How to take mukaltin for children?

It is very important to give Mukaltin correctly to children so that there is no side effect.
Does Mukaltin help children?
1. With the help of Mucaltin, it is possible to fight a variety of viral and cold diseases, which complicate the upper respiratory tract. Mucaltin helps to relieve inflammation and facilitates the departure of mucus.
2. With a strong cough, Mukaltin is the only assistant for the baby. Do not give this medication to children who are less than 1 year old.
How to take Mukaltin for children?
1. To have a positive effect soon, children should be given it an hour before they eat, 3 times a day (morning, lunch and evening before bedtime).
2. A child from 1 to 3 years old can only be given half of Mukultin at a time.
3. Children from 3 years to 7 years should be given one tablet 3 times a day.
4. It is recommended that older children receive 2 tablets 3 times a day.
5. To improve the effectiveness of Muciltin. Preliminarily it is dissolved in warm boiled water (2 tablespoons).
6. Mucaltin can be treated for one or two weeks.
7. Remember that in most cases, of course, Mukaltin does not cause harm, but it is still very important to consult a doctor about his admission.
8. In no case children with a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer and hypersensitivity to this drug, Mukaltin should not be taken.
What is the benefit of Mukaltin for children?
It includes althea, sodium hydroxide and tartaric acid. With the help of this pharmaceutical product, which is expectorant and anti-inflammatory, it can be accelerated in the child's the work of the ciliated epithelium, activate the peristalsis of the respiratory system, and more specifically bronchioles. With the help of Muciltin, the mucus that accumulates in the bronchi of the baby begins to soften and is released outward. Give it to children with tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, bronchiectasis, tracheitis and other diseases that are accompanied by a severe cough. It is necessary to remember that Muciltin is effective only when it is correctly given. It is very important to individually choose the dosage for your child.
What side effect of Muciltin was observed in children?
If the mothers started experimenting without examining and prescribing the doctor, they independently assigned Mukaltin to their baby, not following the correct dosage, they had such problems:
1. Appearance of nausea and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.
2. A child with an ulcer can have a very severe exacerbation.
3. Often there are allergic reactions - a red and itchy rash all over the skin is a difficulty in breathing.
4. Drowsiness and a sudden increase in temperature.
Therefore, it is so important to take into account the dosage in no case, do not increase it and take into account all contraindications. Speak for them to the doctor.
It is also very important, when you give Mukaltin, to consider what other drugs you give. In no case should it be used together with cough suppressants that depress the cough reflex, because the sputum will be very difficult to retreat and may begin to stagnate in the lungs. If you clearly adhere to the dosage, Mucaltin is an excellent tool for bronchial diseases and does not give complications.
Reviews about Mukaltin for children
In general, Mukaltin has positive reviews, it has a quick and effective effect. The reviews confirm that Mukaltin promotes the transformation of a dry cough into a wet cough, and when a damp cough occurs, the children begin to easily cough up all the sputum accumulated.
If correctly applied Mukaltin, the effect is noticeable on the first day. Of course, there are also negative reviews about Mukaltin, who say that the drug is ineffective. But these reviews are most likely written by illiterate people, because cough is the symptoms of some disease, cough can not be cured, you can cure only the disease that caused the cough. Therefore, before taking Mukaltin for children, it is necessary to know the cause, because of what a cough appeared, to eliminate it, and only then to fight with a cough.
Is Mukaltin safe for children?
It is a pity, but the information is ambiguous, each firm-manufacturer provides different data, very often has a difference and age barrier, to what age it is forbidden to take Mukaltin to children. Different pharmaceutical companies recommend such age categories from 1 year, from 3 years, there is even from 12 years. Despite this, all experienced pediatricians believe that it is best to prescribe all expectorants after 2 years, but many doctors appoint after 1 year, and therefore there are side effects - urticaria, vomiting reflex, because the child can not cough up phlegm. It accumulates in the throat, the child can completely lose the appetite, feels a strong weakness.
So, it is very important to know how to give the child expectorant and anti-inflammatory drug Mukaltin, it is on this depends its effectiveness. Parents should remember that in no case you can give yourself Mukaltin without a doctor's examination, especially, if you give and other medications, the wrong combination can lead to very severe complications of the disease. If your child is allergic, it is also important to check its reaction to the drug, if you notice redness, rashes, etc. after it, it's worth repealing its use. The most important thing is not to abuse expectorants, they can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
How to give mukaltin to children

Small children are much more likely than adults to have respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. The general rather unpleasant and painful symptom of every such ailment is a cough. In the modern market of medical preparations there is a huge variety of a wide variety of children's cough medicine. One of the most famous and popular is Mukaltin. This drug is trusted by many parents, because it has virtually no contraindications and side effects. The basis of the drug Mukaltin - absolutely harmless for kids plant marshmallows.
- Mukaltin is designed to combat various viral and respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract. This is an excellent tool with an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.
- Muciltin can greatly alleviate the pain of the baby, associated with a severe cough. But give this drug to children under the age of not recommended.
- For the rapid onset of a positive effect of the drug, give Mucaltin children should be strictly one hour before meals 3 times a day, i.e. morning, afternoon and evening before bedtime.
- Babies at the age of one to three years Mukaltin should be given a half tablet at a time. Children from three to seven years of age, the dosage of the drug at one time should be increased to one tablet. Older children can take Mukaltin from a cough 2 tablets three times a day.
- For the rapid onset of the proper effect of the drug, Mucaltin should be dissolved in 30ml (two tablespoons) of warm boiled water. To children is not confused with a peculiar taste of the medicine, you can add a little sweet syrup.
- The course of treatment of children with Muciltin can last from one to two weeks.
- Muciltin is in most cases completely harmless for children, but nevertheless, the drug should be approved with a doctor. Take Mukaltin, for example, children with increased sensitivity to its components, with a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, is strictly prohibited.
Is it possible to give Mukaltin (from a cough) to a child (3 years)??? write responses about prepora, who used!
Shaurma meows
It is possible, only it must first be dissolved in a small amount of water and in 3 years at a time, half the tablets are enough. An old, well-tested tool.
Nicolas Todorovic
he is good already at the convalescence
I gave it in a year, a good drug, better than any expensive medicine.
Ekaterina Permyakova
Of course you can. and drink more, moisten the air, so that the sputum liquefied-it is so dense with these goats (
Felix Grukhin
Mukaltin good preporat, but give children only with the permission of the doctor.
Ulyana Meshcheryakova
we were 1 year and 3 months old - I gave my mucaltin. Nothing, a normal remedy. It's on the grass.
Mukaltin on herbs, but it takes a very long time to drink it to remove the cough.
Lena Kravchenko
Mucaltin-expectorant. If you can not dry-cough
It must be dissolved in water and given to drink, it tastes good.
Is it possible for a 3-month-old child to be given mucotin from a cough ????
Elena Artyomova
Read the annotation, but better, contact a specialist.
a small drop is usually prescribed to a child
Lana Rose
No, of course, this is for you from the instruction
hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
children's age (up to 12 years).
Thick Strawberry nymphs nymphs
it is impossible.
mucaltin, expectorant,
and your child can not yet collect phlegm in a ball and cough it out!
I wrote you that you need to give money
which liquefy phlegm, Lazolvan, we will admit.
and in general call the Doctor already!
we were prescribed bromhexine
Mukaltin is a completely herbal remedy.
If there is no allergy to the ingredients, then you can try.
Elena Vladimirovna
Of course not. for toddlers goes in syrup.. but it is better to the pediatrician ..
Lena Martha
I'll surprise you, but mucaltin is not a cough, but a cough. He's OVERSHOOTING. The effect of the expectorant is that the baby coughs harder so that the leftover sputum comes out. He does not cure cough! He helps get rid of phlegm.
If you are unknowingly with DRY cough, and even in the evening give the child any expectorant drug, the night you will have a "cheerful". It's so, for the future so that you know
Only to the pediatrician. And then sovetuyut schas here !!
Olga Sazonova
of course go to the doctor necessarily!! you that you are a little child at all) he needs syrups)
Can Mukaltin be used during pregnancy?

Pharmacological action of Muciltin
Mukaltin is a medicinal product, the active ingredient of which is the althaea extract. Althaeus is a plant that has a pronounced antitussive effect.
All components that make up Muciltin have an active effect on the bronchial mucosa, which leads to a decrease in secreted sputum. It is at the expense of such an antitussive action that Mukaltin actively fights against colds, or rather - with a cough. It should be noted that Muciltin actively prevents the further spread of the inflammatory process along the upper respiratory tract.
Mukaltin is a licensed drug during pregnancy. It is prescribed by almost all pediatricians. This drug is approved for use in women with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are characterized by the formation of mucus on the bronchi, trachea, and larynx. If sputum accumulates on the upper respiratory tract, then only Mukaltin can eliminate this phenomenon.
What does Mukaltin do?
Mukaltin has the following range of activities:
- Reduces the amount of sputum and mucus accumulating on the upper respiratory tract;
- It has an enveloping effect;
- Increases the secretion of the upper respiratory tract;
- Liquefies and displays very viscous sputum, which accumulates in the upper respiratory tract;
- It makes breathing easier;
- Has a softening effect on the mucous membranes;
- Promotes effective sputum excretion from the bronchi.
In pregnancy, coughing in a woman is more pronounced than in the usual state. This is due, first of all, to a significant decrease in immunity in the body. The protective functions of the body are greatly suppressed by constant changes in the hormonal background.
Can a pregnant cough harm the fetus?
So, if a woman's pregnancy falls on the autumn-winter period, then the probability of contracting colds is very high. Especially, as it was said above, a woman's immunity is significantly reduced, and the protective functions of the body completely disappear.
Is coughing dangerous for a pregnant woman and fetus?
Doctors say that there really is a danger. Since during a severe cough (especially dry) in a pregnant woman, the smooth bronchial muscles contract sufficiently sharply, which leads to the contraction of the muscles of the uterus. This chain leads to miscarriage. Therefore, a woman during pregnancy is very important to cough, but only need to do this as safely as possible and natural preparations that do not entail negative consequences and complications of varying degrees.
Also, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that such medications affect the sputum accumulated in the bronchi and promote its release to the outside.
After numerous clinical studies, it was noted that Mukaltin is very effective in combating with a cough in a pregnant woman and has no contraindications to the use and side effects. Mukaltin does not harm either a woman or a child!
But before taking Mukaltin as a medicine, you need to get advice from a pediatrician and a gynecologist. A woman should undergo a small examination in order to get a medical opinion - does it entail reception Mukaltina occurrence of a vomiting reflex, nausea, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies.
Contraindications to taking Mukultin
Above we mentioned that Mukaltin is a herbal preparation that does not cause harm to either the mother or her child. But, nevertheless there are some circumstances, in the presence of which the reception of Mukaltina will be contraindicated to a woman.
First of all, if a woman has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of gastritis and duodenitis, as well as ulcers, both intestines and duodenum, Mucaltin is contraindicated.
Also, it is not recommended to take Mukaltin with an individual intolerance to the althea plant extract, as well as other components of the drug - tartaric acid, calcium stearate, as well as sodium bicarbonate. The admission to those pregnant women who are diagnosed with "diabetes mellitus" is forbidden. In addition to these pathological conditions, there may be recommendations of a doctor regarding the condition of a pregnant woman. For this it is necessary to consult the doctor for advice without fail.
It is not recommended to take Muciltin along with other anti-cold remedies.
Also, it is necessary to specify the dosage of the drug. Perhaps, in this particular case, it will not correspond to the one prescribed in the instructions to the drug, but will be selected individually. The treatment period is 14 days.
Mukaltin during pregnancy: summary
So, mukaltin can be taken with pregnancy, it does not harm the mother or the baby. Mukaltin is made on natural plant extracts - altee.
Assign Mukaltin for colds, for flu, pharyngitis, pneumonia, and bronchitis. With long-term use of Muciltin, it has a softening effect, enveloping, and also removes inflammation from the upper respiratory tract and enables the person to expectorate. Mukaltin effectively dilutes sputum due to the increased content in the preparation of bicarbonate.
It is not recommended to take Muciltin in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, since the marshmallows can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus. This negative factor can lead to abnormal child miscarriage and can provoke a miscarriage.
Should I give the pill "Mukaltin" to a child?
Today there is a huge amount of various medicinal mixtures and tablets. However, there are some that have already been tested by time and people. But they have recently been forgotten for some reason. In this article I want to talk about whether it is worth giving such a medicine, as Mukaltin, to a child.

About the preparation
First of all you need to understand what the given medicine is. These are tablets that have an excellent anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. They are used for common colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, for the treatment of wet cough and even for pneumonia and bronchial asthma. Its main components are three elements: drug althea, sodium hydrogencarbonate and tartaric acid. It is thanks to these non-strong means that this medication can be given to children without fear. That's just necessary to follow the instructions.
The first rule
If the mother decided to give the pill "Mukaltin" to a child, she should first consult a doctor, should it be done, and if so, how. Completely rely on instruction is not necessary, because a doctor may not know all the nuances of the disease of the baby.
Age restrictions
According to the instruction, to give the drug "Mukaltin" to a child who is less than a year is not recommended. It is intended for children older than the first year of life. However, it is widely used for such a group of patients. If the doctor himself prescribes this medication to a baby, he should tell you how to properly dose the drug. Babies up to two years are supposed to take half a tablet at a time. Give after this age, the drug "Mukaltin" child (2 years and older) can already have one or two tablets at a time, but not more than four pieces per day.
This medicine is used three times a day according to the standard scheme - in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. However, it should not be given after meals, but about an hour before meals. To small children for convenience, the medicine "Mukaltin" can be given in a diluted form, with water: one tablet for 30 ml of warm boiled water. If the baby does not like this liquid, it can be slightly sweetened, the effect of the drug on this will not change. Such a medicine, basically, crumbs is taken without problems. The period of treatment does not exceed two weeks. However, the drug is usually given no more than seven days.
Each mother can give the drug "Mukaltin" to the child without fear. After all, this drug is completely non-toxic. It does not cause allergic reactions, vomiting, does not affect the hormonal balance of the body. However, there are contraindications to the use of this drug. First of all, this is an intolerance to the patient of one of its components (that's only in this situation, allergies may occur in the form of itching, redness on the skin, mild urticaria). It is also not recommended to take medicine for patients who have duodenal ulcers, stomach ulcers, gastroduodenitis.
Currently, they are still used quite often for the treatment of Muciltin tablets. For children (doctor's comments are very convincing in their caution), this medication can not be recommended for use with other drugs containing codeine. This can lead to significant difficulties when you cough up phlegm.