season for a small family.

For inhalation a small amount of the substance is dissolved in hot water, after which the procedure is carried out according to the standard scheme. After inhalation, you should warmly wrap your throat with a wool scarf or handkerchief, and do not go out for at least two hours.

In pharmacies, Dr. Mom is dispensed without a prescription, the price of these drugs in comparison with analogues is low. The video in this article will tell you about what are the cough ointments.

Effective ointment for coughing

Cough ointment for children is a very effective remedy that helps to clean not only the cough, but also other signs of a cold. To quickly cure cough, you can use a variety of ointments, because the range for today is quite wide.

Of course, one can not even think that this tool lubricates the throat. Cough ointment for children is used exclusively for external use. The most popular are turpentine, warming, Vishnevsky, a special ointment (it is used to treat infants).

In order for the remedy to work, it must be rubbed into the chest, the neck of the patient. This method of treating cough and cold is considered to be the safest and at the same time quite effective.

Turpentine ointment for coughing

Turpentine ointment is not used very often, because few people have heard of it, although its effectiveness is not inferior to more expensive and known means.This remedy perfectly kills harmful microorganisms, removes painful sensations and possible irritations that often occur during cough and cold.A distinctive feature of this tool is that it acts as a mucolytic, that is, it has an excellent expectorant effect.

Make turpentine ointment based on plant raw materials. Use turpentine turpentine, or, in simpler terms, the resin of several types of coniferous trees. In the composition of this remedy there is an active substance - turpentine oil. It absorbs very quickly into the skin and begins to actively affect the nerve endings.

After the turpentine ointment is applied to the chest, neck and feet, it is absorbed into the skin in minutes. In the same place there is an expansion of blood vessels, the influx of blood is increased several times. On the rubbed areas of the body you can see a slight reddening, and in some cases even burning, which, however, will not cause the patient discomfort. When using this tool, as a rule, you can feel only a rush of heat.

If you use turpentine ointment for the treatment of children, you should take into account some recommendations:
  • the drug is recommended for the treatment of children only older than 2 years;
  • before use, mix it with baby cream in equal quantities, so that the child does not have burns;
  • it is necessary to make a test for an allergic reaction;
  • you can add a bit of badger fat or honey, but on condition that the child does not have allergies on them.

Turpentine ointment can be used not only to treat cough, but also as a preventive measure for other diseases. For example, it can help solve a problem with neuralgia, rheumatism, radiculitis or chronic forms of respiratory diseases.

Ointment Vishnevsky in the fight against cough

Among a large number of drugs is the most effective ointment Vishnevsky. It is quite popular, accessible and, most importantly, it perfectly helps cure cough in both adults and children. In some situations this remedy can be prescribed even to a baby. This method of treatment is effective due to the fact that the composition of the product has such components as birch tar, castor oil and xerobes. These substances are excellent for coughing, in addition, the ointment can be used for a number of other non-cold diseases. So, with the help of Vishnevsky's ointment, you can quickly cure various skin diseases, and if you compress and place it on your chest, you can remove coughing and wheezing in your chest.

It is worth noting that this cough remedy can only be used as a compress and should be kept for no more than 3 hours. Otherwise, a person can get a serious skin burn. Recently, Vishnevsky's ointment is being used less and less, because there is an opinion that it is the warming ointment that is best suited for solving problems with colds and directly coughing. I would like to emphasize that Vishnevsky's ointment does not warm, but at the same time it perfectly kills germs and infection, which cause a cough in an adult or child. Specialists recommend using this tool only for cough treatment at the initial stage. If the cough is dry, then there will be no effect at all.

Warming ointment against cough

For today there are a lot of various warming ointments. Due to the fact that the assortment is wide enough, before buying, it is best to consult with a specialist who will tell you what kind of warming ointment is best for an adult, and which one is suitable baby. If the sick child is more than 12 years old, you can buy a universal warming ointment.

To cure cough in children, it is best to use various kinds of rubbing. This method of treatment, according to many doctors, is considered the most effective and safe. It is worth remembering one simple rule: in no case can you rub the sick person, if the temperature of his body is even slightly increased. Such treatment can have a very negative effect on the patient's condition. It is not a secret for anyone that if a person overheats during a high temperature, it only contributes to the more active development of the disease and the appearance of various kinds of complications.

Experts recommend using ointments from cough only a few days after the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease. After 4 days, the temperature should stabilize, and cough at this time only increases. Therefore approximately 4 day of illness is the most suitable time for performance of a different sort of warming procedures.

Warming ointment Doctor Mom against coughing

Huge popularity is enjoyed by an inexpensive universal warming ointment - Dr. Mom. This medicine is great for both children and adults. Already in a few applications, you can see that the cough was not as strong as before. The composition of the drug in a fairly large amount contains eucalyptus, which positively affects the respiratory tract of a sick person.

Doctors, as a rule, recommend the use of Dr. Mom's ointment for the treatment of children.

It has a slight pleasant smell, very well and quickly absorbed into the skin. Many also like the fact that after dressing such clothes do not leave greasy stains on the clothes, as after using many other cough suppressants.

Rinse the patient with this drug can be at night, because the warming agent does not cause burns. After you do the triturating, you need to carefully wrap the patient and give him warmed milk. You can add a small amount of fresh honey in the milk, but the milk temperature should not exceed 30 ° C. If you treat this way for about a week, then very soon the body will get stronger, and from the cold there will be no trace.

Contraindications to the use of ointments against cough

There are some general contraindications to the use of different types of ointments against coughing:

  • increased body temperature;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • kidney or liver disease;
  • individual intolerance to drugs.

To avoid the occurrence of any kind of complications, be sure to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

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Traditional medicine is a great way to cure not only cough or cold, but also many other diseases. Therefore, before buying tablets with chemical composition, think carefully. Perhaps in your case you can do with ointment or, for example, syrup, based on herbs or less dangerous substances. To make the right choice, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. It is necessary to do this if it is a question of treating a child.

Warming Ointments for Coughing

The action of warming ointments when coughing specialists in the field of medicine are often called distracting. In the relief of this symptom, as well as headache and a cold, their use is simply irreplaceable. Getting on the skin, warming the ointment has an irritant effect on the epidermis, which is later transmitted to the blood vessels. Due to this, blood circulation improves and inflammation is partly removed from the diseased organs. Today in pharmacies you can find a lot of similar tools, but we suggest you get acquainted with the best, according to reviews of Internet users, their representatives.

Healing ointment for coughing "Doctor MOM"

This vegetable is based on Vaseline. It consists entirely of useful herbal components, so it is allowed to receive not only adults but also children. The composition of this product includes menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil, as well as an extract of the embryo and basil. Apply this warming ointment can be on the chest, back, as well as on the wings of the nose and feet. To improve the effect of the patient after its use, it is recommended to carefully wrap it.

Warming ointments for coughing "Pulmeks baby"

This heating tool already in its title contains information that it is recommended for use by children. "Pulmex baby" contains in its composition extracts of eucalyptus, menthol and turpentine. The last ingredient before the appearance of analogues was used to treat cough and other cold symptoms in its pure form.

Warming ointment "Boromentolovaya"

The cooling effect of menthol, which is the main constituent of this warming agent, is stopped by boric acid and petroleum jelly. This cheap tool is most often recommended for taking a cold, but it also helps you cough badly. The only contraindication to the use of this warming drug is individual intolerance to menthol.

A warming ointment for coughing "Bom-benge"

"Bom-benge" is a local irritant, the effectiveness of which is noted by the majority of Internet users. Methylsalicylate, extracts of menthol and peppermint are the three main components of this drug. Its composition also includes other auxiliary substances. "Bom-benge" is applied to the chest and back by careful rubbing. Physicians recommend to use it before going to sleep, after which it is necessary to wrap the patient.

Turpentine ointment for coughing

An effective tool that helps to effectively get rid of reflex respiratory tract spasms is turpentine ointment, the use of this drug for coughing can reduce the intensity of bronchospasm in a few days. The medicinal preparation is made from a terpentine oil that penetrates easily into the skin - a liquid mixture obtained from resin from coniferous trees of various types.

Turpentine ointment for cough: the principle of action

The use of medicinal composition from bronchospasm, made on the basis of turpentine, allows simultaneously:

  • Anesthetize.
  • Irritating to skin, causing small swelling, dilating capillaries and heating nearby tissue.

With a very strong cough, it is recommended to mix honey or animal fat with turpentine ointment. After a few days of rubbing, such a remedy for an unpleasant symptom can be forgotten.

Turpentine ointment for cough: application

The medicine must be applied to the chest, the interscapular area of ​​the back and the heel. After rubbing with turpentine ointment it is necessary to warmly dress and lie down on the bed. The composition does not need to be washed off after application.

Before starting treatment for cough with turpentine ointment, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the features of its use.

  • Do not apply medication to the heart area.
  • The procedure should be postponed if the patient has an increase in body temperature.
  • Turpentine ointment when coughing in children is used only if the baby is two years old and necessarily after consultation with the pediatrician.
  • Do not apply the medicine if there is damage or irritation on the skin.
  • It is forbidden to use the medicinal composition of those patients who have inflammatory processes in the kidneys or liver, as well as if the cough is caused by bronchial asthma.

All precautions and doctor's recommendations related to the application of turpentine ointment should be strictly observed. It must also be taken into account that some people may experience side effects:

  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Attacks of suffocation.
  • Convulsions.

If a similar reaction of the body is observed after application of the medical composition to the skin, it should be washed off immediately and in the near future should be visited by a doctor. In general, with proper cough treatment with this drug, relief is seen in a very short time.

"Zvezdochka" balm: instructions, application, composition

For sure, almost every person knows about what constitutes a balm "Asterisk". This budgetary tool was very popular in Soviet times and was an essential attribute of every home medicine cabinet. The drug has not lost its popularity even today. Therefore, many readers are interested in additional information. So what is in the composition of this medicine? What properties does it have? How correctly to use balm for treatment of those or other diseases? Are there any contraindications and side effects? This information will be useful to every reader.

Composition and form of the preparation

To date, the balsam "Star" (other names - "Golden Star "Vietnamese star") is one of the most popular, easily accessible and safe medicines. This drug is intended for external use and is a thick, even solid, yellowish color with a characteristic odor. Sold in small, round aluminum boxes that contain 5 g of medicine.

This drug is created by traditional eastern technologies and contains mostly natural ingredients. The composition of the balsam "Asterisk" is as follows:

  • camphor oil;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • crystalline menthol;
  • mint essential oil;
  • clove oil;
  • cinnamon oil;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • petrolatum;
  • beeswax;
  • paraffin;
  • anhydrous lanolin.

As can be seen, the active components of the drug are substances of plant origin that are safe for human health.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

Certainly, the balsam "Zvezdochka" has a mass of useful properties, which are due to the peculiarities of the effect on the body of its active components. For example, camphor and menthol in folk medicine are used as antiseptic agents. In addition, these substances have an irritating and analgesic effect.

Carnation oil also has an antiseptic effect. Moreover, it protects tissues from infection. Equally effective antiseptics are cinnamon and eucalyptus oils. By the way, the last component has antibacterial and antiviral effects.

Mint protects tissues against the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, anesthetizes, and also repels insects. In addition, the drug expands the capillaries, slightly reduces blood pressure, improves blood circulation in tissues. The balm has a mild anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect. Also stimulation of reflex centers of the nervous system is observed.

The main indications for use

In fact, this tool has a lot of useful properties and can cope with a lot of problems. So in what cases is Balm Zvezdochka effective? The application here is quite broad:

  • colds, flu;
  • headache;
  • strong rhinitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
  • insect bites;
  • coughing;
  • pain in the joints;
  • pain in the spine;
  • dry calluses on the legs;
  • constant swelling of the feet;
  • subcutaneous hematomas;
  • seasickness.

In some cases, this remedy is also used to maintain the vigor of the body. As you can see, the balsam "Zvezdochka" can really be considered a universal treatment.

"Zvezdochka" balm: instructions for use

As already known, this drug is widely used to treat a variety of diseases and disorders. But how correctly to use balm "Asterisk"? Instructions for use give clear instructions in this regard.

First of all, it should be noted that the drug is intended for external use. When biting an insect, you need to cover a small amount of balsam affected area of ​​the skin. If you are concerned about headaches, then apply the skin to the skin in the region of the temples and the occiput. With a strong cough, you need to treat the medicine with the skin of the chest, neck and upper back. After this, it is desirable to be wrapped in a warm blanket and allow time for the medication to act, so the procedure is recommended to be performed before bedtime.

Balm "Zvezdochka" is effective for a cold - you need to treat it with the skin on the bridge of the nose and in the region of the wings of the nose. If you are concerned about pain in the joints, then several times a day rub the drug into the affected area, then cover with a linen cloth.

By the way, balsam can also be used in aroma lamps. Regular inhalation of a pair of essential oils is an excellent prevention of influenza and colds.

If you are worried about swelling on your legs, then after taking a contrast bath you need to rub a small amount of balm into the sole and skin of the ankle. With the help of balm you can get rid of dry calluses - after foot baths rub the medicine into the affected area of ​​the foot.

How to use a balm for inhalations?

When coughing and a strong cold, this medicine can be used for inhalations. So how is "Zvezdochka" (balm) correctly applied? The instruction here is quite simple. First you need to pour a liter of water into the container and bring it to a boil, then remove it from the heat. In hot water, add a small amount of balsam (about the size of a pea) and a tablespoon of table salt. Lean over the container, cover the head with a towel and get a steam for ten minutes. It is better to keep your eyes closed.

Are there any contraindications?

Of course, today this medicine is very popular. And many people are interested in questions about whether all the categories of patients can use a tool such as "Star" (balm). The instruction says that this drug has some contraindications, although in reality there are not so many of them.

First of all, it should be noted that balsam can not be used for people with increased sensitivity to any of the substances present in its composition. Also, this tool is not recommended for use in the treatment of children under the age of three, since it contains menthol. Contraindications also include asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, since essential oils can cause bronchospasm in the patient.

Is balm Zvezdochka approved during pregnancy?

Of course, in such an important period of life, a woman is primarily interested in the safety of her drugs, as they can harm not only her, but also the future baby. On the other hand, it is at this time because of the weakening of the immune system that the body is most susceptible to infectious diseases and colds.

So is Balm Zvezdochka permitted during pregnancy? Immediately it is worth noting that pregnancy relates to contraindications. Nevertheless, doctors often recommend this method to their patients. Undoubtedly, there is a minimal risk of complications, but this balm is much safer than other drugs.

In this case, a woman should only observe precautions, use not too much substance and carefully monitor changes in her condition. By the way, before the beginning of therapy it is necessary to conduct an allergy test - apply a small amount of balm to the skin and observe if redness and itching appear in this place. This test should be carried out even if you did not have an allergy to Zvezdochka before pregnancy.

Are there any side effects?

Immediately it is worth noting that with proper use of Vietnamese balm "Star" is almost completely safe. Occasionally, patients develop allergic reactions, which are accompanied by the appearance of itching, skin rashes and redness, as well as a small swelling of soft tissues and mucous membranes.

When applying too much balm to the skin, a burn is possible, so carefully follow all the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. Burns are accompanied by a feeling of intense heat and burning. In such cases, it is necessary to wash off the remains of the substance with warm water and soap.

If during the use of the drug you have a worsening of health, the appearance of some unpleasant symptoms, it is worth immediately stop treatment and contact a doctor as soon as possible - it is possible that this medicine is simply not for you is suitable.

Additional information and special instructions

To begin with it is necessary to talk about storage conditions. The shelf life of this medication is four years from the date of manufacture. Keep the balsam "Asterisk" in a dry, cool, inaccessible place for children, and it is desirable that there do not get direct sunlight. If you comply with all storage conditions, the drug can be used throughout the life of the product.

At application it is extremely important to watch that the balm does not get on open wounds and mucous membranes, as it can cause irritation. The drug is not intended for oral use.

Reviews of doctors and patients about balm "Asterisk"

For sure, this tool is available in every home medicine cabinet. And people's reviews of balsam are mostly positive. Contraindications here are not many, and side effects occur extremely rarely.

At the same time, the effect of the correct use of the drug can not be overemphasized. Balm quickly helps to cope with the pain, weakness, cold symptoms. Also with his help, you can get rid of a protracted rhinitis and relieve breathing in a few days. The undoubted advantage of the drug is its availability, since "Asterisk" actually costs a mere penny and is sold in any pharmacy.

Of course, before starting to use it is worth to read the instructions, carefully follow all precautions and recommendations of the treating doctor.

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