Contusion of the coccyx: symptoms and consequences, treatment


  • 1Contusion of the coccyx: symptoms and consequences, treatment
    • 1.1What is this - the contusion of the coccyx?
    • 1.2Symptoms caused by a bruise
    • 1.3Other symptoms
    • 1.4Consequences of trauma
    • 1.5First aid with contusion of the sacrum and coccyx
    • 1.6How to treat a coccyx injury
    • 1.7Methods of treatment
    • 1.8Than to brush a bruise
  • 2Contusion of the coccyx: symptoms and treatment at home
    • 2.1ICD-10 code
    • 2.2Symptoms of a coccyx injury
    • 2.3Injury of coccyx. What hurts a "tail"
    • 2.4First aid in case of contour of the coccyx
    • 2.5Is it possible to cope with the tailbone itself?
    • 2.6How long does the coccyx hurt during the fall?
    • 2.7What can be a dangerous coccyx injury?
    • 2.8How to treat a coccyx injury in the home?
    • 2.9Anti-inflammatory drugs with coccyx contusion
    • 2.10Preparations for hematoma, bruising
    • 2.11Folk remedies: compresses, tinctures, ointments
    • 2.12Behavior rules after trauma of the coccyx
    • 2.13Physiotherapy
  • 3Contusion of the coccyx - symptoms and treatment
    • 3.1Causes of injury and diagnosis
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.2Clinical picture and possible complications
    • 3.3Effects
    • 3.4First aid and treatment principles
    • 3.5Home therapy
  • 4Contusion of the coccyx, consequences and symptoms, principles of treatment, possible consequences
    • 4.1How to recognize the contusion of the coccyx, what symptoms are accompanied
    • 4.2Implications for women and men
    • 4.3What to do with a bruise, in which case it is necessary to resort to a traumatologist
    • 4.4Principles of treatment, pharmaceuticals and folk remedies
  • 5Contusion of the coccyx
    • 5.1What happens when a bruise
    • 5.2Symptoms
    • 5.3Diagnostics
    • 5.4Treatment
    • 5.5First aid

Contusion of the coccyx: symptoms and consequences, treatment

Usually, the tailbone of the coccyx occurs when a strong blow is made precisely at the place where it is located. Most often such a trauma is given to cyclists who like to ride on uneven roads.

It is worth noting that very often get a contusion of the coccyx of a representative of the weaker sex. Women, unlike men, have wider hip bones. This is the problem.

In order not to receive such injuries, it is necessary to closely monitor the loads that occur on the back. The coccyx is the most vulnerable part of the spine. For many women, even pregnancy can cause this injury.

So, with the contusion of the coccyx, what to do, how to treat, and what consequences can there be?

What is this - the contusion of the coccyx?

For many, a bruise is a blow applied to a specific area of ​​the body, resulting in a disruption of the integrity of the tissues. Often, these injuries are treated with disdain.

Many believe that such a nuisance as a bruise will quickly pass. As for the tailbone, the situation here is somewhat different.

In this case, any minor impact or load can cause this section of the spine to be severely damaged. In addition, the situation is aggravated by the fact that the external factor acts on the coccyx.

In addition, the whole spine exerts pressure on this area of ​​the body. Therefore, the contusion of the coccyx is so dangerous. Symptoms and consequences of such a trauma are very unpleasant.

Symptoms caused by a bruise

The contusion of the coccyx is a dangerous trauma not only because of the possible consequences, but also because it is difficult to diagnose.

And not always the doctor is able to accurately diagnose.

However, the contusion of the coccyx, the symptoms of which can be very sensitive, can be determined by such signs:

  1. In the area of ​​impact may appear a small bruise. If there is a huge hematoma and painful sensations do not pass, then this indicates that the victim received a fracture.
  2. Also, the patient may feel pain and discomfort during defecation. Similar symptoms may also indicate a fracture of the coccyx.
  3. Pain syndrome appears immediately after the impact, but after a few hours disappears. This little trick introduces the victim into confusion, and he thinks that everything will pass by itself.
  4. Unpleasant sensations in the coccyx may occur during sexual intercourse.
  5. On a strong contusion of the coccyx, the symptoms and consequences of which can be deplorable, indicates a pain syndrome that has spread to the lower extremities.
  6. Also on the site of the impact may appear a cone, when it comes into contact with which there is a sharp pain.
  7. Edema. This is another sign of a bruised coccyx and a serious cause for concern. After all, a similar phenomenon occurs with quite dangerous injuries.
  8. Also injured with a bruise or fracture of the coccyx may disturb pain during rest or movement. With such a trauma it is usually very difficult to stand motionless.

Other symptoms

In addition to the above symptoms, the victim can feel wavy pain after a slight blow to the coccyx.

Immediately after getting the injury, a person feels a strong pain, which eventually passes and arises only when a squat or a sudden movement is unsuccessful.

In such situations, many simply ignore the unpleasant sensations and do not rush to address to specialists, letting everything go on its own. However, this is not the best way to solve the problem.

After all, over the years this process will grow into a chronic one, and the trauma will not be cured. Even with minor loads, pain will occur. Of course, it will not be pronounced, but it will provide enough problems. Therefore, treatment of a bruised coccyx should be done in any case.

Consequences of trauma

Many victims are usually concerned with the question of how long it takes to treat the injury. This depends largely on the strength of the impact.

After all, the contusion of the coccyx, the symptoms and consequences of which can be unpleasant, is still a dangerous injury.

If the pain does not stop and resume, then in this case it is necessary to seek help from a traumatologist. Otherwise, the following consequences may occur:

  1. As a result of a very strong impact, even a slight displacement of the spinal cord may occur, which ultimately leads to frequent migraine headaches.
  2. Painful sensations can become chronic.
  3. The integrity of the spinal cord can be severely impaired.
  4. In some cases, fibrosis of the hematoma can begin.
  5. Also, wedging into the occipital region of the spinal cord is not excluded.
  6. Because of the displacement of bone in patients, very often inflammation in the rectum.
  7. Compression fracture of the spine.

If the tailbone hurts after a bruise, then it is necessary to seek the help of specialists. Only in this case it is possible to avoid negative consequences. It is also very important to know how to properly provide first aid in such trauma.

First aid with contusion of the sacrum and coccyx

If a person has received a severe blow to the area of ​​the lower part of the spine, several procedures should be performed:

  1. The area of ​​the injury is worth the cold. This will reduce the vascular hemorrhage.
  2. It should be ensured that the patient has no pressure on the damaged area of ​​the spine.
  3. Take the victim to the nearest clinic.
  4. If the pain sensations are pronounced, then you should not force a person to endure. It is necessary to give the victim any painkiller.

How to treat a coccyx injury

Treatment of a bruised coccyx should be done by an experienced doctor. The quality of therapy for such injuries depends on the timely application of the victim to the clinic.

On examination, the specialist should exclude serious damage to the spine. That's why you need to take an X-ray. Only after this the doctor can choose a method of treatment.

If the diagnosis is a bruise of the sacrum and coccyx, then the victim can do without hospitalization.

Methods of treatment

There are several basic methods of treatment:

  1. Compliance with bed rest for several days.
  2. If the pain is pronounced, then the doctor can prescribe an anesthetic.
  3. The injured person is not allowed to sit. If this is not possible, then special orthopedic pillows should be used, which are designed specifically for such cases.
  4. Also, do not warm up and apply warm compresses to the damaged area. It is forbidden to take baths. It is best to use the shower, avoiding prolonged exposure to warm water to the bruised area. Doctors recommend applying more often cold.
  5. It's better for sportsmen to forget about training for a while. The sufferer should minimize all physical activity.
  6. It is necessary to abandon shoes with high heels. With such a trauma it is better to wear something on a flat sole.
  7. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a therapeutic exercise. However, resort to this method immediately after the injury is not worth it.

Than to brush a bruise

For a speedy recovery, you should regularly apply certain formulations to a sore spot. You also need to know what is best to use.

To eliminate pain and bruising, experts recommend using Dologene or Traumeel gels, as well as various ointments based on calendula, arnica and chamomile.

Perfectly suitable compositions that have a warming effect. This will avoid such trouble as hematoma fibrosis.

The main thing is to remember that the contusion of the coccyx, the symptoms and consequences of which are very diverse, constitutes a dangerous trauma, and it should be treated immediately.

A source: http://.ru/article/164458/ushib-kopchika-simptomyi-i-posledstviya-lechenie

Contusion of the coccyx: symptoms and treatment at home

The tailbone or rudimentary tail is a bone located in the lower part of the spine, which plays an important role. It keeps the ligaments and muscles that are involved in the work of the genitourinary system, as well as the large intestine.

In addition, the gluteus maximus is adjacent to the coccyx, and it is responsible for the movement of the hips. Therefore, the coccyx performs in the body a large role and his proper work depends on the person's well-being.

Very often (especially in winter), people fall to the "fifth point receive a rudimentary tail bruise. If the fall could not be avoided, then you can do everything possible to prevent the occurrence of complications.

Today we will consider how to properly treat a coccyx injury in the home during a fall.

ICD-10 code

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) refers the contusion of the lower part of the coccyx body to the classifier code S30.0, M53.3. At the same time, it is written in the document that people often do not pay attention to damage to the rudiment attention.

In addition, it is not always possible to get a tailbone injury by falling. In some cases, hit something hard enough.

Symptoms of a coccyx injury

The presence of any signs of injury directly depends on the height, the rate of fall.

If the bruise is weak, then at first the person can only experience painful sensations, which after a few days pass independently.

If the tissue damage is serious, a person has fallen heavily and even from a height, then the symptomatology of a coccyx injury can be this:

  1. Pain immediately after a fall, its strengthening with sudden movements or sitting.
  2. Unpleasant sensations in the lower spine with standing or sitting.
  3. The appearance of a bruise on the site of the injury.
  4. Swelling of the tissues, swelling.

These are the main symptoms, but there are cases when, some time after the injury, the patient experiences:

  1. Pain during defecation, urination, sexual contact. When falling, the coccyx can move, irritating the rectum, causing pain in the anus, perineum. Pain during defecation, urination occurs if the coccyx during the fall was turned in the direction of the rectum.
  2. Painful sensations even with one touch to the coccyx.
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Injury of coccyx. What hurts a "tail"

Most people do not know how to determine the bruise or fracture of the coccyx, and this is logical, since even a qualified doctor does not always manage to understand this by external signs.

But nevertheless there are concrete signs on which it is possible to judge on character of a bruise.

If a person has a fracture, then his symptoms will be as follows:

  1. Bruising at the site of injury. With a bruise, there is often no bruising, only a bruise may appear.
  2. Sharp, not passing pain. With an injury, the pain can have a different intensity, it can fade for a while and reappear
  3. Painful sensations in the coccyx region when sneezing or coughing. If this is a bruise, then a person often does not experience these unpleasant sensations.

First aid in case of contour of the coccyx

If the injury occurred at home, then first aid to the victim should be provided as follows:

  1. Help the patient stand, while not allowing him to make sudden movements.
  2. Help to lie on your stomach to resume normal outflow of blood.
  3. See if there are bruises in the lower backbone.
  4. Apply cold to the coccyx to relieve puffiness, prevent bruising, bruising.
  5. With severe pain, give the person an anesthetic drug - Ibuprofen, Aspirin or another.
  6. Call a doctor at home or seek help from a specialist.

Some people doubt and do not know if the tailbone can be warmed with a bruise?The effect of heat on the problem site will only exacerbate the problem, can lead to the appearance of abscesses.

Man, on the contrary, must, as often as possible, apply cold to the coccyx in the first day. On the third day, you can begin to apply warming ointments to the affected area to improve local blood circulation.

Is it possible to cope with the tailbone itself?

If you know what to do with a coccyx injury, then this is not a reason to calm down and forget about the incident.

Only a specialist can distinguish an easy bruise from a strong one, analyze the result of X-ray diagnostics to see if there are any injuries to the spinal cord or a fracture of the coccyx.

How long does the coccyx hurt during the fall?

It is impossible to say exactly how much the coccyx will hurt with a bruise. It all depends on the strength of the fall, the height with which the person landed unsuccessfully. Therefore, temporary pain can be of a short-term or long-term nature:

  1. With an unimportant injury, for example, a person fell from one step to the floor, the pain can go away in a few minutes or hours, provided there is no damage to the soft tissues.
  2. If a person falls down, and in the coccyx region there is swelling, a hematoma, then soreness will take about 3-5 days.
  3. If a person received a severe bruise and there are bruises on the problem site, then the victim can feel pain for 2-3 weeks.
  4. If a person did not turn to the doctor on time, the bruise happened with a shift in the coccyx, and the problem turned into a chronic one, then it can hurt until the end of life. Particularly clearly, the pain will be felt during physical exercises.

What can be a dangerous coccyx injury?

Many people mistakenly think that damage to the rudiment is not a serious problem, so they do not seek help from a traumatologist even if they feel some discomfort.

In the absence of adequate treatment, untimely assistance from the victim may begin complications, such as:

  • inflammation of the cartilage;
  • cysts, fibrous seals;
  • rupture of blood vessels;
  • fistulas;
  • suppuration in the rectum;
  • compression fracture;
  • cracks in the vertebrae, their displacement;
  • migraine headaches;
  • indentation of the spinal cord into the back;
  • damage to the vertebrae of the cervical spine.

How to treat a coccyx injury in the home?

Treatment consists in observance of such recommendations:

  • the appointment of cold in the first two days after the fall;
  • application of pharmaceutical products;
  • exclusion of physical activity (if possible).

Before starting treatment, a person should make sure of the correctness of the diagnosis, in order to avoid complications after injury. Therefore it is recommended to visit a specialist and find out the exact diagnosis.

Anti-inflammatory drugs with coccyx contusion

To relieve the pain you need to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that:

  • relieve pain;
  • remove the inflammation that occurs in the coccyx.

Such drugs are "Ibuprofen "Aspirin "Ketanov "Menovazin" and others.

Menovazine is widely used for various injuries: fractures, sprains and bruises. He quickly relieves pain, promotes the rapid healing of damaged tissues.

Apply the ointment simply: apply to clean skin, gently rub until completely absorbed. It can be used by both adults and children.

You can resort to the help of local anesthetic drugs, such as gel "Dolobene ointment "Traumel C "Arnica ointments with calendula or chamomile.

With severe pain, specialist help is required.. The doctor applies any local anesthetic, anesthetic. In severe traumas of the coccyx, surgical intervention is prescribed - resection of the coccyx.

In isolated cases, when a deep abrasion or an open wound on the sacrum is found along with a bruise (there is a risk of infection), the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs. They eliminate the infectious process, prevent its spread to other tissues.

Preparations for hematoma, bruising

On the third day, when the pain subsides, you can start rubbing the problem area with such ointments as: Finalgon, Lyoton, heparin ointment.

Folk remedies: compresses, tinctures, ointments

If for some reason a person has not bought chemist's painkillers, anti-inflammatory ointments against bruises, hematomas, then people's prescriptions can come to the rescue.

The most effective ways to treat a coccyx injury are described below:

  1. Honey with vinegar- combine these ingredients in the ratio:. With pain, rub the remedy 1 time per hour, if the pain is weak, then you can apply rubbing 3 times a day.
  2. Cottage cheese, kefir, alcohol and honey. Take all the ingredients in the same amount, mix. This mass is put on a piece of bandage, and then with therapeutic ointment on the coccyx. Fix the bandage with a band-aid. Hold the compress all night. Such a tool will help relieve pain.
  3. Birch tar with butter. Mix the ingredients in the proportions:. Apply the product to the site of the bruise, leave for the night.
  4. Plantain with onions. Grind the plants to a mushy state. Put the mixture on a painful place, leave for 2 hours.

Behavior rules after trauma of the coccyx

It is necessary to remember: if a person has received a serious contusion of the rudimentary tail, then the recovery process can last a long time, you need to be ready for this.

In the first few days after injury, it is necessary to follow such recommendations:

  1. Sleep, rest only on the stomach.
  2. Do not take a hot bath.
  3. Try to adhere to bed rest.
  4. Limit the pose in a sitting position in time.
  5. Sleep on an orthopedic mattress. If there is none, then on any hard surface.
  6. If the injured person is in pain, then you need to buy a special medical pillow in the pharmacy in the form of a ring with a hole in the middle and use it if necessary.


As noted above, in the first two days after receiving the trauma of the coccyx patient must comply with strict bed rest.For an accelerated process of recovery on the third day, you can already resort to special exercises.

They should be performed in order to:

  • faster to get rid of the pain;
  • strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Therapeutic exercises should be carried out in a lying position on the floor:

  • bend your knees. Gently try to lift the pelvis, while straining the muscles of the buttocks;
  • bend your legs in your lap, put a ball between them. Tighten the torso for a few seconds;
  • pull up the knees bent at the knees to the chest, perform 10 times reduction and dilution of the limbs.

If during a medical gymnastics a person feels pain, then you need to stop the physical therapy session.

After therapeutic gymnastics the patient is recommended to lie down for a while, relax.

After reading this article, it becomes clear that the contusion of the tailbone is not a harmless injury at all and it's impossible to treat it lightly.

If the picture shows no fracture, it means that the bruise can be treated at home with the obligatory observance of such conditions: cold, rest, anesthetizing ointments, medical exercises.

A source:

Contusion of the coccyx - symptoms and treatment

The coccyx is the lower part of the spine, which is part of the sacrococcygeal joint. Despite belonging to rudimentary organs, the coccyx is an important functional element.

Bundles of the gluteus muscle, ligaments and muscle fibers of the pelvic organs are attached to it.

It is involved in the distribution of the load on pelvic bones, is considered the main point of support.

Contusion of the coccyx in the fall is a common and dangerous injury, which, in the absence of timely treatment, can lead to problems in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and other complications.

Causes of injury and diagnosis

In traumatology, there are three types of lesions: frontal, lateral, and contusion of tissues surrounding the lower vertebral column.

  • In the case of frontal injuries resulting from road traffic accidents, the impact is on the lumbar and sacrococcygeal region, which causes the process to shift toward the abdominal cavity or into the opposite side.
  • Side injuries, as a result of a powerful stroke, also cause displacement, which leads to damage to surrounding soft tissues and rupture of blood vessels.
  • Movement on ice, in the winter season, sports training, requiring a well-developed coordination, can cause a bruise of the soft tissues surrounding the process, as a result of a fall in buttocks.

The risk group for injuries includes people involved in sports (skaters, skiers, dancers, acrobats, gymnasts), as well as those who have musculoskeletal and vestibular disorders apparatus.

Radiography will help determine the final result of the trauma. This study is performed after examination and collection of anamnesis.

If the patient has a strong coccyx injury, with the presence of hematoma and swelling, then additional studies may be computer tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Clinical picture and possible complications

The contusion of the coccyx has a number of characteristic symptoms, when the appearance of which recommended immediate treatment to the doctor, which will help to avoid the occurrence of serious complications and consequences:

  • The main sign is pain, the intensity of which depends on the strength of the blow. Disappears after a couple of hours and resumes when you try, sit down, take a walk.
  • Pain can give in the legs, the sacrum, the lower abdomen.
  • As a result of a compression stroke, headaches may occur.
  • Damage to blood vessels caused by the displacement of the process, contributes to the development of bruising, edema of soft tissues.

Often people who are injured are interested in how much a bruise can hurt in the coccyx region? The answer to this question depends entirely on the severity of the pathological process.

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So, the duration of the pain syndrome can vary from several hours to several days.

However, the disappearance of pain, even in the absence of treatment, does not indicate a recovery.


If you do not go to the doctor on time to find out the symptoms of a coccyx injury, the consequences can be either explicit or hidden. Contusion of the coccyx is a condition requiring immediate treatment, in order to reduce the risk of serious consequences:

  • Because of the compression due to a severe bruise, the pain can be prolonged, irregular and can occur in any part of the spine, giving into the irradiated parts of the body.
  • Trauma can lead to displacement and damage to the vertebrae. As a result of compression of the nerve endings and vessels leading to the internal organs, diseases of the organs of the urogenital system and the genitourinary system can develop.
  • Displacement of the spinal cord as a result of injury can lead to chronic headaches.
  • Injection of the spinal cord into the back of the head or its damage.
  • Disturbances in the function of the spinal cord and even the brain due to concussion.
  • Damage to the rectum can trigger the onset of an inflammatory process with the formation of pus and lead to the appearance of a fistula.
  • Degenerative processes of the sacrococcygeal joint.
  • Extensive hematomas without treatment can thicken, build up with a connective tissue.

Immediate treatment in traumatology, timely treatment of the coccyx injury will help to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and prevent the development of these serious complications.

First aid and treatment principles

Timely, correctly rendered first aid is an important stage of effective and full-fledged treatment in the future. Therefore, every person should know what to do with a contusion of the coccyx, what is the algorithm and the nuances of providing first aid.

The use of pain medication in the case of first aid after an accident is prohibited.

In addition, some drugs are prohibited with bruises, accompanied by bleeding, post-traumatic shock. To reduce pain, cold exposure is recommended. It will also prevent swelling and bruising.

An important point is immobilization. The victim should take a position on the abdomen, the hips should be located on the roller for the position of the pelvis in a raised state.

If the tailbone is injured after the fall, the treatment consists of a number of measures that are mandatory for the implementation:

  • restriction of loads, compliance with bed rest;
  • when sitting, until full recovery, use a pillow-bagel;
  • sleep on a firm mattress, in a position on the side or abdomen;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments, for topical application, or rectal suppositories;
  • Ointments, gels with analgesic effect;
  • physiotherapy, reflexotherapy;
  • exercise therapy, for the normalization of blood circulation in tissues;
  • massage.

Home therapy

With an easy flow the doctor will consult how to treat a coccyx injury in the home. For this, you can use such proven recipes as:

  • mummy with rose oil;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • alcohol compresses based on honey, birch tar.

The outcome of the trauma depends entirely on the literacy of pre-hospital care and the timeliness of treatment. Implementation of medical prescriptions will completely cure the injury, avoiding the occurrence of severe consequences.

A source:

Contusion of the coccyx, consequences and symptoms, principles of treatment, possible consequences

The contusion of the tailbone is a very unpleasant situation, which many people face, but not all turn to specialists for help. And in vain, because the consequences of a bruise can be severe, discomfort or severe pain can occur even after several years.

In which cases the probability of consequences will be greatest, what consequences during pregnancy from a coccyx injury can be - these and other questions will be answered in this article.

How to recognize the contusion of the coccyx, what symptoms are accompanied

The coccyx is the spine, located at its very end and consisting of five fused vertebrae.

Many scientists consider it to be an organ that has lost its significance, but it has a lot of ligaments and muscles attached to it.

This ligamentous apparatus is responsible for some work of the muscles of the genitourinary system, intestines, gluteal muscles.

A bruise is a closed injury, resulting from a fall or stroke by a blunt object. The contusion of the coccyx is more common during the ice. Children and athletes more often than others receive such a trauma because of their active life.

Symptoms are clear and logical:

  • Severe soreness in the place of injury, which can spread beyond the coccyx. Pain of such strength that a person at first can not find a place, it is painful to walk, stand, and even more so sit.
  • Edema of tissues and hematoma

On average, after an hour a person's condition becomes normal, pain remains only when moving.

It can persist for several days, increasing with walking, when you visit the toilet.

It is not recommended to sit, it is better to lie on your stomach, sometimes get up to do an easy warm-up.

Usually the contusion of the coccyx passes without a trace, as the tissues are damaged only slightly, a hematoma can develop which takes place in a week. If the blow was not too strong, then the probability of consequences, especially after many years, tends to zero.

If the pain is intense and stops very slowly, hematoma appears and the tissues become swollen, then a bruise may have occurred with dislocation, dislocation, split bone or fracture. In such cases, a person needs to immediately consult a doctor, because the pain is unbearable.

After the injury, it is best to conduct a survey - a normal X-ray will help confirm or exclude pathological changes in the organ. Or the doctor will perform a digital rectal examination.

Implications for women and men

Sometimes the bruise itself may suffer from the bruise itself and the ligaments and muscles, it all depends on the force of the impact. With a strong injury, an inflammatory process can occur, which leads to fibrosis (proliferation of connective tissue). Fibrosis in turn can lead to an organ displacement.

The usual contusions do not develop long-term consequences, but if a dislocation or fracture disappeared behind such a trauma, the consequences of a coccyx injury can be the following:

  • aching pain, which greatly impairs the quality of life
  • pain during defecation, constipation
  • disruption of the pelvic organs
  • if the nerve tissue is damaged in men, impotence may develop, the consequences of a coccyx injury for women can be in the form of pain during sexual intercourse
  • compression fracture of the spine, pinched nerves, brain damage
  • headaches, pain in the groin, in the legs, in the lower back

All this is possible in case of heavy damages that have occurred as a result of falling from a high altitude, falling at high speed, in case of accidents.

There are cases when a woman was injured in childhood or a few years before pregnancy, but she did not pass unnoticed.

In chronic traumas, some women are shown a caesarean section, because the wrongly located coccygeal bones prevent the child from passing through the birth canal.

However, everything individually and still depends on the weight of the child, some women are allowed natural births even with chronic fractures.

Sometimes the coccyx breaks down during labor if it was previously injured and if the birth is severe.

Do not leave without due attention any damage, and if the pain does not pass a long time, then the earlier diagnosis and start treatment, the less likely will be the consequences from a coccyx injury after a few years.

What to do with a bruise, in which case it is necessary to resort to a traumatologist

First aid in case of injury is the application of cold to the site of injury, the best ice is wrapped with a cloth. If you do not have ice at hand, you can use a cold compress: wet the cloth in cold water and attach to the injury site, the compresses change as they warm up.

The cold narrows the blood vessels, because of this hematoma turns out to be smaller, the pain passes faster. This method is used the first day after the incident, then heat is used in the area of ​​damage, it enhances the metabolic processes and the injured place heals more quickly.

The usual bruise is treated easily at home by the methods listed above, however it is necessary to consult a doctor if:

  • an injury was received by a child or an elderly person, a pregnant woman, a person with joint disease
  • the blow was of great strength (falling from a height, falling at a high speed, an injury was received during an accident)
  • extensive hematoma and tissue edema
  • strong non-subsiding pain
  • it is impossible to walk or even stand, numbness in the legs

These factors increase the risk of consequences, so a medical examination will reveal hidden problems, such as a dislocation or fracture.

If you do not treat such injuries in time, the consequences can manifest as soon as a terrible pain, and after a few years.

Older dislocations are felt by chronic pain that occurs during prolonged sitting or even when weather changes, and other problems.

Principles of treatment, pharmaceuticals and folk remedies

Suppose that a person after a coccyx injury turned to a doctor, the doctor determined that the bones are not damaged, there is no displacement, a hematoma without features.

In this case, treatment is almost not required, everything can pass by itself, so that the injury site heals faster, the following procedures are used:

  • apply ointment or gel on the affected area to eliminate the hematoma
  • on the 2nd day warming compresses or a heating pad
  • if necessary, use painkillers
  • successfully apply physiotherapy

The latter method has a significant drawback: in order to apply physiotherapy, it is necessary to come to the hospital, but the patient after rest has rest. If the roentgenogram excludes serious injuries, then it is best to be treated at home.

To eliminate the inflammatory process, a gel with a sponge-body is used, for a speedy regeneration it is possible to apply gel-balm "Spetsmaz "Rescuer". Painkilling ointments: Voltaren, Ketonal, Naise, gel Nurofen, diclofenac and others.

The timing of treatment depends on the severity of the damage, usually a week or two. Additionally, laxatives may be needed to relieve defecation.

With a complicated injury, treatment can be difficult, with a long period of rehabilitation. With chronic fractures to eliminate pain, doctors can advise putting a blockade or removing the coccyx.

Among the folk methods, the following procedures can be noted:

  • Rubbing the bruised revenge with tincture of wormwood, calendula
  • Use of warm lotions on the basis of milk, water with two spoons of 3% vinegar. Warm compresses are taken for 2-3 days.
  • The leaves of the plantain are whole or crushed, cabbage leaves, aloe leaves are applied to the affected area and fixed with a bandage.
  • Honey and pepper (one spoonful of honey and a pinch of pepper) is mixed and applied under a cellophane bag and bandage.
  • Use a magnet: three times a day for 10-15 minutes, hold the magnet above the coccyx in circles clockwise.

Folk methods without harm to health will help to quickly repair damaged tissue, but they can not cure a dislocation or fracture. Applying them, it is necessary to be sure that the bruise without complications.

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For the prevention of bruises should be cautiously pass through the slippery terrain, with the fall of grouping and try to fall on its side. When working and active sports, observe basic safety rules - work at the height with insurance, do not use faulty tools.

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Contusion of the coccyx

Contusion of the coccyx- this is a fairly common closed trauma, in which there is no pronounced violation of the integrity of tissues. It can meet any person who has failed to fall.

However, the probability of this complication is especially great for those people who are engaged in winter sports, move around the ice, quickly ride a bicycle, etc.

(that is, those who have an increased risk of falling on the gluteal region).

The coccyx is the terminal section of the spine, which connects to the sacrum through a sacrococcygeal joint. In humans, the coccyx is the rudiment of the tail, which is found in animals.

In the process of labor, when a child passes through the birth canal, it can deviate posteriorly, increasing the size of the pelvis.

No more functional load in the human body, he does not carry, however, when it is damaged, there is a pronounced pain syndrome, which causes huge discomfort to a person.

In addition, it can disrupt the habitual way of life and restrict occupations to certain professional activities, especially if it is associated with prolonged sitting.

What happens when a bruise

The contusion of the coccyx is a condition in which it is squeezed between the bone and the traumatic factor. Against this background, a number of pathological changes in tissues develop. In what situations is it possible to develop a contusion of the coccyx? These are:

  • The fall on the gluteal region, the probability of which is especially high in the winter season, as well as when practicing winter sports (skiing or skating)
  • Riding a bicycle equipped with a hard seat, especially if it's a rugged terrain
  • Child age, when the bones are not yet strong enough and an increased risk of injury.

Pathological changes in the coccyx contusion are as follows:

  • Damage to the layer of subcutaneous fat (it is the first on the path of the impact of the traumatic factor)
  • The rupture of small vessels (their small diameter creates the conditions for quick and easy damage when getting any injury)
  • The presence of foci of hemorrhage associated with damage to the above vessels
  • The destruction of muscles, if the force of influence is sufficiently intense
  • Hematomas between soft tissues, that is, a localized accumulation of blood (the probability of suppuration is high of this hematoma, since blood is a good nutrient medium for the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms).

The contusion of the coccyx can be combined with the following conditions:

  • Sprain of the sacrococcygeal joint
  • Rupture of the ligamentous apparatus of the above location
  • Dislocation of the coccyx from the sacrococcygeal joint.


The symptomatology of the coccyx injury is no different from that of bruises of other localization. Common symptoms are:

  • Pain, which has a different intensity, depending on the strength of the trauma agent, as well as the involvement of nerve trunks
  • Swelling of the tissues, which is associated with the release of plasma into the interstitial space and the accumulation of lymph in the region of the foci of aseptic inflammation. This sign can also be detected by palpation of the coccygeal area, when the compaction is determined
  • Bruising (a bruise, as they say in the people), associated with the rupture of small diameter vessels when getting injured. The contact of blood between soft tissues is one of the causes of the emergence of an intense pain syndrome. Over time, the "bloom of the bruise" is observed. This means that immediately after the injury, it has a red color, somewhat later turns blue, then appears icteric and greenish staining, which is associated with the destruction of hemoglobin
  • The motor obstruction in the sacrococcygeal region is not observed in contrast to the bruises of other localization, since this compound is immobile in its structure.

These are common manifestations of bruises. Particular symptoms with regard to the coccyx injury are the following:

  • Pain that increases with sitting, as well as with sudden movements
  • Discomfort sensations in the coccygeal region, which are observed both in sitting and in a long standing, which can give to the lower limbs
  • Presence of a hematoma in the lower back
  • Swelling and swelling in this area.

It is important to emphasize that the contusion of the coccyx can proceed with erased clinical manifestations.

After a certain time, the pain becomes less intense, so patients do not seek help from a doctor.

However, the pathological process is progressing, and a visit to a traumatologist should not be postponed. The patient should be alerted to the following symptoms:

  • Pain arising during defecation
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Persistent discomfort when sitting or in a vertical position
  • Persistent swelling.


In patients with suspected cochlear contusion, X-ray examination is mandatory. Its main task is to identify or exclude a fracture of the coccyx, since the treatment of this pathology is fundamentally different from the treatment of a bruise.

Carrying out an x-ray examination requires certain skills from a radiologist, since the trauma of the coccyx is very difficult to diagnose. To reduce the number of diagnostic errors, it is recommended to take pictures in different projections, as well as when the patient is sitting and standing.

Then the doctor necessarily focuses on the severity of clinical symptoms - the nature of complaints, their intensity, the relationship with each other, etc.

The combination of the clinical and radiological methods makes it possible to diagnose, in 99% of cases, the contusion of the coccyx and distinguish it from the fracture and dislocation of this localization.

Patients with such trauma (a bruise) are recommended to perform a rectal examination, taking into account the anatomical proximity of the rectum and the ease of its damage.

In addition, this method of objective examination helps to assess the condition of the ocular bone - it is dislocated or not.

That is, it is a good differential diagnostic tool for dislocating the sacrococcygeal joint.

Neurological examination is also included in the complex of diagnostic measures. It allows to evaluate the involvement of the nerve plexuses in the pathological process (area of ​​injury).

Anesthetic test can also be used. Its essence is in the anesthesia of the coccygeal region.

If, on this background, the pain syndrome stops, then the conclusion is made that the cause of the pain is the coccyx (traumas of this localization).


The effectiveness of all treatment activities in the context of specialized care depends on the quality of the first emergency care. The main directions of treatment of coccyx contusion are the following:

  • Bed rest and complete abandonment of the seat to reduce the traumatic impact on this area. It is recommended to lie alternately on one side or on the other, while turning very carefully
  • After a certain time, you are allowed to sit. For this, orthopedic pillows are used. They have a hole in the center to relieve pressure on the coccygeal region and avoid the development of severe complications
  • Use of thermal procedures. They are applied only after the first stage used cold. Heat is necessary for resorption of the hematoma. Cold, in turn, was necessary in order to reduce the amount of hemorrhage
  • Use of physiotherapeutic procedures, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. This is UHF, CMT and infrared radiation
  • Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that suppress the severity of aseptic inflammation. As a result, this leads to a decrease in the severity of the pain syndrome. They can be assigned both in the form of system and local forms. Especially well proven are those non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are produced in the form of rectal suppositories they are good in that they provide local anesthesia, but also are absorbed into the systemic circulation, which potentiates the therapeutic act. However, their introduction into the rectum is contraindicated in the presence of ulcerative lesion of the anorectal region (as the process of epithelization of existing erosion or ulcers is disturbed).

Reasonable question, what is the use of physiotherapy methods with a coccyx contusion? They have the following positive effects:

  • Improve microcirculation
  • They promote the excretion of inflammatory mediators from the damage zone, which reduces the severity of the pain syndrome
  • Promotes prompt resorption of the formed hematoma
  • It helps to cure traumatic damage without a trace.

First aid

If the coccyx contusion is suspected, the effectiveness of further treatment depends directly on the correctness of emergency first aid. It will be the key to the successful course of the rehabilitation period, so you need to know how to help yourself and others who are in a similar situation.

The main rules of care in the next few minutes after receiving the trauma of the coccygeal region are the following:

  • Eliminate sudden movements
  • Take a horizontal position on the abdomen. In this condition, the outflow from the tissues improves, which prevents the appearance of extensive hemorrhages in the soft tissues. The less blood is poured out, the faster the recovery, since less time is required for blood resorption
  • Find out if there are bruises in the area of ​​damage. If they are available, then it is necessary to apply cold to them. It promotes spasmodic vasodilation, therefore it reduces the volume of leaky blood
  • If there is any pressure on the area of ​​the tailbone, then stop it. This can be shy clothes, foreign objects, etc.
  • Transportation of the injured is necessary only on the side, so as not to put pressure on the tailbone
  • The introduction of anesthetics is contraindicated before the patient is examined by a doctor, as this can mask the true picture
  • Immediate contact with a doctor for help.

Consultation of a doctor will help to solve an existing problem:

  • Differentiation of a light and strong contusion from each other
  • X-ray diagnosis
  • Elimination of the fracture of the coccyx
  • Exclusion of any traumatic spinal cord injury
  • Carrying out of treatment depending on the developed clinical situation.


The contusion of the tailbone with apparent harmlessness is a serious enough condition. His late diagnosis, untimely treatment lead to the development of dangerous complications. These are the following:

  • The transition of the pathological process to the chronic stage. This is the cause of persistent pain syndrome, which becomes especially intense with prolonged sitting, sledging and biking
  • Headaches, which are caused by some displacement of the spinal cord, which is attached to the edge of the coccyx by the so-called horse tail. Thus, conditions are created for squeezing the tissue of the brain and surrounding vessels
  • Direct spinal cord injury
  • Injury to the occipital orifice of the spinal cord
  • Fracture of vertebrae of compression nature, which is associated with trauma of the coccyx
  • Paraproctitis is an inflammation of the peritopulmonary tissue, which is associated with the ingestion of microorganisms in the area of ​​trauma
  • The development of the connective tissue capsule at the site of the hematoma, which leads to the appearance of a firm seal, which periodically starts to disturb (pains appear).

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