Causes and consequences of pulmonary edema: this knowledge can save a life

Pulmonary edema is the cause of the painful death of many patients. It occurs most often as a complication in the violation of the regulation of fluid volumes that must circulate in the lungs.

At this point, there is an active inflow of fluid from the capillaries into the pulmonary alveoli, which overflow with exudate and lose the ability to function and take oxygen. The man stops breathing.

Contents of

What is

  • 1 What is
  • 2 Classification of what happens
  • 3 Risk groups
  • 4 Symptoms: how it manifests itself and develops through the stages of
  • 5 The first urgent first aid: what to do if
  • 6 emerges What is dangerous,
  • 7 prognosis Preventative measures


What is this

Thisan acute pathological condition that threatens life, which requires extremely urgent care, immediate hospitalization. The main characteristics of the disease are characterized by acute air deficiency, severe suffocation and death of the patient in the absence of resuscitation.

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At this point, active filling of capillaries with blood and rapid passage of fluid through the walls of capillaries into the alveoli occurs, where so much is collected that it greatly hinders the flow of oxygen. In respiratory organs, gas exchange is disrupted, tissue cells undergo acute oxygen deficiency ( hypoxia), the person suffocates. Quite often choking happens at night during sleep.

Sometimes the attack lasts from 30 minutes to 3 hours, but often excessive accumulation of fluid in the extracellular tissue spaces grows at lightning speed, so resuscitation measures begin immediately to avoid death.

Classification, from which the

happens. The causes and types of pathology are closely related, divided into two basic groups.

Hydrostatic( cardiogenic or cardiac) pulmonary edema
Occurs during diseases that are characterized by increased pressure( hydrostatic) inside the capillaries and further penetration of plasma into the pulmonary alveoli. The reasons for this form are:
  • defects of blood vessels, heart;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • acute left ventricular failure, myocarditis;
  • blood stasis during hypertension, cardiosclerosis;
  • heart defects with the presence of difficulty heart rate;
  • emphysema, bronchial asthma.
Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, which includes:
Iatrogenic There is:
  • at an increased rate of droplet injection into the vein of large volumes of saline or plasma without active urinary excretion;
  • with a low amount of protein in the blood, which is often detected with cirrhosis, nephrotic kidney syndrome;
  • in the period of prolonged temperature rise to high figures;
  • during fasting;
  • with eclampsia of pregnant women( toxicosis of the second half).
Allergic, toxic( membranous) Provoked by the action of poisons, toxins that break the permeability of the walls of the alveoli, when instead of air in them penetrates the liquid, filling almost the entire volume.

Causes of toxic pulmonary edema in humans:

  • inhalation of toxic substances - glue, gasoline;
  • overdose of heroin, methadone, cocaine;
  • poisoning with alcohol, arsenic, barbiturates;
  • overdose of medicines( Fentanyl, Apressin);
  • ingestion into cells of the body of nitric oxide, heavy metals, poisons;
  • extensive deep burns of lung tissue, uremia, coma diabetic, hepatic
  • food allergy, drug;
  • radiation injury of the sternum;
  • poisoning with acetylsalicylic acid with prolonged intake of aspirin in large doses( often in adulthood);
  • poisoning with metal carbonites.

Often passes without any characteristic signs. The picture becomes clear only when carrying out radiography.

Infectious Develops:
  • when ingested, causing pneumonia, sepsis;
  • for chronic respiratory diseases - emphysema, bronchial asthma, pulmonary thromboembolism( clotting of the artery with a clot of platelets - embolus).
Aspiration Occurs when a foreign body enters the lungs, the contents of the stomach.
Traumatic Happens with penetrating chest injuries.
Cancerous Occurs because of a malfunction of the pulmonary lymphatic system with difficulty in lymph drainage.
Neurogenic Main causes:
  • intracranial hemorrhage;
  • intense seizures;
  • accumulation of exudate in the alveoli after surgery on the brain.
Any attack of suffocation caused by such diseases, is the basis for suspicion of acute swelling of the respiratory system.

In these conditions, the alveoli become very thin, their permeability increases, the integrity of the is compromised, the risk of filling them with a liquid is increased.

Risk Groups Since the pathogenesis of pathology is closely related to concomitant internal diseases of , patients with diseases or factors that cause such a health and life-threatening condition are at risk.

The risk group includes patients suffering from:

  • disorders of the vascular system, heart;
  • with cardiac muscle damage in hypertension;
  • congenital heart disease, respiratory system;
  • with complex craniocerebral trauma, cerebral hemorrhages of different origin;
  • meningitis, encephalitis;
  • by cancerous and benign neoplasms in the brain tissues.
  • pneumonia, emphysema, bronchial asthma;
  • with deep vein thrombosis and increased blood viscosity;there is a high probability of detachment of a floating( floating) clot from the artery wall with penetration into the pulmonary artery, which is blocked by a thrombus, which causes thromboembolism.
Doctors have determined that athletes actively practicing excessive loads have a serious chance of getting swelling of the respiratory system. These are scuba divers, climbers working at higher altitudes( more than 3 km), runners-marathon runners, divers, swimmers for long distances. For women, the risk of the disease is higher than that of men.

In climbers such a dangerous condition happens with a rapid rise to a high altitude without holding a pause on intermediate high-level tiers.

Symptoms: as manifested and developed by stages of

Classification and symptoms are related to the degree of severity of the disease.

Severity Severity of symptoms
1 - at the developmental boundary Revealed:
  • mild dyspnea;
  • violation of heart rate;
  • often occurs bronchospasm( a sharp narrowing of the walls of the bronchi, which causes difficulties with the intake of oxygen);
  • worry;
  • whistling, individual wheezing;
  • the skin is dry.
2 - medium Observed:
  • wheezing, which is audible at a short distance;
  • marked dyspnea, in which the patient is forced to sit, leaning forward, leaning on extended arms;
  • throwing, signs of neurological stress;
  • appears on the forehead;
  • strong pallor, cyanosis in the area of ​​the lips, fingers.
3 - severe Clearly expressed symptoms:
  • can be heard bubbling, boiling rales;
  • manifests a pronounced inspiratory dyspnea with a difficult sigh;
  • dry cough;
  • the ability to just sit( as the cough grows in a recumbent position);
  • compressive pressing pain in the chest caused by oxygen deficiency;
  • skin on the chest covered with plentiful sweat;
  • pulse at rest reaches 200 beats per minute;
  • is a strong worry, a fear.
4th grade - critical Classical manifestation of critical condition:
  • severe dyspnea;
  • cough with copious pink foamy expectoration;
  • strong weakness;
  • is far audible rasping bubbling rattles;
  • excruciating attacks of suffocation;
  • swollen cervical veins;
  • cyanotic, cold limbs;
  • fear of death;
  • profuse sweat on the skin of the abdomen, chest, loss of consciousness, coma.

First urgent first aid: what to do if you have an

Before the ambulance arrives, relatives, friends, colleagues of should not lose a minute of time .To facilitate the patient's condition, do the following:

  1. Help a person to sit or half-raise with their feet
  2. If possible, diuretics are treated( give diuretics - lasix, furosemide) - this removes excess fluid from the tissues, however, uses low doses of drugs at low pressure.
  3. Organize the possibility of maximum access to oxygen in the room.
  4. Foam suction is carried out and, at skill - perform oxygen inhalations through a solution of ethyl alcohol( 96% of the pair to adults, 30% of alcohol pairs to children).Prepare a hot foot bath.
  5. At skill - apply imposing on finitenesses of plaits , not too tightly pressing veins in the top third of a femur. Leave the tourniquets for more than 20 minutes, while the pulse should not be interrupted below the places of application. This reduces the flow of blood to the right atrium and prevents tension in the arteries. When the strands are removed, this is done cautiously, slowly loosening them.
  6. Continuously monitor how the patient breathes, at the pulse rate.
  7. With pain, analgesics are given, if there is - promedol.
  8. With high blood pressure, use benzohexonium, pentamine, which promote the flow of blood from the alveoli, nitroglycerin, dilating blood vessels( with regular measurement of pressure).
  9. At normal - small doses of nitroglycerin under the control of pressure indicators.
  10. If the pressure is below 100/50 - dobutamine, dopmin, increasing the function of contraction of the myocardium.

Than dangerous, forecast

Pulmonary edema is a direct threat to life .Without the extremely urgent measures that the patient's relatives should take, without the subsequent urgent active therapy in the hospital, pulmonary edema is the cause of death in 100% of cases. A person is waiting for suffocation, coma, death.

Attention! When the earliest signs of an acute pathological situation appear, it is important to provide qualified assistance at the hospital in the shortest possible time, so emergency calls are made immediately.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent a health and life threat, the following measures are presumed, meaning elimination of the factors contributing to this condition:

  1. In cases of heart diseases( angina, chronic insufficiency), funds are taken for their treatment and, at the same time, hypertensive disease.
  2. For repeated swelling of the respiratory system, the procedure of isolated ultrafiltration of blood is used.
  3. Operative precise diagnostics.
  4. Timely adequate treatment for asthma, atherosclerosis, other internal disorders that can cause such a pulmonary pathology.
  5. Isolate the patient from contact with any kind of toxins.
  6. Normal( not excessive) physical, as well as respiratory load.

Complications of

Even if in the hospital they quickly and successfully managed to prevent the suffocation and death of a person, the therapy continues. After such a critical condition for the entire body, patients often develop serious complications of , most often in the form of recurring pneumonia, which is difficult to treat.

Prolonged oxygen starvation has a negative effect on almost all organs. The most serious consequences are cerebral circulation disorders, heart failure, cardiosclerosis, ischemic lesions of organs. These diseases carry a constant threat to life and do not do without intensive drug therapy.

These complications, despite stopped acute pulmonary edema, are the cause of the death of a large number of people.

The greatest danger of this pathology is its rapidity and panic state of , into which the patient and the people surrounding him are emptying.

Knowledge of the basic signs of the development of pulmonary edema, the causes, diseases and factors that can provoke it, as well as emergency measures before the arrival of the ambulance can lead to a favorable outcome and the absence of consequences even with such a serious threat to life.