Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis according to Bubnovsky


  • 1Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine according to Bubnovsky
    • 1.1Manifestations of the disease
    • 1.2Treatment of osteochondrosis by the method of Dr. Bubnovsky
    • 1.3Gymnastics of Dr. Bubnovsky for the neck
    • 1.4Strength Exercises
    • 1.5Other methods used
    • 1.6The effect of treatment of cervical osteochondrosis by the method of Dr. Bubnovsky
  • 2Exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine according to Bubnovsky
    • 2.1Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis according to Bubnovsky
    • 2.2Gymnastics of Dr. Bubnovsky
    • 2.3Complex of exercises in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis
    • 2.4Self-massage
  • 3Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky
    • 3.1General information about the methodology
    • 3.2Methods of treating the disease
    • 3.3Technology and rules for doing exercises
    • 3.4Important recommendations
  • 4Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis using the Bubnovsky method
    • 4.1When you need gymnastics
    • 4.2Description of exercises
    • 4.3Main methods:
    • 4.4Self-massage
    • 4.5Contraindications
    • 4.6Conclusion
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in the home: video
    • 5.1What is the role of exercise in cervical osteochondrosis?
    • 5.2Preparation
    • 5.3Basic Contraindications
    • 5.4Recommendations for lessons at home
    • 5.5Rules of implementation
    • 5.6What types of exercise therapy should I do?
    • 5.7Methods of treatment according to Bubnovsky
    • 5.8Butrimova Complex
    • 5.9How to treat the cervicothoracic exercises?
    • 5.10During exacerbations
    • 5.11With dizziness
    • 5.12For prevention
    • 5.13The result
  • 6Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis according to the method of Dr. Sergei Bubnovsky
    • 6.1Necessity of gymnastics
    • 6.2Preparation for gymnastics with cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis
    • 6.3Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis according to Bubnovsky
    • 6.4Contraindications:

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine according to Bubnovsky

Modern medicine is constantly evolving, so today there are many methods of getting rid of this an unpleasant and dangerous disease, like cervical osteochondrosis, one of the most effective was proposed by Sergei Bubnovsky. It is based not on the use of medicines, but on completely safe and simple exercises.

Manifestations of the disease

To date, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a very common disease. It affects the structure of intervertebral discs. Its main symptoms are:

  • pains in the neck, which are felt throughout the spine;
  • impossibility of full functioning of cervical and shoulder sections;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • loss of orientation;
  • noise in the head;
  • numbness.

Treatment of osteochondrosis by the method of Dr. Bubnovsky

In order to begin treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, one should visit Dr. Bubnovsky's cent or, if this is not possible, purchase a disc from a video or a book. You can also find the necessary video on the Internet.

Gymnastics of Dr. Bubnovsky for the neck

The basis of the technique is therapeutic gymnastics. The following exercises are used:

  1. The maximum turn.To perform the exercise, you need to gradually turn the head in different directions to the maximum possible level.
  2. Head to chest.Slowly lower your head down until your chin touches your chest.
  3. Shoulders up.You need to raise your shoulders to the highest possible level.
  4. Hold your head.We turn our heads in different directions, while holding hands. It is necessary that the neck muscles suppress the resistance of the hands.
  5. East Dance.Movement head forward - back.
  6. Sit on the floor and bend your knees, laying a forehead on them.Spend in this position until a minute. This will help stretch the muscles of the neck.
  7. Frame.When you turn your head to the left, you must put your left hand on your right shoulder and vice versa. In extreme positions, you need to fix your head and wait half a minute.
  8. Fakir.Turns of the head are carried out when palms are folded over it.
  9. Goose.From the standing position the neck stretches forward and upwards, after which the head turns to the shoulder.

The course of exercises can differ in each case, as it is selected, based on the localization and features of the pain syndrome.

To do this, the affected area is first established and the general condition of the muscles in this area is examined.

Then, according to the results obtained, the training regime is established.

Strength Exercises

Sergei Bubnovsky also developed special exercises on the simulator, such techniques are conducted together with the instructor in a specially prepared room. The simulator is designed to improve blood circulation, eliminate pain and spasms.

In addition to training on the simulator, you can do the following strength exercises:

  1. Pull on the bar.This exercise is quite difficult for many people, but eventually everything will necessarily happen.
  2. Take the expander and step on one of its legs. Take the other end with your hands from behind your head and pull up.
  3. Strengthen the expander on the support and move as if you are sawing wood.Try to involve all the zones of the spine.
  4. Sit on a chair and pull on a pre-mounted expander.
  5. Depend a few minutes on the bar.This will stretch and relax the muscles.

Such exercises will help to strengthen the muscles along the entire spine and help not only in the treatment of the cervical osteochondrosis, but also improve the condition of the entire back.

Other methods used

In the method of treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine of Dr. Bubnovsky is not only gymnastics, there is a complex effect on the affected areas:

  • massage;
  • joint exercises;
  • cryoprocedures.

The effect of treatment of cervical osteochondrosis by the method of Dr. Bubnovsky

Often, the method of treating osteochondrosis according to Bubnovsky is resorted to when the other methods failed. This is due to the fact that people are accustomed to trusting more radical methods of treatment, surgical and medicamentous.

The first results of the application of the technique appear in a few weeks after the start of training and procedures:

  • pains decrease;
  • mobility is restored;
  • the general condition improves.

If you apply the technique of Dr. Bubnovsky for prophylaxis, the risk of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine practically reduces to zero. For preventive measures, it's enough to watch the corresponding video, visiting the center in this case is not necessary.

In advanced cases, such treatment stops the degradation of intervertebral discs, and only with prolonged use significantly improves the condition.

Treatment is carried out in several stages. They differ among themselves intensity of loads and character of carried out movements. Correction of the course of exercises occurs consistently, after a thorough study of the changes in the patient's condition.

Of course, the greatest and fastest result in the fight against osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be to achieve only under the guidance of experienced professional instructors of the center, which was created by Sergey Bubnovsky.

But at home, after watching the video with due patience and diligence, you can achieve good results.

Sergei Bubnovsky created his own treatment system in such a way that a person can cope with it even with the most modest physical development.

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Exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine according to Bubnovsky

A large number of people suffer from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The main cause of this disease is a fixed lifestyle, because of this there is a disruption in the work of the muscles, the structure of the disks changes and they lose their flexibility and mobility.

The patient with osteochondrosis feels pain in the cervical region, which can give over the entire spine, migraines, coordination disorder movements, noise in the head, numbness of the upper extremities, discomfort in the humerus, circulatory disturbance and arterial pressure.

If you do not seriously take this ailment, the symptoms worsen over time and it will be much more difficult to cope with the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis according to Bubnovsky

There are many methods for treating osteochondrosis of the cervical region, but on the positive side, Dr. Bubnovsky's set of exercises has proved itself.

is hebased on kinesitherapy- a special "treatment of movement which uses the internal potential of the organism.

Drug treatment for osteochondrosis, can only remove the symptoms of the disease, but does not restore the affected spine.

The technique of Dr. Bubnovsky will make it possible to get as close to the original condition of the spine and differs in that the treatment is selected for each patient individually, based on myofascial survey.

After determining the focus of the disease, there is a learning process in which the patient learns to do the gymnastics on his own.

If there is no possibility to visit the center, then you can buy Bubnovsky's disk "cervical osteochondrosis, exercises, video" or view the training video on the Internet.

Gymnastics of Dr. Bubnovsky

Gymnastics of Dr. Bubnovskyhas several differences from traditional physical therapy:

  • physical loads are selected individually for each patient, depending on the degree of the disease;
  • During the gymnastics deep muscles of the muscular corset are strengthened;
  • Physical exercises are combined with respiratory gymnastics, specific massage and exposure to cold;
  • with the help of gymnastics you can say goodbye to wrinkles in the neck, the second chin, and also get rid of headaches and improve vision;
  • improves nutrition of the spine and joints;
  • Exercising, the patient will forget about osteochondrosis, pain sensations in the neck and will be able to do without painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time.

To do exercisesat a cervical osteochondrosis according to Bubnovsky it is necessary:

  • with cervical osteochondrosis;
  • with headaches;
  • with insomnia or drowsiness during the day;
  • with vegetovascular dystonia;
  • with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • with disturbed attention;
  • with constant work at the computer, the exercises improve blood circulation and stimulate the brain.

Thanks to Dr. Bubnovsky's exercises, it is possible in a short period of timeachieve good results, such as:

  • reduce the burden on the spine;
  • remove cervical spasm;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • restore metabolism in tissues;
  • to stop or reduce the risk of destruction of the spine;
  • eliminate pain.

Complex of exercises in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Gymnastics for Bubnovsky allowed to perform at home, as it does not require additional simulators and is easy enough to perform.

Experts of the center recommend performing exercisesdaily for 14 days, then you need to reduce to two times a week.

To achieve a positive result from treatment, it is necessary to be in a position with a straight back in front of the mirror in order to follow the course of the session. The complex consists of seven exercises:

  1. Spring - stand in a standing position with hands down along the trunk. Perform the head incline, forward with a delay of a few seconds, then tilt backwards.
  2. The metronome is the initial standing position. To tilt the head to the right shoulder, will linger for 30 seconds (if you suffer severe pain, you can cut it short), return to the normal position, then to the left shoulder.
  3. Overview - the initial standing position. Make head turns to the right and left with a delay of a few seconds.
  4. Goose - the initial standing position, hands on the belt. To perform this exercise, you need to align the chin parallel to the floor, pull it forward, Turn your head to the right and put your chin not your shoulder, stay in this position from half a minute to minutes. Then do also in the left side. During the execution of this exercise, there may be discomfort in the spine.
  5. Heron - the initial position sitting, the head is straight, hands on the knees. You need to straighten your arms, take them back and at the same time throw your head back. Then return to the starting position. Pain can be felt if the patient has a hernia of the spine.
  6. Difficult review - the initial position sitting with hands on his knees. Make a turn of the head to the right, and the palm of the left hand on the right shoulder, so that the elbow was parallel to the floor. The right hand remains on the knee. Also make turns to the left.
  7. Fakir - the initial position sitting on a chair with raised and slightly bent arms above the head, fixed in the lock. Make a turn of the head to the right to the stop and stay, then back.
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To achieve a therapeutic effect, all exercisesit is necessary to perform slowly, five times in each direction. To consolidate the result, after each set of exercises Bubnovsky should do self-massage.


The order of self-massage in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine:

  1. You need to start with a slight stroking of the occiput, slowly descending to the cervical region, while the speed and strength of movements should increase;
  2. Then, with your fingertips, with circular motions, massage the cervical vertebrae;
  3. After grasping the neck from behind and massaging from the bottom up;
  4. When we have finished the exercises for the back side of the neck, we proceed to massage the front side.

The treatment of Dr. Bubnovskydesigned for any age and sex, prevents the manifestation of relapses of the disease and is safe in comparison with the intake of medications.

The only rule in performing therapeutic exercises, it is necessary to stop when there is a feeling of pain.

Like all physical activities, this complex of exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis has several contraindications:

  • heart attack or stroke;
  • oncological diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of ligaments and tendons.

Complex exercises Bubnovskyis the official medicine, is patented and has the necessary permits.

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Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky

The creator of the unique gymnastics is Doctor Bubnovsky, exercises for the neck (cervical osteochondrosis number requires their implementation) are effective, therefore they are used in the framework of complex therapy of other diseases. This is a very useful complex for almost everyone, especially if the patient is sedentary.

General information about the methodology

Bubnovsky's method is becoming increasingly popular. Many patients have already made sure of its effectiveness. It helps regardless of age and sex.

The complex of gymnastic actions offered by a doctor is called extreme rehabilitation.

Cure with the use of this technique will not only cervical osteochondrosis, but also various negative phenomena in the joints.

Patients often diagnosed with abnormalities in the functioning of the spine, especially the thoracic department.

The most common factor that causes osteochondrosis of the cervical region is an inactive way of life, lack of exercise, a sedentary lifestyle.

In this case, negative changes occur in the muscle tissues, then the disk structure is transformed, the mobility, flexibility of the discs, and the development of vertebral dystrophy are observed.


Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis or other parts of the spine requires special care, attention and serious approach. A feature of the cervical department is the large number of centers and nerve endings that determine the functioning of the brain.


Disease in patients manifests significant pain.

After a while they become even stronger, the arterial pressure in a person deviates from the norm, dizziness begins, it is difficult for the patient to turn his head.

If the disease is not treated, complications appear. As the blood vessels are infringed, the brain is poorly supplied with blood.

Bubnovsky offers a technique that provides for the elimination of problems in cervical osteochondrosis, which makes it possible to strengthen the cervical collar area.

However, not only osteochondrosis for Bubnovsky can get rid of. Gymnastics eliminates wrinkles, creases on the skin of the neck, the second chin is removed.

Patients note:

  • absence of dizziness;
  • the disappearance of a headache;
  • normalization of vision.

By doing the exercises, a person can feel the pain in the muscles after the session. This is a normal phenomenon, indicating a transformation for the better. However, the gymnastics must be carried out strictly according to the rules, so as not to harm the health.

Methods of treating the disease

Therapy of the cervical spine with the use of medications causes a reduction in the development of the disease.

The medicines make it possible to partially regenerate the structure of the tissues of the damaged spine, contribute to the elimination of inflammation, and reduce puffiness.

The negative side of the treatment is the probability of an inflammatory process of the membrane of the gastric walls. Because of this, supportive treatment of digestive organs should be carried out within the framework of therapy.


Good effect on the body with chest osteochondrosis therapeutic massage. Such activities cause the renewal of the functions and capabilities of a healthy organism.


With osteochondrosis of the cervical department, treatment can be done at home.

It is necessary to combine special exercises with the use of special herbal decoctions, tinctures will suit.

After consulting with the doctor, it is permissible to apply Ozokerite. The therapeutic mud helps to reduce pain, normalize the blood supply to the damaged spine.

The use of Dr. Bubnovsky's complex is based on an individual approach to patients.

It takes into account: the features of the course of the disease, the degree of its severity, the age of the patient, his general condition. The therapy is carried out in stages.

If you are treated for Bubnovsky, then you can feel the improvement from the very beginning (tension is removed, the level of pain is reduced).

Technology and rules for doing exercises

Exercises should be performed as follows:

  1. 1Need to slowly nod your head in a direction from top to bottom (the number of nods can be 40 times).
  2. 2Close your head smoothly to the sides. If pain occurs, stop and go on to the next exercise.
  3. 3Krugovye rotation (about 45 times, the direction of movement in the process vary).
  4. The head goes down so that it touches the body in the thoracic region.
  5. 5The shoulders are slightly raised, held in this position for 10 seconds.
  6. 6 The chin is stretched out during the extension of the head. When the head moves backward, the chin retracts.
  7. 7Sit on the floor, bend both legs in the knees. On them, lower your head until your forehead touched. In this position, the patient should remain for 45 seconds. In the process, there is relaxation and stretching of the cervical spine.

The complex of such manipulations ensures the achievement of maximum effect. The body after the therapy becomes full of strength and energy.

Treatment using the Bubnovsky method can be performed using a special simulator, the design of which was developed by the professor. The device provides strengthening of muscles, helps to remove painful sensations, to normalize blood circulation.

The proposed gymnastics and training exercises allow you to quickly cure osteochondrosis, arthritis, and intervertebral hernia. In this case, there is no need to carry out an operative effect on the body.

Therapy due to proper movements causes the restoration of the functionality of damaged muscles, strengthening of immunity.


Except for gymnastics of doctor Bubnovsky, it is possible to overcome an illness due to systemic physical loads. Among them are:

  1. 1 Pulling with the use of a horizontal bar. Even if you just hang on it, there will already be a positive effect on the spine.
  2. 2The next raising of hands using an expander (you need to overcome the resistance created).
  3. 3Sest on a chair, pull the expander (must be fixed) to the body, while exhalations are made.

Important recommendations

Applying this technique, patients should adhere to some tips in the process of doing the exercises. Then gymnastics does not hurt, the result will be noticeable in a short time.

Before the implementation of medical measures for cervical osteochondrosis, the problem zone needs to be warmed up. It is permissible to do a light massage, stretch your neck, performing simple movements.

Do exercises need to be slow, you must not allow sharp turns, inclines.

If there is dizziness in the process, it is better to do gymnastics in a sitting or lying position, so it will be possible to prevent injuries.

The level of physical activity should increase step by step. If there is a sharp pain, the procedure must be stopped.

Continuation is possible only after the disappearance of discomfort.

During manipulations, it is always necessary to monitor the correctness of posture.

Each exercise is done so that in the initial position the spine is absolutely even. Within the framework of therapy, new exercises are added with time.

This will have a positive effect on the thoracic vertebral department, it will be possible to develop a well-developed hand belt.

The complex of required elements is done by inhalation of air. When a person returns to the starting position, one can exhale. After completion of each workout, patients can visit the baths, saunas.


It is useful to take a dip in the pool with cold water or take a cold shower, bath. Such actions will help to eliminate joint swelling more quickly.


Patients should take into account that edema appears always, if the training begins after a long stay of the body in a calm state.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it will be possible to get the effect faster through proper nutrition.

The patient should consume only natural, quality products. It is necessary to avoid the use of canned products.

It is best to eat simple dishes that contain a minimum amount of ingredients.

It is necessary to refuse or reduce the consumption of granulated sugar, salt. Alcoholic drinks can not be drunk. The diet should not have caffeine.

The body should receive a sufficient amount of simple clean water (except for the first dishes). It is forbidden to drink carbonated drinks.

Water is better to choose a spring or from wells.

Treatment by the method is absolutely non-costly, requires the patient only diligence, the correct implementation of all rules, the lack of excessive zeal. The reinforcement of exercises with a complex positive effect on the body will help to get rid of the disease faster and feel healthy.

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Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis using the Bubnovsky method

Dr. Bubnovsky is famous for creating a complex of effective exercises that helps people suffering from osteochondrosis. With the help of treatment for Bubnovsky cervical osteochondrosis, you can permanently rid yourself of pain in the cervical vertebrae, improving the quality of life.

The advantages of treating pathology by this method is that to perform exercises you do not need to buy a variety of simulators. The gymnastics itself does not take much time.

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Even in a public place or at work, you can carry out movements.

The technique of this doctor is very popular due to the rapid effect of the exercises.


When you need gymnastics

Treatment for Bubnovsky cervical osteochondrosis is necessary when the symptoms of pathology make themselves felt. This disease occurs in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, is overweight or forced to work in an uncomfortable position.

An increased load on the locomotor apparatus is created. Over time, it goes into the stage of the disease, which will constantly progress. Increasingly, this is observed in young people or in office workers, who all the time sitting at the computer.

Before starting to practice, you need to determine the cause of the pain. The pathology of the intervertebral cartilage will first be manifested by some discomfort.

The pain gradually builds up to the point that a person is not able to turn his head from side to side.


Many complain of pain in the muscles, which appears after performing the movements according to the method of Bubnovsky. But this is a natural reaction of the body. After a while, the muscular discomfort disappears. And osteochondrosis itself stops worrying after a couple of weeks with the correct exercise.


To make the effect come faster, you need to follow the technique every day and do not make big breaks between classes. If this condition is not met, the symptoms will disappear after a longer period of time.

The cervical spine hurts from a long motionless position. Muscles of the back statically tense, spasmodic and swell. In addition to discomfort in the back, you may be concerned about decreased attention, memory problems, dizziness, head noise.

Gymnastics for Bubnovsky with cervical osteochondrosis, in addition to the pathology of intervertebral discs, is required under such conditions:

  • migraine and pain in the neck;
  • insomnia and rapid fatigue;
  • frequent drowsiness;
  • vegetative vascular dystonia;
  • poor concentration of attention.

Gymnastics Bubnovsky with cervical osteochondrosis stimulates blood flow, which saturates the brain with oxygen, which leads to an improvement in the mental work of man. Productivity of activities is increasing.

Description of exercises

The elasticity of muscles from exercises increases, and the risk of squeezing the nerves is markedly reduced.

Gymnastics can be performed without departing from their workplace. The hall is not required for this. Each movement should be performed only five times.

Main methods:

  • In sitting position, the crown is stretched to the right shoulder. Fix the head in this position and hold it for 30 seconds. Then, repeat the same thing, but on the other hand.
  • The next exercise, allowing to conduct treatment of cervical osteochondrosis according to the method of Bubnovsky, will be tilting the head down and fixing this position for half a minute. Then you need to pull your head forward and up and also keep it 30 seconds.
  • Turn the head to the right until there is discomfort. We fix the position for a few seconds. Then we repeat from the other side.
  • Exercise "Frame in which the head turns to the right side, and the same hand lies on the left shoulder. The situation lasts 20-30 seconds, then everything repeats, but in the other direction.
  • Hands rise above their heads, turns from side to side with a delay of 30 seconds.
  • Exercise "The Goose". It must be performed standing. The neck stretches forward, and then turns to the shoulder. If there are unpleasant sensations, you need to fix the head where the pain is tolerable, and wait 30 seconds.

It is necessary to monitor the correctness of posture, so that the effect of the exercise was maximum.

Treatment of osteochondrosis by the method of Bubnovsky is carried out every day until the disappearance of pain. When they completely disappear, the technique should be used twice a week.


Bubnovsky's technique will remove cervical osteochondrosis faster if you do self-massage of the neck in parallel with it. It is carried out in the following order:

  • From the back of the neck to the spine smooth strokes are made, the frequency and force of pressing of which gradually increases;
  • then, with the pads of the fingers, three upper vertebrae are massaged in circular motions;
  • neck wrapped and massage with fingers from the bottom up;
  • all this is repeated in front.


The Bubnovsky method is contraindicated in persons who have:

  • oncological diseases (see tumors of the spine);
  • ruptures in tendons;
  • risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Charging according to Bubnovsky will remove the osteochondrosis of the cervical department, if exactly follow all the exercises described. It must be remembered that with the appearance of strong painful sensations, one should immediately stop.

The effect of the technique will appear a week later. The main thing is not to throw a complex of movements, but to use it systematically.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to combine gymnastics with the treatment prescribed by a doctor, you can use swimming, observe the principles of nutrition in osteochondrosis. And then the pain in the neck will not bother you.

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Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in the home: video

Osteochondrosis of the neck today is quite common, and in relatively young patients. Because of the clamping of nerves or disk displacement, the patients develop headaches and heart pains, dizziness, etc.

Such a pathology is very dangerous, since it can lead to disorders in brain activity caused by insufficient circulation. In addition, such pinching can cause a lot of violations in the activities of internal organs.

What is the role of exercise in cervical osteochondrosis?

At the initial stages of the development of pathology with the help of training, many complications can be avoided and maximum development of corset muscle tissues can be achieved.

Elements that are recommended for patients with osteochondrosis cervical lesions are the result of the work of many specialists. They are designed to stop further destruction of the vertebrae and tissues between them.

The main purpose of such training is to strengthen the muscular and ligament corset.As a result, exercise therapy is observed:

  1. Decreased spinal load;
  2. Cessation of further development of pathology;
  3. Prophylactic influence, excluding the development of possible complications;
  4. Increased mobility of cervical vertebrae;
  5. The processes associated with the metabolism of the substances most important for the organism are activated;
  6. The metabolism of tissues exposed to lesions is accelerated;
  7. Fabrics around the affected vertebrae begin to receive more nutrition by improving their blood supply, which also normalizes in the vertebrae and discs between them.


Especially complex pre-preparations for training are not necessary. Although some rules are still observed, it is recommended that it will favorably affect the general condition of the patient and increase the benefits of exercise:

  • You can not start training without preheating joints and muscle tissue. To do this, it will be useful to stretch the neck muscles vigorously. As a result of training, there should be no pain or other discomfort. Such massage movements are useful not only before training, but also throughout the day;
  • Excellent prepares the muscles for hot shower, in addition, he removes most of the symptoms and spasms;
  • Practice shows that such exercises very effectively combine with swimming. Regular procedures in the pool at times increase the positive dynamics and effectiveness of classes; In addition, swimming procedures stretch the vertebral column;
  • Low-intensity aerobic exercise and daily walking tours positively supplement training.

Basic Contraindications

LFK-exercises have an invaluable beneficial effect on the course of the disease, but not all patients are shown a similar therapeutic technique:

  • Physiotherapy is not recommended for patients in case it causes painful sensations, even if they are insignificant;
  • At the stage of exacerbated osteochondrosis;
  • In the presence of influenza, respiratory disease or other inflammatory infection that caused exacerbation of the condition, the classes are contraindicated.

Recommendations for lessons at home

According to most experts, the effectiveness of the exercises will be maximum if they are performed in the evening or in the mornings. Such performance of exercises promotes the activation of the processes of exchange and blood flow in the cervical vertebrae and the prevention of blood-stasis.

Rules of implementation

To maximize the productivity of the exercises, it is necessary to follow certain rules:

  1. Before the beginning of classes it is recommended to prepare your muscles - to do an easy warm-up or take a hot shower;
  2. Do not overpower yourself, ignoring the pain, and perform a certain number of elements. If there was a sensation of pain, then this indicates a worsening of the vertebrae and augmentation of the nervous jamming;
  3. If there was an uncomfortable feeling, then you need to take a break in a few minutes. If in the future such an element again brings pain, then it must be abandoned;
  4. Watch for movements - they must be performed in slow mode, sharpness can provoke pain syndrome;
  5. Control the posture - the shoulders back, and the chest forward - this will reduce the nerve-root incision, exclude injury and increase the therapeutic effect;
  6. It is recommended that you periodically repeat attempts to perform pain-inducing exercises. If they no longer cause former soreness, then this indicates progress in treatment;
  7. Perform the tilting and turning elements with great care to prevent an increase in the compression of the nerves with further deterioration of the symptoms;
  8. With the sudden occurrence of pain syndrome, turns and tilting of the head to the sides are excellent;
  9. Any exercise should be approved by a physician.

What types of exercise therapy should I do?

A complex of elements of exercise therapy involves performing dynamic and isometric exercises.

The first differ in motor activity and are recommended during the remission period. The isometric complex should be done in times of exacerbation of the disease, it does not involve motor activity and allows you to get rid of soreness.

Methods of treatment according to Bubnovsky

Dr. Bubnovsky developed a therapeutic technique based on the use of the reserves of the human body to fight the disease.It was called kinesitherapy.

This method of treatment has proven itself in the therapy of locomotor disorders. Dr. Bubnovsky developed a series of exercises that presuppose an analgesic effect on the vertebrae:

  • Relax, standing on all fours;
  • From the previous posture, you need to bend your back up, and then bend down;
  • "Stretching step." Standing on all fours to sit on the right limb, and the left to pull back, while the right hand needs to stretch forward. Then you should change your legs;
  • "Bleeding". Get down on your knees, rested your palms on the floor. Try to stretch the body as far as possible, do not tear off the knees and hands from the floor;
  • Lie with your back on the floor, brush your head, bend your legs. Lean your chin in the chest, bend the body, tearing off the shoulder blades from the floor surface and touching the knees with your elbows;
  • Lying on your back, raise the pelvis as high as possible, and lower yourself in the inspiration.
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Bubnovsky's method assumes the execution on certain simulators of certain elements selected individually.

Butrimova Complex

Dr. Butrimov proposed his LFK complex against cervical osteochondrosis:

  • Tilt your head down, to the side, and simultaneously reach the top of the head. Movement to do on one, then on the other side;
  • Having lowered his head to make circular turns, trying to stretch his head as far as possible, stretching his neck, to do in both directions;
  • Bending his head to the left, he tries to look at the floor through his left shoulder.

A complex of video exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine of Dr. Butrimov:

The main rule in the implementation of a complex of movements, according to Dr. Butrimov, is the absolute relaxation of the patient, the muscles should be in complete relaxation. Only so the course of exercise therapy in accordance with Butrimov's method will bring the proper effect.

How to treat the cervicothoracic exercises?

It is impossible to completely restore diseased nerves and discs both in the conditions of the hospital and at home trainings. Although using exercise therapy performed at home, you can get rid of the symptoms and stop osteochondrosis progression.

During exacerbations

This basic complex of eight exercises is performed standing with legs apart on the width of the shoulders:

  1. Tilt and tilt the head, having frozen in a similar position for 7-10 seconds;
  2. Raise each shoulder alternately;
  3. Rotate your head to either side of the maximum stop, with a 10-second delay at the end point;
  4. Make alternate tilts head to shoulder, while resisting the palm of his hand, resting it on the cheek;
  5. Make circular turns with shoulders;
  6. Accept the bent position of the body, while trying to connect the shoulders, to stand still for a few seconds, then relax;
  7. Torso bends to the sides;
  8. Put your fists in the zone above the waist, while bending forward, stop for a while, then relax.

Complex exercises in pictures with cervical osteochondrosis of the spine

With dizziness

Vertigo often accompanies osteochondrosis of the vertebrae around the neck. From such a symptomatology you can get rid of by performing the elements:

  1. Slow head rotations to the maximum limit, then briefly freeze, then turn to the opposite limit;
  2. Slowly tilt his head, laying it on his shoulder, looking forward, repeating in both directions;
  3. Slowly bend his head to his chest until his chin touches her.

For prevention

With the preventive purpose, it is possible to perform any of the above-described elements. In addition, you need to eat properly, control weight, avoid hypodynamia, fall in love with swimming, sleep on a special orthopedic mattress, etc.

The result

Patients suffering from osteochondrosis lesions of the cervical collar zone often do not take the doctor's fear seriously, violating the prescriptions and neglecting the performance of the exercises.

Of course, it is impossible to cure the disease completely, but anyone can stop the destructive processes with the help of training and for a long time get rid of osteochondrosis symptoms.

Exercises play an extremely important role in the therapeutic process.If you perform them regularly, the patient's condition will be much easier.

A set of video exercises in the treatment of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis:

A source:

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis according to the method of Dr. Sergei Bubnovsky

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Every second person on the planet suffers from this disease.

All this is because for today every family has a computer, and a lot of companies and institutions can not imagine how to do business without modern technology.

This is what it says.

Since during the work, playing games, viewing information on the computer, muscle spasm occurs, and the intervertebral discs in this area are erased.

All this leads to a reduction in the vertebrae margins, and this, in turn, leads to pinching of nerve endings that are responsible for important segments of innervation. It is from here that I begin to numb the upper limbs, headaches, etc.

And if this disease is started, it is possible to disrupt the circulation of the brain, which will lead to serious consequences.

Necessity of gymnastics

To treat osteochondrosis is best performed by Dr. Bubnovsky's gymnastics.

The doctor has specially developed a variety of individual techniques and therapeutic complexes of exercises, thanks to which you can recover from the disease without taking medication.

Therapeutic physical culture (LFK) is able to eliminate not only cervical osteochondrosis, but also other pathological phenomena and diseases of the spine.

The first thing that affects the action of exercises is getting rid of excess tension on the muscles of the shoulder and neck.

It was also noticed that with cervical osteochondrosis, spasm of deltoid and trapezius muscles is often observed.

If this defect is eliminated in time, you can get rid of the pain syndrome and increase the amount of movement.

The main goal of Bubnovsky's exercises with cervical osteochondrosis:

  • slowing and prevention of the development of diseases and complications, which are associated with impaired blood circulation in the spine;
  • strengthening of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus;
  • reducing the load on the vertebral nerve;
  • improvement of metabolism in the affected parts of the spine;
  • increased mobility of the thoracic and cervical vertebrae;
  • Stabilization of the processes of cartilage and bone tissue regression.

Information for reading: Gymnastics and exercises for fingers

Preparation for gymnastics with cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis

As such, there is no special preparation for gymnastics. Here it is important to adhere to several recommendations that, if properly used, will significantly improve the effectiveness of the exercises:

  1. Before each set of exercises you need to do a warming up exercise for muscles and joints. For this it is necessary to stretch the muscles of the neck. For example, as it is done in school - the turns and inclinations of the head in different directions with a certain amplitude;
  2. It is advised to take a hot shower before the activity, which promotes blood circulation and muscle relaxation.
  3. After classes it is recommended to make a small stretch, thanks to which the muscles of the neck will not be ill next day.
  4. It would be great to combine classes with swimming, because this kind of sport promotes stretching the spine.
  5. With therapeutic gymnastics Bubnovsky a huge plus for the health of the spine will be walking morning walks and light aerobic exercise.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis according to Bubnovsky

Before you start the therapeutic exercises you need to consult a physician-neurologist.

This is all due to the anatomy of the structure of the cervical spine, in which there are large vessels leading to the brain.

Inspection specialist and diagnosis allows after exercise therapy to avoid complications.

Also, in the treatment according to Bubnovsky's method, sharp movements, twists and tilting of the head should be avoided. All movements must be smooth.

List of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis according to the methods of Professor Bubnovsky:

When remission:

  1. Make 30 turns of the head from side to side. It is necessary to perform the exercise with increasing amplitude: at first light smooth movements, and then with a delay of 2-3 seconds. (Perhaps a slight feeling of pain);
  2. On exhalation, make a kicking movement with your head down (slowly), on inhalation - make a head movement back. Run 30 times.
  3. Rotation of the head. You need to perform a circular rotation with your head. 4-5 circles in one direction, then the same number of movements in another. Repeat this exercise 40 times.
  4. Make slow movement of the head forward. With the same movement, you simultaneously move the lower jaw forward. Freeze in this position for 2 seconds and return to the starting position.
  5. In the next lesson, you need to slowly stretch your chin to your chest for 5-10 seconds and return your head back. We perform 20-30 times.
  6. Further for the continuation of the gymnastics Bubnovsky with cervical osteochondrosis it is necessary to stand on all fours. Relax the entire body and bend the back down, then bend it up. (20 movements)
  7. "Bleeding". We kneel, but our hands rest on the floor. Then we try to pull the body forward as much as possible (do not take it off when you take your palms and knees from the floor). We perform 20 times.
  8. Laying our backs on the floor, we put our hands behind our heads, our legs are bent at the knees. Further chin rest against the chest and try to slowly bend the torso, tearing your back off the floor, and touching your knees with your elbows. We freeze for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Perform depending on your physical condition. We try to fulfill the norm - 20 times.
  9. The initial position is the same as in the previous lesson: we lay our backs on the floor, hands behind the head, knees are bent, the feet are parallel. Raise the pelvis as much as possible up, stay in this position for a few seconds, go back. We perform 20-30 times.

Information to read: Exercises for the hands, so that the skin does not hang

All these exercises and advice of Dr. Bubnovsky with osteochondrosis is best performed under supervision specialists, but when consulting with a doctor and his permission, you can carry out treatment in the home conditions.

Also, the professor developed special exercises for exacerbation of the disease.

During the period of exacerbation, it is almost impossible to perform the above listed exercises because of the greatly reduced pain threshold.

In these cases, it is necessary to perform exercises standing and with your legs apart on the width of the shoulders.

With exacerbation of osteochondrosis:

  1. Smoothly throw back your head, hold it for 5 seconds, return to the starting position. We lower our head as far as we can, we freeze, we return. We perform 15 times on both sides.
  2. Slowly we lower the head to the left (right) shoulder. Sometimes you can create resistance by hand.
  3. We lift our shoulders. We do it one by one, trying to stretch the ligaments and muscles. It is important not to feel pain. Otherwise, we stop execution;
  4. Slowly we rotate the shoulders back and forth.
  5. We rest our hands in the subscapular zones, thereby trying as hard as possible to bend forward. We repeat 15 times.


In any case, this gymnastics must be approved by a doctor.

It is not necessary to perform exercise therapy in cases of very severe pain, exacerbation of chronic diseases or infectious respiratory organs.

A video will show you some good exercises for cervical osteochondrosis:

A source:

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