Naize-gel: instructions for use, analogues, use in pregnancy


  • 1Naize Gel: instructions for use, analogues, reviews, price
    • 1.1Pharmacological action of the drug
    • 1.2Form of issue
    • 1.3Instructions
    • 1.4Indications
    • 1.5Mode of application
    • 1.6Contraindications
    • 1.7Side effects
    • 1.8Overdose
    • 1.9Application in pregnancy and lactation
    • 1.10Drug Interactions
    • 1.11Benefits
    • 1.12Price
    • 1.13Conditions for dispensing a drug
    • 1.14Storage
    • 1.15Shelf life
    • 1.16Analogues
  • 2Naize gel - instructions: indications for use and composition of the product, analogues, price and reviews
    • 2.1Naize Gel - instructions for use
    • 2.2Form of issue
    • 2.3Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
    • 2.4Gel Naise - indications for use
    • 2.5Contraindications
    • 2.6Dosing and Administration
    • 2.7Nays - side effects
    • 2.8Overdose
    • 2.9special instructions
    • 2.10At pregnancy and thoracal feeding
    • 2.11Nayz for children
    • 2.12In case of violations of the kidneys and liver
    • 2.13Drug Interactions
    • 2.14Terms of Sale and Storage
    • 2.15Analogues
    • 2.16Price for Nyz Gel
    • 2.17Reviews
  • 3Nase gel: cheap analogs, instruction manual, price, reviews
    instagram viewer
    • 3.1Properties
    • 3.2Cost
    • 3.3Comparison of analogues of Naise gel
    • 3.4By price
    • 3.5Nimesulide
    • 3.6Nemux
    • 3.7Nimoolid
    • 3.8Analogues of other manufacturers
    • 3.9Nyasulid
    • 3.10Nimesubel
    • 3.11Nimik
    • 3.12Diclofenac Gel
    • 3.13By composition
    • 3.14Sulaydine
    • 3.15Mesulide
    • 3.16Nimesulide
    • 3.17Other effective analogs
    • 3.18Ibuprofen
    • 3.19Voltaren Emulgel
    • 3.20Ketonal gel
  • 4Nize gel: instruction manual, price, reviews, analogs
    • 4.1Dosage form
    • 4.2Description and composition
    • 4.3Pharmacological group
    • 4.4Indications for use
    • 4.5for adults
    • 4.6for children
    • 4.7for pregnant women and during lactation
    • 4.8Contraindications
    • 4.9Applications and doses
    • 4.10for adults
    • 4.11for children
    • 4.12for pregnant women and during lactation
    • 4.13Side effects
    • 4.14Interaction with other drugs
    • 4.15special instructions
    • 4.16Overdose
    • 4.17Storage conditions
    • 4.18Analogues
    • 4.19Price

Naize Gel: instructions for use, analogues, reviews, price

Articular pains with various pathologies are so intense that not only worsen the overall well-being of the patient, but also significantly reduces the quality of his life.

Today, pharmacological companies have developed a large number of medicines that help in the fight against the painful symptoms of joint diseases.

One of these drugs is Naise Gel, which is popular not only among patients, but also among specialists.

Pharmacological action of the drug

Naise is an anti-inflammatory drug of the non-steroidal origin of the last generation, belonging to the class of sulfonanilides.

Included in its compositionnimesulidehas a local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.

A similar effect is due to the selective "shutdown" of cyclooxygenase-2 and some other mechanisms.

Methanol, which is also present in the preparation,acts as a local diluent, analgesic, antipruritic substance.

Also, methanol is an antiseptic and a local soothing agent. The effect of methanol on the site of application is due to reflexes, which are associated with irritation of the nerve endings of skin receptors, mucous membranes.

Stimulates the production and release of substances that participate in the regulation of painful sensations, vascular permeability and other processes, providing a distracting, antipruritic impact.

Local external application of the substance is accompanied by a vascular narrowing, a feeling of cooling, which gradually turns into a feeling of slight burning and tingling.

Reflexively improves the trophism of the tissues, the tone of the blood vessels located both on the surface and deep in the tissues and organs changes.

Naiz also containsmethyl salicylate, which when applied topically penetrates deeply under the skin, absorbed and hydrolyzed, and then converted to an anion of salicylic acid.


The substance actively suppresses cyclooxygenase, reduces the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are responsible for the inflammatory process, tenderness, swelling and fever.


Normalizes the capillary permeability, which is much higher when inflammation,improves microcirculation, reduces swelling and inflammation, reduces the intensity of painwith various pathological processes in the joints, muscles and tissues.

Form of issue

Transparentgel pale yellow or white without foreign matter. The preparation is producedin 20 and 50-gram aluminum tubes. Each individual tube is placed in an individual box of cardboard along with instructions for using the drug.


    1 g of external agent contains active substances:
  • nimesulide - 10 mg;
  • methyl salicylate - 100 mg;
  • methanol - 50 mg;
  • capsaicin 50 mg.
    Auxiliary ingredients are:
  • diethyl phthalate - 50 mg;
  • ether monoethyl diethylene glycol - 50 mg;
  • polyoxyalkiline oil - 50 mg;
  • propylene glycol 70 mg;
  • sodium benzoate - 1 mg;
  • disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - 1 mg;
  • hydroxytoluene butylated mg;
  • non-toxic gellant carbomer-980 - 12 mg;
  • trometamol - 2 mg;
  • distilled water.



      Indicated for topical topical application for pain relief in the following conditions:
    • inflammation of the synovial bag - bursitis;
    • inflammation of the synovial articular membrane - synovitis;
    • chronic pain in the lumbar region - lumbalgia;
    • inflammation of the joints - arthritis;
    • deforming diseases of non-inflammatory joints - osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis;
    • Inflammation of tendons - tendenitis;
    • soreness along the nerve - neuralgia;
    • muscle pain associated with hypertension - myalgia;
    • inflammation of the inner lining of the tendon sheath - tendovaginitis;
  • Bechterew's disease;
  • rheumatism;
  • pathology of tissues and joints caused by metabolic disorders - gout;
  • pathology of spinal nerve roots - radiculitis;
  • painful symptoms in the spine, muscles and joints of an unclear etiology.

Mode of application

The drug is suitable for external use only! The use of Nize Gel inside is strictly forbidden
Use for the treatment of joint pain should be strictly according to the official instructions for use. It is very important to observe the recommended dosage and the frequency of application.

The main application rules are:

  1. The skin area on which the drug is applied should be cleaned with water and soap and thoroughly dried with a towel.
  2. The site of application should be intact, open sores and various inflammations of the skin should be absent.
  3. The multiple dosage of the drug should not exceed 3 cm of the extruded gel from the tube.
  4. Applying the product only to the area where soreness is felt.
  5. The drug is applied in a thin layer, it should not be rubbed into the skin. The product must be absorbed into the skin by itself.
  6. Periodicity of application of the preparation - 1 time in 8-12 hours.
  7. The gel is not recommended for use in bandages that do not allow air to pass through.
  8. Strictly watch out so that the gel does not get on the mucous eye. In case of eye contact with the gel, rinse with plenty of clean water.
  9. After using the gel, you should thoroughly wash your hands with water and soap.
  10. After using the drug, the tube with the gel should be tightly closed.


Like all drugs, Nise has a number of contraindications, including:

    • hypersensitivity to one of the components of the gel;
    • acute lesions of the digestive system by ulcers or erosions;
    • gastric / intestinal bleeding;
    • dermatoses of various etiologies, damage to the upper layers of the skin;
    • infectious diseases of the skin;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the place of application of the gel;
  • acute renal insufficiency;
  • pathological processes in the hematopoietic system;
  • bronchospasm, caused by the use of other NSAIDs in the anamnesis;
  • the period of bearing of the child;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • age of patients younger than 7 years.

With particular caution apply Nase Gel for cardiovascular pathologies, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, elderly patients.

Side effects

Side Effectswhen applying Naise Gel externallyquite a few, but, nevertheless, they have a place to be.

Rarely, local reactions occur in the form of itching, hives, skin flaking, discoloration of the skin at the site of application, burning sensation.

Such side effects, as a rule, do not require cancellation of the funds and pass independently for several days.

Use of gel ona large patch of skin or prolonged use of it can cause a number of systemic reactions, such as:

  • burning sensation in the larynx, behind the sternum;
  • a feeling of nausea with bouts of vomiting;
  • digestive disorders;
  • formation on the mucosa of the digestive tract ulcers and small erosions;
  • increased activity of liver transaminases;
  • migraine and headache;
  • feeling dizzy;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • the manifestation of allergic reactions, up to anaphylactic shock;
  • Thrombocytopenia, anemia, leukopenia and other disorders in the analysis of blood.

If any of the above symptoms occur, the drug should be discontinued and seek medical help from a doctor.


In the official instruction for the drug, there are no data on cases of overdose.

The only thing to remember is the risk of developing systemic side effects that can develop with a single dose of the drug in a dosage of 50g or more.

Since there is no specific antidote, if you suspect an overdose, you should seek emergency medical assistance.

Application in pregnancy and lactation

The use of gel by women bearing fruit is prohibited..

For the treatment of joint pain in this case, you should consult a gynecologist who recommends analogues of the drug.

If there is an urgent need to use Naize Gelduring lactation, breastfeeding should be interrupted for the entire period of therapy.

Drug Interactions

Nayz Gel should be used with caution at the same time as phenytoin, digoxin, preparations containing lithium, cyclosporine, diuretics, other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihypertensive drugs and hypoglycemic drugs preparations. If the patient uses such medicines, this should be reported to the treating physician, who prescribes the use of the drug.

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Comparing Naise Gel with its analogs, you can identify a number of advantages:

  1. Clinical trials of the drug have shown that itis the most safe to use(except for cases that fall under the "contraindications"). Gradual absorption of active substances in the muscles and synovial articular fluid provides a small concentration of components in the blood. Applying this medication according to the instructions does not have a negative effect on the body.All components are completely removed from the body with the help of the liver.
  2. Naise Gelmeets all requirements, which, according to WHO, must be met by drugstopical application, namely:
  • possession of the drug analgesic properties, which provides high efficacy of therapy;
  • absence of local toxic reactions, allergic manifestations, which can cause a drug;
  • ability to quickly reach the "hearth absorbed through the layers of the skin;
  • the concentration of the components of the agent in the blood does not reach the level when there is a risk of side effects;
  • Exchange and removal of funds from the body are the same as for systemic use.


The average price of Naise Gel is 20 mg - 160-190 rubles;

The average price of Naise Gel is 50 mg - 300-315 rub.

Conditions for dispensing a drug

Naise Gel is a drug that can be purchased in pharmacy chains without presenting a prescription.


The gel is stored in a tightly closed tube away from direct sunlight. Storage temperature should not exceed 24 ° C. Allow the freezing of funds can not, because in this case, it loses all its medicinal properties.

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children.

Shelf life

The drug is available for use within 24 months from the date of its manufacture, the date of which is indicated on the carton.


According to the active substances included in the preparation, Naise Gel has the following analogues:

The following analogues of the drug are available for therapeutic treatment:

  • Artrum gel;
  • Bioran Gel;
  • Voltaren;
  • Diclofenac, etc.

It should be noted that the use of Naise Gel and its analogues should be agreed with a specialist.How to forget about joint and spinal pain?

  • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

A source:

Naize gel - instructions: indications for use and composition of the product, analogues, price and reviews

The external agent due to the substance of nimesulide eliminates pain in the muscles and is used in the treatment of osteoarthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Before use, read the instructions, especially with contraindications - Nise Gel is not used for itching and damage to the skin.

The drug has 3 actions necessary in the fight against pain - reduces fever, removes inflammation, and anesthetizes.

Naize Gel - instructions for use

Medicinal gel for external use refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The agent of the new generation has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Nyz is indicated for local symptomatic treatment of degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system.Ointment is supplied in compact tubes that can be carried.

Nyz is applied to a dry place with a thin layer and an improvement occurs during the day.

One gram of Naise, an external agent, contains nimesulide as the main active ingredient.

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of the gel is due to nimesulide.

In addition to distilled water, flavoring, thimerosal, isopropanol, butylated hydroxy anisole, the following substances act as auxiliary components of Naise:

  • propylene glycol;
  • N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone;
  • PEG-400;
  • carbomer-940;
  • potassium phosphate.

Form of issue

The drug Nyz is available in aluminum tubes of 20, 50 g. Each tube is sold in a cardboard box with enclosed instructions for use.

The appearance of a transparent gel without extraneous particles of white or pale yellow hue. The drug Nyz is available in the form of a suspension for ingestion and white tablets with a yellow tint.

The tablets are round, biconvex, with a smooth surface.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Ointment refers to anti-inflammatory analgesics from the class of sulfonamides. Nimesulide exerts a local action, reduces the mediator concentration of pain.

With topical application promotes the disappearance of pain at rest and during movement, reduces the morning stiffness of the joints. The maximum concentration of nimesulide after a single application is reached by the end of the first day.

Its value is more than 300 times that with oral forms of nimesulide. When applying the gel, the concentration of the active substance in the systemic blood flow is extremely low.

Gel Naise - indications for use

In most cases, the drug is used for joint pain. At the application site, the gel has an anti-inflammatory effect, removes soreness and is indicated for external topical application.

Ointment eliminates pain symptoms in the muscles and vertebral column of unknown origin. Medication is used for pathologies of spinal nerve roots (radiculitis), diseases of joints and tissues (gout).

According to the instructions to other indications for the use of the gel include:

  • Bechterew's disease (inflammation of the intervertebral joints);
  • bursitis;
  • inflammation of ligaments and tendons (tendinitis);
  • rheumatism;
  • synovitis (inflammation of the synovium);
  • Tendovaginitis (acute or chronic inflammation of the tendon sheath);
  • lumbargia (low back pain);
  • myalgia (muscle pain);
  • arthritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • osteoarthritis.


With caution, it is necessary to apply the gel to elderly patients, people with cardiovascular pathologies, type 2 diabetes, hypertension (with high blood pressure).

The drug Naise has a number of contraindications, the list of which must be studied before using the gel. The drug is not used for hypersensitivity to the components of Naise.

The rest of the contra-indications of the gel are:

  • children's age till 7 years;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • acute renal failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • pathology in the hematopoiesis system;
  • bronchospasm (caused by the use of NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in history, medical history);
  • skin infections;
  • erosion or stomach ulcers;
  • damage to the upper layers of the skin, dermatosis;
  • intestinal or gastric bleeding.

Dosing and Administration

The gel is intended for external use. In the treatment of pain syndromes, the drug should be used according to the official instructions.

It is necessary to observe the frequency of application and the recommended dosage according to the indications. The area for application should be washed with soap and water, and then dry the surface of the skin.

The multiple dosage is not more than 3 cm of the extruded gel. Other recommendations for use:

  1. Nyz put a thin layer on the surface of the skin without rubbing.
  2. Frequency of application is 1 time in 8-12 hours, 2-3 times per day.
  3. The course of treatment is not more than 10 days.

Nays - side effects

When using the gel, there are few side effects, but they are.

In rare cases, local reactions such as burning sensation, pruritus, urticaria, skin discoloration at the site of Nyz's application, and peeling of the skin are manifested.

Such symptoms pass independently during the day and after the withdrawal of the drug. Prolonged use of the gel and application on a large area of ​​the skin cause a number of systemic reactions, in the event of which it is necessary to consult a doctor:

  • leukopenia;
  • burning sensation behind the sternum and in the larynx;
  • anemia;
  • nausea with bouts of vomiting;
  • thrombocytopenia (a state of reducing the number of platelets);
  • digestive disorders;
  • allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock);
  • formation on the mucosa of the digestive tract of small erosions and ulcers;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • increased activity of liver transaminases (enzymes);
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • migraine.


According to the official instruction for the use of Naise, data on overdose are not indicated.

With a single application of a large amount of gel (from 50 grams), the risk of developing systemic side effects is not ruled out.

There is no specific antidote, so if you suspect a drug overdose, you need to seek emergency medical help.

special instructions

The instructions to the application of Naise indicate that the drug is not applied under airtight dressings. After use, the tube is tightly closed, and the hands are thoroughly washed with soap.

Avoid contact with mucous membranes, eyes. Otherwise, rinse the area with clean water and consult a doctor.

The gel is applied only to the undamaged skin area, without open wounds.

At pregnancy and thoracal feeding

According to the instructions, the application of Naise by women bearing fruit is strictly prohibited.

If it is necessary to treat pain in the joints, it is necessary to get a consultation with the gynecologist about the appointment of analogues of the drug, allowed during pregnancy.

If there is an acute need for gel during lactation, then breastfeeding is stopped for the entire therapeutic course.

Nayz for children

If necessary, use the product for children, it is worth consulting with a pediatrician. The instruction contains information about the fact that Nyzes for children are contraindicated up to seven years. To the child is more senior 7 years, with care appoint or nominate an anti-inflammatory agent.

In case of violations of the kidneys and liver

With caution appoint a gel to patients with renal and hepatic insufficiency. According to the instructions, the drug for external use is contraindicated in patients with severe renal insufficiency, with creatinine clearance (an indicator that assesses renal function) of less than 30 ml / min.

Drug Interactions

With caution should be used medication when combined with hypoglycemic drugs (antidiabetic), hypotensive drugs (reducing blood pressure), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics means. When using antiepileptic drugs with phenytoin, antiarrhythmic drugs with digoxin, powerful immunosuppressants with cyclosporine and preparations containing lithium - it is necessary to inform the attending physician about this, appointing the Nize.

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Terms of Sale and Storage

Naise is an over-the-counter medication that can be purchased at the point of sale without a prescription, but before using it is important to consult a doctor.

Nyz must be stored at room temperature (not above 24 degrees) in the original tube, tightly closed. The storage location should not be exposed to direct sunlight and be accessible to children.

When the agent is frozen, the gel loses all its medicinal properties.Shelf life - 2 years from the date of manufacture, indicated on the carton.


To find substitutes for the drug, you should focus on the principle of action: anti-inflammatory effect and pain relief. Among the structural analogues (the agents are similar in composition), in Russia there are 2 drugs registered - Nimulide and Sulaidin.

Nimulide, like the original, is made in India and is available in the form of a suspension, tablets and ointments. According to the instructions, Sulaidine is a complete analogue of the described gel and is manufactured in Turkey. Cheap analogue of Nyz Gel - Diclofenac (for 100 g - 132 rubles).

Among other substitutes there are:

  • Nemux;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Nobi;
  • Fort;
  • Nysulid;
  • Nimesubel;
  • Nimefast;
  • Nishit;
  • Aponil;
  • Nimika;
  • Nimesil.

Price for Nyz Gel

Manufacturer - international pharmaceutical company Dr. Reddy's lab, headquartered in India. You can buy the drug cheaply during the promotion period.

For example, the price of Naise on the site of ZdravZona pharmacy is 336 rubles, but the product is sold at a discount and costs 62 rubles cheaper. The cost differs from the place of sale and the form of release - 20 or 50 g.

Below are the differences in the price category in popular online pharmacies:

Internet pharmacyForm of outputPrice, rubles
Pharmacy wholesale prices 1% 20 g 179
ZdravZona 1% 50 g 274
EAPTEKA.RU 1% 50 g 324
ElixirPharm 1% 20 g 207
Europharm 1% 20 g 310


A source:

Nase gel: cheap analogs, instruction manual, price, reviews

In the pathology of the joints, many have severe pains that can cause serious problems. If you do not take the necessary treatment, then over time they increase and just do not give a normal life.

For this reason, many doctors recommend using medications to reduce inflammation and pain. One of these is Naise gel. With the help of this toolyou can quickly eliminate pain, improve the structure of the joints and completely remove the inflammatory process.

But still, before using it, it is necessary to study the features of the Naise gel, instructions for use, prices and analogues cheaper.

The Naise drug is produced in the form of 1% gel, whichis intended for local use.The gel is placed in tubes of aluminum material.

Tubes are produced in two volumes - 50 and 20 grams. Contain tubes in boxes of cardboard. The gel has a transparent, light yellow, yellow structure.

In the composition of the Naise ointment there is a basic element - nimesulide. It is this element that reduces the synthesis of prostaglandins.

They provoke the appearance of unpleasant painful sensations, as well as the symptoms of edema. Besides,Nimesulide reduces the formation of platelets, thereby preventing the development of necrosis of the affected tissue.

Nimesulide is one of the main components, this is the basis of the drug. This component in 1 gram of gel is 10 mg. All other components complement it and enhance each other's actions.

In addition to nimesulide, there are other active elements, for example, a derivative of acetylsalicylic acid, namely methyl salicylate.

Against pain and inflammation Ketanov and OTC.

Due to this constituent element, when the agent is applied to the affected area, its active irritation occurs. This causes an increase in blood circulation in it, but all pathogenic processes slow down and completely fade.

In the compositionThere is menthol, which has a calming effect.

As a result of its action, activation of the cold receptors is observed, and through the channels of the membrane neurons begin to freely penetrate calcium ions, which saturate, strengthen the structure of the tissues of the joints and bones.

And due to the content of capsaicin there is an increase in blood circulation, which leads to a good supply of the affected area with oxygen, nutrients. This all causes rapid healing of the affected tissue.

In addition to the main elements in the composition there are additional components:

  • propylene glycol;
  • isopropanol;
  • N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone;
  • macrogol;
  • butyl hydroxy anisole;
  • Carbomer 940;
  • potassium phosphate;
  • thimerosal;
  • flavoring.


Before you start applying Nyz gel, you should definitely study its useful properties. The following positive effects of this drug are highlighted in the annotation:

Anti-inflammatory drug Midokalm and its analogs.

  • when used, the active components quickly penetrate into the affected area and have a direct effect on the focus of the pathological process;
  • suppresses the spread of the inflammatory process;
  • quickly relieves fever, redness;
  • strengthens blood circulation and accelerates healing;
  • has antiaggregant and analgesic effect;
  • suppresses the formation of prostaglandins in areas with inflammatory process;
  • selectively inhibits type 2 cyclooxygenase.

When using the medication, there are rarely side effects.

This is due to the fact that Naise inhibits the synthesis in the field of healthy prostaglandin tissues. It has a retarding effect on peroxidative oxidative reactions of lipids and their metabolites, without affecting the state of hemostasis and phagocytosis.

The drug in the form of a gel has a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.With its regular use, there is a reduction or complete elimination of painful sensations in the joints at rest or during movement.

Also, joint stiffness and swelling, which can manifest in the morning, are eliminated.


Price Nize gel in pharmacies has some differences, it all depends on the manufacturer, on the volume of tuba. On average, tubes of 20 grams can be purchased for 120-150 rubles. A tube with a volume of 50 grams is sold from 180 to 300 rubles.

Comparison of analogues of Naise gel

Naise gel has a lot of analogues, which have the same effect and properties. But these funds can have some differences - the cost, period and degree of action, composition. In order to choose a suitable analog it is worthwhile to carefully study the properties of each.

By price

Sometimes not everyone can afford the original drug, because it has a fairly high cost. To cheaper Naise analogues of Russian-made gel are the following drugs.


The cost of this tool is from 80 to 400 rubles. Nimesulide Gelhas the same action as Nize.

This drug reduces discomfort, inflammation, eliminates edema. When used, the joints are restored quickly, the stiffness disappears in the morning.


The price of this tool is from 210 rubles.The medicine is made in the form of granules, which are used to prepare the suspension.

Suspension is taken internally. Provides a rapid reduction in pain and discomfort.


The price of the drug can be from 110 to 430 rubles. It is produced in various forms - in the form of gel, ointment, suspension, tablets.

With this medicinetreat pathologies of a rheumatic nature.

And also when used, rapid pain relief is provided.

Analogues of other manufacturers


The cost of medicine can be from 35 to 150 rubles. Produced in the form of tablets, gel, powder.

This remedy reduces unpleasant feelings, prevents the development of inflammation and heat.This analogue of the Naise ointment gel with nimesulid in the composition is the most inexpensive.


The cost of medication can be from 35 to 195 rubles. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets, gel or suspension.It is used to reduce unpleasant sensations in osteoarthritis, dysmenorrhea.


The average price of this medication starts from 120 and comes to 250 rubles. Used to reduce pain, inflammation in osteoarthritis, pathologies of rheumatic genesis, in the postoperative period.

Diclofenac Gel

On average, this drug costs from 50 to 80 rubles. It is used to eliminate inflammation, pain in rheumatic diseases.Eliminates the symptoms of puffiness.

By composition

Naise analogues with the same active substance include the following drugs.


The composition of this drug is nimesulide, its dosage in 1 gram of gel is 10 mg.

In addition to this component, there are additional constituents - diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, glycerol monooleate, hydroxypropylcellulose.

The drug reduces pain, inflammation, fever.


The main element of the drug is nimesulide. Also in the gel are additional components - carbomer, ethyl alcohol, macrogol 400, dimexide, propylene glycol. When used, unpleasant feelings in the joints are eliminated, and inflammation and fever are removed.


The gel contains the main element - nimesulide. In 1 gram, its dose is 10 mg. There are also additional elements - carbomer, macrogol 40, ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol, dimexide. When used, joint pain, inflammation, and swelling are eliminated.

Other effective analogs

On sale in many pharmacies you can find the following effective analogues of Nase gel.


The gel contains 50 mg of ibuprofen. When used prevents the development of inflammation, also quickly removes pain, relieves fever. Recommended for use in rheumatoid diseases.

Voltaren Emulgel

In the composition of this drug there is diclofenac, its dose in 1 gram is 10 mg. Helps to eliminate severe inflammation, pain, intense fever.Prevents morning stiffness of joints and puffiness.

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Ketonal gel

Medication containing ketoprofen. Has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic effect.

Any analogue of Naise gel has its contraindications, side effects, peculiarities of use. For this reason, before you start using any medicine, you should carefully read the instructions for use.

"After a knee injury, the joint pains that were often given to the hip area often become a concern.Sometimes the pain is so strong that I just can not move normally.But recently, my mother saw in the first-aid kit Nize gel and decided to find out what kind of tool.

The instructions indicate that this remedy perfectly helps to remove joint and muscle pain. In fact, as soon as I started using it, all the discomfort completely disappeared. "

"You often have to exercise in the gym. Usually, after heavy loads, there are pains in the muscles, which eventually become stronger. Pain sensations are mainly troubled in the lumbar region.

Well my friend is a doctor, he just advised me Nyz gel.Basically, I apply this tool when pain occurs.Unpleasant sensations, inflammation pass quickly enough, therefore I consider or count, that this agent effective enough. »

Naise gel is a good local remedy with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, which is in high demand.


Many reviews note that with its use, all the unpleasant sensations in the joints pass almost immediately.


But it is better, before using this medication, to carefully study its instruction.

A source:

Nize gel: instruction manual, price, reviews, analogs

The active component of the drug is Nimesulide, which belongs to the class of sulfonanilides.

By classification, the drug belongs to a group of non-narcotic analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Naise gel has a pronounced analgesic effect, is used for various types of arthritis and other injuries of the musculoskeletal system to eliminate pain.

Dosage form

The product is in the form of a gel intended for external use, sold in tubes of 20 and 50 grams.

Description and composition

The drug is produced in tubes of 20 and 50 grams. The product has a white or pale yellow color, a uniform consistency - the presence of foreign particles is unacceptable.

The preparation contains the following substances:

  • nimesulide;
  • methyl salicylate;
  • matanol;
  • capsaicin.

The list of auxiliary components includes:

  • distilled water;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid;
  • trometamol;
  • hydroxytoluene;
  • polyoxyalkilene oil;
  • monoethyl diethylene glycol ether;
  • propylene glycol;
  • diethyl phthalate;
  • non-toxic gellant carbomer.

Pharmacological group

Gel Naise belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the last generation. The main active component is Nimesulide, which exerts a local analgesic effect. The composition has a local antipyretic effect, removing heat from the affected areas.

Methanol has analgesic and antipruritic effect. Efficiency is due to the ability of the composition to irritate nerve endings, skin receptors and mucous membranes. Provides production and allocation of substances involved in the management of pain.

Methylsacylate provides an increase in the intensity of blood circulation in the affected areas. The component eliminates swelling and helps to relieve inflammation.

It reduces the intensity of painful sensations.

Often, against the background of the use of allergic reactions that do not require the withdrawal of the use of the remedy.

Indications for use

The list of indications for using the tool is as follows:

  • bursitis;
  • synovitis;
  • lumbulgia;
  • arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • osteoratrosis;
  • Tendenite;
  • defeat of nerves, various neuralgia;
  • myalgia;
  • lesions of the inner membranes of the vagina in women;
  • Bechterew's disease;
  • rheumatism;
  • damage to joints and tissues manifested against the background of metabolic processes;
  • radiculitis;
  • pain manifested in the spinal column.

for adults

Nase gel can be used in patients belonging to these groups who have no contraindications to the use of the formulation.

for children

The use of the composition in pediatrics is prohibited. In the presence of acute indications, the composition can be used for children over the age of 7 years. In this case the patient's state of health must be constantly monitored. The occurrence of adverse reactions is a weighty reason for not using the drug.

for pregnant women and during lactation

Gel for external use Nyz not recommended to use during pregnancy, the active ingredient of the composition has the ability to be absorbed into the systemic bloodstream. The use of the drug can cause the development of various malformations in the child. Use of the drug during pregnancy is not recommended.


All medicines have some list of contraindications to use, and Nize gel is no exception. To the list of contraindications include:

  • hypersensitivity to active or auxiliary components of the formulation;
  • ulcerative or erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastric bleeding;
  • damage to the epidermis at the site of application;
  • infectious lesions of the skin;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the place of use of the product;
  • acute renal failure or its chronic course;
  • pathology of the hematopoiesis;
  • lactation;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • childhood.

Increased caution is required when using the agent in patients with the following lesions:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • heart failure;
  • insulin dependent diabetes;
  • old age.

The use of the drug in the presence of contraindications is unacceptable. In this case, the actions will bring significant harm.

Applications and doses

Before using the product, thoroughly clean the treated area with clean water. The place of application of the product must be free from damage. A single dosage per day should not exceed 3 cm.

To put means costs or stands only on a site with the expressed painful syndrome. The drug should be absorbed alone, do not rub it into the skin.

Also, you do not need to use bandages, it is important to ensure air access.

for adults

The agent is applied to the previously prepared areas of the skin. The daily dose of application 3-4 times a day. The maximum duration of the course of therapy is 1-2 weeks.

for children

In pediatrics, the drug is not recommended. In the presence of acute indications, the composition may be prescribed to children from the age of 7 years. The condition of the child should be monitored.

for pregnant women and during lactation

Use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding under strict prohibition. In the case of an acute need to use the formula during lactation, the issue of transferring the baby to the milk formula is decided.

Side effects

Adverse reactions against the background of Nyz gel application are extremely rare. If the patient has an increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, allergies may develop:

  • skin peeling;
  • itching of the skin;
  • change in the color of the skin;
  • hives;
  • burning sensation.

Reactions of this nature do not require the cancellation of funds and disappear on their own.

Adverse reactions from the following list are extremely rare, in particular for prolonged and improper use:

  • a feeling of tightness behind the sternum;
  • burning sensation in the larynx;
  • digestive disorders;
  • headache and migraine;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • delay of diuresis;
  • anemia.

If these symptoms occur, you should seek emergency medical attention.

In some cases, an emergency refusal of the use of the product is indicated with its subsequent replacement.

In rare cases with prolonged use of Nise gel, kidney failure develops, the symptom of which are violations of the processes of excretion of fluid from the body.

Interaction with other drugs

Possesses the ability to enhance the action of drugs that inhibit the process of blood clotting. Reduces the effectiveness of antihypertensive compounds and diuretics.

It is not recommended to use in combination with methotrexate. Nimesulide can increase the concentration of lithium in the patient's blood. Increases the activity of cyclosporine.

special instructions

The list of special instructions is as follows:

  1. The drug can be applied to intact skin.
  2. It is necessary to avoid getting the composition on the mucous membranes.
  3. The drug is used exclusively externally. After use, hands should be washed, disposable gloves can be used for application.

The composition has no effect on psychomotor reactions and the ability to concentrate.


Cases of overdose are not fixed in official medical practice. The risk of developing unwanted effects rises against the background of non-compliance with the recommended doses and rules of use. Overdosing manifests itself as a general deterioration in the state of health: nausea, vomiting, and confusion.

Often, there is a fever. Specific antidote is not found, if you suspect an overdose, you should contact a specialist in an emergency. With oral consumption, gastric lavage is performed, emergency hospitalization is indicated, hemodialysis can be used.

Storage conditions

The drug is sold to the population through a network of pharmacies in free sale, a prescription from a doctor is not required.

The product should be stored in its original packaging within two years from the date of manufacture. The temperature in the room should not exceed 25 degrees.

Access of children to the storage of medicinal products should be limited.


To the list of analogues according to the active substance include the following drugs:

To the list of analogs on the mechanism of action are:

  • Artrum gel;
  • Voltaren;
  • Diclofenac.

The use of Nyz gel composition, and its replacement by analogues should be agreed with a specialist. The duration of the course of application of the drug should be determined on an individual basis. The scheme of therapy of many pathologies often implies also oral administration of anti-inflammatory compounds.


The cost of Naise gel is on average 255 rubles. Prices range from 150 to 476 rubles.

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