Why does the heel hurt? causes and treatment


  • 1Why does the heel hurt? Causes and treatment of pain in the heels
    • 1.1Why do the heels of the legs hurt? Causes of pain in the heels of the feet
    • 1.2What causes pain from the heel to the hip, the reasons for its appearance?
    • 1.3Where does the burning pain in the heel? Causes and Treatment
    • 1.4Why does it hurt in the heel at night?
    • 1.5How to understand why the heels hurt: tips and feedback
  • 2Pain in the heel: causes and treatment. Pain in the heels of walking
    • 2.1How to identify the reasons?
    • 2.2Why does it hurt in the heels? Causes
    • 2.3Injuries
    • 2.4Wrong shoes
    • 2.5Problems with the musculoskeletal system
    • 2.6Arthritis
    • 2.7Heel spur
    • 2.8Plantar fasciitis
    • 2.9Other reasons
    • 2.10Who to contact?
    • 2.11Prevention of diseases
    • 2.12Patient examination for pain in the heel
    • 2.13Folk remedies
  • 3Treating folk remedies with pain in the heel, when it hurts to attack
    • 3.1The causes of pain and their symptoms
    • 3.2To what doctors to address?
    • 3.3Treatment
    • 3.4First aid for pain
    • 3.5Folk recipes
    • 3.6External application
    • 3.7Internal application
    • 3.8Prevention
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Why do the heels of the legs ache and how to heal?
    • 4.1Non-pathological causes of pain
    • 4.2Traumatic injury
    • 4.3Infectious Diseases
    • 4.4Inflammatory diseases
    • 4.5Neurological problems
    • 4.6Psychosomatics
    • 4.7Diagnostic Methods
    • 4.8First aid for severe pain
    • 4.9Physiotherapy
    • 4.10Folk remedies
    • 4.11Preventive actions

Why does the heel hurt? Causes and treatment of pain in the heels

The pain that occurs in the heel can have several causes. In any case, it gives a lot of inconveniences and unpleasant feelings to a person.

Why do the heels of the legs hurt? Causes of pain in the heels of the feet

Surely everyone had to feel pain in the heel at least once in a lifetime. There are many reasons why pain can come back again and again: from usual fatigue to joint disease

Pain in the heel is a fairly common symptom that occurs in almost every third resident of Russia

Ignore this pain is not worth it, since the heel is an important part of the body. It performs an indispensable shock absorber function. For a whole day, it can withstand enormous loads, softening the pressure of only a layer of adipose tissue

The heel is the widest bone in the entire foot. This is the place of passage of all nerve channels that spread all over the foot. And that's why she's so sensitive. It can affect both injuries and diseases

heel is an important part of the human body

Possible causes of pain in the heel:

Heel spur- a terrible disease of elderly people and people who are overweight. The fact is that the spur can not be cured, you can only slightly relieve the unpleasant sensations.

Saline deposits are formed on the heel in the form of a built-up edge, the sharp end fits when walking in the tissue and creates an unpleasant stitching pain. The most severe pain is that which occurs after sleeping, when a person tries to get on the rested legs.

When walking, pain can be reduced due to loss of sensitivity and addiction.

Arthritis- Inflammation of tissues.

In this case it is a fabric that connects the heel with the fingers.

This pain is characterized by a gradual increase and its strongest manifestations in the morning, after sleep, when the leg was long in a calm state.

schematic image of foot arthritis

Fascia- foot disease, when dense formation is formed in the foot tissues, which impedes movement and creates painful sensations. Inflammation of tissues can be facilitated by the deposition of salts on the calcaneus bone, and to increase the painful sensation of permanent arrivals on the legs.

fascia of foot

  • Gout- joint damage due to excessive deposition of uric acid salts
  • Injuries to tendons- Give in the heel, especially with long walking or heavy loads
  • Reactive arthritis- consequences of infectious diseases of the body
  • Overexertion of the foot and a long stay on the legs
  • Thinning of subcutaneous fat
  • A sharp increase in the weight of a person

Whatever the pain in the heel, it requires treatment.

Do not assume that this is just an occupational disease to which athletes or professional runners are predisposed.

Modern living conditions, uncomfortable shoes, long stay on legs and problems with excess weight become the causes of pain.

Problems and diseases of the calcaneus can be practiced by several doctors:

  1. therapist
  2. physiotherapist
  3. traumatologist
  4. rheumatologist
  5. orthopedist
  6. surgeon
  7. neurologist
  8. rheumatologist

The specialization of a doctor depends on the nature of your pain. First of all, you should contact the treating therapist with complaints and he will refer you to the necessary specialist.

Traumatologist - orthopedist

To get rid of pain in the heel, the patient needs to undergo physiotherapy and medical treatment. Elimination of such pain can not be immediate and does not take a whole year.

Surgical intervention is recommended only in some cases, in the main patient it is necessary to undergo a course of physiotherapy, nyxes, bandaging, struggle with excess weight. During the period of treatment it is forbidden to wear tight shoes and shoes with heels.

As a rule, the treatment of heel pain is a complex exercise involving many procedures. It takes about a year, it is this term that makes you feel the changes in sensations.

Only in 1% of all cases, doctors recommend surgery for the patient. Often, to get rid of all the negative factors that contribute to the development of the disease, you should completely change your lifestyle.

heel spur treatment

Get rid of the pain in the heel will help:

  • Physiotherapy: a variety of exercises and stretch marks are aimed at warming up the leg muscles and the fascia of the foot. Such exercise should be done for both feet, even if only one hurts. It helps relieve pain and increase flexibility
  • Painkillers:some medications can eliminate pain and inflammation in the joints. In some cases, cool compresses to the heels
  • Orthopedic insoles:a similar thing is able to ease the load on the heel when walking, you can buy it at a specialized store or pharmacy
  • Bandaging:orthopedists recommend bandaging the foot with an elastic band to reduce the load on the fascia of the foot
  • Corticosteroids:in some cases, experts appoint injections that have strong anti-inflammatory effects. Such injections are not shown to everyone, since they have many contraindications
  • Surgical intervention:a very complicated operation for excising the fascia can be carried out in the event that not one of the therapeutic methods yielded results
  • Shock Wave Therapy:a new procedure that has not yet proved its 100% effectiveness. With the help of a special device, sound pulses are sent to the heel

First of all, with your problem, you need to contact a specialist doctor, only he can to appoint really effective treatment: both physiotherapy and external pain relievers means - ointments.

Ointments are able to have an anti-inflammatory effect and not a strong analgesic effect. Most often, doctors appoint:

  1. diclofenac ointment
  2. ointment ibuprofen
  3. valtarene gel
  4. piroxicam gel
  5. ointment Dimexide
  6. ketorol gel
  7. indomethocyin ointment
  8. Butadione Ointment

Use ointment course for at least two weeks. All this time, it is necessary to apply a thick layer of the drug on a sore spot and rub until completely absorbed.

To heel the heels need often: at least three times a day. After the procedure, it is recommended to put a toe on the leg and ensure peace to the feet.

Each ointment has the effect of:

  • softening of the skin
  • pain relief
  • improve circulation
  • removal of inflammation
  • elimination of discomfort during movement

What causes pain from the heel to the hip, the reasons for its appearance?

Causes of pain that affect the area from the heel to the hip can be:

  1. excessive loads
  2. injuries sustained
  3. inflammation of the joints
  4. pathology of the vascular system
  5. varicose veins
  6. muscle and tendon ruptures
  7. pinching of nerves
  8. arthritis and arthrosis
  9. gout
  10. malignant tumors

pain starting in the heel can give to the thigh

The pain syndrome is completely diverse and its causes depend only on its location.

Most often, the causes of pain from the heel to the thigh are pinched nerves or inflammatory diseases of the joints.

The cause of unpleasant sensations should be sought in the place where the concentration of pain is the strongest.

The development of the disease affects such factors as:

  • infectious diseases
  • trauma of the leg and support apparatus
  • impaired metabolism
  • Cancer

A sharp pain in the heel, which has arisen from nowhere, can arise for several reasons:

  1. overstrain of foot
  2. damage to heel adipose tissue
  3. long standing
  4. obesity
  5. injury
  6. inflammatory diseases

If you do not have any health problems, the cause of the pain should be looked for in an overly active image life, bumps and leg injuries in recent times and a sharp set of weight when the legs are not used to a lot of weight body.

often pain in the heels arises from problems with excess weight

It is difficult to say at once about the cause of the pulling pain in the heel. In order to fully understand the cause of the disease, you need to examine each symptom in detail. Drawing pain can appear as a result of injuries, and because of the disturbed metabolism in the body.

The most common reasons for the appearance of pulling pain in the heel are:

  • inflammation of the fascia
  • tendonitis of Achilles tendon - stretching due to excessive load
  • heel spur
  • bursitis - inflammation of the articular bags
  • stress fracture
  • syndrome "tarsal fractures" - pinched nerves

metatarsal bone

Where does the burning pain in the heel? Causes and Treatment

Such a symptom, as a burning sensation, can occur in the heel for reasons:

  1. skin diseases
  2. flat feet
  3. metabolic disorders
  4. diabetes mellitus
  5. diseases of joints
  6. vegetative-vascular dystonia
  7. uncomfortable shoes and wrong walking

If you do not have any diseases, then in cases of burning heels, contrasting foot baths will help: a basin with hot and cold water. After the procedure, you should moisten your feet with cream, put on your socks and raise your head for a while.

Why does it hurt in the heel at night?

Heel pain during the night is not normal. The causes of such sensations can be serious inflammatory and traumatic diseases. Such pain is not removed by external means and requires the hospitalization of a person.

To hurt in the mornings and even at night the heels may be due to disabilities of the musculoskeletal system.

Therefore, in such cases without an X-ray, a blood test and a detailed examination of the doctor is indispensable.

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If for a long time you can not get rid of the pain with medical preparations and folk remedies - make an appointment with the therapist.

How to understand why the heels hurt: tips and feedback

Heel pain gives not only pain, but also a violation of the usual life. Often a person is difficult to move, can not wear his favorite shoes, is forced to rely on improvised surfaces.

How to get rid of heel pain that occurs in the morning:

  • try to eliminate the pain of cold - try to massage the heel with ice wrapped in a towel for 15 minutes, then lower your legs into a warm bath
  • use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: ointments and gels
  • get a heel insert in pharmacies and insert it into everyday shoes, its property: evenly distribute weight throughout the foot

heel pain can be eliminated by hand

If you have the opportunity, buy yourself a special orthopedic shoes, which allows you to ease the pain when walking. If you have any kind of pain, you should give up playing sports, jumping and walking for long distances.

A source: http://HeaClub.ru/pochemu-bolit-pyatka-prichiny-i-lechenie-bolej-v-pyatkah

Pain in the heel: causes and treatment. Pain in the heels of walking

The pain in the heels, the causes and treatment of which we will consider below, can be of a different nature and evidence of various diseases. Today we will tell you why such unpleasant sensations arise in certain people, and also how to get rid of them.

How to identify the reasons?

"Heel pain in the morning - with such a complaint, patients often turn to their doctors.

It should be noted that in the absence of a proper medical examination, it is rather difficult to name the true cause of this deviation.

In fact unpleasant sensations in legs or foots can cause absolutely different illnesses, and also banal weariness after a long walk.

So how do you know why a person regularly feels severe pain in the heel? Causes and treatment of this deviation should be determined and prescribed only by a doctor. First, you should consult a therapist who can then refer the patient to a more specialized specialist.

Why does it hurt in the heels? Causes

Treatment of such a deviation should be made only by an experienced doctor. But before proceeding to treat the existing disease, it should be identified. As a rule, to make an accurate diagnosis, an x-ray of a diseased limb is made, and standard tests are also taken.

If in the near future you can not visit the polyclinic, we will help you understand why you are concerned about the pain in the heels. The causes and methods of treatment of this ailment will also be presented in the materials of this article.


If you are actively engaged in sports or, for example, just running around in the morning, it can easily provoke getting any kind of injury.

So, pain in the heel is often caused by stretching the ligaments of the joint (ankle).

Thus the person can complain of very strong unpleasant sensations which are difficult for transferring without anaesthetising medicines.

It should be noted that such pain usually manifests itself in different ways:

  • stitching;
  • burning;
  • with lumbago.

From the fact, in which part of the leg the injury has occurred, the dislocation of pain also depends. For example, discomfort can arise from behind, from the side and so on.

Wrong shoes

Why else can there be pain in the heel while walking? Causes (treatment of such a deviation should be made only after a visit to the doctor) such feelings are often hidden in the selection of the wrong shoes. This is especially true of the fairer sex. After all, the most dangerous enemy of the female foot is a very high heel.

Thus, wearing such shoes leads to an overload of the lower limbs, which can easily contribute to the emergence of intense "shooting" pain in the heel area.

Problems with the musculoskeletal system

For sure, every person was ever bothered with pain in the heels. Causes and treatment of these abnormalities can be detected and conducted independently at home. But this is only if the unpleasant sensations do not arise due to a serious illness.

So, what diseases can cause pain in the heel? Causes of pain, diagnosis and treatment of the disease are presented below.


Pain in the heel with arthritis is a very common phenomenon.

After all, with such a deviation, the inflammatory process spreads along the foot to the tissues that connect the phalanges with the heel bone.

Usually, with arthritis, discomfort gradually builds up. The maximum pain occurs in the morning.

To get rid of this pathology, you should consult a doctor who will conduct the examination and prescribe the treatment. If you need to remove the pain quickly, we recommend a foot massage. Although after physical exertion, she can return.

Heel spur

Spur very often causes severe pain in the heels. Causes and treatment of this ailment should be determined and performed only by a doctor and only after receiving an X-ray.

As a rule, the spur is formed due to accumulation of salts under the skin.

As they grow, they can cause very strong pain in the foot, or rather in the heel.

Especially it is felt during walking, when a hard build-up presses on soft tissues. As in the case of arthritis, pain is felt most of all in the morning.

Plantar fasciitis

This deviation is a compacted formation that extends along the entire length of the foot.

If a person wears too tight and uncomfortable shoes, the fasciitis can very quickly become inflamed. Namely, such a state is fraught with gradual deposition of salts.

Over time, plantar fasciitis can easily lead to the appearance of a pathology such as heel spurs.

Other reasons

What else can cause pain in the heel? "The heel hurts" (the reasons, symptoms and treatment are discussed in this article) is a very common complaint not only for women but also for men.

Such a pathological condition may indicate the inflammation of the Achilles tendon, as well as the presence of reactive arthritis.

In addition, unpleasant sensations in the heels are also noted in some infectious processes.

For example, with chlamydia or other venereal diseases, the infection can easily contribute to the development of inflammation in the calcaneal tendon. Ultimately, this will lead to severe pain, especially at night.

Who to contact?

It is impossible to feel confident when you are concerned about the pain in the heel when walking. The causes and treatment of this disease we described above. However, the process of therapy wants to give a little more attention.

As is known, pain in the heel is only a symptom of some deviation in the human body. That is why the choice of the method of its treatment depends on the specific cause.

To identify it, you should visit a therapist, traumatologist or orthopedist. The patient may also need consultations with such physicians as a surgeon, a neurologist and an oncologist.

After going to the doctor, the latter should conduct a full medical examination, and then diagnose and prescribe the treatment.

Prevention of diseases

To discomfort in your heels do not bother you, it is recommended to regularly take preventive measures that will prevent their appearance.

Thus, regardless of why a person has feet aches, the following recommendations should be observed:

  1. Struggle (and reinforced) with excessive body weight. After all, excess weight significantly increases the load on the muscular tissues of the foot.
  2. Acquisition and wearing of special orthopedic insoles. Especially it concerns those people who have a flat foot.
  3. Wearing comfortable and free shoes with a heel is not more than 5 centimeters. By the way, shoes without a heel to wear are also not recommended.
  4. Daily therapeutic exercises for the lower limbs.

Patient examination for pain in the heel

If compliance with the above recommendations did not help you, and very soon you began to feel pain in your feet, and heels in particular, then we recommend to immediately go to the hospital.

When examining such patients, their complaints are very important. In addition to pain in the heels, a person may be bothered by similar feelings in the joints. And their localization can be completely different.

It should also be noted that, along with the described pain in the feet, the patient can complain about the impossibility of full-fledged movements in the back. When examining the patient, doctors often observe swelling and even redness of the heels.

After interviewing the patient, doctors must pay special attention to the history of his illness.

This is the only way they will find out whether a person had had a previous trauma to the foot, whether he had a chlamydial infection, whether he complained about morning stiffness and so on.

These and other data together will necessarily guide the doctor to identify the true cause of unpleasant sensations in the heel.

If the study of the medical history, as well as the examination and the survey did not contribute to the establishment of the correct diagnosis, then a laboratory and instrumental examination is required. As a rule, it includes the following:

  • A blood test is common (leukocytosis, anemia, Bechterew's disease or an increase in ESR with a deviation, such as rheumatoid arthritis) is possible.
  • A blood test is biochemical (for example, an increase in uric acid in developing gout).
  • Microbiological study. It can include such tests as scraping from the urethra for the detection of chlamydia. This study is prescribed if there is a suspicion of the development of reactive arthritis.
  • X-ray examination. This is one of the most popular methods of examination for pain in the heels. As a rule, all the specific changes that are characteristic of a particular pathology are clearly visible in the picture.
  • Research on onco-markers. Such an analysis is prescribed if there is a suspicion of a malignant neoplasm.
  • Serological analysis (with rheumatoid arthritis).
  • Puncture biopsy of bones. This study is conducted with suspicion of osteomyelitis or bone tuberculosis. Material for sowing is taken by aspiration of pus from soft tissues or bones, or biopsies of the bone itself.

As for further actions, they depend on the patient's age and clinical manifestations. If pain in the calcaneal region disturbs a person for a long time, then the medical examination should be more thorough.

Folk remedies

To quickly get rid of pain in the heels, you can attach a piece of ice to your nasal place or hold a foot in cold water for 20 minutes. In the future, it must be rubbed with any anti-inflammatory cream, put on a sock and lie in peace for about two hours.

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A source: http://.ru/article/169451/boli-v-pyatkah-prichinyi-i-lechenie-bol-v-pyatkah-pri-hodbe

Treating folk remedies with pain in the heel, when it hurts to attack

Pain in the heel -an unpleasant symptom accompanying injuries, excessive stress on this part of the foot.

Causes of discomfort and pain can occur when bone tissue proliferates, the patient excess weight, adipose tissue on the heels becomes thinner, and it is increasingly damping shock when walking, running.

Heel can hurt with strong tension of the calcaneus, when the patient walks in shoes with high heels or stands for a long time.

Do not exclude pain in inflammation in the joint tissue and muscles, with infectious diseases and other pathologies.

The causes of pain and their symptoms

Plantar fasciitis

Pain in this diseasebegin in the morning, after the person got out of bed. With the attack on the heel, the pain is poured all over the foot, you practically have to walk on tiptoe to get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Then uncomfortable symptoms go away, but if the patient lays or sits for a long time, then again they come back abruptly.

Causes in inflammation of the connective tissue of the sole (fascia). Prerequisites:

  1. Constant wearing of shoes with low heels
  2. Great motor activity
  3. Long standing on the legs
  4. Excess weight
  5. Flat feet (when lowering the arch of the foot, the sole experiences tension, it is injured and it hurts).
  6. The process can become chronic, often accompanied by the deposition of salts, leads to the formation of a calcaneal spur.

Systemic pathologies

  • Bechterew's disease. It is characterized by an inflammatory process in the parts of the spine, articular tissue, begins because of malfunctions in the immune system and its hostility to ligaments and joints. As the disease develops, the vertebrae coalesce, the spine ceases to bend. Pain manifests itself at the very beginning of the disease.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. It affects the joints of the patient, starts when moving, increases at night. Sometimes pain does not sleep at night.
  • Gout is a pathology that occurs when the metabolic process is disturbed. In soft tissues, salts of uric acid accumulate. The pain that gives to the joints begins, often the strongest symptoms begin in the soles of the feet and toes, and the pain feels in the heel. Skin covers turn red, the local skin temperature rises.


  1. Fracture of the heel. The pain is localized at the site of injury, the heel bone deforms. The patient complains of swelling, the appearance of hematomas. The pains are so strong that it is impossible to stand on their feet.
  2. A bruised bone. It is characterized by inflammation of nearby tissues. A burning pain appears on the heel, it becomes painful to get a leg up.
  3. Injury of the tendon. When flexing the foot, the pain intensifies. The cause may be sprain.
  4. Heel epiphysitis. The cause is in microfractures of connective tissue near the heel. There is discomfort when walking or touching the foot.

Inflammatory processes

  • Bursitis. It begins after mechanical impact, leg injuries. The heel swells, it hurts, the skin turns red. When palpation pain is felt. If the inflammation passes into a chronic stage, the skin of the heel coarsens and becomes thicker.
  • Tendonitis. The prerequisite is a large load on the muscles of the calves. There is a local fever, swelling and swelling of the heel.

Infectious Diseases

  1. Tuberculosis of bone tissue. Manifestations of the disease begin with necrosis of the skin or bones. Infection quickly spreads to large areas of tissue; fistulas filled with pus are formed. Consequences of the disease: deformation of the affected leg and lameness.
  2. Arthritis. Prerequisites: infections of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary sphere, which occur secretly. Painful sensations begin when walking, intensify at night.
  3. Osteomyelitis. This inflammation, caused by bacteria, forms in the bone tissue and covers nearby soft tissues. The pain is bursting, sharp, it becomes stronger when moving. The skin of the heel turns red and swells.

To what doctors to address?

With pain in the heel can help:

  • Podolog (doctor specializing in the pathology of the lower leg and foot). He performs the functions of a neurosurgeon, orthopedist, vascular surgeon, and so on.
  • Surgeon
  • Traumatologist
  • Orthopedist


When there is pain in the heel, then depending on the cause of the pathologyyou can designate a course of massage, apply compresses, drink nutritional supplements to restore bone tissue.

An effective tool will be folk recipes made from natural products, honey, medicinal herbs.

First aid for pain

  1. To eliminate acute pain, tincture of the sabelnik on alcohol is used. The liquid can be purchased at the pharmacy and made by yourself. The resulting mixture is diluted with water (2 teaspoons of tincture per 1/3 of the glass). The course of treatment: 20 days 3 times a day. A good help and compress of tincture on the heel. Compresses for the night.
  2. Another great tool that allows you to quickly stop pain is a compress with propolis. Apply a compress, apply a bandage or warm the leg with a scarf.
  3. If the reason for acute unbearable pain is the spur, white cabbage will help. They shred, pour boiling water in the basin. We are waiting for the broth to cool down a bit, and soak our feet in warm cabbage infusions until it becomes cold.
  4. Apply a compress of ammonia, mixed with vegetable oil. Ingredients are taken in the proportion of 1 to 1. Wet the tampon in it and put it on the heel.

Folk recipes

These are compounds made from infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants, vegetables, fruits, bee products, salt, tar, etc.

The use of these funds by patients is external and internal.

External application


  • Effective method to stop pain: compress from boiled potatoes in "uniforms". He will help remove the heel spur, eliminate salt deposits and calluses. Warm potatoes are mashed, not cleansing until mashed, and put on the heel. We tie the affected part of the foot with polyethylene, we put a warm scarf on top. Leave on the heel for 2-3 hours. The course of treatment: a week.
  • A mixture of grated garlic and chalk. Mix the rubbed cloves of garlic and crushed chalk in a proportion of 1 to 1 and mix thoroughly. Steps steam out in warm water and apply the mixture on the heel, fixing gauze or bandage.
  • If the heels hurt heavily or spurs formed, then a compress of grated radish will become an assistant. To do this, several fruits of the radish tinder on a fine grater, without cleaning. The resulting mass is spread on a cloth or gauze and put on the affected area. On the top we cover the compress with polyethylene. On top of the patient puts on socks and goes to bed. In the morning the compress is washed off with warm water.


  1. We take two containers, which are filled with cold and hot water. In turn, we hold the limbs first in hot water, then in the cold for half a minute. Repeat thirty times. You can enrich hot water with a decoction of chemist's chamomile. After the procedure, the feet are lubricated with a nutritious cream or vegetable oil and massaged.
  2. With the help of such a tray, you can quickly stop pain and increase blood flow in your limbs. Take a liter of boiling water, it dissolves three hundred grams of salt. The resulting solution is poured into a prepared container. Heel heals, therefore, for 14 days.

Ointment, cream

  • Effective is a mixture of mummies with liquid honey. Take five grams of mountain tar, and dissolve in 2 tablespoons of honey. Every evening, we lubricate our heels until the symptoms are completely eliminated.
  • Ointment based on Ledum and Lanolin will help to remove the pain and make the heels healthy. To do this, the collected grass of myrangium, we pass through a meat grinder (shredder by a food processor). Squeeze the juice from the resulting gruel. Take 20 ml of juice, mix 40 gr. butter (lanolin) and mix until homogeneous. Enrich the ointment with 40 grams of Vaseline, stir again. Ointment is used after steaming the feet and slightly rubbed until completely absorbed. Keep the resulting medicine in the refrigerator.

Internal application

Infusions and decoctions

  1. We take 6 tea spoons of vegetable raw materials (yellow egg capsules) pour a liter of boiling water. We put on a small fire and boil for another 15 minutes. Let's brew for an hour, put it, bring up to a liter of liquid with warm water. We take 100 grams 3 times a day during eating. Relieves pain in the joints, removes inflammation of the muscles in the feet, eliminates the pain with bruises.
  2. We take a hundred grams of birch buds, add two and a half liters of water and prepare the broth until the volume of liquid decreases to 0. 5 liters. Cedim the broth from the kidneys, add a glass of sugar. After the medicine has cooled, you need to add a glass of liquid honey and stir it. The agent drink 100 grams 3 times a day.
  3. To eliminate the inflammatory process in the mortar, take the crushed roots of the dog rose, fill them with boiling water. We boil them for 30 minutes, after which we insist for a couple of hours and we knead through the cheesecloth, add a little water. Dosage: 150 grams 3-4 times a day.

Herbal teas

  • Well eliminates the pain in the heels of tea from the leaves of cranberries. To do this, take a tablespoon of raw materials, brew with boiling water and insist for 15-20 minutes.
  • To stop the pain, tea, prepared on the basis of herbs of chamomile or calendula, will do.

Alternative techniques

  1. Massage with a kitchenette. This measure will help not only to remove the formed heel spur, but also to prevent its development and formation. We take the rolling pin, lay it on the floor and roll with the heel for 15 minutes back-forward. So you can strengthen the muscle tissue of the foot and increase blood flow. After treatment, a bath is made and a compress is applied with medicinal grass.
  2. Warm up half a kilogram of a large salt on a cast-iron frying pan (no vegetable oil). We pour out into the tank, wait for the salt to cool slightly, and heat the heel in it. The procedure continues until the warm salt completely cools. The course of treatment: 7-14 days.
  3. We take the village moonshine (150 gr.), Set it on fire, set the heel over the hot flame and warm it over the evaporation. Then we massage the foot with rosehip oil and massage with vigorous movements. Alternatively, instead of a massage, you can use the foot of the corn on the floor or foot on the pebbles.


As a preventive measure suitablerefusal to run and walk. The patient is recommended to ride a bicycle, swim in the pool.

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If a person suffers from flat feet, it is necessary to purchase special insoles recommended by an orthopedist, and generally wear comfortable shoes.

You can not give a strong physical load to your feet, you should beware of foot injuries, treat the feet at the first manifestations of inflammation or infection of soft tissues.

If you are overweight, you need to go on a diet to reduce it, so that the load on the foot is less.

Based on this, we can conclude that the pain in the heel can be treated not only with medicines, but also with recipes of traditional medicine. It should be remembered that initially you need to consult a doctor and identify the root cause of the disease.

A source: http://zdorovya-spine.ru/boli/v-nogah/v-stope/v-pyatke/narodn.html

Why do the heels of the legs ache and how to heal?

Pain in the heel forms significant discomfort, preventing a person from moving normally, especially strong sensations can even immobilize.

It is necessary to cope with the pains of such localization after establishing their cause.

Due to the fact that the source can be a simple overload or a serious necrotic disease, the methods of therapy will vary greatly in each individual case.

Non-pathological causes of pain

During walking to the foot, a large load is created, and in certain situations, pain in the heel is a consequence of an overload, not a disease. The problem is formed when:

  • wearing uncomfortable shoes, shoes with high heels, with a thin sole, heeled - this disrupts the normal distribution of the load and leads to an overload of individual foot zones;
  • a sharp increase in motor activity. A person with a sedentary lifestyle, having spent an unusually active day on their feet, is likely to face pain in the heel - the formed subcutaneous fat on the plantar surface will be too thin for such loads;
  • long stay on legs during the day, the leg is overloaded, and it becomes painful to step on the foot;
  • calluses and corns on the heel due to improper care or with plantar psoriasis. The formed bubble during walking will necessarily hurt, and the densified skin can burst under load, forming painful cracks;
  • temporary increase of the load on the legs during pregnancy.

Traumatic injury

Pain in the heel area may indicate an injury to the lower limb:

  1. tensile tendons, tears. The condition is accompanied by sharp pain in the injured area, edema is formed, depending on the complexity of the situation, the extensor movements of the foot may not be possible;
  2. bruised heel bone (often from such a child suffers after a sharp landing on the feet when jumping from a height). The pain in this situation is sharp, burning, piercing, during the transfer of weight to the leg, there is a feeling that a sharp nail enters the heel, the inflammatory process and swelling begin;
  3. fracture and fracture of bone. The foot is swollen, the heel can be deformed and displaced, stepping on the foot is not possible, bruises can be visualized;
  4. effects of flat feet. Reducing the arch on the inside of the foot results in an incorrect load distribution. At the advanced stages to get rid of the pain is almost impossible.

Infectious Diseases

Infectious infections of the body can cause complications and symptoms associated with pain in the heel:

  • reactive arthritis - is an inflammatory process in the joints, formed due to the activity of urogenital or intestinal infection. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, dysentery, salmonellosis, etc., can cause such a disease. Heel pains in this case are formed and with the load on the leg, and at rest;
  • tuberculosis of the bone (can affect the heel) begins with the processes of necrosis of tissue sites and the formation of a fistula with a purulent discharge;
  • osteomyelitis - the process of necrosis of the bone and surrounding tissues, formed due to the activity of bacteria. The first symptoms are fatigue and minor pain in the muscles from the outside and inside of the foot, after a sharp rise in temperature, and acute pains become clear localization. Sensations increase with the slightest pressure on the leg.

Inflammatory diseases

Arthritis. Inflammation affects the area between the heel and toe. Sensations increase in their intensity gradually, the greatest expression - after sleep.

  1. Fascite plantar or heel spur. Salt deposits form a peculiar growth on the bone, which during walking creates a strong painful discomfort of the stitching type. Sensations intensify in the mornings and after each rest, constantly increase in their intensity.
  2. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon. The main symptom of this process is pain during movement of the foot, under the heel, around or behind it.
  3. Disease of Gaglund-Shinz. Its essence lies in the so-called sterile necrosis of bone tissue, which are in the zone of the greatest mechanical load. In the heel, sensations occur during standing or a few moments after the emphasis on the calcaneus.
  4. Bursitis. When the articular bag is inflamed from the back, a zone of edema, redness of the skin and increased soreness is formed on the heel. The chronic process leads to a tightening of the edema, it becomes like a lump.

Neurological problems

  • Inflammation or jamming of the nerve endings causes severe pain inside the heel, they arise sharply and prevent you from getting up, walking and doing any moves with your foot. Can be formed areas of numbness, often the nature of pain - shooting.
  • Hernia of the spine, depending on the site of formation, can give pains to different parts of the musculoskeletal system, including the foot area.
  • The defeat of nerve endings in diabetics forms a "burning heel syndrome."


Painful sensations in the heel can be formed not on the basis of the pathological process, but as a consequence of the patient's psychological problems. The pain in this case is quite real, but it has no physiological disturbances in the heel area.

Diagnostic Methods

Strong heel pains that occur on an ongoing basis are an occasion to consult a doctor. Depending on the complaints from the patient and the results of the examination, the specialist will be able to outline a list of possible problems and assign a correct diagnosis to confirm the diagnosis.

The list of surveys may include:

  1. blood test - general and biochemical;
  2. microbiological examination for suspected reactive arthritis due to urogenital infections;
  3. bone biopsy - if there are suspicions of tuberculosis or osteomyelitis;
  4. the main diagnostic method is X-ray. The picture will show the changes typical for this or that pathology.

If necessary, the patient can be sent for additional consultation to a surgeon, phthisiatrist or neurologist.

First aid for severe pain

Basic steps for pain relief:

  • if a strong, aching pain disturbs, then it is recommended to put pieces of ice for a quarter of an hour to the heel and the area near it. This recommendation is also relevant for trauma to the heel - a bruise or fracture;
  • will help to remove the unpleasant sensations of cold baths;
  • fatigue of the foot after a long day on his feet or on heels is recommended to minimize the relaxing massage with his hands or with special balloons, massagers;
  • complete the procedure by providing a leg full of rest;
  • To fix joints and muscles, the technique of taping can be used;
  • with acute need, you can take an anesthetic or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. For symptomatic elimination of painful sensations Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Ketoprofen, etc., It is allowed to use anti-inflammatory ointment - Fastum gel, Butadion, Ibuprofen, etc. The agent is rubbed into the gastrocnemius muscle and the foot.


To combat pain in the heel, special exercises can be used, which can only be performed after a doctor's recommendation. Standard components of the complex:

  1. Put feet on the floor one by one, palms rest against the wall. The leg of the leg should be at the back. The foreleg should start a slow squat without lifting the back leg, so that the muscles stretch behind the calf, and lock in this position for 10 seconds;
  2. with both feet to stand on a low threshold (not more than 5 cm), the heels should hang. It is necessary to perform lifts on the toe and lowering the heel with a sagging of 15 times;
  3. a rolling pin or a bottle is placed on the floor, a leg is placed across the top and rolling along the entire arch of the foot;
  4. sitting on a chair, you need to straighten your leg and pull on the foot with your hands or elastic band. In the tightened position, it is necessary to stay for 15 seconds.

Folk remedies

Traditional symptomatic treatment for different diagnoses can be folk medicine. If you agree with a doctor, you can use these methods:

  • with a calcaneal spur, it is recommended to remove the pain with a tincture of a swamp saber. A tablespoon of alcohol is diluted in 100 ml of water and taken three times daily before meals. Course duration - 3 weeks;
  • salt compress. For its preparation mix a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of salt and 50 ml of iodine. The composition is spread on gauze, put on a sick heel and carefully fixed with polyethylene and bandages for the night;
  • well removes the pain tincture of lilac flowers. Dried flowers insist on vodka in the proportion of 1 to 10 for 10 days, after filtering and taking a teaspoon 2 times a day, squeezed a small amount of clean water. The same composition at night rubs the aching heel;
  • The fresh burdock leaf is folded several times and applied to the heel. On top, wear a warm sock and leave the sheet to dry, then replace it fresh;
  • Dimexide is diluted with water in equal proportions, in the resulting solution, the gauze folded in several layers is moistened. The compress is applied to the heel, the top is covered with polyethylene and put on a warm sock. The action of the compress is half an hour.

Preventive actions

To minimize the risk of conditions that provoke heel pain, it is recommended to follow a number of preventive measures:

  1. getting rid of excess weight, if available;
  2. wearing orthopedic insoles in shoes, especially with the diagnosis of flat feet;
  3. regular leg training;
  4. Running and jumping - only in special shoes in shock-absorbing soles;
  5. wearing the right shoes - the sole should not be flat or have too high a heel. For women, the heel, 3-4 cm high, is considered optimal;
  6. sufficient rest for the feet when standing;
  7. timely pedicure to prevent cracks on the heels.

A source: http://myadvices.ru/boli-v-pyatke/

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