Crunch in the knees during flexion and extension: causes and treatment


  • 1Pain and crunches in the knee joint: reasons and what to treat?
    • 1.1The nature of the problem
    • 1.2Physiological crunch
    • 1.3Pathogenic crunch
    • 1.4Causes of pathological manifestations
    • 1.5Principles of treatment
  • 2Crunch in the knees during flexion or extension of the joint - causes and treatment of folk remedies
    • 2.1What is a crunch in your lap?
    • 2.2When squatting
    • 2.3Why knees crunch when squatting at a teenager
    • 2.4Crunch in knees when extending without pain
    • 2.5What kind of doctor should I use when I crunch in my lap
    • 2.6Diagnosis of the causes of crunch in the knee
    • 2.7How to get rid of a crunch in your lap
    • 2.8Ointment from a crunch in the knees
    • 2.9Physiotherapy
    • 2.10Massage
    • 2.11Treatment of crunch in the knees folk remedies
    • 2.12Prevention of crunching in the knees
  • 3Crunch at the knees during flexion and extension
    • 3.1Factors of development of a pathological condition
    • 3.21. Gonarthrosis
    • 3.32. Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 3.43. Gout
    • 3.54. Hypermobile syndrome
    • 3.65. Damage to the meniscus
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.76. Osteoporosis (phosphorus-potassium deficiency)
    • 3.87. Chondromatosis
    • 3.98. Bursitis
    • 3.109. Osteochondritis dissecting
    • 3.1110. Osteophytes
    • 3.1211. Various injuries and injuries
    • 3.13Causes of crunching in the joint in children
    • 3.14Diagnostics
    • 3.15Treatment
    • 3.16Ointments
    • 3.17Exercise therapy
  • 4Than to treat a crunch in a knee joint
    • 4.1About the sensation of a crunch at the knees
    • 4.2Why do knees crunch when squats, flexions and extensions?
    • 4.3Crunch Diagnostics
    • 4.4Professional treatment
    • 4.5Physiotherapy
    • 4.6Diet
    • 4.7Massage with healing ointments
    • 4.8Prevention

Pain and crunches in the knee joint: reasons and what to treat?

When the crunch is heard in the knees during flexion and extension, treatment should be started as soon as possible.

This sound indicates the birth of a destructive process in the joint, it can not be ignored. The etiological mechanism of this phenomenon can be based on various types of joint diseases.

It is important not to start the process, but to consult the doctor in time to prescribe effective therapy.

The nature of the problem

In a healthy joint, any movements occur smoothly and silently. This is facilitated by the presence of a cartilaginous pad that plays the role of a shock absorber, and a special lubricant in the form of synovial (intra-articular) fluid. The cartilage works like a sponge.

When the leg is bent at the knee joint, the cartilage layer contracts and the fluid is released from it, and when the knee is bent, the reverse process occurs, i.e. the liquid is absorbed by the cartilage.

The most characteristic movements of flexion-extensor type in the knee joint are performed with squatting.

Why do crunches of joints? The crunch is the sound of a "cracking" character that arises in the joint only when moving in it (passive or active).

In the same category are clicks.

Theoretically, such a sound can originate in any joint, but most often the knee joint can crunch, as it actively participates in the movement and perceives large loads.

Physiological crunch

When a crunch is heard in the knees, the reasons can be physiological in nature, not related to the pathological processes in the joint.

In this case there should be no pain syndrome and signs of inflammation (swelling, redness, etc.).

The crunch in the knee joint with flexion and extension, as well as with squatting, not accompanied by pain, is almost 90% due to physiological causes.

The most typical picture arises from the accumulation of gas in the synovial fluid. This effect was called cavitation or tribonucleation.

The physics of this process is explained by the release of gas bubbles when the hard surfaces move sharply relative to each other in a liquid medium with dissolved gas.

It was found that the intra-articular fluid contained a significant amount of dissolved carbon dioxide (up to 14%).

Under certain conditions, it leaves in the form of gas bubbles, which do not have time to dissolve again in the liquid medium. To completely dissolve them, it sometimes takes 10 - 12 minutes.

If at that moment the bone elements approach each other, then a bubble rupture occurs, which causes a characteristic sound.

There are several other causes of non-pathological articular crunch:

  1. Moving in an atypical pose, when the protrusions of the joints cling to each other. In this case, even the appearance of small discomfortable sensations is possible. After stopping and stopping such a movement, the crunch usually disappears.
  2. A crunch in the knee when flexing or unbending the leg can occur after a long time in the static position (the legs become numb). This phenomenon is caused by a sharp stretching of the ligaments, but it does not break the fibers, and therefore does not lead to injury.
  3. With a sharp leg movement, ligamentous tissues can touch the bony protuberances, which sounds like a dull crunch.

These physiological phenomena do not conceal a danger to the joint. However, it is important not to miss pathological factors behind them. Non-pathogenic crunch has a one-time character.

It occurs only when moving in the joint and disappears when it stops. After rest, repeated sounds are extremely rare.

Physiological crunch does not require special treatment.

In childhood, knees crunch quite often because of the continuing development of the skeleton. Ligamentous elements in children are highly elastic.

They are very active in the motor process.

As a result, in the intra-articular fluid, vacuum or gas bubbles often form, leading to sonorous clicks.

Pathogenic crunch

The crunch in the knees at extension and bending of the foot, unfortunately, is not always so harmless. Often such a feature has various articular pathologies, with age the tendency to their manifestation increases.

Most often, pain and crunch in the knee of a pathological nature cause inflammatory reactions and other processes occurring directly in the knee joint.

The following joint lesions are distinguished, capable of provoking a similar phenomenon when squatting, bending or flexing the leg, and also causing a crunch in the knee during walking:

  • diseases of inflammatory and degenerative - dystrophic type in the cartilage of the joint (arthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis);
  • inflammatory reactions in the periarticular tissues and some articular elements (bursitis, tendenitis, patellofemoral syndrome, meniscus damage).

Pain and crunching can be a traumatic or post-traumatic effect with ligament ruptures, fractures, sprains, knee bruises. More rarely, but there are cases when the knees crun with the dysfunction of the articular elements due to disruption in the supply (blood supply) of their tissues.

What additional symptoms indicate the pathological nature of the crunch? As noted, the main symptom is pain in the knee joint, which can be of a different nature.

At the initial stages, discomfort is felt. Then small pains appear when moving in the joint, and in the advanced stage they arise and at rest.

Pain syndrome can be permanent, tedious or abrupt, piercing.

There are also other symptoms:

  1. knees swell;
  2. the flexing and expansion process is limited;
  3. rotary movements are blocked.

The very appearance of a crunchy sound has a certain specificity. At the beginning of the disease, this is a slight crunching while walking on the stairs or when squatting.

As the process progresses, a strong crunch arises in the knees with any movement in the joint.

Depending on the nature of the disease, this effect can occur only with extension, or only with bending of the foot, with various movements of the ankle, etc. The manifestation of sounds can also be different:

  • muffled crunches;
  • numerous crunchy sounds or loud ones;
  • sharp claps.

Causes of pathological manifestations

Why do the knees of a man suffer? We can identify the main causes of the appearance of unpleasant signs of pathology, expressed in the form of a crunch and pain:

  1. The age factor. In the elderly, there is a significant increase in the likelihood of degenerative wear of the cartilaginous and connective tissue. Reduction of the size of the cartilaginous lining and a decrease in the elasticity of the cartilage, the formation of bone growths causes a crunch when moving as a result of the fact that the articular elements cling to each other when movement.
  2. Hereditary factor. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are often hereditary diseases. This cause is especially active in children in adolescence.
  3. Calcium deficiency. To this problem leads to malnutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, the reception of some medicinal preparations (calcium antagonists, laxatives and diuretics), a number of internal diseases bodies. Lack of calcium can be found in the body of a pregnant woman, tk. there is an additional need for it to form the skeleton of the child.
  4. Infectious lesions of various types.
  5. Violation of metabolic processes.
  6. Post-traumatic effect in fractures, dislocations, sprains in the knee area.
  7. Excessive physical activity. The most typical reasons are long standing in one place or squatting, carrying loads, moving in atypical poses, often jumping from a height to hard surface, etc. Significantly increases the burden on the knee joint overweight, and obesity is considered one of the main factors in the appearance of joint diseases. In women, overload causes constant walking in narrow shoes with high heels.
  8. Incorrect food. In addition to insufficient intake of foods rich in calcium, it is necessary to note the excessive intake of salt. Saline deposits often become a stimulant of pathologies. Not much more is affected by excessive consumption of sweets.
  9. Extra-articular pathologies. Articular problems can be caused by processes caused by various diseases of internal organs, causing metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance, and blood circulation. Such diseases include hypoparathyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, diabetes mellitus, endocrine pathology, gout, kidney failure.

Principles of treatment

As the analysis shows, the appearance of the crunch should be taken seriously.

If the knees started to make crispy sounds (and even worse, ache) with any movements in the joint, you should consult a doctor to find out the causes of this phenomenon and begin timely treatment. If there is a frequent crunch without pain, it is enough to take the following preventive measures:

  • Reception of vitamins. The best option is vitamin complexes with calcium and magnesium additives.
  • Optimizing power. You should increase the intake of foods rich in calcium (milk, kefir, cottage cheese, fish of low-fat varieties). Especially important is the increased consumption of such products in childhood, when the formation of the skeleton is completed. It is necessary to limit the consumption of table salt, to exclude marinades, preservatives, sauces from consumption. You should not get involved in cakes and confectionery. A special priority in nutrition should be given to vegetables and fruits.
  • Wearing comfortable shoes. It should be remembered that high heels significantly increase the load on the knee joint.
  • Physical exercise. When a crunch appears, you should limit their impact. You should think about the possibility of engaging in sports related to running, jumping, squats, lifting weights. The most useful is swimming. However, it is not recommended to completely stop playing sports and active way of life. Life hypotension only provokes joint problems.

When there is a pathological crunch in the knees, treatment should be aimed at fighting the underlying illness.

To treat it follows the conservative method with the involvement of drug therapy, physiotherapy, but by appointment.

A good assistant at home can be treated with folk remedies.

To get rid of the crunch in the knees and other signs of joint damage, these methods of treatment are used:

  1. Physiotherapy. A prerequisite is a daily morning exercise. The complex itself should have an individual scheme taking into account the type of pathology. It is better if the complex is offered by a specialist.
  2. Physiotherapy, namely, heating with UHF, ultrasound, magnetotherapy. One of the most effective ways is electrophoresis.
  3. External medicament preparations. The most popular remedy is snake or bee venom.
  4. Compresses and applications. For their production a wide range of folk remedies is used. For example, the milk compress is popular.
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The crunch in the knees most often does not conceal danger and is explained by physiological processes. However, this phenomenon should be taken seriously, because often it signals the presence of pathology. In this case, adequate treatment is necessary.

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Crunch in the knees during flexion or extension of the joint - causes and treatment of folk remedies

When walking, climbing the stairs, you can long not notice the problems until they begin to be accompanied by severe pain.

A crunch at the knees during movements is a signal - in a joint with high loads dangerous transformations begin.

It is important to know why they occur, what causes it, how to eliminate pathological changes. This will help in time to seek help, avoid problems.

What is a crunch in your lap?

From the pressure of body weight, constant movement - walking, squats, running - the knee joints of the body experience overload.

In a healthy state, they are shock absorbers, due to the presence of synovial fluid, cartilage tissue. A crunch in the knees is a sign of the changes taking place.

Its occurrence is considered safe for physiological reasons, when:

  • manifested congenital loosening of ligaments;
  • In the cavity burst bubbles inside the synovial fluid;
  • there is a rapid growth of bones that touch the ligaments.

A dangerous problem is joint damage, when they have a shortage of nutrients. Violation of the interaction between the structures - the patella, the tibia, which has a flat surface for slipping, femoral. When the crunch is observed:

  1. stretching the shell of the synovial bag;
  2. damage to cartilage cells;
  3. absence of joint lubrication;
  4. sprain.

The reasons for which there may be a crunch in the knee joints are obesity, sudden movements in the presence of a sedentary lifestyle. Pathologies can cause disease. Crunch your knees in case:

  • lifting weights;
  • the use of harmful food - acute, salty;
  • walking in high heels - the arch of the foot changes;
  • rhythmic loads;
  • nervous tension;
  • stress;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • damage to the meniscus;
  • gonarthrosis;
  • tumors;
  • fractures, dislocations;
  • disorders of hormone production;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • weak ligaments;
  • lack of vitamins.

A crunch when bending knee joints is a sign of inflammations, changes in cartilaginous tissue. In the affected area, the load increases, dystrophic processes begin. The causes that cause knees to crunch when bending, are associated with illnesses, a way of life. With the defeat of structures:

  1. there is friction of joint surfaces;
  2. the ability to retain moisture is lost;
  3. the inflammation of the synovial bag begins;
  4. the cartilage deformation progresses;
  5. the amount of lubricant is reduced.

When squatting

The appearance of a crunch when performing this movement is typical for the elderly. This is due to physiological changes in the joint.

The possible cause of the crunch is hereditary diseases of the organs of motion. There are violations of metabolic processes, poor ecology.

Often, athletes crunch their knees when squatting while doing exercises under load. It can:

  • inflamed synovium;
  • to break down cartilaginous tissue;
  • change food;
  • increase the frictional force of surfaces.

Why knees crunch when squatting at a teenager

It is important to pay attention to problems with joints in adolescents. This age is characterized by changes in the body, its active growth. A crunch can indicate a strong stretch of ligaments.

Perhaps the lag of muscle growth from the bones. If knees crunch when squatting at a teenager, the situation will be normalized as the ligament apparatus is formed.

To prevent crunch, tasks become important:

  1. reduce physical activity;
  2. ensure proper nutrition;
  3. to use complexes of vitamins;
  4. to exclude overvoltage.

Crunch in knees when extending without pain

There are cases when a crunch occurs without the appearance of pain. One of the causes of the phenomenon is the peculiarity of the functioning of the synovial knee bag. Among the components of its liquid is carbon dioxide gas. While driving:

  • the pressure in the joint bag changes;
  • the number of bubbles increases;
  • they burst with a clicking sound.

A crunch in the knees during extension without pain occurs with changes in the tissues of bones and muscles in old age. It is characteristic for gymnasts, acrobats, demonstrating flexibility and stretching.

Bundles that maintain the healthy state of a healthy joint, they are allowed to produce an increased range of movements. This condition has an innate cause.

For such people, the characteristic is:

  1. weakness of the joints, knee ligaments;
  2. connective tissue disorders.

What kind of doctor should I use when I crunch in my lap

The first doctor, to whom the patient comes with a complaint of clicks in the knee joint during extension, is a therapist. He is engaged in the treatment of mild reactive arthritis, osteoarthritis in old age.

After the survey, the analysis is collected, a preliminary diagnosis of the cause of the crunch is made.

If necessary, after additional hardware research, the patient is sent for consultation to doctors of a different profile.

Who should I turn to when I crunch in my lap? It depends on the preliminary diagnosis and symptoms of the disease:

  • Rheumatologist conducts treatment for inflammation of the joint, connective tissue. It is treated with swelling, redness, pain of the knees, the presence of pathology according to the results of the tests.
  • A traumatologist helps with bone deformation, knee cartilage damage.
  • The nutritionist gives recommendations on the change in the diet when the weight deviates from the norm.

Diagnosis of the causes of crunch in the knee

The process of determining the disease of the knee begins with a survey of the patient. The doctor listens to complaints, clarifies the presence of past injuries. Important points - working conditions, sports, physical activity. The main tasks of the doctor in the diagnosis of crunching:

  1. clarification of concomitant diseases;
  2. the elucidation of hereditary factors;
  3. referral to blood tests, urine tests;
  4. preliminary diagnosis.

If necessary, additional hardware examinations of the knee are performed to clarify the patient's condition. They determine the presence of fluid in the joint, changes in bones, tissues. Diagnosis of the causes of crunch in the knee includes:

  • X-ray;
  • ultrasonography;
  • arthroscopy of the knee;
  • computed tomography;
  • synovial fluid analysis;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • radionuclide studies.

How to get rid of a crunch in your lap

To prevent unsettling symptoms, a set of measures is needed. It is important to eliminate the reasons why the knee joint crunches and hurts, restore the motor functions after the treatment. For recovery you will need:

  1. to observe a diet that will be its own for obesity, gout, metabolic disorders of calcium and phosphorus;
  2. cure the diagnosis that caused knee joint damage;
  3. to ensure peace.

To help the patient get rid of the crunch in the knees, improve the condition is able to perform a set of measures:

  • taking medicines;
  • local use of ointments, compresses;
  • the use of vitamins;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy - magnetotherapy, laser, ultrasound;
  • reduction of joint loads;
  • mud treatment;
  • swimming;
  • injection with joint fluid substitutes;
  • surgical operations;
  • preventive measures.

Ointment from a crunch in the knees

It is possible to improve the motion of the knee joint, reduce the pain syndrome, crunch, if used in the treatment of ointments. Doctors prescribe drugs that have their own curative effect.

The crunch at the knee will decrease when flexing, if non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. It is important to take into account contraindications to the use.

These ointments reduce edema, relieve inflammation, stop pain. Popular means:

  1. Ketoprofen;
  2. Nimesulide;
  3. Orthophene;
  4. Nyz;
  5. Arthrosylen.

Ointments from crunching in the knees have another mechanism of action:

  • warming - improve blood flow, nourishment of cartilage, bone tissue, dilate blood vessels, activate metabolic processes - Viprosal, Apizarthron, Espol, Nayatoks;
  • promote the flexibility of joints, cartilage restoration, agents containing glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen - chondroitin, chondroxide, arthrin.


Carrying out a set of exercises helps maintain muscle tone, which does not allow deforming, rubbing the knee joint. There are recommendations to start gymnastics in the morning, being in bed. To do this, you should:

  1. reach out with your hands and feet;
  2. lying on his back to bend his knees, to slide, not detached from the mattress, at least 20 times;
  3. slowly, slowly, perform the exercise "bike" forward and backward.

Well, if the complex of physical therapy will be supervised by an instructor. Independent exercise can be continued at home. It is convenient to make them with the help of a chair:

  • sit down, put your hands loose, shake the joints of your knees, counting to twenty;
  • holding on to the back, to sit down 10 times, staying down for 2 seconds;
  • leaning on a chair, doing a knee rotation in both directions 8 times.


A crunch in the knee joint will not cause trouble if you regularly massage. With his help, blood circulation will increase, mobility will improve.

It is good, if the procedure is made by a specialist, but also the implementation of it with your own hands will yield no less effective result. With self-massage of the knee joint, each movement must be performed 7 times.

The effectiveness will increase if you use additionally:

  • warming ointments;
  • cream with bee, snake venom.

Begins and ends the procedure with light stroking movements, which are performed first over the joint, and then on it. Massage from crunch includes techniques:

  1. Circular rotation of the palms in both directions;
  2. pushing with movement around the circle with a projection of the bent thumb;
  3. tapping with the pads of the fingers;
  4. translational movements with the palm of the hand during the hours and back.

Treatment of crunch in the knees folk remedies

A complex of measures for the treatment of joint crunches can include recipes of traditional medicine. It is important to coordinate the procedures with the doctor.

If your knees creak, you can rub the composition of the same parts of a tomato, olive oil, or make a home ointment. The substances during the mixing are mixed, infused for several hours.

Prescription in the ointment contains equal proportions:

  • alcohol;
  • glycerol;
  • honey;
  • iodine.

In the treatment of crunch in the knees, folk remedies can be applied a compress of five spoonfuls of vegetable oil and one lemon juice. The composition on a napkin is applied to the joint, maintained for an hour.

The procedure is carried out before going to bed, warm at night. It is recommended to drink from a crunch during a week a forest drink. The prepared composition is used two times - in the morning and in the evening.

The prescription follows:

  1. wash the fir cone;
  2. dip into a glass of boiled water;
  3. leave for the night.

Prevention of crunching in the knees

You can avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, if you carefully treat the health of your joints. A simple way is to reduce the load on them. There are several methods for this:

  • get rid of excess weight;
  • women should not abuse wearing shoes with heels;
  • periodically rest during physical activity at work, in sports;
  • when kneeling, use knee pads;
  • often actively move with sedentary work.

Necessary measures for crunch prevention in the knees:

  1. suppression of supercoolings;
  2. with fatigue - the use of massage, compresses;
  3. regulation of diet by useful products;
  4. reception of vitamins;
  5. weight control;
  6. treatment of infections, endocrine diseases;
  7. conducting physiotherapy;
  8. morning joint exercises;
  9. swimming lessons;
  10. increase in the amount of water being drunk;
  11. physiotherapy;
  12. walking tours.

A source:

Crunch at the knees during flexion and extension

The knee joint in the human body is one of the largest. He undergoes enormous loads, especially with various pathological conditions.

In the normal state, the knee joint functions as a well-established mechanism, but in some cases a person hears a crunch in the knee when flexing and flexing, which requires compulsory consultation doctor.

Such a sound can indicate the development of destructive processes, so treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Factors of development of a pathological condition

The crunch in the joints can be caused by excessive body weight, including in pregnant women, when the increased load on the joint lead to its destruction, and a sedentary way of life, when the blisters formed in the synovial fluid burst at the knees when bent or movement.

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Most often, the appearance of crunch leads to the development of the following diseases:

1. Gonarthrosis

This disease is characterized by wear of the cartilaginous tissue in the knee joint with its further destruction as a result of increased loads on the joint. Gonarthrosis can occur in primary and secondary form.

Typical signs of gonarthrosis are pain syndrome, which is strengthened by physical stress on the knee during flexion and extension as a result of wear of bone tissue

At the initial stage, morning pain is noted, which in the future can become permanent. When the inflammatory process is started, the patient is difficult to move, his joints begin to crackle and hurt when flexing with a sharp restriction of the motor amplitude in the knee.

2. Rheumatoid arthritis

This disease has a chronic infectious nature and is quite capable of leading to disability of the patient. Most often rheumatoid arthritis occurs in women of mature age, which is associated with hormonal and age-related changes in the body.

Knee injury in the development of rheumatoid arthritis

The characteristic symptoms of the disease are manifested by the possibility of deformative changes in the joint, its swelling.

The joint can hurt strongly with pressure and flexion, and after a dream, the knee's sharp resistance during extension is noted.

In particularly severe cases, complete or partial atrophy of the quadriceps femoris is possible.

3. Gout

This disease in most cases leads to loss of motor activity of the patient with subsequent disability. The most common among men from 40 years.

In women, gout proceeds much heavier.

The main symptoms of gout (accumulation of uric acid salt in the joint) is painful painful attack (mainly at night), which does not stop even with the help of strong medication preparations.

A prolonged or aggressive course of gout causes destruction of articular cartilage, deformity and appearance of tofus (gouty nodes)

The patient has a limited range of extensor movements, an unpleasant crunch is heard, hyperemia and hyperthermia of the affected area are possible.

4. Hypermobile syndrome

As a rule, the flexibility of the joints is transmitted hereditary, and the development of hypermobile syndrome is possible as a result inflammatory process and neurological and hormonal disorders that contribute to the violation of protein exchange. Often, hypermobility in the joints develops again, after dislocations and sprains of the ligamentous apparatus. The main symptom of this disease is an unpleasant crunch and acute pain when you load the joint.

5. Damage to the meniscus

The most common problem in which a crunch is heard in the knees during flexion and extension is the damage to the meniscus as a result of sudden movement. With a deeper diagnostic examination, the accumulation of blood and lubricant in the joint cavity is determined.

Typical symptoms of a meniscus rupture are a clicking sound in the joint during movement, tenderness, swelling, hyperemia, local fever

Self-healing can occur only when injured by a blood-filled, paracapsular zone of the meniscus. If the avascular, the so-called white zone of the meniscus is damaged, then recovery without surgery is impossible.

6. Osteoporosis (phosphorus-potassium deficiency)

If there is a violation of the necessary concentration of calcium and phosphorus in the structure of bone tissue, development of osteoporosis is possible. This pathological condition can develop with hormonal failures, gastrointestinal diseases, unbalanced nutrition, pancreatic diseases, kidneys, liver, etc.

Changes in bone tissue in osteoporosis

The disease is accompanied by characteristic crunchy sounds when you squat or bend your knee. The amplitude of motor activity is sharply limited.

7. Chondromatosis

The etiology of the disease that occurs with a crunch in the knee region has not been fully understood, but most often chondromatosis occurs in professional athletes and patients who have suffered acute infectious process. The resulting chondromatous body slowly separates from the bag of the joint, begins to ache and provokes its entrapment with subsequent disruption of functionality.

Chondromy bodies (areas of cartilaginous tissue) in the synovial capsule shell

With a stable stage of development of chondromatosis, the formation of the body stops after a while. The progressive stage is accompanied by a continuous inflammatory process. The symptomatology of the disease is similar to rheumatoid arthritis.

8. Bursitis

The inflammatory process in the synovial bag proceeds against the background of accumulation of exudate in the joint cavity. The causes of bursitis most often become minor injuries, bruises, increased physical stress on the joint.

Changes in the knee joint with bursitis

With bursitis, there is a crunch in the knee area during movement, painful symptoms, development of extensive swelling knee area as a result of congestion in the synovial fluid bag, hyperemia, lymphadenitis, hyperthermia, loss of strength, nausea.

9. Osteochondritis dissecting

This disease is accompanied by exfoliation from the joint of a small piece of cartilage. The disease proceeds in several stages:

  • at the first stage a fragment of the cartilaginous tissue first softens, and then dies off. There are light pains, and the peeled plate has a clear boundary;
  • in the second and third stages there are moderate pains with inflammation of the synovial membrane. In this case, the necrotic tissue is displaced without detachment from the surface of the joint. At this stage you can hear how the knee crunched during movement, after which the soreness in this area persists for a long time;
  • at the final stage, stage 4, the necrotic tissue is separated from the joint and moves into its cavity. At the same time, inflammatory symptoms are pronounced, soreness in the knee region is increased, and movements in it are almost completely blocked.

Stages of development of dissecting osteochondritis

In the absence of treatment, the patient is threatened with loss of joint functionality and full or partial disability.

10. Osteophytes

Osteophytes are bone growths that grow out of cartilaginous tissue as a result of disturbances in metabolic processes, osteoarthrosis and increased physical exertion.

When osteophytes are formed, joint mobility is limited, and when they grow, acute pain and crunch occur during movement

11. Various injuries and injuries

Knee crunch is possible as a result of getting stretch or injury. The most often injured are the tibia and the patella. Most of the injuries occur when the knee is hit during a fall or when the patient crouches sharply.

Bone fragments with displacement can damage nerve endings, which is the most dangerous and can lead to immobility of the joint. Typical clicks are possible with a knee dislocation, accompanied by pain symptoms, deformity, unnatural position of the foot, hyperemia and edema of the knee.

Causes of crunching in the joint in children

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Many parents are worried about the question of why a crunch in the knee when squatting appears in the baby, but not everyone knows that this condition is not pathological.

Children often cause a crunch in the knee area is a long stage of the formation of the skeleton, while the ligaments in childhood are highly elastic and actively participate in the movement.

As a result, the intraarticular fluid forms gas (vacuum) vesicles, which are accompanied by loud clicks when they burst.

In addition, a crunch in the knee area and clicks are possible during puberty and changes in the hormonal background. This condition provokes rapid growth of bones, but ligaments and muscles develop more slowly.

With severe development of the pathological condition in the child, especially in case of secondary infection, immediate diagnosis and subsequent treatment is required.


To clarify the reason why the knee can crackle in certain movements or in a calm state, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic measures, the results of which are assigned further therapy.

In the first place, an external examination of the patient is performed, and anamnestic data are elucidated, taking into account the conditions professional activity, sports loads, possible injury to the joint and physical activity. The main tasks of the doctor during the diagnosis of the pathological condition are to ascertain the presence of concomitant diseases and clarify the hereditary factor.

If the patient is worried about crunching in the knees while squatting, accompanied by a severe pain attack, the doctor may prescribe:

  1. An ultrasound of the joint;
  2. results of urine and blood tests;
  3. X-ray examination of the joint;
  4. arthroscopy and CT of the joint;
  5. MRI and radionuclide study.

In addition, if necessary, an examination of the synovial fluid is prescribed.

The doctor performs an ultrasound examination of the joint with an immediate evaluation of the result obtained on the monitor screen

After performing all the necessary diagnostic measures, an individual treatment regimen is selected, depending on the root cause of the crunch in the knee area.


To eliminate the cause of crunch in the knee area, squatting requires a comprehensive approach to treatment with subsequent recovery of motor activity.

Complex therapy includes:

  • immobilization of the affected limb;
  • adherence to a low-calorie diet for weight reduction and control;
  • elimination of chronic diseases in the body;
  • use of external and internal medicinal products, including ointments, gels and compresses;
  • the appointment of vitamin therapy, massage and exercise therapy;
  • performance of physiotherapy, laser therapy, magnetotherapy, ultrasound examination;
  • use of therapeutic mud, swimming, salt baths.

In severe cases, intra-articular injection of injections or surgical intervention is prescribed.

Intra-articular injection with a drug allows you to quickly remove pain symptoms and reduce the inflammatory process

To answer the question, why the joint crunches, only a highly qualified specialist is capable of solving this problem. Treatment is carried out according to a certain scheme and includes:


To treat a crunch in the joint area when flexing is recommended with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments that reduce the puffiness of the affected area, stop pain symptoms and inflammatory process.

The most popular external means are:

  1. Orthophene;
  2. Ketoprofen;
  3. Nyz;
  4. Nimesulide;
  5. Arthrosilene, etc.

In the treatment of crunch, warming ointments (Viprosal, Espol, Apisatron, Nayatox, etc.) are actively used to promote intensification of blood circulation, normalization of vascular tone, activation of metabolic processes and improvement of cartilaginous power supply.

Means (chondroxide, chondroitin, arthrin, etc.) increase the flexibility of the joint and restore collagen and glucosamine in the cartilaginous tissue

Exercise therapy

A complex of therapeutic exercises is recommended to be performed in a period without pain, i.e. during the restoration of functionality after the therapy. LFK promotes the maintenance of muscle tone and prevention of joint deformities.

The classical complex is performed in the morning, sitting or lying in bed:

  • in the supine position, it is recommended that the patient should perform stretching with his hands and feet;
  • without changing the position, you should bend both knees without taking your legs off the surface of the bed (15-20 times);
  • slowly "bicycle" is executed, first 10 times forward, and then in the opposite direction;
  • further it is recommended to sit on a chair, put freely hands and slightly shake your knees for 10-15 seconds;
  • adhering to the back of the chair, it is recommended to squat at least 10-12 times with a delay in the lower position for 2-3 seconds;
  • the patient is recommended to lean on a chair and rotate the knees (8 times), without detaching the heel from the floor, thanks to this exercise in the bent joint increases blood circulation.

It is convenient to do gymnastics if an experienced instructor is present nearby, but its independent execution is also not prohibited, but only after preliminary instruction.

In addition, with a crunch in the knee joint, an effective action is provided by a massage, which improves the mobility of the joint and strengthens the blood circulation in it.

It is important to perform the massage regularly, working out each exercise at least 7 times.

In all cases massage should be started and ended with stroking, soft movements first around the joint with a gradual transition to the very area of ​​the lesion.

The procedure includes a circular rotation of the palm, light pressing with gradual circular movement.

Next, tapping with the pads of the fingers and forward movement with the palm (rib) along the clockwise and backward directions are performed.

You will be interested in:Neck massage with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

It should be borne in mind that an unpleasant crunch in the knee joint area during flexion may be due to different pathological conditions, so it is important to consult with an experienced specialist. Avoid the appearance of a crunch in the knees when squatting is possible with a careful attitude to their own health and the condition of the joints.

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Than to treat a crunch in a knee joint

In the normal state of the knee joints, they function silently, as a well-established mechanism, and do not cause any discomfort.

But sometimes any movements are accompanied by a crunch in the knees.

This signals that something is wrong in the body, and if the crunch is not a one-time episode, but a protracted phenomenon, as soon as possible to take measures, carry out diagnostics and treat diseases that manifest themselves symptom.

Among all the joints of the human body, the knee is subjected to almost the greatest load, because the main body mass is concentrated above the knees and there is considerable pressure on them.

The knee joint works with any movements of the legs: walking, running, squats, which is also accompanied by a load.

For all its perfection, this is a fairly fragile and delicate body, and careless movements, excessive workload, and in some cases - improper nutrition, disorders in the work of other internal organs can lead to the development of serious diseases of the knee joint, one of the harbingers of which is the crunch in lap.

Not always crunch is a sign of the disease, it is worth paying attention to the accompanying manifestations - pain, limited mobility.

About the sensation of a crunch at the knees

It is necessary to distinguish between a physiological and pathological crunch.

Usuallyphysiologicala crunch in the knees arises with active movement - walking and squats.

In the passive, when the person himself or the doctor examines the leg at the knee with the help of hands, as well as when pulling the leg, fingers, or their maximum bending.

It can manifest as clicking sounds, crackles.

If the physiological crunch is shown occasionally, from time to time, and is not accompanied by painful sensations, thenpathologicalcauses much more inconvenience and is a cause for concern.

It differs from the physiological series of signs and sensations:

  1. A crackling sound.
  2. Frequent manifestations that accompany almost every movement.
  3. Continuous manifestations, without a refractory period, when there is no symptom.
  4. Associated painful sensations.
  5. Limited mobility in the knee.

In some cases, with injuries, joint diseases, the crunch can be accompanied by local fever, redness of the skin, swelling of the joint.

If the sensations at a physiological crunch are not entirely pleasant purely psychologically - many such sound irritates or causes anxiety, then accompanied by painful sensations pathological crunch - this is a real problem requiring attention and speedy solutions.

Why do knees crunch when squats, flexions and extensions?

The causes of the crunch in the knees are quite diverse, and are different for a physiological and pathological crunch.

In the first case, they are not exactly established, and there are several theories explaining the origin of the crunch:

  • collision of articular ligaments with protruding parts of bones;
  • vacuum cotton as a result of the formation of negative pressure in the joint cavity and vacuum bubbles;
  • rupture of adhesion around the joint.

The causes of the pathological crunch are much greater:

  1. Injuries and inflammatory processes - bursitis, tendonitis, detachments and fractures of the meniscus.
  2. Changing the structure of cartilaginous tissue in osteoarthrosis, arthritis.
  3. Factors that interfere with normal nutrition and joint function.
  4. Lifestyle, occupational diseases.

Along with injuries and acquired joint diseases associated with lifestyle, diet, diseases of others organs, accompanied by a crunch in the knees, can be genetically determined, the predisposition to them is transmitted through inheritance.

A crunch can be accompanied by congenital pathology of the joints -hypermobility.

In childhood, the crunch in the knees is often the result of an insufficiently formed system of joints, muscles and ligaments, and in the elderly - age-related tissue changes.

In general, a crunch in the knees signals that the load on the joint exceeds its capabilities.

Crunchwhen bending legsin the knees is usually a harbinger or a companion of inflammatory processes, dystrophic changes in the cartilaginous tissue.

With sit-upsand the subsequent straightening of the knees, the crunch arises due to excessive load caused by weight lifting or obesity, or due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Crunchwith extension of legsin the knees is often a sign of the deposition of salts, especially calcites and phosphates, which can be the result of unbalanced nutrition or transferred diseases.

Crunch Diagnostics

Precisely determine the cause of the crunch in the knee joints can only an orthopedic doctor, a traumatologist.

Visual inspection is not enough to make an accurate diagnosis, requires fluoroscopic research, in more complex cases - arthroscopy, the study of the articular cavity special miniature apparatus.

To clarify the diagnosis, identify the nature and cause of the crunch will help laboratory tests. Prescribing treatment should also be a doctor, self-treatment without an accurate diagnosis can aggravate the situation, since time will be missed.

Professional treatment

Treatment should correspond to the cause of the crunch.

If the functioning of the joint is broken due to concomitant diseases, then it should start with their treatment.

If the main reason lies in the way of life, it must be minimized orneutralize harmful factors.

If the crunch is caused by increased strain on the joint when working or doing sports:

  • load temporarily must be reduced and limited in the future, sometimes it is necessary to change the type of activity, professional or sports;
  • it is good to restore the normal functioning of the joints such procedures as a sauna, sauna or just a hot bath.

The crunch, which is the result of trauma, requires the treatment of trauma by conservative or surgical methods, depending on its type:

  1. for bruises and sprains- Load minimization, functional rest;
  2. for meniscus injuries, ligament ruptures- surgical correction, modern methods allow it to be carried out by minimally invasive methods.

In inflammatory processes and degenerative changes, different treatment methods are used:

  • medicamentous (the use of chondroprotectors, calcium preparations, anti-inflammatory non-steroid agents, and also hormones - glucocorticoids in the form of ointments, tablets, injections);
  • Physiotherapeutic (electrophoresis and other procedures);
  • magnetotherapy - exposure to magnetic fields;
  • exercise therapy, gymnastics, strengthening the muscles of the legs, swimming;
  • significant deformity of the joint requires surgical intervention and endoprosthetics, that is, replacing the damaged joint with an artificial one.

If the crunch is caused by diseases of the endocrine system, the help of an endocrinologist is needed, which will develop a program for weight correction, metabolic processes, normalization of the functioning of internal glands secretion. In parallel with the treatment of the endocrine system, chondroprotectors are used to restore the cartilaginous tissue.

Congenital hypermobility of knee joints requires an integrated approach:

  1. physiotherapy;
  2. balanced nutrition and strict drinking regimen;
  3. The use of knee pads for elastic joint fixation.

In the elderly, changes in tissues, leading to a crunch in the knees, are irreversible if the crunch is not accompanied by arthrosis and other more dangerous manifestations, it is not treated, you should simply limit the load on the joints.

Also does not require the treatment of knee joint crunch in children, if it is not accompanied by pain and limited mobility, this is an age-related phenomenon, which in due course must pass by itself.

Non-medicamentous methods of treatment, including many recipes of traditional medicine, are quite effective, but their use should be agreed with the doctor and begin only after the diagnosis is clarified.

In some cases, the transition to a healthier lifestyle helps to get rid of the crunch in the joints without drugs and medical manipulation.

At the same time, if the crunch and accompanying problems are caused by the wrong way of life, without eliminating the root cause, no drugs will help.

The main effective recommendations include the following methods:


Moderate, butregular motor activity, gymnastic exercises that give a minimal load on the joints, but strengthen the muscles of the legs, in a few months will help get rid of the crunch.

The dosed physical load has a beneficial effect not only on the muscles, musculoskeletal system, but also on the cardiovascular and immune system.

Very useful in the pool, aqua aerobics, exercises in the water can relieve the joints, and the muscles well strengthen.


A similar effect makes it possible to achieve the restriction of salty and spicy dishes, sweets, the rejection of smoked foods, the consumption of foods rich in protein foods, fresh vegetables and fruits. Also recommended are foods rich in calcium, cartilage, abundant drinking.

Massage with healing ointments

Massages, especially professional massage of joints with medicinal ointments on a plant basis or with bee, snake venom, warm baths with additives of extracts of herbs also give a tangible result.

Of the traditional medicine recipes for knee pain, compresses from a mixture of 5 parts of vegetable oil and 1 part of lemon juice, equal parts of the pulp of tomato and olive oil, from fresh milk and wheat bran.


The treatment of a crunch in the knees can be quite a costly and lengthy procedure, it is much more effective to take preventive measures to prevent the development of diseases.

For people who have joint stress on occupational factors, it is important to reduce this load as much as possible, distribute it properly, take body position, which load on the joints is minimal, always periodically give them a rest during work or sports, and after work or training to provide a full recreation.

With sedentary work, on the contrary, it is necessary to find time for movement, to perform small gymnastic complexes, to walk, to frequently change the position of the legs, and periodically pull them out.

Good for the joints of the leg exercises like "bicycle" "scissors".

The main preventive recommendations include the following rules:

  • Women should not abuse high-heeled shoes, wear it no more than 6 hours throughout the day, preferably shoes with insteps.
  • Performing work associated with supporting the knees, they should be protected with knee pads. It is also very important to protect the joints from hypothermia.
  • Electrophoresis, UHF, magnetotherapy and other physiotherapeutic procedures are good not only for the treatment of diseases of joints and crunch, but also for their prevention. Massages, compresses can also be used for preventive purposes, with the first signs of leg fatigue, swelling of the joints.
  • Very important for the prevention of knee joint crunch is a balanced diet rich in proteins, calcium and vitamins, weight control. Adverse factors are both obesity and underweight.
  • Timely treatment of infectious diseases, diseases of internal organs and the endocrine system will prevent joint diseases.

A crunch in the knee joints can occur at any age and is caused by natural physiological causes.

If the crunch is accompanied by painful sensations, discomfort, decreased mobility, it is pathological in nature and is the reason for resorting to a traumatologist.

Since the causes of the crunch in the knees are very diverse, it is treated by different methods, from special gymnastics to surgical operations. Determine the causes and stage of the disease, appoint the right treatment can only a doctor.

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