Shortness of breath with bronchitis in a child

Treatment of shortness of breath with bronchitis

Shortness of breath with bronchitis is one of the symptoms of the inflammatory process occurring in the lungs and bronchi, which begin to experience a lack of oxygen. Shortness of breath manifests itself with light exertion, during an exacerbation of bronchitis, with its acute, obstructive form. In chronic bronchitis, shortness of breath is constant, manifests itself in increasing numbers, and may progress.

The problem of shortness of breath with bronchitisThis phenomenon is often found in bronchitis in children. Kids begin to be capricious, refuse to eat. The cough is constantly tormented, the nose is stuffed up, the voice becomes hoarse, the child has difficulty breathing. View Instagram posts, stories, followers anonymously Browse Instagram

Dyspnea treatment is aimed at eliminating coughing, relieving breathing by prescribing inhalations, medicinal herbs, steam baths. With obstructive bronchitis, the bronchial tissue is subject to changes, which affects immunity. Its support at this stage of inflammation is simply irreplaceable.

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Why does bronchitis develop?

BronchitisBronchitis is an infectious disease caused by pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci. It develops due to the formation of viral, atypical or bacterial microflora in the lungs. Chlamydiae are considered to be atypical pathogens of bronchitis, the life cycle of which takes place inside cells densely populated with bacteria. Sometimes, but less often, bronchitis occurs as a result of the development of a fungal infection in the body.

Often, different kinds of pathogens are present together, since viruses that get inside create a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply. The immune system is not susceptible to various infectious diseases, decreases its activity, inflammation begins to progress. People over 50, smokers, alcohol abusers, working in hazardous industries are most susceptible to the development of these infections: a weakened immune system simply ceases to fight them.

How can bronchitis be recognized?

Types of sputumThe main symptoms are cough, dry, moist sputum discharge, shortness of breath when lifting weights. Sputum with bronchitis often leaves green, which indicates precisely the bacterial origin of bronchitis. A viral atypical infection is characterized by a dry, irritating cough.

In acute bronchitis, cough is manifested by attacks, often headaches, high fever, chills, increased sweating. The patient gets tired quickly, efficiency decreases. Breathing becomes hard, absent-minded, with wheezing when listening, with an average and severe course of the disease, shortness of breath occurs, pain when coughing in the sternum. Acute bronchitis lasts up to 14 days, then, if untreated, turns into a chronic form, the symptoms can continue for quite a long time.

In the chronic form, sputum discharge is scarce, but shortness of breath after minor physical exertion is constant. Either there is remission, then in the offseason with hypothermia, the symptoms appear again. During periods of exacerbation, shortness of breath, cough, the amount of sputum secreted increases, and the temperature rises.

How bronchitis appears in children and during pregnancy

The problem of bronchitis in childrenThe symptoms are similar: cough, shortness of breath, body intoxication. If the child has shortness of breath, then you should immediately see a doctor, there is a suspicion of bronchial asthma. If obstructive bronchitis occurs several times a year, you should see an allergist to carry out the necessary diagnostics for allergies.

It is good to treat bronchitis in children with inhalation, drugs for expectoration and expansion of the bronchi. Inhalation is carried out with the addition of antibacterial drugs dioxidine, furacilin 0.5%, furacilin 0.02%. These funds are recommended for children, they have no side effects, quickly relieve spasms, facilitate breathing, and eliminate shortness of breath.

The symptoms are the same, but the treatment is different, many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy. Pregnant women should not take tetracycline, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, euphyllin. Vilprafen can be taken as directed by a doctor and in moderate doses, it is safer, quite antibacterial. It is better for pregnant women with bronchitis to do inhalations, they will not bring harm to the fetus.

How to treat bronchitis

Fluorography for bronchitisFirst, a sputum test is taken, the color of the smear is determined. Cellular elements are counted by cytology. If the disease has become protracted or chronic, sputum culture is additionally taken for analysis to determine the sensitivity to certain antibiotics.

External respiration by spirography is investigated in obstructive bronchitis. With shortness of breath, shortness of breath, bronchodilating drugs are prescribed (berodual, ventolin, salbutaml). With chronic bronchitis, it is possible to conduct bronchoscopy, concomitant diseases in the lungs.

With a relapse of bronchitis, an X-ray examination, fluorography, X-ray, CT is prescribed.

Treatment for bronchitis is prescribed only by a doctor. Since other, more serious diseases are often masked under bronchitis. Anti-infectious drugs, drugs based on penicillin, macrolides, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, vitamins to enhance immunity are prescribed. If bronchitis is not severe, then medications are used in the form of tablets, treatment at home is possible.

In case of a severe form of the disease, injections cannot be avoided; the methods can be combined as directed by the doctor. If bronchitis is caused by viruses, antiviral drugs (cyprofen, genferon, viferon) are prescribed. The course of admission is 10 days.

Theotard with bronchitisExpectorant drugs are also needed (ACC, bromhexine, mucaltin, ambroxol, lazolvan, fluimucil, fludite). Erespal is recommended for all patients, in particular for children under 1 year old. It relieves inflammation well and quickly, increases the secretion of sputum.

With shortness of breath, bronchodilator drugs (theotard, theopec, aminophylline) are irreplaceable. Sold in tablets and inhalation, aerosols: berotec, salbutamol, berodual.

How to deal with shortness of breath with pneumonia at home? With bronchitis, you need to drink more liquid, alkaline fruit drinks, hot milk, Borjomi. Proteins and vitamins should be included in the diet. Nebulizers can help make breathing easier. Inhalations are carried out for 5-10 days with the addition of Ringer's solution, mineral water. After such procedures, the sputum leaves faster, inflammation and shortness of breath are relieved.

It is important during this period to correct your lifestyle so that the infectious disease does not go further into the respiratory tract. If necessary, harmful production must be replaced with a cleaner place.

Smokers should also think about their health.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remediesHow to get rid of shortness of breath in folk ways:
  1. Herbal preparations. Collect a collection of plantain, coltsfoot, linden, oregano, licorice, thyme and prepare a decoction. Pour the mixture with 1 tablespoon of boiling water 0.5 liters, leave for 2-3 hours, take half a glass 3-4 times a day.
  2. Steam inhalation. You can breathe over hot boiled potatoes, but it is often not worth using the method: you can burn the mucous membrane and aggravate the already severe course of the disease.
  3. Goat milk, koumiss. It is good to drink 1 glass of drinks several times a day for a long time.
  4. Pass the onion with honey (1x1) through a meat grinder, take 1 tbsp. 2-3 times a day for up to 2 weeks. It is good to use if there are no stomach problems. To activate the immune system, you can use antioxidants, which contain only natural ingredients.

Outbreaks of bronchitis can be avoided if you follow the rules of personal hygiene, carry out timely vaccinations.

Constantly, especially in the off-season, you need to maintain, nourish your immunity. Avoid hypothermia, harden the body and breathing exercises. Be healthy!

Bronchitis in children: acute, obstructive bronchitis, symptoms, treatment

Bronchitis in children most often occurs as a complication against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, flu or severe colds, hypothermia. The provoking factors for the development of bronchitis are seasonal sudden changes in temperature, especially periods of rains with high humidity, so this disease usually occurs in autumn or spring.

According to the form, all bronchitis in children is divided into: Acute, Protracted and Recurrent.

For reasons of occurrence, it depends on the causative agent of inflammation and is divided into:

  • Viral - influenza, adenoviruses, parainfluenza
  • Bacterial - can be acute and obstructive (the causative agent is streptococcus, staphylococcus, moraxella, Haemophilus influenzae, as well as mycoplasma and chlamydia)
  • Allergic, obstructive, asthmatic - arises from irritating chemical or physical factors, such as household chemicals, house dust (read about dust allergy symptoms), animal hair, pollen etc.

Bronchitis in a child under one year old - symptoms and treatment

Babies who are breastfed and do not have contact with sick children and adults should not have any respiratory diseases. However, if the child was born prematurely, has congenital malformations of the respiratory organs and other diseases, as well as in the family there are children of preschool age who attend kindergartens and are often ill - the development of bronchitis in a child under one year old is possible on the following reasons:

  • narrower than that of an adult, bronchi, more dry and vulnerable mucous membrane of the respiratory tract
  • existing congenital malformations
  • after a viral or bacterial infection
  • the presence of individual sensitivity to chemical and physical irritants - an allergy to anything.
Acute bronchitis in children symptoms treatment

The most basic symptoms of developing bronchitis are a strong dry cough, paroxysmal, accompanied by difficulty breathing, shortness of breath. Gradually, the cough becomes wet, but mucus, sputum with bronchitis in a child up to a significant year makes breathing difficult, the normal functioning of the lungs is disrupted, since the airways in infancy narrow. Bronchitis in children under one year old and even up to 3-4 years old is most often of the following types:

  • Acute bronchitis simple
  • Obstructive bronchitis
  • Bronchiolitis

We will dwell on acute and obstructive bronchitis below. Now let's look at the most common in children under one year old bronchiolitis.

Bronchitis in children under one year old - bronchiolitis

This bronchitis affects both small bronchi and bronchioles, develops more often against the background of ARVI, influenza viruses, followed by the multiplication of pneumococci (etc. streptococci). In case of inhalation of icy air or sharp concentrations of various gases, bronchiolitis can develop as an independent disease. The danger of such bronchitis is a pronounced broncho-obstructive syndrome with the development of sometimes even acute respiratory failure:

  • Characterized by a dry cough with attacks, severe dyspnea of ​​mixed or expiratory form with wing-puffing syndromes nose, with the participation of auxiliary muscles, retraction of the intercostal spaces of the chest, pallor of the skin, cyanosis.
  • The child has dry mouth, there are no tears when crying.
  • The child eats and drinks less than usual, respectively, and his urination is less frequent.
  • An increase in body temperature, but unlike pneumonia, it is less pronounced (see. whether it is necessary to bring down the temperature).
  • Shortness of breath up to 60-80 breaths per minute, while grunting, shallow breathing.
  • On both sides, diffuse moist voiced fine-bubbling and crepitant rales are heard.
  • Symptoms of intoxication with bronchiolitis in children are not expressed.
  • On the x-ray, a sharp transparency of the lung tissue, the variegation of the pattern, the horizontal standing of the ribs, the absence of infiltrative changes in the lungs are determined.
  • If at first there was simple bronchitis, then the addition of bronchiolitis after a while manifests itself as a sharp deterioration in the general condition of the child, the cough becomes more painful and intense, with scant sputum.
  • Children are usually very restless, capricious, and excited.
  • The blood test may be slightly changed, a slight leukocytosis and an increase in ESR are possible.
  • Usually bronchiolitis in children under one year old has a long duration of up to 1-1.5 months.
  • The causes of acute bronchiolitis in children are akin to the causes of obstructive bronchitis in children older than 2-4 years of age. The local immune system of the respiratory tract in children under 2 years of age is weak, protection from viruses is insufficient, so they easily penetrate deep into the bronchioles and small bronchi.

Treatment of bronchiolitis in children

At home, bronchiolitis cannot be cured. When bronchiolitis occurs in an infant, hospitalization is usually indicated so that the child is under the supervision of doctors. In the hospital, pediatricians, pulmonologists will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. What should mom do before the ambulance arrives?

You can only alleviate the symptoms of a cold - create optimal comfortable air in the room, turn on a humidifier, an air purifier.

If the child does not have a high fever, you can ease breathing with the help of warming creams and ointments, spread them on the legs, caviar. Only with this you need to be careful, if the child did not have any allergic manifestations before, then it helps well, if the child is allergic, warming ointments should be excluded.

To make the cough softer, you can do steam inhalation - over a boiling pot with a weak saline solution, hold the baby in your arms. Or put him at the table and cover with a towel over a cup of hot healing solution.

Try to get the baby to drink more to avoid dehydration, if the baby refuses breast or formula, just give the baby clean water.

In the hospital, in order to remove signs of respiratory failure, the baby is inhaled with bronchodilators and allowed to breathe oxygen. Also, at the discretion of the doctor, an antibiotic is selected - Sumamed, Macropen, Augumentin, Amoxiclav. It is possible to use various drugs with interferon. Be sure to prescribe antihistamines to relieve swelling at the site of inflammation and a possible allergic reaction to treatment. If symptoms of dehydration are observed, then the necessary rehydration therapy is carried out.

Acute bronchitis in children - symptoms

Bronchitis in children is the most common type of respiratory tract disease. Acute bronchitis is an acute inflammation of the bronchial mucosa without symptoms of inflammation of the lung tissue. Simple bronchitis in children, 20% is an independent bacterial disease, 80% is either in the virus program (Coxsackie virus, adenovirus, influenza, parainfluenza) or in the form of a bacterial complication after these viral infections.

The clinical symptoms of bronchitis in children are as follows:

First, the child develops general weakness, malaise, headache, lack of appetite, then a dry cough or cough with sputum, the intensity of which is rapidly increasing; when listening, dry diffuse or varied wet wheezing. Sometimes there may be a barking cough in a child whose treatment is slightly different.

In the first 2 days, the temperature rises to 38 C, however, in a mild form, the temperature can be 37-37.2.

After 6-7 days, a dry cough turns into a wet one, the discharge of sputum relieves the child's condition and is a good sign that the body is coping with the infection and the virus.

On average, the duration of acute bronchitis in children is 7-21 days, but the nature of the disease, the severity of the inflammatory processes depend on the child's age, the strength of his immune system, the presence of concomitant chronic and systemic diseases. With inadequate or untimely treatment, acute bronchitis can lead to addition - bronchiolitis, pneumonia.

Sometimes after the flu, the child's condition improves for a while, and then a sharp deterioration, a rise in temperature, an increase in cough - this is due to a weakening of the immune system in the fight against the virus and the addition of a bacterial infection, in which case it is indicated antibiotic.

With mycoplasma or adenovirus acute bronchitis in children, symptoms of intoxication, such as high fever, headaches, chills, lack of appetite, can be about a week. Usually acute bronchitis is bilateral, however, with mycoplasma bronchitis, it is most often unilateral, sometimes combined with conjunctivitis.

Acute bronchitis in children - treatment

Most often, the duration of acute bronchitis in children, the treatment of which is correct and carried out on time, should not be more than 14 days, however, in infants, the cough can persist for up to a month, as well as in older children with atypical mycoplasma bronchitis. If suddenly bronchitis in a child is delayed, a number of diseases should be excluded:

  • food aspiration
  • pneumonia
  • cystic fibrosis
  • foreign body in the bronchi
  • tuberculosis infection

The pediatrician prescribes the full range of treatment. In addition to following all the doctor's recommendations, the child should be provided with special nutrition and quality care. It is advisable to create optimal humidity and cleanliness in the room, for this it is convenient to use a humidifier and air purifier, often ventilate the room and carry out daily wet cleaning in the room in which child. As well as:

  • Drinking plenty of fluids

Provide an abundant intake of fluids in a warm form. To soften a cough, warm milk with butter or Borjomi mineral water helps well, you can replace it with honey.

  • Heat

With fever, temperatures only above 38C, antipyretics should be taken - paracetamol in syrup.

  • Antibiotics

Antibiotics for bronchitis in children, if recommended by a doctor, should be given strictly by the hour. If you need to take antibacterial agents 3 times a day, this does not mean that you need to drink them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but this means that their intake should be 24/3 = 8, every 8 hours, if once a day, then give it only at the same time, for example, at 9 o'clock in the morning. 11 rules - how to take antibiotics correctly.

  • Cough medicine

With a dry cough, a child can be given antitussive medicines as prescribed by a doctor, and when he becomes wet, switch to expectorants. With a dry cough, drugs can be combined (Sinekod). If the cough is wet, then expectorants are shown - Mukaltin, Bromhexin, Gedelix, marshmallow syrup, Infusion of thermopsis herb or its dry extract, Bronchicum, Eucabal, Prospan, breast fees.

  • Inhalation

Inhalation for bronchitis in children, the symptoms of which are very pronounced, help well inhalation with the usual baking soda, which is called over a hot pot, inhalation of sodium bicarbonate with a nebulizer, inhaler.

  • For babies

For small children and babies who do not know how to clear their throat, doctors advise turning the child more often from one side to the other. In this case, the sputum moves downward, irritating the walls of the bronchi, this leads to a reflex cough.

  • Distraction

For older children, cans, mustard plasters, hot foot baths still help, and if the child has strong immunity, such procedures will help avoid taking antibiotics. You can soar a child's legs after 1 year, and also rub them with warming agents - turpentine ointments, Barsukor, Pulmax baby, etc., but only in the case when there is no high temperature, after rubbing, you should warm your feet and wrap up child. However, in the case of allergic bronchitis in a child, neither mustard plasters nor warming ointments can be used, since the composition of the ointments and mustard can worsen the child's condition.

  • Compresses

For bronchitis in children, warm oil compresses help treatment. Heat sunflower oil to 40C and moisten gauze folded several times with it. This compress should be applied only on the right side and back of the baby, put a plastic bag and a layer of cotton wool on top, bandage the baby around several times. Put on warm clothes, you need to do this procedure at night if the child does not have a temperature.

  • Folk remedies

The old folk way - radish juice with honey, cabbage juice, turnip juice - any of these juices should be given 1 teaspoon 4 times a day. You can also give lingonberry juice, mixing it with honey in a 3/1 ratio, a tablespoon 3 times a day.

  • Massage

In the first week, a chest massage helps well; older children would be good to do breathing exercises.

Physiotherapy for bronchitis

In children, these procedures are prescribed and carried out only at the discretion of the doctor, these are physiotherapy methods that contribute to the fastest recovery, since they have an anti-inflammatory effect, however, they should not be carried out more often 2 once a year:

  • Ultraviolet radiation of the chest
  • Mud, paraffin applications on the chest and between the shoulder blades
  • Inductometry on the same areas
  • Calcium electrophoresis
  • Sollux on the chest
  • Aeronization with a hydroionizer of the respiratory tract with solutions of chamomile, antibiotics.
Obstructive bronchitis in children symptoms treatment
Prevention of acute bronchitis in children:

A prolonged runny nose in a child should not be allowed, timely treatment of any colds and infectious diseases will be the best preventive measure against the penetration of infection into the lower respiratory paths.

Outdoor walks in the park, games in the country, physical exercises in nature, hardening, daily intake of natural vitamins in fruits and vegetables, not in tablets - the way to your health child.

Obstructive bronchitis in children - symptoms

In young children, usually up to 3-4 years of age, acute bronchitis can be accompanied by an obstructive syndrome - this is acute obstructive bronchitis. In children, the symptoms of such bronchitis begin most often after viral infections or allergic manifestations to an irritant.

The main symptoms of obstructive bronchitis are:

  • Hoarse, whistling breathing from afar
  • Cough in fits, before vomiting, debilitating
  • During inhalation, retraction of the intercostal spaces and swelling of the chest during breathing

With obstructive allergic bronchitis, children have no temperature, it begins due to an allergic reaction to the strongest irritant for the child, and parents can often remember that recently purchased something for a child - a down pillow or blanket made of camel or sheep wool, breathed paint at home from repairs or went to visit where there is cats.

With obstructive bronchitis in children, symptoms can begin on the 3-4th day of influenza or ARVI, and can also be caused by others bacteria, which is expressed in the appearance of expiratory dyspnea - an increase in breathing rate up to 60 per minute, difficulties are also noted when inhaling.

The child begins to wheeze, noisy breathing, especially an elongated wheezing exhalation, which is heard by persons who are next to the baby. The chest is as if swollen, that is, the ribs are horizontally located. The cough is dry, obsessive, in fits, comes on suddenly, does not bring relief and is worse at night.

If this disease does not develop after ARVI, then the temperature in the first days is not increased.
Headache, weakness and nausea are very rare.

When listening, there are dry wheezing rales in the lungs.

X-ray reveals increased transparency, increased pulmonary pattern, in the absence of infiltrative changes in the lungs.

A blood test as in a viral infection - lymphocytosis, leukopenia. accelerated ESR, if a child has allergic bronchitis, then eosinophilia.

Obstructive bronchitis is almost always associated with a virus or mycoplasma infection; relapses of obstructive bronchitis in children most often spontaneously stop by 4 years.
If bronchioles and small bronchi are affected, then this is already acute bronchiolitis.

Obstructive bronchitis in children differs from asthma attacks in that the obstruction develops slowly, and with asthma, the child suddenly begins to choke. Although the first attacks of bronchial asthma in children also begin during ARVI. If the obstruction occurs several times a year, this is a signal that the child is at risk of developing bronchial asthma in the future.

Obstructive bronchitis in a child can be due to passive smoking, it can be distinguished by a strong cough with a whistling in the morning, while the child's condition is quite satisfactory. Allergy obstruction occurs upon contact with an allergen and has recently become very common manifestation in children prone to allergies, such bronchitis are recurrent and threatened with development bronchial asthma.

Allergic and obstructive bronchitis in children - treatment


With obstructive bronchitis in children under one or two years of age, treatment should be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a pediatrician, in other cases at the discretion of the doctor and parents. Treatment is best done in a hospital if:

  • In addition to obstruction, the child has symptoms of intoxication - decreased appetite, high fever, nausea, general weakness.
  • Pronounced signs of respiratory failure. This is shortness of breath, when the respiratory rate increases by 10% of the age norm, it is better to count at night, and not during games or crying. In babies up to 6 months, the respiratory rate should not be more than 60 per minute, 6-12 months - 50 breaths, 1-5 years 40 breaths. Acrocyanosis is a sign of respiratory failure, manifested by cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, nails, that is, the body is deficient in oxygen.
  • It is not uncommon for obstructive bronchitis in children to mask pneumonia, so if the doctor suspects pneumonia, hospitalization cannot be refused.


Bronchiolytics dilate the bronchi, so they are designed to relieve obstruction. Today, on the pharmaceutical industry market, they are presented in various forms:

  • In the form of syrups (Salmeterol, Clenbuterol, Ascoril), which are convenient for young children, their disadvantage is the development of tremors and palpitations.
  • In the form of solutions for inhalation (see. Berodual for inhalation) is the most convenient way for young children, diluting medicinal saline solution, inhaled 2-3 times a day, after improvement it is possible to use only at night. The multiplicity and dosage, as well as the course of treatment, are determined only by the pediatrician.
  • Aerosol inhalers can only be used for older children (Berodual, Salbutamol).
  • Tableted forms of bronchodilators such as theophylline (Teopek, Euphyllin) are not indicated for the treatment of children with obstructive bronchitis, they have more pronounced side effects, more toxic than local inhalation forms.


Can be used to reduce bronchospasm. This is papaverine or Drotaverin, No-shpa. They can be taken using an inhaler, orally in the form of tablets, or intravenously in a hospital.

Cough remedies

To make the sputum go away better, various mucoregulatory drugs are used, they help to liquefy sputum and accelerate its excretion:

  • These are preparations with the active ingredient ambroxol (Lazolvan, Ambrobene). These funds should not be taken for more than 10 days, it is most convenient to use them in the form of inhalation, as well as carbocisteine ​​preparations (Fluditek, Bronchobos, Mukosol).
  • After the cough became moist, the attacks became less intense, the sputum liquefies, but it does not go well, ambroxol should be changed to expectorants for coughs for children, which should be given no more than 5-10 days, these include Gedelix, Bronchikum, Prospan, Bronhosan, Herbion (see. herbion for dry and wet cough), Tussin, Bronchipret, chest fees 1,2,3,4.
  • It is not recommended for children to take codeine-containing drugs if the child has a paroxysmal obsessive cough prescribed by a doctor, you can use Sinekod, Stopusin Fito, Libeksin (with caution in childhood), Bronchicum, Bronholitin.
  • Erespal - helps to relieve obstruction and reduce sputum production, and it also has anti-inflammatory activity, used from the first days of the disease, reduces the risk of complications, contraindicated in children under 2 years of age.

Draining massage

To facilitate the discharge of sputum, parents can do their own child massage of the collar zone, chest, back. A particularly strong massage should be done on the back muscles along the spine. Postural massage is useful for obstructive bronchitis in children - that is, tapping the back of the baby in the morning should hang the child upside down from the bed (put a pillow under the tummy) and tap with palms folded into a boat 10-15 minutes. For older children, during massage, ask the child to take a deep breath, and on the exhale, tap. Additional exercises such as inflating balloons and blowing out candles are also useful.


Antihistamines are prescribed for children with a disposition to allergic reactions. Allergy medications such as Erius in syrup can be taken by children from 1 year old, from half a year it is possible to use Claritin and Zyrtec, from 2 years old in syrups and drops Cetrin, Zodak, Parlazin (see. list of allergy medications). Such 1st generation antihistamines as Suprastin and Tavegil are used less often today, only for drying with abundant liquid sputum.

Allergy or virus

If the obstruction is caused by an allergy or a virus, antibiotics cannot be used, and even dangerous (see. antibiotics for colds and ARVI). Prescribing antibiotics is possible only with a proven infectious origin of bronchitis in children.

When antibiotics are indicated

Treatment of bronchial obstruction with antibiotics is not indicated, only if the child has a high fever for more than 4 days, or there was a second jump in temperature to 39C 4-5 days after the onset of the disease, accompanied by severe intoxication, severe cough, if with adequate treatment, the child suddenly becomes apathetic, lethargic, refuses to eat, he has weakness, nausea, headaches and even vomiting. In such cases, the use of antibiotics is warranted. They are prescribed only by a pediatrician based on the clinical picture, the presence of purulent sputum (indicating bacterial bronchitis), inflammatory changes in the blood test, as well as with other signs of bacterial bronchitis or pneumonia (wheezing, radiological signs).

Antiviral drugs

Most doctors recommend taking antiviral drugs for ARVI and influenza, for babies Genferon, Viferon candles, and also in the form of drops Gripferon, Interferon, take Orvirem syrups (remantadine), and after three years of age tablet forms such as Kagocel and Arbidol, Citovir 3. But it is worth remembering that if there are any autoimmune diseases in the family history (close relatives) (Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic red lupus, diffuse toxic goiter, vitiligo, multiple sclerosis, pernicious anemia, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, myasthenia gravis, uveitis, Addison's disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis, scleroderma), it is impossible to take immunostimulants (Kagocel, Tsitovir, Amiksin), this may cause the onset of an autoimmune disease in a child, perhaps not now and later (see. (see details on antiviral drugs for ARVI).

Hormone therapy

Hormonal drugs such as Pulmicort are indicated only for severe to moderate severity obstructive bronchitis (usually with a nebulizer), they quickly relieve obstruction and inflammation, their only a doctor prescribes.

What not to do

In case of obstructive bronchitis in children, treatment by rubbing and smearing the child's body with various warming ointments (Doctor Mom ointment, ointments with medicinal plants, essential oils), the use of mustard plasters is unacceptable, since they cause an even greater allergic reaction and bronchospasm, especially in babies under 3 years old. Also, it is absolutely impossible to carry out inhalations for bronchitis with various medicinal herbs and essential oils. It is only possible to use such folk remedies for warming up - heat compresses with potatoes, salt, buckwheat.


Physiotherapy procedures in the acute period are contraindicated when the obstruction is already arrested, it is possible to conduct UHF, electrophoresis or laser.

Hypoallergenic diet and plenty of fluids

Any natural drinks - mineral water with milk, tea, rosehip broth, should be drunk by the child as often as possible. The diet should be hypoallergenic, but at the same time as fortified as possible, complete in terms of protein and fat content. Exclude from the child's diet anything that can cause an allergic reaction:

  • citrus, red and orange fruits
  • purchased spices, sweets, milk curd cheeses, yoghurts, carbonated drinks, sausages and sausages - everything that contains dyes, flavors, preservatives and flavor enhancers
  • honey and other bee products
  • fish raised on fish farms, broiler chickens - as they are stuffed with hormones and antibiotics, which causes allergies.

When caring for a child, ventilate and humidify the room where the child is daily. It shouldn't be hot in the apartment, it is better to have cool, fresh, clean air. After recovery, the child should be registered with an allergist.

Shortness of breath in a child

shortness of breath in a child

Parents often complain about shortness of breath in children. Shortness of breath refers to rapid, labored breathing seen at rest.

Shortness of breath: causes of a child

Increased breathing is associated not only with increased physical activity, but also with diseases of the lungs, nervous and cardiac systems, allergies, respiratory viruses, gas exchange disorders, asthma. As you can see, shortness of breath can be a symptom of a serious illness. This is why it is important to know if your toddler is short of breath.

How to identify shortness of breath in a child?

This is pretty easy to do. It is possible to detect rapid breathing by counting the number of breaths the baby takes at rest, for example, during sleep. To do this, put your palm on the baby's chest and count the number of his breaths in 1 minute (use a stopwatch or watch). Please note that it is recommended to touch the child with a warm hand, otherwise he will be disturbed and breathing will be interrupted. There are norms for the number of respiratory movements for each age:

  • from birth to 6 months - 60 breaths per minute;
  • from 6 months to 1 year - 50 breaths per minute;
  • from 1 year to 5 years - 40 breaths per minute;
  • from 5 to 10 years old - 25 breaths per minute;
  • from 10 to 14 years old - 20 breaths per minute.

If the number of breathing movements in the child exceeds the norm, this is shortness of breath. Rapid breathing may be accompanied by additional symptoms. For example, a child's cough and shortness of breath indicate ARVI or bronchitis. In combination with blue discoloration of the limbs and the nasolabial triangle, shortness of breath in an infant may indicate a heart defect.

Shortness of breath in a child: treatment

Shortness of breath in infants and preschool children most often appears due to the immaturity of the respiratory system, loaded with respiratory diseases and asthma. To successfully treat shortness of breath, it is important to correctly diagnose the cause of its occurrence. Having got rid of the disease that caused the baby's breathing difficulties, shortness of breath will also pass. However, at the same time

shortness of breath in a child treatment important and improve the patient's condition. For example, bronchodilator drugs (bronchodilator) can cope with shortness of breath in a child with bronchitis. If sputum discharge is difficult, mucolytic agents (mucaltin) are prescribed. Difficulty breathing caused by asthma is eliminated with aminophylline, bronchodilators (albuterol), solutane inhalation.

In the event of excessive shortness of breath in a child, an ambulance should be called. To improve the condition, before the appearance of a medical worker, you need to calm the baby, release his chest and stomach, open a window in the room.

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