Treatment of influenza with folk remedies

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Treatment of influenza by folk methods

Treating flu with folk remedies can replace even strong antiviral drugs, especially if it is influenza in mild or moderate form. If a person spends at least a week in bed, will drink a lot of warm broths and teas, and combine these measures with folk remedies, a trip to the pharmacy generally may not be necessary. Moreover, there is no more environmentally friendly means than products and herbs.

Read also:

  • What is forbidden to do with the flu?
  • Folk remedies for colds

Garlic in the treatment of influenza

Garlic contains allicin, a special compound that has antiviral properties. This was proven in a recent scientific study. This small study suggests that garlic can help prevent colds and flu, albeit in mild form. In addition, garlic contains zinc, and this element turns out to be. Perfectly helps the immune system to cope with viruses.

Read also: 5 reasons to use zinc for colds

Fresh raw garlic is the most powerful folk remedy for influenza. Garlic can not only be - it is desirable to inhale, suppressing so that the garlic let the juice. Essential oils of garlic will perfectly help you in the fight against viruses. However, garlic supplements can increase the risk of bleeding, so people who take garlic for blood thinning must first ask permission of their doctor.

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Onions in the treatment of influenza with folk remedies

Onions have almost no competition in the prevention of flu and colds. And even when a person gets sick with the flu. Doctors advise him to fight with viruses... by means of onions. It used to be called a golden apple and the bow was considered as expensive as gold. It is really priceless - at least according to the level of vitamin C, which helps the human immune system.

To bow well helped against the flu, it, like garlic, you can not only eat, but also inhale. To do this, it is desirable to grate the onion on a small grater, so that it spreads a lot of useful phytoncides well. Several times inhaling the onion - then the nose, then the mouth - a person makes a huge contribution to his treatment of flu by folk methods. It is all the more good that the virus primarily concentrates in the respiratory tract, on the mucous membranes, so it can be inhaled exactly from it.

Echinacea as a folk remedy for influenza

Recent studies have shown that echinacea can be effectively used as a folk remedy for cold or flu. However, there are different opinions of doctors regarding the strength of different parts of the echinacea acting against the flu. One recent study has shown that it is more effective to use not the root of this plant, but its stem, leaves and flowers.

But do not take decoctions or infusions of echinacea for more than eight weeks - that using it for a long period of time can lead to damage to the immune system. system. People who are allergic to ragweed should not take echinacea at all.

Infusion of echinacea purpurea against influenza do so. It is necessary to pour 1 tablespoon of dried raw material with 1 liter of water and insist for up to two weeks in a dark place. The bank with Echinacea should be shaken periodically. Then the infusion should be filtered and taken on 30 drops three times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days. Then you need to take a break 10 days and again undergo a course of treatment. Infusion struggles not only against the flu, but also treats the reproductive system, strengthens the immune system.

The elderberry against the flu

Such a folk remedy, like elder, is also very effective against influenza. Some studies show that elderberry extract can help reduce flu symptoms if taken within the first 1-2 days after the onset of flu symptoms.

True, some people may have side effects from taking elderberry extract for the first five days. You should know that to treat flu you need to eat elderberry flowers and her berries, and other parts of this plant should be avoided, as they can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. With elderberry is also good to do inhalation.

To get a wonderful immune drug, you need to mix in a ratio of one to one sugar and elderberry fruits. It is necessary to eat this remedy for the prevention of influenza and in the first days of the disease on a tablespoon for 30 minutes before each meal or eat as a jam with tea.

There is another good recipe for elder broth for inhalation. It is necessary to mix 3 tablespoons of elderberry berries, 2 spoons of her flowers and pour them with 1 liter of water. Boil on low heat for 2-3 minutes. Then put the dishes with this decoction, take cover on top with a blanket and inhale pairs of elder as much as you can stand. This will immediately clear your breathing passages. The main thing after this - do not get into the cold.

Ginger tea against influenza

Ginger is an incredibly powerful remedy for the flu. There is a wonderful recipe for tea from ginger, which can significantly shorten the duration of your disease. It is necessary to grate a teaspoon of ginger root and pour it with a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to drink this ginger as much as possible as hot as tea - and where only the symptoms of influenza will disappear. Ginger very effectively destroys viruses. Only you need to consider that this tea can not be drunk more than twice a day, and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract it is generally better to avoid, because it is quite sharp to taste and its own effects.

In general, when influenza, try to drink more warm infusions and water without gas. This will remove the intoxication of the body, inevitable in the case of the flu.

Folk remedies for influenza are a whole planet, and you will do very well if you use these funds at an early stage of influenza treatment.

Treatment of influenza

Treatment of influenza is carried out mainly at home.

Hospitalization is carried out according to clinical, epidemiological and social indications.

Clinical indications:

  • severe and hypertoxic forms of influenza;
  • complicated course of influenza (meningitis, encephalitis, pneumonia, etc.);
  • the period of the newborn, regardless of the severity of the disease; Hospitalization of infants is also advisable.

Epidemiological indications:

  • stay of the child in a closed institution or in an organized collective (an orphanage, a child's home, a health camp, etc.).
  • Social indications:
  • lack of opportunity to organize treatment and adequate care in outpatient settings for social, technical or other reasons;
  • the lack of an opportunity to organize a "hospital at home" if necessary in it;
  • antisocial family;
  • homeless and neglected children.

Patients with influenza should be hospitalized in a boxed or semi-boxed department.

All patients with influenza are shown:

  • curative and protective regime (bed - during fever and intoxication with a further transition to the half-bed, which is observed until recovery);
  • Milk-vegetable diet, enriched with vitamins, abundant drink in the form of hot tea, cranberry or cowberry mors, alkaline mineral water;
  • anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agents in an age-related dose at a body temperature of 38 ° C or higher (if not indications for the appointment of antipyretics at a lower temperature - febrile convulsions in history, epilepsy and other). The safest antipyretic for children is paracetamol (Pediatric Panadol, suspension or suppository). Single dose - 15 mg / kg, daily - 60 mg / kg of the child's body weight;
  • at "red fever" also use physical methods of cooling (wiping alcohol in half with water);
  • "Pale fever as a rule, reflects an infectious-toxic shock and requires intensive therapy;
  • In the case of influenza, the use of acetylsalicylic acid is strictly forbidden because of the risk of development of Reye's syndrome with a very high lethality;
  • mucolytic agents (acetylcysteine, carbocysteine) with thick and viscous sputum, as well as mucolytics with expectorant effect - bromhexine, ambroxol;
  • expectorants (lycorin, althea medicinal extract, thermopsis extract, etc.) coughing patients with poorly departing sputum.

Local flu treatment

  • with rhinitis intranasal,% solution of sodium chloride, vasoconstrictive drops (oxymetazoline, xylometazoline); with prolonged rhinitis with pronounced nasal congestion additionally topical antihistamines (desloratadine with 2 years), and with the allergic component - intranasal spray with topical a glucocorticosteroid;
  • with pharyngitis, tonsillitis 2% solution of silver of proteinate or collargol; in older children - bikarmint, chlorhexidine + tetracaine + ascorbic acid, etc .;
  • with laryngitis, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis for children over 2 years to improve drainage steam inhalation (with infusion of chamomile, calendula, mint, sage, St. John's Wort, 1-2% sodium bicarbonate solution); with obstructive laryngitis / laryngotracheitis (croup syndrome) in the hospital use paroinhalation chambers with the use of bronchodilators (berodual, etc.), glucocorticosteroids, sodium bicarbonate;
  • vitamins: ascorbic acid, B vitamins, multivitamins;
  • antihistamines are indicated for children with allergic diseases in the acute stage (atopic dermatitis, respiratory allergies, etc.). Use klemastin, chloropyramine, loratadine, fexofenadine, etc.

Etiotropic antiviral treatment of influenza

  • Adamantane derivatives: children from 1 to 7 years % remantadine syrup 5 mg / (kg / day); in children older than 7 years - remantadine, mg / (kg / day);
  • Inhibitors of viral neuraminidase: oseltamivir 2 mg / (kg / day) for children over 12 years;
  • Specific anti-influenza immunoglobulin, normal human immunoglobulin is indicated for severe and hypertoxic forms of influenza;
  • Interferons (interferon-alpha intranasal. interferon-alpha 2 rectally, interferon-alpha 2a - intramuscularly with severe forms) and inducers of endogenous interferon (arbidol, anaferon infantile, kagocel), and others. Against the background of therapy with a new domestic drug kagocel in children with influenza and other acute respiratory infections, the duration symptoms of intoxication, fever, catarrhal phenomena in the rhinopharyngeal cavity and the main symptoms of stenosing laryngotracheitis (bronchitis). Kagocel helps to increase the production of a- and y-interferons by a factor of -2 in patients with initially low levels. In no case of the use of this interferon inducer in clinical studies in children, side effects and adverse events were reported in including not observed and exacerbation of allergopathology on the background of treatment, while in the comparison group, respiratory infection caused an exacerbation of atopic dermatitis. Kagocel is well tolerated by children, shortens hospitalization and can be used in pediatric practice in children with 6 1 tablet three times a day for the first two days, then 1 tablet 2 times a day for the next 2 days. The analysis of the conducted clinical studies has shown that kagocel has a universal effect on infection in viral respiratory infections, regardless of their etiology and clinical manifestations.

Treatment of influenza with antibiotics

With the flu, as with other ARVI, there is no need to prescribe antibiotics, they are advisable only if there is a suspicion of the bacterial nature of the inflammatory process in the airways.

It should be clearly understood that the treatment of influenza with antibiotics does not have a positive effect, since antibacterial drugs They are designed to treat infectious diseases that have been caused by bacteria, and influenza develops under the influence of viruses. Moreover, treatment of influenza with antibiotics can harm your body, since with uncontrolled and inappropriate use of them increases the risk of developing infections that are resistant to antibiotics. Remember, bacteria and viruses have completely different nature, and treatment of the flu with antibiotics is absolutely useless. Antibiotics can be prescribed by a doctor only in case of complications caused by the influenza virus, since such complications can be caused just by bacteria that have penetrated into a weakened disease organism. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for such complications of influenza as pneumonia, bacterial bronchitis, inflammation of the pharynx or respiratory tract, conjunctivitis, etc.

Antibiotics for influenza are prescribed according to strict indications:

  • Bacterial complications (acute obstructive purulent-necrotic laryngotracheitis / laryngitis - regardless of the degree of croup, II-IV grade croup syndrome, pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, streptococcal or other bacterial tonsillitis / pharyngitis, lymphadenitis, especially with fluctuations, bronchitis with purulent sputum, pneumonia and etc.);
  • Suspicion of a bacterial infection in a patient with influenza (when it is difficult to exclude the development of bacterial infections - severe toxicosis, severe sore throat, raids on tonsils, pain in the ear, dyspnoea without signs of bronchial obstruction, asymmetry of wheezing in auscultation of the lungs, leukocytosis in the blood more 12-15x109 / p). It is necessary to prescribe antibiotics early in case of suspected bacterial complications in children under 3 years of age. However, if the subsequent surveillance and examination does not confirm the suspicion of a bacterial infection, the antibiotic should be discontinued;
  • Severe and complicated forms of influenza;
  • Chronic foci of bacterial infection and especially their exacerbation (recurrent otitis media, chronic sinusitis, chronic pyelonephritis, etc.);
  • Clinical signs of immunodeficiency.

Treatment of influenza in the home

Treatment of influenza in the home must necessarily be comprehensive. First of all, one should be aware that a patient with a flu needs a bed rest, since any physical activity significantly increases the risk of complications. To effectively fight infection, the body needs abundant and warm drink. This helps prevent intoxication, improves the excretion of sputum and helps restore water balance in the body. To bring down the temperature below 38 and a half degrees is not recommended, as it creates a barrier to the propagation of infectious agents. To reduce the heat at home, you can use raspberries - two spoons of raspberries are added by two spoons of mother and stepmother and oregano spoon, pour with boiling water, insist for half an hour and decant. The resulting broth is taken on a quarter cup four times a day. Reduce the temperature can also be done with acetic compresses on the calves of the feet. When coughing effectively warm milk with mineral still water. To facilitate nasal breathing with a cold and nasal congestion, vasoconstrictive drops and sprays (eucazoline, rinazoline), as well as oil-based drops (pinosol) are used. To wash the nose, you can use herbal decoctions and a solution of furacilin. To reduce the inflammatory process in the throat is possible with the help of rinses, using for these purposes an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt, furacilin, chamomile and sage broth, soda-salt solution. At the very beginning of the disease, antiviral drugs such as arbidol, anaferon, amyzon, etc. are shown. To facilitate the condition can onion juice in breeding with natural honey. Take this mixture you need every half hour for one teaspoon. A powerful antioxidant effect has a lemon - it reduces intoxication of the body and has a destructive effect on the virus.

Drugs for the treatment of influenza

Drugs for the treatment of influenza are prescribed depending on the accompanying symptoms. Antihistamines are indicated in the common cold, frequent sneezing, watery eyes. Decongestants are used to squeeze the head, discomfort in the nose, ears. Anesthetics and antipyretic drugs for influenza help relieve the pain syndrome of various locations and reduce body temperature. When influenza is also prescribed interferon preparations, interferon inducers, immunomodulating, mucolytic, antitussive, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs.

Antiviral drugs have the ability to destroy viruses and are represented by etiotropic agents. The use of etiotropic drugs alone in a flu epidemic is not enough. Immunomodulating drugs restore the function of the body's defenses. The main indication for the use of this group of drugs is the infectious-inflammatory process, which is difficult to treat. To drugs for the treatment of influenza are the following:


The drug is taken orally after eating. At the first signs of the disease, appoint r, g once a day for four days.


Is taken orally before eating. On the first day of the disease - on, r three times, on the second and third day - on, g twice a day, on the fourth day g once. On the first day of the disease, the daily dose can be consumed in one session.


The drug is most effective at the very beginning of the disease. On the first day, take two tablets (100 mg) three times a day. You can drink a daily dose at a time (six tablets) or for two meals (twice a day for three tablets). On the second and third day of the disease - two tablets (100 mg) twice. On the fourth and fifth day - two tablets (100 mg) once a day. The course of treatment is five days.


Take one capsule per day.


The drug is taken 200 mg four times a day. The interval between receptions should be six hours. The average duration of treatment is from three to five days.


Po, g (2 tablets) four times a day before meals. The drug is taken within three days.


One tablet under the tongue from three to six times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. After the onset of improvement, a single dose is recommended for eight to ten days.


The maximum single dose is 1 g, the daily dose is 2 g. The drug is taken by, 5 g (one or two tablets) from two to four times a day. The course of treatment is from five to seven days.


Take after eating 125 or 250 mg (one or two tablets) per day for two days, then one tablet with a break in two days. All doses of drugs are indicated per adult.

Treatment of influenza in pregnancy

Treatment of influenza during pregnancy has its own nuances, since many drugs against influenza are contraindicated for pregnant women. Among them, aspirin, various antitussive, antiviral and vasoconstrictive drugs. Therefore, the treatment of influenza during pregnancy should be combined with an abundant drink of warm a liquid that helps to eliminate toxins - tea with honey and lemon, milk, broth of wild rose, raspberries. To reduce the temperature, you can take a tablet of paracetamol. When you cough, you can drink breastfeeds and expectorants that are approved for use during pregnancy (Dr. Mom, Gedelix). To reduce the inflammation of the nasal mucosa, oil-based drops "Pinosol" can be used. To wash the nose use aquamaris, a homemaker, a marimer. As part of complex therapy, the use of vitamin-mineral complexes is mandatory.

Effective treatment of influenza

Anti-influenza therapy, started in the first thirty-six hours after the onset of symptoms disease, can significantly reduce the duration of the disease and reduce the risk of developing complications. Effective treatment of influenza is the combination of chemotherapy with non-specific drugs or is achieved when using only interferons and their inducers and immunomodulating agents that possess an antiviral activity. Effective treatment of influenza must necessarily be comprehensive. If you are sick, consume a large amount of warm liquid (tea, milk, cranberry juice, herbal decoctions). When you cough and runny nose, use disposable paper napkins, then wash your hands with soap and water. Often ventilate the room. Take antiviral drugs and keep bed rest.

Treatment of influenza in adults

Treatment of influenza in adults is carried out at home with strict adherence to bed rest. Hospitalization is indicated for hyperthermia, convulsions, blurred consciousness, severe arterial hypotension, cardiac disorders, complications. Symptomatic therapy at home is the regular use of a large number of warm drinks, the use of antiviral, antihistamine and antipyretics. If the temperature subsided, you can make herbal inhalation with chamomile, calendula, sage. At the very beginning of the disease, remantadine is used, the nasal passages are washed with furacilin and lubricated with oxalic ointment. Antibacterial drugs and sulfonamides are shown only in case of bacterial complications, and also in order to prevent the development of chronic purulent-inflammatory diseases.

Treatment of the influenza virus

Treatment of the influenza virus consists in carrying out specific therapy depending on the type of virus. The influenza A virus is capable of creating an epidemiological situation of moderate to severe severity, for example, swine and chicken flu. Influenza type B usually does not cause epidemics and has local outbreaks of the disease. The influenza type C virus has not been sufficiently investigated. Its signs are usually negligible or completely absent, this type of virus can be combined with a type A virus. Treatment of the influenza virus, first of all, should be aimed at the destruction of viral cells. The influenza A virus, for example, is sensitive to oseltamivir and zanamivir. The main types of influenza virus are A and B. Type A is more common, with M2 inhibitors used to control it. Against the viruses of group A and B, neuraminidase inhibitors are effective. Antiviral drugs that use flu treatment can suppress viral enzymes and stimulate the formation of interferon. The first group of drugs suppresses the virus itself, the second - reduces the susceptibility of cells to viral agents. Treatment of the influenza virus should begin with the first symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of influenza

The treatment regimen for influenza includes sequential procedures to remove current symptoms of the disease and neutralize viral cells.

  1. To directly neutralize the virus, antiviral drugs are taken (arbidol, amixin, rimantadine, groprinosin).
  2. High temperature (above 3, degrees), which is accompanied by severe chills, headaches and muscle pain, can be brought down with antipyretic drugs (aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen) /
  3. The primary symptoms of the disease may also be a dry cough and a sore throat. In such cases, expectorant tablets and syrups (bronchial, doctor Mom, herbion, lazolvan) are shown - three to four times a day, antiseptic tablets for resorption and candies (septefril, pharyngosept, decatilene, septothete, strepsils) - from three to six times in a day.
  4. To eliminate nasal congestion, locally used vasoconstrictive drugs - naphthyzine, rinazolin, tizin, eucazoline - one injection in each nasal passage three times a day. When the mucous compartment of mucus from the nasal passages is abundant, the nose is washed with saline solution, as well as preparations such as saline, a hummer, a marimer, and a pure.
  5. As part of complex therapy, they take funds to strengthen immunity (tincture of Echinacea purpurea, immunal, vitamin-mineral complexes). Immunal is taken as follows: twenty drops three times a day, with a small amount of liquid. The primary dose can be forty drops once, then for two days, take twenty drops every hour or two, after which they switch to the recommended average dosage.
  6. Periodic rinsings of the throat with herbal decoctions, soda-salt solutions, regular abundant warm drinks, rest and bed rest are also shown.
  7. Contraindicated any physical activity, antibacterial drugs, as well as thermal procedures, if the high body temperature.

Treatment of influenza in lactation

Treatment of influenza with lactation, as in pregnancy, should be done with extreme caution. With a severe course of the disease without taking medication can not do, but, of course, not all medications are allowed during breastfeeding. According to the doctor's prescription, antiviral drugs based on interferon can be taken. To reduce the temperature, you can drink paracetamol. With the flu, you should always drink warm tea with honey, raspberries, lemon or milk. The throat can be rinsed with an aqueous solution of soda and salt, a decoction of chamomile. Regularly ventilate the room to clear the air from the accumulated viruses. When the flu is also necessary rest and bed rest. In severe cases, drug treatment of influenza with lactation is an indication for the interruption of the feeding process.

Modern treatment of influenza

Modern treatment of influenza includes a set of various procedures for the destruction of viruses and the elimination of symptoms of the disease. When influenza, the patient is necessarily shown bed rest, copious drinking, gargling and nasal passage for the erosion of infection. Modern treatment of influenza also implies the appointment of a dairy and vegetable diet, foods rich in vitamin C. In recent years, the treatment of influenza is combined with the use of immunomodulators, which help the body to cope with the disease more quickly. Natural immunostimulants are the hips, the extract of the roots of Eleutherococcus, Chinese lemongrass, echinacea purpurea, etc. However, it should be remembered that uncontrolled use of them can, on the contrary, worsen the functioning of the immune system. In the case of influenza, a remedy like remantadine, which has high antiviral activity, is well established. At the very beginning of the disease, you can dig in three to five drops of human leukocyte or recombinant interferon in each nasal passage with a break of one to two hours for two to three days. Nasal passages can also be lubricated with oxalic ointment. With nasal congestion, vasoconstrictive drops and sprays are used. The temperature is knocked down only if it exceeds thirty-eight and a half degrees, since it promotes the production of endogenous interferon (the organism fights the infection). When influenza is recommended taking vitamins and minerals, as well as immunomodulating drugs. Detoxication therapy is carried out with the help of such drugs as polyglucin, reopolyglucin, a five percent glucose solution, hemodez, ascorutin.

Rapid treatment of influenza

Rapid treatment of influenza depends on the combination of various factors that affect the course of the disease. First, it should be clearly understood that with the flu, it is necessary to show bed rest. This is one of the necessary conditions for successful and rapid treatment of the disease. If you take antiviral drugs and at the same time engage in physical activity, then naturally, you should not expect a quick effect, this can only aggravate the situation. So, the first rule - a full rest and bed rest. The second obligatory condition is active consumption of warm liquid in any kind - it can be green or black tea with honey, lemon, milk, fruit juice, raspberry compote. The liquid helps to remove toxins from the body and, as a result, rapid treatment of influenza. Do not forget to regularly ventilate the room and use disposable handkerchiefs when coughing and sneezing to avoid the multiplication of viruses. For the elimination of viruses are shown antiviral drugs - arbidol, anaferon, amixin, remantidine, etc. To eliminate the current symptoms of the disease, use antiseptic tablets and sprays (anginal, chlorophyllipt, orasept, septefril, lysobakt, pharyngosept, etc.), expectorant drugs (mucaltin, ambroxol, herbion) and vasoconstrictors (galazolin, tizin, rinazolin, eucazoline).

Treatment of influenza with folk remedies

Among the folk remedies for influenza, the dog rose proved to be well established. Dry rose hips must be crushed and poured in cold water (1 L), then boil for ten minutes. The resulting broth to insist in a warm place for eight to ten hours, then strain. Take a ready-made medicine you need one glass five to six times a day, you can add honey.

A similar agent can be prepared by mixing the dogrose with honey and adding the fruits of currants or raspberries. Take three times a day for half a glass before eating. A good effect in the treatment has a viburnum. The fruits of this plant are mixed with mother-and-stepmother and poured with boiling water, and then strain and take one glass a night in a warmed state. Another popular remedy for influenza is the onion. A medium-sized bulb should be rubbed on a grater, then spread on gauze, folded into several layers. Put the resulting mixture on the side surfaces of the nose for ten to fifteen minutes. Repeat the procedure should be three to four times a day. Skin covers before the procedure, it is recommended to lubricate with lean oil or a cosmetic face cream. Rinse nasal passages can be saline. Also, with a cold, you can dig in the nasal passages of a drop of vegetable oil mixed with garlic. Garlic crushed, add a spoonful of lean oil, insist for twelve hours, and then filter. At a temperature, mixed rose hips with mountain ash, poured hot water, insisted for four hours and decant. Received infusion take three times a day for half a glass. Also to remove the heat, you can dilute 1 tablespoon of vinegar per liter of slightly warm boiled water, moisten the vinegar solution with a towel and rub the shins, arms, the area of ​​the armpits. When the temperature drops, you can pour dry mustard powder into your socks and put them on all night, wrapping your feet warmly. At normal body temperature, you can do inhalation with sage, eucalyptus, chamomile. You can also cook unrefined potatoes, drain the water, crush, add two or three drops of fir oil and breathe steam for five to seven minutes, pre-covered with a towel. Inhalation is contraindicated in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

How to get rid of flu by folk remedies

Influenza is the most common disease and can lead to various severe complications. Influenza as an acute viral disease affects the upper and lower respiratory tract, which are accompanied by intoxication. Every year new strains of the virus appear, with which our body has to fight again. Therefore it is important to know where it comes from and how to protect our immunity.

How can you get rid of flu by folk remedies?

For treatment, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor and adhere to the following prescriptions:

1. Quiet bed rest for 5 days. To get rid of flu by folk remedies, rest more, without straining your eyesight. Exhaustion of a weakened organism is fraught with a complication of the disease.

2. Drink flu for a day at least two liters of warm drinking. Enrich it with vitamin C - it's tea with lemon, mors, infusion of rose hips. With a large amount of fluid, the body quickly releases toxins that remain from the life of the bacteria.

3. If your body is not contraindicated to get rid of the flu, you can use anti-inflammatory drugs such as paracetamol, diclofenac, ibuprofen, Coldrex, Tera-flu. So you can reduce the temperature, if the temperature is above 38 degrees, and reduce pain. At a temperature below 38 degrees, take lowering funds is not necessary, except for children and those who are prone to seizures. In the body at this time, anti-infectious mechanisms work.

4. Rinse your throat with flu with disinfectants - infusions of chamomile, sage, solution of furacilin. Repeat the procedure every 2 hours.

5. To get rid of cough during the flu, you need to dilute the accumulated sputum. Adhere to the drinking regime and take expectorants - mukaltin, ATSTS or broncholitin. Do not take medication yourself - consult a doctor.

Effective ways to get rid of flu by folk recipes

You can be treated at home using the following recommendations.

1. When treating influenza, you can take advantage of these folk recipes. Mix 3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, triple leaf leaves, a hundred thousandths of grass and elderberry grass. Pour 700 ml of boiling water 4 tablespoons of the prepared mixture. Insist the night. In the morning, put on a water bath for 15 minutes. Take the drug 3 times a day for a glass. Adults without contraindications to alcohol can drink 100 grams of warm vodka sweetened with honey before going to bed, this remedy warms up well and relieves the flu.

2. You need milk - 1 glass, Dry figs - 2 tbsp. spoons. Ingredients should be mixed and boiled, then stand for half an hour. Then rub the mixture until smooth and take three to four times a day.

3. You need: The third part of the plantain leaf, The third part of the licorice root, Four parts of the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother. It is necessary to mix these ingredients and rub the breast to the patient.

4. To get rid of flu by folk remedies, you need: Two pieces of leaves of mother-and-stepmother. Two parts of the marshmallow. One part of oregano. A mixture of herbs should make up one tablespoon, it should be poured with boiling water and let it infuse for about four hours. Then take throughout the day for half a cup.

5. You need: Unsalted butter - 1 hour. spoon, honey - 200 g, Milk - 1 glass. All components must be mixed and boiled, then drunk in a hot form.

How to get rid of cough with flu folk remedies?

Influenza can be a big problem for every person, because it is not only discomfort, but also a serious test for your health, because the body is trying to using a cough to get rid of fluid, infection or other irritant on the mucous membrane, which is quite painful for a person who constantly experiences this. If you are faced with a flu with a physiological cough, at which you can cough twice a day maximum, this is normal. Physiological cough helps the body get rid of accumulated mucus and cleanse the airways. If the flu with a strong cough worries you throughout the day for weeks, or even months, you need to get rid of it urgently.

I would like to recall that a strong cough during the flu should be treated in a comprehensive manner, which means that it is necessary:

  • drink as much liquid as possible,
  • apply inhalation,
  • use healthy, fortified vitamins food.

If the flu persists for a long time, it is recommended to consult a doctor who in turn will prescribe you antitussive drugs, which It can not be taken without prescription, because you can not correctly connect the medications that can lead to serious side effects actions.

If you notice that coughing begins when you come in contact with animals or from dust, it may be a consequence of your allergic reaction, not the flu. In this case, try to prevent contact with irritants.

To get rid of the disease, you need to conduct as self-medication, when the disease has already come, and do not forget about prevention in order to avoid the virus.

In the case of emergency prevention, before the onset of annual outbreaks of influenza, immunity should be strengthened. This will take at least 1-2 weeks. If not vaccinated, you can take prophylactic antiviral drugs Rimantadine, Oseltamivir, Immunoglobulin (before taking a consultation with a doctor).

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