- Anatomical and physiological features of the caecum
- What causes tiflitis?
- Classification of tiflita
- Symptoms of
- What diseases should tiflitis be distinguished from?
- Diagnostic methods
- What is the treatment for the disease?
- What can lead untreated tiflitis?
- Prevention
- Related Videos
The caecum is the first to receive contents from the small intestine. Border location puts it in the most vulnerable place in cases of spread of infection, disturbed digestion in the previous stage.
Symptoms of inflammation of the caecum cause difficulties in diagnosis, even with experienced doctors. On localization they are difficult to distinguish from appendicitis, gynecological diseases in women, signs of right-sided renal colic.
The medical name for inflammation is tiflitis or segmental colitis. Gastroenterologists believe that the disease is often not diagnosed precisely because of its neighboring position with other organs and the infection that passes from them. Older people are more often affected.
Anatomical and physiological features of the caecum
The cecum takes the right lower corner of the abdominal cavity. It is lowered below the adjacent section of the small intestine. Completely covered with peritoneum. The shape is almost round( length up to 10 cm, width 5-9 cm).From it departs a vermiform appendix also known as an appendix. It is communicated by a lumen with the caecum.
The lower end of the intestine, as it is called, really ends blindly. And the upper passes into the ascending division of the large intestine. The abdominal wall is projected in the iliac region to the right. Mucous does not differ from other parts of the large intestine, forms folds. Contains glands that produce protective mucus.
In the wall the muscular layer is expressed. Inside the appendage is a multitude of follicles producing lymphocytes to fight foreign agents. Therefore, inflammation of the caecum can be considered a variant of protection of other parts of the intestine, a restrictive local reaction.
What causes tiflitis?
Causes of inflammation can be associated with both digestive disorders in the upper organs and with other diseases of an infectious nature. Provoking factors are: overload of digestion using fatty, fried, canned and smoked food, heavy physical exertion, food poisoning.
Tiflitis cause:
- intestinal infections( salmonellosis, dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera);
- fungal infection and dysbiosis;
- acute appendicitis;
- is an allergic reaction to foods;
- sepsis;
- Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis;
- intestinal tuberculosis;
- atonic locks.
Do not forget the term "secondary appendicitis", it indicates the possibility of typical pain and inflammation of the process against the background of the neighboring tiffle
Tiflitis is rarely detected in children. A special case - anomalies of the structure of the caecum, malnutrition. Among adults, older people are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines. And in young people, the main cause is intestinal infections.
Classification of tiflita
Depending on the severity of the inflammatory process on the caecal mucosa, the following types of tiflitis are distinguished:
- catarrhal - the lightest surface form of lesion, mucous edematous, dilated vessels, visible hyperemia;
- erosive - on a background of the hyperemic mucous there are cracks, "scratches";
- ulcerative - ulcers cover part of the intestine, shallow bottom, covered with bloom;
- fibrinous - fibrin films appear on the mucous membrane.
Undifferentiated form of tiflitis is possible due to anomalies of the caecum, adhesions with other organs.
Symptoms of
Tiflit has an acute and chronic course. In acute inflammation, the patient experiences severe pain in the iliac region to the right, radiating to the groin, thigh, lower back, usually the attack develops 1.5-2 hours after eating, fever with chills in case of infection, headache, weakness and sweating.
After a while, nausea, bloating, cramping pains throughout the abdomen, diarrhea joins. Vomit usually does not happen. With the development of infection, mucus and blood clots can develop in the feces.
In chronic course, patients experience mild cramping pain only if the process is aggravated. It is provoked by rough food, physical activity, stress. What diseases should be distinguished from tiflitis?
Unlike appendicitis, pains are not accompanied by vomiting, they are immediately localized in the ileum zone( with appendicitis begin in epigastrium, then "descend").Renal colic on the right causes a delay in urination, rezi in the urethral canal, blood when urinating, salt in the urine.
Listening of intestinal noises with a stethoscope indicates with a tuffle on the symptom of "splashing"
With typhoid, the palpable cecum is dense, painful, the stomach is drawn more to the right. With Crohn's disease, the inflammatory process affects the terminal part of the ileum, then spreads to the blind. The pains are cramped in nature, irradiating throughout the abdomen. Among the symptoms there are skin manifestations( ulcers), joint pains with limited mobility.
Diverticulitis - protrusions of the intestinal wall often affect the area of the sigmoid colon and manifest in inflammation with pain in the left ileal region. Localization in the cecum is a rare occurrence.
Methods of diagnosis
To distinguish from gynecological diseases in women, it is necessary to examine the gynecologist. And men to exclude prostatitis is a digital examination of the rectum. In blood tests, leukocytosis rises, but it is not as high as appendicitis and does not result in a shift of the formula to the left.
In the analysis of stool, signs of a violation of digestion of food, mucus, white blood cells, impurities of blood are detected. On radiographs with the adopted barium suspension, violation of the contours of the cecum, wall thickening, narrowing of the lumen, deformation, smoothing of the folds, shortening is determined. Similar changes can be seen with iriscopy.
Right roentgenogram shows the contrast of the contrast agent in the cecal area
What is the treatment for the disease?
Treatment of inflammation of the caecum begins with the appointment of a diet and regimen. The patient needs hospitalization for observation, exclusion of acute pathology of other organs, medical measures.
Food in the acute stage restricts dishes from fatty meat, fish, vegetables, cabbage, legumes, fresh milk, confectionery, nuts. Recommended liquid porridge on the water, broth of wild rose, jelly, low-fat soups, mashed boiled meat, dried white bread, steamed meatballs, meatballs, stewed and baked vegetables. With diarrhea and severe intoxication, you need a copious drink of boiled water, a decoction of chamomile, dill.
Use of medicines
To identify a specific pathogen, a bacteriological study of the stool and seeding on the sensitivity to antibiotics are carried out. Most commonly used:
- Ceftriaxone,
- Vancomycin,
- Imipenem,
- Ticarcillin,
- Cilastatin,
- Gentamicin,
- Amikacin,
- Tevocimin.
Additional antibacterial drugs with a predominant effect on the colon are prescribed: Metronidazole, Enterofuril, Sulfasalazine, Furazolidone. To remove intoxication and compensate for fluid loss, the administration of Ringer's solution, glucose, and haemodesis is indicated.
In case of a fungal lesion, the following are prescribed:
- Pimafucin,
- Mycomomax,
- Nizoral,
- Diflazone,
- Diflucan,
- Fluconazole.
In case of chronic course, a gentle massage of the abdomen
is advisable in the course of remission. Surgical treatment of
Indications for surgical treatment are: rupture of the intestine( perforation), suspicion of intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal abscess, lack of the effect of using medicines, septic state.
When tiflite operation is to remove the inflamed area of the gut with appendix, the formation of an anastomosis between the intestinal loops. After the operation, antibiotic therapy is mandatory. The patient should maintain a diet for a long time. Before the complete restoration of digestion is necessary for 3 to 6 months.
Use of folk remedies
Any popular recommendations should be coordinated with medical appointments. The greatest healing properties are possessed by decoctions:
- sage,
- camomile flowers,
- gold-bearing,
- mint.
They can be used separately or in collection equally, brew 30 minutes in a thermos in the form of tea. Take courses for a month in a warm form before each meal. Healers recommend bee products( honey, propolis).It is better to use on an empty stomach.
In the diet it is proposed to include the reception of broths and berries dried apricots, prunes
What can lead untreated tiflitis?
Complications and consequences of tiflitis are formed in case of failure, absence or inferior treatment, non-compliance with the diet. Against the background of acute inflammation, a transition to the retroperitoneal space, the formation of abscess( abscess) is possible.
In addition, tiflit promotes the formation of:
- ulcers on the surface of the inner shell;
- intestinal perforation with peritonitis;
- the transition of inflammation to surrounding tissues( peri- and paratiflit);
- gastrointestinal bleeding;
- appendicitis;
- inflammation of regional lymph nodes( mesadenitis);
- adhesions with neighboring organs;
- valve failure between the cecum and iliac;
- sepsis.
Prevention of
Prevention of tiflitis does not differ from the general prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to monitor the proper nutrition, prevent long breaks and overeating, help the intestines with constipation with plant laxatives.
The hygiene requirement will protect the intestines from infectious bacteria. If you need a course of antibiotic therapy, you need to pay attention to the reaction in the form of abdominal pain, stool disorders. This indicates a dysbacteriosis that can be easily corrected by probiotics.
All prescribed medicines should be taken only on the advice of a physician. Self-medication is not the best way to solve problems. If a survey is recommended, then it must be completed. Tiflit is well treated with timely detection. A careful attitude to one's health will not allow the disease to start.