Neuromultivitis: instruction manual for children and adults


  • 1Neuromultivitis - instructions for use for children and adults, drug analogs, price and reviews
    • 1.1Neuromultivitis - indications for use
    • 1.2Neuromultivitis - instruction
    • 1.3Neuromultivitis for children
    • 1.4Neuromultivitis for hair
    • 1.5Neuromultivitis in pregnancy
    • 1.6Neuromultivitis in patients with acute respiratory infections
    • 1.7Neuromultivitis in osteochondrosis
    • 1.8Price for Neuromultivitis
  • 2Neuromultivitis for children: instructions for use, ingredients, vitamins
  • 3Neuromultivitis - instructions for use
    • 3.1Indications for use
    • 3.2Neuromultivitis for children
    • 3.3Vitamins Neuromultivitis
    • 3.4Neuroultivitis Tablets
    • 3.5Neuromultivitis for children dosage
    • 3.6Neuromultivitis or milgamma which is better
  • 4Neuromultivitis instructions for use, effectiveness, dosage
    • 4.1Indications for use
    • 4.2Who should drink Neuromultivitis
    • 4.3Recommendations for use
    • 4.4Dosage for children
    • 4.5Contraindications and side effects
  • 5Neuromultivitis for children: description, instructions for use, reviews
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1General description of the preparation
    • 5.2Can I give it to children?
    • 5.3Indications for use
    • 5.4Forms of the preparation
    • 5.5Instructions for use
    • 5.6Composition
    • 5.7Side effects
    • 5.8Contraindications
    • 5.9Analogues
    • 5.10Reviews
  • 6Neuromultivitis: instructions for use for children
    • 6.1Composition and mechanism of action
    • 6.2Forms of release
    • 6.3Indications
    • 6.4Contraindications
    • 6.5Dosing regimen
    • 6.6Side effects

Neuromultivitis - instructions for use for children and adults, drug analogs, price and reviews

For the complex treatment of patients who suffer from polyneuropathy, neuralgia, lumbago and other neurological diseases of different genesis, Neuromultivitis is used. This is a unique combined agent, whose action, according to the instructions for use, is aimed at the normalization of tissue metabolism.

Neuromultivitis - indications for use

The drug is widely used in neurological practice for complex therapy of patients.

Combined combination of vitamins does not affect their digestibility, as happens with other multivitamin complexes.

According to the instructions, the medication is used for a variety of diseases of the nervous system. From what tablets Neuromultivitis:

  • plexites;
  • sciatica, lumbago;
  • radicular spine syndrome;
  • neuritis of different localization;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • alcoholic polyneuropathy;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • defeat of the facial nerve;
  • trigeminal neuralgia.

They produce vitamins in round tablets that are covered with a shell. In the instructions to Neuromultivite - the composition is described similarly for each component:

  1. Vitamin B1 (100 mg). Thiamin plays an active role in metabolic processes. Normalizes the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, stimulates brain activity.
  2. Vitamin B6 (200 mg). Pyridoxine is responsible for the stable functioning of the nervous system. It is a catalyst for the chemical processes of the body, stimulates the formation of serotonin (a hormone of happiness). It synthesizes gamma-aminobutyric acid, histamine, adrenaline.
  3. Vitamin B12 (200 mg). Cyanocobalamin stimulates erythropoiesis, increasing the level of hemoglobin. It is necessary for the ripening of red blood cells. At the same time, B12 participates in all biochemical processes.

Neuromultivitis - instruction

Vitamins are for internal use. If the integrity of the shell is damaged, the pharmacological effect of the agent may be impaired.

For this reason, before taking it, you do not need to grind the tablets.

How to take neuromultivitis? For the best therapeutic effect, use the product preferably immediately after eating, washing down with plain water.

On the question of what dosage to drink Neuromultivitis - the instruction for use says: the adult doctor appoints an adult tablet once from 1 to 3 times / day.

It is not recommended to take vitamins for more than one month, especially with an increased dose.

If there are signs of an overdose with side effects such as nausea, allergies, itching, medication should be discontinued.

Neuromultivitis for children

Breastfeeding and a child up to one year should be given a quarter of a tablet no more than three times a day. As evidenced by the reviews of pediatricians, it is desirable to use the drug immediately after awakening, as the reception provokes the excitation of the nervous system.

Neuromultivitis is not recommended for children in milk or a mixture, as the effectiveness of the components will decrease. For prevention, a child older than a year can give 1 tablet / day, and if the child is more than six years, it is recommended to drink 2-3 capsules / day.

The standard course of admission is a month.

Neuromultivitis for hair

Judging by the opinions of people who used the vitamin complex for prevention, the drug stops falling out, and sometimes accelerates the growth of hair. The drug belongs to the pharmacological group of multivitamin preparations, so you should not be afraid to use it.

Excellent helps Neuromultivitis for hair, because thiamine eliminates dandruff and restores overdried strands, pyridoxine prevents dryness and peeling of the scalp, and cyanocobalamin acts as a stimulant of restorative processes, supporting the renewal of the hair bulbs.

Neuromultivitis in pregnancy

The instructions for use say that the drug is not taken during pregnancy because of the lack of clinical studies confirming safety for the health of the fetus and expectant mothers.

The vitamin complex includes an increased dosage of components that exceeds the daily requirement of the human body.

If you use Neuromultivitis during pregnancy, then the metabolic processes in the nervous tissues become more active, which can lead to the threat of miscarriage.

Neuromultivitis in patients with acute respiratory infections

There are a lot of symptoms with vegetovascular dystonia, and one of the most unpleasant is pain in the lower extremities. At patients the impression is created, that legs or foots start to be twisted.

Symptomatic therapy is carried out with an emphasis on vitamins of group B, therefore doctors are often appointed to use Neuromultivitis in VSD.

Take medication, usually one tablet / day for a month.

Neuromultivitis in osteochondrosis

When the articular cartilage or bone tissues that fall under them are affected, this condition is called osteochondrosis. Vitamins of group B necessarily enter into complex therapy of this disease.

Neuromultivitis in osteochondrosis helps to improve nutrition of nerve fibers, positively affects metabolism in cartilage and nerves.

The use of the vitamin complex interferes with the process of destruction of intervertebral discs, strengthens the immune system, slows the progression of the disease.

Price for Neuromultivitis

The vitamin complex is freely sold in pharmacies. The price in different outlets can vary, depending on the marketing policy of the enterprise, storage conditions and transportation costs.

A cheaper drug will be if bought from an online store. You can order it from the catalog in several ways.

How much does neuromultitis in tablets cost? The price in Russia starts from 230 rubles per package in 20 pieces.

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Neuromultivitis for children: instructions for use, ingredients, vitamins

Neuromultivitis refers to multivitamin preparations, since several important for the human body vitamins act as its basis.

This drug is often used in adults with a lack of B vitamins or pathologies of the nervous system. But is it possible to give this medication to children, when is it justified, and by what complexes of vitamins can it be replaced?

Neuromultivitis is produced only in a solid form, which is a convex round tablets with a white-pink core and a white membrane.

One packet includes 20 or 60 tablets, placed in blisters of 20 pieces (one or three blisters in the package).

Their active ingredients are three vitamins from group B:

  • B1 in the form of thiamine hydrochloride. Its dosage per one tablet is 100 mg.
  • B6 as pyridoxine hydrochloride. The amount of such a vitamin in each tablet is 200 mg.
  • B12 in the form of cyanocobalamin. Its amount in one tablet is 200 mcg.

Since Neuromultivitis is a complex of several vitamins, its effect on the human body is due to the effects inherent in each of the components of the tablets:

  • Vitamin B1is extremely important for a variety of metabolic processes. In the body, it undergoes phosphorylation and becomes a coenzyme involved in various enzyme reactions (such a coenzyme is called cocarboxylase). Without a sufficient amount of such a substance, protein metabolism, as well as carbohydrate and fat metabolism, will be disrupted. In addition, vitamin B1 is involved in the transmission inside the synapses of nerve impulses.
  • In vitamin B6too, there is an important influence on the work of the nervous system - both the peripheral and its central department. After phosphorylation, pyridoxine becomes a coenzyme important for amino acid metabolism. Without his participation, the basic enzymes that function in the nerve tissues will not function. In addition, such a vitamin affects the formation of many mediators, including GABA, dopamine, histamine and adrenaline.
  • Vitamin B12is important for hemopoiesis processes and affects the maturation of red blood cells. In addition, this substance takes part in a variety of biochemical processes important for life, in particular, in the exchange of proteins, the formation of amino acids and nucleic acids. After conversion into coenzyme forms, cyanocobalamin affects the growth and replication of cells.

Such a remedy improves oxygen supply to tissues, helps to cope with increased loads and participates in cellular metabolism.

Since neuromultivitis has a pronounced effect on the work of the nervous system, the drug is most often used for various neurological pathologies - neuropathies, neuralgias, root syndrome, neuritis, plexitis and other lesions of the nerve plexus or peripheral nerves.

Neuromultivitis is also recommended for patients who have undergone severe infections or surgery to speed up their recovery. Still such tablets can be appointed or nominated at the confirmed deficiency of vitamins which are a part of Neuromultivitis.

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In the instructions to the Neuromultivite, which is inside the pack together with the blister, there is information that such Tablets are contraindicated for children, since the safety of their effects on the body of small patients is not studied. And indeed, the doses of vitamin compounds in such a preparation are very high, therefore, to give Neuromultivitis to a child of any age without the appointment of a doctor is by no means possible.

However, all the vitamins in the tablets are water soluble, so they do not accumulate in the body and their overdose is possible only with long-term treatment, so Neuromultivitis may be prescribed by pediatricians, neuropathologists and other specialists, if such a device is really required to kid.

The drug is not assigned to patients who have hypersensitivity to any of its components - both to active substances (vitamins), and to auxiliary ingredients. Adult neuromultivitis is not recommended either when bearing a child (medication is allowed to pregnant only under the supervision of a doctor), or when breastfeeding.

Tablets are not recommended to drink at night, as it is possibly an exciting effect on the nervous system, which results in insomnia.

Occasionally during the reception of Neuromultivitis, skin allergic reactions may appear, and in some patients the tablets provoke tachycardia or nausea.

However, such negative effects occur in isolated cases. Most patients tolerate medication normally.

The drug is advised to take after meals, the swallowed pill can be washed down with clean water. Both single dosage, and mode of administration, and duration of treatment for each patient are determined individually.

Purchase Neuromultivitis in the pharmacy is possible only after the presentation of a prescription from a neurologist or other specialist.

The average price of a single medicine package with 20 tablets is 540-620 rubles, and a pack containing 60 tablets costs from , 00 to , 00 rubles.

Keep the medication at home advised in a place where the tablets will not be affected by sunlight, temperatures above +25 degrees or high humidity. In addition, the drug should lie wherever small children can not reach it.

To give patients Neuromultivitis with expired shelf life, which by default is 3 years, is unacceptable.

Mothers, whose children were prescribed Neuromultivitis by doctors, speak about this drug mostly well. They confirm the high effectiveness of this multivitamin drug for diseases of the nervous system.

The positive effect of using Neuromultivitis is noted by physicians, among them the popular pediatrician Komarovsky. At the same time, they warn that uncontrolled use of any medicine in childhood is unacceptable.

Substitution of Neuromultivitis may include preparations with the same composition:

  • Injections Kombilipen.
  • Ampoules and tablets Neurobion.
  • Milgamma Injection and Milgramam Compositum Tablets.

However, the instructions for all these drugs in the list of contraindications are children's age, so their use in patients under 16 years of age should be controlled by a doctor.

Polyvitamin preparations are more safe and approved for children sources of B vitamins, for example:

  • Pikovit 1+- a syrup given to children over the year.
  • Vitrum Junior- tablets that can be chewed for children over 6 years old.
  • Multi-Tabs Baby- Chewable tablets, which are used in children older than a year.
  • Jungle Kids- tablets in the form of animals, which can be chewed for children 1 year and older.
  • Kinder Multivitamins Doppelherz- Sweet pastilles, bear cubs, assigned to children from the age of four.
  • Multi-Tabs Junior- tablets for children over 4 years old.
  • Supradin Kids Junior- Chewable tablets, recommended from the age of 5.
  • Pikovitz Forte 7+- tablets in the shell, assigned to schoolchildren.

Another valuable substance for the nervous system, which can be administered to children with different neurological diseases or for their prevention, is lecithin.

Its source can be such preparations:

  • Kinder biovital - gel, applied from 1 year.
  • Supradin Kids is a gel that can be given to children over 3 years old.
  • Multivitamol Dr. Theiss with lysine and lecithin is a syrup that is allowed from the age of 6.
  • Lecithin Ka is a tablet that can be absorbed by children over 14 years of age.

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Neuromultivitis - instructions for use

Medication Neuromultivitis is a unique combination vitamin medication, the action of which is directed to the normalization of tissue metabolism processes. Neuromultivite consists of three vitamins - B1, B6 and B12. There are no other vitamin components and minerals in Neuromultivite.

The combined combination of vitamins often affects the digestibility of the components of the medicine - it is proved that many vitamin complexes are incompatible with each other, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of each of them in multivitamin means.

In the instructions to Neuromultivitis, manufacturers assure that in each dragee, vitamins are not at all interact with each other, since they are applied in a unique way by layering the components one into other.

Latin name


Composition and form of release

Neuromultivitis - film-coated tablets:

1 tablet contains thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B1) 100 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) 200 mg, cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) 200 μg; 20 pieces per pack.

pharmachologic effect

Stimulating metabolism in the central nervous system, stimulating the regeneration of the nervous tissue, analgesic.

Neuromultivitis, indications for use

polyneuropathy; eurit; neuralgia; neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve; nut disease, caused by degenerative changes in the spine; sciatica; lumbago; lexite; intercostal neuralgia; a facial nerve.



Application in pregnancy and lactation

Neuromultivitis is not recommended.

Side effects

Nausea, tachycardia, skin reactions (itching, urticaria rash).

Dosing and Administration

Neuromultivitis is taken orally, after eating, according to Table 1. 1-3 times a day.

special instructions

It is not recommended treatment with high doses more than 4 weeks.

Storage conditions and shelf life

In the dark place at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life - 3 years.

Indications for use

The most frequent indication for the use of Neuromultivitis are neurological diseases, because the main components are vitamins of group B, a beneficial effect of the nervous system. Vitamins Neuromultivitis are included in the complex therapy of many diseases:

  • Neuralgia,
  • neuritis,
  • lumbago,
  • polyneuropathy of various origin,
  • sciatica,
  • plexites,
  • defeat of the facial nerve,
  • radicular syndrome.

Neuromultivitis for children

Vitamin preparation is often used in children's neurological practice. What helps neuromultivitis? The neuromultivitis complex for children is prescribed by the attending physician according to the following indications:

  • Indications for the use of Neuromultivitis tablets may be hypovitaminosis of varying degrees.
  • Indications for the use of Neuromultivitis tablets are severe infectious diseases.
  • As evidenced by the reviews of doctors, the drug Neuromultivitis helps the baby's body to recover faster in the postoperative period, accelerating the rehabilitation period.
  • Indication for the use of Neuromultivitis can be rapid fatigue of the child, increased excitability, decreased concentration, deterioration in school performance.
  • Judging by the doctors' reviews, the appointment of vitamins Neuromultivitis in complex therapy with nootropic drugs is good for delaying speech development in toddlers.

In the instructions to Neuromultivitis, the main advantage of the drug, which is that it rarely provokes the development of side effects and is very good is carried by children. That is why Neuromultivitis is prescribed for children with increased psycho-emotional and physical exertion.

Neuromultivitis is rarely prescribed for infants - the drug can be prescribed only by a neuropathologist, after having examined the child and determined his condition.

Vitamins Neuromultivitis

Neuromultivite consists of vitamins of group B, applied to the tablet layer by layer, due to which the possibility of interaction with each other is excluded. In the instructions for vitamin Neuromultivitis, a detailed description of each vitamin is given:

  • 100 mg of thiamine is vitamin B1. Included in the composition of vitamins Neuromultivite component plays a determining function in the conduct of the nerve impulse. He plays an important role in the metabolic processes.
  • 200 mg of pyridoxine - vitamin B6. In the instructions for vitamin Neuromultivitis, it is noted that this component is responsible for the stable functioning of the nervous system. Pyridoxine is considered a catalyst for chemical processes in the body. It stimulates the formation of the "happiness hormone" - serotonin, also regulates the production of sex hormones.
  • 200 mg of cyanocobalamin - vitamin B12. This component stimulates erythropoiesis - the production of red blood cells by the bone marrow, thereby increasing the level of hemoglobin. Cyanocobalamin is involved in all important biochemical processes.

Neuroultivitis Tablets

Tablets Neuromultivitis are contraindicated for individual intolerance of vitamins and other components of the drug. Tablets Neuromultivitis can not be taken with the following pathological processes:

  • With various allergic diseases - bronchial asthma, pollinosis, allergic dermatitis.
  • With ulcerative lesions of the stomach or intestinal mucosa.
  • With erythremia and erythrocytosis, increased production of red blood cells and a high level of hemoglobin.
  • With thromboembolism.

Neuromultivitis for children dosage

How to take neuromultivitis? Vitamins Neuromultivitis is recommended to be taken immediately after meals, three times a day.

As the doctors say, it is advisable to drink Neuromultivitis several hours before bedtime, or immediately after awakening, as the medicine provokes activation and excitation of the nervous system.

Dosage Neuromultivitis for children up to 1 year of age is a quarter of the pill twice a day.

If the child can not independently drink the medicine, the drug can be given, pre-chopped and dissolved in milk or a mixture.

However, in this case, the layered structure of the drug is broken, and the components are mixed, which will reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

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The annotation specifies that the duration of treatment with Neuromultivitis, as well as the daily dosage of the drug, is determined individually, depending on the severity of the lack of vitamins in the body.

The recommended preventive dosage of vitamin for children over one year is 1 tablet per day. Children over the age of six are recommended to give 2 or 3 tablets per day.

As testimonies about vitamin Neuromultivitis testify, take the drug inside, with plenty of water. If necessary, the dose may be increased to 1 tablet three times a day, after meals. The standard course of treatment is a month.

Neuromultivitis or milgamma which is better

Very often parents ask the question: "What is better for a child - Neuromultivitis or Milgamma?" Most often this issue is due to the very active advertising of the drug Milgamma in the media. Let's consider what kind of a drug it is, and answer the question: "Neuromultivitis or Milgamma - which is better?"

Milgamma is the same complex of vitamins of group B, which is used as a medicinal or prophylactic agent in the treatment of diseases of the motor system, neuralgia, myalgia, neuritis of various origin and other neurological pathologies. The drug is produced, in contrast to Neuromultivitis, in the form of a solution for injection.

The undoubted advantage of Milgam is that, with intramuscular injection, the therapeutic effect of components drug is achieved much faster than Neuromultivitis and similar drugs produced in the form of tablets. But when you designate Milgamma, remember that the drug is contraindicated for children - it can be taken only after 16 years.


Side effects of Neuromultivitis are extremely rare.

As evidenced by numerous reviews, most often when taking Neuromultivitis develop allergic reactions in the form of skin rash and itching, hives or angioedema.

More rare side effects in the appointment of Neuromultivitis are nausea or vomiting, palpitation may become more frequent.

Neuromultivitis side effects also include hyperexcitability with sleep disturbances - so you should avoid taking the drug just before bedtime.

Many patients are interested in the compatibility of Neuromultivitis and alcohol. Judging by the reviews of doctors, during treatment with Neuromultivitis it is undesirable to drink alcohol, so As ethanol blocks the absorption of thiamine in the intestine, thereby greatly reducing the efficiency preparation.


Today you can buy many Neuromultivite analogues: Pikovit, Multi-tabs, Vitamin B-complex, Revit, Pentovit, Milgamma, Decamewith, Unicab, Vitacitrol, Triovit, Polybion.

In all similar Neuromultivitis preparations, the content of vitamins can vary significantly. Therefore, the child's doctor can choose the optimal medicine.

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Neuromultivitis instructions for use, effectiveness, dosage

Neuromultivitis is a unique combined vitamin complex that combines the vitamins of the B group.

The effectiveness of the drug is aimed at maintaining the body in the autumn-winter period, the restoration of metabolic processes in tissues, as well as for the comprehensive treatment of neurological diseases

Neuromultivitis contains vitamin B1 (, g), B6 ​​(, g) and B12 (, g). Among the auxiliary components, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone and magnesium stearate can be isolated. There are no other mineral substances and vitamins in the preparation.

Combined drug Neuromultivitis is available in the form of biconvex tablets.

The properties of the substances included in the Neuromultivite are as follows:

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamin). Regulates lipid, protein and carbohydrate processes in the body, and also actively participates in the processes of carrying out nervous excitability in the area of ​​synapses.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Responsible for the work of the nervous system and participates in the exchange of amino acids. Pyridoxine - an important enzyme, which is necessary for the synthesis of histamine, adrenaline and dopamine.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). Responsible for the formation of blood, and in particular - red blood cells. This vitamin takes part in biochemical reactions in the body, which are responsible for vital processes: the exchange of amino acids, methylation reactions and the synthesis of proteins.

Vitamins of group B are not cumulated in the body independently, as they are water-soluble. Metabolism of the active components of the drug occurs in the liver. Vitamin B1 and B6 are excreted through the kidneys, and vitamin B12 - with bile.

About other vitamins of group B you can find out in the article Vitamins of group B.

Indications for use

Vitamin means Neuromultivitis is widely used in neurology as a component necessary for complex treatment of diseases of the nervous system.

Among the main indications for the use of the drug can be identified:

  • neuritis and intercostal neuralgia;
  • neuropathy in the facial nerve;
  • ischialgia, radicular syndrome, lumbago and plexitis;
  • Neuralgia of the trigeminal type and polyneuritis.

Who should drink Neuromultivitis

The action of the drug is aimed at the restoration and stimulation of metabolic processes in the central nervous system (CNS). Vitamins of group B, which are part of Neuromultivite, have a pronounced analgesic property.

This allows you to use the medicine not only to correct the vitamin-deficiency state, but also for the purpose of treatment disorders that are not related to the violation of metabolic processes: pain syndrome, polyneuritis, psychosis, mononeuropathy etc.

Vitamin preparation is widely used to treat children's neurological disorders. Child Neuromultivitis may be prescribed if the following indications are available:

  • infectious diseases;
  • postoperative period;
  • a decrease in concentration and memory;
  • increased excitability and delayed speech development;
  • increased physical and psychoemotional loads.

The drug should not be used without prescribing a doctor. Only a neurologist can properly calculate the dosage of Neuromultivitis, based on the results of the examination of the patient and conducted laboratory tests.

Recommendations for use

The drug Neuromultivit is intended for oral administration. It is recommended to swallow the tablet without chewing. Otherwise, there is a violation of the pharmacokinetic profile of the vitamin product.

To achieve maximum effect from the use of Neuromultivitis, you should take a vitamin remedy immediatelyafter meal. Take the tablets with boiled water.

The number of tablets shown for a day depends on the general condition of the patient and the concomitant therapy. The recommended dosage is 1 tablet 1-3 times a day. The course of treatment is no more than 4 weeks.

Dosage for children

Treatment of children with Neuromultivitis is possible only from the age of 12 years. For a child whose age is younger, the need for using the drug is determined individually. In this case, the benefits and possible harm are compared.

Recommended dosages for children:

  • up to 1 year - ¼ tablets, 2 times a day;
  • from 1 to 6 years - 1 tablet, 1 time per day;
  • from 6 to 12 years - 1 tablet, 2 times a day;
  • from 12 to 18 years - 1 tablet, 3 times a day.

The course of treatment for children is up to 1 month. First of all, it depends on the severity of the pathological process in the body.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug Neuromultivitis is not recommended for taking into account the individual intolerance of the constituent components.

Children under 12 years should drink vitamins only after consulting a doctor.

Among the absolute contraindications should be distinguished:

  • an allergic predisposition;
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines;
  • erythrocytosis erythremia and embolism.

When the course of therapy with Neuromultivit passes, such adverse reactions as tachycardia, allergic skin rashes and nausea may appear. When such reactions occur, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

The manufacturer of the drug claims that its constituent vitamins do not interact with each other. They are applied using a unique method - by layering one on top of another. This allows you to get the maximum benefit from using the vitamin complex.

When chewing or damaging the pill, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced.

That is why it is recommended not to chew the vitamin remedy during application, but to swallow whole.

How to take neuromultivitis is best to ask the attending physician, despite the fact that the instructions for use contain detailed recommendations.

In pharmacies a wide range of analogues of Neuromultivite is provided:

  • Pikovitz;
  • Multi-tabs;
  • Pentovit;
  • Revit;
  • Triovit;
  • Polybion.

In preparations that are analogous to Neuromultivite, the amount of vitamins that are active substances varies significantly.

The most balanced number of active components is concentrated in the Neuromultivitis.

Leading specialists from the field of neurology and pediatrics recommend using this particular vitamin complex.

Neuromultivitis doctors respond positively. Patients note that adverse reactions when taking a vitamin complex, are extremely rare.

If there is an individual predisposition to allergic reactions, rashes and itching may occur. Skin that passes by itself after drug cancellation and is easily corrected by sedatives preparations.

Children are hyperexcitability and sleep disturbance, so specialists recommend taking the drug in the morning or in the afternoon, so as not to disturb the night's sleep.

Adult, during treatment with Neuromultivitis, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages. This is due to the fact that ethanol prevents the absorption of thiamine in the intestinal region, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the vitamin preparation.

The price of the drug (250-800 rubles.) Varies within reasonable limits for people with average incomes.

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Neuromultivitis for children: description, instructions for use, reviews

B vitamins - are of particular importance for the proper functioning of the human body.

Their presence in the daily diet of consumed products ensures a normally functioning function of metabolic processes in the body.

It is also important that children receive this group of vitamins during the period of active growth. For these purposes, pharmaceutical companies produce a unique drug, "Neuromultivit."

General description of the preparation

The drug "Neuromultivit" is a combined vitamin product, the main function of which is to improve metabolism in tissues. The main active components of the drug are vitamins of groups B, in particular B1, B6 and B12.

Can I give it to children?

The drug is not used in therapeutic practice for the treatment of infants and babies.

The reason for this is an overestimated single dose of B vitamins, which, according to the consumption norm, exceeds the norm by a factor of 30.

The administration of the drug to children under the age of one year can be carried out only after the recommendation of the attending physician in a hospital.

Indications for use

"Neuromultivite" is indicated for use, if available:

  • Expressed and confirmed clinically hypovitaminosis.
  • Polyneuropathy (alcoholic or diabetic origin).
  • Neuritis.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Sciatica.
  • Lubmago.
  • Plexitis.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • When paresis of the facial nerves.
  • With the root syndrome, which is triggered by changes in the area of ​​the intervertebral discs and vertebrae.

In pediatric practice, the drug can be prescribed to small patients who underwent surgery. In this case, the drug is prescribed for the purpose of restoring the body, reducing the influence of stress, normalizing the work of the nervous system.

Forms of the preparation

The drug "Neuromultivit" is available in tablet form.

In the retail pharmacy network, a medicine packaged in an external cardboard box is possible, inside which there are 2 blisters containing 10 tablets each. The tablets themselves are white in color, with a shell, in shape-convex, round.

Instructions for use

The drug is recommended to give to childrenfrom the age of 1 year. Earlier, reception is possible only under the supervision of a pediatrician in a hospital.

Taking the drug is best done early in the morning, after awakening.

Before going to bed, it is not recommended to take it into account the possible subsequent reaction-increased excitability, activity and insomnia.

Babies, who because of their age can not swallow the whole tablet, you can prepare a suspension. For this, the tablet "Neuromultivita" must be crushed and the resulting powder combined with water. The resulting mixture can be added to the drink or food.

The scheme of admission for children over 1 year old is the following: 1 tablet of Neuromultivite 3 times a day, after meals.
If the pediatrician sees the need for taking the drug as a baby, then the regimen has the form of 1/4 tablets in crushed form, mixed with milk or a mixture 2 times a day.

The course of treatment with the drug should not exceed a month, since excess B vitamins can cause neurological disorders.


The composition of the drug includes:

  • Cyanocobalamin (200 μg).
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride (200 mg).
  • Thiamine hydrochloride (100 mg).

Side effects

Basically, the drug is well tolerated by children. An exception may be a child's age of up to a year. The manifestation of side effects in infants is more pronounced, in view of the emerging immune system and the overall development of the body.

The drug "Neuromultivit" can provoke vomiting, nausea, tachycardia, manifestation of an allergic reaction to the skin in the form of hives, in rare cases, swelling. If there are side effects, the drug should be withdrawn. Further treatment tactics are determined by the pediatrician on examination.


Contraindications include a strong allergic reaction to the drug Neuromultivit, or to its constituent vitamins and components.


If there is no drug in the pharmacy network, you can try replacing it with similar vitamin complexes, for example: Sana-Sol, Vitabeks, "Triovit "Polybion "Pikovit "Decamevit "Milgamma "Unicap "Foliber "Vitacitrol "Multi Tabs "Jungle Kids "Vectrum Junior" Revit.


  1. The first-year daughter, after she started going to school, started complaining about fatigue and bad memory. The pediatrician recommended to drink a course of Neuromultivitis for such complaints. The effect was after 2 weeks of admission. Forces became much larger and rhymes were remembered quickly.
  2. At the kid on survey at the neuropathologist, after spent US it was diagnosed the raised or increased intracranial pressure. The doctor advised me to drink a drug "Neuromultivitis" for 2 weeks. The tablet was crushed and poured into the mixture. The tremor of the lower jaw decreased during crying.
  3. The child has a body weight deficit. The doctor prescribed a course of Neuromultivitis. For a month after reception have typed or collected 2 kg.

A source:

Neuromultivitis: instructions for use for children

Multivitamins are associated in many people with fortified supplements, but they can act as medicines.

One such drug is Neuromultivitis, an instruction manual for children and adults to which it will be discussed in the article.

The remedy is a source of B vitamins, which are actively used in the therapy of certain neurological diseases.

When is the remedy recommended? Is it safe and effective? Is it suitable for a child? To answer the questions, you should first familiarize yourself with the active components of Neuromultivite.

Composition and mechanism of action

According to the instructions, the medicine includes 3 representatives of the B group vitamins.


  • Thiamine.It is necessary for the normal conduct of pulses between neurons (cells of the nervous system). During the energy metabolism, B1 is converted into coenzyme co-carboxylase, which is necessary for some vital biochemical reactions.
  • Pyridoxine.One of the derived forms of vitamin B6 takes part in the amino acid metabolism. Pyridoxine is necessary for the synthesis of neurotransmitters - substances, through which the transfer of electrochemical signals between nerve cells.
  • Cyanocobalamin.Important for the formation of myelin sheath, covering the nerve fiber. B12 is a participant in the formation of new blood cells. It ensures normal ripening of red blood cells.

Forms of release

Use tablets and solution for intramuscular injection. The component composition of both forms is identical. The difference lies in the amount of active substances. Other standard dosage forms have not yet been developed (for 2017). "Special" Neuromultivitis for children is not produced.


Why was the remedy developed? Thanks to the effects of the B vitamins, the drug found applicationin the treatment of pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Usually Neuromultivitis is used as a component of complex therapy.

Main indications:

  • pathological manifestations of degenerative processes of the spine;
  • polyneuropathy of any nature of origin (alcoholic, diabetic);
  • paresis of the facial nerve;
  • neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve and intercostal;
  • humerus syndrome;
  • lumboishalgia;
  • radiculopathy, etc.


Neuromultivitis can not be used for allergies to its components. According to the official annotation, the drug is not prescribed for children.

This is due to the lack of studies on the effect of the drug on this age group of patients. For the same reason, it is undesirable to use the drug during pregnancy and during lactation.

A separate contraindication for the solution is the decompensation of chronic heart failure.

Dosing regimen

The recommended form of release and the required quantity for admission are determined only by the attending physician.

The instruction contains general principles of designation:

  • For tablets - 1 to 2-3 times daily.If the dosage is maximal, treatment can not be performed for more than 4 weeks.
  • For the solution - 2 ml intramuscularly once a day, from 5 to 10 days.Then the regime changes, injections are performed no more than 2-3 times in 7 days (from 2 to 3 weeks). Treatment requires regular medical supervision.

Despite the list of contraindications to Neuromultivitis, patients are looking for instructions for use for children. There is information that some neurologists prescribe it on an individual basis, for example, in the treatment of delayed speech development.

On the Internet, even indicated schemes for admission - childrenfrom year to 6by1 tablet per day, overthis age -2-3. However, it is worthwhile to understand that it is not worth following unconfirmed advice.

For a simple strengthening of the body, it is better to choose a drug that is more suitable for age. The risk of overdose persists even when dividing the Neuromultivitis tablets into parts.Give his child with caution and only if the child's neurologist has authorized.

Side effects

Neuromultivitis, when using the recommended dose, is almost always tolerated well. Seldom can disturb the fasted palpitation, a nausea, changes from a skin (a urticaria, an itch). If these symptoms appear, you should tell them about the doctor.

Neuromultivitis is an example that proves that even the use of vitamins should be approached carefully and responsibly.

Despite the "simple" composition, the remedy requires strict adherence to the doctor's instructions.Not every package with the inscription "multivitamin" says that it is an ordinary supplement to food with OTC.

Especially it is worth remembering this fact when it comes to the health of the child.

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