Edema of the nasopharynx without a cold

Causes and treatment of edema of the nasal mucosa without a cold

The obstruction of the nasopharynx and the secretion of mucus from the nasal passages are the main signs of rhinitis. However, often the nose swells without a cold, what caused this process, few know and begin to worry much. In fact, this is a common phenomenon, which can have many causes.

Why the nasal mucosa swells without a cold

The reasons why there is a swelling of the nasal mucosa without a common cold may be:

  1. The initial stage of the development of colds.Along with the first signs of a cold - malaise, general weakness, a headache can occur and nasal congestion.
  2. Presence of polypsoradenoids. The formation of polyps and the proliferation of adenoids can obstruct nasal breathing, while mucus is not always released from the nasal passages. If the proliferation of adenoid tissue is caused by infection of adenoids, a runny nose is not observed, but swelling arises.
  3. Allergy.The common cause of edema of the nose without a cold is allergic reactions of the body. Allergies can be caused by dust, pollen of flowering plants, animal hair, some food. In this case, the nasal breathing will be constantly hampered, and the rhinitis will not be.
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  4. Hormonal changes in the body.Swelling of the nasopharynx without developing colds often occurs in pregnant women. This is due to a change in the hormonal background in the body of a future mother. Also, along with zalozhennostyu a woman can be bothered by an abundant secretion of mucus. Such a process, caused by hormonal changes, does not require treatment, it will take place soon after the birth of the baby.
  5. Curvature of the nasal septum.This pathology in the structure of the nasal septum can have an innate or acquired character. The second type of curvature is more common, get it during the fall or during childbirth.
  6. Uncontrolled and frequent use of vasoconstrictors.Prolonged instillation of the nose with drugs that have a vasoconstrictive effect, causes "addiction" to them and nasal congestion.

Mucous nasal swelling without a runny nose also as a result of living in places with adverse ecology. In areas where the air is heavily soiled, the nasopharynx does not cope with its function, it does not have time to purify the air and is quickly pawned.

In the cold season, people are especially worried about the swelling of the nose without a cold, which is caused by excessively dry air. The mucous membrane dries up and begins to swell. That is why it is so important to maintain the optimum humidity in the room during the heating season. According to experts, it should be within 50-70%.

Methods of treating edema of the nose without a cold

Treatment of edema of the nose without a cold can be done with the help of such methods:

  • use of medicines;
  • use of traditional medicine;
  • carrying out physiological therapy.

Otolaryngologists, in order to relieve swelling of the nasopharynx in children and adults, prescribe medications from such groups of drugs as vasodilating drops, ointments from obstruction, lollipops. Among the vasodilating drops and sprays, experts recommend using such effective means as:

  • Fornos;
  • Otrivin;
  • Nazivin;
  • Xylen;
  • Halazolin.
When choosing drops in the nose, it is worth giving preference to those products that contain oils. So, the mucous membrane of the nose will be moistened. The use of such drugs should be carried out strictly according to the doctor's prescription, without exceeding the course of treatment and the indicated dosage.

Adults otolaryngologists can prescribe such ointments as "Zvezdochka "Doctor Mom "Evamenol" for solving the problem with complicated nasal breathing. For a while to normalize the nasal breathing will help lollipops - Strepsils, Travisil, Sepptelet, Doctor Mom. Especially they are effective, if the puffiness is a sign of the initial stage of the catarrhal disease.

Treatment of edema in the nose without a cold in the child

Edema in the nose without a runny nose in a child under the age of 3 years can not be treated this way. Children get rid of the problem by inhalation, aimed at moistening the nasal mucosa and removing its stuffiness. It is safe to use mineral water or saline, and only a doctor can prescribe medicines.

Folk remedies should be used carefully and thought out, sometimes they bring more harm to a person than good. But in some cases, with the correct method and its application, improvements are noticeable.

If the cause of nasal congestion is the curvature of the nasal septum or the formation of polyps and the proliferation of adenoids, you will need the help of a surgeon. Before you start the operation, experts conduct a thorough examination - endoscopy, computed tomography, X-ray, blood test.


How to properly remove the swelling of the nasopharynx in a child

Edema of the nasal cavity of various kinds often affects children. To remove the swelling of the nasopharynx in a child, you need not only to have the appropriate medicines, but also to know the reasons for its formation.

If you only deal with the elimination of the edema itself, you can relax the symptoms for a while, but the disease that causes such a mucosal reaction will not be cured. Therefore, at the first signs of swelling of the nasal cavity, the child should consult a doctor who will identify the causes of inflammation.

Symptoms of nasopharyngeal edema

Symptoms that accompany inflammation:

  • sore throat;
  • a feeling of dryness in it;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • cough;
  • allocation in large quantities of nasal mucus;
  • pain in the bridge of the nose;
  • nasal congestion;
  • a feeling of stuffiness in the ears;
  • headache;
  • temperature increase;
  • general weakness;
  • swelling on the face.

Edema of the nasopharynx (depending on the causes that cause them) can be accompanied by different symptoms. More details about them and ways of treatment will be described below.

Treatment of edema caused by allergy

Allergy increasingly becomes a companion of modern man. Affected by this disease and children. Mucous cavities of the nose, mouth and larynx are the first on the way of ingesting allergens. It signals the onset of an allergic reaction with a feeling of increasing irritation in the nose, which causes frequent sneezing. The patient is mucus from the nose and tears, almost disappears sense of smell. This indicates the occurrence of an allergic edema.

It is worth saying that infants are affected by allergic swelling of the nasopharynx. The cause of inflammation can be the products that use breast-feeding mother, and various modern formulas for baby food.

For older children, allergens can be:

  • Food;
  • dust;
  • mold;
  • pollen of flowers;
  • wool of pets, etc.

Removing the edema of the nasopharynx for allergies will not be effective unless you exclude the child's contact with allergens. Determine the nature of the disease will help an allergist, and parents should at least ensure the cleanliness of the house and follow his advice.

Once an allergic reaction to flowers or dust can manifest and a completely healthy child. In this case, he urgently needs to take a shower to wash allergens off the skin, and the nasopharynx is freed from them by washing the cavities with a water-salt (hypertonic) solution.

In patients with chronic form of the disease, swelling of the nasopharynx is removed by various medications. Among them, drops and sprays for the nose, as well as antihistamines. The action of some is directed directly at eliminating the swelling of the cavities, while others produce a systemic therapeutic effect. It is worth repeating that the appointment of drugs should only be handled by a medical specialist, since pharmacological agents can cause side effects. Nevertheless, it is impossible not to name the most popular preparations:

  • Suprastin;
  • Cetrin;
  • Halazolin;
  • Fornos;
  • Cromosol;
  • Nazarel.
And this list is not exhaustive.

Purification of the nasopharynx for allergies can be carried out and folk remedies. They are used for rinsing and rinsing cavities with swelling. One of the recipes suggests using the motherwort herb. Crushed, it is poured with boiling water and infused for 2 hours in a sealed container. For washing, sage infusion is also used.

In combination with drugs that reduce swelling, consult with a doctor, you can apply fees that prevent the ingestion of antigens into the body and help him to get rid of them sooner. In pharmacies are sold as ready-made medicinal compounds, and their components separately. For example, the tool with the simple name "From allergies" includes:

  • peppermint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • nettle;
  • succession;
  • crimson leaves;
  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • licorice roots;
  • shell bean pods;
  • birch leaves.

Infectious edema

The most common cause of the onset of edema of the nasopharynx is infection. The first symptoms of inflammation:
  • increased cold;
  • sneezing.

These signs can be confused with the symptoms of allergies, so for an accurate diagnosis you need a doctor's consultation.

In the future manifestations of infectious rhinitis look like this:

  • the allocation of glands of the nose of green or yellow mucus;
  • clogging her cavities of the nasopharynx;
  • slight edema of the mucous.

During illness, it is important that hygiene standards are raised to a higher level to reduce the risk of new microbes and viruses entering the body. Removal of puffiness is accompanied by a medication prescribed by the doctor.

With viral infection, vasoconstrictive drugs should not be used, but the use of saline solutions for washing is encouraged. They wash and remove the infection from the mucous membranes and promote a more rapid recovery. In pharmacies ready-made formulations for washing are sold, but they can be prepared independently from rock or sea salt.

Treatment with folk remedies

To treat edema caused by infection, you need to actively use folk remedies. Drops of fresh Kalanchoe juice fight both with a cold and with swelling. They cause intense sneezing, which should not be feared. When sneezing from the mucous, pathogenic organisms are removed.

You can prepare a means for instillation from the Ledum. It is made from crushed dry grass and olive oil. The preparation should be prepared in advance, since it is insisted for 3 weeks. Effective in the treatment of puffiness, drops made from aloe juice mixed with honey. Honey can also be used in combination with beet juice.

Cope with inflammation will help the inner reception of infusion, prepared from:

  • the root of the althea;
  • chamomile;
  • plantain;
  • calendula.

The ingredients are poured with boiling water and infused for ½ hours.

We must not forget about the onion, the juice of which is buried to remove the symptoms of the swelling of the nasopharynx. For a child, you can use not pure juice, but mixed with vegetable oil.

Healing inhalations

Effective in the treatment of help and inhalation. Their compositions can be prepared from:

  • young shoots of pine;
  • eucalyptus;
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile.

For inhalation, you can use the infusion of Kalanchoe.

A frivolous approach to the treatment of colds in a child can lead to the development of inflammatory processes in the adenoids.

Serious complications lead to deviations in the development of the child, so in some cases hypertrophied adenoids are removed surgically.

Withdrawal of traumatic edema

The cause of swelling of the nasopharynx in a child may be trauma. The fact that the baby got a nose injury can be seen by simply examining it. About trauma testify:

  • abrasions and bruises;
  • blood flowing from the nose;
  • swelling of the nose and face.

Edema is removed by applying a cold compress to the nose and instilling vasoconstrictive drops.

Nevertheless, such trauma should be paid close attention, as they can cause brain concussion. After providing the child with first aid, urgently need to see a trauma doctor.

Treatment of edema of the nasopharynx in infants

Now we need to return to the conversation about swelling of the nasopharynx in children.

Parents need to remember that amateurishness in the release of the nasopharynx of the infant from swelling is excluded.

He can not:

  • Bury in the nose antibiotics;
  • to drip into the nose breast milk (some mothers believe that milk is an effective tool for treating cavities, but milk is a beneficial environment for pathogens);
  • Bury various oils (Kalanchoe, etc.);
  • wash the nasopharynx with a syringe or rubber pear, as such operations will lead to inflammation of the auditory organs;
  • for a long time and often use drops with vasoconstrictive effect.

These rules must be strictly applied in swelling of any etiology. All procedures must be performed strictly according to the doctor's prescription. It is necessary to add in order to reassure young parents that the baby is swollen by the nasopharynx and for quite a simple reason: his breathing system has not yet fully formed after birth. True, this circumstance should not become an excuse for excessive panic or for complacency.


How to relieve swelling of the nasopharynx

Swelling of the nasopharynx can occur due to hypothermia, infectious and inflammatory diseases, allergies, vocal cord strains and even smoking. He hampers breathing, which causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Coping with edema can be both traditional means, and with the help of traditional medicine.


  1. Inoculate the vasoconstrictive drops ("Tizin "Nazivin "Sanorin "Galazolin" and others). They are good as an emergency aid, since they prevent swelling of the mucous membrane and prevent the release of mucus. Drops act for 6-12 hours, after which the blood vessels in the nose again expand and the stuffiness of the nose returns. Vasoconstrictors will not help to heal completely, but they can significantly alleviate the condition. They can be used as an additional method, but the main treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause of nasopharyngeal edema. Do not use such remedies for more than 5 days, they are addictive, as a result of which their cancellation can only aggravate your condition.
  2. If the swelling of the nasopharynx is caused by an allergy, use antihistamines. Identify the allergen that triggered nasal congestion, and if possible, exclude contact with it.
  3. If the swelling is caused by inflammation, do a nose wash. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm boiled water (temperature 40-42 ° C). Type 2-3 ml of the solution in a syringe without needles and, without tilting the head back, alternately enter the liquid into each nostril. After the procedure, blow your nose. Rinse daily 3-4 times. Already on the second day of treatment the inflammation will begin to decrease, as a result of which the swelling of the nasopharynx will independently come to naught.
  4. Use homeopathic drops and sprays, for example "Euphorbium compositum" or "Edas-131". They quickly eliminate the swelling of the nasopharynx, but, unlike vasoconstrictors, do not cause addiction.
  5. Mix in different proportions liquid honey and aloe juice. Inject 2-3 drops into each nostril. After 10-15 minutes, the swelling of the nasopharynx will subside.
  6. Inject the freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice into your nose. It not only helps to eliminate swelling of the nasopharynx, but also effectively fights against the common cold.
  7. If home treatment is not effective, consult a doctor. In some cases, radical measures are necessary, for example, electroplasma coagulation of the inferior nasal concha.


Prompt what agents will help or assist to remove a edema of a nose, tried or tasted aquamaris of effect 0


Alina Malina

edema, both nose and others will remove diuretics, for example, furosemide, 2 tablets x 3 times a day, every other day, you can for the beginning on one, want pomjagche - gipotiazid on, mg, tizin in parallel too can prokapat, he vasoconstrictive mestno will help

wise person

Inoculate the vasoconstrictive drops ("Tizin "Nazivin "Sanorin "Galazolin" and others). They are good as an emergency aid, since they prevent swelling of the mucous membrane and prevent the release of mucus. Drops act for 6-12 hours, after which the blood vessels in the nose again expand and the stuffiness of the nose returns. Vasoconstrictors will not help to heal completely, but they can significantly alleviate the condition. They can be used as an additional method, but the main treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause of nasopharyngeal edema. Do not use such remedies for more than 5 days, they are addictive, as a result of which their cancellation can only aggravate your condition.
If the swelling of the nasopharynx is caused by an allergy, use antihistamines. Identify the allergen that triggered nasal congestion, and if possible, exclude contact with it.
If the swelling is caused by inflammation, do a nose wash. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm boiled water (temperature 40-42 ° C). Type 2-3 ml of the solution in a syringe without needles and, without tilting the head back, alternately enter the liquid into each nostril. After the procedure, blow your nose. Rinse daily 3-4 times. Already on the second day of treatment the inflammation will begin to decrease, as a result of which the swelling of the nasopharynx will independently come to naught.
Use homeopathic drops and sprays, for example "Euphorbium compositum" or "Edas-131". They quickly eliminate the swelling of the nasopharynx, but, unlike vasoconstrictors, do not cause addiction.
Mix in different proportions liquid honey and aloe juice. Inject 2-3 drops into each nostril. After 10-15 minutes, the swelling of the nasopharynx will subside.
Inject the freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice into your nose. It not only helps to eliminate swelling of the nasopharynx, but also effectively fights against the common cold.
If home treatment is not effective, consult a doctor. In some cases, radical measures are necessary, for example, electroplasma coagulation of the inferior nasal concha.

Elena ***

There is nothing better than washing the nose with salt water. It's disgusting, but effective.


Address to the doctor, it is impossible to be treated in an Internet.
There can be various reasons, and they need to be treated differently.
For the removal of symptoms, I can advise the vibration.

Anna Happy

So aquamaris - it is more for washing. If you just need a vasoconstrictor (when the nose "laid") - try nazivin.

Lyudmila Karpova

there is nothing better than a weak warm solution of a large sea salt and a syringe for 20 cubes and as often as possible to wash

The problem of nasal congestion when there is no cold

Most people are used to the fact that with cold they have a runny nose and nasal congestion, but with the emergence of a situation where nasal breathing is difficult, and there is no snoring, serious anxiety about the condition begins their health. Nasal congestion without a cold makes unpleasant, and even painful sensations, because in this state a person constantly experiences a headache.

The reasons for this state

All patients are interested in the question of why the nose lays its nostrils, because this phenomenon is considered abnormal and indicates the development of pathological processes in the body. Experts call a number of reasons for nasal congestion without a cold, which every person can face. Among the main ones, it is customary to include such factors:

  • too dry air in the room;
  • reaction to the use of certain drugs;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • hypothermia, dressing not according to the weather;
  • impact on the body of colds and flu;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • nicotine dependence;
  • adenoids and polyps in the nose.

If nasal congestion without snot is caused by these reasons, there is no reason for concern, it is enough only to eliminate these factors and normalize nasal breathing. However, the congestion of the nasopharynx can indicate the development of some serious diseases. For example, in the case where only one nostril is embedded and the snot is not present, alternately lays the right or left nasal passage, in most cases, the otolaryngologists place the diagnosis "vasomotor

rhinitis". As you know, this disease is difficult to treat and can cause some complications in choosing the wrong tactics for performing therapeutic actions.With vasomotor rhinitis, there is such a symptomatology: instead of air circulation in the nasal cavity, there is tickling, there is a constant sneezing, a clear liquid is released from the nose, not typical for the usual coryza.

Some experts consider vasomotor rhinitis, in which the nose is heavily embedded, not as a disease of the nasopharynx, but only as a reaction of the body to aggressive environmental factors. With pollinosis, the nose also in most cases lays a nose without a cold, which is caused by the proliferation of polyps that cover the nasal passages.

What is dangerous nasopharynx obstruction?

Nasal congestion without a cold that worries a person for a long time can be very dangerous for his health, and even for life. The most common and dangerous complications of shortness of breath are such painful conditions:

  • complete loss of smell, which can not always be restored;
  • pressure on the head area, painful sensations;
  • sinusitis and other inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses;
  • otitis.

In any case, in order to eliminate the problem associated with the fact that the nose is laid, and there is no rhinitis, it is necessary to take measures aimed at eliminating the root cause of this condition. In addition, it is important to understand that you can not take medication yourself. The choice of the drug should be carried out only by a specialist, because it is necessary to take into account the patient's age, the presence of allergic reactions, the individual tolerability of the components of the drug.

Treatment of congestion

If a person complains of a strong nasal congestion without a snot, while it does not develop a cold disease, it is worth to see a specialist for the appointment of treatment. Therapeutic actions are conducted depending on the causes of the problem. If, when examining the nasal cavity, the otolaryngologist discovered polyps or adenoids, they may need to be removed. In a short time after the operation, the patient will be able to perform normal nasal breathing.

When the allergic reaction of the body to certain allergens, which manifests as a stuffy nose without a cold, antiallergic agents are prescribed.

Sometimes it is not possible to determine the cause of such a process even for specialists, then they prescribe vasoconstrictors, which help to eliminate puffiness and restore normal breathing.

Application of cryotherapy

When a person suffers from the fact that the nose is laid, and there is no snot, often such a method of treatment as cryotherapy is used.This technique is that certain zones of the nasopharyngeal mucosa are affected by applicators, with a temperature of -200 ° C. Under the influence of such a low temperature, the damaged nerve fibers are torn and further restored. After such a procedure, the vessels themselves are destroyed, because of which the nasal congestion has arisen.Deep freezing favorably affects the mucous membrane - the vessels narrow, and the air freely passes through the nasal passages. Cryotherapy can be performed many times, while it does not leave scars or atrophic ulcers after itself.

Other treatments

Traditional medicine is also rich in means that are effective in combating the problem, when there is no rhinitis, and the nose pawns, so do not completely exclude them. Certainly you need to drink tea with raspberries, honey and linden, after which you need to go to bed. Also, before going to bed it is useful to soar your feet in hot water, you can with the addition of mustard, although if it is not allergic. With zalozhennosti will help such folk remedies:
  • garlic juice;
  • carrot juice;
  • juice of aloe and calanchoe.

It is important to instill the juice in the nose, dilute it with water in the ratio:. If there is no allergy to honey, it can also be used to make drops in the nose. A good therapeutic effect on the nasopharynx is provided by aloe and calanchoe juice, they can be used together or separately. In addition to the fact that the Kalanchoe exerts a vasoconstrictive effect on the mucosa, after digging into the nasal passages of the juice of this plant, a person begins to actively sneeze, thoroughly cleaning the nose.

Some people also take mint candies, designed to treat a sore throat. They eliminate the stuffiness of the nose without a cold, but only for a short time, so they are not considered an effective remedy. Everyone should understand that some medications can bring both benefit and harm, so you should definitely give up self-treatment.


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