Diet with exacerbation of gastroduodenitis

  • Basics of the diet
  • Nutrition according to the form
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Gastroduodenitis is a disease in which the stomach and duodenum are simultaneously involved in the inflammatory process. Lead to the development of the disease can external and internal factors, including: hormonal disorders, reduced mucus formation, increased acidity, eating too hot or cold food, Helicobacter pylori infection, stressful situations.

The main symptom of gastroduodenitis is pain syndrome. Unpleasant sensations appear in the morning on an empty stomach, and disappear after eating. Often a painful outbreak appears at night five hours after eating. Also, patients often complain of heartburn, eructation, raspiranie and heaviness in the stomach, nausea, bloating, bitterness in the mouth.

The main method of treatment of an illness is drug therapy in combination with diet therapy. With errors in nutrition, the superficial inflammation can easily transform into a chronic form, which is no longer so easy to get rid of. In this article, we will talk in more detail about nutrition in gastroduodenitis.

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Basics of the

diet Before proceeding to the selection of permitted and prohibited products, it is necessary to understand the basic principles of dietary nutrition:

  • thoroughly chewing solid foods. This will improve digestion and reduce irritation to the mucous membrane of the digestive organs;
  • rejection of cold and hot dishes. Warm food is quickly digested and absorbed;
  • six-time power;
  • reduced portion volume. Do not overeat, the amount of food should be placed in your palm. It is better to eat a little, but often;
  • products can be boiled, stewed, baked, and also steamed;
  • food is crushed or grinded as much as possible.

Do not overeat, the feeling of satiety comes only after fifteen minutes.

The diet with gastroduodenitis should consist mainly of such dishes:

  • light meat, fish or vegetable broth;
  • steam cutlets and meatballs;
  • steam omelet;
  • low-fat dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese;
  • crushed porridge;
  • crackers, biscuits uneaten, yesterday's bread;
  • freshly squeezed juices diluted with water;
  • boiled vegetables and fruits in grated form;
  • jam, jelly, marmalade;
  • not strong tea, cocoa, herbal tea, coffee with milk.

Consider the menu option for the day:

  • breakfast. Crushed rice porridge with a steam omelette. Coffee with milk and biscuits;
  • lunch. Kefir and baked apples;
  • lunch. Vegetable soup puree, fish meatballs, boiled vegetables and herbal tea;
  • afternoon snack. Cottage cheese and croutons;
  • dinner. Buckwheat porridge with boiled chicken breast. Cocoa;
  • before going to bed you can eat lean milk.

With gastroduodenitis, dry biscuits and biscuits are allowed.

. Food depending on the form.

. With diseases of the digestive tract, a treatment table №5 is prescribed. Nevertheless, with each form of gastroduodenitis, dietary recommendations may differ somewhat.


Symptoms of the disease appear immediately after awakening. Patients complain of hungry pain. Against the background of dyspeptic disorders, dizziness, headaches, and psychoemotional disorders appear. Even with the slightest disturbance of nutrition, an increase in the secretion of hydrochloric acid and a new wave of exacerbation can be caused.

Patients are recommended six meals a day with the same intervals between meals. The allowed products include stale bread, crackers, dry biscuits, lean fish and meat, olive and sunflower oil, mashed soups with vegetables or milk with the addition of cereals, eggs, kissel, rose hips.

Some vegetables still have to be abandoned. Patients are forbidden spinach, radish, turnips, rutabaga, cucumbers, cabbage. Also, patients can not use other products:

  • sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • strong broth;
  • fizzy drinks, alcohol;
  • onion and garlic;
  • pickles and smoked products;
  • ice cream and chocolate;
  • fresh pastries.

Onion and garlic with gastroduodenitis with high acidity can not be consumed


Normally, hydrochloric acid detoxifies bacterial infection, this level is violated when the acidity level decreases. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply and intensify the inflammatory reaction in the stomach.

When hypoacid gastroduodenitis, the food is not fully digested, which causes a burp with putrefactive odor or smell of a rotten egg. After eating, there is a heaviness and a feeling of raspiraniya in the stomach. The pathological process is fraught with avitaminosis and the development of anemia.

Patients are recommended to take such products in the diet:

  • vegetable and butter;
  • bird and fish;
  • sweet fruit and berries;
  • vegetable or light meat broth;
  • vegetables, greens;
  • jammed, compotes, jelly.

The list of prohibited foods is identical to the list of dishes with hyperacid gastroduodenitis, only a few more restrictions can be added:

  • currant and raspberry;
  • grape juice;
  • sweet pepper;
  • beans;
  • confectionery.

With gatrozduodenit with low acidity, berry with coarse grains are prohibited.


This type of gastroduodenitis causes ulcers and erosion on the surface of the mucous membrane. There is a malaise in the form of pain in the epigastric region, nausea, heartburn, belching, lack of appetite, weakness, headaches. The danger of erosive gastroduodenitis is that it can be transformed into a chronic form and even a peptic ulcer.

Diet is an essential component of the healing process. During the acute phase, the following products are prohibited:

What to eat when the stomach hurts?
  • fresh bread and pastries;
  • rich mushroom, fish and meat broth;
  • soup, borsch;
  • marinades, pickles, smoked products;
  • smoked meat, pickles, canned food, marinades;
  • fast food, soda;
  • confectionery;
  • barley, pearl barley, corn and millet croquet;
  • sour-milk drinks;
  • fresh fruits, vegetables and berries.

The diet for erosive gastroduodenitis does not consist only of restrictions. Instead of fresh bread, it is better to give preference to yesterday's baking from wheat flour or crackers from it. It is better to cook soup with rice, buckwheat, oatmeal or semolina.

Prepare a steam omelette on milk and protein

Also allowed to eat bananas in grated form. For a change, you can prepare oatmeal, berry or fruit jelly. In ready meals add a small amount of vegetable or butter.


Acute process manifests itself in the form of loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. The pain occurs suddenly, at first it is localized in the upper part of the abdomen, and then moves to the stomach and left hypochondrium. In some cases, the patient will need to be hospitalized. For the removal of the inflammatory reaction, gentle dishes are allowed. For this purpose, patients are allowed mucous porridges of mango or oatmeal.

If you use rice or buckwheat, grind them after cooking. Low-fat meat is allowed only in a crushed form. As a drink, use natural water, jelly, broth of rose hips. For breakfast, prepare a protein omelet or vegetable casserole. At the slightest suspicion of exacerbation of gastroduodenitis, it is necessary to exclude from the menu raw fruits, alcoholic drinks, pastries, spices, sauces.

The diet for gastroduodenitis in the exacerbation stage should include mucous porridges. It is better to give preference to oatmeal, rice, buckwheat.


The chronic form has more extensive clinical symptoms. After eating, there are aching paroxysmal pains in the abdomen and a feeling of overflow. Patients complain of heartburn, nausea, eructations, urge for vomiting, dizziness, weakness. Treatment is conducted against a background of mandatory correction of nutrition. With a prolonged course of the disease, the treatment table №5 is shown. Follow the diet will have throughout life!

The drinking regime plays a special role. Every hour you should drink about one glass of natural water. The menu should include vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat, fish, poultry. It will be necessary to refuse pearl and millet cereals, raw vegetables, spices, smoked products, sauces and mushrooms.


The lesion of the mucous layer of the stomach and duodenum is characterized. It is a common form of a disease that is characterized by minimal inflammatory criteria. During an endoscopic examination, a specialist can detect flushing, swelling and thickening of the mucous folds.

To lead to the development of superficial inflammation can inaccuracies in nutrition, bad habits, frequent stressful situations, allergies, long-term use of medications and other. Patients are concerned about abdominal pains that are associated with eating. Due to the violation of the motor function of the digestive tract, nausea, vomiting, belching, heartburn occurs.

Non-drug therapy plays an important role in the treatment. This diet, compliance with the protective regime and the normalization of the way of life. To relieve the symptoms should be eaten five times a day in small portions. The ration needs to be enriched with cottage cheese, milk, paired and boiled vegetables. Berries and fruit in the form of mashed potatoes are also appropriate. From drinking shows jelly and alkaline water.

With superficial inflammation allowed to drink jelly


This is a chronic process that is a harbinger of oncology. As the disease progresses, the glands that produce gastric juice wear out and stop working. Due to the fact that the mucous membrane is not protected by gastric juice, the cells are vulnerable to the development of cancer processes.

Symptoms of atrophic gastroduodenitis are poorly expressed. The periods of remission are replaced by relapses, after which imaginary well-being arises. Above the navel appears aching and drawing pain. The patients say that it seems to them that the stomach has stopped its work and swelled. Between the intervals of food there are hungry pains.

At an atrophic process, the acidity level decreases. This means that in the diet should be introduced products that increase the production of hydrochloric acid and at the same time do not irritate the mucous membrane. Patients should abandon fatty, fried and spicy food.

Preference should be given to such products:

  • boiled or stew and fish;
  • sour-milk products;
  • vegetable soups;
  • mucous porridges on water;
  • solid cheese;
  • compote of dried fruits or berries;
  • vegetable puree;
  • baked in the oven apples.

From milk at the atrophic form it is necessary to refuse


Hypertrophic gastroduodenitis is considered the most dangerous form, as it leads to the formation of deep coarse deformations of the mucous membrane. In fact, it is a benign tumor. In some cases, the pathological process affects not only the mucous membrane, but also the muscle layer. Cysts, adenomas and folds appear on the walls of the stomach and duodenum.

During an exacerbation there is discomfort in the upper abdomen, heartburn, belching and hungry pains. It is very important to know what not to eat when hypertrophic lesions:

  • mushrooms, smoked meat, marinades, pickles, rich broths;
  • chocolate, ice cream, coffee, kvass, soda, alcohol;
  • radish, turnip, spinach, onion, garlic, cabbage;
  • horseradish, mustard, grape juice.
It is better to give preference to soft food. The basis of the diet should be viscous porridge and enveloping dishes.

So, with an exacerbation of gastroduodenitis, it is important to observe dietary nutrition. Simple recommendations will help to stop the inflammatory reaction. Try to eat at the same time. Do not overeat, it is better to eat a little, but often.

Food should not be hot or cold. When exacerbation of the disease, the dishes should be eaten in a frayed form. Products should be steamed, stewed, baked, boiled, but not fried. Compliance with medical recommendations for a diet, as well as the use of medicines will help accelerate the transition of the disease to the stage of remission.