Can there be pneumonia without a cough?

Inflammation of the lungs without coughing

Can there be pneumonia without a cough?

Many are wondering if there can be pneumonia without a cough and often doctors give an affirmative answer to this question. All known symptoms are described in terms of a certain number of patients, but there are exceptions to the general rules. Every organism has its own reaction to this or that disease, that's why they take different forms in everyone. It often happens that even X-ray studies are not able to detect lung inflammation, which occurs with the complete absence of cough. In a special group of risk of asymptomatic inflammation of the lungs are children. Very often parental vigilance is blunted in the absence of pronounced symptoms of the disease and the doctor does not go on time. The bad thing is that in this way there is a serious threat to the health of the child.

Inflammation of the lungs without coughing symptoms

Symptoms of inflammation of the lungs without a cough is an increased temperature, indicating the presence of infection in the body. The main difficulty in this situation is the impossibility of determining the presence of inflammation in the lungs. In this case, the diagnosis should be carried out in a differentiated way, provided that the relationship with other morbid conditions is excluded. When diagnosing pneumonia, attention should be paid to signs of a non-specific nature, which include:

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  • pallor of the skin;
  • unhealthy blush;
  • low susceptibility of physical activity;
  • appeared shortness of breath;
  • pains in the chest accompanying each movement.

Defining a hidden inflammation of the lungs, it is most difficult to examine a small child. His state, he can not really describe, when trying to do this is often confused. In this case, the consultation of a qualified doctor will help laboratory diagnosis in order to correctly diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Inflammation of the lungs without fever with a cough

Pneumonia without fever with a cough is a very dangerous disease, which can result in the death of the patient. The danger lies in the absence of symptoms, which allows you to put the correct diagnosis on time and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Cough in this case plays an insidious role, being a symptom of diseases of a different kind and thereby causing the possibility of setting the wrong diagnosis. Ill person can not guess about the nature of his condition, taking measures to alleviate it, while he will be treated completely from another disease. Thus, his condition will be aggravated more and more. In order for this to happen, it is necessary to undergo an X-ray examination in time in order to identify the true cause of what is happening.

Inflammation of the lungs without cough and temperature

Symptoms of inflammation of the lungs may be absent due to the localization of the disease in a certain segment or part of the lung tissue. In this case, the patient does not suffer from pain in the lungs, and he does not have a cough. Body temperature also remains within normal limits. This becomes possible with a weakened immunity of the patient or can occur against the background of an uncontrolled intake of antibiotics. Also, the cause of inflammation of the lungs, which occurs in the absence of cough, can be the use of drugs, whose action is aimed at eliminating cough. This pathology is extremely dangerous in pediatric practice, because the child can not properly describe his feelings. Statistical calculations point to the fact that inflammation of the lungs without cough and temperature in most cases results in the death of the patient. This fact explains the need for clear ideas about the nature of the disease, the forms of its course and methods of dealing with it.

Is there pneumonia without fever? Pneumonia without fever and cough

Pneumonia is a very dangerous disease, which can lead to complications and disruptions in the work, in the first place, the cardiovascular system. In the presence of such symptoms as cough, shortness of breath, weakness and high fever, it is not difficult to suspect the presence of such a disease in your presence and to consult a doctor in time.

Does it happen without a fever? It turns out that in some cases this is quite possible. This pneumonia is also called quiet or hidden.

Than the disease is dangerous

To detect this pathology, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis, the usual listening to the lungs does not reveal latent pneumonia. In addition, even an experienced doctor can not always put the right diagnosis in a disease that is not accompanied by fever and cough, which often leads to disastrous consequences.

Particularly dangerous is pneumonia in children without temperature, since a young child is not yet able to explain his feelings. Therefore, it is desirable for everyone to know the main symptoms of this disease.

Main Risk Factors

Pneumonia without temperature often occurs in people with reduced immunity. The reason for reducing the protective forces of the body may be the presence of a source of chronic infection, such as, for example, inflamed tonsils or untreated teeth. A person with reduced immunity may not even suspect that he has pneumonia without fever, symptoms may be absent for several days. The main sign in this case is shortness of breath. When you try to take a deep breath, a person feels dizzy.

In elderly people, pneumonia without fever and cough can manifest as pain in the chest, which is not always localized in the lungs. Such pain is sometimes similar to muscle pain, so people sometimes go to the doctor with complaints about stretching the muscles.

The most susceptible to this disease are people with a busy life schedule, who work hard without rest and suffer from diseases on their feet.

A good standard of living and adequate nutrition help the body cope with inflammation on its own, but with This is the replacement of affected lungs with connective tissue, and this can cause respiratory insufficiency.

Another cause of the disease is uncontrolled use of antibiotics. With prolonged use of such drugs, the body becomes accustomed to them, which leads to a decrease in the therapeutic effect.

Due to prolonged use of antitussive drugs, pneumonia can develop without temperature and cough. Such drugs suppress the process of sputum discharge from the lungs, which leads to the accumulation of pathogenic flora in the body.

Features of the course of the disease

Sometimes pneumonia happens without a temperature, but is accompanied by a cough. Most often this happens after a long cold, when the person's condition has improved, wheezing in the lungs is not audible, but a small cough persists.

Should be alerted, when such signs occur:
  • Cough with abundant or poor sputum lasts more than two weeks;
  • increased weakness, decreased appetite, a constant sense of thirst;
  • a painful blush. Red spots can appear only on one cheek, from the side of the inflamed lung;
  • obstructed, wheezing, which is accompanied by pain in the lower part of the chest. When breathing, the asymmetry of the chest movement is noticeable. Rapid breathing is one of the main symptoms of this disease. The fact is that when the disease develops, the area of ​​a healthy lung becomes smaller, the patient lacks oxygen and compensates this lack with frequent breathing;
  • with minimal physical exertion, a person sweats profusely and throws it into fever;
  • there are painful sensations in the chest when the body turns.


The identification and diagnosis of such a disease requires vast medical experience and basic knowledge symptomatology, as pneumonia in adults without a temperature with listening to the lungs is often not is revealed.

To diagnose a doctor, the doctor should ask the patient for complaints, perform an examination of the chest, paying special attention to the symmetry of her movement during inspiration and expiration. Then rattling and listening to the lungs are performed (with inflammation dry and wet wheezing, dull sound in problem areas).

To diagnose this form of the disease requires a general analysis of blood, urine, as well as sputum analysis.

In order to clarify which area of ​​the lung is affected, determine the size of the inflammation focus, and identify possible complications, an X-ray examination is performed. The X-ray diffraction pattern is performed in two projections. The presence of a limited darkening of the lung tissue is the main sign of this pathology.

Unfortunately, sometimes radiographic research is not informative. In this situation, resort to a more accurate method of research - computed tomography of the lungs. Use this method in such cases:

  • The roentgenogram does not allow to reveal the center of an inflammation at presence at the person of all signs of a pneumonia;
  • with recurrence of the disease (more than 3 times), in the event that the focus of inflammation is in the same lobe of the lungs;
  • if the results of the X-ray examination do not match the clinical manifestations of the disease.

In some cases, you may need a bronchoscopy. The study is carried out using a flexible tube with a camera at the end. The tube through the nose is inserted into the lumen of the bronchi. Bronchoscopy is necessary for complicated forms of pneumonia.

Signs of latent pneumonia in children

Pneumonia in children without fever is accompanied by slightly different symptoms than in adults. Parents should be alerted by constant drowsiness and sluggishness of the baby, tearfulness without reason, poor appetite, excessive sweating, blueing of the nasolabial triangle, shortness of breath.

In the presence of such signs it is necessary to immediately show the child to the pediatrician, who will conduct the necessary studies and make an accurate diagnosis.


After a complete preliminary examination and conducting all the studies, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. If you have pneumonia without temperature, self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

For the treatment of pneumonia, antibiotics of a broad spectrum of action are usually prescribed. Very often a combination of two antibacterial drugs is required. The course of treatment is at least 7-10 days.

If pneumonia without fever is accompanied by a cough, expectorant and thinning medications are prescribed at the "ACE" Lazolvan Bromhexine ". In patients without cough or with a dry cough, there is no need to use such remedies.

If a person suffers from shortness of breath, it is necessary to use bronchodilators. Inhalation with nebulizer is useful.

In severe forms of pneumonia, immunomodulatory therapy is required, the administration of multivitamins.

10 days after the start of treatment, an X-ray examination is repeated. In case of threat of complications or deterioration of a person's condition, pictures can be taken earlier. Since there is a risk of decomposition of the lungs during a prolonged course of the disease, it is necessary to visit the phthisiatrician.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk methods of treatment can only be an addition to the main treatment, but not a substitute for it. If you have pneumonia without fever, treatment with any folk remedies is possible only if you are not allergic to them.

It is useful to use honey, as well as large doses of garlic or onions.
Instead of the usual hot drinks, it is good to drink infusions from the leaves of mother-and-stepmother, hips, elderberry, linden flowers, raspberry.

At the stage of recovery is useful infusion of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, plantain, calendula flowers, thyme, licorice. A tablespoon of a mixture of plants is poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. Then the medicine should be filtered and taken on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. This remedy strengthens the immune system, regains strength.

Lifestyle during illness

Pneumonia without temperature requires bed rest. No smoking. The volume of liquid used should be no less than -3 liters per day. Food should be rich in proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, especially A, B and C.

Many will benefit from breathing exercises. The simplest exercise is inflating balloons. Before you start, you should consult your doctor. In some conditions, breathing exercises are contraindicated.

What can not be done

In no case do not self-medicate with antibacterial drugs (you can use them only after the sputum is examined for sensitivity to a particular series of antibiotics).

Do not heat the chest and body as a whole. You can not take hot baths, bathe in a sauna or a sauna. Do not use antitussive and expectorant drugs without the advice of a doctor.

Do not engage in the usual activities, even if you have pneumonia without temperature. Symptoms of the disease may not be pronounced, but even in this case you can not lead an active lifestyle and give your body increased physical activity.

For the prevention of pneumonia, it is necessary to strengthen the body's immunity and defenses, to eat fully and regularly exercise.

At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, because the inappropriate treatment of such a disease can be fatal.

Pneumonia without fever

Pneumonia is an acute infectious disease that proceeds with focal inflammation of the respiratory tissue of the lung and sweats the inflammatory fluid into the pulmonary vesicles. Different types of pneumonia may differ somewhat in the types of pathogens, mechanisms of development and external manifestations.

Pneumonia has known classic symptoms:

  • Fever - increase in body temperature> + 38 ° C.
  • Pain in the chest from the side of the inflammation, intensifying with a deep inspiration, movement, coughing attacks.
  • Acceleration of dyspnea, uncharacteristic for the patient.
  • The appearance of a cough, sometimes with phlegm or rusty phlegm.

These symptoms when they appear in the complex should cause suspicion of inflammation of the lungs in both adults and children. Patients with pneumonia may be disturbed by general weakness, fatigue, sweating at night.

Is the course of pneumonia possible without fever?

Suddenness of onset of the disease, fever and chest pain may sometimes not occur, for example, in elderly and weakened patients with immunodeficiency.

In elderly people who have severe chronic diseases or a decrease in body defenses, there can be pneumonia without temperature. In 25% of patients with pneumonia at the age of> 65 years, fever is often absent, and extrapulmonary symptoms prevail in the clinic of the disease. External clinical signs are erased and expressed as weakness, fatigue, nausea, lack of appetite, abdominal pain, confusion of consciousness.

With such a hidden course of the disease, little or no external signs of pulmonary inflammation, usually detected by the doctor during examination, are absent.

The idea that there is pneumonia without a temperature should arise if, for obvious reasons, the elderly, children and weakened people significantly reduced physical activity. At patients the general expressed weakness grows, the person ceases to move, all time lays, becomes indifferent, quite often drowsy, refuses reception of food.

How to suspect lung inflammation without fever?

A careful examination of a sick person sometimes reveals a one-sided cheeks blush on the side of the inflammation and dryness of the tongue, coated with a white coating. Pneumonia without temperature is always manifested by a significant increase in dyspnoea and rapid heart rate - tachycardia. Listening to the lungs usually helps to detect a place of accumulation of wet wheezing above the lesion site.

There are classic signs of inflammation of the lungs, detected when the patient examines the doctor. These symptoms will help diagnose "pneumonia" without temperature in weakened patients.

  • Stupidity of the percussion sound over the inflamed part of the lung during percussion.
  • Limited focus of hard breathing over the lungs when listening.
  • Limited congestion of sonorous small bubbly wet wheezes.
  • Limited loss of breath over the pulmonary field.

What is the danger of belated diagnosis of inflammation of the lungs?

Late diagnosis and delayed antimicrobial treatment in patients with pneumonia for more than 4 hours, worsen the survival prognosis.

Pneumonia is dangerous by the development of complications:

  • Pulmonary - exudate pleurisy, suppuration of the lung, empyema of the pleura, edema of the lungs.
  • Extrapulmonary - infectious-toxic shock, psychosis, pericarditis (inflammation of the cardiac sac), myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), sepsis (blood infection).

Will X-rays help clarify the diagnosis of pneumonia without temperature?

An X-ray study of patients with a presumed diagnosis of pneumonia will help clarify the signs of lung inflammation and its complications.

To confirm the diagnosis of "pneumonia the patient is given a chest x-ray in two projections. The main x-ray sign of pneumonia is a limited darkening of the lung tissue against the background of external signs of inflammation of the respiratory tract. In the absence of darkening of the lung tissue on the X-ray, the conclusion about the presence of pneumonia is not justified.

Treatment of pneumonia - basic rules

Diagnostic studies should not delay the antimicrobial treatment of pneumonia due to a worsening of the prognosis when it is delayed.

Antibacterial treatment for the destruction of pathogens of pneumonia is selected on the basis of the natural activity of the drug. In each case, the possible resistance of microbes to the drug is taken into account. Treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics lasts an average of 7-10 days. In the presence of a cough with thick sticky sputum, treatment can be supplemented by expectorants and medications that dilute sputum.

An X-ray study is performed at the onset of the disease and again 10 days after the onset of antimicrobial treatment. X-ray images can be performed at an earlier time if there is a threat of complications or a significant deterioration in the patient's condition.

Can there be pneumonia without coughing, sniffing and a cold, only with a temperature?


Cat Murych



This is a disease of the lungs


then develop and develop cough and shortness of breath
especially. Now a bunch of coronaviruses of different
Urgent call a doctor


Maybe, of course.



The sun


Valentin Gropianova


q q


I am Love


Alexander Khodyn

Once in our work, one man began to choke and lose consciousness and when his ambulance took to the hospital it turned out that he had bilateral pneumonia for almost a month and he had no idea about this. he climbed out of the light for two months.

LENA ***

Yes maybe


Can. At my husband at the beginning of the week was only a high tempo and that's all. When the X-ray was done, left-foot pneumonia turned out to be.

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