Adrenaline in the nose with genyantritis

Than to treat a genyantritis?



In a glass of boiling water, throw a tablet of furacilin, when it cools down, take a syringe without a needle. Then go to bed your head, take half of the syringe and stop one nostril. Slowly pour the solution, well-scribbled. So do with the second nostril until all the mucus is gone. Do it in the morning and in the evening for five days. After washing, dig in drops that specifically heal the rhinitis, and do not only break through the nose. Ask at the pharmacy. As a runny nose will weaken, bury by protorgol on the floor of a pipette for 10 days. If this does not help, run to the doctor. At a daughter of a problem with a nose constantly also the doctor of an ENT has learned or taught me for a long time this. Good luck and do not be ill.

Personal Cabinet Removed

chase what drops or pills, if you had sinusitis you would not have written that you go once to doctor, prigaimorite terrible headaches, the consequences of pus can poiti anywhere and hooves can be reset
and another nose next to the brain in you is clearly sinusitis will progress

instagram viewer

Pantuhova Natalia

antibiotics are needed! do not joke - go to the doctor!

Alexandra Trepova

I did so. A bubble with penicilin is taken, juice of two leaves of aloe is added there, all this body-shampoo is shaken and buried in the nose two drops into each nostril. I warn you right away, it will burn. But the result will please already on the day of the day. Before the procedure, you can rinse your nose with a solution of salt, a small syringe in each nostril, the procedure is also not pleasant. I had three days, although before that I just did not try.


Conservative methods of treatment of sinusitis include local and general therapy, which aims to eliminate the block sinus anaesthesia and edema of the mucous membrane, evacuation of pus from the sinus, and restoration of the function of the ciliated epithelium. It should be noted that, without exacerbation, antibiotics are not used, in the period of exacerbation of sinusitis in combination with other therapeutic measures, they are prescribed according to the sensitivity of the microflora.
Local therapy for sinusitis includes the appointment of vasoconstrictive drugs, the mechanism of their action is almost the same.
Vasoconstrictive preparations on an oily basis (pinosol, tizin, etc.) ) have a more prolonged effect in comparison with water-soluble drugs (naphthysine, galazoline, sanorin, etc.). With complex sinusitis the daily anemization of the area of ​​the middle nasal passage is more effective with applications of 2-3 minutes of turuns impregnated with an adrenaline solution, ephedrine, etc. The course of treatment of sinusitis with vasoconstrictive drugs should not exceed 8-10 days, since prolonged and frequent drug-induced vasospasms the mucous membrane of the nose leads to disruption of the vascular tone, persistent blood filling of the vessels and disruption of nasal breathing, suppression of the function of the ciliated apparatus.
Among the conservative methods of treatment of sinusitis, the most effective and widespread is the puncture of the maxillary sinuses with subsequent washing of the sinuses antiseptics (furacilin, chlorophyllipt, dioxidin), with the introduction of a broad spectrum of antibiotics into the sinus, antiseptics (gentamicin, tsedex, augmentin and other). Such treatment can be corrected after the determination of antibioticogram. (It is necessary to consider the possibility of reactions! ) Along with the antibiotic solution in the sinus, you can enter a solution of enzymes (if pus dense), having a proteolytic effect (trypsin, chymopsin), or corticosteroids (with pronounced swelling of the region of excretory anastomoses) - hydrocortisone, dexamezaton, prednisolone and other Punctures of the maxillary sinuses are usually performed every other day, but not more than 7-8.
With the preservation of purulent discharge after 8 punctures of the maxillary sinus, the patient is shown surgical treatment.
Continue the course of conservative treatment with genyantritis, as a rule, is inappropriate, because in the mucosa of the sinuses is already there persistent morphological changes and conservative methods at best for a short period will somewhat reduce the activity of the pathological process.

Elena Kuzenko

I'm a paramedic. You need to see the doctor! Pass the x-ray of the paranasal sinuses!
The pharmacy is full of vasoconstrictive drops in the nose. But if you really have genyantritis, then you need a comprehensive treatment, this is the physical procedures, and the reception of antibiotics. And, if necessary, treatment in the doctor's office (cuckoo or puncture).
If you delay with a visit to the doctor - wait for complications (ears)!
Do not postpone your visit!
If there is no allergy, make complex drops. On a NEW vial of Pharmazoline add 5 drops of dexamethasone and 10 drops of adrenaline. Dexamethasone and adrenaline get 1 ampoule, then through a syringe type in turn the medicine, remove the needle and measure the dosage of drops in a clean container. Remains of medicines will not be useful to you anymore. From the clean containers, through the syringe with the needle, dial out the measured droplets (10 and 5), and then insert into the vial of Pharmazoline. These drops I use for a number of years with exacerbations, they are effective.
If that is not clear to you, you can write to me on the mail box! [email protected]
Be healthy! Health - such a thing that nowhere for any money is not a bargain !!!

Lara Kim

There is a good remedy for IRS19... it is based on bacteria that feed on disease causing bacretia, causing the disease... It can even be used by a newborn. Get well!

Tatyana Ermak

mummy cleared in tablets - 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening on an empty stomach, take 21 days, then break the month 2 and again the course but also the same 1 tablet a day, these 3 courses - she cured herself his sinusitis in this way, but he was not in the stage of severe inflammation, so if the headaches and temperature - then first make the punctures and then already heal tablets ...


Sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. Acute inflammation of the maxillary sinus often occurs during the common cold, flu, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases.
Symptoms: Unilateral nasal lining, mucous or purulent discharge, decrease or loss of smell. Feeling of raspiraniya in the cheek and forehead. Pain when pressing in the frontal sinus. Sometimes they worry about toothaches. There may be swelling in the area of ​​the affected sinus. The temperature rises.
Traditional methods of treatment: Bed rest, at the temperature of taking aspirin, drops in the nose. In order for the drops to enter the middle nasal passage (where the sinuses open), the patient's head should be thrown back and turned toward the diseased sinus. In addition, heat is applied to the cheek and forehead.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Grind a small onion bulb with hot honey water (mix a glass of water with, a teaspoon of honey), insist, wrapped, 3-4 hours and strain. The resulting infusion wash the nose several times a day.
2) Peel the bulb, cut into several pieces, put on a bandage, then fold the bandage, attaching it to the nose so that a part of the onion is under both nostrils, and tie it to the back of the head. It is especially good to breathe onions while sleeping.
3) Twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, dig into each nostril 5 drops of tincture of the prickly throat (sold in pharmacies). Inulin, in large quantities contained in the plant, perfectly helps in the treatment of sinusitis.
4) Rinse the nasal cavity with warm water with the addition of a small amount of iodine tincture or manganese.
5) If you have pain in the nose, ears, head, bury the black radish juice in your nose or insert a tampon with radish juice into your nose.
6) Wash the sinuses of the nose with 5% infusion of calendula flowers.
7) Inhale fir vapors (sold in pharmacies).
8) Before going to bed take, a glass of decoction of herb Leonurus (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water).
9) For sinusitis it is recommended to use the juice of celandine and chamomile taken in equal amounts. Bury or inject into the nasal cavity 2-3 times a day.
10) Brew in, l. boiling water 2 tablespoons herb tea (sold at the pharmacy). Bring to a boil and leave for 30 minutes. Take a glass 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
11) In case of polyposis inflammation of the sinuses, the juice of celandine and chamomile are taken in equal proportions. Bury in the nose.
12) Wash the sinuses of the nose with a 5% infusion of calendula flowers.
13) Before going to bed take on, a glass of decoction of grass motherwort (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water).
14) Bring to a boil of 200 gr. powder of spruce resin, 1 crushed bulb, 15 gr. powder of vitriol and 50ml. olive oil, mix thoroughly. Ointment is used for compresses on the area of ​​the inflamed sinus.

Alena Nastenko

At me now too a genyantritis and to you now not to run to loru because if pus will pass in a head that you can die it is necessary to prick antibiotics to drink tablets to drip a nose and if you will not pass or take place inspection at lora and there will be complications and will do a puncture and if already pus will pass in a head that if you yet shall not die that to you it will be necessary open a skull

Than and how to wash a nose at a genyantritis

Sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinus) often complicates the course of colds, acute respiratory infections, influenza. It can accompany diseases of the roots of the teeth of the upper jaw. When untimely treatment, this disease becomes chronic, with difficulty giving in to therapy. Therefore, with genyantritis, the correct complex treatment is important, and not the use of only one method or remedy.

Treatment of sinusitis should appoint a doctor. It includes antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, decongestants and other means. An effective method in the treatment complex includes washing the nose and maxillary sinuses. The question of what to wash the nose with sinusitis, you need to discuss with your doctor. Nasal flushing can be performed in outpatient or home settings.

Than to wash a nose in house conditions

For such procedures, you can use saline solutions, antiseptics, as well as decoctions or infusions of medicinal plants.

Saline solutions for washing

Saline solutions do not dry the mucous membrane, they liquefy the slime accumulated in the sinuses and the nasopharynx and withdraw it from the nasopharynx. Such drugs have anti-edematous effect.

Rinse your nose with ordinary salt water. In a glass of warm boiled water, dissolve ½ teaspoon of table salt. In this solution, you can add ½ teaspoon baking soda.

Nasal flushing can be carried out using a physiological solution of sodium chloride. You can buy it in a pharmacy or cook yourself: in 1 liter of warm boiled water dilute 9 g of salt.

It is more effective to do lavage with sea salt. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Prepare the solution as follows: in a glass of warm boiled water, dilute 1 teaspoon of sea salt, you can add ½ teaspoon of soda, 5 drops of iodine tincture. You can wash your nose with ready-made solutions of sea water, which are also sold in pharmacies.

The main difference between ready-made solutions is convenient packaging. In this case, due to good irrigation of the mucous membrane, the therapeutic effect is enhanced. Their contribution is made and additional substances contained in the finished dosage forms.

Solutions with antiseptic action

These are such drugs as furatsilin and dioxidin. They act on microorganisms that multiply on the surface of the mucous membrane. There is suppression of their reproduction and physical removal by washing. In this case, medicinal substances are not absorbed into the blood and do not have any significant side effects.

To wash the nose with furatsilinom need 1 tablet to crush into powder and dilute in 1 liter of warm boiled water. For better dissolution, the resulting solution can be brought to a boil and cooled. A ready-made solution of furacilin can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Dioxydin is a complex preparation containing dioxidine, hydrocortisone and epinephrine. Dioxydin has a good antiseptic effect, preventing the proliferation of pathogens. Hydrocortisone has a local anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and anti-allergic effect. Adrenaline causes spasm of small vessels of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and helps to reduce its edema. The drug is sold in the pharmacy chain.

Vegetable nasal washing preparations

The use of herbal remedies for sinusitis is based on the anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect of many medicinal plants.

Infusion of St. John's wort: 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials are insisted 1 - 2 hours in 200 ml of boiling water. Poet you can moisten a cotton swab and put it in the nasal passages. You can use the obtained infusion and to wash the nasal cavity.

Similarly, you can use the flowers of calendula, kidney and bark of young branches of aspen, poplar buds, chamomile flowers.

To wash the nose, you can add freshly squeezed onions or garlic juice, juice of leaves and roots of plantain to solutions and infusions.

With genyantritis a good effect gives propolis in the form of a tincture on alcohol.

To vegetable infusions it is possible to add honey, sea buckthorn oil.

Washing of the nose for children

In childhood, the nose is washed badly, the child is naughty, crying, and the effect of the procedure is significantly reduced. To avoid this, children are recommended to wash the nose with the help of special otorhinolaryngological devices, the most common of which is Dolphin. It can be used in children from 4 years and older. "Dolphin" can be used by adults.

The composition of the washing means in this device includes mineral salts and trace elements, sometimes vegetable extracts. Such a complex composition provides high physiological and effective use of "Dolphin" for sinusitis.

Washing of the nose in the dispensary

In the clinic, the nose is washed with sinusitis using a method called "cuckoo". In this case, a solution is introduced into the nasal cavity and sinus, which is immediately sucked off. To ensure that this solution does not enter the respiratory tract below the nasopharynx, the patient repeats the "ku-ku" sounds during the procedure.

The composition of solutions in this procedure includes antiseptic agents that inhibit reproduction microorganisms and relieve inflammation, as well as vasoconstrictive drugs that reduce mucosal edema shell. As a result, the outflow of contents from the inflamed sinus is normalized and the condition improves.

Composition and recipes of complex drops in the nose

What it is

Complex drops in the nose - a dosage form in the form of a solution for intranasal administration, which consists of two or more components, prepared according to the doctor's prescription. Prepare a mixture can be in some pharmacies. Quite often, the solution for complex drops is prepared by the patients themselves at home.

The use of complex drops under modern conditions has significantly decreased. They were replaced by combined drugs (Polidexa). Nevertheless, some otorhinolaryngologists continue to recommend them, relying on their many years of experience in using such drugs.

Pros of complex drops:

  • individual selection of medicines;
  • low cost;
  • availability of components;
  • high efficiency of simultaneous use of complex funds.

Cons of complex drops:

  • the possibility of an overdose in self-manufacturing;
  • many components are not intended for administration in the nose;
  • probability of systemic action of drugs in the composition of drops;
  • labor intensity of self-preparation of the mixture;
  • lack of clinical trials of the efficacy and safety of these agents;
  • expansion of the list of contraindications and side effects.

When they are appointed

Complex drops are prescribed for the same indications as other drops in the nose:

  • acute and chronic rhinitis and nasopharyngitis;
  • acute and chronic sinusitis;
  • acute otitis.

These drops can be used in viral infections, bacterial inflammation, the allergic nature of the disease. Most often, they are prescribed with ineffectiveness of conventional therapy, with a severe or prolonged course of the disease. Depending on the cause of the disease, the composition of the drops may be different.

Components of complex drops

Any complex drops are prepared on the basis of water, physiological solution or antiseptic solution. As an antiseptic, the prescription may include furacilin, dioxidin, as well as a solution of protargol or collargol. According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization, the last two drugs, as a means of containing colloidal silver, should not be used in children under 5 years of age.

The recipe for complex drops often includes an antihistamine component, for example, dimedrol or suprastin. These substances help to remove swelling of the nasal mucosa, itching and burning in the nose, especially in the allergic nature of the common cold.

Vasoconstrictors are an obligatory component in complex drops. They lead to the expansion of the nasal passages and the removal of nasal congestion. At manufacturing in a drugstore adrenaline, mezaton can be used. Homes can be added to a solution of a drop on the basis of naphazoline, xylometazoline or oxymetazoline, purchased separately (eg, "Farmazolin"). It should be understood that some of these drugs are absorbed into the bloodstream and can cause systemic effects in the form of increased blood pressure, increased heart rate. It should also be noted that vasoconstrictors should not be used for more than 5 consecutive days.

Sometimes the prescription drops includes antibiotics, in particular, gentamicin, lincomycin or penicillin. Do not use them to prepare the mixture at home due to the possibility of serious side effects. Often, such drops in the nose include albucid, or sulfacil sodium, which is an antibacterial drug of the sulfanilamide series. It is available in the form of eye drops, so its use intranasally causes doubt.

Drops can be prepared with the addition of glucocorticosteroid hormones that have anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects. So, in the composition you can see dexamethasone, hydrocortisone and so on. These substances, when ingested, can have systemic effects, especially with prolonged use, up to the suppression of the function of the adrenal glands and the development of the Itenko-Cushing syndrome. Therefore, it is better to use ready-made preparations for intranasal administration, for example, "Nazonex "Nasobek" and others.

In complex drops can be added essential oils, extracts of medicinal plants, solutions of vitamins A and E, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Recipes for the preparation of complex drops

For acquaintance we will result some recipes of drops in a nose. It is recommended not to cook and do not use such mixtures yourself without consulting a doctor.

Recipe # 1

  • Mesaton 1% - 1 ml
  • Hydrocortisone,% - 2 ml
  • Dioxydin 1% - 5 ml (1/2 ampoule 10 ml)
  • Lincomycin 30% - 2 ml

Recipe # 2

  • Dexamethasone,% - 10 ml
  • Sulfacil sodium (Albucid) 30% - 10 ml
  • Tavegil,% - 2 ml
  • Adrenaline,% - 1 ml.

Recipe # 3

  • Ceftriaxone (do not dissolve in the attached lidocaine solution)
  • Pharmazoline,% - 10 ml
  • Dexamethasone,% - 10 ml
  • Suprastin 2% - 1 ml

The resulting solution is instilled in each nasal passage of 1-2 drops, usually 2-3 times a day for no more than 5 days. Prepare a mixture of new vials, instilled with a pipette or syringe without a needle. Store the solution in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days, before use it needs to be warmed to room temperature. Before instilling it is desirable to wash the nose with saline and blow your nose.

Names and descriptions of drops in the nose with antibiotics

Since sinusitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease, it is simply impossible to get rid of it without antibacterial drugs. Although many people refuse such treatment due to side effects, it is very difficult to get rid of unpleasant symptoms without antibiotics. In addition, there are side effects if the dosage is not met or the drugs are used for a long time. For this reason, it is necessary to treat maxillary sinusitis very carefully, and choose drops taking into account the emerging symptoms. The names of drops in the nose with antibiotics will be indicated best only by the doctor after diagnosis. It describes the signs and treatment of sinusitis in adults. Here the symptoms of acute sinusitis are described.


This antibiotic is produced in the form of an aerosol. Bioparox is considered the No. 1 drug in the treatment of not only the common cold, but also tonsillitis, pharyngitis. Its positive impact is due to its unique composition. Bioparox allows you to neutralize not only bacteria, but also viruses, bacteria that play an important role in the formation of the pathological process. Has anti-inflammatory immunostimulating effect. This nasal spray with an antibiotic in genyantritis is often prescribed by doctors.

If there are minor purulent or mucous discharge from the nose, the effectiveness of Bioprox begins to fall. This indicates that the drug has a safe effect.Actively involved in the process Bioparox with a prolonged course of sinusitis, for which there are no significant discharges.In addition to local irritation, this aerosol can not cause other side effects. However, this negative influence is enough to cancel the use of medication for patients younger than, years old. The cost is 440 rubles.


This antibiotic for the treatment of sinusitis is sold in the form of a spray or drops. It is based on a component such as Framicetin. It belongs to the gentamicin group. The medicine quickly eliminates pathogenic microorganisms, which also provoke a purulent course of rhinitis. It is necessary to use the drug as part of a complex treatment, but with antibiotics applied either inside or in the form of injections. Thanks to the polymer-based medication, the body has a safe effect on the body not only in adults, but also in children. The cost of the drug is 300 rubles.


Many doctors prescribe to their patients such a drug as Sophradex. In its composition, as well as in the composition of Isofra contains the main component called ferricetin. But thanks to a water base, it is not absorbed into the blood. You can buy at the pharmacy at a price of 250 rubles.

Tsipromed, Garazon

These medicines can replace Isofra. They are made on a polymer basis. In the role of the main component are substances that do not have side effects. Their name is fipromed and garazon. The cost is 120 rubles.


This antibiotic-based spray is very often used in the treatment of sinusitis. The main components are polymyxin and neomycin, and there is also a hormone dexamethasone. Thanks to this unique composition it is possible to achieve anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antibacterial and vasoconstrictive effect.

The basis of Polidex is polyethylene glycol, so the drug is not absorbed into the blood. But the spray of side effects is not deprived. They manifest themselves in the form of spasm of blood vessels and headache. The price of the spray is 200 rubles.

Learn how to get rid of the common cold with folk remedies.

Symptoms of sinusitis in children 4 years:

Here is described how to treat tonsillitis at home.

Recipes of complex drops

Very often to eliminate sinusitis apply drugs, based on the use of two or more components (complex drops). They got the name complex.Apply them not only to adults, but also to children, but after the approval of a doctor.The composition of the drug can be used ingredients that have a certain effect. Thanks to one you can neutralize the inflammation, others fight with inflammation, and the third effectively eliminate the bacteria that caused the sinusitis.

Complex drops are considered a universal means of combating sinusitis. Everyone can cook it at home. As a rule, the prescription is given by the attending physician taking into account the course of the disease. Do not self-medicate, otherwise you can earn serious complications. Most often, the doctor prescribes complex drops in the case when the runny nose for a long time does not pass, and the patient has health problems. The most effective recipes are:

  1. The first recipe refers to the most effective and popular. To make it, you need to take naphthysine and Dioxydin in the ratio:. Combine these components in a vial of Naphthyzin. Use this medication is necessary for the treatment of sinusitis, not only in children, but also in adults. There is an opinion that only Dioxydin can be used in treatment, since Naphthyzine does not have the necessary effect.
  2. The following recipe is also based on the use of Dioxydin. It should be taken in the amount of ½ ampoule, and then connect ½ bottle of Naphthyzin, 1 ampoule of Dexamethasone and Ampoule Dimedrol.
  3. Very often doctors prescribe complex drops to their patients, which are already sold in a pharmacy.For these purposes, use Dioxydin with Hydrocortisone and Adrenaline.
  4. Another variant of complex drops that are prepared in the pharmacy: Dioxydin - 5 ml% hydrocortisone solution - 2 ml, metazone - 1 ml, lincomycin - 2 ml.
  5. You can take 10 ml of Dexmethamethasone, 10 ml of Albucida, 1 ml of Adrenaline and 2 ml of Tavegil. A component such as albucine is actively used for the treatment of eye ailments, but very often doctors use it to prepare complex drops for the treatment of sinusitis.
  6. To eliminate childhood genyantritis is to use the following ingredients: a bottle of penicillin, Ampoule Hydrocortisone, water ml, Naphthyzine - 7 ml.
  7. You can prepare complex drops, which contain a large number of elements.Here, diphenhydramine, dexamethasone, naphthysine, cefazolin can be used.But many doctors note that the same component in some cases gives a positive effect, and in another, on the contrary. For this reason, the selection of components should be carried out by the physician individually. Here he must be guided by the symptoms of the disease.

Today a wide variety of drugs can be used to treat sinusitis. As practice shows, it is impossible to eliminate unpleasant manifestations of the disease without antibiotics. In the treatment of sinusitis, effective sprays and drops are used, based on antibacterial components. If the dosage and application rules are strictly observed, no side effects should occur. Perhaps you will also be useful information on how to treat purulent maxillary sinusitis at home. To treat sinusitis, the pit method is also used. Also read about the treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics.

Sprays and drops in the nose with genyantritis. Complex treatment

A strong swelling of the nasal mucosa, which leads to clogging of the exhalations for the clearance of sinuses from the mucus accumulated there, which is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes, is called haymoritis. In the course of the disease, the bacteria begin to multiply, which leads to a deterioration in the general condition of the person. Nasal congestion is aggravated, headaches appear in the nose bridge, tearing, painful perception of light, and also fever.

Treatment of genyantritis

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis is complex, aimed at liquefaction and excretion of mucus from the sinuses, prevention of bacterial growth, removal of inflammatory processes and swelling. Depending on the condition of the patient, several drugs can be administered simultaneously, for example tablets and drops in the nose. With genyantritis accompanied by bacterial infections, antibacterial therapy is prescribed. Fungal infections, which are the result of a neglected form of the disease, are treated with antifungal agents, steroids and surgical intervention.

Reception of antibiotics for genyantema

Amoxicillin is a substance that effectively fights bacteria that cause sinusitis. Antibiotics, of which it is a part, effectively fight infections and treat acute forms of the disease. Together with antibiotics prescribe drugs of local action, for example drops in the nose. With genyantritis, antibiotics such as "Amoxil "Ospakom "Solutab "Flemoxin" are recognized as the most effective.

Sprays based on antibiotics

Sprays based on antibiotics have a number of qualities that favorably isolate them against the background of systemic drugs. First, they do not affect the intestinal microflora, since they do not enter the bloodstream. Secondly, they act directly on the focus of inflammation. This type of drug is prescribed in combination with others and only with acute or chronic sinusitis. The most vivid representatives of this group of medicines are Polidex, Phenylephrine, Isofra, Bioparox. These sprays eliminate the focus of inflammation even in the most remote areas of the nasal cavity, dilute mucus, and remove swelling. Preparations of this group effectively fight with the fungus and bacteria, cope with the causes of the disease, and not with its symptoms.

Use of decongestants

Antidiarrheal drugs (which is obvious from the name) reduce or completely remove the swelling of the mucosa, freeing out the accumulated mucus, sputum. This effect is due to oxamethasone, which is part of such drops as "Lekonil "Nazivin " "Fazin "Oksimetazolin "Nazol and their analogues, which are appointed based on age and degree of neglect disease. Antidiarrheals are sprays or drops in the nose. With genyantritis they are appointed together with other means. Not so long ago, the low effectiveness of Naphtizine and Galazoline droplets was noted, although they have been used for a long time in the common cold and sinusitis often. Against the backdrop of innovative drugs with a broader spectrum of action, these medicines surrendered their positions. And it is justified by the fact that the addiction to these funds is several times higher than to others. Accordingly, by the end of the course of treatment, they no longer have the desired effect. Also these drops do not affect the bacteria in the sinuses. Means "Naftizin" and "Galazolin" are prescribed for acute inflammatory processes, but for a chronic character of maxillary sinusitis they are not effective.

The role of analgesics in the treatment of sinusitis

Sinusitis is often accompanied by pain syndromes. These are headaches or pain in the nose. Analgesics are prescribed to combat this symptom. The best-proven drugs are "Aspirin "Ibuprofen" and "Acetaminophen." The daily dosage of medications is determined by the doctor based on the intensity of the pain.


A nasal spray from sinusitis on the basis of corticosteroids is used as one of the components of complex therapy. Its main task is to remove the inflammation and edema of the nasal mucosa by selectively affecting the cells of the immune system. Assign such drugs for the detection of polyps, with a strong puffiness, or with ineffectiveness of other previously prescribed funds. The list of the most effective medicines included such as "Beclfort "Nasobek "Baconase "Noseonex". Spray in the nose with genyantritis is not used as an independent tool, as it is peculiar to remove the symptom of the disease, and not treat it.

The role of mucolytics in the treatment of genyantritis

Sprays-mucolytics have a narrow specialization: their action is limited to liquefaction of mucus, pus. They are in addition to the main treatment. When mucolytics are used, the drainage of the maxillary sinuses is improved, the outflow of mucus is increased, the access of oxygen is renewed. The most frequently prescribed mucolytics are preparations such as "Fluidite "Mucodin" and "Fluimucil". They are prescribed together with antibiotics and are often practiced in the home treatment of sinusitis. But even among the mucolytics there are leaders: as practice shows, the most effective are the sprays "Rinofluimucil" and "Sinuforte". These drugs are quite expensive, but the effect of them comes much faster than other medicines. What is their peculiarity? The drug "Rinoflimucil" has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, mucolytic and vasoconstrictor properties, so its application brings rapid relief, improves overall patient status. Perhaps the only drawback of the remedy is a brief reddening of the face after use. Spray "Sinuforte" - expensive, but very effective drug, prescribed by doctors in most cases of sinusitis. This is justified by its complex but mild effect on the inflammation focus. Its main action is the drainage of the sinuses. When using the drug, it does not enter the bloodstream and does not affect the epithelium of the mucosa.

Drops of wide action

Drops in the nose with genyantritis of a wide spectrum of action, which have positive reviews of patients and are marked by otolaryngologists, are medicines "Sinuforte" and "Rinofluimucil". As well as the sprays of this series, the means differ in the non-budget price, but they beat all the records in efficiency. Drops "Sinuforte" is an exclusively natural preparation that gives the result from the first time. It does not enter the bloodstream, does not irritate the mucous membrane and acts simultaneously in several directions: constriction of the vessels, removal of inflammation, suppression of bacteria. A less expensive analogue of these drops is the drug Polidex. It is successfully used for the treatment of acute sinusitis, and also due to mild action is used in children's practice. The effect of drops "Rinofluimacil" is aimed at narrowing the vessels, removing edema and inflammatory processes. Literally after 2-3 hours, the symptoms of sinusitis recede, and relief comes.

Sprays from sinusitis: the pros and cons

It is difficult to call a spray a therapeutic agent: its use is aimed at eliminating symptoms (pain, stuffiness, puffiness), which facilitates the patient's condition and promotes effective treatment. Its main advantages are its ease of use and quick effect due to local effects. Well, the minuses are fast addiction to the drug, trauma to the epithelium, burning, dry nose and bleeding. Side effects are extremely rare, but still there are.

Doctors advice on sprays

First of all, it should be noted that uncontrolled use of sprays, however, like other drugs, can lead to negative consequences. At best - addictive, at worst - to worsen the condition by calling allergies or swelling of the mucosa. Applying sprays, you must adhere to several basic rules:

  • Use of sprays is often not recommended, only with difficulty with breathing.
  • Sprays are addictive, respectively, in the medicine cabinet should be an assortment of these drugs in an amount of 2-3 pieces.
  • Sprays, the duration of which is not more than 4 hours, should be used during the day, but at night, preparations with an 8- and 12-hour action are preferable.

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