Cough cake

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How effective is the cake for cough and how to do it?

A cough scoop for children is not the main method of treatment, but an auxiliary one. Before you do it to your child, you need to consult a pediatrician, since each individual has an individual, and there may be an allergic reaction to the components of the product. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to consult with a specialist. In addition, you need to know how to make a flat cake and how to put it.

This method has been used for a very long time. But, those women who think that it is possible to cure diseases of the respiratory system in children only with cakes - are mistaken. It can be done in parallel with the main therapy and medication. Do not forget about the consequences and complications of respiratory ailments that can occur without the use of medication.

Many careless mothers who are engaged in self-medication and put a cake at the first sign of a cough, cold, can seriously damage the health of the child. In order to know if it is possible to use such a folk remedy, it is necessary to know the diagnosis, because the cake is not put for all diseases, in some cases it is strictly forbidden.

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The effect of tortillas

A cough scoop for children is a kind of gentle, warm compress, which is allowed to children, in the absence of allergies from the first days of life.

To date, there are many types of cakes for cough, and they are all effective. These include honey cake for cough, mustard, peppery, menthol, salt. Even if the child has an allergy to honey, you can prepare a compound that will help you get rid of a cough without consequences for a small organism.

The main principle of the cake components is warming and restoring blood circulation. After the cake has warmed the bronchi, the tissue cells will begin to intensively receive all the necessary nutrients that help to quickly warm the airways, promote the dilution of phlegm, output it.

Another effect is the irritation of the reflex points by the components that make up the cake, for example, mustard powder, pepper, menthol. They also have a beneficial effect on blood flow.

Basic rules when using tortillas

Be sure, before you make a cake for a child, you should remember a few important rules.

These include:

  • the created medicine is placed on the bronchus and lungs;
  • use only fresh ingredients for the cake;
  • to apply it several times is not necessary, it is better to do it every time a new one;
  • You can put it no more than 2 times a day, after which the child should be at least 5-6 hours warm;
  • when mixing components, it is necessary to adhere strictly to the prescribed dosage in order to avoid burns, allergic reaction.

Cake recipes

To make such medicine it is possible from the most simple products which are present in an arsenal of any housewife.

Honey cake with cough. To prepare a compress, you will need 1 tbsp. l. honey (preferably if it is tight, not liquid), 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour, 1 h. l. vegetable or olive oil. The ingredients are mixed and a cake is formed.

Mustard cake. Boiled 1 potato with peel is crushed, 1 hour is added. l. dry mustard. If the child does not have allergies to beekeeping products, you can add 1 hour. l. honey or 50 g of propolis. If you do not add honey components, the cake will be no less effective. Use this medication after consultation with the pediatrician.

Potato cake. Three small tubers boil with skin, add 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1 h. l. vegetable oil.

Salt cake. 3 tbsp. l. flour, 1 egg in raw form, 1 hour. l. salt. The composition is mixed and placed in an oven, heated to 180 0 for 10-15 minutes. Allow the formulation to cool slightly before use.

Vodka cake. 2 potatoes, cooked in "uniforms" are warmed up, 1 st. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1 tbsp. l. vodka (or 1 teaspoon of alcohol). Weight is well mixed. It is recommended to keep the drug for no more than 2 hours.

A cake for children with menthol. Menthol has analgesic, antibacterial, antispasmodic and antiseptic properties. Causes the expansion of blood vessels, is an antipyretic.

But one of the most important advantages - has an expectorant effect, eliminates spasms of the bronchi. The base of the flat cake - chopped boiled potatoes - 2 pcs. and 10 ml of liquid menthol. By the way, liquid menthol can rub the child, without affecting the heart area.

Cake with essential oils. 2 tbsp. l. flour, 3 drops of essential oil of tea tree and juniper oil. These components are antibacterial. To the composition should be added 1 hour. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. decoction of chamomile. All mix well and form a cake, place in the oven for 15 minutes.

Cake with pepper. Boiled potatoes crushed in a peel, add a half of red pepper in a crushed form, 1 tbsp. l. soda. The composition is mixed and divided into two parts to make 2 tortillas. Children under 3 years of age should not use such a compound. The cake is placed only on the back from both sides.

Cough cake - frequent mistakes

Moms, thinking that if they double the number of components, the effect will be better. But this is an absolute misconception, because in this way it is possible not only to not cure the child, but also to cover everything with skin.

To stack a medicinal cake from a cough it is necessary only on a cotton fabric or a bandage, folded in 2-3 times. You do not need to put it on your skin.

A very common mistake women make is that they put a cake for children not in the area where they are supposed to be. Some believe that the heart is on the left side of the sternum, but this is an erroneous opinion. It is shifted to the left region, but its edges are located in the central part of the thorax. It is for this reason that the cake should be laid on the right side.

Mandatory condition - the warming composition must be fixed with a towel or scarf to extend the effect. The child should be under the blanket.

The result will be positive only if you keep the right time on the chest for at least 4 hours.

Some lozenges contain honey, which can be soaked through cotton cloth and stay on the skin, so after the procedure, the area of ​​the breast is wiped with a wet napkin, preferably warm.

In no case can you use a cake when the child has a fever, even slightly. The fact is that any disease of the respiratory system is accompanied by an inflammatory process, which, when heated, develops even more. Elevated temperatures are the body's response to viruses and bacteria that get into the bloodstream, at which interferon and antibodies are produced that help to kill a harmful infection. If you use a cake at the moment when the temperature is raised, the inflammatory process will not stop, but will begin to progress even more and recovery will last for 1-2 weeks.


Another important rule - in the area where a cake for cough will be installed, there should be no open wounds, convex moles, ulcers and acne. Heating them can lead to disastrous consequences.

Do not forget that the ingredients in the cake can cause a local allergic reaction. Therefore, when honey is intolerant to a child, it is better to prepare a cake from other components.

Do not panic if the medicinal formula, in which mustard is added, the pepper caused redness on the skin, this means that the components have irritated, which contributed to strengthening and improving blood circulation in the region bronchi.

If the baby complains of severe burning sensation or has any discomfort, immediately remove the drug and rinse it off.


But basically the cake is tolerated by the children well enough and helps to get rid of the cough quickly, even from the residual, for example, after pneumonia. With pneumonia (in the acute stage), a cake can not be placed.

Cough cake

A cake made from cough is made from mustard, honey or potatoes. More precisely, these are the most common kinds of flat cakes. Typically, tortillas are used in children to relieve cough and improve sputum discharge.

To prepare a potato cake for cough, you need to boil 4 medium-sized potatoes in the skin, so to speak, in a uniform. After cooling slightly, they must be cleaned and rubbed on a large grater. Potatoes should not completely cool down, so everything must be done quickly. In the grated potatoes, add 1 teaspoon of mustard powder, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Thoroughly and quickly mix the resulting mass, make a mixture of cake and attach it to the baby's chest, dress it and wrap it. It is necessary to hold the compress for at least 1 hour, so you should not let it cool down. At the end of time, you can simply remove it without washing it off.

Mustard cake from coughing is done as follows: in equal proportions (usually 1 table spoon) takes flour, dry mustard powder, sunflower oil and honey. The steep dough mixes, to which gradually vodka is added in the amount of 2 table spoons. A batter is mixed from the dough, but it is better if you cook two. They need to be heated in a water bath and put on the chest and back in this order: gauze in two layers, a thin layer of cotton wool, cellophane (regular sachet) and a flat cake. Keep 3-4 hours of such cakes. If the blush is not terrible, but as soon as it starts to burn, you need to remove the cellophane and cake, leaving the cotton and gauze until the child's back and chest cool down completely.

There are several ways to prepare honey cakes from cough. The simplest and most common method is: Honey and salt are mixed in equal proportions (approximately 1 tablespoon), The mixture is evenly applied to a previously prepared cut of tissue or bandage and applied to the chest area, for the whole night. In the morning, the breasts should be wiped with a damp cloth, usually only the salt remains on the skin.

Another no less common recipe is a mixture with flour and sunflower oil. In equal proportions, honey, sunflower-seed oil and flour are mixed to a uniform consistency. Of them, a small cake is molded. The chest is laid out in the following order: a crochet is spread on the cheesecloth, covered with polyethylene and insulated with a layer of cotton wool. Keep the cake for at least 3 hours, and after removing with a damp towel or cloth, rinse the remains of the flat cake from the body.

A very economical cake made from cough is obtained from flour and honey. For its preparation honey and flour are mixed so that a steep dough is obtained, which practically does not stick to the hands. Preheat the cake can be either in a water bath or in a microwave. If you are heating in a microwave oven, then you need to wrap a cake in two or three layers with a gauze, so as not to smear it. Having got out of the oven, wrapped in gauze (once again it does not hurt if we do not want to smudge both the baby and the bed linen) and, if done for the child, check on yourself so that it is not very hot. Put a flat cake on the chest, avoiding the heart area, and keep as much as possible, but at least 2-3 hours. The child will sweat, so it's better to take care of it beforehand and put something under the sheet.

The only significant disadvantage of all the cakes is the fact that they can not be applied in the event that there is a temperature, even low.

Cough cake for children

Cough often occurs with various colds and respiratory diseases. Cope with it can be quite difficult. At the same time, parents are trying to reduce the use of medications, as many of them cause allergic reactions, have side effects and a large number of contraindications. In such cases, folk remedies come to the rescue, one of which is a cake for children.

A cake for cough, what is it?

Many folk remedies, known for a long time, have been undeservedly forgotten in recent years. One such remedy is a cake of cough. It helps even with prolonged severe coughing, which lasts for a long time. Cake is a variant of a warm, gentle compress. It can be used to treat young children, especially if there is an allergy to medicines and reactions to mustard. There are many different recipes for cooking flat cakes. The basis for it may be: honey, potatoes, rye flour, mustard and other ingredients.

How to use a cake for a child cough?

Before you make a cake for cough, it is advisable to consult a doctor about the use of this method of treatment. After all, the causes of coughing can be hidden not only in colds. But if the cough is contagious, then the cake will help ease the condition and bring about a full recovery. It can be done to a child in cases where cough lasts longer than a week, and the remaining symptoms of the disease have practically disappeared. It also helps with residual cough, bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis and other consequences and manifestations of colds.

Using this method of getting rid of cough, you need to remember that cakes have contraindications. These include:

  • common infectious pathologies, such as scarlet fever, tuberculosis and others;
  • allergic reactions to products used in the preparation of tortillas;
  • very sensitive skin;
  • damage to the skin: abrasions, burns, wounds, scratches;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • asthma;
  • heat.

How to make a cake for children?

There are different recipes for preparing a cake for cough, but there are general rules for its use. So, before you start the procedure, you should wash your baby under a warm shower, but you can not use too hot water. After washing the child wipe a clean soft towel, and then on his skin, apply oil for massage or baby cream, lightly massaging and rubbing it. Next, they begin to apply a flat cake to the chest or back, and do not close the heart area. The applied cake from the cough is covered from above with a towel, diaper or a soft cloth, and a woolen scarf or handkerchief is applied over it. Then the child is covered with a warm blanket. Leave the cake on the body for several hours, after which it is carefully removed, trying not to rub the skin strongly to prevent its irritation. To remove the cake, you can use a towel or a piece of cloth moistened with warm water.

After the procedure, you should not take a shower, do physical work and exercise, go out or be in a draft. Make a cake of cough better in the evening before going to sleep.

Cough recipes for children

Honey cake for children

The most famous and popular recipes for cough cakes are those that are cooked on the basis of honey. They are quite effective and do not require rare components. However, applying them, it should be remembered that honey is a powerful allergen and can cause a reaction. There are several recipes for cakes with honey:

  1. It is necessary to mix in equal parts salt and honey, several spoons of this mixture are applied to the tissue and applied to the chest or back. This cake can be left for the night, taking it off in the morning after awakening.
  2. Prepare a mass of flour, honey and vegetable oil, all components are taken in equal amounts. The resulting mass is applied to the chest, covered with gauze on top and then with a layer of cellophane, the last layer is applied a terry towel or a thick diaper. Keep such a cake should be about 2 - 3 hours.
  3. Mix two large spoons of honey and flour. The resulting mixture is heated with a water bath or in a microwave. After the mass warms up, it is gently applied to the chest or back of the child, leaving for two hours.

Custard cake with mustard for children

Cake with mustard should not be used for babies, whose age has not yet reached a year, and preschool children can use it with caution. This method of treatment is more suitable for adults and school children. Mustard cake quickly and effectively coughs. In order to prepare it mustard powder, sunflower oil and honey should be mixed in equal quantities and mixed thoroughly. Two large spoons of vodka are also poured into the resulting mixture, after which it is put for heating in a water bath. A warm mass is applied to gauze, which is applied to the back or chest of the child for a couple of hours. It should be remembered that if there is severe burning under the compress, it should be washed off immediately. After removing the cake on the skin, redness may remain. Several hours after the end of the procedure, it is necessary to protect the child from drafts, cold and bathing. In this period it is better to cover the baby and put him to sleep.

Cake from potatoes from cough for children

Potato cake helps cope with the cough. It has virtually no contraindications, and it can be used to treat even young children. For its preparation, several medium-sized potatoes must be thoroughly washed and, without cleaning, cooked. After that, they are rubbed on a grater or simply kneaded with a fork. In potato paste, you can also add a little powder of mustard, honey and butter. The resulting mass is applied to the back or chest of the child and left for about an hour.

Flour cake from flour from a cough

To make a flour cake for cough, you need a glass of rye flour, a small spoonful of mustard powder and a large spoonful of vegetable oil and honey. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and then poured into the same hot boiled water. The resulting mass must have a consistency of dough. It is applied to the baby's skin, fixed and covered with a plastic wrap. Keep the cake on the body should not more than two hours.

What are cakes of cough?

A cake made from cough is made from mustard, honey or potatoes. More precisely, these are the most common kinds of flat cakes. Most often, honey cake is used to treat children, because it refers to sparing drugs.

Honey and honey cake for colds

The method of treatment of bee products is apitherapy (from the Latin apis - "bee"). Honey is successfully carried out even wound healing and allergy treatment. It has many healing properties.

Honey removes excess fluid, improves blood circulation and fights against inflammation. This is the most necessary impact in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.Therefore, honey is well used during colds like inside, adding to a hot drink (traditionally this milk), and externally (as part of a honey cake).

The creation of a mixture for such a compress is more like a culinary process than a medical one. You can mix honey with flour (preferably rye), and to enhance the heating effect can be added mustard. Flour, mustard or other loose ingredients make the dough more viscous.

To make it less viscous will allow the addition of vegetable oil or vodka, and to strengthen the heating effect (instead of mustard powder, if it is not present or the smell disgusts) can pepper tincture. The main thing is to carefully observe the measure, as the pepper tincture from the pharmacy, as a rule, is very concentrated and burning. As well as mustard, it can easily burn the skin.

Honey should be heated before mixing, but not lightly (not because of possible burns, although this is important, but because heating affects its beneficial properties, which are lost already at 37 ° C, and at 40 ° C some vitamins already begin to be destroyed). At 45 ° C, hydroxymethylfurfural, a carcinogen, is formed in honey. For the same reason, it is better to eat honey with a snack with tea and hot milk, and not mixing with them.

The mixture of selected ingredients is rolled out and spread on a gauze or bandage, after which it is possible to stick a compress to the back or chest, but not in the heart. It can be fixed with a band-aid or bandage, and from above it can be insulated with, for example, a woolen shawl. The compress can be left overnight, if it is convenient, but it can be quite a few hours. In honey, natural essential oils can be added. Most of them are expensive, but their effect is really effective.

Such cakes for cough can also be used to treat a child, but to add heating components should be especially careful: vodka, tincture of pepper, mustard can cause dryness or severe irritation skin. After external use of alcohol in any form requires moisturizing, for example, using a baby cream.

Herbs and potato cake for colds

You can breathe over the potatoes - this is a known way to treat a cough. This method, regardless of stereotypes, is very productive. It consists in warming the respiratory tract, moistening the mucous membranes, without which the dry, nonproductive cough does not become wet, resulting in diluted sputum. In the peel of potatoes there are useful substances, and freshly cooked potatoes give out heat and moisture - slightly alkaline steam. Departing mucus from the bronchi is an important part of the recovery process. However, it should be noted that moisturizing and other effects of inhalation in purulent (and not inflammatory) processes only exacerbate malaise.

The potato should be well boiled, and the pan - wrapped, so that the heat lasted longer. It is necessary to wrap yourself up, that is, cover yourself with a thin dense blanket with your head, not letting out the warm potato air. The procedure should be carried out until the temperature makes it possible to breathe hot steam.

The resulting mashed potatoes can be used for potato tortillas. It is good and without the previous stage of inhalation, which is not suitable for everyone. The potato is absolutely harmless, because such a cake for children with hypersensitivity can be used. If allergies and other reasons for concern are not present, then you can add to the compress, as in honey, flour, mustard, vegetable oil or vodka. Its action will intensify the active herbs (or decoctions of them) against the common cold: chamomile, sage, eucalyptus.

It is recommended not to apply the herbs, but to inhale their vapors. Such inhalations can alternate with potatoes or be used by themselves. The coniferous (fir, juniper, pine, cedar) and some other plants (peppermint, linden flowers, wormwood, birch and oak leaves) are generally recognized as making it easier for a cold. From coughing help mother-and-stepmother, the root of the althaea and oregano.

In the pharmacy you can find not a plant, but a target collection, the components of which can act synergistically, that is, mutually reinforcing each other. Still among the herbal pharmacies, it is necessary to note the cheap and effective syrup of licorice, which has not only expectorant, but also spasmolytic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Oil cakes for coughing

Herbs, honey, flour are mixed to create anti-cold cakes with oils, but it's good to apply a usual compress in the form of a linen napkin soaked in a slightly warmed vegetable oil.

Incredibly effective is the oil of black cumin. During its application, the whole body systems are stimulated, the number of some of its vital cells that provide protection and recovery increases. This oil is so active that it is reasonable to use it as a medicine, having checked the dosage and having studied the contraindications, but it is better after consulting a specialist. Otherwise, it will be better to choose another means.

In the fight against cough, laryngitis, tonsillitis and acute respiratory disease (and many other ailments) of edible vegetable oils, the oil of pine nuts is most effective. It is rich in various vitamins, polyunsaturated higher fatty acids, phosphatides, micro- and macro elements and contains essential oils. Its unique action is due to its rich composition and is confirmed by the research of the RAS Institute.

As a local irritant in the compress can use not mustard, and mustard oil.

There is sweet almond oil. The almond culture originated many centuries before our era, and almost as long the oil from it is used for massage and cooking. Its composition includes a mass of useful substances, due to which it is very effective.

Other vegetable oils that will be useful for coughing, borage (borage) oil, wood nem, thistle, sea buckthorn and carrot oil.

A cough scraper, compress or rub with oils does not require moisturizing the skin.

Vegetable oils combine well with ethereal oils. But their choice and safe use require attention: beauty parlors, pharmacies, oriental benches, esoteric and soap stores offer synthesized "natural essential oils". Being active substances, essential oils can harm if non-compliance with dosages.


Cough will help get rid of relatively inexpensive essential oils of plants such as thyme, cinnamon, cloves, cayaput, eucalyptus, sage, citronella, lavender, naioli, mountain pine, tea tree and cedar.

Recipes for cooking cakes for cough

All folk remedies for cough can be divided according to the method of application for external and those that should be taken internally. One of the most effective external medicines are tortillas, which are applied to the back or chest. There are several recipes for their preparation.

Cake recipe with potatoes

A cake from a potato cough is made very simply. The main thing is to hurry with its preparation to prevent the main ingredient from cooling down. In order to make one serving, you need to take three medium potatoes and boil them in a uniform. Immediately after the tubers are ready, they must be quickly cleaned, grateed on a large grater. To the potato, you need to add a tablespoon of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of dried mustard and the same amount of honey, quickly mix everything, make a shape, put it on your chest. Cover such a cough remedy with a napkin, polyethylene and a woolen scarf, so that the heat produced by it does not go out. Keep the remedy on your chest takes at least an hour.

Honey cake recipe for honey

Honey cake for cough is prepared with only two ingredients. In order to make it you need to take two tablespoons of honey and the same amount of salt, mix thoroughly, roll the ball in your hands, put it on the previously prepared polyethylene and flatten. You can apply this remedy on your breast for the whole night. It is also required to wrap up with polyethylene and woolen cloth.

How to make a cake of cough from mustard

A mustard medicine is prepared from three ingredients. It is a question of dry mustard powder, flour and vegetable oil. Each of them for this recipe is required on a tablespoon. All this must be thoroughly mixed and rolled into a ball. Before making a medical pancake, it should be put on polyethylene and flattened. It is advisable to cook two such pancakes, increasing the amount of each ingredient by half. Apply them to the chest and back, covering the polyethylene with two layers of gauze and a layer of cotton wool.

Rye cake for coughing

The rye composition from which the pancake is formed should also be prepared, increasing the amount of ingredients twice, as it is applied to the back and chest. To make it, you need two tablespoons of rye flour, as much honey and vodka. To begin with, it is necessary to mix the flour and honey, then, without stopping the mixing process, gradually pour in the vodka and form two cakes from it. Apply them in a compress. Remove it should be after you feel a burning sensation on the skin (easy tingling is permissible).

Treatment in this way is desirable to alternate with the use of expectorants. Based on the opinions of people this way of healing is very effective.

Cough cake - how to cook

It refers to traditional medicine and is not a traditional cough remedy. She is unlikely to put you in the hospital and her doctor will not write it out either. However, the cough cake can provide you very good help in cough treatment, it has a number of properties that overcome cough, this remedy is very good. Pellet cough - how to prepare this folk remedy?

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Cough scrap - the advantages of the method

The cough cake is absolutely harmless, it does not have a harmful effect on your body, except for The fact that if it is overexposed or added to the composition of too many warming components, it is possible to burn skin. And yet, the cough cake should be on the right side of your chest, where there is no heart. If a cake is put on the heart area, it can greatly damage the heart, which does not tolerate high temperatures and overheating. It should also be noted that many people think that the heart is on the left, they are mistaken. The heart of a person is displaced to the left, but its edges are in the central part of the chest, which is why all the heating means must be placed on the right side.

Pellet cough - how to cook it?

And now we will write one of the possible options how to prepare cakes for cough.

1. A cough cake is made from boiled potato skins, flour (a little), honey and alcohol and mustard, with alcohol and mustard to be added in the appropriate proportion to be in measure. If there is too much alcohol and mustard, then the cough cake will burn hard, and you run the risk of getting because of her burn, and if it is not enough, it will not warm up the lungs and the bronchi will not have a therapeutic actions. Alcohol is enough two teaspoons, mustard one spoon.

2. Also in the cough cake, you need to add a little sunflower oil, about one teaspoon.

3. Further, all this should be rolled up to the shape of a circle (burrito), wrapped in gauze and put on the right side of the patient's chest.

4. The skin can be pre-lubricated with oil or cream.

5. A cough cake should be on your chest for about thirty minutes. In this case, the person needs to be well concealed.

6. After you take off the cake, you need to drink hot tea, or a decoction of herbs (preferably grass), and warmly dress.

7. It is best to put a cake from a cough before going to bed, to go to bed right away and warm up well under the blanket. The main thing is that in no case, after coughing, you can not open and cool, otherwise the effect may be the opposite of the desired one.

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