Exercises for the loin at home


  • 1Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the waist
    • 1.1General rules
    • 1.2Warm up
    • 1.3Exercises
    • 1.4Boat
    • 1.5Stretching
    • 1.6Leg Rises
    • 1.7Back deflection
    • 1.8Side lath
    • 1.9Back shears
    • 1.10Hyperextension
    • 1.11Snake pose
    • 1.12Cat
    • 1.13Pose of the child
    • 1.14Swimming
    • 1.15Healing Charge
  • 2Complex of exercises for the loins at home
    • 2.1Basic exercises to eliminate discomfort in the back area
    • 2.2Additional lessons at home
    • 2.3Yoga from back pain
  • 3How to perform exercises to strengthen the loins at home
    • 3.1Causes of discomfort
    • 3.2Aerobic exercise
    • 3.3Swimming in the pool
    • 3.4Jogging
    • 3.5Walking tours
    • 3.6Physiotherapy
    • 3.7Squeezing into the floor
    • 3.8Pelvic lifts
    • 3.9Swimming on the floor
    • 3.10Impacts
    • 3.11"Hunting dog"
  • 46 best exercises to strengthen the lower back
  • 5What exercises are suitable for strengthening the waist?
    • 5.1What is it for?
    • 5.2Exercises to strengthen
    • 5.3Exercises for pain
  • 6Exercises for the loin at home
    • 6.1Causes of low back pain
    • 6.2Pain in women
    • instagram viewer
    • 6.3Pain in men
    • 6.4Pain common to both men and women
    • 6.5Exercises for low back pain at home
    • 6.6Why it is important to strengthen the lower back
    • 6.7How to take care of your back and lower back
    • 6.8Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back
    • 6.9Possible contraindications

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the waist

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the waist will help you maintain a beautiful posture, achieve sports or dance success. But the main thing is that they will keep the spine healthy for many years.

Properly loading the lumbar muscles, you remove the load from the spine. And this is the best prevention of a variety of diseases of vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

Strengthen the waist will help you climb, lunges, hyperextension, classic exercises like a boat or the popular now "snake pose".

And if you recover after exacerbation of the spine, then a set of simple medical exercises will be offered.

General rules

Performing exercises to strengthen the lumbar spine, you must always listen to your body.

Do not overexert yourself, avoid discomfort during the exercises - your goal is not to achieve sports records, but to maintain your health. Remember, there are different pains.

The pain of fatigue, which signals that you are progressing in strengthening the loin. And there are dangerous pains, the cause of which - in diseases of the spine or internal organs.

They are easy to distinguish - "tired" pains bring satisfaction, pleasantly relax. A dangerous pain attack during the session will not allow you to continue training, the exercise will become painful and you should immediately stop it.

If you feel cramps and pain during exercise, stop the session immediately. Some exercises may seem easy, but do not overdo it.

Even if the movement itself is very easy to perform, it may turn out that too many repetitions and approaches will not be useful for strengthening the back.

Do the exercises with the right technique, listen to the recommendations of the instructor or coach. Wrong training methods will not be of use to you and most likely will aggravate your condition.

Being engaged in house conditions, it is necessary to listen even more sensitively to the organism. If there are pathologies of the spine, find out the doctor's opinion about the exercises that have been chosen.

It is not necessary to do the proposed exercises for the waist in the case of pregnancy, soon after fractures of the spine and during the exacerbation of diseases.

Warm up

Before you start the exercises, shake. The joints and ligaments should be heated before loading.

  1. Lie on your back, bend your legs. Wait until the spine feels completely relaxed.
  2. Without leaving the position, press the lumbar region into the floor and hold for a few seconds. Relax again. Do a dozen of these repetitions.
  3. Staying in the same position, lift the buttocks from the floor so that the body remains straight. Hold for a few seconds, relax, do the same number of repetitions.


The developed musculature of the lumbar spine is the best defense against osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine and hernia. Strong muscles will lift the load from the spine and support it.

As a result, the cartilaginous tissues of the intervertebral discs will be toned.

If any of these problems have already been observed, consult your doctor about whether to do loosening exercises.


Lying on your stomach and stretching out your arms, raise your head, legs and arms. Stay in this position until you get tired.

Over time, increase the load.

You can also perform the exercise in this version: hands pull on the body line, lift the head and legs for a couple of seconds. Perform 15 repetitions.


Sitting on the floor, bend your legs in the knee joints. Embrace the hips and lower legs, and then lower your head as hard as possible into the chest. Relax smoothly, do it several times.

Leg Rises

Lie on your stomach, lift your legs from the rug in turn. After such a warm-up, lift up your legs again, but now stop at the top point for about four seconds. Raising your legs in turn, pick them up then simultaneously, again in turn and so on.

Back deflection

Lie on your back, lift the pelvis, stomach and chest from the floor. Pay attention to the body and legs lying in a straight line. Breathe smoothly, inhale at the moment of recovery. Exercise stretches the femoral and vertebral muscles.

Stand on all fours, put your arms slightly wider than your shoulders. Do the attacks simultaneously with your right foot and your left hand, and then vice versa. The back should be flat, and not in the "wheel" position. Exercise will help to stabilize the muscles of the spine.

Side lath

Lay down on your side, make an emphasis with your elbow. Raise your hips from the floor and hold in this position first ten seconds, and with time, to thirty.

The body must keep straight, in a straight line. At the most tense point of each repetition, hold for 2 seconds, the approach includes a dozen repetitions.

So you will become sturdier and strengthen your lower back.

Back shears

Lie on your stomach, put your hands under your head. Raise the lower limbs, dilute and cross them. The legs must be held straight. It will be enough to have three sets of 8 repetitions.


To perform, you will need a special projectile or fitness ball. You rest on the projectile or the ball just with your pelvis, looking down.

Fix your legs, put your hands on the back of your head. Perform lifting the trunk with a straight back, not reaching the top point.

It will be optimal to do four sets of dozens of repetitions.

Snake pose

Lie on your stomach, rest your hands on the floor and at maximum bend your back back. This popular exercise came from yoga.


Stand on all fours, bend and unbend your back. In this case, when the lower back is at the lowest point, the head needs to be raised, and when it is lowered at the top. The movements are smooth.

Pose of the child

Sit on your heels, bend slightly, stretching your arms forward. Keep this position for a few seconds, gradually increase the load.


Swimming with an ordinary rabbit, you strengthen the muscles of the back, stretch the vertebrae of the lumbar-sacral department. At first, it will be enough to swim for half an hour. Then you need to gradually increase the load, listening to your body.

Healing Charge

How to strengthen the muscles of the waist with osteochondrosis or rheumatism? If such diseases are observed, a sparing fortifying complex will be useful.

It will also help to stretch the spine, which will release intervertebral discs, remove the inflammatory process and release the clamped nerve tissue.

Such charging will alleviate chronic muscular pain in the vertebrae of the waist:

  • Lie on your back, clasp your legs and hold on as you go, until you feel a sense of discomfort. Relax. Perform about 6 repetitions;
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees and stretch your legs to the left, and head to the right, and then vice versa. So you can smoothly load the lower back. 9 repetitions will suffice;
  • Lying on your back, put your feet across the width of your shoulders, bending them while at the knee joint. Deeply inhale, so deep that the buttocks are depressed into the surface. Then exhale, raising the breast to the maximum. Do 10 repetitions.

A source: https://pozvonochnik.guru/uprazhneniya/gimnastika-dlya-ukrepleniya-poyasnitsy.html

Complex of exercises for the loins at home

Many adults, the elderly, as well as young people complain of periodic back pain at the bottom, so that exercises for the loins at home are simply necessary. the cause of the pain - overstrain or fatigue of the muscles for the day. Fighting with an uneasy pain is quite simple.

It is enough to perform several physical exercises, thanks to which the pain will subside.

Training will help strengthen undeveloped back muscles, which is especially important for people who have never before engaged in any sports activity.

In addition, the pain in the spine after the start of the exercises after a while will pass completely and will not be repeated again.

Basic exercises to eliminate discomfort in the back area

Starting to do exercises for back at home is desirable with a stay on the bar. Alternatively, you can use a Swedish wall.

The minimum time for this exercise is 1-2 minutes. People who are able to perform the exercise longer can stretch for 10 minutes.

Concentration is done on the spine itself.

After performing the visa, doctors recommend a few minutes of rest before starting other types of physical activities for the back. After the rest, you should try to pull on the crossbar.

This will ensure the strengthening of the muscles of the hands, as well as the muscles of the girdle. Then it is necessary to bend backwards, bending the legs at a right angle to the body.Do not make the movement too abruptly.Exercises are slow and smooth.

Only in this case, with their help, you can achieve a therapeutic result.

The next exercise is performed lying on the back. The arms should be stretched out straight ahead in front of him. During the exercise, the left foot should be raised from the floor by at least 5 cm and held in this position for as long as possible.

Raising the right foot is preceded by a small rest. Sports load is repeated at least 10 times. It is advisable to do such an exercise several times a day. Thanks to this in a few weeks you can feel positive changes in health.

Additional lessons at home

Another exercise for the spine at home (also performed in the prone position): legs bend at an angle of 90 °, the feet are on the floor, standing as flat as possible. As for the hands, they should be crossed on the back. Blades tear off the floor. For this, the person will have to strain the muscles of the press.

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The head during exercise is at the same level with the body. Often people make the mistake of doing this exercise, pressing their head to their chest. In this position, you need to stay in about 3 seconds. The maximum number of repetitions for 1 time is 10.

The performance of the following exercise will provide strengthening of the muscles in the lumbar region, as well as in the thighs. To do this, stand near the wall at a distance of about 20 cm.

Then you should lean your back until it aligns with the surface. After that, a person descends the wall, sliding on it gradually.

It should be lowered until the knees are bent.

During this exercise, the back should be as close to the wall as possible. After the person has completely descended on a surface of a wall, it is necessary to remain in this position for 10 seconds. Then repeat the load. The minimum number of repetitions is 10.

Aerobic exercises for the back, as a rule, are recommended for people who have problems with the spine, at almost any age. For example, it could be running, swimming, walking or cycling.

If the patient does not have swimming skills, he can simply walk, entering the water to the waist.

In some hospitals or health centers, clients with back problems are offered visit the physical therapy room, where all exercises will be shown that will help to cope with pain. Here the physiotherapist will be able to select a set of exercises individually for each patient.

Yoga from back pain

Yoga - a variety of physical activities that contribute not only to improving the internal state of a person, but also reduce excess weight.

With the help of a properly selected technique, yoga can help you get rid of back pain.

The only minus of yoga - it is designed only for people who have at least a minimum of physical training.

One of the techniques is performed lying on the bench. If there is no possibility to use the bench, the couch may be used as an alternative. The patient lies down on the couch or bench on his stomach, one leg hangs down. Muscles during the execution of this technique will be unloaded under the weight of the patient's leg.

All appliances at home are performed gradually. A person practicing yoga must feel what he is doing at the moment. Otherwise, to achieve a positive result is almost impossible.

Do not carry out loads from which the pain is only intensified. If, during the performance of an exercise to strengthen the back, a person feels a sharp pain in the lower back, the activity must be stopped immediately. Otherwise, the deterioration of health.

After the termination of physical exertion, it is recommended to observe bed rest for several days, the time of which should be taken painkillers, after consulting with the treating doctor.

Do not start giving loads on the lower back, if the patient does not feel well. Exercises should be postponed until the moment when the state of health will be in order.

From fulfilling the loads to a full stomach is worth giving up. Exercises are done either before meals, or at least an hour after it.

It is advisable to consult with a traumatologist or surgeon so that the expert gives his recommendations for exercises.

Even with weak pain in the spine, a person will have to completely reconsider his way of life. First of all, you need to pay attention to the sleeping place.

Pain may occur due to an incorrectly matched mattress. To prevent the appearance of discomfort, you should change the mattress to the right one.

A source: http://pozvonochnik03.ru/uprazhneniya/uprazhneniya-dlya-poyasnicy-v-domashnix-usloviyax.html

How to perform exercises to strengthen the loins at home

Virtually all the load created by the weight of the human body falls on the lumbar spine.

Therefore, with the modern rhythm of life, pain in the back and lower back is found in 80% of people. To cope with this problem will help exercise to strengthen the loins at home.

Regular gymnastics will make the back stronger by creating a supporting muscular skeleton.

Causes of discomfort

Doctors consider the lower back to be the most vulnerable place of the human body. There are many factors that have a negative impact on it:

  • insufficient mobility;
  • sedentary work;
  • malnutrition;
  • excess weight.

All this leads to the development of a mass of diseases that affect both the spine and the muscles. For example, a fairly common phenomenon - muscle atrophy. The disease is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and the appearance of a pain syndrome at a certain position of the body.

People with insufficiently strong and atrophied muscles, supporting the lumbar spine, have difficulty even rising from the bed in the morning.

As a rule, there is no discomfort at night. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile for a person with atrophied muscles of the waist to take an uncomfortable position or fall asleep on a hard bed, the dream immediately turns into real torture.

cause of pain - muscle spasm. Often, similar problems are observed in people with the following diseases:

  1. osteochondrosis;
  2. rheumatism;
  3. violation of the mechanics of the spine.

To get rid of these troubles and prevent more serious diseases, it is recommended to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the waist every day. Select a gym complex will help a qualified doctor.

Aerobic exercise

When the first pain in the muscles that should support the lower back, you need to contact a physiotherapist or a doctor. A specialist can prescribe a strengthening complex without a serious shock load - aerobic exercises.

Swimming in the pool

Often doctors advise to enroll in the pool. Regular visits (at least 3 times a week) can be very useful for strengthening the back. Moreover, 30-minute training will improve the performance of the lungs and heart.

It is important to note that visiting the pool will also help to cope with excess weight and improve the condition of the joints. Do not immediately overexert the body. It's enough to start with 10 minutes of swimming, gradually increasing the training time by 5 minutes a week.


Another aerobic exercise, which positively affects the strengthening of the middle part of the back, muscles of the lumbar region and legs - jogging. For greater efficiency it is recommended to conduct training in a shallow pool.

Doctors advise starting with a 10-minute workout. In the future, it is better to increase the time to half an hour. You can combine running with swimming, performing exercises in the complex.

Walking tours

The main advice that doctors give to all patients is to walk more. Hiking significantly strengthens the lower back and contributes to a general improvement in the condition. They also help to lose excess weight.

To increase efficiency, it is recommended to constantly change the intensity. For example, you can accelerate the step for 2 minutes, and then for 4 minutes return to normal walking. Such a scheme not only protects the vertebra at the bottom of the damage, but also strengthens the cardiovascular system.


The qualitative strengthening of the muscles of the waist can not do without an individual set of exercises, compiled by a doctor. You can perform such gymnastics at home, in a hotel, in nature and any other places. At the same time, the results are noticeable already in the first month.

Squeezing into the floor

The initial position: lying on the floor, backs, bent legs in the knees.

  • Place your hand under the back so that it is bent together. This will allow controlling the work of the involved muscles.
  • Try to relax your back as much as possible.
  • Start pressing the lower back into the floor, holding it down for a few seconds.
  • Relax and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat about 10 times.
  • Over time, when the strengthening of the waist with this method will get better, it is recommended to gradually increase the duration of indentation (but not more than 10 seconds).

In doing this exercise, it is important to feel how tension is created in the lower abdomen.

Pelvic lifts

Starting position: lie on your back, bend your knees and strain your stomach.

  1. Raise the hips, forming a straight line between the knees and shoulders.
  2. Fix at the top for a few seconds.
  3. Controlled, return the body to its original position.
  4. Repeat up to 10 times.
  5. The time at which the body is fixed at the top can be gradually increased. But not longer than 10 seconds.

Swimming on the floor

Starting position: lying on the stomach, with elongated legs and hands.

  • Tear off feet 1-2 centimeters from the floor.
  • Raise your legs alternately, fixing at the top point for a second.
  • Do not exceed 20 repetitions.
  • Lower your legs.
  • Repeat the same steps, but only with your hands.
  • Try with the rise of the left hand, raise the right leg.
  • Similarly with the opposite arm and leg.


Starting position: feet shoulder width apart.

  1. Free up more space, take the starting position.
  2. Make a step forward with your left foot, bending and lowering the knee of your right foot to the floor. The knee of the left leg should not protrude from the toe - you should keep a right angle.
  3. Lock the position for 2 seconds, return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat with the opposite leg.
  5. When performing an exercise to strengthen the lumbar spine, keep your back flat, perpendicular to the floor. The muscles of the press should also be strained.

It is recommended to perform 5-10 repetitions in the approach, using each of the legs. If you do not have the strength, you can take a short break and continue.

"Hunting dog"

Starting position: get on all fours, legs bent at right angles, arms straight, body parallel to the floor.

  • Lift the right leg and fix it at the top.
  • Do the same with the left foot.
  • Perform 10 repetitions.
  • Do the same exercise with your hands.

This way how to strengthen the muscles of the waist came from a complex of yoga. When confidence in the forces will be greater, you can try to raise the opposite arm and leg at the same time. It is important that the back remains motionless. It starts with 5 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 10.

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This is a basic set of exercises, which is suitable for almost everyone, if there are no contraindications. To master the course it will not take long. It's enough to do it every other day, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.

When these exercises are studied, you should contact a specialist for writing a new program. Alternatively, you can enroll in Pilates or Yoga classes. Such training will help in strengthening the lumbar region, as well as improve the general condition of the muscles.

A source: https://spina.help/uprazhneniya/uprazhneniya-dlya-ukrepleniya-poyasnitsy.html

6 best exercises to strengthen the lower back

If you regularly do these exercises, it will help you strengthen the lower back, ease back pain and avoid the consequences of poor posture.

The lower back, or waist, is a fairly sensitive area of ​​the body, in which a lot of nerve endings converge.Pain in this zone can result from damage to the hamstring, weakness of the abdominal muscles, injuries, and herniation of the intervertebral discs.

Good posture and regular exercise will help to strengthen the lower back,however, many people neglect this and develop back diseases, which greatly impair the quality of life.

Basically, back pain arises from physical overstrain, awkward movement, or because you have been sitting at the computer for too long.

Therefore, it is simply necessary to avoid, if possible, sedentary lifestyles, as well as to be moderate in physical activity and not to carry weights.

Fortunately, there is a whole complex of special exercises to strengthen the lower back and increase your endurance. Next, we will tell you in detail about the 6 best exercises that you can perform at home.

1. Raising the arms and legs

This simple exercise will reduce tension in the waist zone, and, at the same time, strengthen the abdominal muscles.

How to do it?

  1. Stand on all fours, lean your palms on the floor and bend your knees.
  2. Pull forward your right arm and lift your left leg so that they are parallel to the floor.
  3. Hold the pose for 4 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the exercise with the left hand and the right foot.
  5. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each side.

2. Lifting arms and legs, lying on the stomach

This exercise is similar to the previous one, with the only difference being that this time you will lie on your stomach, instead of kneeling.

How to do it?

  • Lie face down on the gym mat, hands should be stretched over your head and palms on the floor.
  • At the same time raise your right arm and your left foot to a comfortable height for you.
  • Hold in this position for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat on the other side and perform 10 repetitions on each side.
  • Do 3 or 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

3. Raise your legs

Exercise to lift the legs will not only help to slimmer your hips and buttocks, but develop an abdominal press and strengthen the lower back.

How to do it?

  1. Lie on your back, bend your right foot and gently raise your left leg.
  2. Grasp the raised leg with both hands for the knee and try to hold this posture for 30 seconds.
  3. Change your foot and repeat the same procedure.
  4. Perform 3 sets with each leg.

4. Pelvic lift

This exercise is also called a "bridge" and it develops well the muscles of the lower back and abdominal region.

The secret of a good result is that every time you make a move up, you must simultaneously contract the abdominal muscles.

How to do it?

  • Lie face up on the rug, bend your knees and lean your feet on the floor.
  • Pull your arms to the sides of your body and keep your back straight, tear your buttocks off the floor and lift the hips.
  • Hold the pose for 10 seconds, rest and repeat 10 more times.

5. Lunge

Although this exercise was designed to tone the muscles of the hips, it is proved that it also has a positive effect on the lower back and helps relieve pain and strengthen the loin.

How to do it?

  1. Lunge with the left foot, bend the knee and simultaneously pull out the right leg.
  2. Bend the trunk forward so that the left knee touches the armpit, and go back to the starting position.
  3. Repeat the same movement on each leg in turn, for 10 repetitions.

6. Working out of the muscles of the lumbar region and oblique muscles

The purpose of these movements is to strengthen these muscle groups.

How to do it?

  • In order to strengthen the lower back, lie on the floor with arms outstretched and lift the torso at least 8 times.
  • Relax and repeat 3 more times.
  • To develop the oblique muscles on your side, throw your feet on the couch and lift the body up.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each side.

Useful tips to strengthen your lower back

As a supplement to these exercises, remember that you should not stay in a sitting position for long, especially in soft and deep armchairs.

Take breaks to walk around and stretch your joints at least every 2 hours.

Also, do not lift weights, especially if you have had an injury.

And remember, just changing your consumption - we change the world together!

A source: https://econet.ru/articles/150748-6-luchshih-uprazhneniy-chtoby-ukrepit-poyasnitsu

What exercises are suitable for strengthening the waist?

The spine is the most loaded part of the human skeleton. Most people start having problems at school age.

Posture to deteriorate due to improper landing, low dart, heavy portfolios. Then you add a heavy physical and sedentary work, heavy bags, kitchen gardens, uncomfortable furniture.

Exercises for the waist will help to train the muscles of the back, get rid of the deposition of fat.

What is it for?

Most people prefer to ignore problems related to health, the state of various organs.

To find out the cause begin after the appearance of pain or any other manifestations of the disease.

It is not surprising that in this situation, treatment is delayed for a long period and requires the use of expensive medicines, and it was necessary to think about the lower back for a long time.

Most often a diagnosis is made - osteochondrosis. These are the acquired disorders in the structure of interarticulate cartilage.

The disease becomes the cause of changes in small joints inside the vertebra, spasms of the muscles of the back and ligaments, violations in the work of the mechanics of the musculoskeletal system.

It develops gradually and at the initial stage, few people pay attention to a small discomfort in the back and waist, sudden pain and crunch.

Over time, if not taken the appropriate measures, the situation will only worsen. The simplest thing you can do is go swimming and watch your posture.

Use special corsets, do massage with various adaptations.

Strengthen the muscles, for this, there are exercises for the waist, follow your weight, because obesity increases the burden on the spine.

Exercises to strengthen

On the floor you need to lay a rug, so that it would be more convenient to train.These 4 exercises can be included in the usual morning exercises or in any complex for weight loss, since they are not only designed to strengthen the back, but also help get rid of fat on the sides.

  1. IP - standing on all fours. At the same time raise one arm and the opposite leg, they should be stretched on the same line with the trunk. They freeze and count to 3-5, after which they smoothly drop on all fours. It takes 10 lifts per hand / foot.
  2. IP - lying on the stomach, hands are pressed to the trunk. Together they raise their head and legs, bending upwards, bending their lower back as much as possible. They freeze for a few seconds, then slowly descend into the IP. After completing 20 repetitions, proceed to the next exercise.
  3. IP is similar to the previous one, only hands are extended in front, palms are deployed to the top. Simultaneously raise the arm and the opposite leg to the maximum permissible height. After doing this, fix the position for 3-5 seconds, after which the limbs smoothly fall down. You should perform 20 repetitions.
  4. IP - lying on the abdomen, a hard pillow or rolled up blanket is placed under the stomach, socks rest on the floor, hands along the body. Slowly raise the upper part of the torso to the maximum possible height and freeze in this position for 2-3 seconds straining muscles, then slowly lower. Perform 20 repetitions, in the future you can add another pillow, this will increase the load.

This set of exercises for strengthening the loin can be performed regularly at home.

It will help to tone the muscles and create a corset in the lower back that will help keep the spine in the right shape and help distribute the load.

If the pain is already present and it is difficult to perform a routine exercise, you should start to practice in a different way.

Exercises for pain

Not all exercises are "submissive" from the first time and in full, but we must strive to fulfill the complex completely. You can do it in the morning or at any time convenient for a person. These exercises for back pain are performed on the floor, if you want, you can put a blanket or rug.

  • IP - lying on the back, hands are pressed to the trunk, legs are bent at the knees. Straining the press perform movements with hands simulating rowing, as if a person is swimming with a breaststroke, overcoming the resistance of the water, lifting the trunk upward. At the highest possible altitude, they freeze, after which they "row" down. 10 repetitions will be enough, but in time it is desirable to bring this number to 20.
  • The IP is similar. Strain the press, a few seconds hold in this position and then relax. So repeat 20 times.
  • PI too. Now strain and relax the pelvic muscles. When the maximum effort is applied they freeze, count up to 3 and relax.
  • IP is similar to the previous one. They make circular movements with their feet. They are raised upward by an angle of 90 degrees, then they are bred to the sides and then returned to their original position. If the limbs from the first time do not rise to such a height is not terrible, gradually everything will come out.
  • IP - standing on all fours, pulling in the stomach and straining the press. So it is necessary to move around the room, each movement should be slow, step - froze - another step - froze and so 24 times.
  • IP - lying on the back of the arms are spread out to the sides. Rests on the palms of each muscle strain, tending to break away from the floor. To die in this position for 3s, then relax and lie back.
  • IP do not change. At the expense of time, resting on the floor with heels, buttocks and the back of the neck, strain the muscles of the whole body, count to 30, then return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times.
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These exercises will help relieve tension and ease the pain.

Having learned to carry out all these complexes to strengthen in full, you can not only train your back, but also learn how to remove fat from the waist, this is the so-called "side effect" of the exercises. Therefore, every day doing such a non-complicated training, a man and his back will treat and figure "correct".

A source: http://FitDoma.ru/fitness/uprazhneniya-dlya-ukrepleniya-poyasnicy.html

Exercises for the loin at home

Almost all modern people are familiar with the pain in the lower back, you can say that this is one of the scourges of mankind.

This pain syndrome can manifest itself in different ways, but it differs in acuity and reasons of appearance. In many cases it is much easier to deal with prevention than to eliminate the pain that has already appeared.

For prevention, a whole range of measures should be implemented that will minimize the risk of a problem.

Causes of low back pain

Almost every resident of our country over 30 years suffers chronic back pain. It can also occur at an earlier age.

The main prerequisite of the disease is a sedentary lifestyle.

But, while the problem may indicate a variety of diseases, it is better to consult a doctor with a problem.

Please note that the reasons for men and women may vary. But, there are common for both sexes of the disease.

Pain in women

For women, back pain is common in a number of gynecological diseases. Pain can be on one or both sides. As a rule, it is accompanied by other symptoms. This is a masticious discharge before menstruation, increased pain during intercourse, complications with the onset of pregnancy.

At pregnancy also there can be a pain in a loin. In the safest case, it is associated with an increase in the burden on the back. This is quite a natural situation, although not pleasant. If, at the same time as a similar pain, spotting is observed, it is better to show the doctor.

With an unstable level of estrogen in the blood can be observed pain in the lumbar region. Often this happens during menopause. Also during menopause may manifest such diseases as osteoporosis and arthrosis, they can also lead to low back pain.

Pain in men

Often back pain in men is associated with heavy physical work.

Moreover, this is manifested not only in people engaged in such activities professionally, but also encountering it episodically.

Also, back pain can be associated with drafts and some colds.

In rare cases, pain in the lower back can occur with the prostatitis. Also, inflammatory processes in the testicles can sometimes cause pain in the lower back.

Pain common to both men and women

In the first place - problems with the spine. It can be, as an osteochondrosis, and other lesions of a joint tissue. In many cases, this problem becomes the main one.

Such pain can be a consequence of a number of diseases of internal organs. Therefore, at occurrence of steady pains in a lumbar department of a backbone it is better to pass inspection at the doctor. Do not prescribe treatment yourself.

Exercises for low back pain at home

First of all it is necessary to understand that exercises with back pain should be performed only if there is a certainty that the cause is not a disease of the internal organs. It is also not recommended to do gymnastics with severe pain, so you can significantly worsen your condition.

That's what exercises you can use.

  1. Lie on your back, the most convenient is the floor or any other hard surface. We stretch our arms over our heads. Then, in turn, we drag one hand forward with one hand, while it should slide along the floor. As a result, we get a soft stretching of the spine.
  2. The starting position is similar to the previous exercise. But, here we stretch with two hands at the same time, at the same time they should be placed at an angle of 30 ° in relation to the floor. In the lower back, you can bend a little.
  3. Lying on the floor, lift the leg and bend it in the knee. Then take the knee with both hands and pull it to the chest, pay attention, the movement must be performed until you feel the tension of the muscles of the back of the thigh. Temper in this position. Repeat with the other leg. You can also do the exercise at the same time with two legs.
  4. Be on your knees. Lean forward and try to touch the forehead with the floor. Hands pull forward, in this position, try to stand for a few seconds. During the exercise, do not remove the scapula.
  5. We get up on all fours and leaning on our elbows, we take our left leg back. In the end, you get a half-string. At the end point of the motion, we freeze for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  6. Cat dog. We get on all fours and alternately bend the back down, or bend it up. We perform five to six cycles.
  7. We sit down exactly and accurately we curl in the waist, the exercise is performed alternately, then one way, then the other.
  8. We lay down on the stomach and tear off the shoulders from the floor, lifting them. Do not throw your head up. It is done five to ten times.

Why it is important to strengthen the lower back

As a rule, problems with the lower back are associated with a weak muscle development. Now a sedentary lifestyle prevails. Which leads to a number of problems with the spine.

To avoid such problems, you should regularly pay attention to strengthening the muscles of the waist.

Also it will not be superfluous if necessary to perform any work that will give a strong load on the spine.

Most of the lumbar injuries occur with sudden movements, when you need to respond quickly to the current situation.

For example, if necessary, keep the balance or quickly pick up any cargo.

In any of the above options, the chances of getting damaged will be significantly lower if your waist is strong enough.

Another point is sports. In many sports, you can significantly improve the results if you just strengthen your back. Therefore, always pay attention to training exercises for the injection of the back.

How to take care of your back and lower back

To avoid problems with the spine, you should carefully monitor its condition. This will significantly reduce the risk of pain. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the waist and follow certain rules.

  • Try to avoid lifting weights. This will minimize the risk of getting damaged. If still it can not be avoided, then it should be done properly. Do not bend your back, it should be as flat as possible, if the load is low, then it is better to sit down and so raise it.
  • Strive to always maintain posture. This is one of the factors in the health of the spine.
  • Sleep on a hard bed, this will not only keep the waist healthy, but also minimizes the symptoms of already existing diseases.
  • Walking. This is a good way to keep your back healthy. Hiking is very useful for the spine.
  • If you are forced to sit during a working day, or are in the same pose, then be suredo an easy workout. In extreme cases, just walk around the room every few hours.
  • Massage. This procedure perfectly allows you to delay the risk of diseases of the lumbar spine. For this, any type of massage is suitable.
  • Fitness. Active physical activity allows you to get rid of many risk factors.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

One of the important items on keeping your lower back in a normal state is fitness. There are many exercises that allow you to gently strengthen the muscles of your back.

When performing exercises, you should carefully monitor your condition, with the slightest discomfort, it is better to stop training.

Do better each day, for this, choose the most suitable exercises for you.

Here such a complex is considered the most simple and optimal.

  1. We become exactly, legs together. We lean forward and touch the socks, with the back movement we raise our hands upwards, and stretch. Repeat 10-15 times.
  2. We stand up straight and put our hands on our shoulders. From this position, we make twists to the right and to the left, we need to perform 15 repetitions in each direction.
  3. We lay down on our backs, our legs rest on the floor bent at the knees, hands along the trunk. Next, raise the pelvis upward, achieving a straight line between the hips and the trunk. The exercise is done 10-20 times.

If you can go to the bar, then do it. Exercises with their weight on the crossbar greatly improve the condition of the spine. Ideally, two exercises should be done:

  1. on the horizontal bar for 2-3 minutes;
  2. pulling up a medium grip.

Possible contraindications

But, not always with pains in the spine you can do exercises, in such cases only the condition will only worsen. In the first place, these are exacerbations of diseases that cause pain in the spine. With the same osteochondrosis, it is not recommended to do any gymnastics during an exacerbation.

Also, you can not give the body a physical load, when the cause of pain is gynecological problems. Also, do not get involved in exercise in the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.


Back pain is familiar to everyone. With the right approach to the lifestyle, you can significantly reduce their intensity. An important factor in prevention is physical activity.

Correctly selected exercises will help to maintain the muscles of the waist in a tone, but for this it is better to consult a doctor. Another point to remember is the need to behave properly in ordinary life.

Avoid stress factors for the spine, so you reduce the risk of pain.

A source: http://razvitietela.ru/uprazhneniya-dlya-poyasnicy-v-domashnikh-us/