Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine


  • 1Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis
    • 1.1Clinical picture
    • 1.2Diagnostics
    • 1.3Treatment
    • 1.4Electrophoresis
    • 1.5DiaDinamotherapy
    • 1.6Amplipulse therapy
    • 1.7Short pulse analgesia
    • 1.8Ultrasound
    • 1.9Laser therapy and magnetolaser
    • 1.10Magnetotherapy
  • 2The effectiveness of physiotherapy in osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
    • 2.1Main advantages
    • 2.2Varieties of methods
    • 2.3General recommendations
    • 2.4Contraindications
  • 3Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis (physiotherapy, physiotherapy) of the spine
    • 3.1Do you use physiotherapy for osteochondrosis?
    • 3.2Indications and contraindications
    • 3.3What kinds of physiotherapy are used for osteochondrosis?
    • 3.4Balneotherapy
    • 3.5UFO
    • 3.6Vibration effect
    • 3.7Laser therapy
    • 3.8Electrotherapy
    • 3.9Shock-wave action
    • 3.10Reflexology
    • 3.11Combining methods with each other and with other methods of treatment
  • 4Physiotherapy with lumbar osteochondrosis
    • 4.1Varieties
    • 4.2Ultraviolet
    • 4.3Using a laser
    • 4.4Shock wave therapy
    • 4.5Vibrations
    • 4.6Ultrasound
    • 4.7Magnetotherapy
    • 4.8Mud Treatment
    • 4.9Electrotherapy
    • 4.10Contraindications
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Physiotherapy with osteochondrosis of the spine
  • 6Methods of treatment of osteochondrosis
    • 6.1Why you need physiotherapy
    • 6.2Types of physiotherapy
    • 6.3Exposure to ultraviolet radiation
    • 6.4Exposure to ultrasonic waves
    • 6.5Magnetotherapeutic effect
    • 6.6Shock wave physiotherapy
    • 6.7Electrotherapeutic treatment
    • 6.8Laser treatment
    • 6.9Balneotherapy treatment
    • 6.10Detensor - therapy
    • 6.11General contraindications for medical exposures

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis

Degenerative and dystrophic diseases of the spine are a group of pathologies associated with impaired tissue nutrition in the spinal column and the development of destructive changes in it. These lesions include: deforming spondylosis, spondylarthrosis, osteochondrosis and a hernia of the spine (or cartilaginous nodes).

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a chronic disease associated with the damage to the nucleus of the intervertebral disc and the involvement of surrounding tissues, vessels and the nervous system in the process. Treatment of osteochondrosis should be complex, in particular, using the methods of physiotherapy.

Depending on the site of the lesion, the osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and lumbosacral divisions is divided.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of the disease are divided into reflex and compression.

Reflex symptoms arise due to nervous impulses from the focus of the lesion in the brain about irritation and the response from the muscles, vessels and nerves.

Compression symptomatology is associated with compression of tissues in the area of ​​damage to the bone elements of the spine or herniated disc.

With the progression of the pathology, the pain syndrome increases, in the region of the vertebrae, bony outgrowths are formed - the protective mechanism of the organism from the emerging instability of the spine. Osteophytes are the cause of decreased flexibility of the spine.

The further development of osteochondrosis leads to motor and sensory disturbances in the limb region.


Computer tomography gives the doctor the opportunity to get more detailed information about the lesion.

When there is pain in the spine, a sensitivity disorder, an increasing weakness in the limbs, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out the causes of these phenomena.

Diagnosis of osteochondrosis consists of anamnestic, clinical and diagnostic data. Interrogating the patient, the doctor finds out his anamnesis, that is, the history of the disease. Then follows the examination of the patient, the detection of neurological manifestations, curvature of the spine, etc.

Further, the doctor conducts an X-ray study that helps diagnose.

In the photo one can see the anatomical features of the spine and its modifications, displacement of the structures of the spinal column, a change in the thickness disk and its shape, the distance between the vertebrae and their relative position, as well as the possible consequences of traumatic or other damage nature.

If a doctor has some doubts about the diagnosis, he can offer the patient to perform an MRI or CT scan - more informative, but expensive diagnostic methods.

Thanks to them it is possible to obtain pictures of thin sections of a specific department of the spine and surrounding tissues, which will allow view the pathological focus layer by layer and not miss the possible presence of a tumor or other causes of anxiety patient.

For differential diagnosis with the infectious nature of spine injury, trauma or tumor growth There is a radioisotope study that allows you to see the process of active mineralization of the bone structure.

An additional method of diagnosis can serve as myography, which helps to differentiate neurological symptoms, arising when squeezing the roots of the nerves with a curved vertebrae, grown osteophytes, or peripheral nature neuralgia.

The pain that occurs in the osteochondrosis of the spine due to irritation of nerve fibers can mimic the diseases of certain internal organs (so-called reflected pains).

Therefore, for differential diagnosis with pathologies of other organs and systems, additional diagnostic methods are used, depending on the nature and location of the pain syndrome: ECG, ECHO-CG heart, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space and small pelvis, EGDS, ultrasound vessels and so forth.


For the treatment of osteochondrosis, drug therapy and physiotherapy are used.

The task of physiotherapy is anesthesia, resorption of the inflammation, improvement of blood circulation and nutrition of tissues.

In most cases, the following methods of physiotherapy are chosen:


It is prescribed according to the conventional schemes for the purpose of anesthetizing neurological manifestations of the disease. The exposure time is 10 minutes, the course effect consists of 5-10 daily procedures.


The combination of currents is used: DN 1-2 min, then switches to gearbox - 3-4 min, and after 2-3 days the gearbox changes DP - duration 1-2 min. In one procedure, you can affect several fields. The total time of the procedure is up to 15 minutes.

The course of treatment - 10 daily procedures. In the period of severe pain, two procedures are allowed in one day with an interval between them of 5 hours.

There are methods of combining the effects of currents and medicinal substances - diadynaphoresis.

Amplipulse therapy

During the acute process, the modulation frequency is used at 100 Hz, the depth is 25-50%, in the subacute form of the disease, the frequency is reduced to 50-80 Hz, and the penetration depth of the pulse is increased to 75%, with a chronic current, a frequency of 30 Hz is used; depth - about 100%. Also, using the CM-currents, it is possible to administer medications to the body. The time of one procedure varies within 15-20 minutes. Course impact includes 10-15 sessions.

Short pulse analgesia

After palpation (finger) detection of the points of greatest pain, paravertebrally (on the near-vertebral line) several electrodes are applied.

In severe pain syndrome, the pulse repetition rate is set at 77 Hz, with a mild pain and a decrease in the intensity of the pain syndrome, the frequency is reduced to 10 Hz.

The tension is chosen according to individual sensations - up to a slight tingling. Time of impact on one field is ten minutes.

The first 2 days are recommended to perform the procedure 2 times a day - before breakfast and before dinner, and then until the end of treatment - 1 time per day before lunch. The course consists of 5-15 daily procedures.


Apply a labile contact technique paravertebrally along the affected spine.

The intensity is from, to, W / cm², continuous or pulse mode (pulse repetition rate is 2 or 4 ms).

The exposure time is from 2 to 7 minutes per side, depending on the number of fields. The course takes from 5 to 10 daily procedures.

Laser therapy and magnetolaser

Infrared radiation is used in continuous or pulsed mode with a certain pulse repetition rate.

Apply a contact stable method of irradiation of the skin in the region of a specific part of the spine: near the spinous process of the vertebra and on both sides of the vertebral column (3 fields).


Along the spine put the magnetic tape for 10-15 minutes. Usually, they use an alternating magnetic field. The course effect is from 10 to 20 sessions.

The maximum effect of treatment is observed when a combination of different methods of physiotherapy.

Modern methods of treatment can save the patient from a painful disease. Do not endure pathological syndromes, you should just consult a doctor.

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The effectiveness of physiotherapy in osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Degenerative lesions of the vertebral structures of the lumbar region in the spine can be detected in any person. Regardless of age category, gender, social security.

Medical measures will be much more effective if they are started at the earliest stages of the onset of pathology.

Far from the last role in stopping unpleasant symptoms is physiotherapy with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine.

During the disease, specialists conditionally distinguish three stages - exacerbation, remission and remission. And if on the first of them the leading importance is attached to pharmacotherapy. Then in the subsequent stages necessarily requires a comprehensive approach - with the mandatory inclusion of physiotherapy procedures.

Main advantages

Since most of the burden in the human body is placed on the lumbar spine, about 75-80% of calls to specialists fall precisely on pain sensations in this area.

Physiotherapy with osteochondrosis of the lumbar region has its undoubted advantages:

  • a significant decrease in the volume of medicines;
  • effectively relieve uncomfortable sensations;
  • allow to regulate metabolic processes in the affected tissues;
  • quickly eliminate puffiness, localized in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • optimally increase mobility in the physiotherapeutic structures affected by the spine;
  • maximally increase the immune barriers of the patient's body.

In addition to the above advantages, experts emphasize and other important points:

  1. physiotherapy procedures allow to carry out medical measures precisely in the center of inflammation;
  2. the whole organism of the patient as a whole is not endangered;
  3. The list of negative moments from their application is minimal.
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And these are just the main points. Experts can tell a lot more interesting.

Varieties of methods

Effective physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine consists in carrying out various methods, either individually or in combination:

  • Delivery directly to the inflammation zone of necessary medications, for example, novocaine, potassium iodide, by electrocution with electrocoresis. At the same time, the tissues are not damaged at all. The duration of one procedure does not exceed, as a rule, 10-12 minutes. The entire course of physiotherapy can be 10-15 visits. In rare cases, with persistently persisting pain syndrome, a specialist recommends 20 sessions of electrophoresis.
  • The therapeutic effect of wave and continuous current on the area of ​​inflammatory phenomena in the lower back is diathermotherapy. Already after 1-2 procedures there is a marked decrease in the constriction in swollen and inflamed muscle fibers. One session will last no more than 10-20 minutes. To achieve a positive effect, at least 8 visits will be required.
  • On the right and left, the affected areas near the spinal column can be affected by laser therapy. This modern, absolutely safe and effective method promotes optimal restoration of damaged intervertebral structures. Each session is 12-15 minutes long. In general, 3-5 to 12-15 procedures are required.
  • The creation of a magnetic field in the lesion focus promotes the renewal of inflamed tissues. It removes puffiness in them, which leads to relief of pain. It was discovered first, this method has not lost its relevance to the present day. The effect is carried out by an induction magnet - each session lasts 20-25 minutes. The full course of magnetotherapy is 8-14 visits.
  • Tape vibro-massager by mechanical action on the affected area contributes to significant relief of edema. This greatly facilitates discomfort in the lumbosacral department. A specialist can be assigned up to 20 sessions, the duration of each of them is 15-20 minutes.

The above-mentioned methods of physiotherapy can be recommended both individually and in effective combinations. This allows you to achieve the desired effect in the shortest time.

General recommendations

Physiotherapy in osteochondrosis of the lumbar department should be appointed only by a specialist. Be sure to take into account: the severity of negative manifestations in the spine, the severity of the patient's condition. And also his age category, the presence of other somatic pathologies.

If these methods of drugless treatment were appointed on time and at the proper level, the effect occurs quickly. The patients feel well, the pain stops, the mobility of the vertebral structures increases.

In addition to physiotherapy, the patient is recommended to observe the regime of work and rest, the courses of therapeutic physical education. Useful and visiting the pool, and avoiding severe psycho-emotional and physical overload.


Methods of physiotherapy are rightly recognized by specialists as the safest, but they also have their contraindications:

  • the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • decompensated pathologies of respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • period of bearing the baby;
  • marked violation of excretory system;
  • the presence of psychiatric disorders;
  • foci of purulent lesions in the body;
  • hyperthermia syndrome.

Contingent contraindications may be the presence of various rashes on the skin in the area of ​​medical procedures. And also the period of menstrual discharge in the female part of the population.

Complex impact on osteochondrosis in the lumbar department - and pharmacotherapy, and various physiotherapy, and exercise therapy - allow the patient to quickly get rid of the very unpleasant sensations that accompany the period of exacerbation osteochondrosis. Many of the above methods of physiotherapy can serve as prevention measures, for example, magnetotherapy.

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Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis (physiotherapy, physiotherapy) of the spine

Physiotherapeutic procedures are used almost always in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine. High efficiency of physiotherapy together with high safety allows using such treatment for osteochondrosis and cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.

In this case, there are many types of physiotherapy, including laser treatment, thermal exposure, vibration and shock. Does physiotherapy help with osteochondrosis? In short, about 70-75% of cases - yes (at least partially alleviate the situation).

Do you use physiotherapy for osteochondrosis?

In the complex treatment of osteochondrosis, various types of physiotherapy are used. The effectiveness of methods of physiotherapy is extremely high, but only if it is an auxiliary therapy on the background of the main (medicines, exercise therapy).

There is no person to whom at least partially physiotherapy has not helped. Another thing is that you need to be very serious about choosing a specific method of physiotherapy. It is not uncommon for a situation where selection is performed empirically, by trial and error.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis

It is important to evaluate the patient's condition, because not every person and not in every state can be physioprocedures. It is necessary to exclude from the outset the presence of contraindications, which is already within the competence of the doctor.

A visualizing diagnosis of the patient's spinal column is performed, and sometimes a study of the vessels.

Indications and contraindications

Physiotherapy has a lot of evidence, more than a hundred, if we talk about the body as a whole. Speaking specifically about osteochondrosis, usually at the early stages of physiotherapy is not required.

It can only be carried out in the following situations:

  1. severe pain syndrome;
  2. muscular spasms, stiffness in the movements of the back;
  3. appearance of a rare symptom on the background of osteochondrosis - nausea, fever;
  4. presence of pronounced inflammatory phenomena in the spinal column.

Carrying out physiotherapy with osteochondrosis

There are also contraindications to physiotherapy for osteochondrosis. It can not be carried out in the following cases:

  • the presence of malignant neoplasms in any organ of the body;
  • diseases of the circulatory system, hemophilia, thrombophilia;
  • presence of concomitant serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system (for example, ankylosing spondylitis);
  • acute infectious processes, chronic infections of the spine (syphilis, tuberculosis).

What kinds of physiotherapy are used for osteochondrosis?

There are about a dozen physiotherapy procedures that are successfully used in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine. Each of them is shown in certain situations.

Magnetotherapy for osteochondrosis

At the moment, the following types of physiotherapy are used in the treatment of osteochondrosis:

  1. Diadynamic therapy (DDT) - exposure to electric current with a frequency of 50 to 100 hertz.
  2. Amplipulse therapy (CMT) - exposure to alternating currents in the form of amplitude pulsations.
  3. Magnetotherapy - the impact of a powerful magnetic field on the patient's body.
  4. Balneotherapy - treatment with the help of bathing in curative mud and mineral waters.
  5. UV - exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  6. Vibration treatment - treatment with mechanical vibrations.
  7. Laser therapy - treatment with a device that generates photon beams.
  8. Electrotherapy - treatment with a device that generates electric fields.
  9. Shock-wave action - treatment with the help of mechanical vibrations of impact type.
  10. Reflexotherapy is essentially a simple acupuncture (acupuncture).


Balneotherapy has another name - "bathing treatment". But bathing does not occur in ordinary water, but in mineral water. Sometimes appointed bathing in mud baths, which specifically for osteochondrosis can be more useful than mineral ones.

Mud baths with osteochondrosis

The technique has a general beneficial effect on the body.

Reduces the severity of spasms of the back muscles, has a general calming (reflexing) effect, improves the immune status.

The latter is very important, as against the background of osteochondrosis, the spine is weakened and a secondary infection can hit it.

On average, 8 balneotherapy sessions are required. Each session should be held every 3 or every 4 days.


Treatment of the human body with ultraviolet rays is extremely beneficial: under the influence of ultraviolet the human body synthesizes an extremely important vitamin D.

And this vitamin also affects the condition of the spinal column. With its deficiency (this is by no means a rarity in osteochondrosis), bone and cartilage tissues are more prone to destruction (although less than in osteoporosis). They have less resistance to infectious organisms.

For the treatment of osteochondrosis, 12-14 UFO sessions are required every 1-3 days throughout the course.

Vibration effect

Vibration treatment as a physiotherapy procedure involves the generation by a special device of mechanical vibrations passing along the spine of the patient. The procedure is useful in that it eliminates puffiness, reduces the intensity of muscle spasm, strengthens the muscular corset of the back.

Vibration effect in osteochondrosis

Vibration is effected in several ways: using ultrasound, zonal or classical (general vibrating massage). Sometimes a point vibration massage is also used, but it is effective only for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

For successful therapy of osteochondrosis, 8 sessions of vibration physiotherapy are required every 1-2 days.

Laser therapy

One of the most popular methods of treatment of osteochondrosis. Laser therapy involves the impact on the affected spine with the help of a light stream (a stream of photons grouped into a beam).

Laser therapy leads to a decrease in soreness, relieve muscle tension, eliminates stiffness in the movements of the back. When exposed to the cervical region, it eliminates dizziness and cervicogen headaches.

On average, 9 laser therapy sessions are required, held every 1 or 2 days.


Electrotherapy involves the impact on the spinal column of the patient currents of various powers and electric fields. The procedure is carried out for the elimination of pain, improves the regenerative and immune parameters of the body, eliminates lymph nodes.

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Electrotherapy for osteochondrosis

To achieve impressive results, 10 electrotherapy sessions are required. However, it is recommended that after the completion of the course of treatment, take a break in two weeks and repeat the course of 10 sessions. This significantly increases the effectiveness of the technique.

Shock-wave action

This technique is somewhat reminiscent of the vibrational effect: here, too, a special device generates mechanical oscillations, or more precisely, acoustic waves. The technique effectively copes with the pain syndrome and generally reduces the treatment time for osteochondrosis of any part of the spine.

Despite the "shock impact" and apparent traumatism, the procedure is shown not only to adult patients, but also to children. The reason is simple: the operator has the ability to adjust the power of the device, so you can adjust it to the children's body.

On average 9 procedures of shock wave physiotherapy are required every 2-3 days throughout the course of treatment.


Reflexotherapy involves the use of special thin needles, which fix along the vertebral column of the patient. They are fixed on the entire area of ​​the back, but the greatest number of needles is concentrated in the area of ​​the pathological focus (for example, where it hurts most).

The procedure is designed to eliminate the pain syndrome, relax the muscle corset, improve the drainage of the lymphatic fluid and, as a result, reduce swelling. It also has a calming effect, relieves stress.

Reflexotherapy for osteochondrosis

On average, 12 reflexotherapy procedures are required to achieve good results. The procedure is carried out once every 3-4 days. The use of acupuncture for osteochondrosis can be read separately.

Combining methods with each other and with other methods of treatment

To use all methods of physiotherapy at the same time is not just extremely expensive in terms of finances, but also harmful enough. The organism of such "shock therapy" obviously will not survive - the course of the disease will only worsen, and significantly.

However, combining two or three procedures is not just possible, but it is also recommended. For example, in most cases, a combination of laser therapy + reflexotherapy + treatment with mud and / or mineral waters is extremely effective.

Apparatus for UFD with osteochondrosis

Specific "bundles" of physiotherapy techniques should be selected by the attending physicians. It is the attending physicians (neurologist, vertebrologist, orthopedist), and not specialists-rehabilitologists or operators of physiotherapeutic devices.

If to speak about other groups of treatment of an osteochondrosis (LFK, medicines), then it is simply necessary to combine them with physiotherapy. Without them, physioprocedures are ineffective or in no way affect the outcome of the disease.

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Physiotherapy with lumbar osteochondrosis

In the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine an important place is occupied by physiotherapy methods.

They are complementary to the traditional drug treatment, they can reduce pain, improve blood flow, metabolic processes in the back. Methods of physiotherapy for osteochondrosis can be used at all stages of the disease.

There are many of them, each has its own positive therapeutic effect, it helps to reduce the dose of prescribed drugs.


For the treatment apply electrical, mechanical energy, water, light, laser or therapeutic mud.The most commonly used methods are:

  • mud treatment (balneotherapy);
  • application of laser procedures;
  • electrotherapy;
  • application of ultraviolet irradiation;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • shock-wave treatment;
  • vibration;
  • extension.


Very often, the technique is used to treat the lumbar spine.

The procedure favors the additional development of a very useful vitamin D, which promotes the absorption of calcium.

In addition, inflammatory processes, pain, and antibacterial effects on the skin are reduced.

Irradiation is performed on the lower part of the body, including the lower back, the sacrum, the area of ​​the scapula. In case of damage to other parts of the spine, a positive effect is also on them.

During the first session, the treatment lasts for several minutes. Over time, the duration of the procedure is gradually extended. This is done to increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light.

In total, approximately 12 or 13 procedures are needed.

Using a laser

The essence of the procedure is that the body is affected by a helium-neon laser. The action of the physiotherapy takes place on the spine, the points near it, directly on the waist.

Such a method allows to strengthen positive bioelectrical impulses of tissues, due to what their state improves. The total duration of the procedure is from 2 to 3 minutes.

After it is carried out in the lumbar region of the back and spine, pain, inflammation, spasm, improves tissue healing.

The method of traction provides for a course of special procedures that can be used to eliminate the defects of the spine.

The therapeutic effect is due to the impact on the spine of the patient's weight.

The procedure is necessarily carried out using special equipment.

Shock wave therapy

Treatment is due to the impact on the spine and lumbar region of special acoustic waves. Due to this influence, metabolic processes are improved, pain syndrome ceases.


Very often, such a physiotherapy treatment is prescribed for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Vibrations contribute to the rapid elimination of inflammation, pain in the lower back.


Similar methods use a very high frequency sound. Complement the technique of the use of medications, especially topical application for the purpose of their better assimilation by tissues.


The technique is based on the effect on the tissues, the region of the lumbar spine and spine of a permanent magnetic field, which is formed by special sensors.

The inductors are strengthened on the waist region, and also on the limb, the continuous signal feed starts.

The total duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes, the course of treatment is basically 10 sessions, but in some cases can be expanded to 20.

Mud Treatment

Not every dirt can have a positive therapeutic effect in the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis.

Methods of balneotherapy provide for the use of only special mud, mineral water in a complex with the use of baths, showers.

Due to the active components during the treatment, blood flow normalizes, pain decreases.


Such methods allow to reduce spasm, pain, as a result of which and stop the constant processes of destruction in the spine under the influence of a special electrode. During the procedure, an electric field is created, due to it the local temperature rises, the blood flow improves. There are several most effective types of procedures:

  • methods of electric shock with pulsed discharges;
  • diadynamics, pulse currents are used that act at different frequencies;
  • alternating sinusoidal currents;
  • UHF is based on the use of electromagnetic fields;
  • electroneuro stimulation through the skin.


To use any physiotherapy there are contraindications that limit the impact. The first is the pathology of blood, blood-forming organs.

The tendency to bleeding is also an occasion to cancel heating. It is undesirable to use physiotherapy in hypertensive disease, cardiac pathology, blood vessels.

A separate contraindication is the exhaustion of the body, the general severe condition.

The procedure will have to be canceled if the body temperature exceeds 38 degrees. Contraindicated especially electroprocedures in epilepsy, as well as mental disorders in the active phase of the disease.

In the case of an installed pacemaker or other device in the body, it is also undesirable to conduct procedures.

You can not perform any procedures, if there are neoplasms, especially malignant oncology.

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Physiotherapy with osteochondrosis of the spine

Osteochondrosis of the spine is degenerative-dystrophic disease of the spine, characterized by reflex, root, spinal, vascular-radicular-spinal syndromes, vertebral syndrome arteries. The main clinical manifestations of this disease are the pain syndrome of the corresponding localization and severity, as well as various vegetative-vascular disorders.

the task of physiotherapy with osteochondrosis of the spine is to eliminate or significantly reduce the characteristic pains, which predetermines the choice of the method of physiotherapy.

As already noted, the methods of physiotherapy, which have predominantly analgesic effect, include (listed in order of decreasing clinical effectiveness):

  • diadynamic therapy;
  • short-pulse electroanalgesia;
  • amplipulse therapy;
  • drug electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound therapy and drug phonophoresis;
  • laser (magnetolaser) therapy.

The main ones are short-pulse electroanalgesia, drug electrophoresis and laser (magnetolaser) therapy.

Short-pulse electroanalgesia is recommended for patients with the aid of the apparatus "Dia-DENS-T".

Affect the exposed skin surface alternately with two fields of paravertebral in the area of ​​greatest soreness when palpation of the corresponding segment of the spinal cord. Technique of exposure is contact, stable.

The frequency of electrical impulses with a pronounced pain syndrome is 77 Hz; with mild pains, and also after a significant reduction in the pain syndrome in the course of 10 Hz treatment.

The voltage of the electric current is strictly individual (based on subjective sensations in the form of a weak "tingling" under the electrode).

The first 2 - 3 days the procedure is carried out 2 times a day (in the morning on an empty stomach and before dinner), then until the end of the course of treatment - once a day in the morning hours (up to 12 hours). The exposure time per field is 10 min. The course of treatment is 5 to 15 procedures daily.

Medicinal electrophoresis of anesthetics is expedient to be carried out with the help of the device "Elfor-I" ("Alfor ™") according to the generally accepted methods of exposure in this pathology.

Laser (magnetolaser) therapy of spine osteochondrosis with neurological manifestations can be performed in any conditions with a sofa, couch, bed.

Use apparatus with infrared emitters (wavelength, μm) both in the continuous mode of radiation generation, and in the pulsed mode with the appropriate frequency.

The position of the patient during the procedure is lying on his stomach. Technique of exposure is contact, stable.

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Using irradiators OR with an irradiation area with a contact technique of about 1 cm2, the effect is performed on exposed skin along spine on the corresponding segment of the spinal cord by three fields: one - between the spinous processes of the vertebrae, the other two - paravertebrally on the left and on right.

Fields of influence:

  1. I - III - the region of the segment of the spinal cord corresponding to the greatest pain in palpation of the spine or during its movement;
  2. IV - VI - the region of the segment of the spinal cord is higher than the most painful;
  3. VII - IX - the region of the segment of the spinal cord is higher than the previous one;
  4. X - XII - area of ​​the segment of the spinal cord below the most painful;
  5. XIII - XV - the region of the segment of the spinal cord is lower than the previous one.

Using a matrix emitter of 5-20 cm2, the effect is performed on exposed skin on the corresponding segment of the spinal cord by a single field with a transverse arrangement of the matrix radiator along the midline the spine.

Fields of influence:

  • I - area of ​​the segment of the spinal cord corresponding to the greatest pain when palpation of the spine or during its movement;
  • II - area of ​​the segment of the spinal cord lower than the previous one;
  • III - the area of ​​the segment of the spinal cord is higher than the previous one.

MRP OR 5 - 10 mW / cm2. Induction of the magnetic nozzle 20 - 40 mT.

Generation frequency of pulsed laser radiation: with severe pain syndrome 50 - 100 Hz; at mild pains, and also after a significant reduction in the pain syndrome in the course of treatment. 5 - 10 Hz.

Time of exposure to one field: in the cervical spine 1 min, in the thoracic spine - up to 2 min, in the lumbosacral - up to 5 min.

The total time for one procedure with a continuous radiation regime up to 30 minutes, with a pulsed radiation regime up to 20 min. The course of laser (magnetolaser) therapy includes 10 to 15 procedures daily 1 time per day in the morning hours (up to 12 hours).

It is possible to consistently perform procedures in one day at home with osteochondrosis of the spine (interval between procedures is not less than 30 min):

  1. drug electrophoresis + laser (magnetolaser) therapy;
  2. drug electrophoresis + magnetotherapy;
  3. short-pulse electroanalgesia (in the morning) + drug electrophoresis (in the evening hours).

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Methods of treatment of osteochondrosis

Physiotherapy with osteochondrosis combined with medical treatment helps to achieve rapid and long-term remission. All categories of persons are subject to osteochondrosis. With increasing age, this disease can occur more often, and it is more difficult to leak.

Why you need physiotherapy

Modern medicine successfully fights against this disease. But successful results can be achieved only with the use of complex therapy. An important place in the treatment of osteochondrosis is physiotherapy.

When physiotherapy treatment, the effect on the inflammation focus is local. Neighboring tissues and organs are not affected. Thanks to this effect, physiotherapeutic treatment rarely shows side effects.

This type of therapy includes exposure to electrical and mechanical energies. Often used and natural materials (water, mud and light exposure).

The physiotherapeutic effect on diseased organs and tissues is very important for an integrated approach to treatment.Includes several main effects:

  • Helps restore metabolic processes in tissues and organs;
  • Enhances and starts immune processes in the body;
  • Reduces and completely removes pain syndrome in the problem area;
  • Helps reduce edematous syndrome;
  • Removes edema and reduces inflammation in damaged tissues;
  • Increases the motor activity of the patient.

Types of physiotherapy

There are several types of physiotherapeutic effects on the body:

  1. Exposure to ultraviolet irradiation (UFV);
  2. Treatment by ultrasonic waves;
  3. Magnetotherapeutic effect;
  4. Treatment with shock waves (shock wave therapy);
  5. Electrotherapeutic effect on the body;
  6. Laser treatment;
  7. Balneotherapeutic effect;
  8. Detensor - therapy.

Depending on the site affected by osteochondrosis, the doctor prescribes a certain type of treatment.

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation

When ultraviolet light enters the skin of a person, vitamin D is produced. The more it is produced in the body, the better absorbed calcium.

This effect is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry when creating calcium preparations.

Ultraviolet irradiation has a bactericidal effect, relieves inflammation, reduces pain syndrome.

Doctors prescribe it more often with osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.

With chondrosis of the cervical spine, the back surface of the spine and the area of ​​the scapula are irradiated. With chondrosis of the thoracic department, the irradiation is performed on the middle part of the spine.

In osteochondrosis, the loins affect the region of the sacrum, the buttocks, the back of the thigh and the lower leg.

This method has contraindications for use:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Use of drugs, the activity of which increases when exposed to ultraviolet light;
  • Diseases of the blood system.

Exposure to ultrasonic waves

This kind of physiotherapy can reduce the pain syndrome for various localizations of inflammation. It consists in the action on the affected area by high-frequency waves.

The frequency can be 25 thousand. Hz and more. Helps the best passage of medicines to the affected tissues. Improves local effects of drugs.

Has a number of contraindications to the conduct of:

  1. Oncological diseases;
  2. Allergic skin rash, at the site of ultrasound exposure;
  3. Psychosomatic disorders of the body.

Magnetotherapeutic effect

The effect is carried out by means of magnetic induction. The strength of the magnetic field can be 20-30 mT. Magnetotherapy should not be performed for more than twenty minutes. The number of sessions should not exceed 20.

Physiotherapy with magnets is done with magnets. Have the magnets opposite to each other, between them must be a diseased part of the body. The magnetic field continuously affects the inflamed area.

The application of this method is impossible in the presence of such diseases:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Presence of allergic rashes in the location of the magnets;
  • High fever in the patient.

Shock wave physiotherapy

The method of treatment by shock-wave action appeared relatively recently. Doctors appreciated the new technique and try to use it more often.

The main effect of this technique is to reduce edema of the affected area and a significant reduction in pain. This method is based on the effect of acoustic waves on inflamed tissue.

Waves intensify the nutrition of the affected area and relieve inflammation.This method is poorly understood, so contraindications are not fully revealed:

  1. Oncological diseases;
  2. Dermatological and allergic diseases;
  3. Presence of diseases of the liver and blood system.

Electrotherapeutic treatment

Electrotherapy has become the most widespread treatment for osteochondrosis. The method consists in the effect on the body of electrical microcurrents.

When a microcurrent passes through a diseased tissue, heat is produced. Due to this, the greatest flow of blood to the sore spot occurs and the nutrition of the sick organs improves.

Electrotherapy is contraindicated:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • High fever in the patient;
  • The patient has a pacemaker;
  • The presence of metal spokes in the patient (put in place of bone fracture);
  • Severe dermal eruptions in the area of ​​exposure

Laser treatment

The method consists in the action of a helium-neon laser on the spinal roots of the spine. Enhances the biological activity of the nervous system. Has an active wound healing effect. The pain completely disappears. It removes puffiness and inflammation from the affected area.

On one root, the effect is no more than two minutes. The whole procedure should not exceed fourteen minutes. Laser therapy is used in the treatment of chondrosis infrequently.

Only a qualified physician can determine if this method is suitable for a single patient.

Contraindicated if:

  1. Oncological tumors;
  2. Various types of rashes on the spine;
  3. High patient sensitivity to a helium-neon laser.

Balneotherapy treatment

This method is based on the treatment of the body by mineral waters and mud. The procedure includes active use of the shower, bathing in mineral pools, use of massage baths.

Mud packs are applied to the affected area. The effect is achieved due to the rapid accumulation of mineral and chemical substances in the affected area. Widely used in health-improving complexes.

Use this technique should not be in the presence of open wound areas on the skin.

Detensor - therapy

The most ambiguous method of treatment of chondrosis is detentosis - therapy. This method is used to stretch the spine, under the influence of the patient's body weight. The procedure is performed by masseurs.

Allows to remove the increased load from the damaged site of the spine. Has no therapeutic effect. Used solely to reduce pain in the damaged area. Used in pre-war times.

In modern medicine itself has proved to be unstable.

Has a number of contraindications:

  • Various injuries of the spinal column in the patient;
  • Violation of coordination of movement;
  • Tumors of the spine.

General contraindications for medical exposures

All methods of physiotherapy are not prescribed for patients with chronic cardiovascular diseases. Do not apply in patients with acute liver and kidney infections. Physiotherapy is contraindicated in pregnant women and oncologists.

When assigning physiotherapy, the individual characteristics of the patient are strictly taken into account. Conducted only by a specialist with high qualifications. The patient is obliged to warn the doctor about the presence of chronic diseases.

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