Allergic rhinitis in the baby

Allergic rhinitis in a child, who has cured and how ??


Aygerim Isayeva

It is necessary to descend or go to the allergist, to reveal an allergen! It's necessary! I started treating allergic rhinitis. I was also helped by various folk remedies, such as warming up, in fact it helps!


1) allergy test
2) check whether there are polyps
3) improving immunity by any means (sport, hardening)
4) check with a psychologist (latent reaction, denial of something)
5) ask what she wants and IMPORTANT-do not want (food, drink, leisure)

Galina Bartoshina

We had a reaction to flowering. Coming from a walk washed his nose and took antiallergic drops that can be taken for a long time. A drop does not help because it can be a fake. The doctor advised us to buy not zirtek untwisted (which is expensive and it is often counterfeited), and the zodak is the same drug, only the name is untwisted. Also began to help. In two years everything went by itself.
And about the trial doctor somewhere is right. Well, we learned that the pollen of plants allergies and it did not become easier.

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Almost half of patients with allergic rhinitis subsequently develop bronchial asthma. In addition, late diagnosis of allergic rhinitis and untimely appointment of adequate and targeted treatment leads to serious complications from the ENT organs. Depending on the features of the course and exacerbations of allergic rhinitis, associated with the season, children are allocated year-round and seasonal form of the disease. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is associated with the exposure of pollen allergens to plants and manifests itself in certain periods of flowering: trees and grasses. Allergens can be pollen of trees (birch, hazel, oak, alder, elm, maple), grasses (timothy, fescue, fire, hedgehog, raggrass, foxtail, bluegrass, rye) and weeds (quinoa, wormwood, ragweed), as well as mold fungi (Alternative, Cladosporium). Features of seasonal rhinitis is the frequency of exacerbations. Clinical symptoms of the disease recur from year to year at the same time of year and are manifested by pronounced itching of the nose, sneezing, serous discharge from the nose. Often rhinitis is combined with conjunctivitis. All-year-round allergic rhinitis is caused by allergens of house dust, house dust mites, cockroaches, rodents, some kinds of mold fungi * Aspergylius, Penicillin, Candida). Food allergens (cow milk, egg, fish, chocolate) can be the cause of the development of this form of rhinitis, but mostly in children of the first years of life. This form of rhinitis is characterized by the presence of constant clinical symptoms throughout the year. Seasonality of exacerbations, as a rule, is not observed. The course of year-round rhinitis is aggravated by exposure to nonspecific factors (cold air, tobacco smoke, changes in atmospheric pressure), as well as viruses and infections. In young children apply zirtek, klaritin, ketotifen. In older children and adolescents - telfast, kestin, klaritin, simplex. Local antihistamines (vibracil, levocabastine, azelastine) are prescribed in the form of drops in the nose or nasal spray. In therapy allergic rhinitis, as in the case of bronchial asthma, preventive treatment with sodium cromoglycate (cromolyn, lomuzol, kromoglin). This drug is effective in the treatment of mild and moderate allergic rhinitis. In case of regular seasonal exacerbations, sodium cromoglycate preparations should be prescribed 1-2 weeks before the expected exacerbation. The effect in the treatment of cromoglicates in the form of nasal or eye drops occurs in a few days. The course of treatment lasts from several days to 2-3 months. Nasal corticosteroid preparations beclomethasone (aldecine) and fluticasone (fliksonase) have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. These drugs are prescribed for severe and moderately severe allergic rhinitis, with no effect on antihistamines and cromones (Fliksonaze ​​spray helped me in the nose). Specific immunotherapy - a method of treatment aimed at reducing the sensitivity of the body to allergens. Carrying out this type of therapy is indicated for patients suffering from allergic rhinitis, with a clear established allergens, in the presence of certain indications and the absence of contraindications determined an allergist.

How to treat an allergic rhinitis in a child

Because of the small age, the treatment of an allergic rhinitis in children differs from the treatment of a similar rhinitis in adults. Therapeutic treatment can not be universal. It should be prescribed strictly by the attending physician individually. What has come to one child, another can cause irreparable harm.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis

Coryza, caused by a cold, differs in its symptoms from allergic rhinitis. If, together with the common cold, the child has drowsiness, burning in the nose, a headache and difficulty breathing, then, most likely, it has signs of an allergy.

Coryza, caused by allergens, usually appears suddenly. This can happen after a walk, cleaning in an apartment or contact with animals. The main sign of allergic rhinitis is the appearance of "allergic salute" - uncontrolled, frequent rubbing of the tip of the nose with the palm.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Treatment of an allergic rhinitis, in contrast to the common cold, can drag on for years. The first thing to do is to try to determine what causes an allergy in a child. If the allergen is detected, try to exclude it. In the event that it is difficult to determine the allergen, it is necessary to exclude as many factors as possible that can cause allergies. You can do a simple test: go on a weekend with the child in an unfamiliar place. If the cold does not manifest itself, it means that the allergen is at home. The most common allergens - home dust, animal hair and dry food for aquarium fish.

In the room where the child lives, it is better not to use carpeting with a long pile. If possible, all carpets should be completely removed from the baby's room. Daily wet cleaning is a necessary measure of prevention and treatment of an allergic rhinitis. Books should be in closed closets, because it is book dust that most often causes allergies.

If a child exhibits an allergy to pets or fish food, they will have to give, no matter how sorry. The health of the child should be in the first place.

Pillows and blankets, filled with fluff or wool, must be replaced by synthetic ones. Also it is necessary to limit the number of soft toys as much as possible. The remaining from time to time should be placed in the freezer for the night.


Medicines for the treatment of any disease, including allergic rhinitis, should be prescribed by a doctor. An incorrectly selected drug will not improve the condition, or it can significantly worsen it.

To treat manifestations of allergies, including the common cold, prescribe antihistamines. They well relieve itching and swelling in the nose, eliminate frequent sneezing. Now apply drugs that have no side effects in the form of drowsiness. Often together with antihistamines prescribe and vasoconstrictive. However, the latter can not be used for a long time.

It must be remembered that an allergy is not a sentence. The main task of parents, whose children are addicted to allergies, is to notice symptoms of the disease in time. Long-term and comprehensive treatment reduces virtually all manifestations of the disease.

Allergic rhinitis and nasal congestion: treatment with folk remedies

Allergic rhinitis is a disease that affects not only the body of an adult, but also a child. Provoke it can a certain allergen, which focuses in the nasal passages. Cure this condition is possible not only with the help of medicines, but also methods of traditional medicine. To achieve maximum effect is possible only with a comprehensive approach.

Getting Rid of Children's Rhinitis

Treatment of an allergic rhinitis in a child should be based on safe means. Before you start the therapy of folk remedies, you need to get permission from a doctor.

Proper nutrition

When the child's organism reacts to the pollen of plants with allergy, then for the beginning it is necessary to determine the type of herbs and plants that cause irritation of the mucosa. This information you need to accurately understand the allowed and prohibited foods. In the spring you can not eat pears, apples, potatoes, honey. In the autumn unfavorable products are mayonnaise, honey, watermelons.

Comfortable indoor environment

The state of the respiratory system depends largely on how fresh air is in the room in which the child sleeps, does homework or simply plays. It is worth giving up carpets, as they are a reservoir for dust accumulation. Do not overload the baby's room with soft toys, heavy curtains, porous wallpaper.Such conditions are considered favorable for the accumulation and multiplication of harmful bacteria.At the time of flowering plants it is worthwhile to do a wet cleaning in the room every day. In addition to humidification, it is necessary to install air purifiers with anti-allergenic filters in the room.

Contact restriction

It is better to fight the signs of allergic rhinitis, when the cause of the disease is already clear. For these purposes, it is necessary to perform the skin pores and pass a blood test. Therefore, try to limit the contact of the child's organism with allergenic plants. For the period of their flowering it is better to take the child to the sea and do not let him use the above products.

Flushing of nasal treks

If a child is stricken with an allergic rhinitis, it is very useful to wash the nose. For these purposes, it is better to use the Dolphin device. This procedure requires a special solution. For its preparation you will need to take a dessert spoonful of salt, ¼ of a spoonful of soda and a few drops of iodine. The link describes how to rinse your nose.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis in children with the help of herbs is analogous to adult therapy, which will be discussed above.

Allergies in adults

To cure the presented pathology is quite realistic by folk methods, if one clearly adheres to the exact dosage.

Washing with saline

To perform such treatment you will need a rubber pear. The most important ingredient in this medicine is salt. It is she who kills all bacteria and microbes that contribute to the onset of a cold.

To make a solution, take a dessert spoonful of salt and add it to a glass of warm water. Pour the solution into the pear, and place the tip in the nasal passage.It is necessary to draw in a nose a salty liquid. Similarly, make another nostril.Such therapy should be performed 3 times a day until the disease disappears. But it is necessary to carry out manipulation cautiously, because in case of incorrect handling of a pear, mucosal tissues can be damaged, which will lead to bleeding.

Drug collection

Eliminate allergic rhinitis by using this collection of herbs:

  • inflorescence of a tea rose - 100 g,
  • willow bark - 50 g;
  • inflorescence of linden - 50 g;
  • inflorescence of elderberry - 20 g;
  • grass of the twigs - 10 g.

To prepare, take the ingredients and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Wait half an hour and take the medicine 250 ml 3-4 times a day. Therapy should be carried out until the moment the disease completely disappears.


The presented plant allows very quickly to eliminate inflammation. Tea, prepared on the basis of ginger, is considered the best remedy for eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of an allergic rhinitis. Ginger is actively used in folk medicine and for other purposes. Here you can see a recipe for tea with ginger from cough.

You can take ready-made tea with ginger, brew and consume it. And you can take 50 g of the main ingredient and pour a glass of boiling water. You can sweeten the drink with a spoonful of honey. When drinking tea, it is possible to dilute bronchial secretion, to facilitate breathing and to eliminate the common cold.


This herb also refers to effective ways of treating rhinitis. It can be applied in the form of tea or with inhalation. You can wrap in a piece of gauze brewed chamomile and add a slice of lemon oil. All wrap and attach to the nostrils. Such folk treatment will help get rid of rhinitis very quickly. Chamomile broth is also used to treat cough.

Infusion of butterbur

This herb allows you to eliminate irritation, reduce headaches, reduce swelling and sneezing frequency. These are the symptoms that correspond to the presented pathology.

To prepare the medicine, you need to take 2 large spoons of the main ingredient and place them in the thermos. Add hot water. Insist 3 hours, and after taking during the day in an amount of 1 liter.

Read what antibiotics to treat bronchitis in adults.

Reviews of pastilles Dr. Mom from cough:

Here, the causes and treatment of snoring in men are described.


Presented grass has a fantastic effect and actively fights against all manifestations of allergic rhinitis.The composition of the goldenrod contains a large number of antioxidants.In addition, the presence of a unique formula allows for the therapy of any form of the common cold, as well as allergic.

For the final disposal of the disease, it is necessary to brew tea from the goldenrod and take it several cups a day. You can add honey or raspberry juice to the drink.

Decoction of citrus fruits

Such a drug has a strengthening effect and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to this, it is possible to eliminate unpleasant manifestations of the common cold. For cooking, you need to remove the skin from the fruit (lemon, grapefruit), add a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes. Chilled broth to drink with honey.

On video - treatment of an allergic rhinitis by folk remedies:


The prepared preparation from calendula should be used for washing the visual organs. They react very much to allergens. With its use, it is possible to calm the conjunctiva and reduce the constant feeling of itching. Take infusion is necessary inside. Brew 2 large spoons of herbs in, l of boiling water, chill and strain.

The video tells how to cure allergic rhinitis with folk remedies:


For the treatment of allergic rhinitis at home, it is worthwhile to carry out inhalation with the addition of essential oils. For these purposes, you need to use the eucalyptus oil or fir, medicinal herbs.

Allergic rhinitis does not like garlic pairs. Before breathing, add a couple cloves of garlic to the hot water. It is necessary to conduct such activities daily, before going on a night's rest.

Here you can read, than to treat allergic rhinitis during pregnancy.

Allergic rhinitis is a very unpleasant disease. For its treatment, many methods have been developed. An adult and a child will be able to choose their own option and get rid quickly of the pathology presented. Perhaps you will also be useful information about the treatment of allergic sinusitis. Symptoms of allergic otitis are described here.

How to treat allergic rhinitis - symptoms, treatment, drops, medications

In recent decades, allergic reactions in the population are very widespread. According to statistical data, 8-12% of the inhabitants of the world suffer from various forms of allergy, which most often develop in 10-20 years.

Allergic rhinitis is one of the variants of an inadequate reaction of the body to various external stimuli - pollen of flowering plants, insect bites, mold and yeast fungi, mites in library, house dust, various toxic or flavored chemicals in household chemicals, household items, and internal stimuli - certain foods or medications.

What should I do if a child or an adult has seasonal or year-round rhinitis? How to treat allergic rhinitis, what drugs, medicines, drops, sprays? To suffer constant nasal congestion, sneezing, tickling and itching in the nose, lacrimation can not be, this affects the mood, the state of the nervous system, disrupts the habitual way of life and reduces operability. In addition, a persistent long-term course of allergic rhinitis, the symptoms of which are pronounced, can provoke the occurrence of nasal bleeding, polyps in the nose, otitis and sinusitis, sinusitis, severe impairment of smell and bronchial asthma.

Signs, symptoms of allergic rhinitis in children and adults

With allergic rhinitis, symptoms begin to appear after contact with the allergen, if it is animal hair, then after being in the room with pets, use of woolen blankets, feather pillows, there are long sneezing attacks, they can appear at the time of contact with the allergen or after some time, more often mornings.

If it is pollinosis, then it can occur at any time when trees or weeds are blooming - from spring to autumn. Moreover, the characteristic sign of allergic rhinitis in children and adults is the resulting transverse fold on the nose, which arises from frequent scratching of the nose with incessant itching.

A person with a year-round allergic rhinitis can have a permanently stuffy nose and breathe only with his mouth. This leads to chronic stagnant processes, loss of taste and smell, complicated by the addition of a secondary infection with a strong mucosal edema and occlusion of the paranasal sinuses.

Also a frequent companion of allergic rhinitis is lacrimation, discomfort in the eyes, itching, redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes - allergic conjunctivitis, puffiness of the face, it is also possible the appearance of an allergic cough, which in the future can provoke the development bronchial asthma.

When examined by an otolaryngologist, the mucosa of the nasal cavity is loose and pale, the discharge from the nose is often of a watery nature. In the throat there are usually no significant changes, but sometimes it is also possible to develop chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis. With seasonal rhinitis, serious complications usually do not happen.

Persons suffering from allergic rhinitis are very sensitive to various chemical odors, to perfumes, cosmetics, to tobacco smoke, to smells of household chemistry, washing powders, new furniture, pungent smells of new carpets and other industrial products with the evaporation of harmful substances (see. influence of household chemicals on health).

Why does the population have so many different allergic reactions so recently? The reasons for this phenomenon are still not clear, there are only theoretical guesses. The main of which is the use of chlorinated water, unfavorable ecology, increased radioactive background, harmful chemicals in foods, antibiotics in meat, pesticides and nitrates in vegetables and fruits, the use of a mass of medicines - all this prepares the body for an allergic response to seemingly innocuous irritants.

The mechanism of the onset of an allergic reaction has been well studied and is known:

  • If a high level of immunoglobulins E - a delayed type reaction arises
  • When the primary contact with the allergen is the preparation of mast cells, and with repeated contact - their destruction with liberation histamine and similar mediators, they increase the permeability of the cell walls for plasma - hence the itching, swelling and liquid discharge from nose.
  • At children even at the first contact with an allergen because of features of system of a complement which is inherited from parents and which at once destroys mast cells.

What to do if there is an allergy, how to treat allergic rhinitis for children and adults?

Non-drug treatment of allergic rhinitis

Nutrition can enhance cross-allergic reaction

Depending on what time of year there is an allergy to the pollen of plants, you can determine the flowering of which herbs or trees cause irritation of the mucosa. This should be known in order to exclude from the daily diet those products that cause a cross allergy. At a certain time of the year, for example in the spring, when birch, poplar, hazel, etc. blossom, you can not, for example, eat pears, apples, potatoes, honey, parsley, etc., from August to October - blossom ragweed, quinoa, then from the diet should be excluded honey, mayonnaise, cabbage, watermelons and etc. (table with a list of products that cause a cross allergy).

Creating comfortable indoor air

The state of the respiratory system and the general state of the body in an allergic person depends largely on the air in the room in which the person is most of the time, asleep or working. For example, an abundance of carpets, various "dust collectors open book shelves, soft toys, porous wallpaper, heavy curtains - creates additional conditions for accumulation of dust, allergens, bacteria, toxic substances. It is desirable during the flowering period of plants to conduct daily wet cleaning, use humidifiers and air purifiers with anti-allergenic filters to create a comfortable air.

Contact restriction

Of course, it's easier to fight with allergy manifestations, when the cause, the source of the allergy is known. To determine it, you should take skin tests from an allergist or donate blood to various allergens. Knowing the enemy in person, you can try to limit contact with him, if it's food, do not eat them, if pollen from plants causes an allergy, the ideal way is to travel to the sea during the season of flowering of allergenic grasses and plants.


According to the doctor's testimony, it is possible to carry out mechanical cleaning of blood from immune complexes, allergens, toxins. This method has some contraindications and unfortunately has a short-term effect, but in severe cases of allergic reactions is very effective.

Drugs for the treatment of allergic rhinitis

Unfortunately, all medicines for allergic rhinitis are used only to alleviate symptoms - reduce the runny nose, reduce swelling, nasal congestion, tearing and itching. Until now, medicine does not know how to permanently get rid of allergies, because there are no known deep causes, triggers such an inadequate response of the body's immune system.

Therefore, all medicines, sprays, drops from allergic rhinitis are used as symptomatic remedies, blunted manifestations of allergies, but which can not change the response organism on the allergen. What can the pharmaceutical industry offer today for the treatment of allergic rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis medicines - antihistamines

With mild disease it is enough to take antihistamines. In recent years, the production of drugs of 2nd and 3rd generation, such as Tsetrin, Zirtek, Zodak, Erius - has reduced the strong sedative effect of this groups of drugs, they do not have such side effects as 1st generation drugs - urinary retention, arrhythmia, blurred vision view. These tablets from allergies have almost no hypnotic effect, have a prolonged effect and effectively relieve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis within 20 minutes after ingestion. A suffering allergic rhinitis shows an oral intake of Cetrin or Loratadin according to Table 1. in a day. Cetrin, Parlazin, Zodak can be taken to children from 2 years in syrup. The most powerful antihistamine drug to date recognized Erius, the active substance Desloratadine, which is contraindicated in pregnancy, and in syrup can be taken in children older than 1 year.

Hormonal preparations - sprays, drops from allergic rhinitis

Intranasal glucocorticoids, such as Felikosze, Budesonide are prescribed by a doctor only in cases of severe allergies, when treatment with antihistamines does not have an effect.

The use of various hormonal internasal sprays, such as Aldecin, Nasobek, Fliksonase, Nazonex, Benorin, Baconaz, Nazarel should only be prescribed by a doctor, these drugs are undesirable for children, the elderly people. Local hormonal agents have almost no systemic effect, but with prolonged use, with an overdose can slowly destroy metabolic and immune processes in the body, help to reduce the functions of the adrenal gland, the development of sugar diabetes and others. If an intranasal glucocorticoid is prescribed to a patient, it should be abolished gradually, and the use of hormones should not be abruptly discontinued, since withdrawal of the drug occurs.

Leukotriene antagonists

With medium severe and severe allergic rhinitis, treatment can be supplemented with preparations of leukotriene antagonists, such as Singularia, Acolat.

Vasoconstrictive drops in allergic rhinitis

Abuse of these drugs is unacceptable for allergic rhinitis. They can be used to reduce the swelling of the nasopharynx, reduce the release of mucus, but not more than 5 days, or only in rare cases. To such drops from an allergic rhinitis carry - Naftizinum, Galazolinum, Tizin, Nazole, Vibrotsil. They have no therapeutic effect, but only facilitate breathing.

Nazawal and Prevalin

NAZAVAL is a microdispersed powder of cellulose and garlic, this is a new tool that prevents the penetration of aeroallergens through the nasal cavity into the body. The microdispersed cellulose powder from the spray dispenser is sprayed onto the nasal mucosa, forming a strong gel-like film with the mucus. This provides a natural barrier to the penetration of pollutants and allergens into the body. The remedy is allowed for use by pregnant women, children from birth. Method of application - 3-4 r / day for 1 injection in each nasal passage. Another new preparation Prevalin - consisting of a mixture of emulsifiers and oils, creating a barrier for allergens, which should be used as early as possible, better before the onset of allergic rhinitis.

Hyposensitisation to certain allergens

Hyposensitizing therapy is widely used in cases when the exact allergen that causes allergic rhinitis in a patient is known. If antihistamines are not effective enough or contraindicated, the patient under the skin is given doses extract of an allergen, gradually increasing them, such treatment can last up to 5 years, with a weekly injection allergens. However, this method of therapy is contraindicated in persons with bronchial asthma or cardiovascular diseases.

Sprays from allergic rhinitis - stabilizers of mast cell membranes

To antiallergic drugs, sprays from allergic rhinitis include drugs such as Kromogeksal, Kromoglin, Kromosol. They prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions of immediate type, they are used for light allergy manifestations.

Other Sprays

Very effective in allergic rhinitis nasal spray Allergodyl - blocker of histamine H1 receptors, active substance Azelastine. However, its use in pregnancy and children under 6 years is not recommended.


Also, with allergic rhinitis, treatment with enterosorbents has its positive effect - Polyphepanum, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Filtrum STI (instruction) these are the drugs that help to remove from the body toxins, toxins, allergens, which can be used in the complex therapy of allergic manifestations. It should be remembered that their use should be no more than 2 weeks, and reception should be carried out separately from other medicines and vitamins, as their effect and digestibility decreases.

Folk treatment of allergic rhinitis

Unfortunately, allergic reactions of the body can not be cured by any folk remedies, since most of the grandmother's recipes for the recovery of the body consist of herbal medicinal preparations, tinctures, broths. If a child or an adult, for example, has pollinosis, how to treat allergic rhinitis with folk remedies, for which it is allergic? No way. You can only aggravate the condition and add allergens to the body.

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