Can I be vaccinated against flu nursing mothers

Is it possible for a breastfeeding mother to get a flu shot? baby breastfeeding



nifiga it does not help, only a complication can give.

Marina Potapova

Is this an experiment?

seven-flower flower

Do it if you want to get sick!


I fed all the feeding, I did not get sick of the flu, and the child, incidentally, too, for two years, Orvi was sick 1 time.


The flu vaccine is not dangerous for mothers who are breastfeeding. Breastfeeding does not affect the immune response and is not a contraindication for vaccination. Moreover, the antibodies produced by the mother penetrate the breast milk and provide additional protection for the child.


never. neither you nor the baby, ever. viruses-mutate constantly. there is no guarantee.

When should I vaccinate a nursing mother?


Roman Serov

Never, never, never will I "from his bell tower as an opponent of vaccinations. :P. And why did not she do it before the first pregnancy? It all depends on how long it already feeds. Because vaccination in any case triggers in the body of the mother certain immune reactions, which can affect lactation. On the other hand, it is not known how lactation will affect the quality of immunity production. About the flu especially: many fall ill after vaccination, is she ready to get sick at the time of feeding? And with hepatitis in general, you can wait, after all, the child will be done in the hospital, and she is unlikely to lead a promiscuous sexual life.

instagram viewer


Vaasche does not get vaccinations for nursing mothers... (courses of improvement of professional skill at Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation)

Sasha Naumov

I think so, we must wait until the end of breastfeeding. And if it still does - it is necessary to consult with specialists - both with a midwife, and with a pediatrician.

Roman Ushakov

Yes, I agree with the girls that you need to wait until the end of feeding and in any case not to do during pregnancy. All drugs are passed on to our babies through milk and there is no need to receive vaccines with microbes. It's better if my mother gets sick with the flu once a day, it's less scary for the child.

"Grippol plus reviews about the vaccine for the prevention of influenza

Undoubtedly, ARVI can hardly be considered a rarity in the modern world. And for certain it will be difficult to find a person who has never had a flu. The fever, weakness, cough, runny nose - the symptoms are extremely unpleasant. Moreover, the disease disrupts the daily routine of a person.

You do not want to hurt anyone. And modern pharmaceutical companies offer buyers a lot of vaccines and drugs that can prevent influenza diseases. A vaccine against influenza Grippol plus is considered effective. But what is this remedy? Are there any contraindications to its administration? Are there any side effects? Should I agree to an inoculation? Many people are interested in answering these questions.

Form of release of the medicine

The vaccine "Grippol plus" is available in the form of a solution for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. A single dose is, ml solution, which is placed in glass ampoules or vials with a rubber lid and an aluminum cap. Some companies release the vaccine in convenient sterile syringes, which are already ready for use.

Composition and properties of the preparation

Naturally, first of all people are interested in questions about what the given means is and what properties it possesses. The drug "Grippol plus" is a highly effective, purified influenza vaccine that ensures the formation of immunity to influenza A and B viruses.

One dose of the drug contains the hemagglutinin of the actual strains of the influenza virus, in particular the various subtypes of the influenza A and B virus. In addition, the preparation contains the immuno-adjuvant polyoxidonium in phosphate-buffered saline.

According to the research, the vaccine against the flu "Grippol plus" ensures the rapid formation of immunity. Typically, 75-96% of patients in the blood determine the titers of antibodies to the influenza virus after 8-12 days after the procedure. Immunity persists for up to 12 months.

By the way, polyoxidonium, which is a component of the drug, has immunomodulatory properties. This substance stimulates the nonspecific immune response and increases the resistance of the human body not only to the influenza virus, but also to other infections.

Indications for the use of the drug "Grippol"

In what cases is vaccination done with the drug "Grippol plus"? The instruction indicates that vaccinations are allowed for almost all age groups of patients, including children older than 6 months.

In addition, it is worth highlighting several groups of people who are particularly prone to this viral disease. Vaccinate is recommended to people who, due to their profession, are prone to such infections, in particular medical workers, military personnel, transport, trade, police, social services and educational institutions.

On the other hand, the drug "Grippol plus" is recommended for people who have a higher risk of complications in case of infection of the body. Risk groups can include elderly patients (over 60), as well as children attending schools and pre-school institutions.

Vaccinate is advised also to patients with weakened health, for example to people who are constantly ill with ARI. Groups of high risk include patients with chronic physical illnesses, as well as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases systems, congenital and acquired forms of immunodeficiency, autoimmune diseases, allergies, diabetes mellitus, impaired metabolism substances.

The drug "Grippol plus instructions for use

How to use this tool correctly? Immediately it is worth noting that vaccination is carried out exclusively in medical offices or clinics. Only a specialist knows how to properly administer a solution of Grippol Plus.

The instructions for use contain generally accepted recommendations. Children over three years of age, as well as adult patients receive a vaccine in a dose, ml. The procedure in most cases is one-off. Enter the solution with a sterile syringe intramuscularly or under the skin in the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder (here is the deltoid muscle).

By the way, in some cases the dosage can vary. In particular, patients with immunodeficiency, as well as people taking immunosuppressors, are vaccinated twice - the second administration of the solution is carried out 3-4 weeks later.

Before use, the vial with the vaccine should be kept at room temperature. Immediately before vaccination, the solution should be shaken well. It is worth paying attention to the presence of physical changes - if the solution has changed color or if you notice an uncharacteristic sludge, you should refuse to use this portion of the vaccine.

Naturally, the procedure must necessarily be carried out in aseptic and antiseptic conditions. Syringes and needles should be sterile, and the skin at the injection site must be rubbed with alcohol. Keep the remains of the vaccine in an already opened vial or syringe is strictly prohibited.

It is desirable that the patient the first half an hour after the administration of the solution was under the supervision of a medical officer in the event of the development of an immediate allergic reaction. By the way, the cabinet for vaccinations must necessarily be equipped with equipment and drugs used for first aid for allergies.

Features of the drug for children

As already mentioned, the drug "Grippol plus" for children over three years of age is administered in the same way as adults. But for babies who have not reached the age of three, the grafting scheme varies slightly. The dose in this case is divided into two.

First the child is injected with 5 ml of the vaccine, and after 3-4 weeks the procedure is repeated, keeping the same dosage. By the way, the injection is performed intramuscularly in the anterolateral surface of the thigh. Sometimes doctors recommend that the first day after vaccination give the baby an antipyretic.

Are there any contraindications?

In fact, this drug has not so many contraindications. Nevertheless, not all people can be vaccinated with this drug. In particular, Grippol is not suitable for patients with high allergic sensitivity to any components of the vaccine, as well as chicken protein.

Before vaccination, you need to carefully study the patient's medical record. If in the past there were cases of development of an allergic reaction to the administration of influenza vaccines, then it is worth to abandon this procedure.

In addition, contraindications include exacerbations of various chronic diseases - the drug can be administered only after the onset of the period of remission. Also, vaccinations are not carried out in the presence of febrile conditions, intestinal diseases, non-severe forms of ARVI - in such cases it is better to wait until the body temperature normalizes.

Are there any side effects?

Immediately it is worth noting that this vaccine is a highly purified agent, so complications after its use are extremely rare. Nevertheless, the possibility of their appearance should not be ruled out.

So what side effects can the drug "Grippol plus" cause? Instructions for use indicate that most often local reactions are observed. In particular, at the injection site, soreness, small swelling and hyperemia may appear. These phenomena are considered perfectly normal and pass by themselves. Common complications can also include general malaise, a slight increase in body temperature, weakness.

Much less common are such common reactions as sore throat, a slight runny nose, headache and fever. Such symptoms usually pass by themselves after 1-3 days.

Rarity during vaccination is considered an intensive allergic reaction of immediate type. In some cases, after vaccination, some neurological disorders, parasthesia, myalgia developed in patients.

Can I get vaccinations during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an extremely important period in the life of every woman. After all at this time the immune system is weakened, and any disease can affect the body of a growing fetus. Therefore, today many are interested in questions about whether it is allowed for pregnant women to be vaccinated with the vaccine "Grippol plus". The feedback from specialists, as well as the results of the research, indicate that the given remedy does not have embryotoxic and teratogenic effects, therefore can be considered as safe.

In any case, the decision on vaccination is made by the attending physician, taking into account the risk of infection and development of certain complications. By the way, it is believed that in the second and third trimester the drug is more safe.

By the way, the vaccine "Grippol plus" is also allowed for breastfeeding mothers. Interrupt breastfeeding during vaccination is not necessary.

Interaction with other drugs

Is it possible to use "Grippol plus" along with other drugs? Reviews of doctors and researchers indicate that this vaccine works well with almost all medicines. For example, it can be used simultaneously with the basic therapy of the underlying disease.

In addition, it is permitted to use this drug along with other inactivated and live vaccines. The exception is only BCG, as well as anti-rabies vaccinations. Naturally, in this case, the doctor must take into account contraindications and side effects from all drugs used.

There are also medicines that can reduce the effectiveness of the Grippol Plus. In particular, these are corticosteroid and ketotoxic drugs that inhibit the activity of the immune system.

How much is the medicine?

Of course, many people are primarily interested in questions about how much the drug "Grippol plus" costs. The price in this case depends on many factors. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the financial policy of the manufacturer's firm, as well as the organization that distributes the vaccine.

Nevertheless, the average cost ranges from 250 to 350 rubles - that's how much you will get one dose of the vaccine "Grippol plus". The price, you will agree, is not too high, especially if you compare it with the cost of drugs that you need in case of illness.

On the other hand, do not forget that some categories of the population can get a vaccine free of charge. For example, in some schools mass vaccination of schoolchildren is carried out. In addition, free vaccinations, as a rule, make people whose profession is associated with an increased risk of infection.

Are there analogues?

Not in all cases, patients are allowed to vaccinate with this drug. Nevertheless, in modern pharmacological markets, various agents with similar properties are represented. Purified antigens of the influenza virus contains the Korean medicine "Jixi Fly." If the patient has an allergy to egg white, then you can vaccinate with the drug "MonoGripol Neo." In addition, the vaccine "Grippol Neo as well as the means "Vaksgripp "Influvac "Fluarix "Panenza" and many others are considered quite effective.

The drug "Grippol plus reviews of doctors and patients

To date, many people are being vaccinated with this drug. Moreover, the state allocates funds for purchasing and mass vaccinations with the help of the "Grippol Plus" facility.

The doctors' comments about this medicine are mostly positive. Indeed, mass vaccination helps reduce the number of patients with influenza illness. By the way, vaccinations are usually recommended to be done during the autumn-winter period, as well as at the beginning of an epidemic outbreak of the disease.

On the other hand, not all patients are satisfied with the result. Many people note that after an injection for several days, the state of health worsens, although this is considered normal result of vaccination, because the body needs time to develop a stable immune answer. To undoubted advantages of this drug can be attributed its availability (it is quite often are used in polyclinics), as well as the comparatively low cost that everyone can afford a patient.

In some cases, even after vaccination, a person becomes ill with the flu. This phenomenon has a simple explanation. The fact is that for the preparation of the solution, the currently used strains of the influenza virus are used - it is from this that the vaccine will protect. But in relation to another strain of infection, the vaccine may be inactive, so the probability of developing the disease is available. Therefore, it is extremely important to provide patients with necessary information on time and explain the features of anti-flu vaccination.

Nevertheless, many people like the vaccine "Grippol plus". Feedback from satisfied patients suggests that the drug is really coping with its task.

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