Back bleeding: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Produlo (chilled) his back. Symptoms, causes, treatment
    • 1.1Physiotherapy and massage
    • 1.2Therapeutic starvation
    • 1.3Healing gymnastics
    • 1.4Back bleeding: treatment with medication
    • 1.5Blew back: treatment at home
  • 2Bleeding the back: symptoms and ways to get rid of them
    • 2.1Why does he blow his lower back?
    • 2.2How is the stretched loin signaling about itself
    • 2.3Methods of treating the lumbar spine
  • 3Blew back: than to treat at home?
    • 3.1Symptoms
    • 3.2Diagnostics
    • 3.3Treatment
    • 3.4What can not be done if your back is flushed?
    • 3.5Folk remedies
    • 3.6Compress from cabbage leaves
    • 3.7Rinsing with interior fat or butter with field horsetail
    • 3.8Compress from boiled potatoes
    • 3.9Trash with badyag
    • 3.10Trituration with healing fir balsam
    • 3.11To which doctor to apply
  • 4What to do if blown back?
    • 4.1Clinical manifestations
    • 4.2How to treat your back
    • 4.3Observance of a special regime
    • 4.4Medication Therapy
    • 4.5Physiotherapeutic procedures, massage
    • 4.6Diet treatment
    • 4.7Councils V. Dikul
    • 4.8How not to fall into the risk group
  • instagram viewer
  • 5What should I do if I bled my back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades: how to treat at home?
    • 5.1Symptoms of a "purged back"
    • 5.2Has blown back... What are the reasons?
    • 5.3What if I blew my back?
    • 5.4Medicated
    • 5.5Physiotherapeutic
    • 5.6What ointments to apply?
    • 5.7What advises folk medicine?

Produlo (chilled) his back. Symptoms, causes, treatment

Do not rush to self-medication until you have accurately determined the cause of myositis and back pain. The motto of any self-treatment is the expression: "Do no harm".

To begin with, you should clearly keep track of the symptomatology in order to understand what your back really has eroded, not osteochondrosis, inflammation of the kidneys or female organs. It is best to ask a doctor for the correct diagnosis.

And then combine the drug treatment with sparing drugs from traditional medicine.

In order to not have problems with the back, you should avoid:

  • hardening procedures without preliminary preparation and wiping;
  • Dress in the weather and avoid in the cold season of fashionable things with a low waistline. It is best to wear clothes made of natural fabrics and to achieve a thermal effect, wear it in several layers;
  • avoid sudden temperature changes;
  • do not turn on the air conditioner immediately as you come out of the shower;
  • do preventive exercises;
  • Use physiotherapy and massage to avoid problems with the back.

Physiotherapy and massage

Physiotherapy and massage are effective only in the absence of acute shooting pains and skewed backs. They are aimed more at prevention of diseases of the back, but have a curative effect on the entire body.

These procedures can be carried out both in a complex and separately from each other.

The main advantages of these procedures are:

  1. decrease in the consumption of medicines;
  2. absence of allergic reactions;
  3. improvement of metabolic processes;
  4. activation of blood flow throughout the body;
  5. strengthening immunity;
  6. increase in activity.

Preventive measures to improve efficiency should always be carried out on an ongoing basis. And if there are acute pains to avoid the additional risk of overgrowing such an ailment into a chronic one, do not confine yourself to manual therapy, but immediately consult a doctor.

Therapeutic starvation

Propagation of healing properties of starvation is described by many scientific practitioners, such as Nikolai Amosov, Paul Bregg, and others. These people, as a confirmation of the effectiveness of their methods, were themselves long-living.

It would seem, how with the help of hunger it is possible to cure a back. It should be noted that hunger is a good analgesic for the body and in some cases heals even the most complex diseases.

This fact is explained by the fact that depriving your body of food, we facilitate the work of the digestive system, and, consequently, a large part of the efforts of our body, prone to the process of self-healing, is not aimed at digesting, but on healing the hearth pain.

Fasting means copious drinking. It is recommended to drink, -3 liters of liquid per day: clean water, herbal decoctions. You can include in the diet low-fat kefir, yogurt.

However, this method is radical, and it should be resorted to only by prior consultation with the doctor and in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Healing gymnastics

Developed by the famous athlete V. Dikul therapeutic gymnastics with the help of simple exercises will help to prevent the appearance of problems with the back.

Exercise 1.The starting position - the emphasis in the floor of the palms and knees, the body in this case should form a straight line. Bend your back down, stretch your belly to the floor, head up as much as possible. Perform the exercise 10-15 times.

Exercise 2.The starting position is lying on the back on a solid surface. The left leg should be bent in the knee, pull it to the breast as much as possible, fix this position for 10-15 seconds. Exercises alternate for both feet. Perform 15-20 times for 1-2 approaches.

Exercise 3.The starting position is lying on the stomach on a hard surface. Legs are stretched, closed together. Hands bend at the elbow joint and lift the upper part of the trunk, as if you are trying to reach an imaginary object. Perform 10-15 times.

Exercise 4."Swallow". The starting position is standing, legs together. Bend the upper part of the body parallel to the floor, hands to set aside, to focus on one leg, and the other to maximize the springs up. This exercise is repeated for each limb 5-10 times.

Exercise 5."Twisting". The starting position - lying on the floor, knees bent, hands behind the head. Perform a twisting trunk in the left and right sides, without lifting off the buttocks from the floor. Repeat 5-10 times for 1-2 approaches.

Repeating these simple exercises daily, you can develop muscles and joints of the back. In general, any gymnastics at home, swimming, yoga, Pilates, of course, will help you avoid problems with the lower back.

Back bleeding: treatment with medication

Many people have a question: what if they blew back. In order to remove pain syndrome, anesthetics, alcohol-containing compresses, warming ointments and gels, injections, special procedures (physiotherapy and electrophoresis) can be used.

As an emergency therapy, the following algorithm of action should be performed:

  • Lay the patient on a flat hard surface in a comfortable position for him. Loosen the back area from clothing.
  • With acute pain, give painkillers: Analgin, Helpex, Ketanov or Spazgan.
  • Tear the waist with warming ointment: Indomethacin, Finalgon, Apizarthron or Capsicam. These ointments will help warm up the frozen muscles to relieve pain. However, it should be remembered that warming gels have a greater penetration radius than the surface effects of ointments. Also, the back can be rubbed with alcohol, vodka, propolis. For a deeper penetration, use electrophoresis.
  • Wrap a warm kerchief or rug plastered patch.
  • If pain persists, consult a doctor. Most likely, you are prescribed a course of injections, physiotherapy and / or massage.

Blew back: treatment at home

If you bled your back and know what to treat, you can tackle this problem at home. Although this therapy is better to combine with the medication.

To folk medicine can be attributed the following methods of therapy of lumbar pain:

  1. Rubbing the back with alcohol-containing tinctures. You can use just pure alcohol, vodka, propolis. Such manipulations warm up the skin of the waist, so that mint is intensified, which actively circulates around the lesion and activates toxins more actively.
  2. Application of a "dry warmer". So called procedures with the application of pre-heated sacs with salt to the diseased waist. Or gluing mustard plaster. Such manipulations make it possible to remove pain symptoms and to keep warm with the muscles hardened in the spasm.
  3. Applying compresses for the back. Such a compress is covered with a food film and we tie a warm scarf or scarf around our backs.

Recipe 1. Mustard Compress.Mix 1 hour. l. mustard dry powder with 30 ml of tea strained from tea leaves. Hold for 15-20 minutes. 2 times a day.

Recipe 2. Honey-horseradish compress.1 hour l. melted honey mixed with 1 tbsp. l. raw grated on a small grater horseradish. Stir thoroughly. Apply a uniformly obtained mush on the cabbage leaf, cover them with a hot spot, cover them with cellophane and wrap them for 30-40 minutes.

Recipe 3. Tincture from horse chestnut.In a liter of alcohol, add 150 g of chopped horse chestnut. The container is closed and infused in a dark place for 2 weeks.

Then drain the liquid, removing the sediment, add there 100 ml of boiled water. The rastern is ready.

It can be used on the occasion of necessity not only for the back, but also for the removal of leg fatigue.

Recipe 4. Tincture of dandelions.In 1 liter of alcohol add 500 g of yellow dandelions. Infuse 2 weeks in a dark place.

Recipe 5. Tincture of sage and sabelnik.Take 250 g of each herb, pour 1 liter of alcohol. Infuse 2 weeks in a dark place.

  • Wearing a belt of canine or sheep wool, which contribute to the activation of blood flow and warming the lesion focus.

In cases when the back flushes, do not take it lightly, so as not to get chronic diseases.

A source:

Bleeding the back: symptoms and ways to get rid of them

Modern people are eager to do everything, without thinking what will happen to them. With an intense rhythm of life, they do not always keep track of whether the weather is worn. And if the throat is blown, the symptoms will soon be felt.

Why does he blow his lower back?

Proskvozit back can not only an adult, but also a child. The problem is quite common and worried at least once in the life of any person.

Often the cause is inattention to yourself, which indicates a frivolous attitude towards health.

So, conditions are created for myositis (an inflammatory process in the muscles of the back).

Risk factors should be considered the presence of drafts, temperature changes, cooling devices (air conditioners and fans).

In the first case, it is not only about the unopened door in winter, but also about airing the room in the warm season.

When it's too hot, people try to open everything open, just to feel the movement of air and a little coolness.

Later a few moments of bliss will turn into back pain and not only.

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In the second case, muscular spasm is obtained due to air blowing, the temperature of which is much lower than that of the human body.

Normally, this difference should not exceed the 8-10 ° C mark.

Usually for the air conditioner set the cooling mode to 18-20 ° C, which helps myositis and cold even in a very hot period.

In the third case, there are sharp temperature changes. Often a person jumps out of the cold from the warm room on business, in order to return in a few seconds. This is enough for the extension of the waist.

Fans of the closing of the bathing season in September-October are also at risk. And after several hours under the scorching sun, it is contraindicated to go into the water sharply. This will affect not only the muscles, but also the cardiovascular system.

It is possible to exclude relapses of myositis, having reconsidered the way of life, and, having started to concern more attentively to health.

How is the stretched loin signaling about itself

While the body is flushed with heat or previous training, muscle spasm is imperceptible. It will manifest later, after half a day, or even more.

The stronger a person has been exposed to a draft or a temperature drop, the brighter the symptomatic picture will be.

Its main manifestations are:

  • Acute pain in the lumbar region, which has a shooting character
  • Violation of motor activity in the form of its restriction in the place of extension
  • Puffiness of the skin of the damaged back area
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Feeling of numbness or burning in the lower back
  • Menstrual cycle failure in women
  • A sharp rise in body temperature, as an indicator of the ongoing inflammatory process
  • If the muscle spasm is very strong, then the pain syndrome can affect not only the lower back, but also irradiate to other parts of the back. Often patients complain and that pulls the leg, it hurts to sit
  • Inflamed muscles are easily detected due to their hardness

You should not start self-treatment with herbs and lotions. It is necessary to exclude kidney disease or inflammation in the field of gynecology, since it is not always only by symptoms that this is obvious.

If the problem arises from a draft or hypothermia, then the discomfort in the lower back appears gradually, sinking from the upper back.

It is localized in the specified place, has a constant, noisy character. Having taken a comfortable, forced position, the patient feels relief. But, having risen sharply, having sat down, having turned, he will feel a chamber.

After applying heat or light grinding, you get better.

In the case of kidney problems, the person's discomfort is permanent. The pain becomes shinier. Change of position does not bring relief.

You can suspect that something is wrong, and by the morning swelling of the face, lifting blood pressure, temperature. The patient eats without appetite or has nausea. There are problems with urination.

If such changes are noticed, then compulsory medical consultation with the delivery of a number of tests is necessary.

It is possible and infringement of a nerve with spastic muscles of a back. By taking anesthetic pills, a person will temporarily ease his condition. The reason remains the same. Leaving everything as is, he runs the risk of aggravating the situation and getting a number of related problems.

Pain in the lower back is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. Only the doctor will determine what it is related to, and what methods to remove it.

Methods of treating the lumbar spine

Modern medicine relies on a drug-solving problem. The pledge of fast recovery of the patient is the immobilized position of the body and the wrapped waist. To do this, create all the conditions:

  1. Prepare a man's bed with a hard mattress. The back should not sag.
  2. Lay it in a comfortable position to reduce discomfort. If the pain is difficult to withstand, then you should take an anesthetic drug: Analgin, Spazmolgon, Pentalgin and others.

Loosen the loin with any warming ointment. For example, these are effective:

  • Apizarthron
  • Nikofleks
  • Finalgon
  • Capsicum
  • Fastum Gel
  • Diclofenac and other analogues.

Wrap the waist with a woolen shawl or scarf, which will help accumulate your own heat and strengthen the effect of the ointment.

When such measures are not enough, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal painkillers in the form of injections.

After the disappearance of pain, it is advisable to undergo physiotherapy (electrophoresis), massage and exercise therapy, a course of 10 sessions. Their task is to remove muscle spasm, restore blood flow in this area and strengthen it to prevent subsequent relapses of the disease.

Effective and non-traditional methods of treatment. Good results are provided by acupuncture procedures. It is important to find a competent specialist. Otherwise, there is a risk of deterioration of the patient.

People's recipes today also apply. These include: rubbing with pure alcohol or tincture of propolis, which heats the sore lower back and relieves inflammation, applying warm linen bags with salt or ordinary mustard plasters.

Many people use compresses. They can be worn all day or left overnight.

For example, a cabbage leaf, smeared with fresh honey, quickly eliminates the problem. The powder of mustard, diluted with tea tea leaves, also helps to the state of gruel.

But it is used twice a day for 15 minutes, so as not to burn the skin.

While watching the video you will learn about back pain.

If the lumbar has blown, it is not necessary without consulting a doctor to be treated with what the neighbors advertise or advise. Without clarifying the diagnosis, this approach will not only help, but it will also hurt.

A source:

Blew back: than to treat at home?

Almost every person faced with the appearance of short-term or prolonged pain in the back. It is the back that carries the greatest burden throughout our life.

Osteochondrosis, radiculitis, trauma, intervertebral hernia, age-related changes, hidden pathological changes, - this is not all the list of back problems that arise in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar the spine. But there is one disease, about which we hear most often. Complaining of him, a person says that he has "blown a back and doctors call this disease "myositis of the muscles of the back i.e., inflammation of the muscles.

Usually the cause of the development of this disease are sudden temperature changes that cause inflammation of the muscle fibers. Myositis can develop in all seasons in people of any gender and age.

But, paradoxically, the most common inflammation of the muscles occurs in the summer, when a person loses vigilance against the background of heat and neglects the fact of a sharp temperature drop.

An open window in the car, at home or in the office, working air conditioning, exercise or exercise in the fresh air, drafts or lack of warm clothes on a cool evening - all these factors can trigger myositis.

In the cold season, the main cause of the aching back is clothing not in season, which does not adequately protect the back from cold or frost.

After exposure to these factors, a person has back pain of varying intensity, and the question arises: "How to cope with this problem and quickly get rid of it?"

In the treatment of myositis, many make mistakes or do not attach special significance to this disease, believing that the pain will pass by itself. And completely in vain, since this approach can lead to the development of chronic inflammation and aggravate other pathologies (eg, osteochondrosis).

In this article, we will acquaint you with the symptoms and ways of treating this common condition, which is called "blown back". This knowledge will help you avoid mistakes in the treatment of myositis, and you will get rid of the unpleasant sensations and limitations to which it leads.


The main symptom of the myositis of the back muscles is back pain. It is caused by spasm and inflammation of the muscles and appears a day or two after exposure to cold.

The main characteristics of pain in myositis of the muscles of the back:

  1. the pain is of a permanent nature and is greatly enhanced by movement (slopes, bends, sipping, inhaling or exhaling, coughing, laughing, etc.);
  2. pain can appear suddenly during any movement, and a person must take a forced position, since an attempt to return to the source is hampered by severe pain;
  3. pain does not pass after rest;
  4. the pain is annoying, aching, pulling character, the area of ​​the affected muscles somehow "twists and with rapid movement, the pain becomes piercing;
  5. The pain in most cases is not symmetrical;
  6. with palpation, pain is greatly increased, and in the muscles is determined compactness (dense strands and nodules), swelling and swelling;
  7. In the field of pain, redness, itching, and burning can appear;
  8. pain can be accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  9. pain can give in the leg or buttock (when involved in the inflammatory process of the spine nerve roots);
  10. Back pain can be accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen or during urination, frequent calls to urination (with the spread of the inflammatory process on the genitourinary organs, which also very sensitive to the differences temperatures).

With acute myositis of the back muscles, the patient has general malaise and muscle weakness. It becomes difficult for him to get out of bed, dress, walk or climb the stairs. In severe cases, muscle atrophy can develop.

With incorrect or incomplete treatment, myositis of the back muscles can become chronic. This form of the disease occurs with periods of exacerbation and remission. Chronic myositis can be complicated by muscle atrophy, and the patient will experience constant muscle weakness.

In some cases, with the addition of secondary infection, acute myositis can become purulent. This form of the disease is accompanied by a marked increase in temperature, chills, a gradual increase in the intensity of pain, tightening of the affected muscles and their constant stress.


Symptoms of myositis of the back muscles are easily enough confused with signs of other diseases of the back and urogenital system. This is why it is better to seek medical help for accurate diagnosis. In some cases, the doctor may appoint such additional methods of examination:

  • blood tests (general and biochemical);
  • tests for antibodies;
  • electromyography;
  • MRI;
  • muscle biopsy;
  • Ultrasound of the urino-genital organs, etc.

The scope of the examination is determined individually for each patient. The doctor makes a list of the necessary investigations on the basis of complaints, the results of the examination and the study of the medical history and life of the patient.

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In most cases, myositis of the back muscles caused by hypothermia is treated at home. If you have bled your back, the doctor will advise you to follow the following recommendations and fulfill these purposes:

  1. Immediately after the onset of pain and in the early days of the disease, ensure complete peace of the back and keep it warm.
  2. Observe no less than for three days, bed rest. Bedding in such cases should be tough.
  3. Take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Diclofenac, Diclober, Indomethacin, Revmoxicam, Movalis, and others.
  4. With severe pain, take an anesthetic drug: Ketorol, Spazmalgon, Baralgin, Analgin, and others.
  5. To apply on a site of a pain warming ointments, a cream or gels: Finalgon, Apizatron, Analgos, Slonts, Nikofleks, Voltaren, Kapsikam, etc. With an independent choice of such drugs, you should always read the instructions and make sure there are no contraindications. Some of them can not be used during pregnancy. Most doctors do not recommend using ointments for inflammation of the muscles in the lumbar or thoracic spine, since their penetrating ability is limited. In such cases, experts recommend giving preference to agents in the form of gels. After applying the medication, you should wrap your back with a warm kerchief or put on a warming belt.
  6. Conduct procedures for applying dry heat: heaters, bags with warm sand or salt, wearing a warming belt from sheep or dog hair.
  7. Use a pepper bandage (if there are no contraindications).
  8. Make compresses from vodka or diluted alcohol.
  9. Perform special exercises to relax the muscles of the back, which the doctor will choose.
  10. Limit the intake of salt and liquid (to prevent greater swelling of the muscles).
  11. If necessary, go outdoors should be dressed in the weather.

About exercises for the muscles of the back see the video:

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

With myositis of the back muscles, the doctor can prescribe a number of physiotherapeutic procedures that can be performed in the physiotherapy department:

  • massotherapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • reflexology;
  • electrostimulation of muscles;
  • acupuncture.

These procedures can be prescribed to the patient when his condition improves and he can visit the medical institution on his own. Do not neglect such appointments, because they are always effective and help in a shorter time to eliminate back pain.

In some cases, with severe pain in the back and no contraindications, the patient may be prescribed a new blockade.

To do this, a drug mixture from novocaine and a hormone agent based on a corticosteroid hormone is injected into the inflammation-affected area of ​​the back.

If you have decided to treat the refluxed back yourself, then in the absence of relief for three days, you must always seek medical help. This course of the disease may indicate a severe form of the disease, the development of other back pathologies or involvement in the inflammatory process of the urogenital system.

At observance of all recommendations of the doctor myositis of muscles of a back well gives in to treatment and does not pass in a chronic stage. Usually complications of this disease are observed with an unfinished course of therapy or when making some mistakes that patients often allow in self-treatment.

What can not be done if your back is flushed?

Many people believe that the best ways to treat a cold on the back are such procedures:

  1. taking a hot bath;
  2. visiting the sauna and sauna;
  3. intensive back rubbing with warming ointments;
  4. hot compresses.

Remember that all of the above procedures performed in the acute stage of the disease can only aggravate the patient's condition.

They lead to the spread of the inflammatory process, the development of an even greater spasm and edema of the muscles and an increase in back pain.

It is these mistakes that many people make that can aggravate the disease and lead to its longer flow.

Folk remedies

After consulting with a doctor and eliminating possible contraindications, various folk remedies can be used to treat myositis of the back muscles. Many of them are very effective and not inferior to traditional methods of treatment.

Compress from cabbage leaves

Grease the leaf of cabbage with honey and attach to the area of ​​pain. Secure with a bandage and wrap with a warm cloth. Leave the compress overnight.

To enhance the heating effect in honey, you can add vegetable oil, mustard or horseradish (all ingredients are taken in equal proportions).

In such cases, you should periodically monitor the skin condition, because mustard and horseradish can cause burns.

Rinsing with interior fat or butter with field horsetail

In 4 parts of the interior fat or butter, add 1 part of the grass horsetail grass powder. The resulting ointment should be rubbed several times a day in a sore spot and wrapped with a warm cloth.

Compress from boiled potatoes

Boil the potatoes "in uniform peel and mash. On the sick back area put 1-2 layers of cotton cloth and put on it a very warm mashed potatoes. Cover the compress with a warm cloth.

As the potatoes cool down, one after another, remove the layers of tissue. When the potato mass stops warming the skin, it needs to be removed, and the skin is rubbed with vodka or cologne. After the procedure is completed, wrap the back with a warm cloth.

Such a compress is best performed at bedtime several evenings in a row.

Trash with badyag

Take a teaspoon of butter and mix it with ¼ teaspoon of powdered spaghetti.

Before going to bed, the resulting mixture rub the painful area and wrap it with a warm scarf. Such rubbing can be performed only once a week, since

frequent use of badyagi can lead to significant irritation of the skin.

Trituration with healing fir balsam

Before preparing the product, make sure that there is no hypersensitivity and allergic reaction to fir oil.

A drop of fir oil mixed with 10 drops of vegetable oil and applied to a small area of ​​the skin.

If after 15-20 minutes on the skin did not appear persistent and pronounced reddening, then the oil can be used for treatment.

To prepare a healing balm, mix 100 ml of fir oil and 100 g of melted goose or pork fat. The resulting mixture must be drained into a sterilized glass container, which is clogged with a lid.

Balsam can be applied in the form of a compress and leave for half an hour or an hour. This procedure should be performed before bedtime. During the day, the medicinal product can be rubbed into the painful areas of the muscles with soft, circular and stroking movements.

After a compress or rubbing, the back must be wrapped. Duration of treatment is 10-15 days.

Have you blown your back? Do not leave this illness of attention and do not let everything go by itself! Observance of simple recommendations will allow you to get rid of the pain, and you will not allow the development of complications of such a disease as myositis of the muscles of the back. For the prevention of this ailment always wear the weather, use the air conditioner carefully, avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes. Remember this and be healthy!

To which doctor to apply

If you suddenly have back pain, it is best to seek help from a neurologist. He will be able to distinguish between muscle damage from diseases of the nerves and spine and will prescribe the right treatment.

If a neurologist can not be examined, the therapist or a family doctor, as well as a rheumatologist, can help. In addition, the patient can be examined by a urologist, nephrologist, gynecologist for the exclusion of other diseases.

A source:

What to do if blown back?

Pain syndrome and the development of the disease in humans cause air masses, both in winter and in summer. Paradoxically, most of the seizures are in the summer period. Supercooling of the back occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Prolonged operation under direct sunlight.
  2. Sharp change in temperature conditions. For example, from a hot, stuffy room, a person goes out into the street.
  3. Use of cold drinks or cold water to quench your thirst.
  4. Close stay near the air conditioner.

As a result, due to a strong heating of the muscles, blood circulation is increased in them, and at the slightest blow of slightly cool air, their sharp spasm occurs. This entails squeezing the nerve endings of the back.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of the disease do not immediately manifest. Usually symptoms appear 10-12 hours after the heated back has been cooled. Disease can be manifested as a separate symptom, and a number of symptoms:

  • aching or sharp pain;
  • lack of normal motor activity;
  • the occurrence of burning and itching on the skin of the back is not excluded;
  • violation of urination and menstrual cycle in women;
  • forced acceptance of a bent posture;
  • muscle soreness, passing into the buttocks and legs;
  • with the rapid development of the inflammatory process, the body temperature rises.

How to treat your back

Despite the fact that the patient often experiences unbearable pain, treatment measures do not refer to severe therapeutic methods.

The severity of the problem can be eliminated provided that the treatment procedures start on time to prevent the attacks from becoming protracted.

Very often, patients make a classic mistake, starting treatment on the advice of relatives, friends or reading information from non-medical sources. Correct treatment includes several stages:

  1. Bed rest.
  2. Appointment of medicines for external and oral use.
  3. Physiotherapeutic procedures.
  4. Physiotherapy and light massage.

Observance of a special regime

First of all, the patient is recommended bed rest. Rest and sleep better on a semi-rigid surface.

To prevent further progression of the disease, before recovery, it is better to arrange a sick leave sheet for the doctor.

That the back does not get tired, it is necessary to move less and spend most of the time in bed.

Medication Therapy

If the back aches, aching, acute and paroxysmal pain, stop with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These can be tablets, injections, ointments, gels, creams, alcohol-containing solutions. For example:

  • ibuprofen;
  • diclofenac;
  • ketoprofen;
  • movalis;
  • ketorol;
  • ketones;
  • ketolong;
  • indomethacin;
  • orthophene;
  • methindole.

NSAIDs have a pronounced anesthetic effect, they are good at removing the inflammatory process, muscle spasms, swelling of tissues, and have antipyretic properties.

Since they have a mass of side effects, it is necessary to use such means strictly according to the instructions, no more than 5-7 days.

Often, this course is enough to make the patient feel much better.

In the event that the treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs has been ineffective, the pain extends to other sites body, there are frequent "lumbago" or there is a strong skewing of the back, it is worthwhile to watch and go through the full examination.

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Physiotherapeutic procedures, massage

The methods of physiotherapy and therapeutic massage are started only when there is no acute symptomatology of the disease. They can be prescribed both in complex treatment and independent.

Act directly on the hearth itself and almost harmless to the body. With their help, you can achieve a significant reduction in the dose of drugs, rapid improvement in the patient's condition.

It should also be noted that physiotherapy does not cause exacerbations and allergic reactions.


  1. metabolic processes are normalized;
  2. immunity is activated;
  3. there is a rapid regeneration of tissues;
  4. improves blood circulation in affected areas and much more.

Diet treatment

If your body can easily manage one day without the usual food, make a fasting day.

Many experts consider fasting within reasonable limits - a natural analgesic.

Quickly remove toxins and excess fluid will help watermelon medium size, 1 kg of apples or 1 liter of kefir. This dosage is calculated for a person of moderate body weight.

Councils V. Dikul

Before the visit to the doctor to remove the muscle clamp and temporarily eliminate the pain will help simple and affordable exercises developed by the famous athlete V.

Dikul. They are shown only at the first symptoms and signs of the disease. Later, after recovery, they can be used as a prophylaxis.

Exercise # 1

  • Lean hands and knees on the floor.
  • Very slowly bend the back and head.
  • In the same manner, after a few seconds, straighten your back, gradually bending it. The head is thrown back a little, on the shoulders.
  • The movements are repeated for 1 minute, then a short break.

Exercise # 2

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Bend one leg in the knee, clasp it with both hands and slowly, without jerking, pull up to the chest.
  3. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds.
  4. In the same translational motion, we move the leg back to its original position.
  5. Repeat the same with the second limb.
  6. The duration of the exercise is no more than 1 minute. After the break, repeat 2-3 times.

Exercise 3

  • Posture lying on stomach.
  • The arms are bent at the elbows near the pelvis, the legs are joined together.
  • Pull forward both hands as far as possible, imagine that you reach out to an imaginary object.

How not to fall into the risk group

First of all, do not allow or eliminate provoking factors: cool air, draft, hypothermia in winter.

In cold or winter time, it is better to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, the back should be completely closed, especially the waist region.

When frosty strong winds will help special windbreakers or down jackets.

A source:

What should I do if I bled my back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades: how to treat at home?

Such trouble awaits us at any time of the year. Can overtake at work and at home, indoors and outdoors.

It was easy to get dressed, the wind rose, rain fell, the temperature dropped sharply, the back blew. In the courtyard heat, sweat streams, dipping into the beckoning coolness of an air-conditioned room or car - blown back!

Possible and this situation: strenuous physical work, sports load, warming up the muscles - and even a light stream of wind or air in the room will cause a sharp cooling of the heated back.

Here you can find a review of analgesic ointments for the back.

Symptoms of a "purged back"

The most characteristic are:

  1. pain in the muscles of the back,emerged a few hours after hypothermia;
  2. localization of pain:individual areas or the entire surface;
  3. difficulty in moving;
  4. need to adopt a specific posture;
  5. sensations of burning or itchingon the skin;
  6. temperature increasebody.

Important! Supercooling of the back provokes the manifestation of diseases that require compulsory medical intervention.

About that to what doctor to address if the back hurts read here.

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Having arisen in the lumbar region of the back, pain extends to the lower limbs, there may be numbness and difficulty in the movement of the legs.

About how to cure the sciatic nerve at home read here.

Radiculitis is an inflammation of the roots of the spinal nerves. Can be of the nature of an attack. The person freezes, unable to change the pose. Sometimes a sharp pain impulse accompanies certain movements. The symptom of Nerl - back pain when the head is tilted forward - indicates this disease.

About anesthetizing injections from a pain in a back read here.

Lumbago - an attack provoked by osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia. Characterized by a sudden "chamber" in the lower back, giving in the buttocks and hips.

Myositis - inflammation of skeletal muscles caused by infection, trauma, excessive static or dynamic load, autoimmune reaction. The pain is aggravated by movement and palpation, the temperature rises, swelling and formation of nodules in muscles is possible.

Myalgia (myofascial syndrome) is an inflammatory process in which changes in the structure of muscle fibers lead to irritation of nerve endings. In the muscles, trigger points or patches are formed. Feels like painful seals.

Many diseases of the internal organs (gastrointestinal tract, urinary and genital systems), and the spine with hypothermia can also provoke pain in the back.

Only a specialist has the opportunity to conduct an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment.

In the presence of such symptoms, you need to see a doctor:

  • pain does not cease at rest, when the position of the body changes;
  • increased unpleasant sensations;
  • violations in the normal functioning of the pelvic organs;
  • increased or decreased sensitivity;
  • the development of pain against a background of fever;
  • presence of trauma;
  • unusually long stiffness in the morning;
  • persistent maintenance of pain syndrome under the age of 15 and after 50 years;
  • unreasonable decrease in body weight;
  • presence or predisposition to oncological diseases.

Has blown back... What are the reasons?

The mechanism of the appearance of pain is a sharp narrowing of the blood capillaries due to hypothermia. Nerve endings transmit signals to the spinal cord about violations, as the response to the muscles impulses that cause their spasm, which cause painful sensations.

What if I blew my back?

First aid:

  1. warming (shower, bath, wrapping);
  2. limitation of mobility (horizontal position on a semi-rigid surface).


The goal is to reduce pain symptoms, prevent its transition to a chronic stage, return to normal functioning of the body. Facilitate the situation and the situation.

Forms of drugs can be recommended the following: pills, ointments, injections, patches.


  • paracetamol(it acts quickly, but for a short time);
  • tramadol(has an otstrochenny, but a long-lasting effect);
  • zlodir(a combined agent - paracetamol and tramadol).

NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs):

Oppress the production of enzymes that affect the process of inflammation. Have contraindications due to negative effects on the digestive system.


  1. nekst, ibuklin, hayrumat (ibuprofen and paracetamol);
  2. Betalgon, betanicomylon (nonivamide and nicoboxyl).

Muscle relaxants:

  • midokalm;
  • baclofen;
  • sirdalud;
  • tolperisone;
  • tizanidine.

They are called to break the "vicious circle the inflammation supports muscular spasm, which prolongs the inflammatory reaction, which intensifies and prolongs the pain syndrome.



It includes:

  1. balneological procedures.
  2. medical baths(contrast, salt, turpentine, hydrogen sulfide, radon, herbal);
  3. light therapy(infrared, ultraviolet radiation);
  4. pneumocompressor therapy;
  5. laser therapy;
  6. ultrasound therapy;
  7. electrotherapy(galvanization, drug electrophoresis, amplipulse therapy, EHF-therapy, magnetotherapy, diadynamic, sinusoidal modulated currents);


  • infrared irradiation of active zones.
  • magnetopuncture;
  • injection reflexotherapy;
  • electroacupuncture;
  • cryopuncture;
  • cauterization, heating points;
  • application of balls, plates;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • acupressure;
  • acupuncture;

Manual therapy:

  1. myofascial release.
  2. acupressure;
  3. soft relaxing massage;


  • complex exercises Dikul;
  • Jacobson's method;
  • post-isometric relaxation;
  • employment of oriental health improving techniques that improve the function of the musculoskeletal system.

What ointments to apply?

Here you can see the list of pain relief ointments and their application.

Painkillers (irritating and warming action):

  1. finalgon;
  2. Capsicum;
  3. nikofleks;
  4. analgos;
  5. efkamon;
  6. apizartron;
  7. viprosal.


  • ketoprofen; ketonal;
  • nais, nimulid;
  • diclofenac, voltaren, orthophene, diclovite, diclac, diclogen, diclouran, diclofenacol;
  • pyroxecam;
  • ibuprofen, dolgite;
  • indomethacin.

Healing patches for back pain:

  1. Pepper(contains extracts of peppers and belladonna, tincture of arnica and pine rosin);
  2. Versatis(the main active substance is lidocaine);
  3. Voltaren(in the composition - NSAID diclofenac);
  4. Ketonal Thermo(warming up);
  5. Nanoplast(magnetic effect of the rare-earth mineral);
  6. Dorsaplast(powder with infrared radiation).

What advises folk medicine?


  • Warmer(salt, sand, from flax seeds, buckwheat groats).
  • Warming belt,vest of wool (sheep, dog).
  • Baths with herbs(coniferous, with bark of an oak, flowers of a camomile).
  • Visiting a sauna or a sauna.
  • Application of cabbage or birch leaves.
  • Compressesfrom mustard, honey, horseradish and potatoes, warm wax, black radish, ginger, and bodyguards.
  • Triturationalcohol, pepper tincture, balsam "Star".
  • Application of clay,bischofite, paraffin.
  • Massaging of essential oilsfir, magnolia vine, mint, marjoram, chamomile, lavender, basil, immortelle.
  • Mustards.
  • Banks.
  • Effects of fresh nettle.
  • Hirudotherapy(application of leeches).
  • Apitherapy(stings of bees, tinctures of propolis, honey).
  • Applicator Kuznetsov.
  • Poulticesfrom the flowers of lime, nettle, burdock root, hay.
  • Alcohol tincturesfrom the fruits of horse chestnut, Adam's root, cedar shells, the roots of sorrel, golden mustache, dandelion.
  • Brothsfrom birch buds, oats.
  • Infusionsthyme creeping, leaves of cowberry, dry dill, roots and green parsley, sweet potato.

What not to do:

  1. to refuse medical diagnostics;
  2. engage in self-medication;
  3. limited to analgesics (they will reduce discomfort, but will not affect the development of the inflammation process).

Important! Any medicinal substances, even seemingly harmless folk remedies, can cause harm to health if to apply them incorrectly. Each of them has contraindications and side effects.

Even if the drug is prescribed by a doctor, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use, to conduct a sample for sensitivity, and to strictly observe the dosage and the rules for taking.

And so that your back does not blown - protect it from hypothermia, drafts and sudden temperature changes.

A source: