Continuous cough in a child

The incessant cough

Colds in many people are long and hard. Cough can last for months and go into a chronic form. Viruses mutate due to the fact that people consume a lot of drugs that are not able to cope with what has got into the body and does not allow it to function properly.

An incessant cough, what should I do?

When irritation of the bronchial mucosa and larynx appears dry cough. The brain receives a signal that there is a foreign body in the respiratory tract, which should be disposed of. Chronic cough worries people, prone to allergies and suffering from bronchial asthma.

Coughing is not present, because in the respiratory tract there is neither slime nor foreign bodies. There is only irritation of the mucosa. Dry cough often occurs due to the flu, ARVI and other diseases, which are delayed for too long. The cold is always the cause of a cough, it can disturb a person due to heart problems, stomach problems, worms, stress, and a bad ecology may also be the cause.

An incessant cough that only a doctor knows. After a cough can have a different etiology, so you need to treat it in many ways. What is acceptable in one case is completely unacceptable in another.

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What can a man do himself to ease his fate a little? First, you need to put in the apartment a humidifier and make sure that in the room where the patient is, the air was not too dry. Secondly, you need to carry out wet cleaning as often as possible, dust and smoke in the apartment provoke new attacks of coughing. Thirdly, the sick person needs to provide a calm environment, without conflicts, scandals and psychological pressure.

How to stop the incessant cough?

In order to get rid of cough, you need to take medicines prescribed by the doctor. Traditional medicine can be used without any restrictions and appoint yourself to yourself.

How to stop the incessant cough? You need to buy cranberries and honey with perga, mix the ingredients and pour them with warm water, in the proportion:. Take one tablespoon when coughing. It is advisable not to drink, you can drink water only after fifteen minutes. This medicine is suitable only for those who do not have honey for allergies.

Night cough is easy to remove with a warm herbal decoction. Prepare it in advance, mixing linden, calendula, chamomile, pine needles and pine needles. This mixture is poured into a thermos and poured with boiling water.

An incessant cough in an adult

When you cough, you need to take a saline solution once a day. For 1/4 cup water take 1/5 teaspoon of salt. Before and after taking a saline solution, it is necessary to drink boiled water. Salt removes an attack of cough and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

An incessant cough in an adult can be stopped with cedar oil. This oil should be taken on an empty stomach and not washed down with water. Cedar oil is rich in trace elements, vitamins, proteins and amino acids, it removes irritation, inflammation and helps with coughing.

In order to stop the cough, you need to finely chop the onion, put it in a bowl and breathe with your eyes closed. It is important to make sure that the smell of onion does not catch the breath and regulate its quantity. The person inhales through the mouth, holds his breath for fifteen seconds and breathes out his nose. It is necessary to breathe slowly, so that the nasopharynx receives the maximum amount of phytoncides.

During any illness, you should drink as much as possible. Drinking promotes a speedy recovery, since it does not allow dehydration. In a day you need to drink at least two liters of water.

The child has a persistent cough

After a cold, there are often residual events that can manifest themselves for a long time. If the child has an uninterrupted cough, then most likely he has an infection in his respiratory tract, which is not going to leave without a fight. If the cough does not pass more than two weeks, you should go to the doctor. Further self-treatment is unacceptable.

Pneumocysts, mixed infections, fungi and bacteria provoke the emergence of a protracted cough. In order for the treatment to be correct and fast, you need to show the child to a good specialist, and better than a few.

The child has a dry incessant cough

Cough can begin both in the beginning, and in the end of illness. At the beginning of the disease, he indicates that an infection has got into the respiratory tract, and in the end - that the disease was not completely cured. Sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and SARS - all these diseases are extremely unpleasant, they are difficult to get rid of, because they still leave a long tail of consequences.

The child's dry incessant cough becomes damp with time. You just need to help the body and make it so that sputum appears and begins to go away. Laryngitis is characterized by barking cough and hoarse voice. In order to exclude the presence of such serious diseases as bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor.

Dry cough in the baby

The child coughs when the surface of the throat is irritated. This happens during illness or when the body fights the infection, secreting a lot of phlegm. What if I have a dry cough in my baby? Young mothers often become confused and begin to panic, especially if there is no coughing up. How to help the baby calm down, get rid of this ailment, find out the causes and ways of treating the disease? Treat or rely on folk remedies?

What is dry cough?

Coughing in an adult and a child is one of the reflexes that helps to rid the body of excess mucus, germs and foreign bodies. When it becomes suffocating, the liquid does not clear up in the form of phlegm, then this process is called dry cough. Especially dangerous if it appears in the baby. This is a symptom of a viral infection, which can be of a long character, and can go away in a few days, with proper diet and adequate treatment.

When a dry cough in a baby or older child acquires a permanent character, this is a consequence of a serious illness. An inflamed larynx, trachea or tonsils lead to a severe attack, which becomes suffocating and brings the baby to vomiting. In such cases, you should not torture a child, you need to immediately contact the pediatrician, who will tell you what to take and how to soothe the baby.


To stop the incessant dry cough in a child and to alleviate his condition, it is necessary to determine what triggered this process. Modern medicine has several dozen reasons, the occurrence of seizures in children, we list the most frequent of them:

  1. Acute bronchitis is a consequence of the inflammatory process in the bronchi, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 38 ° C, dry barking cough, and general weakness. Diagnosis is performed by listening to the bronchi with a stethoscope. Treatment of this disease is aimed at diluting the dried mucus in the bronchi. Dry cough caused by acute bronchitis, successfully treated with drugs and folk remedies for 5-7 days.
  2. Laryngitis and pharyngitis are diseases in which severe laryngeal edema occurs. Accompanied by a continuous swelling in the throat, a sonorous voice becomes hoarse. At the slightest exertion, dyspnea appears. Dry throat does not give the child peace.
  3. Whooping cough is an ailment that begins with a dry cough, at first it does not bother the child much. After a week, seizures become more intrusive. It is not possible to diagnose pertussis immediately. there is a similarity with the common cold. Often it is confused with an allergic cough. The disease is long, weakly treatable. Pertussis is ill once in a lifetime, then persistent immunity is produced.
  4. Diphtheria of the oropharynx (croup) is a deadly disease. It is accompanied by an elevated temperature up to 38 ° C, dry barking cough. Over time, it becomes paroxysmal. If you do not call the doctor in time, diphtheria becomes chronic. Often this ailment is complicated by pneumonia.
  5. Tuberculosis provokes a dry cough in the child. This disease is determined only by clinical analyzes.
  6. Allergic and cold cough. These two ailments are often similar in their symptoms. Many parents ask themselves: how to distinguish between an allergic cough and a cold? Do it not just without putting the relevant tests. Allergic cough occurs unexpectedly, has a paroxysmal character, colds, on the contrary, increase gradually, moving from a slight cough to deep spasms for a day or more.
  7. Bronchial asthma is a combination of three components: allergies, low immunity, disruption of the nervous system. During an asthmatic attack, the child, when inhaled and exhaled, hears whistling sounds in the bronchi, there comes a prolonged, dry cough.
  8. The presence of some species of living organisms (helminths) in the human body contributes to dry cough in the child. Ascarids live not only in the intestines, like the bulk of worms, but move through all the internal organs: getting into the lungs, they cause a dry cough.

Treatment of cough with folk remedies in children

Many parents during the illness of the child do not want to resort to the help of modern medicine. If you do not want to stuff your child with harmful syrups and tablets, load a small organism with a chemically advertised products, then you can take advantage of the experience of our grandmothers who knew how to treat and how to alleviate the difficult condition patient. Most types of cough in a child can be cured at home, using folk recipes.


Herbal treatment for many centuries has accumulated a lot of experience and does not cease to show a positive result in the fight against a dry cough in a child. Thanks to the healing properties of plants, many diseases are cured, and the preventive use of natural elements secures the result. Here are a few options for useful herbs:

  • Mother-and-stepmother takes the first place in the treatment of all kinds of dry cough. Tannins contained in the leaves of this plant have a diluting effect for thick, viscous sputum, helping it to quickly expectorate. Tea from mother-and-stepmother is drunk warm in the morning, and in combination with natural honey will taste even the most fastidious child. It is advisable to drink it in the evening, before going to bed. Providing anti-inflammatory effect, this plant quickly put on the feet of your baby.
  • Licorice root like the previous grass has an expectorant effect on sputum. With proper use, it will quickly cure of bronchitis, laryngitis. Will ease the condition with a debilitating dry cough during an asthmatic attack. Licorice has an anti-inflammatory effect, beneficently influencing the general well-being of the child. Grass is used to improve immunity and restore strength after ailments.
  • The root of the althea will help get rid of dry cough due to the large content of essential oils, mucus and ascorbic acid. This herb dilutes the withered phlegm, thanks to the enveloping property, contributing to its rapid excretion from the lungs and bronchi.
  • Collection of oregano, calendula, mint, licorice root and violet grass has an effective expectorant effect during a dry cough in a child.

The mustard

In medicine, mustard plasters are used as a warming agent due to the content of essential oil, which causes a rush of blood and leads to a deepening of breathing. Use them with caution. mustard causes increased production of sputum, which can cause spasm in the bronchi and the larynx, hence the complication - obstructive bronchitis. The vapor from the mustard plasters is caustic, and if inhaled, they can cause a mucous burn. The mustard is a distraction, the benefits of this drug have not been proven. Contraindications to use:

  • Allergy to mustard. If red spots appear on the back during the application of hot packets, then it is necessary to immediately abandon this procedure.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Diseases of the heart and pressure problems.


Children rarely like inhalation, if you manage to persuade your child to breathe over a warm steam, then a dry, prolonged dry cough can be cured quickly without harming your health. Applying this folk way, you will replace them with chemical preparations, syrups and tablets. Advantages of using inhalation for dry cough:

  • active moisturizing of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, promotes liquefaction of sputum;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • safety, provided that natural ingredients are used for inhalation;
  • adding one or two drops (not more) of lavender essential oil, rosemary or tea tree, you will get a double effect: relieve dry cough and relieve the child of a headache.

But with all the positive qualities that inhalation has, do not forget about contraindications:

  • body temperature above normal;
  • emphysema (lung disease);
  • heart problems;
  • presence of purulent sputum.


Do not underestimate the benefits of a simple, at first glance, popular way of cough cure. During the application of compress on the chest area, deep warming of the tissues takes place. This action has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Compresses are of several types:

  1. Alcoholic.
  2. Oil.
  3. Dry.
  4. Wet.
  5. Hot.

Applying a compress, you need to make sure that the baby's temperature is normal, otherwise it will provoke an even greater increase. Carry out this procedure in the evening, so that after taking off the child immediately went to bed. With care, you need to use a honey compress. Often the child is allergic to this product. Doctors warn parents of alcohol bandages, because, absorbed through the skin, alcohol harms the small body.

Cough medicine

Sometimes folk remedies, with all their advantages, do not cope with a neglected disease. Then, to help parents come medication from a night dry cough. To quickly get rid of the disease, you need to seek help from a pediatrician who will tell you how to relieve a fit of cough and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Antitussive medications are taken at night, just before bedtime, and expectorants during the day.


Modern pharmaceuticals consist of several hundred different syrups from cough, expensive and cheap. Made for the child, they have a pleasant sweet taste, the smell, thanks to the fruity additives and natural dyes. This medication is prescribed for children under three years of age. a child of this age is difficult to swallow a pill. Syrups from a dry cough in a child, depending on the cause of its occurrence, have a soft, enveloping effect. Before use, read the instructions carefully, exclude contraindications. There are several types:

  • syrup with antitussive effect, for example, "Sinekod". It is prescribed for an unproductive, painful, not ceasing cough. He treats such diseases as pertussis, croup;
  • syrup with mucolytic effect, such as "Ambrobe" is prescribed in order to soften the cough and dissolve thick sputum;
  • syrup with spasmolytic action, for example, "Pectolvan Ivy is taken to relieve a painful, barking dry cough.

Preparations for allergic cough

The most effective way to cure this kind of cough is to eliminate the source of allergy. This can be animal hair, dust, chemicals (washing powder, aerosols). In case this did not solve the problem, you need to use the drugstore drugs that suppress the allergic reaction. Only a doctor is entitled to prescribe a treatment. It is necessary to know that such medicines have an effect if you cleaned your house of the cause that caused the allergy. Otherwise, the action will be weak.

Dry medicine

To ease the obsessive cough in a child, the doctor often prescribes a dry potion. This preparation is diluted with boiled water before use and taken internally. Advantages of dry medicine:

  • has a natural composition, which includes the root of licorice;
  • has a wide range of actions, it is used as an expectorant, relieves spasm, painkiller;
  • convenient dosage in the form of bags, used immediately after manufacture;
  • large expiration date.

Other drugs

With pneumonia, inflammation of the bronchi, trachea and laryngitis, the doctor, in addition to folk methods, prescribes soluble powders from a cough, such as "ATSTS". This medicine is taken for 7 days. Relief comes on the second day of treatment. Well dissolves the dried sputum and allows it to easily release bronchi and lungs. Due to the irritating and antioxidant effect it fights bacteria and infection, which is caused by ARVI.

What to do if a dry cough does not go away

The longer the child coughs, the faster the coughing habits in the brain are formed. The reason is gone, and the seizures remain for months. In most cases this is due to dehydration of the body, low level of humidity in the house. These reasons are easily eliminated by copious drinking (not carbonated, not sweet drinks), daily wet cleaning, or by the inclusion of an air humidifier (preferably).

Video: Komarovsky on a dry cough

All respected doctor Komarovsky as no one else will be able to talk about the causes of prolonged dry cough, how to help alleviate the condition of a sick kid and his parents, if the child he coughed all night. Available and with the humor inherent in this pediatrician, he will disclose information about the methods of treatment, about contraindications to these or other methods. Answer the most exciting questions of parents.

Feedback on treatment

Irina, 27 years old: "My son is 3 years old. A month ago I started to go to the kindergarten, less than a week passed and fell ill next morning. I returned home with fever. Dry cough only began at night. I did not know what helped in such cases and began to treat it with folk remedies: I made chamomile, mother-and-stepmother and rose hips. After applying herbs, a few days later the cough became wet, the runny nose disappeared. "

Olga, 25 years old: "After discharge from the hospital, my baby has a dry cough. I did not know how to properly treat in children up to a year this disease. The child was without temperature and there were no other signs of a cold. Accidentally I saw the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky, who talked about coughing in children. The reason was found in the soft toys and carpet that were in our room. "

Natalia, 32 years old: "When my child has an unproductive cough, I think it's from the dry air in the house and I know how to stop the illness: I conduct a wet cleaning in the room, I enter the drinking regime, in the form of clean water and warm tea with honey, I turn on the humidifier for a night from dry air, aired house. I do not close the window for sleep, even in winter. And that's all! I do not welcome any chemistry, and we do not go to the doctors, we do not drip anything into our nose. "

The child has a dry, continuous cough. What can be changed, but not antibiotics?



And the doctor to cause? antibiotics-a marginal measure, but the doctor for this is, tell.


honey, hot milk, gargle with hot water in the water, add grass well, immeetsya in view of the special I forgot how nazyvaetsya, and continue to get sick after a while, everything wakes up and will wipe out your little prankster ...

Tatyana Kurochkina

How can you treat your child like this? Or maybe he has pneumonia, and maybe whooping cough, and maybe an allergy to anything?! And you will advice in the computer to ask, This is STUPID! Quickly to the doctor!


At the son (3 years) too such cough was, gave immunal and Vitrum vitamins, in 2 weeks all has passed or has taken place. But before that he had a sore throat.


At night, warming compresses of paraffin (napkin dipped in a melted water bath paraffin, on the chest, polyethylene and wipe with a dry napkin, then with a handkerchief, only carefully, do not burn the baby, similarly crumpled potatoes + iodine), chest massage, backrest. Get well, buy a pipe, let him blow and balloons, let him blow. A son from 1 year to, 5 years old was hospitalized with pneumonia, bronchitis with an abstinent component. Now the little girl is 2 meters tall and 100 kilograms. weight.


Well, in general, with health do not joke. first you need to find out the reason. and let the doctor do it better.
although, you can try to breathe (head under the towel over the pan, a couple of minutes, no more) over the calendula / chamomile / boiled potatoes. after warmly dressed, drink hot milk or saya with honey or raspberries.

Kuklina Irina

Stoptopsin always helps in drops.
And about the doctor - I always call the pediatrician to listen. But I begin to treat myself immediately. Usually the pediatrician writes out exactly what I have already started giving to children.
This year, the flu is so rotten, it is with a dry cough. My cough was before vrota.
Drinking Stoptussin and necessarily antiviral (we first drank Arbidol, but then replaced with Anaferon, because the arbidol throughout the winter "protected").
And then everything as usual - inhalation with lazolvanom (when the cough becomes productive, i.e., he will begin to clear his throat). And in the beginning, when a cough is dry and uninterrupted you can try inhalation with Berodual (bronchodilator), only you have to make sure that steam does not get into the eyes.
I'm certainly not a doctor by education, but having two children I have to deal with all this. I never buy drugs simply "who have discharged." Be sure to read the instructions. With me, our pediatrician even discusses antibiotics, which ones we write out, because he knows that I will not give anything to a child.
Get well!

marinulk habyby

To us the doctor appointed or nominated erispal and gedelix, all has passed or has taken place, were treated 8 days

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Try to give him "Erespal" give, it's not an antibiotic, but a very effective remedy for diseases of the respiratory tract (tablets / cm).

Akerke Kamzina

first, call a doctor. And do not rush to give antibiotics. If there is no allergy let's travilil, or ambroben

Larisa Alferova

Herbs. If you are a Muscovite, write, I will give the coordinates of an anointed doctor.


In this case, my children were always helped by an iodine net on the lung area on the chest and back (except the heart area) for the night.

Elena Nemtsova

Valyush, to soften the cough, let's mint tea with tea, and even if there is no allergy to honey, then the compression on the chest. In the pharmacy I saw a herbal collection special for children. Ask.

Almost uninterrupted cough in the child. A weak cold.


Man - you are Peace, you are Eternity.

Only not chemistry. Do not stop the process of cleansing, do not interfere with the immune system to cleanse the body. Refuse to eat. Abundant drink with lemon, cowberry, 2 liters of clean, warm, structured water. The temperature is reduced by water. Medicines can not be reduced. The organism is autopilot, the processes in the body are regular. Treat throat with colloidal silver.
Tea with echinocice, licorice. Sorbents-protection of the kidneys from intoxication
10t of coal or 1t of an aggregate, any others. And then strengthen the immune system.
All the problems in the body depend on the psychology and "purity" of the intestine. to strengthen immunity there is a unique product that simulates immunity Molozevo, Shark liver fat, Bark of an ant tree. Mega acidophilus-friendly
The organism fights, immunity takes out foreign cells of the virus, bacteria through excretory systems body, through the skin-sweat, through the nose-flowing lymph, the intoxication is removed, it is impossible to reduce temperature. If the heat is wiped away with diluted table vinegar. The body is dehydrated by cleansing. You can not drink, there can be convulsions, this is when the neurons of the brain die. But we must not eat without hindering the processes of purification. You can have a frozen berry, smash in blendor, energy products-microhydrin, co-enzyme Q10, the process of purification will be faster.
bacteria. UMI will help to strengthen your immunity. The active ingredient of UMI is fucoidan, which is part of brown algae.
Children recommend antiparasitic programs once every three months. All 100% natural, it is necessary to clean the child of the aggression of parasites.
Molozovo-modulates immunity and chlorodophilus-friendly bacteria-produce immunity and vitamins.
And constantly strengthen the immune system and fully nourish, such as spirulina, vitamins, minerals, omega 3/60, alfalfa. The organism breaks down if it does not get something, becomes acidic.
In the day of drinking, l pure living structured water, it restores to-n balance in the body, removes toxins from the cells. Blood and saliva pH, 5, if lower, the organism becomes acidic, the aggression of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites develops.

Lina Mandarinova

girl, but you need to see a doctor with your baby!

Tatiana Kirkoyan (Lipova)

The first thing to do is to see a doctor. Give a cup of warm milk, but without honey - it will soften the throat, raise the pillow higher. Cough can be allergic, try to find out. Remove soft toys, especially Chinese-they can cause an allergic reaction. This can make a carpet on the wall next to the baby crib, and flowering plants in the house or on the street, and dust - do a wet cleaning immediately.
It is possible to give a calcifying agent.
Recover and do not get sick anymore.

Possible causes of persistent dry cough

A constant dry cough, uninterrupted for a long time, should alert the patient and the people around him.This condition can be a sign of dangerous diseases of the respiratory system in adults: chronic bronchitis, pleurisy or pulmonary tuberculosis or a symptom of allergic reactions in a child.

Non-infectious causes

  1. Rhinitis, sinusitis or sinusitis can provoke the appearance of postnatal wilt syndrome, when Nasal discharge flows down the posterior surface of the pharynx, irritates the mucous membrane and causes a permanent dry cough. Another reason can be the use of vasoconstrictive or antihistamines, causing dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane.
  2. Gastro-esophageal reflux - heartburn also can provoke the appearance of a cough that increases for no apparent reason. If the contents of the stomach get into the esophagus into the oral cavity, irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx occurs, which causes a sensation in the throat and a desire to clear the throat. It intensifies after eating fatty or fried foods and is not accompanied by other symptoms of a cold. This condition is typical for adults suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Allergic reactions - if a constant dry cough for several months torments the child and the usual methods of treating colds do not help, it is necessary to undergo an examination with an allergist. Allergies can occur suddenly, in a child or adult, and at the initial stages of manifesting cough, nasal congestion, lacrimation and sneezing, then shortness of breath, chest pain, shortness of breath and other signs of respiratory insufficiency. With allergic diseases in the throat of the patient there are no signs of inflammation, and the symptoms of the disease increase at night or in the mornings.
  4. Taking medication - taking certain medicines, such as ACE inhibitors, can provoke the appearance of a sore throat and dry persistent cough.
  5. Contaminated air and various irritants cause irritation of the respiratory system, this condition is typical for smokers, people working in chemical plants or constantly breathing polluted air with impurities of various substances. This pathology is often found in young children, if the child has a tendency to develop allergic diseases. When examined, there are no signs of the disease in the patient's throat, and the symptomatology intensifies always under certain conditions: in the workplace, during smoking or while walking on the street.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases - this can lead to respiratory failure, pulmonary edema and, as a consequence, a constant dry cough.
  7. Airway compression - when the trachea or bronchi is compressed by enlarged lymph nodes, mediastinal tumors or aortic aneurysm, a strong persistent cough can also occur. In this case, the patient has other symptoms of the disease - permanent weakness, dyspnea, fever body, a sharp loss of weight and so on, and when examining the ENT organs, in the patient's throat, there are no changes.

Infectious Diseases

  1. Diseases of the respiratory system - a constant dry cough in a child can be a sign of developing bronchitis or pneumonia. With weakened immunity, improper or insufficient treatment, a common cold or SARS may be complicated by the development of pulmonary diseases.
  2. Glistovye invasions - due to the migration of parasites to the respiratory system, the child periodically has irritation of the mucous membrane and cough, also there is a decrease or vice versa, a sharp increase in appetite, weakness, irritability, pallor of the skin and rashes on body.
  3. Pertussis - a severe permanent dry cough in a child may occur due to pertussis. This infectious disease usually proceeds in a mild form, but complications can sometimes occur.
  4. Tuberculosis infection - a permanent dry cough without other signs of the disease, which lasts for six months or more, may be a sign of pulmonary tuberculosis. In this case, the patient may not have other symptoms of the disease, and the cause of the cough can be determined only by additional methods of investigation.

A persistent dry or wet cough that does not respond to treatment in the usual way is a serious reason to consult a doctor and you can be sure of the absence of serious diseases and pathologies in organism.

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