Wrist hygroma: treatment without surgery

The hygroma of the wrist is a cystic neoplasm located on the wrist joint.

It usually looks like a capsule with viscous contents inside.

In addition to pain, pathology causes unattractive appearance, because it is localized on the skin. In this regard, a person seeks to begin treatment as soon as possible.


  • 1What is the wrist hygroma?
  • 2Causes of neoplasm
  • 3Varieties of pathological condition
  • 4Conservative treatment and removal of hygroma

What is the wrist hygroma?

Hygroma wrists are called benign tumors - the so-called capsule by the type of cyst on the wrist, in which there is a serous fluid. This fluid consists of mucus and a filament of fibrin.

Tumor, as a rule, is formed in the joint zone, which experiences frequent physical exertion, undergoes compression and friction.

If a wrist hygroma is found, treatment without surgery is possible, but it will require professional advice.

In the risk group for the disease, there are musicians, sportsmen, seamstresses, etc., but more often the disease progresses without obvious reasons.

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Type of neoplasm correlates with its localization. Two types of tumors are officially classified: one-chamber and multi-chamber hygroma.

Causes of neoplasm

To choose the right approach to the treatment of pathology, it is necessary to find out what the wrist hygroma is and for what reasons it can appear.

Pathology is congenital, in children it at times begins to develop already in the prenatal period due to the high activity of the fetus or because of genetic predisposition. Later, the neoplasm is formed for the same reasons as in an adult.

Under the influence of some provoking factors, the transformation of connective cells and the development of pathological disorders begin. Subsequently, the fission processes provoke the formation of a hygroma capsule. Cell division promotes the formation of a capsule, which combines with the joint cavity and tendon and begins to fill with synovial fluid. The appearance and subsequent progression of the disease can also be caused by such causes of wrist hygroma as:

  • the conditions of a person's labor activity, for example, the same type of repetitive hand movements;
  • injury to the wrist joint, in particular this applies to chronic abnormalities;
  • inflammation of the joint;
  • consequences of the organization of surgical intervention.
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Varieties of pathological condition

In relation to the etiology of the disease and the mechanisms of its appearance, the hygroma of the wrist joint of the hand is classified into the following types:

  1. Mucous hygroma - is considered a stage or a consequence of deforming form of arthrosis, as enlarged bone osteophytes strongly press on the joint and hit it. Thus, around them a cystic cavity is formed, gradually filled with serous fluid.
  2. Tendon ganglion - this form of the disease is formed from the cells of tendon shells, which underwent pathological changes. This form can cause a sharp deterioration in the motor activity of the hand.
  3. Post-traumatic form of hygroma - develops after hitting the capsule of the joint. A tumor can form on the inner, outer or lateral side of the wrist joint, touching a part of the palm.

Symptomatic in the formation of a hygroma on the wrist

Usually the tumor appears as a single focus, towering above the skin, having an oval or round shape with sharp boundaries. Occasionally, several gigromes appear simultaneously due to the division of fluid within the neoplasm by septa from the connective tissue.

The base of the hygroma is combined with nearby tissues, and the skin over the neoplasm slightly shifts when probed. Initially, the ball under the upper layer of the epidermis is soft enough, but over time it becomes denser and hardens.

With a strong push, patients complain of pain, discomfort due to the fact that the tumor affects the roots of the nerves.

If the neoplasm greatly increases, then begins to push the nearby tissues, ligaments, press on the nerves - so, the pain becomes blunt, permanent or occurs with stress on the wrist joint.

Growth may not end for many years, especially when a person refuses to visit a doctor and does not really understand how to treat a hygromist on the wrist. This causes a deterioration in the sensitivity of the brush and limits its mobility.

If the tumor is located under the ligament, then for a long time it can not be diagnosed, and later the pathological site protrudes above the surface. The pain develops with sharp movements with a brush.

Conservative treatment and removal of hygroma

If in the first stages of the disease the disease does not often cause discomfort, then as it grows, it looks very aesthetic and prevents working in the usual rhythm, since a man with difficulty moves his hand, raises gravity, etc. All this makes it urgent to remove the hygroma on the wrist, so do not delay with the room doctor.

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First, if you suspect a pathology and find a seal on your arm, it is important to seek help and advice from a specialist. He will make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe the correct treatment of the wrist hygroma in accordance with the severity of the disease.

In modern medicine, the most effective therapies are physiotherapy, puncture, and folk techniques.

Physiotherapeutic procedures - are realized at the first stages of the disease of the wrist joint. The procedures consist of the use of paraffin, wraps, warming and electrophoresis. It must be remembered that when exacerbating inflammation it is forbidden to resort to physiologic procedures of hygroma wrist joint - this is the case when the capsule breaks or the inner fluid gets into the nearby tissues.

Folk techniques are also used at the first stages of manifestation of the disease. This includes the use of alcohol compresses, compresses with pounded fizalis fruits, and the like. Often Apply a compress made of copper pyataka, which is tightly attached to the affected area and left in this state for a few days.

Good in this situation helps infusion with the addition of pine needles. Moistened in the infusion, the bandage is applied to the site of the lesion and is changed after it dries completely.

Cabbage leaves can relieve inflammation. Also known for its curative effect is red clay, mixed with water until the formation of gruel. It is applied to the damaged area.

But do not forget that any disease requires professional advice, so it is important to understand what kind of doctor to go with wrist gigra.

Folk remedies will become more effective in combination with traditional treatment. The need and the possibility of implementing recipes for traditional medicine is established only by the attending physician.

Punctures - this method is used when uninhibited gigroma, and the treatment consists in suctioning the capsular fluid using a special syringe with a needle length. Puncture helps to put the right diagnosis and differentiate the disease with oncology.

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To date, this method is rarely done, because it can cause a repeated defeat. This happens because after the puncture the capsule shell does not disappear anywhere and can subsequently release a serous fluid. To prevent recurrence, the patient should wear elastic bandages and bandages on the wrist joint, limiting the load on him.

The removal of the hygroma of the wrist joint can be realized due to two approaches:

  1. Excision of tumor neoplasm - the capsule is excised completely, and healthy tissue is sewn with subcutaneous fat. After the operation is completed, a bandage is applied on the wrist. The operation takes about thirty minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. Sutures are removed after a week, a maximum of 10 days.
  2. Treatment of the carpal hygroma by the laser is a more modern treatment in comparison with excision of the tumor. The hygroma is burned out by laser beams. Relapse after this almost does not occur.

If in his life a person at least once faced with a diagnosis of hygroma of the wrist joint, then do not give up and despair. Modern medical science has many effective methods of confronting the disease.

With all the advice of a specialist and with the proper treatment of the hygroma of the wrist joint, a person very soon gets the opportunity to return to the life habitual for him.

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