When appointing Glicin: instructions for use

Glycine is a drug used to reduce emotional arousal, relieve stress, and also increase mental and physical abilities.

Refers to a group of psycho-stimulating and neotropical drugs. Positively affects the memorization processes. It has a sedative effect, improves sleep and eliminates feelings of anxiety.

On this page you will find all information about Glycine: the full instructions for use for this medicine medium, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogs of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already applied Glycine. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

A drug that improves the metabolism of the brain.

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.

Price list

How much does Glycine cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of45 rubles.


Form of issue and composition

Glycine is released in the form of tablets of sublingual: flat-cylindrical, white with marble elements, with a facet (50 pcs. in contour squares, 1 package per carton).

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The composition of 1 tablet includes:

  • Active substance: microencapsulated glycine - 100 mg;
  • Auxiliary components: magnesium stearate - 1 mg; methylcellulose water soluble - 1 mg.

Pharmacological effect

The use of Glycine, according to reviews, contributes to:

  1. Improvement of social adaptation and mood;
  2. Increased mental performance;
  3. Facilitation of sleep and normalization of sleep;
  4. Reduction of psychoemotional tension, aggressiveness and conflict;
  5. Reducing the toxic effects of ethanol on the central nervous system;
  6. Decrease in the severity of vegetative-vascular disorders, including conditions characteristic of climacteric period and cerebral disorders in the background of ischemic stroke and craniocerebral injuries.

The active substance Glycine is a substitute amino acid, which has a sedative and antidepressant effect and contributes to the improvement of metabolic processes in the brain tissues. Glycine according to the instructions easily and quickly penetrates into most body tissues and biological fluids, including the brain, decomposing later in the liver.

What is Glycine for?

Let's figure out why glycine is needed and why it is assigned to adults or children? Here are the main indications for use:

  • sleep disorders;
  • poor concentration of attention;
  • alcoholism and hangover syndrome;
  • irritability, anxiety, excessive excitability;
  • rehabilitation period after operations;
  • the period of recovery after the craniocerebral trauma;
  • neurological disorders;
  • stressful situations, increased psychoemotional loads;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • lowering the level of efficiency;
  • increased fatigue;
  • deterioration in the work of memory;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • encephalopathy, epilepsy;
  • unstable blood pressure.

According to the latest data, the drug helps with problems with excessive production of gastric juice, with increased acidity blood, and also has a beneficial effect in the treatment of muscular dystrophy and positively affects the work pituitary gland.


There are only a few contraindications to the medicine:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the drug or its components;
  2. Individual intolerance to the drug or its components.

Application in pregnancy and lactation

When breastfeeding is allowed to take this remedy, since it acts on the body gently, and with the mother's milk, small quantities of the active substance enter the baby's body. Dosage is determined only by a specialist.

In pregnancy at an early age, as well as in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, tablets are used for a variety of disorders of the nervous system. Whether Glycine can be pregnant depends on the woman's health status. During pregnancy, the allowable dose of the drug should be determined only individually.

Instruction for the drug indicates that there is no clear information on the safety of the drug for pregnant women. But experts warn that treating this drug for women bearing a baby should be taken with caution and contraindications and possible side effects should be taken into account.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Glycine is applied sublingually or buccally on 100 mg (in tablets or as a powder after grinding the tablet).

  1. In cases of sleep disorders, Glycine is prescribed 20 minutes before bedtime or just before bedtime, 0.5-1 tab. (depending on age).
  2. Practically healthy children, adolescents and adults with psychoemotional stresses, memory loss, attention, mental performance, mental retardation, with deviant forms of behavior, Glycin is assigned to 1 tab. 2-3 times / day for 14-30 days.
  3. In ischemic cerebral stroke: during the first 3-6 hours from the development of a stroke, 1000 mg of buccal or sublingually with one teaspoon of water, then for 1-5 days at 1000 mg / day, then for the next 30 days 1-2 tab. 3 times / day.
  4. With functional and organic lesions of the nervous system, accompanied by increased excitability, emotional lability and sleep disturbances, children under three years of age are prescribed 0.5 tab. (50 mg) for 2-3 times a day for 7-14 days, then 50 mg once a day for 7-10 days. The daily dose is 100-150 mg, the course dose is 2000-2600 mg. Children older than 3 years and adults are prescribed 1 tab. 2-3 times / day, the course of treatment 7-14 days. The course of treatment can be increased to 30 days, if necessary, the course is repeated after 30 days.

In narcology, Glycine is used as a tool that increases mental performance and reduces psycho-emotional stress during remission in cases of encephalopathy, organic lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system by 1 tab. 2-3 times / day for 14-30 days. If necessary, the courses are repeated 4-6 times a year.


Instructions for the use of glycine for children

The drug has a sweet taste, so children usually gladly dissolve tablets. If you can not resorb tablets (newborns, early childhood), it is permissible to crush the required amount of the drug into powder and dilute in a teaspoon of water.

  • For children older than 3 years, the drug is prescribed in the dosage of adults: 1 tablet (100 mg) twice-thrice a day for 1-2 weeks, with a maximum increase in course to 4 weeks.
  • Children up to three years tab. (50 mg) of glycine at the reception twice-thrice a day for 7-14 days, then - 50 mg once a day for 7-10 days. The daily dose for children under 3 years is 100-150 mg of glycine, and the course dose is not more than 2000-2600 mg.

Side effects

Use of the drug Glycine can cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions due to individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


As indicated in the instructions for use of Glycine by adults and children, the body becomes less susceptible to its action as a result of a systematic excess of the drug dose.

Among the main symptoms of overdose are:

  • memory impairment;
  • pain in the right side;
  • nausea;
  • depressive state;
  • lethargy, poor coordination;
  • general retardation;
  • pain in the stomach.

If any symptoms appear, stop taking the medication and get medical advice.

special instructions

Before applying Glycine, as well as in cases of development of uncharacteristic symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Drug Interactions

The drug reduces the severity of side effects of antipsychotics (antipsychotics), anxiolytics, antidepressants, hypnotics and anticonvulsants.


We picked up some feedback from people about the Glycine preparation:

  1. Margarita. Glycin pediatrician appointed my daughter, at the time when she began to attend kindergarten. The baby was heavily adapted, capricious, restless and whiny. After two weeks of using the drug, improvements were noticeable. The daughter became much calmer, whims and hysterics happened less and less, the sleep improved, and increased anxiety disappeared. The pills had to dissolve under the tongue, but I was afraid that the baby was small and could choke, so I just dissolved the pill in a teaspoonful of water. The drug has a slightly sweet taste, so it does not cause disgust and the daughter accepted it without objection.
  2. Karina. To relieve stress, I often resort to such a remedy as Glycine. The drug costs a penny, is sold in any pharmacy. It has no contraindications and unlike sedatives does not cause drowsiness, which is very important for me, since I'm constantly behind the wheel. Glycine helps to calm down, relieves nervous tension, while the mind remains clear, the reaction rate does not slow down. An important advantage of Glycine is the absence of side effects and negative effects on the body.
  3. Nastya. See when you buy at pharmacies that you sell, now there are so many scammers in pharmacies, they need to sell Badies, and Glycine is with additives. For example Glycine Gly600 mg. clean Bad, yesterday I asked Glyzin in the pharmacy "Gorzdrav I was sold this one, I was without glasses, the pharmacist said this is usual Glycin only in a different package. I come home and there it's written Bud. In the pharmacy Gorzdrav often deceive about Badov, pharmacists say we need to sell them, be careful. Ask for simple glycine without additives.

Those who gave Glytsin to children, note that positive results are visible after a while. However, some parents testify that they did not get a positive effect. The doctors' comments about Glitsin are mostly positive. The drug is considered relatively harmless, so it is prescribed even to the newborn for the purpose of removing hypertonia, anxiety. As a negative, some patients noted the manifestation of allergies, as well as the rejection of Glycine by the body.


Among the structural analogs containing the same active substance, the following preparations can be noted:

  • Glycine-Bio;
  • Glycine-Canon;
  • Glycine-ozone.

Among drugs with a similar therapeutic effect, it is possible to allocate such agents as Tenoten, Phenibut, Fezam.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store in a dry place, out of the reach of children, at a temperature of up to 25 ° C.

Shelf life - 3 years.

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