Gout on legs: treatment at home by folk remedies

Gout , or metabolic arthritis on the legs of in men and women - a disease caused by a violation of the exchange of nucleic acids. In this case, the amount of uric acid in the blood and tissues is greatly increased. In cartilage, tendon sheaths, articular bags, crystals of sodium urate are deposited, and this leads to frequent attacks of joint pain.

Most often, gout men over 40 years of age, in women it is observed quite rarely. The disease is often inherited. There are cases when gout affects members of one family for several generations.

Today we will consider the treatment of gout at home with folk and medical products, drugs, medicines. However, a doctor's consultation is mandatory in how to treat gout correctly and quickly, as set out in folk recipes for external and internal use.


Causes of gout on the legs

From the causes of metabolic arthritis can be identified:

  1. hereditary factor,
  2. overeating,
  3. malnutrition,
  4. sedentary lifestyle,
  5. abuse of meat, alcohol, sour and sharp products.

As you have noticed, many reasons are related to the peculiarities of quality and diet of a person.

Treatment of gout on the legs at home

"Gout, which at one time was considered a disease of kings, is caused by plebeian uric acid. We all have it in blood. But if you suffer from gout, then either you have too much of it, or a normal amount is formed, but not enough, "says Dr. Brenton Lechman, assistant professor of clinical pharmacology at the University of South Carolina.

"Whatever it is, but the excess uric acid turns into tiny crystals that cause inflammation of your joints."This excerpt from the book "Home Doctor" edited by Deborah Tkach( M., Krohn-Press, 1995) explains the occurrence of painful pains in gout.

How to treat gout with legs: diet, medications

Most doctors recommend starting treatment for gout with a change in diet.

Patients are recommended dairy and vegetable diet with a sharp restriction of meat, meat soups and broths, liver, brains, kidneys. They are allowed to eat only a small amount of well-boiled meat and fish. Vegetables containing purines are forbidden: sorrel, spinach, radish, peas, beans, lentils. Alcohol should be completely excluded from the diet. To eat it is necessary, basically, dairy products, such as sour milk, kefir, whey, kumis. From fruits and vegetables lemons, strawberries, gooseberries, various fruits and roots are useful.

Low-purine diet( high-purine products include: by-products, natural and canned, mollusks and crustaceans, yeast, herring, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, etc.).

It is necessary to move with gout as much as possible, to engage in light sports, to make distant walks.

In acute gout attacks, it is necessary to comply with bed rest, apply heat to the affected joints, drink more fluid, take medication( drug) 20 drops three times four times a day.

To accelerate the excretion of uric acid, prescribe Atofan( 0.5 g 3-4 times a day).Wash with alkaline water. Also take Benedemia on 0.5 g 3-4 times a day for 7 days).Then increase the dose to 1 g 3 times a day. The course of treatment - 15 g of the drug.

Anthuran in a dose of 200 to 600 mg contributes to a rapid decrease in the level of uric acid.

Diclofenac( Voltaren, Orthofen, Feloran), Indomethacin( Metinol), etc. are used to relieve the pain syndrome.

As anti-inflammatory agents, use Salicylate sodium( up to 6 g per day) and Acetylsalicylic acid( up to 3 g per day).

Recently non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( NSAIDs) - Ibuprofen, Naproxen, etc. have been used for the treatment of gout. It should be remembered that the anti-inflammatory effect of these drugs is manifested on the 6-7th day, and the antipyretic and analgesic effect in 2-3 hours. It is not recommended to use these drugs with either glucocorticosteroids or with each other.

Treatment and prevention of bouts of pain

American doctors in the fight against gout recommends the use of a number of methods and simple methods that can weaken the power of gout pain and prevent the onset of an attack:

  1. Receiving of concentrated cherry juice ( 1 tablespoon per day) or 200 gcherries or cherries often prevent the occurrence of gout attacks.
  2. Coal poultices .Coal has the ability to draw toxins from the body. Mix half a cup of activated charcoal powder with a few tablespoons of flaxseed, add a little water to make the paste, and apply to the diseased joint. Top with a cloth and leave it overnight. In most cases, such a compress will stop the attack of gout or at least reduce the intensity of pain.
  3. « Activated charcoal , taken internally, will help reduce the level of uric acid in the blood, - says Dr. Trash.- Take half a teaspoon 4 times a day as soon as you stand up, at noon, in the afternoon and before going to bed. "This simple means can prevent the onset of a gout attack.
  4. During an acute attack of , the affected joint should be kept in an upright position , while observing complete rest.
  5. Ice .Sometimes an ice bag placed on a sick joint weakens the intensity of pain.
  6. If pain occurs in the affected joint, Ibuprofen should be taken, but aspirin should not be taken.
  7. products such as brains, heart, liver, kidneys, herring, anchovies, sardines, meat extracts, mussels, buttery bread, fish, meat, poultry( containing a large number of purines) can provoke appearance of attack of gout. So, if possible, you should avoid eating these foods.
  8. Dr. Robert H. Davis professor of physiology recommends to drink more ordinary water .Water flushes excess uric acid out of the blood and, in addition, prevents the formation of kidney stones. A day should drink 6-8 glasses of water.
  9. "If you have gout, , avoid using spirits ," says Dr. Bree Stower, a professor of pharmacology at the University of Pittsburgh. It has long been known that alcohol increases the formation of uric acid in the body and makes it difficult to isolate. Consumption of alcohol can be provoking in the occurrence of an attack of gout. It is especially undesirable to drink beer, since it contains the greatest number of purines.
  10. Gout likes to attack a joint that was once injured, so try to to protect joints from a bruise of , bumps and injuries.
  11. Constant consumption of herbal tea often helps prevent a gout attack. According to the estimates of American experts, the most effective are herbal teas from yarrow, hips, aralia, peppermint.
  12. If you have increased blood pressure, then try not to abuse diuretics( diuretics ), as they cause fluid loss, thickening of blood and increased concentration of purines in the blood, which can lead to a gout attack.

How to treat gout with leggings folk remedies

In the presence of joint inflammation, the patient is shown any herbal medicines that have anti-inflammatory properties. Especially useful are preparations of ginger and "devil's claw"( grows in Africa).

For the treatment of arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, people have long used the licorice root, sowing alfalfa, fennel, celery, parsley, soy, nuts, apples, organic grasses.

B.V.Bolotov in the book "I'll teach you not to get sick and not grow old" writes about the treatment of gout:

"Gout was previously treated with camomile grass. Kamchuga - in Old Russian means "stone", "cobblestone".Gout is characterized by the presence of stones in the body, ie, salts. The grass was used as a mother-and-stepmother. It is necessary to use juice or ground leaves together with salt. It is enough to take one tablespoon of ground grass and take one hour before meals once a day for two to three months. Simultaneously, gouty knots should also be made with compresses from a mixture of ground grass of mother-and-stepmother and salt, warming this place with a hot water bottle. "

Herbal medicines for ingestion

With gout and rheumatism, a good effect on the patient is a constant intake of berry wild strawberry .In a day it is recommended to eat up to 5 glasses. In the morning on an empty stomach - two glasses, half an hour before dinner - 1 glass, in the evening, one hour before a dream - two glasses. It is recommended to exclude meat from meat, all sour and salty. In mild cases, the disease passes for a half to two months.

The same action has infusion of strawberries ( 3 tablespoons for three cups of boiling water).Drink infusion of 200 ml three to four times a day.

Garlic with lemon .Take three heads of garlic and four lemons. Remove the lemon from the lemon and, together with the purified garlic, pass it through the meat grinder. All mass pour 400 ml of boiling water, mix well and insist for three days in a warm place. Strain. Take 50 ml of the mass 1 time per day.

The tincture of lilac flowers .Pour lilac flowers in a half-liter bottle( not ramming).Pour to the top vodka or alcohol and insist 21 days in a warm place. Drink 30 drops three times daily before meals.

Garlic .In a half-liter bottle, slice ¾ garlic and pour with vodka. Insist 14 days in a warm dark place, shaking daily. Take 1 tablespoon per 100 ml of cold boiled water three times a day for 20 minutes before eating. The course of treatment - 1.5 months.

Tincture of the roots of wild rose .Finely slice two tablespoons of rose hips roots and pour 500 ml of vodka. Insist 21 days in a dark and warm place, shaking daily. Take two tablespoons twice a day for 1 hour before meals. Tincture can be used to rub the joints.

Tincture of the Kalgan ( erect erect cedar).20 grams of rhizome fill in 200 ml of alcohol. Insist 21 days in a dark place, strain. Take 1 tablespoon three times daily before meals. This remedy has long been used by herbalists and healers, but its IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO TAKE PERSONS SUFFERING IN THE ZASARES .

Thorny bucket .1 teaspoon of fresh herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 50 ml of warm infusion three times a day.

Walnut walnut. 20 g of young leaves or unripe fruits fill with a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Aspen ( bark, leaves).Pour bark of young branches and aspen leaves with 70-degree alcohol in the ratio 1:10, insist 14 days in a dark place, periodically shaking. Strain and drink 30 drops three times a day for gout and rheumatism.

Birch sap .When gouty birch juice is recommended to drink 1 glass three times a day for 1.5 months. Juice reduces gouty pains, removes excess uric acid salts and has a weak diuretic effect.

Black currant .25 grams of crushed leaves brew in 500 ml of boiling water. Insist the night in a warm place. Drink 200 ml 3-4 times a day for rheumatism and gout.

Leaves of the grape .1 tablespoon dried leaves of grapes( harvested in May), pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 100 ml three to four times a day. Useful green leaves of grapes. Add them to salads, okroshka and soups. Grape leaves promote the excretion of oxalic acid from the body.

Duckweed is a small .Dry the duckweed, often turning over. Interrupt and mix with honey so that the pills are made. Take pills three to four times a day for gout.

Letter .One tablespoon of herbs with flowers fill with a glass of boiling water, add two spoons of good dessert wine. Insist 20 minutes in the heat. Drink one third of a glass three times a day.

Elderberry black .20 g of flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, strain. Drink half a glass three times a day with honey.

The chamber of the meadow .Two teaspoons of leaves chop, pour cold boiled water. Insist a day in a dark place, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon every three hours for rheumatism, gout, arthritis.

Swamp fender .One of the most common folk remedies in the treatment of gout is a decoction of dried roots of swampy swamp.

Broth : Two tablespoons of ground roots pour 500 ml of boiling water, boil on low heat until the volume of water decreases by approximately one quarter. Insist 2 hours, strain. Take 100 ml three to four times a day.

tincture: from the roots of the saber is prepared as follows: 25 g of dry root chop, pour 500 ml of vodka. Insist 21 days in a dark place, shaking periodically. Strain. Drink 1 glass three times daily before meals for 2-3 months. White cabbage .With gout, it is useful to take cabbage in any form. It is especially useful in the form of salads. The cabbage leaf applied in the form of a compress to the diseased joint removes gouty pains.

Cowberry .When gout is useful to drink tea from the leaves of cranberries - always for six months. In order not to irritate the bladder, it is necessary to brew a cowberry leaf with chamomile flowers and a lime color in equal parts. Drink no more than 4 glasses a day.

Gentian yellow .Three teaspoons of roots and rhizomes fill with three glasses of water, insist in the heat for two hours, strain. Take 100 ml three times a day for an hour before meals with gout and arthritis of various origins.

Geranium meadow .Two teaspoons of dry herbs pour two cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take during the day in small sips.

Kirkizon lomonosovidnyj .Infusion of root kirkazona: half a teaspoon pour a glass of boiled cold water and insist the night. Strain. Take a quarter cup three times a day with muscle pain and gout.

Ash sheet brew in the form of tea, drink a long time with gout.

Heather ordinary .Three teaspoons of heather insist in two glasses of cooled boiled water overnight. Strain. Take 100 ml four times a day for gout, rheumatism.

Rowan chokeberry .It is useful to take with gout in any form( tea, salads, with sugar and honey).

For gout and rheumatism, it is useful to have bilberry fruits, strawberries( 2-3 cups a day), prepare infusions and teas from them. A day is recommended to drink 4-5 cups of tea or infusion of fruit.

Birch white .Alcohol tincture: 1 tablespoon of dry leaves and kidneys per 100 ml of alcohol. Insist 7 days, strain, drink 30 drops three times a day for gout and rheumatism.

Decoction of birch buds ( 1 tablespoon of kidneys per glass of water).Boil 5 minutes, persist for 1 hour, strain, drink with gout for one quarter cup 4 times a day after meals.

Colchicum .When attacks of gout and in the interictal period, folk medicine advises to drink the tincture of the coteless herb for 20 drops three times a day. It can also be used for grinding( drugstore).

Folk remedies for external use

of the Kostyanika .Dense broth kostyaniki( and grated berries) used as poultices for gout and rheumatism.

Horseradish .With pains in joints and puffiness in the form of poultices and compresses, horseradish infusion is used. A tablespoon of wiped horseradish pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 1 hour.

Turnip .Pound boiled turnips with rheumatism and gout apply to the affected joints in the form of poultices.

The roots of dog rose .20 g roots of dog rose chop, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Steam over low heat for 2 hours. After soaking, add a glass of cold boiled water to the glass of the napar obtained. With the resulting mixture, make warm compresses on the aching joints for the night. Above the joint must be well wrapped.

One of the best folk remedies for gout is the following: melt on the fire a little butter , give it a go boil. Remove, remove the resulting foam and add as much wine alcohol. Light the mixture and allow the alcohol to burn. The rest of the mass is used for rubbing into the diseased joint. ALWAYS MUST BE CARRIED OUT BEFORE FIREPLACE, STOVE OR COUNTRY. Instead of alcohol, you can use ordinary vodka.

Sunflower .2 tablespoons edge flowers of sunflower, pour 300 ml of vodka and leave for 7 days. Strain. Apply for compresses and inside of 20 drops three times a day. At the same time, it is useful to rub the affected joints with sunflower oil.

Poplar black .Dry the poplar buds and grind them into powder. Mix the powder with cow butter or petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1: 4.The resulting ointment is used as an analgesic for rheumatism and gout.

Bleached oil .15 parts of crushed bleached seeds fill with 100 parts of olive or sunflower oil. Insist 18 days in a warm place. Use as an analgesic for bruises and joint pain.

Radish sowing .Juice or grated radish is a good distraction for pain in the joints. It is used for radiculitis, gout, arthritis and rheumatism.

1 teaspoon of bodyflesh , persist in 50 ml of alcohol for 14 days. Use as rubbing against swollen joints.

For severe gouty pains, it is recommended to prepare the following composition:

  1. inflorescences of chamomile pharmacy - 50 g,
  2. dry elderberry black flowers - 50 g.

Mix the mixture with a small amount of boiling water, wrap it and let it brew for 10 minutes. With a hot mixture, fill the cloth bag and attach it to the aching joint. Pribintuyte. From the top, wrap the joint with a woolen cloth for two or three hours or all night.

Pine ordinary .Chopped fresh and boiled fresh boiled water, use for compresses for rheumatism and gout. Needles can also be used for baths( see "Treatment of arthritis").

Ant alcohol .Mix 5 drops of ant alcohol with 1 tablespoon of water. Blend the mixture into the swollen joints.

Fern .If a sick gout falls asleep on mattresses stuffed with fern leaves, then his condition will improve significantly.

Take the fresh egg, , put it in a glass and pour with acetic essence .Pour the egg with the essence of 200 g melted unsalted butter .The glass is loosely covered, wrapped in a woolen cloth and put in a warm place for three days. Mix well, lubricate the diseased joints. The remedy can be used from spurs, cones and from aches in joints.

An ancient folk remedy .Take 100 g of kerosene, 200 g of fresh cow bile and ½ teaspoon of table salt. Mix everything. Alternate rubbing the joints with this remedy with compresses on them as follows:

  • Day 1 - for the night, rub a sore spot with gall and bandage well;
  • 2nd day - grease after rubbing bile with lean oil, in the evening - compress;
  • Day 3 - rest.

Continue this treatment for three months. Gouty knots, even the oldest ones, greatly diminish in size or come off altogether.

According to the recommendations of Tibetan medicine, it is necessary to constantly include in the diet apples, asparagus, tincture of garlic .

Tamus vulgaris ( adam root).In the Caucasus it is used in the treatment of gout and rheumatism. Two tablespoons of chopped roots boil with boiling water, wrap in gauze and in the form of hot pads, apply to diseased joints.

Drugstick officinalis .Leaves of the butterbur( fresh or dry) wrap in cheesecloth, boil with boiling water and apply as a hot pillow to the diseased joints.

The wolf is ordinary .Fresh or dry leaves boil with boiling water, wrap in cheesecloth and in the form of a hot pad apply to sore spots in neuralgia, gout and rheumatism.

Hairy shaggy .4 tablespoons fresh chopped herbs boil with boiling water, wrap in gauze. Pads in a hot kind apply to sore spots with gout or rheumatic pains. Chestnut horse .20 g of horse chestnut flowers insist for two weeks in 500 ml of alcohol or vodka. Use tincture for grinding with gouty and rheumatic pains.

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Gout of the joints of the legs: signs, symptoms and treatment

Elena Malysheva: How to treat gout at home?

In this issue of the telecast "Live healthy!" With Elena Malysheva you will learn how and how to treat gout.

The disease is known to mankind since ancient times. This is a serious illness, in which the level of uric acid is increased in the body.

Uric acid is a product of the decomposition of nucleic acids. With age, the level of uric acid in the body increases, so the risk of developing gout increases.

When the level of uric acid exceeds the norm, it begins to crystallize and be deposited in the joints and kidneys.

Symptoms, symptoms of gout

  1. Joint pain: most often there is unbearable pain in the joint of the big toe. At the base of the big toe, tofus( cones, protrusions) is formed.
  2. Urolithiasis.

Diagnosis: Give a blood test to uric acid level to find out if you have gout.

How to treat gout: nutrition, weight, medications

  1. Eliminate red meat, alcohol, chocolate, lentils, salt fish from the diet. These products contribute to the development of gout. If you can not give up red meat, then eat no more than 85 grams per day.
  2. Relieve the excess weight.
  3. Drugs are prescribed if a person has more than two gout attacks a year or he suffers from urolithiasis.

Source: Allega G.N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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