Exercises for Posture for Children


  • 1Gymnastics. Exercises for Posture for Children
    • 1.1How to check the correctness of posture in a child at home?
    • 1.2Causes of violation of posture in children
  • 2Physical exercises for children for proper posture
    • 2.1What is the correct posture in children
    • 2.2Risk and danger of incorrect posture
    • 2.3Factors that influence the formation of correct posture in children
    • 2.4Causes of the formation of incorrect posture in the child
    • 2.5Preventive maintenance of infringements of a posture
    • 2.6The psychological aspect of correct posture in children
    • 2.7Exercises for the formation of correct posture in children
    • 2.8Complex exercises for proper posture for children
  • 3Exercises for children's posture: prevention of scoliosis
    • 3.1What is the essence of the exercises?
    • 3.2With different curvatures
    • 3.3"Exercises for perfect posture"
    • 3.4For prevention
    • 3.5How to distribute downloads
  • 4Exercises for correct posture in children
    • 4.1Fitness classes for proper posture
    • 4.2Complex exercises for proper posture
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.3Exercises for violations of posture
    • 4.4Other training elements for the prevention of scoliosis in young children
  • 5Violation of posture in children

Gymnastics. Exercises for Posture for Children

Posture of children, that is, the correct position of the child's body, many parents do not pay attention.

Often there are children who walk with their head down, they are hunching, unevenly holding their shoulders, sticking out their belly, standing, leaning on only one leg (Fig.

1), and parents do not correct them, they do not teach them how to behave properly.

How to check the correctness of posture in a child at home?

To monitor the correctness of posture at home, you can use a vertical plane, for example wall without skirting, to which the child touches the whole body (heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and head). To determine whether there is excessive tilting in the lower back, the child should flatten his hand flat into the lumbar deflection and keep his head straight. If the back side touches the trunk and the palm is the wall, then there are no violations.

Wrong posturenot only unattractive, but also detrimental to the work of internal organs (heart, lungs), causes curvature of the spine, leads to rapid fatigue of the dorsal muscles of the child and lowering it working capacity. Many children have no idea what the correct position of the body is. Stooped schoolboy (Fig. 2) at the counter "quietly" only straightens his hands. In this case, all other errors in the position of the body are only further emphasized (Fig. 3).

A child with a correct posturehead and body always keeps straight, the head is slightly raised, the back is straightened, the shoulders are slightly retracted, the chest is slightly pushed forward, the stomach is pulled up (Fig. 4).

Causes of violation of posture in children

Most parents do not notice the connection between the child's general condition, his life regimen, and the appearance of various posture disorders. Meanwhile, the connection here is often the most immediate.

For example,children, who have suffered rickets or who suffer from tuberculous intoxication, because of the weakened body faster than healthy children, are tired.

During the classes they take the wrong poses, which gradually becomecause of the violation of postureand curvature of the spine.

Similarly, children with impaired vision or low hearing, taking comfort for themselves, but not always the right posture, violate their posture.

It is very important that every student school desk, a table for classes and a place at a common table correspond to its growth. The height of the chair should be such that the edge of the table is 2-3 cm above the elbow of the arm, bent at right angles.

The legs should stand with all their feet on the floor. If they do not reach the floor, substitute a low bench. When writing, it is necessary to place the forearms on the table so that both elbows lie on the same line.

Shoulders must be kept at the same height, without hunching or lowering their heads. Make sure that when reading, the child leans on the back of the chair and holds the book somewhat obliquely, for this reason he will not bend over to the book.

It is good to use a special stand for the book when reading.

Sufficient lighting is also needed. Poor lighting forces the child to lean towards a book or notebook, which leads to a deterioration of not only posture but also vision.

Watch for the correct position of the children during sleep. Children are recommended to sleep on a flat, dense and not too soft mattress with a low pillow. Do not allow children to sleep by curling up, that is, pressing their legs to the stomach.

Often students wear a briefcase in the same hand (usually the right one). Prolonged pulling down one shoulder leads to a curvature of the spine. Therefore, teach children to wear a briefcase alternately in the left or in the right hand.

Some parents try to limit the mobility of children, prohibit them from running, jumping, playing, and forgetting that children, the need for movement is natural and healthy, and the lack of movement only strengthens and fixes defects posture. Just for the education of a good posture it is very useful for children to move more: to walk, run, participate in mobile games and other activities related to active muscular activity.

Take care that in your free time from work - on Sundays, holidays, holidays - children are more out of the room, in the fresh air.

Walking on skis, running on skates and driving with slides on sledges - the best kinds of rest for children in the winter.

If it is possible to identify a student in a children's sports school, be sure to use it and convince the child of the importance of systematic sports activities.

You can recommend the section on gymnastics (especially artistic), track and field, ski and skating (especially figure skating). Of sports games are very useful for preventing violations of posture basketball and volleyball. Of summer sports, special attention is paid to swimming, it contributes to the development of good posture in children.

The parents who are worried about the doctor's release of their healthy son or daughter from the lessons of physical culture for an unreasonable reason make an error. Physical exercises correct posture, so all students must attend physical education classes and must do exercises in the morning.

When doing homework every 45 minutes, you need to do a 10-minute break.

Let the child run in the air or do 3-5 exercises that extend the thorax and straighten the spine.

To suchexercisesare: hand-sidestepping to the approaching of the blades or lifting hands up, and the sides with a simultaneous rise on the socks.

In addition to the daily morning charge, forimprove the posture of children at homewe recommend a specialgymnastics. Exercises for Posture for Childrenwe advise doing 1-2 times a day (after morning exercises and after doing homework).

For the first two exercises, the starting position is the correct sitting of the child on the chair (Fig. 5).

Exercise 1 st. Initial position. Take your shoulders back until they come in contact with the back of the chair; The stomach is drawn in and the back is brought closer to the back of the chair (inhalation) (Fig. 6). Return to the starting position (exhalation).

Exercise 2-e. Initial position. The attached fingers of both hands should be placed on the back of the head, legs spread apart. To tilt the body alternately to the left, then to the right with a straight back and a tight belly (Fig. 7).

For the eight remaining exercises, the starting position is "still".

Exercise 3. Initial position, hands at the seams. Stand with your back to the wall, touching the back of the head, shoulder blades and buttocks (Fig. 8).

Straighten the shoulders, bringing them closer to the wall, draw in the belly, bringing the lower back to the wall (inhalation) (Fig. 9). Return to the starting position (exhalation).

Exercise 4-e. The starting position, hands on the belt. Raise forward, straightening in the knee, alternately the left, then the right leg, while keeping the leg standing on the floor completely straight (Fig. 10).

Exercise 5-e. Initial position. Stand up against the wall, touching it with buttocks. To rise on socks, stretching hands (palms inwards forward upwards and looking at the drawn out thumb of an arm. Return to the starting position (Fig. 11).

Exercise 6th. Initial position. Squat down, pushing your knees apart. Straight, parallel hands dropped to the floor (Fig. 12). Return to the starting position.

Exercise 7th. The starting position, hands on the belt. Squat down, keeping your back straight, while keeping your hands on your waist, your knees spread apart. Keep this pose, counting to 5 (Fig. 13). Return to the starting position.

Exercise 8th. Initial position. Marching around the room, keeping the right posture. Move with your hands, as in ordinary walking (Fig. 14).

Exercise 9th. Initial position. Hands stretch (palms inward) forward up, look at the thumb of the hand. Bend the body forward, keeping your back straight and lowering your hands down (look at your thumb) (Fig. 15). Return to the previous position.

Exercise 10th. Initial position. Bend the body forward with a perfectly straight back. Hands to press against the body (Fig. 16). Return to the starting position.

To correct violations of posture for childrenIt is also useful to put a pillow with sawdust or sand on the head, a plank or a box and perform variousexercises and gymnastics: walking ordinary, on the fingers and half-bent legs, walking on a log, along a narrow rake.

A source: http://mamotvet.ru/gimnastika-uprazhneniya-dlya-osanki-detyam/

Physical exercises for children for proper posture

The child's posture is formed in childhood.

During this period, adults should not only check the correct position of the spine, but also create all the necessary conditions for the baby to properly and comprehensively develop.

It is very important from an early age to do physical exercises for children for proper posture. This is not only an excellent prevention, but also a means to strengthen the children's spine and the whole body.

What is the correct posture in children

Each child has a certain position when sitting, walking, being in a horizontal position. It is important that the head held straight, shoulders were deployed, the back was flat, the stomach was drawn, legs in the knees are not bent.

Correct posture is not only a beautiful visual appearance, but also a pledge of a healthy healthy development of the child.

In children with a smooth and flexible spine, the respiratory and circulatory organs function well, muscular muscles develop well.

Risk and danger of incorrect posture

The development of his musculoskeletal system and the body as a whole depends on the position the child takes when moving and in a passive state.

Incorrect posture leads to deformation of the spine and a variety of problems of other organs arising in connection with this.

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Therefore, it is necessary from the childhood to instill in the child the principles of the correct position of the body, to know what exercises produce a correct posture. For children this is very important.

Factors that influence the formation of correct posture in children

At a young age the spine is very flexible and plastic, it develops slightly faster than muscle tissue. The formation of posture in childhood can be influenced by a large number of different factors, namely:

  1. Proper balanced nutrition with the addition of vitamins, minerals, and microelements necessary for the body plays a very important role. If the child lacks protein, calcium and the necessary nutrients, it can lead to deformity of the spine even if all other rules are observed.
  2. Hereditary factors.
  3. Daily regime. With full physical activity, timely and adequate sleep, balanced nutrition, time in the open air develops correctly not only the musculoskeletal system, but also the whole organism.
  4. Excessive physical activity, improper lifting of weights can lead to deformation of the spine, so it is important to talk with the child on this topic.
  5. Overweight. It is important to keep an eye on the child's body weight from an early age, since extra pounds will prevent full development and can lead to deformation of the spine and, accordingly, incorrect posture.
  6. Workplace, arrangement of a children's room. It is necessary to create all the optimal conditions for work and rest for the child. Be sure to think over the lighting in his room. Watch how the child sits, sleeps. To choose an orthopedic mattress for a bed.
  7. Exercises for children for proper posture allow the spine to receive the necessary physical load and develop fully.
  8. Shoes for the child also play an important role, it must be special, such that it does not contribute to the development of flat feet. Many do not consider this factor important, and its influence on the spine is great.

Causes of the formation of incorrect posture in the child

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the spine at an early age is very vulnerable and easily deformable.

On the posture can be influenced by the constant incorrect posture when sitting, hypodynamia, flat feet, everyday conditions, as well as the complications suffered in childhood after the illness.

In order to prevent serious disabilities of the musculoskeletal system, adults should take this matter very carefully and monitor their child. It is very important to choose exercises that produce correct posture for children.

Preventive maintenance of infringements of a posture

In order to not then apply a lot of efforts for treatment, it is best to prevent the violation of posture, to deal with its prevention, it can include:

  • Relaxation of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system. It is important at least an hour a day to take a horizontal position to relax the muscles.
  • Create an optimal workplace with good lighting, especially for schoolchildren.
  • It is necessary to choose exercises for children for proper posture for each child individually, taking into account the characteristics of his body and physical development.
  • Swimming is an excellent and most effective way of preventing the violation of posture in children.

The psychological aspect of correct posture in children

The child must necessarily develop personally, it must be praised and supported. After all, often stoop, lowered shoulders - this is an indicator of the internal squeezing of children.

It is necessary to create the most friendly and joyful atmosphere in the house and in the place where he spends a lot time (kindergarten, school), so that the child feels like a happy, happy and full member collective. After all, the correct posture carries a psychological factor: all confident successful people walk right, with high head up, so if parents want their children to be happy and successful, this nuance.

Exercises for the formation of correct posture in children

It is very important to accustom the child to physical activity from an early age, which not only allows to strengthen the spine, but also to create the habit of keeping it right, not to stoop and not to slouch.

Exercises for children for proper posture develop the habit of the desired position of the body, fix the correct position. It is best to begin with movements that involve walking, climbing, crawling.

Walking favorably affects the development of feet, is the prevention of flat feet. Next, run and exercise with the ball, rubber band.

Complex exercises for proper posture for children

Systematic exercise and sports are the best prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. Given the age, physical development, the characteristics of the body, you can choose individual exercises for children for proper posture, for example:

  1. In standing position, hands on waist. It is necessary to dilute the elbows back, displacing the shoulder blades. Take a breath. Return to the starting position. Repeat five times.
  2. Hands to set aside and make circular swings with your hands back. Repeat ten times.
  3. Put your legs apart, put your elbows on your shoulders. Lean forward - inhale. Return to the starting position, exhale. Repeat five times.
  4. In the standing position, hands lay behind the back, bend to the right, to the left. Make five times.
  5. Pick up a stick. Pull out your hands with a stick forward, bending while doing so. Breathe in. Come back. Exhalation. Repeat five times.
  6. Squat with a stick to repeat five times.
  7. Accept the horizontal position. Lift the legs five times.
  8. Lie on your stomach, hands on your waist. Unbend the case, repeat five times.
  9. Stand up, hands on your belt, make jumps for thirty seconds, alternating with walking (one minute).
  10. Hands put in front of the chest, dilute and reduce. Repeat five times.

It is important to remember that it's better to start preventive measures in time from childhood, than to later treat spine in adulthood.

A source: http://.ru/article/277109/fizicheskie-uprajneniya-dlya-detey-dlya-pravilnoy-osanki

Exercises for children's posture: prevention of scoliosis

What is the essence of the exercises?

The most important task of exercises for the formation of proper posture and removal of violations is to unload the spine and strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen.

Also exercises are designed to develop the body symmetrically. It should be understood that gymnastics should involve not only the muscles of the back, but also the neck, thighs, abdomen, hands.

Only harmonious and versatile classes will bring a persistent and visible result.

The purpose of the exercises to correct impaired posture is not to pump back, but in the harmonic development of the child's body, maintaining optimal weight, etc.

Gymnastics helps children get rid of the pathological posture while sitting at the table, prevents ossification of ligaments, removes chronic headache and saturates brain cells with oxygen by removing pinch.

With different curvatures

The specialist takes into account the stage of the disease, the shape and localization of the curvature.

In some cases, the emphasis should be on the right or left side, and in the rest it is enough to take a course of symmetrical gymnastics to form a correct posture.

Below we will consider a small set of exercises that can be done at home in the presence of 1-2 stages of scoliosis after a preliminary consultation of a specialized doctor.

Accept the prone position. Legs and hands should be even. Try to lift your shoulders and head in such a way that the entire body remains motionless.

Repeat the element in several approaches. After that, start pulling up the knees bent in the knees to the stomach. At the exhalation tighten, and on inhaling lower down.

Repeat 3-5 times.

In the complex of exercises for the formation of correct posture and combat violations, you can also include an exercise associated with walking.

Alternately, walk for 30 seconds on your toes, heels and the outer edges of your feet.

After that, stand on all fours and stretch forward first the right arm and the left leg, and then vice versa.

For the last exercise, children need to take a pose lying on their stomachs and put their hands under the chin. Now slowly start lifting your shoulders and head, and put your hands on your waist. In the deflection, you should feel how close the shoulder blades are. Rises have to be repeated 8-10 times.

"Exercises for perfect posture"

For prevention

Equally, there are complexes of simple exercises for preventing postural disorders. The proposed elements should be included in the daily morning exercise. Such a complex will help the child with the formation of the correct position of the spine, and will also be good if not a critical violation.

Let the child lie on his back, raise his feet to a level of 30-40 degrees and begins to imitate riding a bike. The execution time of the element is from 30 seconds to 1-3 minutes.

After this, while remaining in the original lying position, start making horizontal legs with legs, imitating the work of scissors. Stay in a prone position and bend your knees. Hands should lie freely along the body.

Now try to maximally raise the pelvis and stay in the upper position for several seconds.

All proposed elements should be performed smoothly. To make children do everything right, show the movements by example. Place the baby on the abdomen on a flat surface.

Let him simultaneously raise his hands and feet, holding them in the air for a few seconds. There are many exercises that can be conducted in the form of fun games. For example, tell the child to lie on his stomach and lean against the floor with his hands.

Take it by your feet and let the baby walk 1-2 minutes around the room on your hands.

How to distribute downloads

When choosing the optimal set of therapeutic or preventive exercises for posture, it is important to take into account the age and objective state of the child.

Do not engage in intensive training during the exacerbation of chronic diseases, with colds and other infectious diseases.

In order for the child's classes to be given easily, they must be systematic and consistent.

Children of preschool age are very active and at first glance it may seem that they can withstand heavy loads. In fact, this is far from the case.

Children under 6 years old get tired quite quickly, because they have not yet fully formed a cardiovascular system. Training preschoolers should be short and not debilitating.

You can do 2 short sessions a day for 15 minutes with a mandatory break.

For training, choose the morning or lunch hours. Evening activity can badly affect the night sleep. School-age children are entitled to more intensive classes.

The intensity increases proportionately with age. Up to 10 years, the child must spend up to 3000 kilocalories for an active day.

Teens should spend up to 4000 kilocalories per 3-4 hours of physical activity.

Consider also the individual characteristics of your child - temperament, working blood pressure, weight, etc. Classes should not exhaust the body, but on the contrary give him a surge of vigor and energy.

A source: http://LechimDetok.ru/ortopediya/uprazhneniya-dlya-osanki-detyam-6819.html

Exercises for correct posture in children

Correct posture is an important part of overall health.

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Taking care of the back condition is necessary from childhood, because scoliosis and other problems with the spine begin in children from primary school age, when they spend a lot of time in a sitting position, doing lessons. It is during this period that you need not only to perform regular morning exercises, but also to do special exercises for proper posture.

Fitness classes for proper posture

Correct posture is the natural position of the body, in which the spine is stretched, the blades are folded and located on one level, the shoulders are straightened, the stomach is pulled up, the head tends upward, and the chin and chest square are served a little forward. Disorders of posture lead to such problems with health:

  • scoliosis;
  • weakness of muscle tissue;
  • hernia;
  • increased injuries;
  • pain in the back, neck, lower back and lower limbs;
  • violations of many body systems due to changes in the location of organs;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • poor physical and mental well-being.

If you teach your children to practice fitness for posture from an early age, then you can avoid many health problems in the future.

It has been scientifically proven that children regularly engaged in swimming, running, dancing (or any other physical loads even at home) are much less likely to suffer from chronic diseases of their less active peers diseases.

Since the moment when the child changes activities from the game to the predominantly educational one, it is necessary to carefully monitor the correctness of his posture. The systematic implementation of a set of exercises for posture has a beneficial effect on the child's body:

  1. serves as prevention of curvature of the spine;
  2. strengthens muscle tissue;
  3. saturates the organs with oxygen;
  4. improves metabolism;
  5. helps to cope with the physiological problems of growth in adolescents.

Joint exercises with the child fitness for posture and strengthening of the back will be useful to adults, and will be a wonderful family way of hanging out. Moreover, almost all exercises for the spine and back are simple, but very effective.

You can perform them all at once in one workout, but it is better, having tested all the elements, group the favorite training movements and evenly distribute them for several sessions.

Thus, the load on the child's body will not be too strong, but will be systematic and regular.

Complex exercises for proper posture

This set of exercises is aimed at maintaining proper posture in children and serves as prevention of curvature of the spine. It includes such training elements:

  • Lie on your stomach on the floor, upper limbs stretch out in front of you palms down. Then simultaneously raise the upper and lower limbs, bent in the lower back. Fix the body in this position for 3 seconds, return to the starting position and relax. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • The starting position is the same. Pushing the palms on the floor, the child must lift the top of the body as high as possible, bend over in the back and stretch upwards. Feeling the work of the muscles of the back, return to the starting position and relax.
  • Still lying on his stomach, place his hands on his chin, then spread his arms out to the sides with a movement that mimics the work of the limbs from himself when swimming. Bend your elbows, bring your upper limbs back to your chin, put your chin on your palm and relax. This training movement of the exercise complex effectively works on the muscles of the neck, back, shoulder girdle and upper limbs.
  • Roll over on your back. Raise the lower limbs by 20 cm from the floor, pressing the lower back to the floor and resting on it with your hands. Run 10 rotational movements forward, similar to the rotation of the bicycle pedals. Lower the lower limbs, rest for 10 seconds and repeat the exercise, rotating the imaginary pedals back as many times.
  • Lying on the back, press the upper limbs to the body, and lower the legs at a distance of 20-30 cm from the floor and slowly lift the legs as widely as possible to the sides. In this position, count to three and return to the starting position. Slowly do 10 repetitions.
  • This exercise is performed while standing. It is necessary to press the bent elbows to the body, put the palms on the shoulders, touching the forearms with the thumbs and spreading the other fingers with the thumbs, and slightly deflect the head backwards. Next, you need to move your elbows forward, until they come in contact, and tilt your head and put it on your elbows to feel the tension of your neck muscles. Hold in this position for 5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

Such training movements are suitable as independent fitness exercises for posture, as well as for charging in breaks between school lessons.

When doing homework every hour, you need to do a 15-minute break, during which you can perform several exercises for the posture from the above complex. Such a regime is an excellent prevention of musculoskeletal disorders and excellent posture support.

Exercises for violations of posture

If the posture diagnosed by the doctor is violated, it is recommended that the following set of exercises be performed to correct it:

  1. Stand up against the wall, pressing against her with the entire surface of the back. Upper limbs raise to the level of the shoulders and start slowly sliding them down the wall and again to the shoulder line. The muscles of the hands and the press should be strained. Blades, lower back and buttocks can not be torn off the wall. This element is very effective for getting rid of scoliosis and correction of posture. To execute it is necessary 10 repetitions on 3 approaches.
  2. The starting position is the same. Place palms on the waist, touching the walls with the elbows. Buttocks and scapulae also need to be pressed against the wall. Start slowly crouching along the wall as low as possible, and then slowly take off and take the starting position. Controlling the correctness of the performance can be done with a mirror, watching the position of the back. To start, you can do 5 sit-ups, but gradually their number needs to be increased.
  3. The following exercise is also convenient to perform, observing the position of the body in the mirror. It is necessary to stand at the wall, cuddle it with the back of the head, shoulder blades and buttocks, and then, fixing the received position of the body, move away from the wall, controlling the correctness of posture with a mirror. Repeat the training element at least 3 times.
  4. Stand on all fours, lower your head, then bend over in the lower back and at the same time raise your head, and immediately arched your back. Repeat up to 20 times.

Fitness exercises to correct posture should ideally include a bar and push-ups, which also have a beneficial effect on the health of the back. But they can be difficult for children to fulfill. Therefore, it is possible to offer the child to wring out from his knees, and keep the bar for a minimum time.

Other training elements for the prevention of scoliosis in young children

In children under 4 years of age, scoliosis is rare, but at this age it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis in a game form. To do this, such game training techniques are suitable:

  • run under a low table, chair or a stretched rope;
  • Walk on a stick or rope on the floor, keeping balance;
  • perform the "Woodcutter" exercise: bend over, and with your hands it's like chopping wood.

Such games must be conducted daily, then with a high probability of problems with posture in the future can be avoided.

A source: https://MedAboutMe.ru/mat-i-ditya/publikacii/stati/detskie_bolezni/uprazhneniya_dlya_pravilnoy_osanki_u_detey/

Violation of posture in children

PostureIs the habitual position of the body of a person standing.

Normal posture is the harmonious structure of the body, the symmetry of its individual parts, and all this represents an important biomechanical condition for the strong physiological support of each segment of the spine for the overlying department.

Violation of posturemost often appears at school age, especially during periods of accelerated growth of the skeleton of children (stretching periods).

However, it should be noted that the modern generation of children spends a lot of time watching TV and computers, and as a result, the posture in children is deteriorating already at the preschool age.

A child with a disturbed posture not only looks unattractive, as a rule, such a child has little time spends on fresh air, he is inactive and misfeeds, and also often suffers from colds diseases.

Violation of posture can not be called a disease, but a child with impaired posture is at risk for developing orthopedic pathology of the spine and feet, he is also easily prone to respiratory, digestive and astheno- states.

There are two types of violation of posture:

  1. a) In the sagittal plane - stoop (increased thoracic kyphosis), total kyphosis, round back (sharply enlarged thoracic kyphosis and almost no lumbar lordosis), round-concave back (increased thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis enlarged), as well as flat back (all physiological curves are smoothed spine).
  2. b) In the frontal plane - the so-called asymmetric posture, at which there is a pronounced asymmetry between the right and left half of the body (scoliosis). In this case, the spine, when viewed from a child standing straight, is an arc that is turned to the right or to the left with its apex. Also unevenness of the waist rectangles is noted, one shoulder and shoulder blade are lowered.

With a disturbed posture, the children have a reduced vital capacity of the lungs, and also significantly difficult work of the heart, digestive organs, often worried about headaches, quickly comes overwork. Myopia develops in many cases in children with impaired posture.

In order to correct defects of posture, it is necessary to take measures that contribute to the improvement of the child's physical development: the daily routine, hygiene conditions. It is necessary to monitor the nutrition of the child with a damaged posture. Thus, the following foods should be included in the daily diet of the child: meat, fish, poultry, milk, cheese, cereals, vegetables and fruits, honey.

Particularly useful for the construction of bones, vertebrae and intervertebral discs and vertebrae: apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries, pumpkins, hazelnuts, lentils, lettuce, grapes. The fact is that these foods contain such nutrients and vitamins as fructose, vitamins C, B - carotene, Fe, Mn, animal proteins, magnesium, Ca, K, glucose, phytoextrogen, lecithin. But the consumption of fat should be limited.

Also of no small importance is the purposeful use of physical education, that is, exercise LFK in violation of posture in children, massage for children with impaired posture. It is very important to start (and systematically) harden as early as possible. If all these actions start on time, then they will help prevent the development of incorrect posture in the child.

Therapeutic exercises for children with impaired posturealso plays an important role in the formation of correct posture. Physical exercises for children in violation of posture contribute to strengthening the whole body, namely - improve metabolism, the work of the cardiovascular system, digestive organs.

Complex of therapeutic gymnastics in case of violation of posture in children of preschool age:

  • 1. Walking is usual - 10-15 seconds. In this case, you need to monitor the correctness of the child's posture (remind him about it).
  • 2. Walking on toes, hands on the belt - 10 seconds.
  • 3. Walking with high knees, hands on the belt - 15 seconds.
  • 4. AND. P. - feet shoulder width apart. Raise your hands straight up, stretch - inhale, lower down - exhale. Repeat 4-6 times. Thus it is necessary to watch that during performance of exercise the child bent in a lumbar department.
  • 5. I.P. - feet together, in the hands of a gymnastic stick. A stick is to be taken by hand from the ends in the front, hands at the bottom. To leave the right leg back - raise your hands up, return to the starting position - hands down. Repeat the same with the left foot. Follow the deflection of the child in the lumbar region. Repeat 6-8 times.
  • 6. I.P. - legs together, stick to take hands behind the ends behind, hands below. To reach for socks - to withdraw hands with a stick as far as possible from the waist, then return to the starting position. Repeat 4-6 times.
  • 7. I.P. - lying on his back, hands along the trunk. Raise the left hand and bend the right leg in the knee, pull it to the stomach. Then - the right arm and the left leg. After that - both hands together with both feet. Repeat 4-6 times.
  • 8. I.P. - lying on his back, legs together, hands along the trunk. Alternately, raise your legs up during exhalation. At the same time, we must ensure that the child's leg does not bend in the knee.
  • 9. Exercise - "Swallow". I.P. Lying on his stomach. Tear off the chest, arms, legs - to hold this position for 3-4 seconds. Repeat 4-5 times.
  • 10. Exercise "Boxing". I.P. Lying on his stomach. Perform movements by hand, imitating boxing, while keeping tight upper shoulder girdle. Repeat 7-8 times.
  • 11. I.P. - kneeling, feet together, hands along the trunk. Raise your arms to the sides, to the left leg to the side. Repeat the same with the right foot. Run 4-6 times. Follow the child's posture.
  • 12. Calm walking - 30 seconds.
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Complex of exercise therapy for children in violation of posture (school age):

  1. I.P. - standing, feet on the width of the shoulders, in the hands of the ball. Raise your hands up, stretch, look at the ball, put it on your chest, while stretching your elbows to the sides, then drop your hands down. Repeat 5-6 times.
  2. I.P. - also. Hands raise, stretch, throw the ball back, then through the sides to lower hands down. Repeat 3-4 times.
    I.P. Standing, in the hand the ball. Bend your hands and bring them behind your back: one from above, the other from below.
  3. Transfer the ball to the other hand behind your back. In doing so, monitor the maintenance of proper posture. Make 4-6 times.
  4. I.P. Standing, feet on the width of the feet, in the hands of the ball. Raise the ball over your head, dilute the elbows and connect the shoulder blades, while looking forward. Perform tilting to the right and left. Make 4-6 slopes in each direction.
  5. I.P. Lying on his back. Raise straight legs, spread out to the sides, cross, while not tearing off the torso and arms from the floor. Do not hold your breath. Repeat 8-10 times.
  6. I.P. - lying on his back, one hand on his chest, the other on his stomach. Perform a breathing exercise. At the same time, make sure that when both are inhaled, both hands are raised, and when exhaled, they lower. Repeat 3-4 times.
  7. I.P. - lying on the stomach, hands on the back of the head, elbows to the sides, the shoulder blades are connected. Raise the upper part of the trunk and stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.
  8. I.P. - lying on his stomach, hands along the trunk palms down. Perform alternate lifting of the straight legs with a delay in the upper position for 3-5 seconds. Make 4-6 times each leg.
  9. I.P. - lying on the stomach, arms bent with support on the hand, elbows are divorced. Raise the upper half of the trunk, while simultaneously straightening the arms to the sides - to inhale, then return to the starting position - exhalation. Repeat 3-4 times.
  10. I.P. Lying on his back. Perform alternate flexion and extension of legs (imitation riding a bicycle). Make 10-15 times with each foot. Then - rest lying on his back, while still breathing at an arbitrary pace for 20-30 seconds.
  11. I.P. - lying on the stomach, hands in the sides with the palms down. Raise the straight legs and upper body, while bending and pulling the shoulder blades, then lie down, relaxing the muscles. Repeat 3-4 times.
  12. I.P. - lying on the back, arms bent at the elbows. Bend in the thoracic and lumbar spine with support on the pelvis and elbows (exercise "bridge"). Repeat 3-4 times at a slow pace.
  13. I.P. - lying on the back, hands along the trunk with palms up. Do not tear off the floor, spread your hands to the sides, then up, then - stretch, hands to the sides and down. Repeat 4-5 times.
  14. I.P. Standing on all fours. Raise the right arm and left leg simultaneously, without bending strongly, to stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. Repeat the same with the other hand and the foot. Repeat 4-5 times at a slow pace.
  15. I.P. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your arms in the elbows, clenching your fingers in the fist, then raise your arms, straightening your fingers, and stretch. Then lower your arms down through the sides. Repeat 4-5 times at a slow pace.
  16. I.P. - the main counter, a gymnastic stick in the hands, horizontally in front of you. Raise the stick up, put it on the shoulder blades, sit down, straighten, raise the stick up, stretch and lower it in front of you. Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace.
  17. I.P. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, stick in hands. Raising the stick upward, make a tilt to the side, while watching in front of you. Lowering the stick, straighten up. Repeat the same in the other direction. Make 2-3 times in each direction, the rate is slow.

Carrying out exercises in case of violation of posture in children, it is necessary to ensure that children breathe properly, do not hold their breath. After doing the exercises, you should walk around the room in the usual way, while maintaining a correct posture. Breathing is full, deep (3 breaths, 5-6 for complete exhalation). The duration of walking is 2-3 minutes.

Therapeutic exercises for correcting the posture in children:

  • I.P. - lying on his back, hands behind his head. Raise the straight leg back, then slowly return to the starting position. Do the same with the other foot. Make each leg 8-10 times.
  • I.P. Lying on his back. The head, trunk, legs lie on one straight line, hands are pressed to the trunk. Raise the head and shoulders, while maintaining the position of the body, then return to its original position. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • I.P. - same. Alternately, bend and unbend legs in the knees and hip joints. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • I.P. - same. Bend the legs, then unbend and slowly lower them. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • I.P. Lying on his stomach. Chin on the back of the hands placed on top of each other. Raise your head and shoulders, put your hands on your waist, connect your shoulder blades. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • I.P. - same. Brushes of hands to translate to the shoulders or behind the head. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • I.P. - lying on the right side, right arm under the cheek, left above himself. Holding the body in this position, raise and lower the left leg. Repeat the same, lying on the left side. Make each side 8-10 times.
  • I.P. - lying on his back, hands behind his head. Alternately raise your straight legs up. Repeat 8-10 times with each foot.
  • I.P. Lying on his back. Go from lying to sitting, keeping the right position of the back, then return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • I.P. - same. Perform alternately lifting the straight legs, without lifting the hip from the floor. The pace is slow. Repeat 8-10 times with each foot.
  • I.P. - lying on his stomach, his chin on his hands. Take your hands back and lift your legs. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • I.P. - lying on the right side. Raise both straight legs, hold them for 3-4 seconds, slowly lower them to their original position. Repeat the same on the left side.
  • I.P. Lying on his back. Perform movements with your feet, imitating cycling. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • IP - sitting, legs bent. Grab your toes with small objects and move them to another place.
  • I.p. - sitting, legs bent, feet parallel. Perform lifting of the heels simultaneously and alternately, and then dilution of the feet to the sides. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • I.P. Standing, feet parallel to the width of the foot, hands on the waist. Perform a roll from the heel to the toe. Repeat 10 times.
  • I.P. Standing. Perform half-squats and sit-ups on the toes, hands to the sides, up, forward. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Walking on toes, on the outer edges of the foot - 30 seconds.
  • I.P. Sitting on a chair. Carry the seizure of the legs of the chair with your legs from inside and outside 8 to 10 times.
  • I.P. - sitting, knees bent (angle 30 '). Shake your legs to the sides. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • I.P. Lying on his back. Perform horizontal and vertical movements with straight legs ("Scissors"). Run 15-20 times.
  • I.P. Standing. To get one hand behind the head, the second behind the shoulder blades. "Popilit" several times, changing the position of the hands.
  • I.P. - lying on the back, legs bent at the knees. Inhale and slowly raise the pelvis (make a "half-bridge"), on exhalation, go down to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times.
  • I.P. - sitting. To roll balls (tennis, volleyball) forward, back, in a circle, on and counter-clockwise.
  • I.P. - same. Rope or stick with two legs - 3 minutes.

A source: http://lfk-gimnastika.com/lfk-dlya-detej/152-narushenie-osanki-u-detej

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