Runny nose does not pass a month what to do

How to treat a runny nose in an adult, if it does not pass 2 weeks

A common cold in an adult can provoke prolonged exposure to cold or infection. Despite the fact that this condition can not be called pleasant, it does not carry any particular danger if the treatment is started on time. But there are cases when the rhinitis does not leave the human body for a long time. There are various reasons for this, which will be considered later.

How to treat a runny nose in a newborn, you can find out by reading this article.

What contributes to

The reason for long-term rhinitis may consist in allergies, prolonged use of vasoconstrictive drops, untimely treatment, in the transition of the common cold into a chronic form.

If the rhinitis lasts more than 2 -3 weeks

When the runny nose does not pass for 2-3 weeks already, there is no need to panic, as for a week it just does not go away. During this time it is very important to understand the cause of its formation and continue the symptomatic treatment that was prescribed by your doctor.

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How to use the right spray for an allergic rhinitis is indicated in this article.

If more than a month

Here if rhinitis disturbs you within a month, 2 months and more, then this is cause for concern. But do not panic and start self-therapy.In this case it is important to consult a doctor, so that he can re-specify the diagnosis.Very often, the reason for such a prolonged rhinitis is the transition to a chronic stage. In this case, the doctor can diagnose vasomotor and allergic rhinitis.

What to do when pershit in the throat and runny nose, you can learn from the article.

Vasomotor Syndrome

The most common cause of this ailment is the frequent use of vasoconstrictive drops. Vasomotor rhinitis is one of the most common forms of chronic rhinitis. It arises because of a strong reaction of the blood capillaries of the nasal mucosa. It is also called the neuro-vascular rhinitis.

The main manifestations of a vasomotor runny nose include:

  • mucous discharge and nasal passages when the heat is changed to cold;
  • nasal congestion during nervous tension;
  • congestion of mucus in the throat;
  • poor sleep;
  • pain in the head.

The video discusses the situation if the runny nose of an adult does not pass 2 weeks:

For such a form of the common cold, the nasal congestion is inherent. This is especially evident in the prone position. In addition to dependence on medicines, there are a number of factors that cause a vasomotor runny nose:

  • environmental factors that irritate the nasal mucosa - dust, smoke;
  • dependence on weather conditions;
  • emotional stress;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • malnutrition.

What remedy for the common cold in pregnancy 3 trimester is best used, you can learn from this article.

If you make the right treatment and start on time, then you can eliminate the chronic runny nose at any stage. In this case it is very important to be persistent and to follow all the doctor's recommendations accurately.


If you are actively engaged in treatment, the runny nose does not go away, then the cause is allergy. To make sure of this, the doctor will send a blood test. If the doctor's fears are confirmed, then after you pass the test for the allergen. The most common cause of allergies lies in the following:

  • pet hair;
  • certain food products;
  • house dust;
  • household chemicals;
  • Poplar fluff;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • smell of cosmetics;
  • pollen.

What to do when the child has watery eyes and a runny nose, you can find out by reading the article.

The video tells you what to do if you do not have a runny nose for a long time:

Symptoms of seasonal rhinitis are as follows:

  • frequent discharge from the nasal passages;
  • redness and discharge of tears from the eyes;
  • nasal congestion;
  • frequent sneezing.

What are the folk remedies for the common cold and nasal congestion, indicated in the article.

The disease worries about six months and more

Such a period of rhinitis is very long and may indicate the presence of its transition to a chronic stage. But very often the runny nose is a symptom of a serious illness. Such pathologies include sinusitis and sinusitis.

How to get rid of the common cold by folk remedies, you can find out by reading the article.


When a cough comes along with a runny nose, the doctor often diagnoses sinusitis. It is divided into certain types, taking into account the place of concentration of the inflammatory process:

  • sinusitis;
  • frontitis;
  • etmoiditis;
  • sphenoiditis.

The video tells about sinusitis and the situation, if the cold does not pass more than a month:

The cause of this ailment lies in the presence of an infection that has concentrated in the paranasal sinuses. Sinusitis is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • nasal obstruction;
  • from the nose secretion of purulent mucus;
  • loss of smell;
  • pain syndrome in the area of ​​the facial bones;
  • night cough.

How to treat folk remedies for an allergic rhinitis, is indicated in the article.

Rarely, the patient may experience a rise in temperature and general fatigue. The danger of sinusitis is the transition of infection from the sphenoid sinus to the brain.


If you do not treat the treatment with all seriousness, and the rhinitis does not last for six months or more, then most likely you have this kind of sinusitis, like sinusitis. This disease is an inflammatory process of the maxillary sinus, the cause of which is an untreated rhinitis or cold. The patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • rise in temperature to 37-380 C;
  • painful sensations in the temporal region and nose;
  • nasal obstruction;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • loss of smell;
  • painful sensations in the nasal area of ​​a growing character.

on the video after Orvi does not go through a runny nose (sinusitis)

From this article you can learn how to distinguish an allergic rhinitis from the usual.

Effective therapy

Only timely and effective treatment allows you to get rid of the common cold quickly. If, for some reason, this did not happen, the doctor, after re-diagnosing, prescribes another course of therapy.

Long-term rhinitis after ARI

It is very important in such a disease not to allow the mucus to dry out and form crusts. Otherwise, the person will breathe through the mouth. From time to time, nasal passages need to be cleaned and monitor the humidity in the room.

It is not necessary to apply with this rhinitis vasoconstrictive drug, since they only temporarily relieve swelling and stuffiness of the nose. If you use them for a long time, you can earn a chronic rhinitis. It is advisable to use such medications in order to prevent sinusitis, but the therapeutic course should not exceed 7 days.

What to do when a child has an allergic rhinitis and cough, you can learn from this article.

To eliminate this runny nose it is worth using antihistamines - Suprastin and Diazolin.Often, doctors include homeopathic medicines in the treatment regimen, which have no side effects. The most popular drug is Edas-131.

Long and thick

Such a lingering rhinitis should be treated with vasoconstrictive drops and sprays. Then it will be possible to restore normal nasal breathing. You can use Vibrocil, Glazolin, Xylen. But do not get too carried away by them, otherwise habituation will arise. To dilute the mucus, the doctor may prescribe Rinoflumacil.

A very effective procedure is the washing of the nose. To do this, use salt solutions Aquamaris, Dolphin. Thanks to them, it is possible to dilute the thick mucus and it is easy to remove it from the nasal passages in the process of blowing out.

Salt solution can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared independently. Take a dessert spoon of sea salt and dissolve it in 500 ml of boiled water. If sea salt is not available, can use the cookery. The cooking process is similar to the previous version. The washing procedure should be performed at least 4 times throughout the day.

With a prolonged thick rhinitis, it is very important to apply local antibacterial drops - Polydex, Bioparox, Isofra. When rhinitis is accompanied by complications, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

Folk treatment

To achieve maximum effect, you can combine the methods of traditional medicine with folk methods. Such measures allow to achieve a speedy recovery and prevent the formation of complications.

The most popular are the following recipes for folk treatment of a dense rhinitis:

  1. Rinse the nose with a solution of aloe juice, onion, calanchoe.
  2. Steam inhalations with the help of boiled potatoes, medicinal herbs. Carry out treatment is 3 times a day. Carry out inhalations carefully so as not to get a burn of the airways.
  3. Soar your feet.To conduct the procedure, you should dial hot water into the basin to a level that covers the shins.So sit 15 minutes, and then put on warm socks, which will be filled with mustard.
  4. Drip the nose with a remedy obtained from the yarrow herb and flowers of oregano. To make drops take a tablespoon of herbs, add 250 ml of boiling water, wait half an hour. Judge, strain and bury your nose.

Prolonged rhinitis in expectant mothers

During the gestation of a child, in addition to the usual rhinitis that has arisen against the background of a cold or allergy, a woman may have a runny nose for a long time. It refers to varieties of the vasomotor runny nose, which occurs due to hormonal changes. As a result, there is swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Use of traditional medicine in this case is inexpedient because of their inefficiency. But no one forbids them to apply, because every person has his own features.

The video tells what to do if the runny nose does not pass during pregnancy:

To treat a protracted runny nose, pregnant women should use local thermal manipulation. To warm the nasal sinuses is to use a bag of sand or salt. For such procedures, the blue lamp is very suitable. To facilitate breathing help inhalation with menthol oil. On the day to perform such manipulations 3-4.

The most effective procedure in treating a runny nose in future mothers is washing. Use ready-made salt solutions Marimer, Aquamoris. Very positively affect the washing with the help of decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage). Perform washing 2-3 times a day.

Pregnant women can use vasoconstrictive nasal drops, but only after they are approved by the attending physician. Use Vibrocil, Nazivin according to dosage for children. But to drip a nose only in case of strong zalozhennosti and a dyscomfort.Treatment with vasoconstrictive drops during pregnancy should not last more than 3 days. Otherwise, you can damage the health of the baby and mom.

Treatment of the common cold is a very important point, because often due to late treatment, you can earn a protracted rhinitis, which turns into a chronic stage. Be more attentive to your health and follow all the prescriptions of the doctor, then the runny nose will disappear as suddenly as it appeared.

Do I have a runny nose for about a month?


malishka malishkina

for 3 teaspoons of warm water, make a half teaspoon of honey and bury it. you can still add half a teaspoon of aloe. I suffered from a runny nose for 10 years and, thank God, these recipes helped me. do not pull and do not drop drips in any way. and then I dug out that complications have gone like this, and I myself am not happy. good luck!


try "grandmother's" means


I had such a misfortune, helped UHF - 5 procedures

Inna Yunaya

That's just because of the drops it does not pass. Getting used to. Gray it. Of folk ways - salt.


Take a penicillin pill, sprinkle it with one tablespoon of water and drip every hour

Evgenia Shelekhova

There is such a house plant calanha. Accompany it. Just do not be surprised, after it sneeze, but not for long

Irina Fomina

try just to rinse your nose with saline solution very well and help in the pharmacy advise how

Iphiginea Kashmarina

A rhinitis it is necessary to treat, t. To a protracted runny nose can cause an acute genyantritis, and to treat it very unpleasantly and tezhelo. Try to rinse your nose with saline. It helps me.

Natalia Lisevich

can you have this chronic cold? I usually have a cold in the year 2 times a year... I do not know what it is... but the rest of the time is ok


Arbidol and vitamins


Coryza (19)
Recipe N1. Onions with lean oil: two teaspoons of lean oil to heat on fire, not bringing to a boil, add two teaspoons of finely chopped onions to hot oil and let it brew for 30 minutes. Suck onion. Bury in the nose 2-3 drops in each nostril.
Recipe N2. Beet juice: with a chronic rhinitis with thick secretions it is very useful to instill 2-3 drops of freshly squeezed beet juice into each nostril.
Recipe N3. Streptocide: with an abundant liquid runny nose a streptocide will help. Make cotton swabs, moisten them with oil and then roll in streptocid powder. Insert tampons in the nose and try to breathe air through the tampons, trying to get the streptocid powder to enter the nasopharynx. You can simply inhale streptocid powder through a tube.
Recipe N4. Onions with honey: 2 h. Spoons of onion juice mixed: with honey, dig in 2-3 drops in each nostril.
Recipe N5. For infants - breast milk: express a little breast milk, immediately put in a pipette and drip 1-2 drops into each nostril.
Recipe N6. Calanchoe juice: Bury in the nose 3-5 drops of fresh juice of leaves of Kalanchoe pinnate (live tree) 2-3 times a day.
Recipe N7. Aloe juice: Bury 3-5 drops of fresh aloe juice in each nostril 4-5 times a day, throwing your head back and massaging after digging in the wings of the nose.
Recipe N8. Inhalations with pine buds: boil in a saucepan 3 tbsp. spoons of pine buds and breathe over the steam, wrapped up. After this procedure, you can not go out for 2-3 hours.
Recipe N9. Dry mustard: pour dry mustard into your socks and go to bed.
Recipe N10. Infusions of herbs: bury in the nose infusion of herb St. John's wort, or calendula, or yarrow (2 tbsp. spoons for a glass of boiling water) 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.
Recipe N11. Horseradish with lemon: for a cold, especially chronic, you should use a sauce of grated horseradish, mixed in equal parts with lemon juice. Drug take half a teaspoon two or three times a day for 30-40 minutes before meals. "Medicine" causes lachrymation, but the discharge from the nose stops.
Recipe N12. Tar with oil: with influenza lesions tar, diluted with vegetable oil buried in the nose with colds, smearing their chest with bronchitis.
Recipe N13. A cake of horseradish and honey with rye flour: with a chronic cold: horseradish and honey in equal parts (1 tbsp. spoon), rye flour. Make a cake and put on the bridge of the nose. If it burns hard, you can pave gauze. Treat for overnight for several days.
Recipe N14. Tea tree oil from the common cold: use oil to treat the common cold when it starts. Stir: with castor and lubricate the nose inside.
Recipe N15. The recipe for oil from the common cold for children (it is possible for infants): in a water bath, melt 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, put in the oil herbs: chamomile, St. John's wort, the mixture should be thick (as very thick sour cream) and in a water bath brew for 15 minutes, then when a little cool - squeeze through gauze. When the herbal ointment will harden, lubricate it in the nose of the child. It turns out as a kind of inhalation with useful herbs and does not dry in the nose
Recipe N16. Dry garlic stalk from stuffy nose and runny nose (can children): take a dry stick from the head of garlic (a stalk on which the head grows, sometimes in the markets of garlic along with these dry stems is sold) and to set fire to. It will glow softly. Then put out, and breathe this haze (garlic does not smell at all! Just burnt twig). First one nostril, pinching the other, then vice versa. And so several times to do. Any runny nose recedes. The rhinitis, can be, will pass or take place and not at once, but zalozhennost a nose disappears instantly.


And what did the doctor say? I had to take the analysis on baktrei.

Galina Myskina

At me too was such, that the rhinitis did not pass or take place. At what what only drops did not use. And then I washed my nose.

Yuliya Morozova

And you than a nose wash? I just dolphin already more than once with a cold used (just their nose washed). So cool, he flushes all the infection from his nose. This is an order of magnitude better than drops. You wash and there comes simplification.


It is necessary to drink vodka and all will pass

What to do when the child does not have a runny nose?

A child's rhinitis is a fairly common phenomenon, which often gives parents a lot of trouble immediately after the birth of their baby. Usually this process is easily treatable, but sometimes the child does not have a runny nose even for a month, which indicates the severity of the disease.On average, the duration of rhinitis is 5-7 days, but with the development of some complications, the inflammatory process can last for a long time.

When there is a protracted runny nose?

If a child does not have a runny nose for a long time, otolaryngologists diagnose chronic rhinitis. In this case, inflammation of two nasal passages is noted, which is not easy to cure. However, not always a protracted runny nose is a symptom of chronic rhinitis, often this sign indicates development of influenza, allergies, infectious diseases, respiratory disorders, adenoiditis. In some cases, nasal discharge occurs against the background of the resulting nose injury, then the treatment of the common cold does not bring relief to the patient and does not help reduce the secretion.

As a rule, a protracted runny nose, which is a consequence of acute rhinitis, occurs in the cold

time of the year in the period of epidemics of respiratory viral or colds. On parents' question, why the child does not go through a runny nose for a long time, pediatricians, as a rule, point out the wrong treatment of the disease or even its absence.Erroneous is the opinion that the common cold does not represent any danger to the human body, and therefore it will pass by itself. Inflammatory process in the nasopharynx adversely affects other internal organs, especially bronchi, lungs and heart.Parents should seek emergency medical help if there are such symptoms in their children:
  • a prolonged runny nose, which has been observed for more than 10 days;
  • constantly stuffy nose, breathing through the mouth;
  • decreased or complete loss of sense of smell;
  • presence of yellow or green thick discharge from the nose;
  • itching in the nose;
  • lethargy, tiredness;
  • headache;
  • deterioration of sleep.

All these symptoms indicate a protracted runny nose, requiring compulsory treatment. Referring to a specialist will avoid serious consequences of chronic rhinitis.

In infants, a permanent runny nose, manifested by secretions of clear liquid mucus from the nose, indicates the development of an allergic reaction of the body. If such a phenomenon is observed immediately after the birth of a crumb, the most likely cause of a cold is the physiological process taking place in the body of the newborn. In this case, a protracted runny nose does not require treatment, parents only need to carry out certain activities aimed at caring for a baby spout.

To exclude recurrence of rhinitis, it is necessary to work on strengthening children's immunity. The child will benefit from a walk in the fresh air, trips to the sea, to the mountains, parents should enrich the baby's diet with healthy food, preferring fresh vegetables and fruits. If necessary, you can drink a multivitamin complex prescribed by a pediatrician. If a runny nose does not pass a month or more, there are serious reasons for concern, because the inflammatory process can lead to the development of sinusitis or otitis.

What should be the treatment?

To conduct the correct treatment of a prolonged inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, you need to understand the cause of its development. You should know that when treating young children, you should avoid using strong drugs that can cause serious complications in the child's body.

Treatment of an allergic rhinitis

Prolonged allergic rhinitis must be treated by eliminating the allergen. An allergic reaction can cause such things as:

  • down pillows;
  • bed dress;
  • Pets;
  • flowering plants and trees;
  • dust;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • chemical substances.

It is necessary to remove from the child's room all objects that provoke a morbid state of the body, daily to air the room and conduct wet cleaning in it. Almost always at the same time as a runny nose, allergy causes nasal congestion due to swelling of the mucous membrane. The most dangerous for the baby's life is puffiness of the larynx, which can also occur against the background of the course of the allergic process in the child's body. To avoid this unpleasant effect, children are prescribed antihistamines - Claritin, Citrine, Suprastin, Diazolin, Erius and some others.

Treatment of an infectious and viral cold

Sometimes a runny nose in a child does not last a month if the disease has a viral or bacterial origin. This process is much more dangerous than allergy, because the infection can spread to other parts of the respiratory system. In the case of a viral illness, specialists usually prescribe Interferon, Arbidol, Aflubin, Anaferon to eliminate the common cold.

If you start to cure a cold for 10 days from the moment of its appearance, when the disease is not yet very much started, you can use folk methods.Parents should know that traditional medicine can be used with absolute certainty that they will not cause an allergic reaction.Rhinitis in children can be cured with the help of such treatment procedures:

  • inhalation;
  • warming of the nasal sinuses;
  • warm foot baths;
  • washing the nose with saline solution;
  • burying in the nose of essential oils, decoctions and infusions of herbs;
  • acupressure.

If a child does not have a runny nose for a long time, despite his treatment, a thorough examination of the baby's body should be carried out in order to identify the pathologies that triggered the development of this process.

The child has not had a runny nose for a month already, which only did not help, does not help!



go to the doctor

Elena kudryashova

And to LORu to address tried or tasted?

*** SKARLETT ***

to the pediatrician did not try to descend ...


to the allergist iditol - at you obviously not catarrhal. let them make samples

George Avramov

you need to take the juice of garlic, mix with vegetable oil (just a little bit of garlic just a little for five oils) and dip into the nose.


to the pediatric


And what does the ENT say? or you are not lucky with the lor at the place of residence? Then look for another. The reasons can be set, and it is necessary to search for them, only then it will be possible to cure the consequence - a rhinitis.


I have 9 months of the year, and it happens all year round.


can after the birth has not yet cleaned channels.
sea ​​water clean the spout.
and try to maintain the humidity in the air at home. they are dry Pts. quickly react, it is the stuffed spout. itself was excruciated with the.. .
towel hang on batteries, or buy a moisturizer, they are not expensive. and the bacteria are killed.


Runny nose can be allergic. Give the child a tablet of DYAZOLINE. And look, if the runny nose has passed, then it means that the child has an allergy.

The Maiden of the Sun

Maybe a vasomotor rhinitis? Mucous overdried (dry air, constant use of drops of vasoconstrictors) and cracked, it constantly settles microbes and runny nose becomes chronic. Try to lubricate your child with a nose twice a day with Viferon ointment or rinse with Aquamaris. Of course, this should be done after you have dripped vasoconstrictive drops (if you drip them). They say that the beet juice mixed with honey - helps, to drip into the nose. But (also they say, I did not try it myself) - very shchipet.


It depends on what age.
-Chimelin for children.
-Wear your feet with mustard. (not breastfed naturally).
- Overnight dry mustard in socks.
- Balm asterisk -perion.
- Snort finely chopped onions. At night put in a saucer near the bed.
- There is a onion.


A month is not much. Runny nose is a long-lasting affair. The nose is cleaned. Be like physiotherapy.


Remove the bread from the baby's food and flour products, replace them with porridges (except rice) and warm boiled vegetables. The result will surprise you! Health to your child. About a rhinitis of an allergic acute. Signs - red eyes. sneezing, runny nose is clear-mucous, light. So you will see for yourself.


shodite k allergologu.a eshe poprobuyte sok luka i me, olko budet shipat`


Flower pollen (Vitamin excellence) propolis, www.

Coryza tortured, what to do so quickly passed?



Try to do without vasoconstrictive drops - they are very quickly addictive. It is advisable to drink propivovirusnye sr-va and vitamins. Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Runny nose is caused by various microbes and viruses; the development of the cold contributes to hypothermia, a strong dustiness and gas contamination of the air. Runny nose is a common sign of colds (for example, the flu) Often recurring acute cold may pass into a chronic runny nose. Chronic rhinitis is a consequence of unfinished acute inflammations, infectious diseases, occupational hazards, the presence of adenoids.
Treatment of a common cold:
1. With a beginning cold, prolonged repeated inhalation of volatile substances from a cut bulb or garlic helps.
2. Sniff grated horseradish. Additionally, attach it for 30 minutes to the back of the head.
3.Zapakivat nose 3-5 drops of fresh juice leaves Kalanchoe pinnate (live tree) 2-3 times a day.
4.Zapakivat 3-5 drops of fresh aloe juice in each nostril 4-5 times a day, throwing his head back and massaging after instilling the wings of the nose.
5. Chlorophylliptine oil solution in each nasal drip for 2-3 drops (children - 1-2 drops) 3 times a day.
6. Cook in a saucepan 3 tablespoons of pine buds and breathe over the steam. After this procedure, you can not go out for 2-3 hours.
7. Put dry mustard in your socks and go to bed.
8. To dig in the nose the infusion of the herb of St. John's wort or calendula or yarrow (2 tablespoons of herbs for a glass of boiling water) 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.
9. Birch buds 1 tablespoon, chamomile flowers 1 tablespoon, yarrow 1 tablespoon, licorice root 1 tablespoon, plantain leaf 1 tablespoon. To mix. 1 tablespoon of the mixture to brew 1/3 cup of boiling water. Insist 4-5 hours, drain. Bury in each nasal passage 2-3 drops 2-3 times a day or insert into your nose cotton buddies, moistened with infusion.
10.Trava turns 1 tablespoon, birch buds 1 tablespoon, yarrow 1 tablespoon, plantain leaf 1 tablespoon, sage leaf 1 tablespoon. To mix. 1 tablespoon of the mixture to brew 1/3 cup of boiling water. Insist 4-5 hours, drain. Bury in each nasal passage 2-3 drops 2-3 times a day or insert into your nose cotton buddies, moistened with infusion.
11.Freshly squeezed onion juice, mixed in half with honey. Bury in each nasal passage of 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day.
12. One teaspoon of carrot juice mixed with an equal amount of sea buckthorn oil. Bury in the nose 2-3 times a day or insert a cotton buddy.
With a chronic rhinitis before instillation of the drug or the introduction of a turundock, it is recommended to wash the nose: 1 tablespoon (without top) salt dissolve in a glass of water. Dissolve thoroughly so that no salt crystals remain (or strain through several layers of gauze). Pour the saline solution into the palm and draw in its nostril (the other nostril should be closed at the same time), do not swallow the solution - spit it out. If the broth or water is cold, then the effect will be as of vasoconstrictor drops.


do not use funds from the cold especially vasoconstrictive. you can drink suprastin to remove the edema in your nostrils

Vitaliy Zagoskin

take garlic from pods and set fire then blow and inhale the smoke of each nasdre, protshidaet to the brain and helps efektivno, checked for yourself!


It is most useful to use natural products, for example, honey lubricate inside and outside the nose, it helps realistically! You can also balm "Vitaon" - this is an extract of medicinal herbs, again it's not harmful.


Rhinitis - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It is usually caused by various viruses and microbes. Its development is promoted by hypothermia, severe gas contamination or dustiness of the air. Runny nose is often a symptom of infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles, fever, malaria, etc.).
Recipes of traditional medicine
used in the common cold:
1. Menthol oil (drugstore). Inoculate 3-5 drops of menthol oil into each nostril. Do twice a day; simultaneously lubricate with oil: forehead, whiskey, behind the ears, the back of the head, the wings of the nose. You can mix menthol oil with camphor oil. The procedures are the same. Well helps with a beginning cold.
2. Kalanchoe (home remedy). With the beginning of a cold it is enough 2-3 times a day to lubricate the nose with juice from a fresh leaf Kalanchoe and runny nose will quickly stop. You can dig in 3-5 drops.
3. Tincture. At 100 gr. sunflower or olive oil take one tablespoon with the top of the crushed ledum. Insist 21 days in a dark place, shaken daily. Strain, wring out. Drip 2-3 drops in each nostril for the first time, then instill 1 drop 3-4 times a day. Do not more than a week. Runny nose goes away in a few days.
4. Chronic rhinitis. Make slightly warm, slightly saline water. Add there 1 teaspoon of any of the listed tinctures (calendula, sofar, eucalyptus). Take water, liter. This water wash the nose.
The procedure is as follows: to bend under the water at an angle of 45 degrees, nose to draw it and release it from the mouth. So skip the entire solution without looking up your nose alternately through each nostril. Do with chronic colds twice a day, morning and evening.
5. Red beet. Bury in each nostril for 5-6 drops of freshly squeezed beet juice (fresh, not boiled). You can soak a cotton swab in fresh juice and put it in your nose.
6. It helps from the cold a finely chopped onion, infused with sunflower oil. This compound lubricates the nostrils.
7. With a cold, honey is chewed with honeycombs and honey is applied to the nostrils.
8. Eucalyptus tea and peppermint are excellent for inhalation with a cold. For a liter of hot water, 3-4 drops of infusion are enough.
9. With a cold, it is recommended to wrap the feet of gauze moistened with alcoholic infusions of capsicum, top with woolen socks and go to bed.
10. With a cold, take 1 part of freshly prepared carrot juice, 1 h. vegetable oil and a few drops of garlic juice. Bury in the nose 3 times a day.
11. From the cold helps a mixture of honey with red beet juice. Mix a teaspoon of honey and 3 tablespoons of beet juice. Bury in the nose a few drops 3-4 times a day.
I wish you health!! !

Masha Kaps

If the nose is heavily stuffed, and this creates severe discomfort, then drugs with antihistamine and vasoconstrictive action are usually taken. For example, in cold medicines often includes chlorphenamine - against allergic reactions and phenylephrine with a moderate vasoconstrictor effect. They eliminate swelling and hyperemia of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses, facilitate breathing and reduce the symptoms of the common cold (not only of cold origin). More about cold and cold

Sofya Akimova

And I'm the opposite of vasoconstricting drops. They are of no use, only relieve swelling, and even addictive cause. My whole family cures a runny nose with the help of washing, I can say much more effectively. I buy Dolphin, it heals and its composition is completely harmless to the body.

Elena Lesovaya

No vasoconstrictive drops. It is already known to everyone that they harm so much that it is even better not to start using them. But many people praise washing.

Elena Selezneva

Girls, and do not say washing is the best. I, too, always do it myself and my child, washing the nose. Now we are using the dolphin. I like that, in the first place the edema subsides, in the second, all the mucus comes out of the nose. And the runny nose goes on like this right away.

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