Is it possible to warm sinuses with genyantema

Whether it is possible to warm a nose at a genyantritis?


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Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. A feature of all paranasal sinuses, which includes the maxillary sinus, is the fact that, being sufficiently volumetric formations, they have very small outlets (1-3 mm) - anastomoses, with which the sinuses open into the nasal cavity. Therefore, when the edema of the mucous membrane of the anastomosis is closed, the outflow of mucus from the sinuses is broken, in the sinus begins to develop bacterial (sometimes fungal) flora and there is inflammation, which can be purulent, serous, hemorrhagic and other Treatment is better to entrust to the doctor, and "warming up" at home, as a rule, leads only to a worsening of the condition. Remember that sinusitis can lead to meningitis, which is far from safe.
At home, to treat sinusitis, you can prepare herbal medicines using the following recipes:
The first consists of three infusions (each - in a glass of water): St. John's wort - 15 g, chamomile flowers - 10 grams, cotton grass - 10 g;

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The second includes infusions of yarrow herb - 10 g, buds of ivy - 5 g. Each infusion is based on a glass of water.
According to the third recipe, three infusions (each in a glass of water) are prepared: peppermint - 10 grams, leaves and flowers of lemon grass - 10 g, lemon balm and leaves of plantain large - 10 g.
Mixtures of infusions are instilled in 5 drops in each nostril three times a day. They can be used for inhalations up to 5 minutes. The course of treatment - 10-12 procedures.
Simultaneously with these procedures, it is advisable to take infusions yarrow and St. John's wort, prepared from the calculation of 20 grams of raw materials per glass of water. Drink 3/4 cup hot infusion 2-3 times for 10-12 days.




It is possible and even necessary.


Necessary. I have my own way of dealing with sinusitis. On the forehead (the place of the third eye) and on the wings of the nose I put on a pepper plaster. I rub my nose with Vietnamese balsam "Golden Star". The snot leaves in streams, after 30 minutes the head ceases to ache, and after a day there is no trace of the sinusitis. I was once and once with my husband. It worked flawlessly.


No you can not. me in the hospital pierced heated sinusitis. gaymoritis should be washed and not in any way not to heat the lamps with salt and the like. It is necessary to wash the nose with salt or potassium permanganate or furycilin or brewed laurel leaf forcibly


From the fact that you will warm your nose, filled with pus, is it easier for the nose? Pus, then, will not go anywhere. It must be washed. The most painless is vacuum suction. This procedure is available in paid clinics. Try to call somewhere and ask.


Necessary. My doctor prescribed heating and injections. Only he said that the heat should be dry. But I at home ADDITIONALLY warmed a stone in the oven and breathed over it with my nose, covered with a towel. I have done 3 procedures and now I do not know about such a disease for 6 years.

yura derevyanko

It is possible and necessary. But only dry heat. Heated sand or salt.


How many people have so many opinions.

Tamara Lomakina

in any case you can not warm up the nose. the best remedy in Sinupred, and wash your nose at home with a syringe solution of sodium chloride!

Prompt please at whom there was a genyantritis, whether it is possible to warm frontal sinuses at an initial stage of illness or disease?



Take advantage of my recommendations:
1. First of all, we strengthen the antimicrobial immunity of everyday grinding of the feet (foot, shin) to the knee, hands (rear of the hand, forearm) up to the elbow 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes of exposure to all limbs from day to day, until the pain and burning sensation disappears completely. extremities.
2. Mass the painful areas in the area of ​​the malar bone (cheeks) 3-5 times a day and more every day with increasing effort until the soreness disappears completely.
3. Mass the painful fate of the periosteum of the bones of the nose day after day until complete relief from soreness.
4. To get rid of rhinitis, sinusitis, frontalitis, etmoiditis, it is also necessary to strengthen the antiviral immunity: a) Tapping the head with fists or, l. plastic bottle with water without air bubbles 2-3 times a day for 2-3 minutes a day, until the soreness in the head disappears completely when tapping. Tapping also helps to get rid of the headache if it bothers you.
b) Stimulation of sneeze. The number of sneezes can be increased from 10 to 20 times a day. Direct the air flow by sneezing preferably through the nose. To irritate the nasal mucosa is convenient for sneezing, with ear sticks or bury in the nose 4-5 drops of fresh aloe juice or calanchoe 3-4 times a day; the juices of these plants irritate the nasal mucosa and cause multiple sneezing. Some may experience irritation of the nasal mucosa with pepper or snuff.
c) Stimulate antiviral immunity can, it turns out, and the reception of certain products with a strong immunostimulating effect, it is mustard and horseradish. When using these spices, we must ensure that the molecules of essential oil of these spices fall into the nasal cavity and into the paranasal sinuses, into the bronchi and lungs and would cause a specific effect the brain missed). When these recommendations are implemented, recovery begins within two to three days. Good luck to all.


I was in the autumn. I began to warm up, and then to Laura when asked - he scolded, said he did not have to warm. By the way he cured without puncturing. Go to Laura.

Anna ****

No you can not. you can warm up while there are still snot, at the very beginning. When the nose is laid, it's gone. try the drug Aquamoris with the Adriatic Sea water (this spray). I helped very quickly and quickly. It can be done without a prescription, it cleans your nose well.


can not


NO! To heat categorically it is impossible!


I heard about the fact that boiled hot eggs are applied to the sinuses, just heard that it is absolutely impossible to heat. What to believe? And I treat sinusitis with the drug "Sinuforte", only it is quite expensive, 1200-1400 rubles. This my lor suggested to me, when I left the hospital with this genyantritis. I made punctures.


it is impossible, and frontal sinuses, it already fronts, instead of a genyantritis, it is better to address to the doctor

Good Cobra

No. The infection with the blood flow goes on.

Nina Gosudareva

In no case. Only after the complex treatment (antibiotics, drops in the nose for at least 7 days). Otherwise, you can pus spread all over your head

Whether it is possible to heat a nose at a genyantritis? With genyantritis you can warm your nose or not?

Sinusitis is a fairly serious disease, which very quickly becomes chronic in the absence of appropriate treatment. Usually, this ailment is accompanied by a severe headache, an increase in the body's overall temperature, nasal discharge, nasal and other unpleasant symptoms.

Is it possible to warm the nose with genyantritisModern medicine offers quite a few different treatment options for this disease: from conservative, presupposing the use of various medications, and before surgery, when the sinus puncture is performed with the removal of their purulent content.

Quite often, patients refuse official medicine and start self-medication, using various folk recipes, including compresses or warm-ups. In our today's conversation, we will try to find an answer to the important question: "Is it possible to warm the nose with genyantritis?"

According to experts

Answering this question, you can quite confidently say: "Yes, you can." But in this case, one important fact should be considered: in case of genyantritis, one can warm one's nose if the disease is at its initial stage.

The basic symptomatology, characteristic for the initial form of genyantritis

When forming sinusitis, the following symptoms are observed:

  • constant, persistent runny nose;
  • Nasal breathing is greatly hampered.

At the sick person at the beginning of the development of this disease there is an impassable runny nose, but at the same time purulent contents from sinus sinuses leave unhindered. The nose thus is completely incorporated, therefore breath is complicated, there is a nasal in a voice.

At this stage of the development of the disease, coping with it can still be relatively easy. Right now, when there is still an outflow of purulent contents of the sinuses, you can warm your nose with genyantritis.

Warming at home: recipes

For warming up at home, salt or an egg is most often used. You will ask why?" The answer is rather prosaic: they perfectly preserve heat. The heating procedure is quite simple: you have to boil the egg, get it out of the water, then wrap it with a soft cloth (best of all, flannel) and attach it to the side surfaces of the nose.

If you decide to use salt as a warming material, then the procedure for heating it looks somewhat different. It is calcined in a frying pan, and then poured into a cotton bag. Salt can be used many times.

Causes of sinusitis

The main cause of this disease is ARVI. But, besides this, it can become a secondary infection in case of dental disease. This is called "odontogenic sinusitis." Also, the cause of the disease can be an allergy. This is the so-called "allergic sinusitis."

The cause of the disease can be a natural defect of the nasal septum, infection of the oral cavity or nose. Such chronic diseases as pharyngitis, tonsillitis or rhinitis, adenoids, are also no exception. The cause of the disease can serve as a chronic rhinitis (rhinitis), in which there is a thickening of the nasal mucosa.

And yet, more often than not, to the patient's question about whether it is possible to warm the nose in sinusitis, the doctor responds with a ban. The matter is that the patient usually gets to the reception when the disease is in an acute stage.

Symptoms of acute sinusitis

it is possible to warm a nose at a genyantemaWhen the disease passes into the acute stage, the following symptom is added: severe pain occurs in the forehead region.

This is due to the accumulation of purulent exudate. Nasal congestion only increases. In the event of such a situation, you should immediately seek the help of a specialist. Only a doctor will be able to prescribe an adequate treatment that will help get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time.

Whether it is possible to heat a nose at a genyantritis? At the disease, which is in its acute stage, it is strictly forbidden to perform such procedures. This can provoke a worsening of the patient's condition, when only medications can not be dispensed with. And even then it may be necessary to perform a puncture of the sinuses of the nose, which is better known as a puncture.

If no appropriate measures have been taken, acute sinusitis turns into a chronic stage.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis

When the disease is transformed and its transition to chronic course occurs

sinusitis can you warm your nosefollowing:
  • the patient feels severe pain localized in the infraorbital region;
  • already existing symptoms are aggravated.

The pain is felt now not only in the forehead, the whole head hurts.

The process of formation of genyantritis

The key moment in the formation of this disease in both acute and chronic form is the obstruction of the sinus outlet located in the maxillary bone. As a result, the outflow of accumulated contents is disturbed and its inflammation begins. And such obstruction can arise, in particular, in ARI, when the mucous membrane of the nose becomes inflamed and swells.

Do the nose warm with a blue lamp?

Quite often you can hear that among the key methods of therapy of this disease, the main thing is the heating of the nose with the help of a blue lamp. It is a bactericidal lamp, which is based on the process of ultraviolet radiation, which quite often finds application in the treatment of many diseases. But, in fact, it can not bring any tangible relief to the patient in itself, despite its popularity.

at a genyantritis it is possible to warm a noseThe fact is that heating the lamp is only part of the treatment of the disease as a whole. In addition, only a specialist can prescribe such a procedure, based on medical indications. And the answer to the important question about whether it is possible to heat the nose in the genyantritis with a blue lamp, will sound like this: "Yes, if this is the prescription of the treating doctor." An independent decision on this method of treatment will only exacerbate an already difficult situation.

Sinusitis: can I warm my nose

Warming up most often contributes to the further spread of the disease, not only worsening the condition sick person, but also provoking penetration of the disease into more vulnerable organs: the middle ear and the head brain. Running sinusitis can develop into meningitis, which sometimes ends in a fatal outcome. That's why the treatment of such a disease should be entrusted to professionals.

Whether it is possible to heat a genyantritis?



As a rule, people are puzzled about sinusitis at an early stage and in this case it needs to be warmed, but only with infrared rays. At home, do as follows, sit next to the stove at an open fire to see the hot coals, the face should feel a light heat. 15-20 minutes per day will be enough.

Natalya Frolova



In no case!


In the acute stage - NO! If this is a question about physiotherapy

Yulia Garanina

I had, I cooked an egg, wrapped it in a handkerchief and warmed it. It helped! =))


To me ENT spoke, that at a genyantritis at all it is impossible to do or make what or warming up procedures. Only tablets and if you are prescribed physiotherapy. But first you need to take a picture to make sure the maxillary sinusitis is or not.


I had sinusitis for years. Swimming was practiced in the outdoor pool. Washed but sea salt or iodized salt. With 86g there is nothing. Runny nose, if it happens, I kill in the bud with a blepharon, i.e. physiotherapy, in general the apparatus of Geska Universal

Anna Sidorenko

Doing warming up with sinusitis can not always be. If you have swelling at an early stage of the disease, heat will only provoke vasodilation, leading to increased swelling. In the case when the late stage of sinusitis in the sinuses accumulated exudate (the liquid formed in the place of inflammation), the thermal effect can cause its spread to the orbit and the head brain. To use such procedures it is possible only on the recommendation of the doctor, when the nature of the inflammatory process is clarified, that is, the doctor was convinced that you do not have swelling, fluid in the nasal sinuses.

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