How to effectively treat arthritis of the foot by various methods

With this disease, joint damage occurs as a result of inflammation of a different nature.

When the joints of the body suffer from this disease, soft tissue swelling around the inflamed area occurs, there is excessive blood filling, the destruction of the articular cartilage begins until the fusion bones.

The course of the disease depends on the cause, which gave impetus to its development. Arthritis can be caused by infections or a virus - brucellosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, dysentery, tuberculosis, gout, psoriasis.

Arthritis of the ankle joint can make a person disabled due to a stiff limb, in addition, it looks very unaesthetic.


  • 1Causes
  • 2Symptomatology
  • 3Methods of pain relief and treatment
  • 4Medication
  • 5Non-drug treatment


Complication of this type can develop as a result of a serious illness. Strong infectious shocks weaken the body, it can not defend itself as successfully as it used to, and begins to destroy its own cells along with foreign ones - viruses, bacteria.

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Pathology covers the fascia (the shell of different organs) with tendons. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon makes walking extremely painful.

Causes of joint damage can serve as:

  • deposition in articular salts of uric acid salts,
  • violation of its blood supply,
  • strong physical activity,
  • malnutrition,
  • genetic predisposition,
  • microtrauma,
  • flat feet.

One of the most specific types of the disease is reactive arthritis of the ankle joint - it is known to many affected by its painfulness and sharp onset. The tissues around the joint swell, blood flows to them, it is impossible to touch the affected area.

The cause of this condition is the transferred intestinal or genito-urinary infections. The articular bag is affected by viruses and inflames; often the inflammation passes without causing significant harm, but if the body has weak immunity, then the process goes into a chronic stage.

Microtrauma can not be considered something unimportant - they lead to the infectious stage of the disease.

Such injuries often occur in sportsmen, in people who are engaged in heavy physical exertion for many years. If there is a penetrating wound of the joint, then it can get pyogenic infection.


The disease has acute or chronic course:

  1. In acute forminflammation of the soft tissue around the sore spot in a short time become red, swollen, the temperature rises.
  2. In the chronic stageThese signs do not express so distinctly, but the pain gradually increases, it becomes difficult for a person to walk or even just rely on legs, in the morning, the stiffness of movements is felt, which gradually passes a few hours after the load of the locomotor system apparatus.
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At an acute stage often joints swell, increase in sizes.

Therefore, sometimes the treatment is primarily aimed at the removal of symptoms in the ankle joint in the form of poisoning the body and destroying pathological autoimmune process (when antibodies are produced or the killer cells are multiplied against healthy ones), manifested in fever and weakening.

In everyday life, outside the acute stage, the symptoms are expressed in the form of pain, when the articulation is maximally bent or unbent, as a feeling of squeezing when wearing any shoes.

To be sure of the correct diagnosis, you need to make ultrasound, X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging of affected areas. Different blood tests will help to identify which disease triggered the onset of arthritis.

The conducted researches will give the general picture of the disease, on the basis of which the doctor will be able to draw conclusions about the method of treatment and select appropriate medications.

Methods of pain relief and treatment

Most of the techniques are easy to perform and bring relief when properly followed.

To alleviate the pain, you need to give the patient the joint peace, and if this is impossible - it should be immobilized with a fixative bandage, and when walking, lean on a cane. But we must remember that this will only facilitate movement, but the inflammation will not take away.

It is also good to use orthopedic shoes, which strengthens the sick joint well.

To surgical intervention it is necessary to resort in extreme cases with a strong deformation, when the operation will help restore the mobility of the joint.


Different causes of the disease, a variety of types of lesion require different methods of treatment

Treatment even at home can not do without antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, which the doctor will appoint after the analysis.

Treatment consists in the appointment:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve swelling of the joint;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

Non-drug treatment

It consists of a diet, in the treatment of folk remedies, in limiting the physical activity of the affected limb and in healing cold.

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There are many folk methods of treatment, time-tested:

  1. The chopped bundle of straw is boiled in water for half an hour. In a solution cooled to room temperature, immerse the affected limb for 20 minutes during the week.
  2. Grated radish is applied to sore spots.
  3. The root of the dandelion excretes the crystals of uric acid that affects the joint. Roots and leaves are poured with boiling water, insist an hour. The broth is drunk a day a quarter of a glass before eating.
  4. In the pockets should be a hand massager and from time to time to deal with it, it relieves pain and prophylactically acts on the joints.
  5. "Split" the accumulation of salts in the ankle joint will help the onion head, cut into two parts. In the center of each halves are dripped tar and tied at night to the affected places.
  6. Fresh spruce branches brew with boiling water, insist until the solution cools. For a week, keep the sick limb in the solution for half an hour, after which it is warm to wrap it and lie in bed.
  7. Lemons and garlic are ground in a blender in the ratio: pour boiling water and insist for 24 hours. Drink the infusion for 1 month before eating 50 ml each.
  8. Fresh honey is dissolved in a mixture of black radish juice, salt and vodka, used for rubbing into the affected joints.
  9. For prevention it is good to try a decoction from cooked potato peelings - it needs to warm up the sick limbs.
  10. Pain in the extremities remove the wrapping of the affected joints with burdock leaves, mother-and-stepmother, in the winter - cabbage. If you have the patience to perform these actions for months, you can get rid of the pain for a long time.
  11. Bay leaf - 1 tbsp. l. boil in 400 ml of water and at night soak this mixture in a thermos bottle. Drink a third of the glass before eating for 2 weeks
  12. Black radish cut in the shape of a bowl, put honey in the hole. Standing juice, mixed with honey, when grinding and compresses relieves pain and removes salt.
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Diet also helps in the treatment? Standard recommendations of a healthy diet will help to remove puffiness, remove pain, remove salts of uric acid.

The principles are simple:

  • to limit or completely stop the use of salt;
  • Do not eat greasy, sour, smoked, pickled and salty;
  • do not eat the fruits of the Solanaceae family;
  • Do not buy canned foods;
  • to refuse from fatty meat or from meat in general;
  • more simple foods and dishes.

More detailed principles of nutrition for arthritis are described in this article.

Cold can remove pain and inflammation, stop metabolic processes, remove irritation of the joint bag, but this technique should be used very carefully. A packet of ice is applied to the sore spot for no more than 10 minutes, but best for 1 minute.

You can try cold baths - a sick limb is in the water for 20-30 seconds, while doing warm-up movements. Then the limb is dried and rests for 2-3 minutes. You need to repeat 5-10 times. As a result, the blood circulation increases in the affected areas.

Excessive cooling will worsen the patient's position.

When people seek treatment, they forget about the complex approach to treatment.

One should not forget about prevention and use proven traditional methods:

  • resting mode for joints;
  • diet for the period of exacerbation, and in severe cases - and for life;
  • mandatory antibiotic treatment;
  • use of anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • physical exercises, physiotherapy exercises in those periods when the doctor permits.

It is not necessary to think that with the onset of arthritis there are times full of limitations, it is only convenient to adjust your life to it, following the recommendations of doctors.