Preparations for the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis

Drugs for sinusitis and sinusitis: tablets for treatment

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses, which is a complication of acute infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, scarlet fever, influenza, measles.

Treatment of sinusitis requires a comprehensive, while using drugs from sinusitis as a systemic and local action.

Treatment of sinusitis and sinus with medicamentous agents

For the treatment of sinusitis or sinusitis at an initial stage, tablets and nasal sprays are used, which can be purchased in a pharmacy without a prescription. Such funds from sinusitis can quickly remove the main symptoms of the disease. But they do not cure its causes and can not be used for more than three days.

With long-term use, these drugs from sinusitis, as well as from sinusitis, lose their effectiveness, and can even cause the return and exacerbation of manifestations of the disease. Therefore, if within three days the runny nose has not passed, it is recommended to pick up other tablets or drops for the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis.

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Treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis involves mandatory use of antihistamines. These tablets block the synthesis of histamine, and therefore contribute to the elimination of swelling of the nasopharynx and the secretion of mucus. But it should be understood that the drugs for sinusitis to this group are effective only if the disease is allergic in nature.

Antihistamine tablets, drops and syrups should be used with great care, without disturbing the dosage. When starting treatment with them, it should be remembered that often they begin to interact with other medications and can affect the concentration of attention and the rate of the patient's reactions.

Another effective cure for sinusitis or sinusitis is vasoconstrictor drops or sprays. The main active ingredients of this group are phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine. These substances act on the vessels and capillaries lining the nasal sinuses. But they can also affect blood pressure.

For this reason, patients suffering from hypertension should consult a physician before starting treatment. Usually, the dosage is adjusted, or the antimycotics of another action are selected

Treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis with antibiotics

If the disease has a prolonged course, antimicrobial treatment is recommended. But before this, it is necessary to conduct a study of the excretions from the sinuses. The clinical picture and severity of the disease are also evaluated. Depending on this, antibiotics of different spectrum of action are prescribed.

  1. An easy degree of illness. As a rule, the use of antibiotics is not required. If the runny nose is caused by a viral infection, these drugs will not be effective. If, after 10 days of treatment, the symptoms do not disappear or, on the contrary, become more pronounced, one can suspect the attachment of a bacterial infection. In this case, you can begin therapy with antibiotics.
  2. The average severity of the disease. Appointed primarily amoxicillin or amoxicillin-clavulanate in different dosages and forms, depending on the age of the patient. The alternative is ampicillin preparations. Cephalosporins, macrolides, tetracyclines, and fluoroquinolones can also be used.
  3. Heavy degree. Parenterally, inhibitor-protected penicillins are introduced: amoxicillin-clavulanate, ampicillicinsulbactam. Or cephalosporins of the second and third generations - cefuroxime, cefotaxime, cefoperazone. In case of individual intolerance to b-lactates, ciprofloxacin or chloramphenicol is prescribed.

The course of treatment and its scheme are determined and adjusted in this case only by a doctor.

Inhalation with sinusitis

In the complex treatment of sinusitis, inhalations are widely used. This method alone is not recommended for treating the disease at home. Local symptoms can be eliminated, but the focus of infection is not. The risk of transition of the disease to a chronic form is very high. In the body will remain a constant focus of infection, which will have its negative impact on the body.

When choosing a treatment program, one always needs to rely on the recommendations of an otolaryngologist and do not forget to undergo a follow-up examination to determine the effectiveness of the treatment. Often, the true nature of the disease can not be established during a primary examination. But it is precisely from what caused it, and depends largely on the way of treatment.

For inhalations at home, they usually use decoctions and infusions of herbs and plants. Chamomile, eucalyptus, thyme, sage, St. John's wort - all these herbs have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, mucolytic effects. They can be used both individually and as part of the charges for inhalation with sinusitis.

If the patient does not have any allergies, propolis or a few drops of essential oils can be added to the inhalation fluid. The inhalation of vapors will have a bactericidal and restorative effect on the body with sinusitis. By the way, essential oils for colds are no less effective.

It should be understood that inhalations will be effective only if there are no large accumulations of dense, thick mucus in the sinuses of the nose. Dense contents of the sinuses will prevent the access of medicinal vapors to the mucous membrane. Therefore, if the nose is laid very hard, you should use vasoconstrictive drops or tablets before inhalation.

Contraindications to inhalation:

  • High body temperature;
  • The general severe condition of the patient;
  • Propensity to bleeding;
  • Children under 5 years;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Violations of circulatory functions;
  • Bronchial asthma.

How to carry out inhalations at home? You can use for this purpose a nebulizer - a modern device that converts fluid into medical vapor. In the nebulizer fill capsules with a solution of the drug, herbal medicinal herbs and essential oils in this case are not suitable.

You can carry out inhalation in a hospital - but remember that after the procedure, it is undesirable to go out for 30-60 minutes, especially in the cold season. Traditionally, the method of grandmothers - a saucepan, a basin or a teapot with a hot medicinal solution, and a towel, which should be covered, bending over the container, is widely used by the people.

Before doing inhalations on your own at home, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications and allergic reactions to the components used for cooking solution. This is especially important in the treatment of young children.

Medication in the treatment of sinusitis

In the complex therapy of sinusitis, medicament preparations of various action are used. It:

  1. Mucolytic agents, liquefying the contents of the maxillary sinuses and stimulating their departure.
  2. Antimicrobial drugs, effectively eliminating pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Corticosteroids - used in severe forms of the disease, when the remaining funds were ineffective.
  4. Moisturizing - auxiliary preventive, with the help of which it is easier to remove dirt and dust from nasal passages.
  5. Antihistamines - relieving edema, itching and other allergy symptoms.

Mucolytic drugs include Mukodin, Fluiditek, Fluimutsil. They are produced in the form of a syrup or suspension with a sweet taste for children and the form of tablets, capsules or effervescent tablets for the preparation of a solution for adults. Dosage is calculated based on the weight and age of the patient.

Mucolytic effect may have a complex effect, also removing inflammation, fever, pain. These include Sinupret in sinusitis and sinusitis - it is made on the basis of plant components.

Antihistamines effectively eliminate allergy symptoms. But at the same time they overdry the mucous sinuses of the nose and thicken the mucus. And this promotes the multiplication of bacteria. Therefore, treatment with antihistamine drugs should be done with great care, under medical supervision.

Corticosteroids with severe sinusitis are the most effective drugs. To reduce side effects, the use of hormonal drugs in the form of nasal sprays is recommended. The most common drugs containing as active substance beclomethasone.

Some patients use for treatment of sinusitis Nasonehs, encouraged by advertising and reviews on the Internet. However, it should be noted that this drug is effective only in the allergic rhinitis.

If the nature of the disease is infectious or bacteriological, Nazonex is powerless - it will only temporarily eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Medicines for complex treatment of sinusitis

Modern pharmaceuticals offer a variety of medicines for the treatment of sinusitis in different groups of patients. Taking into account the peculiarities of the action of drugs and the course of the disease, the nature of the disease and the physiological characteristics of the patient, the doctor develops a treatment regimen. Use can be either one or several drugs.

Means that have vasoconstrictive effect. Are necessary and most popular. Such drugs really very quickly restore the patency of the nasal sinuses, the patient can breathe easier, the outflow of mucus is improved. But this is only a temporary phenomenon - the cause of the disease with their help is not eliminated.

Therefore, long-term use of vasoconstrictive drugs is not recommended. Drops, sprays, ointments or gels can be used no more than 2-3 times a day, the duration of application - no more than 3-5 days. Then it is recommended to take a break in treatment.

Local or systemic drugs with anti-inflammatory effect. Medicines of local action are used to eliminate the symptoms of inflammation in the nasal sinuses and larynx. These can be glucocorticosteroids, antibiotics or antihistamines.

Which it is better to choose is determined by the doctor in each individual case. Simultaneously take drugs with anti-inflammatory effect, but from different groups, it is impossible.

Secretory drugs are usually combined with mucolytic drugs. These drugs enhance the activity of the ciliated epithelium, which contributes to the removal of thick mucus from the nasal passages.

Antibiotics are not used for non-purulent sinusitis. They can quickly improve the condition of the nasal sinuses, but at the same time cause significant harm to other organs. Therefore, they are used with extreme caution.

Drops with sinusitis

These medicines should be mentioned separately, since with sinusitis and antritis, medicines are usually prescribed in this pharmaceutical form.

Drops have many advantages in comparison with tablets. Firstly, they act locally, and therefore very quickly - relief is felt after only a few minutes. Only a small fraction of the active components of the drug enter the bloodstream. And this means that the probability of side effects is much lower.

But in 3-5 days inevitably there is an accustoming of an organism to vasoconstrictive and antihistamine drops. Because they are usually supplemented with drugs of a different form, a slower but longer-lasting effect.

The most common are such drops as Nazivin, Naftizine, Sanorin, Galazolin. Sprays for the nose can also contain hormones. But only the doctor appoints them and only if the treatment with other drugs does not bring the expected result as described in the video in this article.

What drugs are used to treat sinusitis, the most effective remedy for sinusitis

Since the time of zemstvo medicine, when there was one doctor in the whole district, whose specialization was surgery, the treatment of maxillary sinusitis was reduced to the principle "where there is pus, wider open".

The wall of the maxillary sinus under local anesthesia was pierced with a wide needle or trocar, after which it was drained with pumping out purulent contents.

This practice existed in the eighties of the last century, leading to the successful disposal of acute sinusitis, but increasing the risks of recurrences that led to subsequent punctures and the formation of a chronic fistulous passage between the maxillary sinus and the cavity nose.

With the appearance in the pharmacological assortment of a large number of various antiseptics and antibacterial means, the treatment of sinusitis has passed to a new qualitative level and is now being carried out in most cases conservatively.

To the credit of modern otolaryngology, it should be noted that the rejection of the surgical route led to a very decent results, both with direct treatment of the disease, and in terms of results. Much less chronic process became, much less stress experienced by the patient, relieved of the need for painful and scary surgical manipulation of the puncture.

What are the real possibilities of medicinal treatment of sinusitis today, and how to choose the least cheap and effective drug set (to treat sinusitis with one drug is still not yet have learned)?

What are the medicines used for sinusitis?

Since the basis of the inflammatory (catarrhal or purulent) process in the maxillary paranasal sinus is infection (more often microbial, less viral or fungal), then by treating the antritis, the drugs choose antimicrobial, antiviral or antifungal.


Antibiotics - a favorite brainchild of medicine of the 20th century, however, is not the best cure for sinusitis. If treatment is carried out in a clinic equipped with a decent baklaboratoriya and before the beginning of treatment Separated sinuses are sown for the purpose of determining the pathogen and its sensitivity to the antibiotic - it's up to the small.

It remains to choose the drug that shows the greatest activity against the microbe. In this case, one has to take into account that the result of the analysis (sensitivity in vitro) may not coincide with the real working conditions of the antibiotic in the body.

Therefore, immediately choose the strongest drug (in the absence of contraindications and, in the first place, allergic reactions to it). Most often, antibiotics are prescribed empirically, that is, experimentally, based on indications (the presence of yellow or green discharge from the nose, the body's temperature reaction). In this case, a wide-spectrum drug is selected that is active against the majority of potential activators of sinusitis.


For today, they have already lost in the struggle to the majority of microorganisms. And especially staphylococci, which are on the third place among the causative agents of acute or chronic sinusitis (after streptococci and hemophilic rod). However, often in the absence of crops, therapy begins with inhibitor-protected penicillins, which contain additional additives that prevent bacteria from destroying the drug. In addition, penicillins are still an effective tool in the fight against streptococci, which is capable of cause severe complications from the kidneys and joints, as well as secondary rheumatic valve heart diseases.

The most popular tablets are Clavulonate Amoxicillin under the trade names Panklave, Amoxiclav, Flemoclav and Powder for Suspension Augmentin. Sulbactam Ampicillin with names Ampixid in tablets and injections, Unazine, Sultamycillin in injections.

Amoxiclav is a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, active against golden staphylococci, pyogenic and pneumonia streptococci, Escherichia coli, enterobacteria, moraxella and Klebsiella. Thus, it covers most of the spectrum of potential activators of sinusitis. In tablets, the drug is taken in children at the rate of 40 mg per kg of body weight in three divided doses per day. For people over 12 years, 1 tablet (125 mg + 250 mg) every 8 hours or tablet (125 + 500 mg) every 12 hours. The course of therapy is 7 days.


The cephalosporins of the second (Cefaclor) and the third (Ceftibuten, Cefixim) generations, because of widespread use, have now made room for and have given way to macrolides. However, in the conditions of budget deficit and growing prices for medicines, they still have not left the stage.

Cefixime (Suprax, Panzef, Tsemideksor) - pills that suppress the growth of hemophilic rods, streptococci, moraxelli, Klebsiella). In half it is excreted by the liver and kidneys. 400 mg of the drug are taken once a day or in half the dosage twice (in adults and children over 12 years). Among the side effects: skin allergy, dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, pseudomembranous colitis, growth hepatic transaminases, dizziness, headaches, drop of white blood cells and blood platelets, rarely - interstitial nephritis. The drug is contraindicated for allergies to penicillins and cephalosporins.


Macrolides (Azithromycin, Jozamycin, Clarithromycin) are used in tablets and suspensions in children and adults in courses of 3-5 days. They show similar activity to inhibitor-protected phellenines with less resistance of microorganisms.

Azithromycin (Azitralum, Sumamed, Hemomycin) tablets of 500 or 250 mg are used at a dosage of 500 mg once daily. Side effects are similar to those of cephalosporins. Drugs are undesirable for allergies to macrolides, are questionable when used in pregnant and lactating women.


These are drugs exclusively of adult practice, since they still refer to reserve funds and should used in extreme cases, so that the cross-insensitivity to bacteria does not develop. They have the property of killing bacteria by blocking their DNA. Lomefloxacin (Lomeflox, Lomacin, Xenacvin), Ciprofloxacin (Infipro, Quintor, Zindolin), Ofloxacin (Glaufos, Zanotsin, Kirol), Norfloxacin (Negaflox, Loxon), Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Sparfloxacin (Sparflot).

Locally antibiotics

Local antibiotics sprinkle in the form of a nasal spray: Framicetin (from the group of aminoglyosides, Isofra). The medicine is used 4-6 times a day for 7-10 days.


These are the drugs of choice in the treatment of viral sinusitis. Since most viral antritemics are treated with antiviral agents, it is expensive and useless (most of the drugs do not have a solid Evidence base), the main goal in viral sinusitis is to provide a decent outflow from the sinus and try to sanitize the cavity nose:

  • Dioxydin in 1% solution. It is taken from the ampoule into a 10 ml syringe. From which it is buried in the nasal passages, which can also be washed with the drug. The remedy, in fact, is a powerful antiseptic, killing the majority of viruses and bacteria, which is undesirable to swallow "so as not to harm the stomach." In children's practice is not used because of toxicity. For the same reasons, it is not used in pregnant and lactating women.
  • Miramistin is a chlorine-containing antiseptic of the widest spectrum of action. It has no color, smell and practically taste. In adults it is used for washing, and for children for instillation into the nose. May cause local allergy. Not contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation. Read more here.
  • Furacillin in solutions, 2% is used to wash the sinuses. At home, the solution is prepared from two tablets and a glass of water. For washing, use a baby syringe or a 20 gram syringe. The ENT doctor uses an apparatus consisting of a leading tube through which a solution and suction pump is pumped into the nasal passage to pump it out. The course of washes consists of 3-10 procedures, can be complicated by otitis. Furacillin is bitter enough, but it is not dangerous to swallow it in small amounts (which usually happens when rinsing).
  • Prothorgol is a solution of silver, very effective in the bacterial process in the sinuses, especially in children. It is digested 2-3 drops in each nasal passage for 7-10 days. For today, it is rarely used under the pretext of accumulation of silver ions in the body and its chronic poisoning, which according to the fair opinion of the otolaryngologists of the Soviet school is complete nonsense. The tool worked, works and will work, while it is prepared in pharmacies. The agent is suitable for 2 weeks if stored in a refrigerator.

Bacteriophage solutions

Again, the Soviet operating time, forgotten and clogged with the antibiotic lobby of the pharmaceutical industry. With staphylococcal or klebsiellosis maxillary sinusitis in children's practice and resistant microflora - worthy preparations for topical application in the form of rinses or drops in the nose.

Solutions for washing the nose

Dolphin, Aquamaris, Salin, Akvalor is a tricky advertising trick selling saline (,% NaCL, that is, sodium chloride solution) at the price of decent antibiotics. Rinse your nose with sinusitis is not harmful, it is harmful to pay for a solution of table salt fabulous money. So for a bottle of sterile saline solution of 20 ml you will have to pay no more than 40 rubles.

At the same time, a 10 ml bottle of Aquamaris costs more than 110 rubles, Saline for 30 ml - from 137 rubles, and 30 bags of Dolphin, each gram of powder in each cost 190 rubles.

The same audience that patented versions of saline are recommended as less safe (it is not clear, why), that is, children, in general, the lavage of the nose at home is not subject to the high risks of secondary inflammation middle ear.

A couple of words on how to rinse your nose correctly. Before washing, it is necessary to stand over the sink, bending forward at a right angle. After a deep breath, the breath is delayed. The washing container is firmly attached to the nostril. Then it slowly rises so that the solution flows out of the opposite nostril. Washed one, then the other half of the nasal passages and, if possible, sinuses. Remains of the solution are removed from the nasal passages by active blowing out.

GeloMirtol and GeloMirtol Forte

This is an alternative to antibiotics in the fight against sinusitis. This homeopathic drug, oddly enough, works. This effective remedy for sinusitis in combination with dioxin can cure acute uncomplicated sinusitis for a week. It is based on myrtole, supplemented with cineol, limonene, pine, rapeseed oil.

The whole mixture is encapsulated in a gelatin capsule that dissolves in the intestine. The drug has a weak antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, and improves the outflow of secretions from the sinuses and nose. Contraindicated with allergies to drug components, bronchial asthma, cholelithiasis, in the first trimester of pregnancy and in children under 6 years.

Nasal drops

Drops can drip during a genyantritis, but it should be not any what, and correct drops:

  • Clean vasoconstrictors with maxillary sinus dripping is not desirable. The duration of their application (with a strong nasal congestion, interfering with sleep) should be limited to five days. Means of this group: Xylometazoline (Otrivin, Galazolin, Ximelin), Nafazolin (Sanorin, Naphthysine), Oxymetazoline (Nazivin, Nazol).
  • Much more preferable mixture of essential oils (Sinupert, Pinosol, Sinuforte) or combined drops: vasoconstrictive phenylephrine in combination with anti-allergic fenistil (Vibrocil) or Rinoflumycil (acetylcysteine, improving efflux and vasoconstrictive thiamine-heptane sulfate).
  • There are also Polydex (vasoconstrictive with antibiotic and corticosteroid), Rinoprint (antihistamine and vasoconstrictor), Dr. Taiss Nasoline (eucalyptus oil and vasoconstrictor xylometazoline).
  • Sinuforte is a cyclamen from a genyantritis in the form of an extract of lyophilizate and juice of tubers. 2-3 drops are sprayed into each nasal passage once a day for two weeks. The drug is prohibited for pregnant and lactating. It can cause local allergy, therefore it is contraindicated to allergic people. Also, it should not be used for polyps in the nose and unregulated hypertension.

Auxiliary drugs

These are antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol), as well as antiallergic means 2 and 3 generations, reducing the swelling of the mucous sinuses and nose (Loratadin, Desloratadine, Cetrin, Zinnerit, Claritin, Claricens).

Thus, treatment with antibiotics of sinusitis is not a necessary condition for successful conservative therapy. It is much more important that edema should be eliminated, the outflow of sinus contents adjusted, and the local sanation of the inflammatory focus should be carried out.

The most popular means for the treatment of genyantritis

The treatment of sinusitis is very different from the treatment with a common cold or cold. The proximity of the paranasal sinuses to the orbits and vessels of the brain, makes this disease especially dangerous and the choice of an effective medicine for sinusitis becomes a decisive factor for rapid recovery.

In the treatment of sinusitis it is necessary to use several groups of drugs, such as sinupret, sinuporte, sanorin or folk remedy - cyclamen, appoint only qualified personnel, the doctor will observe the progress of treatment and, if necessary, adjust it or to supplement. With independent or incorrect treatment, the inflammation can become chronic or the patient is at risk of getting one of the numerous complications of this disease.

For the treatment of sinusitis you need

  1. Suppress the development of the infectious process and inflammation in the paranasal sinuses - for this purpose use antibiotics and antiseptics - washing with solutions of furacilin, saline solutions, inhalation with drugs and antibiotics in the form of sprays, drops, tablets or injections,
  2. Reduce the swelling of the mucosa and increase the outflow of accumulated fluid from the sinuses - for this use means, narrowing vessels (adrenomimetics) and mucolytics that dilute mucus and facilitate its removal - sinupret, sanorin, gaymorin, sinuporte and others, also use folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis - cyclamen, royal jelly or honey,
  3. Rid of the patient from pain and intoxication - use analgesics, vasoconstrictor drugs and antibiotics,
  4. Prevent the formation of scar tissue - in chronic sinusitis increases the risk of scar tissue formation in place inflammation, to avoid this use corticosteroids and resorptives - backlopt, spray - nazoneks and others.

We hope you understand from the above written that the treatment of sinusitis is an integrated approach using several groups of drugs. These medications can be chosen by an ENT doctor, so it is highly recommended that you go to a medical consultation where you will write in detail what medicines to buy, how to drink them and possibly prescribe additional instrumental methods treatment.

Treatment of sinusitis depends on the stage and severity of the disease, but most often, with mild and moderate forms diseases, patients are treated out-patiently, at home, without the use of punctures and other surgical techniques.

To date, it can not be said that one effective remedy for sinusitis has been created, it is necessary to apply the preparations in a complex way for recovery:


At home, antibiotic treatment should be done only as directed by the doctor. In uncomplicated genyantritis, antibiotics are prescribed topically, in the form of drops and sprays, this helps protect the body from their systemic effects. Most often used drugs such as:

  • pinosol or neonox are nasal drops on the basis of natural herbal remedies, they simultaneously facilitate breathing, enhancing the outflow of mucus, and disinfect mucous, killing bacteria and viruses;
  • protargol and collargol - preparations based on silver ions that purify mucous membranes from pathogenic bacteria, but act slowly and do not have additional effects;
  • drops and sprays with dioxydinum - strong enough, but a dangerous remedy possessing antimicrobial, decongestant and antiallergic effect, has many contraindications, is not used to treat children and pregnant women and should only be used by appointment of a doctor.

With moderate and severe sinusitis, systemic antibiotics are used:

  • penicillins - ampicillin, amox, amoxyl, amoxiclav and others,
  • cephalosporins - ceftriaxone, cefazolin, cefotaxime and so on,
  • macrolides - macropen, azithromycin, clarithromycin,
  • fluoroquinolones - levofloxacin, sparfloxacin - heavy antibiotics, should be used only in extreme cases, with ineffectiveness of drugs from other groups.

Vasoconstrictive drugs

Necessary to reduce the production of mucus and improve nasal breathing, they affect the vessels located in the mucous membrane of the nose and, causing them to narrow, reduce the formation of mucus and tissue swelling, freeing the nasal ways for respiration. Vasoconstrictors are the most common remedy for sinusitis. It is with the application of sprays and drops to the nose that the catarrh of any patient usually begins to be treated, but using adrenomimetics, we must not forget that they drastically dry the nasal mucosa and they can only be used for 3 days contract. The most popular drugs for the treatment of sinusitis can be considered:

  • preparations based on xylometazoline - galazolin, otrivin, prinos, tizin xylo, and so on;
  • phenylephrine - vibrocil, adrianol;
  • naphazolin-sanorin;
  • oxymetazoline - nasol and others.


It is necessary to dilute mucus and facilitate its removal from the nose, the most popular drugs are those based on medicinal plants, such as cyclamen. For example, sinuporte - the most common medicine for sinusitis, is made on the basis of cyclamen - a poisonous plant, It can reduce mucosal edema, dilute mucus and activate the movement of ciliary epithelium, which promotes excretion mucus from the nose. At home, most medicinal plants, such as cyclamen, can not be used, so sprays and tablets based on them - Sinupret, Sinuporte and others remain so popular.


Used in severe forms of sinusitis, when the usual vasoconstrictor and decongestants are ineffective. Most commonly used nasal sprays - Nazonex, Beclfort and others. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, but they have a number of side effects, they should be used only for the doctor's prescription and for no more than 3 consecutive days.

The most popular remedies for sinusitis

For the treatment of genyantritis at home, the following medicines are most often used:

  1. Drops in the nose - Galazolin, Naphthyzin - preparations of the adrenomimetic group, have a pronounced vasoconstrictive effect, they are prescribed for acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa for the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis or sinusitis in adults and children. Doctors warn that these drugs have only a symptomatic effect, do not destroy bacteria, but are able to bring only temporary relief to the patient. They are not recommended for more than 3 days in a row, as they are addictive.
  2. Sinuforte is one of the most effective modern drugs for the treatment of sinusitis. It is created on the basis of natural plant components, such as cyclamen, it is not absorbed into the blood and very quickly begins to act - it stimulates reflex secretion in the mucous membrane of the nose and nasal sinuses, due to this, the drainage of the contents of the paranasal sinuses is intensified, they are cleared and released from the mucus. Sinufort is considered one of the best means for treating sinusitis, it is prescribed to adults and children over 12 years of age in the form of sprays or drops for intranatal administration.
  3. Sinupret - a combined remedy on the basis of herbal preparations, has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, liquefies and accelerates the secretion of mucus, in addition, Sinupret accelerates the regeneration of the mucosa and restores its protective properties. Sinupret is prescribed for sinusitis in adults and children from 2 years in the form of pills or tablets or drops for ingestion. There are no other medicinal forms of the drug.
  4. Polydex is a combined preparation, which includes antibacterial drugs neomycin and polymyxin B and anti-inflammatory - dexamethasone. The drug has proved effective in the treatment of most bacterial infections of the nasal passages and external auditory canals. It is used for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis in the form of nasal spray in adults and children from 2 years.

Today, a huge number of different drugs and their analogues for the treatment of sinusitis have been created, even it is difficult for a specialist to understand all of this diversity and assign the appropriate treatment. Therefore, do not try to treat this dangerous disease yourself, at home, without going to the doctor, it can lead to complications or chronic inflammation.

Symptoms and treatment of chronic sinusitis

Treatment of chronic sinusitis (sinusitis) should be prescribed only by a doctor and depends on the degree of development disease, localization of inflammation, the causes that caused it, and the individual characteristics of the state of health.

What is sinusitis: the pathogenesis of the disease

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the mucous membrane of one or more paranasal sinuses. Depending on which sinuses are affected, sinusitis is divided into:

  1. Sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary (maxillary) accessory sinus.
  2. Frontite - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the frontal paranasal sinus.
  3. Etmoiditis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cells of the latticed bone (the bone of the brain of the human skull that separates the nasal cavity from the cranial cavity).
  4. Sphenoiditis is an inflammation of the mucosa of the sphenoid sinus (posterior paranasal sinus).

In some cases, the disease affects the sinuses from one side of the face (hemisinusitis), sometimes all sinuses (pansinusitis).Sinusitis occurs in children older than 3 years, since before this age the anatomical structure of the sinuses of the nose can not contribute to the development of inflammation.In adults, the spread of the disease does not depend on sex or age.

Sinusitis can be acute and chronic. Chronic develops in the absence of timely and adequate treatment of acute sinusitis or with disregard for preventive measures.

Causes of development, clinical manifestations and diagnosis of sinusitis

The development of the inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses can cause:
  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • injuries;
  • fungus;
  • allergic reactions;
  • taking certain medications;
  • features of the anatomical structure;
  • polyposic growths in air passages.

Often, sinusitis occurs against the background of viral diseases or as a complication after them. For example, sinusitis can be a consequence of ARVI, runny nose, scarlet fever, measles, inflammation in the upper teeth. Frontitis is most often a further spread of sinusitis, etmoiditis - a complication of scarlet fever, sphenoiditis is usually a consequence of the spread of inflammation from the posterior cells of the latticed labyrinth.

Symptoms of development of chronic sinusitis:

  1. Severity in the development of inflammation (paranasal sinuses, nose bridge, frontal lobes, etc.).
  2. Pain in the area of ​​the lesion lesions, which are amplified by sharp movements of the head, slopes.
  3. Headache.
  4. Nasal congestion, shortness of breath.
  5. Thick discharge from the nose, transparent, yellow or green.
  6. A rise in body temperature, general malaise is occasionally observed in the chronic form of the disease, but more often during acute illness.
  7. Pain in the throat, sneezing, dry incessant cough.
  8. When chronic etmoiditis spreads to the ophthalmic tissue, the eyelids swell, the outward deviation or protrusion of the eyeballs occurs.
  9. Frontite, among other things, causes changes in skin color over the area of ​​the lesion, photosensitivity, decreased sense of smell.

If treating sinusitis is wrong or ignoring the disease, negative consequences are possible: spreading inflammation of the bone and periosteum, its necrosis, the formation of fistulas, the development of cerebral abscess, meningitis.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by an otolaryngologist on the basis of:

  1. Anamnesis collection.
  2. Examination of the patient.
  3. X-ray examination of sinuses.
  4. CT of the sinuses of the nose.
  5. Rhinoscopy - a method of examining the nasal sinuses with the help of a special tool.

When confirming the diagnosis of chronic sinusitis, treatment should be prescribed only by an otolaryngologist and depends on localization, the causes that caused it, and the stage of the development of the disease.

It is also important to remember that first of all it is necessary to cure the primary disease against which sinusitis developed, or to eliminate its causes.

Conservative treatment of chronic sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis, whose treatment should be started only after consulting a doctor, a serious pathology, and treat it accordingly. In the treatment of chronic sinusitis use:
  1. - appointed with bacterial sinusitis, especially effective treatment of chronic sinusitis.
  2. Topical steroids, decongestants, mucolytics - are prescribed in the treatment of viral sinusitis.
  3. Antimycotic drugs - are prescribed in the case of fungal sinusitis.
  4. Antihistamines are necessary if sinusitis is allergic.
  5. Decongestants and thinners.
  6. With severe pain, non-narcotic analgesics are possible.
  7. Antipyretic, antineuropic drugs.
  8. Immunomodulating drugs.

In addition to medicines for systemic use, nasal washing is prescribed with antiseptic solutions, the use of local vasoconstrictors, saline solutions. Also, physiotherapeutic procedures (using a blue lamp, UHF) can have an effective effect.

In addition to drug therapy, there are additional recommendations on how to cure chronic sinusitis, etmoiditis, frontalitis, sphenoiditis:

  1. Drinking lots of fluids.
  2. Exception of smoking.
  3. Maintain a sufficient level of humidity in the patient's place of residence.
  4. Observance of the correct diet.

Traditional treatment of chronic sinusitis

Many people are interested in: is it possible to cure chronic sinusitis using only traditional medicine? The problem is that some forms of sinusitis are bacterial, viral or fungal in nature, that is, you can get rid of them only by acting with special medications. Therefore, most folk medicine is of subsidiary importance. Before using it, consult a doctor. The most effective methods are:
  1. Steam inhalation using various herbs and essential oils (sage leaves, eucalyptus, chamomile flowers, oregano). With nasal congestion before the procedure, it is necessary to use vasoconstrictive topical preparations. Contraindicated at high temperature, allergies to drugs used for inhalation, propensity to bleed.
  2. Ingestion of infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, which have anti-inflammatory and immuno-enhancing properties.
  3. Rinsing of the nasal sinuses with the use of syringes with saline solution, infusion or decoction of herbs (chamomile, calendula, string), green tea, antiseptic pharmacological preparations.
  4. Introduction to the nasal sinus for 5-10 minutes of a cotton swab soaked in propolis, levomelem.
  5. Use as nasal preparations of carrot juice, aloe, calanchoe.

Operative treatment of chronic sinusitis

In those cases where drug therapy and sinus lavage do not have an effective effect in the treatment of chronic sinusitis, surgical intervention can be used.

  1. Puncture of the nasal sinus or puncture is performed in order to remove purulent contents and direct administration of medications. After the puncture, drainage catheters are installed (for the period of treatment) to conduct daily washing of the paranasal sinuses.
  2. Resection of the posterior end of the middle shell - is prescribed in severe cases of sphenoiditis, ophthalmic and intracranial complications.

Prophylaxis of chronic sinusitis

Prophylaxis of sinusitis consists in observance of some measures:

  1. Treatment of acute and chronic infectious diseases, against which sinusitis can develop.
  2. In the case of an anatomical factor - the exclusion of it.
  3. Avoidance of hypothermia.

Completely prevent the development of pathology is impossible, but compliance with preventive measures at times reduces the risk of relapse.

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