Defeat of the posterior horns of the spinal cord and other structures: symptoms


  • 1Diseases of the spinal cord
    • 1.1Symptoms of spinal cord injury at different levels
    • 1.2Vascular diseases of the spinal cord
    • 1.3Compression of the spinal cord
  • 2Diseases of the spinal cord
    • 2.1Neurological syndromes of spinal cord diseases
  • 3Major diseases of the spinal cord
    • 3.1Symptoms of spinal cord disease
    • 3.2Compression of the spinal cord
    • 3.3Tumors
    • 3.4Intervertebral hernia
    • 3.5Myelopathies
    • 3.6Inflammatory myelopathies
    • 3.7Spinal cord infarction
    • 3.8Chronic Myelopathy
    • 3.9Lumbar stenosis
  • 4Diseases of the spinal cord
    • 4.1Disease signs and types
    • 4.2Movement disorders
    • 4.3Sensitivity disorders
    • 4.4Vegetative disorders
    • 4.5Painful sensations
    • 4.6Lesions of roots
    • 4.7Affection of peripheral nerves
    • 4.8Lumbar disease
    • 4.9Lesion of the sacrum
    • 4.10Causes of Myelopathy
    • 4.11Classification
    • 4.12Treatment

Diseases of the spinal cord

Disease of the spinal cord, at all times, was a fairly common problem. Even minor lesions of this important structure of the central nervous system can lead to very sad consequences.
Spinal cord

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This is the main part, along with the brain, the central nervous system of man. It is an oblong cord with a length of 41-45 cm in adults. It performs two very important functions:

  1. conductor - information is transmitted in a two-way direction from the brain to the extremities, namely through numerous tracts of the spinal cord;
  2. reflex - the spinal cord coordinates the movements of the limbs.

Diseases of the spinal cord, or myelopathy - is a very large group of pathological changes, different in symptomatology, etiology and pathogenesis.

They are united only by one - the defeat of various structures of the spinal cord. At the moment there is no single international classification of myelopathies.

On etiological signs, diseases of the spinal cord are divided into:

  • cardiovascular;
  • compression, including those associated with intervertebral hernia and spine trauma;
  • degenerative;
  • infectious;
  • carcinomatous;
  • inflammatory.

Symptomatology of diseases of the spinal cord is very diverse, since it has a segmental structure.

Common symptoms of spinal cord injury include soreness in the back area, increasing with physical exertion, general weakness, dizziness.

The remaining symptoms are very individual, and depend on the damaged area of ​​the spinal cord.

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Symptoms of spinal cord injury at different levels

If the I and II cervical segment of the spinal cord is damaged, the respiratory and cardiac center in the medulla oblongata is destroyed. Their destruction leads in 99% of cases to a fatal outcome of the patient, due to cardiac arrest and respiration.

There is always tetraparesis - complete disconnection of all limbs, as well as most of the internal organs.
The defeat of the spinal cord at the level of III-V cervical segments is also extremely dangerous for life.

The innervation of the diaphragm stops, and is possible only due to the respiratory muscles of the intercostal muscles. If the damage is not spread over the entire sectional area of ​​the segment, individual tracts can be affected, thereby causing only paraplegia - disabling of the upper or lower limbs.

Damage to the cervical segments of the spinal cord in most cases is caused by injuries: a blow to the head when diving, as well as during an accident.

If the V-VI neck segments are damaged, the respiratory center remains intact, the weakness of the muscles of the upper humeral girdle is noted.

Lower limbs still remain without movement and sensitivity with complete damage to the segments. The level of damage to the thoracic segments of the spinal cord is not difficult to determine. Each segment corresponds to its own dermatome.

Segment T-I is responsible for the innervation of the skin and muscles of the upper chest and the area of ​​the armpit; segment T-IV - pectoral muscles and site skin in the nipple region; thoracic segments from T-V to T-IX innervate the entire thorax, and from T-X to T-XII anterior abdominal wall.

Consequently, damage to any of the segments in the thoracic region will lead to loss of sensitivity and restriction of movement at the lesion level and below. There is weakness in the muscles of the lower limbs, lack of reflexes of the anterior abdominal wall. Severe pain is noted at the site of injury.

As for the damage to the lumbar spines, this leads to loss of movement and sensitivity of the lower limbs.

If the lesion is located in the upper segments of the lumbar region, a paresis of the hip muscles arises, and the knee jerk disappears.

If the lower lumbar segments are affected, the muscles of the foot and lower leg suffer.

The defeat of various etiologies of the medulla cone and the horse's tail leads to a disruption of the functions of the pelvic organs: incontinence of urine and feces, problems with erection in men, lack of sensitivity in the genital area and perineum.

Vascular diseases of the spinal cord

To this group of diseases carry the strokes of the spinal cord, which can be both ischemic and hemorrhagic.

Vascular diseases of the brain and spinal cord have a common etiology - atherosclerosis.

The main difference between the consequences of these diseases is the violation of higher nervous activity in vascular diseases of the brain, loss of various types of sensitivity and muscle paresis.

Hemorrhagic stroke of the spinal cord, or spinal cord infarction, is more common in young people as a result of vascular ruptures. Predisposing factors are increased crimp, fragility and failure of the vessels.

Most often this occurs as a result of genetic diseases or disorders during embryonic development, which causes abnormalities in the development of the spinal cord.

A rupture of the blood vessel can occur at any part of the spinal cord, and it is possible to give symptoms only according to the affected segment.

Later, as a result of the displacement of the blood clot with cerebrospinal fluid through the subarachnoid spaces, it is possible to spread the lesions to adjacent segments.

Ischemic stroke of the spinal cord occurs in the elderly, as a result of atherosclerotic vascular changes. Spinal cord infarction can cause not only damage to the vessels of the spinal cord, but also the aorta and its branches.

As in the brain, in the spinal cord, transient ischemic attacks can occur, which are accompanied by temporary symptoms in the corresponding segment.

Such ongoing attacks of ischemia in neurology are called intermittent myelogenous lameness. Also isolated as a separate pathology is Unterharnshaidt syndrome.

MRI diagnostics of the vessels of the extremities

Intermittent myelogenous lameness occurs during prolonged walking or other physical exertion. It manifests itself in sudden numbness and weakness of the lower extremities. After a short rest, the complaints disappear.

The cause of this disease are atherosclerotic changes in the vessels in the lower lumbar segments, which result in ischemia of the spinal cord.

The disease should be differentiated with the defeat of the arteries of the lower extremities, for which MRI is performed to diagnose the vessels of the extremities and the aorta with contrast material.

Syndrome Unterharnshaidt. This disease first appears primarily at a young age.

It is caused by vasculitis and the malformation of the vessels of the vertebrobasilar basin.

Syndromes of damage to the spinal cord in this disease: tetraparesis, loss of consciousness, which disappear after a few minutes, sharply arises.

It should be diagnosed with hysterical personality disorders and epileptic seizure.

Compression of the spinal cord

Compression, or infringement of a spinal cord arises for several reasons:

  1. Vertebral hernia- the resulting hernial sac is squeezing the segment. Most often there is not a complete clamping of the whole segment, but its horns: front, side or rear. If the anterior horn of the spinal cord is affected, there is a decrease in muscle tone and sensitivity on the appropriate segment or dermatome, since the anterior horns have sensitive and motor fibers. When squeezing the side horns, there are violations of the autonomic nervous system on the corresponding segment. Manifestations of this disease are manifold: the pupils expand without cause, there is sweating, mood swings, tachycardia, constipation, blood glucose and blood pressure increase. Often when referring to therapists with such complaints, symptomatic treatment is prescribed, and the diagnostic search is directed to the affected organ. Only with the appearance of pain in the back, is the correct diagnosis after the MRI. Pressing the rear horns leads to a partial, or less complete loss of sensitivity, also on a certain segment. Diagnosis in such cases is not particularly difficult. Treatment of all intervertebral hernias is surgical. All non-traditional and traditional conservative methods of treatment save for a time from the symptoms of the disease.
  2. Tumor process in the spinal cord or vertebrae. Compression vertebral fracture
  3. Compression vertebral fractures. Such types of fractures most often occur when falling from a height to the feet, and less often to the back. Vertebral fragments can squeeze or dissect the spinal cord. In the first case, the symptomatology is the same as in hernia. In the second case, the forecasts are much worse. If you cut the spinal cord, the conductor system will be completely broken in the lower parts. Unfortunately, the consequences of such injuries remain throughout life.
    Most often there is an incomplete dissection of the spinal cord, that is, only some spinal tracts are damaged, which again leads to a variety of symptoms. Today, computer or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is able to determine the location of the lesion, to within, mm.
  4. Degenerative processes of the spineare the most common causes of spinal cord injury. Cervical spondylosis and lumbar lumbar osteoarthritis is the destruction of the bone tissue of the vertebrae, with the formation of connective tissue, as well as osteophytes. As a result of the proliferation of tissues, compression of the cervical spinal cord occurs. Symptomatic in this disease is similar to hernia squeezing, but more often has a concentric lesion, which contributes to damage to all horns and roots of the spinal cord.
  5. Infectious diseases of the spinal cord- group of diseases of different etiology. By the duration of the flow, acute, subacute and chronic myelids are distinguished; on the degree of prevalence: transverse, multifocal, limited.

Due to the appearance of the following forms of myelitis:

  • Viral myelitis.The most frequent pathogens are viruses of poliomyelitis, herpes, rubella, measles, influenza, less often hepatitis and mumps. Neurological symptoms are diverse and depend on the affected segments, and the spread of the infection. Common symptoms for all infectious lesions are fever, severe headaches and back pain, impaired consciousness, increased muscle tone of the limbs. The greatest danger is the involvement of the cervical spinal cord in the infectious process. In liquor, when carrying out lumbar puncture, a large amount of protein, neutrophils is found.
  • Bacterial myelitis.Occurs with acute meningococcal meningitis, as a result of the movement of cerebrospinal fluid along with bacteria, as well as the effects of syphilis. Meningococcal meningitis of the spinal cord proceeds very hard, with a total inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Even against the background of modern treatment, lethality remains quite high. Currently, long-term consequences and complications of syphilis are rare, but still relevant. One such complication is the spinal cord. Spinal cord is a tertiary neurosyphilis that affects spinal roots and posterior columns, which leads to a loss of sensitivity in certain segments. Tuberculosis of the spinal cord
  • Tuberculosis of the spinal cordstands alone among the lesions of bacterial nature. Tuberculosis enters the spinal cord in three ways: hematogenous - with the primary tuberculosis complex and disseminated tuberculosis, lymphogenically - in case of tuberculosis infection of lymph nodes, contact - with close infection, for example in the spine. By destroying the bone tissue, the mycobacterium creates cavernous foci, which create a compression effect on the segments of the spinal cord. In this case, the back is strongly affected in the lesion, which undoubtedly facilitates the diagnostic task.
  • Oncological diseasesThe spinal cord is divided into malignant and benign. The first include ependymoma of the spinal cord and sarcoma. Ependymoma grows from the cells lining the central canal of the spinal cord. With significant growth, compression of the spinal tracts occurs, which primarily leads to visceral disorders and loss of segmental sensitivity, and paraplegia subsequently develop. Sarcoma grows from low-differentiated cells of connective tissue, i.e. from muscles, bones, dura mater. The greatest danger is the light-cell sarcoma, which rivals malignancy and metastasis with melanoma, but is much less common. Benign neoplasms of the spinal cord include lipoma, hemangioma and dermoid cyst of the spinal cord. Since these tumors are ectramedullary, the treatment is surgical. Rapid and significant growth, (dermoid cyst of the spinal cord reaches 15 cm in length), early manifestation of pain and radicular syndromes of the dorsal brain, forces to produce a laminectomy of the spine, with the removal of the neoplasm to produce decompression and prevent persistent paralysis. Meningioma of the spinal cord develops from the cells of the arachnoid membrane. The meningioma, like the cyst and lipoma, can reach impressive sizes, causing compression of the roots of the spinal cord. But the distinctive feature of meningioma is the frequent development of massive bleeding, which is difficult enough to stop. Treatment of meningioma is also surgical. Often, meningiomas are already present at birth, but because of slow growth appear already in adulthood. Inflammation of the spinal cord
  • Inflammatory diseasesMost of the aforementioned spinal cord. Inflammation of the spinal cord and meninges occurs with infectious diseases, with carcinomatosis, with degenerative changes. The reaction, which takes place both in the brain itself, and in the membranes and spine, leads to inflammatory edema and compression compression of the roots, and sometimes horn of the spinal cord.
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Diseases of the spinal cord

Knowledge of the anatomical structure of the spinal cord (segmental principle) and the spinal cord leaving it nerves allows neuropathologists and neurosurgeons in practice to accurately determine the symptoms and syndromes damage.

During a neurologic examination of the patient, going down from the top, find the upper limit of the onset of a sensitivity disorder and motor activity of the muscles. It should be remembered that the bodies of the vertebrae do not correspond to the segments of the spinal cord located under them.

The neurological picture of the lesion of the spinal cord depends on the damaged segment.

As a person grows, the length of the spinal cord lags behind the length of the spine surrounding it.

In its formation and development, the spinal cord grows slower than the spine.

In adults, the spinal cord ends at the level of the body of the first lumbarL1vertebra.

Departing from it the nerve roots will descend further downwards, for the innervation of the extremities or organs of the small pelvis.

The clinical rule used in determining the level of lesions of the spinal cord and its nerve roots:

  1. cervical roots (except the rootC8) leave the spinal canal through the holes above the corresponding vertebral bodies,
  2. the thoracic and lumbar roots leave the vertebral canal under the same vertebrae,
  3. the upper cervical segments of the spinal cord lie behind the vertebral bodies with the same numbers,
  4. The lower cervical segments of the spinal cord lie one segment higher than the corresponding vertebra,
  5. the upper thoracic segments of the spinal cord lie two segments higher,
  6. The lower thoracic segments of the spinal cord lie three segments higher,
  7. lumbar and sacral segments of the spinal cord (the latter form the cone medullaris) are localized behind the vertebraeTh9-L1.

To clarify the spread of various pathological processes around the spinal cord, especially with spondylosis, it is important to carefully measure the sagittal diameters (lumen) of the spinal canal. The diameter (lumen) of a vertebral canal in an adult is normal:

  • at the cervical level of the spine - 16-22 mm,
  • at the thoracic level of the spine -16-22 mm,
  • at the level of the lumbar vertebraeL1-L3- about 15-23 mm,
  • at the level of the lumbar vertebraeL3-L5and below - 16-27 mm.

Neurological syndromes of spinal cord diseases

When the spinal cord is affected at one level or another, the following neurological syndromes will be revealed:

  1. The loss of sensitivity is below the level of his spinal cord lesion (level of sensitivity disorders)
  2. weakness in the extremities innervated by the descending nerve fibers of the cortico-spinal pathway from the level of spinal cord injury

Sensitivity disorders (hypoesthesia, paresthesia, anesthesia) can appear in one or both feet. Sensitivity disorder can spread upwards, imitating peripheral polyneuropathy.

In the case of a complete or partial break in the cortico-spinal and bulbospinal tracts at the same level spinal cord, the patient has paralysis of the muscles of the upper and / or lower extremities (paraplegia or tetraplegia).

In this case, the symptoms of central paralysis are revealed:

  • muscular tonus elevated
  • deep tendon reflexes increased
  • reveals a pathological symptom of Babinsky

During the examination of a patient with a spinal cord injury, segmental disorders are usually found:

  1. the range of changes in sensitivity near the upper level of conductive sensory disorders (hyperalgesia or hyperpathy)
  2. hypotension and muscle atrophy
  3. isolated prolapse of deep tendon reflexes

The level of conductivity-type sensitivity disorders and segmental neurological symptoms roughly indicate the localization of transverse spinal cord injury in the patient.

The exact localizing sign is the pain felt on the midline of the back, especially at the thoracic level. Pain in the interblade area may be the first symptom of compression of the spinal cord in the patient.

Radicular pain points to the primary localization of spinal cord lesions in the region of its external masses. With the defeat of the cone of the spinal cord, pain is often noted in the lower back.

At an early stage of transverse damage to the spinal cord in the limbs, there may be a decrease in muscle tone (hypotension), and not spasticity due to spinal shock in the patient. Spinal shock can last several weeks.

Sometimes it is mistaken for a large segmental lesion. Later, tendon and periosteal reflexes in the patient become elevated.

In transverse lesions, especially those caused by a heart attack, paralysis is often preceded by short clonic or myoclonic cramps in the limbs.

Another important symptom of transverse damage to the spinal cord is a disruption of the pelvic organs, manifested as a delay in urine and feces in the patient.

The compression inside (intramedullary) or around the spinal cord (extramedullary) can clinically appear in a similar way.

Therefore, one neurologic examination of the patient is not enough to determine the localization of the lesion of the spinal cord.

The neurological signs testifying to the localization of pathological processes around the spinal cord (extramedullary) include:

  • radicular pain,
  • Braun-Sekar half-spinal lesion syndrome,
  • Symptoms of peripheral motor neuron damage within one or two segments, often asymmetric,
  • early signs of involvement of corticospinal tracts,
  • a significant decrease in sensitivity in the sacral segments,
  • early and marked changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

The neurological signs that support the localization of pathological processes inside the spinal cord (intramedullary) include:

  1. with hardly localized burning pains,
  2. dissociated loss of pain sensitivity with preservation of muscular-articular sensitivity,
  3. Preservation of sensitivity in the perineum and sacral segments,
  4. late-emergent and less pronounced pyramidal symptoms,
  5. normal or slightly altered composition of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

The lesion inside the spinal cord (intramedullary), involving the most internal fibers of the spinotalamic pathways, but not affecting the most external fibers, providing sensitivity of sacral dermatomes, will be manifested by the absence of signs of defeat. The perception of pain and temperature irritations in sacral dermatomes will be preserved (nerve rootsS3-S5).

The Brown-Sekar syndrome is a complex of symptoms of a half lesion of the diameter of the spinal cord. Brown-Sekar syndrome is clinically manifested:

  • on the side of the lesion of the spinal cord - paralysis of the muscles of the arm and / or leg (monoplegia, hemiplegia) with loss of musculo-articular and vibrational (deep) sensitivity,
  • on the opposite side - loss of pain and temperature (surface) sensitivity.

The upper limit of pain and temperature sensitivity disorders with Brown-Sekar syndrome is often defined as 1-2 segments below the site of spinal cord injury the brain, because the fibers of the spinotalamic pathway after the formation of the synapse in the horn of the spinal cord pass into the opposite lateral cord, rising up. If there are segmental disorders in the form of radicular pain, muscular atrophy, extinction of tendon reflexes, they are usually one-sided.

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The spinal cord is supplied with one anterior spinal cord and two posterior spinal arteries.

If the focus of the spinal cord is limited to the central part or affects it, it will be predominantly damage to gray matter neurons and segmental conductors that produce their own cross-over on this level. This is observed with a bruise during spinal cord injury, syringomyelia, tumor and vascular lesions in the basin of the anterior cerebrospinal artery.

When the central lesion of the cervical spinal cord occurs:

  1. weakness of the hand, which is more pronounced in comparison with the weakness of the foot,
  2. Dissociated sensitivity disorder (analgesia, i.e., loss of pain sensitivity with distribution in the form of "cape on the shoulders" and the lower part of the neck, without anesthesia, i.e. loss of tactile sensations, and with the preservation of vibration sensitivity).

Defeats of the cone of the spinal cord, localized in the region of the vertebral body L1 or lower, squeeze the spinal nerves that make up the horse's tail. This causes a peripheral (flaccid) asymmetric paraparesis with areflexia.

This level of damage to the spinal cord and its nerve roots is accompanied by a dysfunction of the pelvic organs (dysfunction of the bladder and intestine).

The distribution of sensitive disorders on the skin of the patient resembles the outline of the saddle, reaches the level of L2 and corresponds to the zones of innervation of rootlets entering the ponytail.

Achilles and knee reflexes in such patients are reduced or absent. Often patients notice pains that give off in the perineum or thighs.

In pathological processes in the region of the cone of the spinal cord, the pain is less pronounced than with the damage to the horse's tail, and disorders of the bowel and bladder functions occur earlier. Achilles reflexes at the same time fade.

Compression processes can simultaneously capture both the ponytail and the cone of the spinal cord, which causes combined syndrome of damage to peripheral motor neurons with increased reflexes and the appearance of a pathological symptom Babinsky.

When the spinal cord is injured at the level of the large occipital orifice, the patients develop muscular weakness shoulder girdle and hand, followed by the appearance on the side of defeat of the weakness of the legs and arms on the opposite side. Volumetric processes of this localization sometimes give pain in the neck and occiput, extending to the head and shoulders. Another evidence of high cervical level (up to segmentTh1) of the defeat is Horner's syndrome.

Some diseases of the spine can cause sudden myelopathy without previous symptoms (such as a spinal stroke).

These include epidural hemorrhage, hematomyelia, spinal cord infarction, prolapse, extrusion of the pulposal nucleus of the intervertebral disc, subluxation of the vertebrae.

Chronic myelopathy occurs with the following diseases of the spine or spinal cord:

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Major diseases of the spinal cord

The spinal cord belongs to the central nervous system. It is connected to the brain, nourishes it and the shell, transmits information. function of the spinal cord - correctly transmit incoming impulses to other internal organs.

It consists of various nerve fibers, through which all signals and impulses are transmitted. Its basis is in white and gray substances: the white forms the processes of the nerves, the gray contains the nerve cells.

The gray matter is located in the core of the spinal canal, while the white substance completely surrounds it and protects the entire spinal cord.

Diseases of the spinal cord are all a great risk not only for health, but for human life. Even minor deviations of a temporary nature sometimes cause irreversible consequences.

So, the wrong posture can doom the brain to starvation and launch a series of pathological processes. Do not notice symptoms of impairment in the operation of the spinal cord is impossible.

Almost all the symptoms that can cause diseases of the spinal cord can be attributed to the category of severe manifestations.

Symptoms of spinal cord disease

The easiest symptomatology of the spinal cord disease is dizziness, nausea, periodic pain in the muscle tissue.

Intensity in diseases can be medium and unstable, but more often signs of spinal cord injury are more dangerous.

In many ways, they depend on which department the pathology developed and what disease develops.

Frequent symptoms of spinal cord disease:

  • loss of sensitivity in the limbs or part of the body;
  • aggressive back pain in the spine;
  • uncontrolled emptying of the intestine or bladder;
  • pronounced psychosomatics;
  • loss or restriction of the possibility of movements;
  • severe pain in the joints and muscles;
  • paralysis of the limbs;
  • amyotrophy.

Symptoms can vary, supplemented depending on what substance is affected. At any variant it is impossible not to see signs of a lesion of a spinal cord.

Compression of the spinal cord

The concept of compression means a process in which compression occurs, the spinal cord is squashed.

This condition is accompanied by multiple neurological symptoms, which can cause some diseases. Any displacement or deformation of the spinal cord always violates its functioning.

Often, diseases that people consider safe cause severe damage not only to the spinal cord, but also to the brain.

Thus, otitis or sinusitis can cause an epidural abscess. With diseases of the ENT organs, the infection can quickly enter the spinal cord and provoke infection of the entire vertebral column.

Pretty soon the infection will reach the cerebral cortex and then the consequences of the disease can be catastrophic. In severe otitis, sinusitis, or with a prolonged phase of the disease, meningitis and encephalitis occur.

The treatment of such diseases is complex, the consequences are not always reversible.

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Hemorrhages in the region of the spinal cord are accompanied by storm pains throughout the spine.

This happens more often from injuries, bruises or in the case of serious thinning of the walls of the vessels surrounding the spinal cord.

Locality can be absolutely any, the cervical section suffers more often as the weakest and unprotected from damages.

Progression of such a disease as osteochondrosis, arthritis can also cause compression. Osteophytes, as they grow, press on the spinal cord, intervertebral hernias develop. As a result of such diseases, the spinal cord suffers and loses its normal functioning.


As in any organ of the body, tumors can appear in the spinal cord. It is not the malignancy that matters most, since all tumors are dangerous to the spinal cord. The value is assigned to the location of the tumor. They are divided into three types:

  1. extradural;
  2. intradural;
  3. intramedullary.

Extradural are the most dangerous and malignant, have a tendency to rapid progression. Occur in the hard tissue of the brain or in the body of the vertebra. The operative solution is rarely successful, it carries a risk to life. This category includes both prostate tumors and mammary glands.

Intradural forms under the solid tissue of the membrane of the brain. These are tumors such as neurofibromas and meningiomas.

Intramedullary tumors are localized directly in the brain itself, in its main substance. Malignancy is critical.

For diagnosis, MRI is used more often as a study giving a complete picture of the spinal cord carcinoma. This disease is treated only surgically. For all tumors, the common thing is that conventional therapy does not have an effect and does not stop metastases.

Therapy is appropriate only after a successful operation.

Intervertebral hernia

Intervertebral hernia takes the position of a leader in a number of diseases of the spinal cord. Primarily formed protrusions, but over time it becomes a hernia.

With such a disease, deformation and rupture of the fibrous ring occurs, which serves as a fixative for the nucleus of the disc. As soon as the ring collapses, the contents begin to flow and are often found in the spinal canal.

If the intervertebral hernia affected the spinal cord, myelopathy is born. Myelopathy means impaired spinal cord function.

Sometimes the hernia does not manifest itself and the person feels well. But more often the spinal cord is involved in the process and this causes a number of neurological symptoms:

  • pain in the affected area;
  • change in sensitivity;
  • depending on the locality, loss of control over the limbs;
  • numbness, weakness;
  • violations in the functions of internal organs, more often the pelvis;
  • The pain spreads from the waist to the knee, grabbing the hip.

Such signs usually manifest themselves under the condition that the hernia has reached impressive proportions.

Treatment is more often therapeutic, with the appointment of drugs and physiotherapy.

Exception only in cases where there are signs of failure in the work of internal organs or in case of serious damage.


Noncompression myelopathy refers to complex diseases of the spinal cord. There are several species, but it is difficult to distinguish between them.

Even MRI does not always allow you to accurately establish a clinical picture.

The results of CT scan are always the same: a strong swelling of the tissues without any signs of compression of the spinal cord from the outside.

Necrotic myelopathy involves several segments of the spine in the process. This form is a kind of echoes of significant carcinomas, removed by localization. Over time, provokes in patients the birth of paresis and problems with pelvic organs.

Carcinomatous meningitis is found in most cases, when the body has a progressive cancerous tumor. Most often, the primary carcinoma is located either in the lungs or in the mammary glands.

Forecast without treatment: no more than 2 months. If the treatment is successful and on time, the life expectancy is up to 2 years. Most lethal cases are associated with neglected processes in the central nervous system. These processes are irreversible, the functions of the brain can not be restored.

Inflammatory myelopathies

Most often diagnose arachnoiditis as one of the types of inflammatory process in the brain or spinal cord. I must say that such a diagnosis is not always correct and clinically confirmed.

A detailed and qualitative examination is necessary. It occurs against the background of transferred otitis, sinusitis or against the background of severe intoxication of the whole organism.

Arachnoiditis develops in the arachnoid membrane, which is one of the three shells of the brain and spinal cord.

Viral infection provokes such a disease as acute myelitis, which is similar in symptoms to signs of other inflammatory diseases of the spinal cord.

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Such diseases as acute myelitis require immediate intervention and establishment of a source of infection.

The disease is accompanied by ascending paresis, a strong and growing weakness in the limbs.

Infectious myelopathy is expressed more specifically. The patient can not always understand and properly assess his condition. Often the cause of infection becomes herpes zoster, the disease is complex and requires long-term therapy.

Spinal cord infarction

For many, even the concept is as unfamiliar as a spinal cord infarction.

But because of severe impairment of the circulation, the spinal cord begins to starve, its functions get so upset that it leads to necrotic processes.

Clots arise, the aorta begins to separate. Almost always affects several departments at once. An extensive area is covered, a common ischemic heart attack develops.

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The cause may be even a minor bruise or injury to the spine. If there is already an intervertebral hernia, then with trauma it can collapse.

Then its particles enter the spinal cord. This phenomenon is unexplored and incomprehensible, there is no clarity in the very principle of the penetration of these particles.

There is only the fact of detection of particles of the destroyed tissue of the pulpous core of the disk.

The development of such a heart attack can be determined by the patient's condition:

  1. sudden weakness to the point of failure of the legs;
  2. nausea;
  3. temperature drop;
  4. Strong headache;
  5. fainting.

Diagnostics only with the help of MRI, treatment is therapeutic. Such a disease as a heart attack, it is important in time to stop and stop further damage. The prognosis is often positive, but the patient's quality of life may worsen.

Chronic Myelopathy

Osteochondrosis is recognized as a killer of the spine, its disease and complications are rarely managed to be brought to a tolerable condition.

This is because 95% of patients never carry out prophylaxis, they do not visit a specialist at the beginning of the disease. They ask for help only when the pain does not allow them to live.

But at such stages, osteochondrosis already starts such processes as spondylosis.

Spondylosis is the end result of dystrophic changes in the structure of the spinal cord tissues. Disturbances cause bone growths (osteophytes), which eventually squeeze the spinal canal.

The compression can be strong and cause stenosis of the central canal. Stenosis is a dangerous condition, for this reason, a chain of processes that involve the brain and CNS into the pathology can start.

Treatment of spondylosis is often symptomatic and is aimed at alleviating the condition of the patient. The best result can be taken if, eventually, it is possible to achieve stable remission and delay further progression of spondylosis. It is impossible to reverse spondylosis.

Lumbar stenosis

The concept of stenosis always means squeezing and constriction of some organ, canal, vessel. And almost always stenosis creates a threat to human health and life.

Lumbar stenosis is a critical narrowing of the spinal canal and all of its nerve endings. The disease can be both congenital pathology, and acquired.

Stenosis can cause many processes:

  • osteophytes;
  • displacement of the vertebrae;
  • hernia;
  • protrusions.

Sometimes a congenital anomaly worsens acquired.

Stenosis can be in any department, it can cover a part of the spinal column, and the entire spine. The condition is dangerous, the solution is often surgical.

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Diseases of the spinal cord

Diseases of the spinal cord (myelopathy) - a large group of pathologies that differ in many ways. The spinal cord is an important organ of the nervous system located in the vertebral canal.

The brain tissue consists of gray and white matter. The gray matter is the nerve cells, the white is their processes.

The spinal cord, whose total length is about 45 cm, is a regulator of the functionality of all internal organs, which performs its work due to the transmission of a nerve impulse.

Diseases of the brain and spinal cord cause similar in their manifestations of violations: sensitive, motor and autonomic.

Disease signs and types

The symptoms of the spinal cord are manifold. Conventionally, this organ is divided into segments associated with a certain pair of spinal nerves.

Each pair is responsible for a specific area of ​​the body.

It is worth noting that the nerve fibers of gray matter are crossed, so the pathological processes on the left are manifested by a violation of the function of the right side.

Movement disorders

The restriction of motion can be complete (paralysis) or partial (paresis). These symptoms are combined with either increased or decreased muscle tone.

If the pathology affects all limbs - this is tetraparesis, the top two or two lower - paraparesis, one - monoparesis, the left or right half of the body - hemiparesis.

As a rule, motor disorders are symmetrical, but there are exceptions if the lesion is spot or pathology is located in the region of the horse's tail (sacrum).

Damage in the area of ​​the 4 cervical vertebra is very dangerous. The pathology located above it causes disruption of the diaphragm, which leads to rapid death. A pathology below the vertebra leads to a breathing disorder, which can end tragically if not helped in time.

Sensitivity disorders

The symptomatology, nature and location of the disturbances depend on the localization of the pathology and its degree.

The defeat of the peripheral parts of the spinal cord leads to a decrease in surface and skin sensitivity, as well as temperature, pain and vibration. Often the occurrence of paresthesia (tingling, numbness).

Vegetative disorders

They are manifested by changes in body temperature, sweating, metabolic disorders, changes in the nature of the stool, urination, defects in the digestive system, etc.

Painful sensations

When the spinal cord is squeezed, the pain appears in the middle of the back; cramping of the cervical nerves leads to soreness in the hands; the pathology of the lumbar region is reflected by the pain syndrome of the lower extremities.

All symptoms of the spinal cord disease depend both on the affected substance (white or gray) and on the location of the lesion. There are 5 segments: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal.

Lesions of roots

Virtually always affected by all the fibers of the roots of the spinal cord, which are responsible for motor, sensitive and autonomic functions. Isolated lesions are very rare.

Pathology manifests itself as follows:

  • pain of the innervation zone (zones of action of nerve fibers);
  • numbness or tingling;
  • paresthesia;
  • paresis in the zone of innervation (sometimes manifested by the appearance of a forced position);
  • change in the tone of the innervated muscles;
  • muscle twitchings;
  • a feeling of cold or heat, a violation of sweating.

The defeat of several roots, unfortunately, is not ruled out. This is polyradiculoneuritis. The listed symptoms are aggravated.

The pathology of the anterior horns of gray matter is manifested by paralysis, muscular tissue atrophy, twitching in the affected segment, pathology of the posterior horns - a decrease in several species sensitivity in the affected area; lateral horns - manifestation of Horner's syndrome (it is associated with vision and eye structures) if the defect is located at the level of 5 cervical - 1 thoracic vertebrae.

Affection of peripheral nerves

A lot of nerves are mixed and perform all the basic functions, therefore their disturbances are reflected both on movements, and on sensitivity and vegetative functions. All this is accompanied by pain, paresis or paralysis.

Chest defect:

  1. paralysis of the legs;
  2. loss of sensitivity of the zone below the ribs;
  3. disruption of internal organs;
  4. if the pathology is located in the upper thoracic department - a violation of breathing;
  5. if there is a defect 3-5 thoracic vertebrae - a violation of the heart.

Lumbar disease

This pathology is characterized by paralysis and complete loss of all kinds of sensitivity of the legs and perineum, radicular pain, severe back pain.

Lesion of the sacrum

This form of the disease greatly affects the quality of life. It is characterized by:

  • severe pain in the legs, perineum and sacrum;
  • loss of sensitivity of the above zones;
  • paresis or paralysis of the muscles of the legs;
  • reduction of all reflexes in this area;
  • disruption of the internal organs of the small pelvis (impotence, incontinence of the intestine and bladder, etc.).

The defeat of the coccyx is accompanied by:

  1. pain in this area and in the lower abdomen;
  2. the inability to sit;
  3. increased pain when walking.

Scoliosis is one of the most common diseases of the spine. How to prevent his appearance, as well as how to overcome this ailment, if he is already diagnosed, read here. About all possible injuries of the spine read here.

Causes of Myelopathy

There are many reasons for the development of diseases. The main ones are:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • tumor processes;
  • displacement of vertebrae;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • violation of trophism and circulation;
  • stroke of the spinal cord;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • complication after diagnostic measures (puncture, anesthesia, etc.).


The following myelopathies are distinguished:

  1. compression;
  2. tumors;
  3. the consequences of intervertebral hernias;
  4. uncompressed neoplastic myelopathy;
  5. myelitis (inflammatory diseases);
  6. cardiovascular diseases;
  7. chronic myelopathy;
  8. degenerative and hereditary diseases.

Vascular diseases of the spinal cord are caused by thrombosis, atherosclerosis, aneurysm and other vascular defects.

In 12-14% they are the cause of death.

The greatest difficulty for diagnosis is shown by vascular malformation, as it masquerades as other diseases.

Spinal cord infarction occurs when there is a blood circulation disorder that can develop in any segment of the spine.

There are many reasons and it is difficult to recognize them immediately.

Symptoms such as severe back pain, decreased sensitivity, bilateral paresis of the limbs, general weakness, dizziness are characteristic.


Disease therapy is complex and complex. First of all, it is aimed at the cause of the development of the disease, then on the relief of symptoms and restoration of function. A major role is given to the prevention of disease, because everyone knows that it is easier to prevent than cure.

When getting injured and developing an acute process, the patient needs urgent help:

  • immobilization of the patient (fixation in one position);
  • air supply;
  • release from objects that squeeze the neck, chest, head or stomach.

You can give an analgesic (analgin).

Drug therapy is based on the introduction of the following drugs:

  1. hormones;
  2. diuretics;
  3. neuroprotectors.

The patient needs special care: frequent body changes, massage, anti-decubitus pads, breathing exercises, passive limb bending.

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