Hernia of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment

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  • 1Hernia of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment:
    • 1.1The provoking factors
    • 1.2Anatomical structure
    • 1.3Symptoms of ailment
    • 1.4What can the symptoms say?
    • 1.5Diagnosis of the disease
    • 1.6Methods of treatment
    • 1.7Medication Therapy
    • 1.8Massage and gymnastics
    • 1.9Manual therapy
    • 1.10Surgical intervention
    • 1.11Prophylaxis of ailment
  • 2Symptoms and treatment of a hernia of the cervical spine
    • 2.1Causes of neck cervical hernia
    • 2.2Symptoms of a cervical hernia
    • 2.3Diagnosis of a hernia
    • 2.4Treatment medication
    • 2.5Treatment of a hernia operably
  • 3Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Hernia
    • 3.1Healthy body
    • 3.2Symptoms and their difference
    • 3.3Diagnosis and treatment
    • 3.4Necessary medicines
  • 4Why there are hernias of the cervical spine, what are they dangerous? How to treat a hernia of the cervical spine, prevention of pain
    • 4.1Causes of a hernia of the cervical spine
    • 4.2About risk groups
    • 4.3The first symptoms of a hernia of the cervical spine
    • 4.4Diagnosis of hernias
    • 4.5Hernia of the cervical spine: treatment
    • 4.6Prevention of hernial cervical spine
    instagram viewer
  • 5Hernia of the cervical spine - symptoms, types of treatment
    • 5.1Hernia in the cervical spine - what is it?
    • 5.2Symptoms of a hernia of the cervical spine
    • 5.3Operative treatment

Hernia of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment:

The cervical region consists of seven vertebrae. It is the most vulnerable area for a variety of injuries and injuries, because it is in this area is poorly developed muscular corset. In addition, the vertebrae here are weak and not strong enough.

As a result, this department is most susceptible to various ailments. If there is a disease in the cervical region, then the shoulders and the head and hands suffer. Unpleasant and one of the most common diseases is a hernia of the cervical spine.

Symptoms of the disease are so diverse that they require detailed discussion with the doctor.

The provoking factors

Let's consider what pathologies can cause characteristic for such an ailment, as a hernia of the cervical spine, symptoms.

The vertebral disc is a cartilaginous lining between the vertebrae. It reduces the load, and also prevents the wear of bone tissue.

In addition, it protects the spinal nerves from damage. Each disc consists of a liquid inner pulpous core and a fibrous outer shell.

If the latter breaks, the core goes out, forming a hernia.

The intervertebral disc may shift with the following factors:

  • adverse changes in the cartilage of the disc itself;
  • strongest external influence;
  • changes in the structure of the spine.

Thus, the main sources that provoke the onset of a hernia are the following ailments:

  • osteochondrosis of cervical department;
  • injuries;
  • tuberculosis processes and tumors covering the cervical region;
  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the vertebrae;
  • cervicothoracic scoliosis.

Anatomical structure

In addition to the above reasons, the structure of this department plays an important role in the formation of the hernia:

  • the structure of the vertebrae is not uniform (especially in C1, C7);
  • in this department a narrow spinal canal;
  • in the region of the neck wide-amplitude movements are produced;
  • vertebrae have a greater height than width;
  • through the holes in the vertebrae passes the artery, which supplies the brain with blood;
  • the neck experiences a heavy load, holding the head, the mass of which is 4-5 kg.

All these moments create the prerequisites for possible displacements of disks. It is worth noting that even a minimal pathology causes certain symptoms of the hernia of the cervical region.

Symptoms of ailment

Hernia in the cervical region occurs as a result of intervertebral disc disorders. A change in the integrity of the latter allows the core to come out.

This process provokes severe inflammation. Sometimes the nucleus of the disk squeezes the nerve endings. In this case, severe pains occur not only around the neck, but also in the shoulders.

Pathology can lead to numbness of the forearm.

Depending on where the hernia of the cervical spine is located, the symptoms may vary slightly. However, the signs of an ailment are in most cases the following:

  1. Severe pain. Spread on the shoulders, shoulder blades, hands.
  2. Numbness of the extremities.
  3. Impaired memory and attention.
  4. Aching pain is felt in the back of the head. When it is tilted and bends, it becomes stronger.
  5. Sometimes coordination of movement is disturbed. In such patients, the gait is unstable.
  6. Hopping pressure.
  7. There are frequent headaches. They are usually accompanied by dizziness.
  8. Increased fatigue of the body.
  9. Noises in the head, worse with movement.
  10. Sometimes loss of consciousness is possible.

It should be noted that the above cervical hernia symptoms can vary in each individual case. It depends on the individual structure of the body. The earlier the problem is identified, the easier it is to be eliminated.

What can the symptoms say?

The first signs of ailment occur suddenly. This is a great discomfort in the neck and shoulders. Also, there may be headaches, neck mobility decreases, fingers numb.

As noted above, the cervical spine has seven vertebrae. In medical terminology, they are designated with the letter "C" and the serial number.

The place where pain is localized depends on which spine is damaged. In most cases, a hernia in the cervical spine occurs in the area of ​​5-6 vertebrae or 6-7.

The least-susceptible to ailments is the fourth-fifth. Very seldom the seventh suffers.

If the fifth vertebra is clamped, there is weakness in the forearm area, soreness deltoid muscle. It's hard enough to raise your hand above the horizon. Tingling and numbness, as a rule, are not observed.

Clamping the sixth root gives pain to the outside of the elbow and biceps. The thumb on the arm grows numb, tingling. This is the most typical localization of a hernia.

If the problem occurs in 6-7 vertebrae, weakness and pain of the triceps are felt. Nemeth the middle finger and the outer side of the forearm. Often there is a sense of "goosebumps" and "cotton" fingers.

When the eighth root is clamped, the arms grow numb and weaken. There are pain and tingling in the little finger.

Diagnosis of the disease

Until recently, to establish such a disease was quite difficult. Modern technologies made it possible to reliably diagnose such a pathology as the intervertebral hernia of the cervical region (the symptoms of the ailment are sometimes painful for the patient).

The best method of examination is MRI. It allows you to determine the size of the hernia, the stage of the disease, localization, clearly shows all the pathological processes in the spine. MRI is assigned according to the indications or carried out at the patient's own request to confirm the diagnosis.

Computed tomography is rarely used, since this method is traumatic for the spine.

Methods of treatment

The vertebral hernia of the cervical region, the symptoms of which can be mistaken for arterial hypertension, neurosis, are eliminated by conservative or operative methods.

Patients with this unpleasant diagnosis are advised to avoid sudden movements, uncomfortable poses. Activity should be as gentle as possible.

Classical conservative treatment includes:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • therapeutic gymnastics;
  • wearing a special collar or corset;
  • manual therapy, traction of the cervical region.

Medication Therapy

Initially, patients are prescribed for the diagnosis of "hernia in the cervical department" treatment aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

To get rid of inflammation and pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended.

This may be injectable ampoules or external ointments - Diclofenac, Voltaren, Movalis.


An analgesic and similar anti-inflammatory effect is possessed by such ointments: "Apizarthron "Finalgon".


In most cases, leads to muscle spasms of the hernia in the cervical region. Symptoms of such a plan can very strongly inhibit movement and cause painful discomfort. Relieve them will help muscle relaxants. Assign the following drugs: "Midokalm "Methocarbamol".

Massage and gymnastics

To restore normal muscle tone and improve blood circulation, the above procedures are useful. Massage should be carried out by sliding smooth movements along the side and back surfaces of the neck. This technique is also used for the shoulders, back, upper extremities.

Special therapeutic exercises are selected. Hernia of the cervical spine is an ailment that needs an integrated approach.

LFK exercises are mainly based on static loads.

Typically, it fits the frontal and temporal part of the head into the palm, various inclinations or tilting.

When the illness is exacerbated, the patient always has severe pain. In such cases, the doctor may recommend wearing a special hard collar of Shantz. This orthopedic device fixes the neck in the required position.

Manual therapy

This method allows you to fix the displaced disks. However, manual therapy with illiteracy is fraught with serious consequences, sometimes leading the patient even to disability.

In the neck area is located the spinal cord, pass the main vessels, placed a lot of nerves. Therefore, entrusting the conduct of manual therapy can only be very experienced specialist.

Surgical intervention

It is not always amenable to conservative treatment of the hernia of the cervical spine. Symptoms in this case continue to torment the patient.

The doctor has no choice but to recommend an operation.

Indications for surgical treatment are long cervicalgia and trophic disorders of the upper limbs.

Previously, a special operation, called discectomy, was performed. Such intervention implied a cut in the anterior region of the neck. Through it, a fragment of the damaged disk was removed. This procedure was very dangerous and traumatic.

New methods of surgical intervention have been developed today. The operations are performed under endoscopic control. This allowed to significantly expand the possibilities of surgery.

Laser valorization (evaporation of the disk) is carried out, cervical vertebrae are fixed by metal structures.


If necessary, the damaged disc is replaced with a graft from the bone tissue taken from the ilium.


After surgery, the patient needs a recovery period, during which massage, drug therapy and physical therapy are shown.

Prophylaxis of ailment

How can prevent the development of such an unpleasant disease? Specialists strongly recommend exercise exercises exercise, to lead an active lifestyle, eat right. No less important is massage. Do not neglect the physiotherapy prescribed by the doctor. Only an integrated approach is the key to successful prevention of the disease and its treatment.

In medical practice, there are patients who gladly resort to folk remedies. It is noticed that their combination with the main therapy allows to achieve good results.

Treatment of a hernia will have a beneficial effect if the cause of the problem is discovered in a timely manner. Patients who strictly follow all the prescriptions of the doctor daily and strictly follow the recommended procedures, in 95% of cases receive the long-awaited relief.

A source: https://www.syl.ru/article/169347/new_gryija-sheynogo-otdela-pozvonochnika-simptomyi-i-lechenie

Symptoms and treatment of a hernia of the cervical spine

The weakest and most vulnerable part of the spine is the cervical region, which is why the vertebral hernia of the cervical region, symptoms and treatment require special attention.

The neck is not protected from external influences, like a sternum or loin, is not provided with additional strength. At the same time on it lie the main functions of the spine and the supply of the brain with nutrition.

With maximum mobility, the cervical spine suffers from degenerative changes more than others.

The difficulty is also that when the neck suffers from the diseases, the shoulders / hands and even the fingertips on the hands are automatically involved in the process.

Let not at once, but the patient in due course understands, that its anemia and "vatnost" of arms or hand - a consequence of development of an intervertebral hernia.

Such a hernia usually develops in the lumbar region, it is less often localized in the cervical region. Find it in this case is not easy.

With the intervertebral hernia, deformation of the vertebrae occurs, the fibrous ring itself, which is located around one of the discs, is torn.

This gap allows the pulpous nucleus to penetrate beyond the disk and form a true hernia.

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In response to such a pathological process, the surrounding tissues become inflamed, swollen, the nerve roots begin to suffer from strong pressure on them. Neck pain, numbness, loss of sensitivity of fingers and hands are formed.

Cervical hernia, the symptoms and treatment of which differ from other types of hernias, does not pass by itself. The destruction of the fibrous ring is only the beginning of destructive disorders.

The contents can pour into the spinal cord, bulge, squeeze the nerve fibers, lead to atrophy. Hernia requires urgent treatment, even if it does not bring severe pain.

The sooner the hernia begins treatment, the faster the symptoms will go and together with them the risk of complications.

Causes of neck cervical hernia

The causes and symptoms of cervical hernia should be discussed separately. Most often, this pathology develops in those who do not just lead a sedentary lifestyle, but are forced to keep the neck in a constant position and tension. First of all, they are those who constantly work for laptops and computers.

These people are either overwhelmed with work, or are so carried away by it that they do not spend any time resting their necks. The neck, being in a state of constant tension, devoid of proper blood supply, reacts with destructive changes, which eventually become an osteochondrosis and a hernia.

Congenital anomalies of the spinal column can also affect the appearance of hernias. Some of them are generally congenital and progress at an early age.

There are several additional reasons that are crucial:

  • incorrect posture;
  • injuries;
  • improper distribution of lifting weights;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • smoking, alcohol;
  • age changes.

It should be borne in mind that the hernia in the cervical symptoms has pronounced symptoms.

It is important to determine their nature, because anomalies can be in the very structure of the department:

  1. insufficient or excessive height of the vertebra;
  2. too small "gap" between the disks;
  3. the structure itself is different and not homogeneous, is especially critical for the first and seventh vertebrae;
  4. too heavy head for the neck;
  5. the blood supply artery passes through the vertebrae.

In any case, even minor symptoms of hernia of the cervical department, require detailed examination and study.

Symptoms of a cervical hernia

Symptoms of the cervical hernia should be introduced in more detail, since their diversity is great. For this reason, sometimes manifestations of a hernia are taken for neurotic consequences.

Symptoms depend on the level at which the hernia itself is localized and where the inflammatory process is formed. There are seven vertebrae in total, between each pair there is a disc that suffers from spine diseases.

Most often a hernia forms between 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 vertebrae. Sometimes it can be found above: between 3 and 4 vertebra.


If the spine is touched from the 5th vertebra, the person feels pain in the arm and forearm. At the same time, sensitivity remains, anemia is not observed.

If 6 vertebra is jammed, then loss of sensitivity, numbness, tingling in the hand pads is added.

However, these are only primary signs on which it is possible to assume the development of a hernia

In fact, there are many signs and symptoms:

  • powerful headaches;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • decreased vision, hearing;
  • frequent pain in the area of ​​the shoulders, hands;
  • memory impairment;
  • pain in the back of the nape;
  • noises in the ears and head.

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Sometimes the symptoms of the hernia of the cervical department are taken for various other diseases: hypertension, hypotension, neuralgia, neuroses. These diseases can accompany the hernia, but are secondary.

Diagnosis of a hernia

To diagnose a hernia, when symptoms of a hernia of the cervical department are difficult, MRI and X-ray in several projections are prescribed.

MRI allows you to locate and locate a hernia. The study reveals the size, type and extent of neglect.

The survey also aims to accurately determine the extent of the lesion and prescribe a more meaningful treatment.

Treatment medication

First of all, patients are shown complete peace for that period, until the acuteness of pain subsides. In this phase, nothing is prescribed other than non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs. And they should preferably be used topically, in the form of ointments and creams.

This will help make treatment more effective and protect the body from harmful effects. Also, taking preparations of NVS inside, it is necessary to consider the following: if the hernia treatment includes chondroprotectors, then the course of intake of NVS should be minimal.

This is due to the fact that with the simultaneous administration of the effect of chondroprotectors is reduced.


Since the hernia always provokes muscle spasms, it is recommended to take muscle relaxants like Midokalma.


With significant pain it is desirable to take not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of injections during a period of severe exacerbation.

The course of injections is usually 10 days, in tablets at least 30 days. This allows you to relax the muscle layer and reduce the pain syndrome.

With high pain, which is not stopped with conventional drugs, epidural anesthesia is prescribed. In this procedure, the patient is directly administered medications and steroid hormones. This blockade brings relief almost instantly, but it must be repeated at certain times.

After acute symptoms decrease, it is prescribed:

  • reflexology;
  • manual therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • mud baths and baths;
  • orthopedic collars.

Orthopedic collars should be selected by a specialist engaged in treatment. The task of the collar is to relax the muscles, reduce the load on the cervical spine.

Use the device is appointed constantly to reduce relapses of pain. Train yourself to the collar gradually, slowly increasing the time of use.

Manual therapy is allowed only during rehabilitation and under the supervision of an experienced specialist. Professional massage has many limitations, it is necessary to consult your doctor.

Such therapy is allowed only after the withdrawal of an attack of exacerbation and achieve a more stable remission.

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Treatment of a hernia operably

But it happens that the symptoms continue to progress, conventional therapy does not give tangible results. Only in this case surgical intervention is indicated.

In fact, surgeons never rush to prescribe operations related to the spine. This is because the spine is a particularly conservative organ that rarely responds positively to the intervention.

Even the "luminaries" of medicine note that surgery on the spine without complications is more like a world-wide miracle.

Most often, an operation is performed in which the damaged disk is partially or completely removed.

In some cases, if a part of the disk can be saved, the hinges that act as a disk are inserted into the skeleton. In other cases, an implant is inserted from the bone tissue.

If the disc is completely damaged or destroyed, it is deleted. Here, two vertebrae can simply be joined together to strengthen the neck.


In any operation, much depends on the reaction of the body to intervention.

If all the details, implants get well, then the therapy will fix the effect, permanently protecting from the formation of hernias.

After the operation, there will be a long recovery period. In this phase it is necessary to live strictly according to the instructions of specialists.

After removal of the hernia and in order to avoid the formation of new ones, it is necessary to be more active and mobile. With sedentary work, do wellness exercises, give yourself small breaks during work.


It is advisable to have an MRI scan once a year and follow your lifestyle. We must not forget that the hernia is most often born of our carelessness. Regular examination, a healthy schedule of life will help to maintain the health of your neck.


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A source: https://spinous.ru/diseases/rupture/simptomy-i-lechenie-gryzhi-shejnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika.html

Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Hernia

One of the most unpleasant and painful diseases is a hernia of the cervical spine, the symptoms and treatment of which in different cases may differ.

This disease, in which part of the inner contents connecting the 2 vertebra, protrudes outward. A healthy person can not be detected.

Intervertebral discs, fibrous tissues and other components may protrude.

They protrude exactly into that part of the spine, where there are nerve plexuses and blood vessels, so the blood supply to the brain can be disturbed.

Hernia in the cervical spine takes 2nd place in the prevalence after the lumbar region. Sometimes these disorders can be mistaken for pain in the heart.

The intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine is not a harmless disease, it needs to be treated on time, otherwise the patient will have to prepare for an operative intervention.

Healthy body

The spine is an indivisible structure. This complex, in which there are 24 mobile vertebrae, which provide flexibility of movement.

The neck department is the most important, because it plays a leading role in supporting and moving the head.

The skull of the head is heavy, so the vertebrae have an unusual curved shape.

The vertebral column is provided with joints, since the bones should firmly hold on to any structure. In them, between the vertebral bodies is the fibrous tissue of the discs, which causes disturbances.

Normally, this substance is able to move from side to side within acceptable limits. It has a jelly structure and it takes its place on its own.

If there is an uneven load, then it jumps out and creates a vial, which is commonly called a "hernia".

The most dangerous when the hernia of the cervical spine is determined in its posterior part. There is a spinal cord and a nerve plexus. They are responsible for the most important functions of the body. At their expense, the signal enters the brain.

Most often there is an intervertebral hernia of vertebrae c5-c6.

They in their structure have a triangular opening, precisely because of their features and there is a squeezing.

In the cervical region is an artery, which is responsible for the balance, hearing, vision. If it is squeezed, these functions may be affected.

Symptoms and their difference

If the intervertebral hernia emerged between the 1st and 2nd c-shaped vertebrae, the patient is concerned:

  • one-sided headache;
  • poor sleep;
  • weak nerves;
  • noise in the auricles;
  • violation of motion.

When hernia c2-c3:

  • there may be panic manifestations;
  • excessive sweating;
  • oppressed state;
  • a violation of taste and not only.

When a hernia occurs in c3-c4:

  • there is a weakening of vision;
  • the sense of smell is broken.

The problem between the 6th and 5th vertebrae:

  • provokes tenderness of flexion of the shoulder;
  • leads to problems of the respiratory system;
  • paralysis of facial muscles;
  • violation of the work of the hands and movements of the neck.

Hernia with a 5-c6 vertebra can be found from:

  • a hoarse voice;
  • sensation of a lump in the throat;
  • frequent diseases of the mouth and throat;
  • numbness and trembling in the hands;
  • tingling and burning in the forearm.

Hernia c6 is the most complex, it is responsible for many vital functions. The problem of section c6-c7 causes:

  • frequent diseases of the respiratory system;
  • pain in the shoulders and shoulder blades;
  • problems with thyroid;
  • frequent inflammation in the joints of the hand.

The cervical hernia of the spine does not pass by itself. The disease requires diagnosis and careful timely treatment.

This manifestation and the disease itself is observed with a preliminary diagnosis of osteochondrosis. The same symptoms may indicate the presence of a tumor.

For accurate diagnosis, doctors make an MRI. Chronic diseases of ODA, trauma and sedentary lifestyle are common causes of hernia of the cervical spine.


One of the annoying factors may be osteochondrosis. During the course of the disease, the disc that is between the vertebrae does not receive nutrition, because of this it becomes dry, lifeless, brittle.


Another cause of hernia may be inflammation between the joints of the vertebrae. At the same time, the load is distributed incorrectly, deformation can occur with the discs popping up.

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Hernia can cause spondylitis, chronic dehydration, Bekhterev's disease.

Also hernial exacerbations may be other diseases that disrupt the motor activity and functioning of the whole column.

The problem arises from frequent injuries to the cervical region, sudden and abnormal movements, and similar and uncomfortable movements.

The work of the department is also being disrupted, due to lack of water, smoking, increased temperature, developmental anomalies. As a result, each vertebra does not function as it should. This all disrupts nutrition of tissues, the supply of useful nutrients necessary for normal functioning of the body.

Diagnosis and treatment

To diagnose ailment, you need to contact a neurologist. He will conduct an examination and on violations will determine in which department a hernia has arisen. This will help x-ray research. Doctors conduct a procedure that allows you to see the narrowing of the channel.

First you need to anesthetize the areas, because of which the patient can not move normally. Next, you need to eliminate the spasm in order to improve their movement. Methods of treatment can be different (symptomatic and surgical).

This disease is now successfully cured, the method of treatment is selected by the doctor individually, because it depends on the stage of the ailment.

Do not forget about physical activity during this period. Therapeutic exercises for therapy will be the most effective tool.

So you can speed up the period of treatment and strengthen the muscles of the desired department.

Necessary medicines

To get rid of pain, inflammation and swelling, you need to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. In the acute period, injections are prescribed.

To do this, you can buy a medicine containing meloxicam, diclofenac and other painkillers.

Cure the hernia completely they can not, but temporarily improve the condition.

For treatment use drugs Diklak, Voltaren, Movalis, Naklofen. These are the most high-quality medicines, which are the means of the first choice.


They cause minimal damage to the body, but badly harm the stomach. Therefore, medicines can not be used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


If you do not inform the doctor about your concomitant diseases, the consequences can be extremely difficult.

Spasm of muscles will help to remove drugs Tizalud, Midokalm, Tolperizon. These funds are prescription and are taken at the doctor's prescription. Their use should not be abused, because the consequences can be different.

Chondroprotectors restore the vertebral structure, improve the health of the entire spine. Among them, you can choose Atron, Teraflex and Structum.

They act only after a long cumulative intake. If the problem of the spine is diagnosed, the treatment will last from 1 to 6 months.

These medications improve the condition of the joints of the legs.

If there is numbness in body parts, then physiotherapy with novocaine and steroids is used. If there is an allergy to any of the medications, you need to tell the doctor so that the consequences of such treatment do not cause the patient to suffer from allergies.

Strengthen the action of the funds will help treatment with mud, electrophoresis, paraffin or ozocerite applications.

He will perform manipulations, delete or tell you how to treat a hernia correctly.

What to do and how to cure such a problem, only an expert knows, so do not engage in self-medication.


For prevention, you need to give up bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle with constant physical activity.


A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/gryzha/shejnogo-otdela-lechenie-i-priznaki.html

Why there are hernias of the cervical spine, what are they dangerous? How to treat a hernia of the cervical spine, prevention of pain

Hernia of the cervical spine is a complex degenerative lesion of musculoskeletal structures, as a result of which there is a rupture of the membranes of the intervertebral disc (fibrous ring) and protrusion of the nucleus.

This cunning disease affects both elderly patients and young people.

Over time, such untreated pathology can lead to severe complications and disability.

Fortunately, the hernia of the spine in this department is rare, but you should not relax. In order to prevent the development of pathology, it is necessary "to be fully armed".

Causes of a hernia of the cervical spine

In most cases, a person is able to avoid the factors that lead to the development of a hernia at the neck level. Such sources of the problem include:

• Osteochondrosis. Eternal "companion" of office workers, schoolchildren and students. With the passage of time, the bone structures of the spine wear out, muscles supporting the posture lose their normal tone.

As a result - there is a rupture of the fibrous ring and protrusion of the pulpous core of the disc. In this case, the hernia can be considered as a formidable complication of osteochondrosis.

Patients with this disease are not recommended to make sudden movements.

• Injury to the neck. As a result of which the cervical vertebrae do not withstand the load.

• Constant static loads on the cervical spine. The cause of the hernia of the cervical spine may be concealed in the wrong posture. In this case, the post is in a constant tone, which increases the risk of formation of a hernia. This includes sleeping on an inconvenient pillow.

• Endocrine disorders. Changes in metabolism contribute to softening of bone structures of the spine.

• Weighed down by heredity. Osteochondrosis is not inherited, but descendants inherit from their ancestors the features of metabolism and musculoskeletal system.

It is proved, if one of the parents suffers from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, the child risks to receive the same ailment with a probability of 15%.

If both parents suffer, the risk doubles.

• Excess weight.

• Physique features also play an important role.

• Disturbance of the diet.

• Long-term dynamic loads.

Based on the causes of the hernia of the cervical spine, there are isolated groups of risk.

About risk groups

Groups of risk are a set of people prone to forming a hernia in greater measure.These include:

• Grown-up people. Large growth is associated with increased stress on the spine. Such people suffer from the problems of the pillar twice as often as the short ones.

• Persons suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

• People who constantly sit in one place.

• Persons engaged in heavy physical labor.

• Those who sleep on low pillows or in an uncomfortable position.

The first symptoms of a hernia of the cervical spine

Such a disease as the hernia of the cervical spine is rich in symptoms. Conditionally, there are two types of symptomatology: general and focal.General symptoms include:

• Pain at the level of the lesion. In the early stages of the formation of a hernia of symptoms may not be at all or their intensity is negligible.

Few people pay attention to such "little things" as weak pain. As the hernia grows, compression of the nerve roots occurs, the pain syndrome becomes more pronounced.

Discomfort gives in the upper limbs, jaws, thorax.

• Weakness of the muscles of the hands.

• Feeling of creeping "goosebumps" along forearms and brushes. This formidable manifestation suggests that the nerve endings are involved in the pathological process.

• Among the first symptoms of the hernia of the cervical spine, the "card of the manifestations" is the numbness of the forearms and fingers.

• Blood pressure disorders. The level of blood pressure "jumps". Usually there is hypertension. There are options.

• Headache. Formed in response to the squeezing of hernia vessels that feed the brain.

• Cervical migraine.

• Vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Develops as a complication of pathology. Characterized by impaired vision, dizziness, impaired coordination.

Specific (focal) signs of the hernia of the cervical spine vary from patient to patient. It's all about localization.

• Hernias at the level of C6-C7 (vertebra numbers). For this localization is characterized by numbness of the left shoulder, left arm. There are motor disorders. The brush becomes "not his own muscle weakness is manifested.

• Hernia at the level of C5-C6. It is manifested by the weakness of one of the arms, especially the elbow. It is difficult for a patient to manipulate his fingers and perform small motor movements.

• Defeat at the level of C4-C5. It is impossible to raise a hand, there are pains in the shoulder, numbness of the muscles.

• Pathology at the level of C3-C4. Symmetric pains in the shoulders, neck, and limitation of the functional activity of the neck are observed.

• Localization of hernia at the level of C2-C3. She knows about herself by numbness of the tongue, larynx, diminished vision. Possible violations of the heart rate, breathing.

The signs of the hernia of the cervical spine develop gradually. It is important to listen in time to your own health and prevent the disease from progressing.

Diagnosis of hernias

Diagnosis of a vertebral column affection is not particularly difficult, but the question arises: to which doctor to go for a consultation? Herniated spine is a complex, "interdisciplinary" disease.

His treatment and diagnostics are handled by a neurosurgeon, a neurologist and an orthopedist. Diagnosis begins with an anamnesis: an oral questionnaire.

The doctor is interested in the nature and degree of complaints, making up the primary picture of a possible disease.

Then comes the turn of palpation. The doctor probes the problem area, following the patient's reaction. The most informative are the instrumental methods of examining patients. Among them:

Radiography.It gives an opportunity to assess the condition of the vertebrae. The disadvantage of the method is that there is no visualization of soft tissues.

MRI diagnostics. Allows in detail to assess the musculoskeletal structure of the spinal column.

Dopplerography of the vessels of the neck. Without it, it is impossible to exclude the compression of the vessels of the neck.

These studies are sufficient for the diagnosis.

Hernia of the cervical spine: treatment

As such, treatment of the hernia of the cervical spine is to stop the inflammatory process, remove the neurological symptoms and pain.

In other respects, doctors take wait-and-see tactics: conservative therapy is indicated until the process requires surgical intervention.

It includes the use of medication, orthopedic and physiotherapy, exercise therapy.

Drug treatment involves taking drugs from the following groups:

• Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal origin (Ketorolac, Diclofenac, Xefokam).

• Analgesics (Tempalgin, Analgin).

• Spasmolytics (No-shpa).

• Chondroprotectors (for the protection of joints: Structum, Horroxide, etc.).

• Steroid preparations (with ineffectiveness of the first).

• Muscle relaxants.

In a subacute period, physiotherapy and exercise therapy are prescribed. Both should be practiced delicately, with extreme caution. The complex of exercises and specific physiotherapy procedures is selected only by a doctor. In the period of deep remission, the appointment of a massage is permissible.


Operative intervention is resorted to in extreme cases, this is a radical method.There are several ways of operation:


• Classical operation (discectomy). Assumes complete or partial deletion of the disk. Practice rarely.

• Endoscopic operation through a small incision.

• Laser treatment. With it, you can reduce the size of the hernia twice, or even three times, by making just one small puncture.

In general, with proper treatment before the operation, the case, as a rule, does not reach.

Prevention of hernial cervical spine

In order to prevent radical measures, patients and healthy people should adhere to recommendations for the prevention of hernia cervical spine:

• You can not make sudden movements of the neck.

• Do not overcool: inflammation in the spine - a direct way to problems with it.

• You need to sleep on a comfortable pillow, preferably orthopedic.

• You can not stay in the same pose for a long time.

• Every few hours it is recommended to do an easy gymnastics, if there is such a factor as hypodynamia.

Hernias of the cervical spine in most cases "remain silent" until the last, until the process goes into the active phase.

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If the patient is at risk, it is recommended that every six months they undergo preventive examinations.

Fortunately, modern methods of treatment allow to minimize discomfort and improve the quality of life of patients.

A source: http://zhenskoe-mnenie.ru/themes/health/pochemu-voznikaiut-gryzhi-sheinogo-otdela-pozvonochnika-chem-oni-opasny-kak-lechat-gryzhu-sheinogo-otdela-pozvonochnika-profilaktika-oslozhnenii/

Hernia of the cervical spine - symptoms, types of treatment

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Explanation of analyzes

Before starting to consider the problem, I want to draw the attention of the respected Internet community to the correctness of pronouncing medical terms.

In the network, you can often read "intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine" - this is completely illiterate expression, it means "a hernia between the spine." To do this, you need at least two people who have grown together with their backs. The same applies to "obezbalivayuschie" drugs.

Therefore, if you find a website with this name, then you better leave from there. Otherwise, the advice that you decide to accomplish can be expensive, and not so much for your wallet as for your health.

What is the intervertebral hernia, localized in the cervical region, how it manifests itself and how it is treated?

Hernia in the cervical spine - what is it?

photo scheme

Intervertebral hernia of any part of the spine is called destruction of the fibrous ring or gelatinous nucleus of the cartilaginous intervertebral disk, in which these structures extend beyond the contour, forming a protrusion into different sides (sideways, forward, backward, up).

And the names of hernias are different: paramedian, lateral, foraminous. The most dangerous are hernia protrusions in the posterior direction, since they can cause compression of the spinal cord (see photo).

Hernia in the cervical spine develops due to the following conditions:

  • Injury. It can be a header against a low doorway, slipping in winter on ice, or an effect heavy weight on the head, sharp movement or turn of the neck, extreme classes sports;
  • Age of the patient. The gradual decrease in the elasticity of the discs due to their dehydration can lead to their increased brittleness. Otherwise, this cause is called "cervical osteochondrosis
  • Osteoporosis. Violation of the articular surface of the vertebral bodies leads to the destruction of the cartilage lying between them. This often occurs in postmenopausal women;
  • Bad habits, especially smoking. Without directly leading to a hernia, smoking causes disruption of blood circulation and diffuse nutrition of the cartilaginous tissue, leading to the fragility of the disc;
  • Overweight. More often it causes the formation of hernias in the lumbar region, and in the cervical region the reason is wearing heavy winter hats and hairstyles;
  • Weak muscular corset neck. This leads to office work, lack of physical activity. Initially, the "instability" of the cervical region develops, and then there is the destruction of cartilage with the formation of single or multiple hernias.

Symptoms of a hernia of the cervical spine

In this lesion of the musculoskeletal system of the spine, there are general symptoms that can appear at any localization of the lesion, and specific signs that depend on the specific the location of the hernia.

It is on the symptoms of the second type that an experienced neurologist will be able to pre-diagnose with a high degree of probability, without even resorting to such diagnostic methods as MRI.

General symptoms

First of all, these are various pains in the neck with a hernia. Their localization can be different. The nature of the pain - pulling, permanent due to chronic spasm of the muscles, which fell into the zone of innervation by those nerves that squeezed the hernia.

At the same time, neck muscles are in a state of chronic stress. There is a "vicious circle".

Pain increases the spasm of muscle fiber, spasm prevents its normal nutrition, circulation and waste products.

In turn, the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscle causes its secondary spasm.


The second type of pain is a sharp, shooting, like an electric shock, just like a lumbar "chamber". It has a neurological nature, and is not associated with muscle pain, but with a feeling born within the nerve fiber itself. The second name is the radicular symptomatology.


To provoke these sharp pains in the event that the patient has a "hernia of the neck can the following factors:

  • Sharp turn of the head. These patients carefully "carry" their head, and when they shout, they turn around with their whole body;
  • Coughing, sneezing, laughing.

Thus, if you avoid a sharp concussion of the neck, you can reduce the frequency and intensity of painful attacks.

In addition to the pain syndrome, there is often a crunch when moving around in the neck. It occurs much earlier than other symptoms, and indicates a decrease in the height of intervertebral discs and a violation of their configuration.

Muscular stiffness and tenderness in palpation in the paravertebral (near-vertebral points) also is a nonspecific, a common sign of disc herniation in the cervical region, and a frequent symptom of osteochondrosis the spine.

Particular symptoms that are localized

Most often, a herniated disc of the cervical spine starts at level C3. The most commonly affected levels are C5-C6, and also C6-C7, and lower, to the intervertebral disk between the seventh cervical and the first thoracic vertebra.

We must not forget that there may be multiple hernias, coming in a row, on the one hand, and in a "chess" order. As a result, the symptoms of lesion of one and several segments develop. Typically, the signs of radicular irritation are:

  • Paresthesia, hypoesthesia, "crawling crawling and other sensitive disorders;
  • Weakness in the muscles, peripheral paresis (incomplete paralysis), uncertainty in the movements, muscle hypotrophy;
  • Vegetative-trophic disorders: reddening or blanching of the skin, increase and decrease of skin temperature, "marbling" of the skin.

Below are the most known symptoms of the defeat of the cervical spine at various levels:

  • Hernia C3 and C4: develop pain in the neck and the shoulder, partial paresis of the diaphragm is possible with the development of respiratory failure;
  • Hernia C5-C6(corresponds to the root of C6): pain and sensitivity in the neck, shoulder, shoulder, radial surface on the forearm, up to the thumb and index finger occur. In these same departments there may be paresthesia. Paresis of the biceps can occur, as a result of which there is a weakness when the arm is bent at the elbow and the weight rises. The flexor-ulnar tendon reflex falls;
  • Hernia C6-C7(corresponds to the root of C7): Also pain in the neck, but unlike the previous location, there is a decrease in sensitivity in the area of ​​the index and ring fingers. There is an extensor - elbow reflex (from the triceps). There is a weakness when trying to straighten a hand in the elbow, affects the triceps brachial muscle, and also the elbow extensor of the wrist. Sometimes there is an atrophy of the tenar, or the muscles of the elevation of the thumb (a "fleshy" place on the palm);
  • Hernia C7-Th1. Corresponds to the last cervical segment of C8. It is manifested by pain, paresthesias, decreased sensitivity in the little finger, the elbow half of the ring finger (closer to the little finger). There is weakness in the extensors of the wrist and the muscles of the wrist.

It is necessary to know that sometimes there is such a pronounced narrowing of the neighboring intervertebral apertures caused by many hernias that arises compression not only of the nerve roots corresponding to the segments, but also of the radicular artery, which flows into the anterior spinal artery.

This leads to a lack of blood circulation of the spinal cord, which can be so pronounced that to the above symptoms radicular compression may be associated with time and spinal symptoms, which speak of a stroke of the spinal cord, or transient ischemic attacks.

It must be remembered that the corresponding symptoms can be caused not by a hernia of the spine, but by damage peripheral nerves, for example, median and radial (segment C8), or suprascapal nerve in the zone segment C6.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is the best way of preventive treatment and hernia. Everyone knows these methods, we list them.

To non-medicinalmethods include:

  • sleep prevention, the purchase of an orthopedic mattress and pillow, or a roller for sleeping;
  • acupuncture, application of applicators Lyapko, Kuznetsova;
  • therapeutic gymnastics, swimming;
  • therapeutic and prophylactic massage;
  • manual therapy;
  • balneotherapy, mud therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

To medicinalmethods include:

  • Introduction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) during exacerbation (Ketonal, Movalis, Xsefokam, Celebrex, Ibuklin) with exacerbation. In the treatment of a hernia in the cervical spine, these drugs help to reduce pain and inflammation. They are used both intramuscularly and in tablet form. Together with them, prophylactic omeprazole should be taken to reduce the risk of stomach ulcers;
  • Muscle relaxants of central action - tolperisone and tizanidine, or "Midokalm" and "Sirdalud". Intramuscularly applied courses to reduce the tone of skeletal muscles. This leads to the breaking of the "vicious circle improving the blood supply of the neck muscles, reducing the severity of the pain syndrome;
  • Multivitamins of group "B". This is "Milgamma "Milgamma-compositum". They increase the sensitivity, eliminate paresthesias and normalize nervous trophism. It is advisable to take them by courses, in the form of intramuscular injections;
  • Chondroprotectors. They promote the normalization of the metabolism of the cartilaginous tissue. With the formed hernias, their administration is meaningless, shown only when there are no protrusions and hernias yet. They are used both in the form of combined preparations with NSAIDs (for example, "Teraflex Advance"), and in pure form, for example, "Alflutop".

Operative treatment

In the event that conservative treatment of a hernia in the cervical spine has proved ineffective, then surgery is needed. What indications are there for prompt intervention?

  • Strengthening the pain syndrome, which does not stop;
  • Progression of muscle weakness, paralysis and paresis;
  • The appearance of spinal symptoms associated with compression of the spinal cord.

Surgery of the hernia of the cervical spine most often reduces to performing microdiscectomy from a small access. A large cut is not required. In addition to removing the disc, the second stage is to stabilize between adjacent vertebrae.

This is due to the fact that the mobility in the cervical region is great. In addition, this achieves a normal spacing between the vertebrae, and the restoration of the intervertebral (intervertebral) blood flow.

To do this, we use our own bone autograft, which is taken from the pelvic bone of the patient, which is inserted between adjacent vertebrae, and after a few months fuses with them.

More modern methodologyis the installation of a cage, or a mesh containing the patient's bone crumb. This cage with time also sprouts with bone tissue, immobilizing two adjacent vertebrae.


The most modern method is the installation of an artificial intervertebral disc, which completely replaces the remote, preserving elasticity and mobility in the operation area. An artificial disc has the same mobility and damping properties as human cartilage.


In conclusion, we can say that the hernia of the cervical spine, the symptoms and treatment of which we have considered, does not occur suddenly. And always, to some extent, the patient is wasted precious time.

Timely diagnosis and treatment of a hernia in the cervical spine, already at the stage of minimal changes, will allow patients to dispense with surgery in a large number of cases.

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A source: http://medknsltant.com/gryzha-shejnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika/