Cough treatment at home in adults

Tip 1: Than to treat a cough at home

Cough is a protective reflex, during it there is an impetuous muscle contraction, after which there is a sharp release of air from the lungs. From the inside, this organ is covered with special sensitive receptors, their irritation and triggers a cough reflex, a mechanism that aims to remove foreign bodies, sputum and bacteria.

Cough can be called a useful phenomenon, with it you should not fight, on the contrary, you need to help the lungs by taking various expectorants. If this phenomenon is started, then it will go to a chronic stage. Especially it is necessary to show attention if the cough does not pass for a long time, since in this case the standard treatment does not help.

Treatment for wet cough

At home, curing a wet cough is quite simple. The main task of his treatment is to accelerate the excretion of phlegm accumulated in the lumen of the respiratory organs. To do this, try to take more fluid. For this purpose, tea from currant, hips, raspberries and lime trees is perfect. A mixture of honey and hazelnuts can help get rid of cough. It is prepared very simply, you need to grind 20 grams of nuts and mix them with 100 grams of honey. The resulting mixture is recommended to be consumed during the day in small portions, washed down with warm milk.

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Also, when coughing, you can use the healing properties of onions. Vegetables need to be cut, covered with sugar and wait a little. Take onion juice should be small portions throughout the day. The patient will be much less coughing the next day. With a moist cough, inhalations with eucalyptus oil help. Thanks to this procedure it will be possible to quickly recover.

Treatment of dry cough

Dry cough is not very useful for the body, so treatment is not to stimulate it, but rather to suppress or transfer it to a wet form. A good result is chest and inhalation. Also in this case, the use of medicines is required.

But we should not forget about popular methods. So, to soften dry cough it is possible thanks to goose fat. It will be necessary to prepare a mixture consisting of it and the chopped onion. After that, it must be rubbed before going to sleep in the neck and chest area. However, this method is not suitable for those who need to go to work tomorrow, because the onion smell is very persistent and it will not be easy to get rid of it. Dry cough can be cured with a decoction of nettle. It should be drunk several times a day.

And to make the cough go into a wet form, you also need to make a decoction of elecampane or coltsfoot. It is recommended to use it after a lapse of 30 minutes after drinking a decoction of the nettle. This treatment will require a person to be disciplined, but the next day the cough will bother much less often, and later go away altogether.

Cough treatment at home. Cough: treatment with folk remedies

When the cold comes, many adults and children face such an unpleasant phenomenon as coughing. He interferes with normal sleep, breathing, talking and causing severe discomfort. Very often cough is a danger to others, because with the saliva in the air is thrown out a lot of germs.

In this situation, you need to apply quality medication. But we should not forget about folk methods, because they are basically simple and accessible. What should be the effective and proper treatment for cough in the home? In what cases is it better to seek medical help from a doctor?

How to ease the course of the disease

Cough is a reaction of the body, which is aimed at expelling from the field of light foreign objects or accumulated mucus. The surface of the trachea, bronchi, and larynx is covered with a sensitive tissue, which reacts sharply to stimuli. They can be dust, bacteria, cold air or a rich, pungent smell.

Strong cough should not be suppressed or blocked, but facilitated by expectorant drugs and healing infusions.

Treatment of cough in the home should be done only with the permission of the doctor. It is very important for the patient not to forget about the abundant drink that soothes the irritated throat.

To facilitate the course of the disease, it is necessary:

  • to give up smoking;
  • At night, put a high pillow to slightly ease coughing attacks;
  • several times a day to conduct a wet cleaning;
  • Avoid inhalation of sharp odors, smoke, dust;
  • Do not give up medicinal ointments, sugar candies, grindings, compresses.

Wet cough: symptoms, treatment

The disease is characterized by a strong expectorant reflex, in which a sufficient amount of accumulated mucus is released from the respiratory tract. The faster the body clears, the sooner the disease goes. Cough with phlegm is treated easier than dry, and delivers the body much less discomfort.

The paramount task in the treatment of this type of disease is the reception of funds that effectively remove mucus from the respiratory system. The patient is recommended to drink a lot, especially the use of herbal infusions is welcomed. Teas from raspberry, linden, currant and dog rose are perfect.

If a wet cough is observed, preparations containing codeine are contraindicated for its treatment. It has an overwhelming effect on reflex expectorants and can aggravate the course of the disease.

Dry cough

This ailment gives the patient considerable discomfort. Constant coughing attacks disturb sleep, do not allow to eat normally, talk. The patient becomes irritable and tired, because the ailment is very exhausting, delivering not only physical, but also psychological difficulties.

Dry cough should be treated with agents that suppress its appearance. Particular attention is paid to inhalations, physiotherapy, massage. However, before treating a dry cough, it is important to establish its causes, since it can signal the occurrence of other, more serious pathologies in the body.

In the event of a characteristic "barking" cough, treatment is done to soften and moisten it. Often, the cause of this type of disease becomes acute respiratory disease. With the right approach, after a few days, a cough with phlegm appears. And over time, attacks stop.

Methods of getting rid of the disease

Quickly and effectively cure a wet cough with steam inhalations. During these procedures it is important to inhale as much as possible warm air saturated with components of medicinal plants or essential oils. When wet cough will help decoctions of nettle, lime, eucalyptus or sage, with dry - inhalation with the addition of soda.

Perfect means for eliminating the problems of the respiratory tract are broths of mother-and-stepmother, plantain and elecampane. Cooked infusions from these medicinal plants also help with dry cough. They promote softening of mucus and its rapid expectoration.

Good help in getting rid of dry cough warm milk with soda. It should be added only a few grams (at the tip of the knife). This drink reduces the obsessive reflex desire to cough and leads to a rapid cleansing of the respiratory tract from mucus.

Infusions of radish with honey in the treatment of cough

These natural products have antifungal properties and have an invaluable effect on strengthening the body's immune system. Radish with honey as an effective remedy for getting rid of a cough began to be applied in the last century. The recipe for the preparation of the medicine is very simple, and the curative effect of its components allows you to quickly get rid of the ailment.

Option number 1

It is necessary to prepare a medium-sized radish. Cut about 1/4 of its upper part, in the center of the pulp should make a small groove. In the formed hollow, you need to add a spoonful of honey, cover the radish and put it in a secluded place for a while. As a result, you will receive a valuable and tasty medicine. Radish with honey is taken before meals in the amount of two teaspoons. One root is used 3 days, and then replaced with fresh.

Option number 2

If you use this recipe, get a lot of medicinal cough medicine. For its preparation, you must clean 2-3 roots of radish and finely chop it. Insisting occurs in a clay pot. Radish cubes are filled with 100-200 g of liquid honey and left for 12 hours. This tasty and healthy juice is taken for 10 days.

If honey is contraindicated

Everyone knows that this product is a strong allergen. If there are contraindications, and the patient can not take honey, it is replaced with ordinary sugar. In this case, it is better to roast the radish in the oven.

To obtain the medicine, the cut root vegetables are sprinkled with sugar and baked in the oven for 2 hours at an average temperature (about 120 degrees). From the chilled radish squeeze the juice and take it as a regular syrup (before eating).

Radish from cough is used very often. This natural product quickly removes the body from all the symptoms of the disease, destroys the bacteria and significantly strengthens the immune system.

Recipes based on onions

  1. To obtain a special cough medicine, take 1/2 kg of chopped onion without skin, mix it with 150 g of honey. Then slowly introduce 500 g of sugar and 1 liter of purified water. The resulting mixture is cooked for 2-3 hours, after which it is filtered and kept in the refrigerator for not more than 10 days. With a strong cough take 2 teaspoons to 6 times a day.
  2. A large onion or two small ones must be carefully grinded. Enter 2 tablespoons of goose fat and mix until smooth. This compress should be applied overnight to the chest area, tied up with a warm kerchief. Such cough treatment at home is carried out within a week.
  3. 1 head of garlic and 15 medium bulbs are cut as small as possible. Then the resulting mixture is filled with milk and boiled until soft. At the end, honey is introduced, then an infusion of buds, ivy (this is medicinal herb), and all components are mixed. The medicine is taken every hour on a spoon during the day. This recipe for cough is a simple but very effective remedy for softening and expectoration of accumulated mucus.

Recipes based on honey

  1. To prepare a healing syrup, it is necessary to boil the lemon for about 15 minutes, squeeze out. Add 2 tablespoons of liquid honey and glycerin. Shake thoroughly. If you take this syrup on a teaspoon 5 times a day, the symptoms of the ailment will quickly wane. When the cough becomes rare, the medication can be reduced, and then stopped altogether.
  2. Prepare the tea from the red clover, insist for an hour. Mix 150 g of honey and 50 g of horseradish rhizome juice. With a strong cough take a teaspoon during the day, drinking tea from the clover.
  3. Well helps with nonsense hazelnuts. This recipe for cough contains few ingredients, but very well eliminates perspiration in the throat. To prepare the medicinal mixture, it is necessary to grind 100 g of nuts into small grains, add 100 g of honey. To quickly get rid of cough and mitigate the symptoms of the disease, the resulting syrup should be consumed during the day in small portions, each time washed down with warm milk.

Herbal infusions with cough

Healing plants have long been known for their useful properties. Treatment of cough folk remedies is not without the reception of herbal dues, which are most often recommended and prescribed to the patient.

The most effective herbs from cough are:

  • nettle;
  • sage;
  • althea root;
  • thyme;
  • nettle, dioecious;
  • Linden;
  • anise.

Infusions of these herbs effectively relieve cough, soften its manifestations and reduce seizures. To prepare decoctions of the plant, it is better to pour boiling water and insist in a thermos for 4-6 hours. Such healing tea will not lose its useful properties, which are easily destroyed by prolonged heat treatment.

However, it is worth remembering that some herbs are contraindicated if there is an allergic cough in an adult. Treatment in this case is carried out with the help of antihistamines and respiratory gymnastics.

Cough in children

When a child has the first symptoms of a disease, parents do not always have the opportunity to consult a doctor. Therefore, when coughing in children, folk medicine is used very often. They are more easily tolerated by babies and do not contain chemical additives that are harmful to the still fragile body.

Certainly, to conduct independent treatment is not necessary, but it is better to contact the pediatrician. He will prescribe effective drugs that will help the child cope with the disease. But along with the use of medicamentous agents, it is advisable to carry out folk cough treatment in children.

Most often the child is recommended compresses from natural products, teas, wraps and steam trays. Along with these procedures, a doctor should be prescribed funds for cough for children - syrups, candies, medical aerosols.

Well-established potato compress. To make it, you need a few medium-cooked root crops. Warm potatoes warm up along with the skin, gradually introduced alcohol, turpentine and any vegetable oil (on a tablespoon).

Formed 2 flat cakes of medium size. One is applied to the baby's breast, the other to the back. On top, the compresses are covered with a towel and left for an hour.

Treatment of cough folk remedies can be carried out with the help of mustard. Babies can make steam baths for feet, older children - put mustard plasters. For the treatment of cough in newborns, the wrapping works well. For this procedure you need to soak the diaper with mustard solution and wrap the baby around it for 3-5 minutes.

Very often, parents use a radish from cough, especially in a baked version. The resulting juice turns out so delicious that children with pleasure take this useful, healing and tasty medicine.

Carrying out inhalations

This procedure has a good effect, because healing couples penetrate into the deepest parts of the respiratory tract. If cough treatment at home with the help of compresses or wraps has not brought results, you can try to hold the child inhalation.

For the procedure it is better to buy a modern device - a nebulizer. For inhalation, such herbs as chamomile, thyme, mother-and-stepmother are perfectly suitable. With a damp cough in hot water, you can add a few drops of essential oils - mint, eucalyptus.

If there is no nebulizer at hand, an old but effective method - the inhalation of potato steam will help.

However, it is worth remembering that any inhalation should be limited to a period of 10 minutes, and at high temperatures this procedure is contraindicated.

Medication "Gedelix" (cough syrup): instructions for use

The drug is indicated for various diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by a difficult expectoration of accumulated mucus.

Syrup "Gedelix" contains a thick extract obtained from ivy leaves.

The drug is taken at any time of the day, it is not necessary to plant it. Newborns and children of younger age group should add syrup to juice or tea. Basically, the medicine is well tolerated.

The period of application is set by the doctor, but even with a mild form of cough the treatment is carried out for 7 days. After the disappearance of signs of the disease, taking the drug does not stop. In order to consolidate the effect, it should be consumed another 2-3 days.

The dosage table is presented here.

Syrup "Gedelix dosage
Age Number of receptions per day Dosage, ml Maximum number per day
1 to 4 years 3 times , 150 mg of the active ingredient
4 to 10 years 4 times , 200 mg of active ingredient
Children from 10 years and adults 3 times 5 300 mg of the active ingredient

Application features

Diabetics should take the syrup with caution, since in 5 ml of the drug contains about 4 g of fructose. The sorbitol, which is part of the medicine, can have a laxative effect on the body.

The drug "Gedelix" is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation. In some patients, there was an increased sensitivity to syrup, which manifested itself in the form of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

If the patient has hereditary diseases associated with intolerance to fructose, the drug is contraindicated.

The medicine "Gedelix" can not be taken to children under the age of 1 year.

We take care

Parents should be especially careful if the coughing episodes in the child do not stop at night. To ease his condition, use an air humidifier or turn on hot water in the bathroom to form a thick steam.

If improvement is not observed, you should ventilate the room well or go out with the child on the street - in the fresh air the attack will pass faster.

Carefully study the instruction of the cough remedy. For children in the drug box must be a measuring cup, a spoon or a syringe dispenser.

Call your doctor immediately if:

  • a strong cough lasts more than 15 days;
  • with expectoration along with the mucus, you have found blood;
  • there was a pain in the chest;
  • breathing became difficult and hoarse;
  • there were other dangerous symptoms, such as fever or fever;
  • began to show signs of an allergic reaction to the prescribed drug.

Especially dangerous is a severe cough, the attacks of which lead to vomiting. This form of the disease most often speaks of the pathologies that are present in the airways. In general, vomiting from coughing occurs in children and is a sign of bronchitis or colds.

If such features accompany an adult cough, an immediate medical examination is required. Independent treatment in this case is unacceptable, since vomiting can indicate the development of serious diseases in the body.

Treat dry cough correctly

With the onset of winter cold, uninvited guests come to our cities - epidemics of acute respiratory diseases. During the epidemic outbreaks of disease all suffer: adults and children, the elderly and pregnant women. The target for pathogens is the respiratory system. Acute respiratory diseases are often complicated by attacks of dry cough.

Patients have many questions:
  • how effective is the treatment of dry cough with folk remedies?
  • what medications can you cure a dry cough, and what means should I give up?
  • How to choose safe treatment for dry cough during pregnancy?
  • What are the ways of treating dry cough in children?

Before you start treating any disease, including cough, you need to find out the reasons for its appearance. They can be very diverse. Ideally, treatment methods should influence the immediate cause of the disease. Then the effective effect on the cough will be guaranteed.

Cause of cough - acute tracheobronchitis

The cause that causes acute dry cough in a person is most often a respiratory viral infection. With the weakening of the defenses of the organism, viruses are joined by pathogenic bacteria as pathogens. With such a course of illness, doctors talk about acute bronchitis or tracheobronchitis.

Symptoms characterizing acute viral bronchitis:

  • dry or unproductive cough;
  • moderate general weakness;
  • shortness of breath (in some cases);
  • increased body temperature;
  • absence of infiltrative changes in the lungs on the roentgenogram.

To treat cough with acute bronchitis apply a variety of medications: antiviral, antimicrobial, expectorant, as well as symptomatic antitussives. Most often, the treatment of dry cough in adults is carried out at home (outpatient) conditions.

Folk methods

Patients with bouts of dry cough will be helped by an abundant warm drink - tea with lime color, honey or raspberries (in the absence of allergic reactions), alkaline warmed-up mineral water. A mild expectorant effect has warm milk with soda, taken inwards.

Some folk recipes for cough healing contain the recommendation of adding badger oil to warm milk. Probably, the real fat of a wild badger has curative properties. Doubts cause the authenticity of the drug called "badger fat offered in pharmacies. If you estimate the volume of supplies, badgers need to be bred on fur farms, like pigs, in order to get a sufficient amount of the drug. But, then the healing qualities of this fat will not come from anywhere if the animals are kept in captivity.

Gorchiki or pepper plaster will reduce pain in the trachea, soften the effects of barking cough. They can be applied in the interblade area. Applicable oil and semi-alcohol compresses on the chest, improving blood circulation in the diseased organ. A good effect with a low-yield cough is applying iodine mesh to the skin of the retina or subscapular zones of the chest. Place the iodine netting alternating to avoid burning the skin.

Medical banks for the treatment of respiratory diseases are used, probably only in Russia. Despite the seeming old-fashionedness, the method has not lost its merits. With this method, you can cure cough, stimulating protective forces and improving blood circulation. Most likely, this method has some other mechanisms of treatment, unknown to official science.

Expectorant drugs

Sometimes with a dry, low-yielding cough, a small amount of viscous, sticky phlegm periodically leaves. In such cases, mucolytics, which dilute bronchial mucus, are used. Inhalation of mucolytics solution is carried out with a special device - a nebulizer. Expectorants and mucolytics in syrups or tablets are also prescribed for ingestion. It is important not to exceed the recommended daily doses of the medicine, so as not to increase the superficial dry cough and burning in the trachea.

In violation of patency of the bronchi with shortness of breath and a painful dry cough patient is shown bronchodilators - drugs that relieve spasms of the muscular layer of the bronchial wall. Safe and effective bronchodilators for reducing cough and dyspnea are used in the form of inhalation through a nebulizer. These drugs (berodual, ipratropium bromide, salbutamol) are approved for use in children with asthma-like cough. Inhalation with bronchodilators adults and children is easy to perform at home with a nebulizer.

Treatment with antibiotics - to be or not to be?

Doctors around the world for many years have not come to a common opinion on the treatment of acute bronchitis with antibiotics. For each sick person and child, the decision is made by his attending physician individually. Acute non-obstructive bronchitis (bronchitis without dyspnea) has a favorable prognosis both for life and for the patient's ability to work.

Stop dry cough - can or can not?

There are in the arsenal of doctors antitussive drugs that block dry cough. These are the products that contain small amounts of vegetable alkaloid codeine. There are also synthetic analogues that suppress the cough reflex. Examples include such drugs as libexin, stoptussin and some others. Applying antitussives, you need to be sure of the absence of a serious lung disease, where cough is only a symptom. Other causes of low-productivity cough in children and adults can be as follows:

  • whooping cough - childhood infectious disease;
  • ingress of a foreign body into the bronchi;
  • tubercular bronchoadenitis - inflammation of the lymph node and perforation of the bronchus due to tuberculosis infection;
  • cancer of the bronchus;
  • dry pleurisy of various origin;
  • cough form of bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure - cardiac asthma.

Blocking the cough reflex in this situation will not cure the patient, but will complicate the diagnosis and worsen the prognosis. Before taking antitussive drugs, you need to consult a doctor, go through the examination to determine the diagnosis.

Drugs against dry cough in pregnant women

Treatment of cough in pregnant women has its own characteristics because of the safety requirements of the drug for the fetus. In medicine, the following rule applies: the drug is not used to treat pregnant women without first checking for laboratory animals of its possible effect on the fetus. And yet, about 5% of congenital malformations of infants are due to the intake of various drugs by their mothers during pregnancy.

In acute bronchitis in pregnant women, accompanied by fever and dry cough, you have to apply antibiotic treatment. In such cases, prescribe drugs that are safe for the future of the child, but effective against the alleged pathogens of the disease. These are funds from the class of new macrolides - josamycin, rovamycin, spiramycin, and also drugs from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins, lincomycin or fuzidine may be prescribed.

As expectorants, softening the dry cough, pregnant women can use medicinal herbs (except marigold and sprouts of Ledum) and alkaline warm drink. If cough is accompanied by shortness of breath, then treatment with inhalants is necessary. You can apply a solution of ipratropium bromide (atrovent) and / or salbutamol. for inhalation with a nebulizer.

Treatment of bronchitis in the home: acute, chronic, folk remedies

Bronchitis often begins in the program of influenza or ARVI or as their complication, when a cold and sore throat is joined to a dry and debilitating or moist cough and if during the time to help your body, quickly transfer dry cough to wet, then bronchitis can be cured faster than 10 days.

However, if untimely therapy, violation of a calm semi-fasting regime, or worse - go to work for patients, acute bronchitis easily turns into chronic. More details about symptoms, signs of bronchitis in adults, read in our article. On how to treat bronchitis at home, so that it does not become protracted or chronic, we'll tell in this article.

Any treatment should be comprehensive:

  • Active control of the virus and infection
  • Improve patency of the bronchi, dilution of sputum and the fastest removal of sputum
  • Elimination of provoking factors

The regime with bronchitis

At the very beginning of the illness, you just need to have a bed rest for 2-3 days, then you can have a half-fast mode for 3-4 more days, when it will become easier, the temperature will be normal, you can go out and make small walks in the fresh air, better in the park, rather than along the motorways.

It is necessary to observe a predominantly vegetable - cereal, milk diet, during the illness the body especially needs vitamins, it is better if it is natural vitamins - fruits and vegetables.

If a person smokes, giving up smoking should happen as if by itself, because smoking is so raises and provokes a dry cough, and postpones the day of recovery, what to say about it, not even worth it. Very many inveterate smokers who think about their health quit smoking after acute bronchitis, pneumonia or obstructive bronchitis!

One of the options for rapid recovery with bronchitis is the prompt dissolution of sputum and its excretion from the body, and this is very simply achieved by abundant warm drinking. This is a commonplace advice, but the most correct and correct, the more fluid the patient drinks with bronchitis, the faster the sputum is produced, which means the bronchial discharge.

Also, inflammation during intoxication produces a mass of harmful toxic substances that poison body, and a plentiful drink of up to 2-3 liters a day - the way to purification from toxins and speedy recovery.

You can drink any drinks, best if they are fortified with natural vitamins - broth of dogrose, raspberries, linden, mint, chamomile tea, milk-mineral honey cocktails (mineral water without gases Borjomi, Narzan + milk + honey). And from strong tea and coffee should refrain, because caffeine dehydrates the body, which is not desirable for any disease.

In dry air, cough is much stronger, so try to moisten the air in the room where the patient is. It is best to use an air cleaner and humidifier for this purpose. It is also desirable to carry out a daily wet cleaning of the patient's room, to purify the air.

Do you need antibiotics for bronchitis?

There are cases of very severe bronchitis with obstructive syndrome and respiratory failure, in such a situation, hospitalization in the pulmonology department is indicated. With a mild form of bronchitis, uncomplicated other pathology, after consulting a doctor, you can treat acute bronchitis at home, using various medications or traditional medicine.

Usually, to apply antibiotics for bronchitis is not advisable, if it is caused by the flu virus, the common cold. Strong immunity perfectly copes with inflammation of the bronchi. Antimicrobial agents in the absence of appropriate changes in blood and in the absence of purulent sputum, can not be used in bronchitis, because they not only do not have anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, but also increase allergization, can provoke bronchoobstructive syndrome. But in case if:

  • long lasts a high fever, with coughing purulent sputum
  • or after an acute period of illness after 4-5 days suddenly the condition worsens, a new high jump appears temperature, with coughing purulent sputum (yellow or green), general condition of the patient worsens

it is necessary to once again address to the doctor who will examine, listen to patients, will direct on analyzes and a roentgen, then recommends a course of antibiotics aimed at destroying the attached bacterial infection. You should never start taking antibiotics without a doctor's recommendation. 11 rules - how to take antibiotics correctly.

How to quickly cure bronchitis at home

Antiviral drugs

If bronchitis occurs against the background of the flu, then for therapy you can connect antiviral drugs. You can use interferon preparations intranasally, that is, instillation into the nose of both children and adults, the use of other antiviral drugs for ARVI and influenza on Today, it is widely advertised and recommended, however, there is no convincing research and evidence of their effect and safety, therefore the decision on their application is personal everyone's business.


To improve the departure of phlegm, the doctor prescribes expectorant, mucolytic drugs, there are many of them in the pharmacy network - the most popular and effective among them: Lazolvan, Ambrohexol, Bromhexin, Herbion, herbal pectoral dues (which can be used in the absence of allergy to medicinal herbs). With prolonged cough and bronchial obstruction, Ascoril (Josette, Cachnol) is prescribed, containing salbutamol.

At the very beginning of bronchitis, the patient usually has a prolonged dry, unproductive cough. Therefore, to facilitate the condition, you should take funds such as Glaucin, Libexin, Tusuprex, Levoprot, suppressing a dry cough, and expectorants are taken later, when the cough goes into wet. Also it is possible to use and the combined preparations, such as Sinekod - the instruction, Bronhikum, Bronholitin. For the treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies, with dry cough they use thermopsis, licorice, mother-and-stepmother.

After 4 days, as a rule, sputum begins to depart, so the suppressant cough supplements should be canceled, and take the medications diluting sputum:

  • Mucolytics - these include acetylcysteine ​​- ATSTS, Mukoneks, Fluimutsil, as well as carbocysteine ​​- Fluviert.
  • Ekspektoranty - means that improve the expectoration of phlegm, that is, the reflex effect, they include all known plantain (Herbion), ivy leaves (Prospan), marshmallow, thyme, aniseed drops, as well as Thoracic collection.
  • Mukokinetics are agents that facilitate the promotion of sputum, for example, Bromhexine. Such popular medicinal products as Lazolvan (in Ambroxol tablets), Ambrobe, in addition, have the property of diluting sputum, making it not so viscous, it is easily removed from the body.


It is very effective to treat bronchitis with the help of various inhalations. If you want to quickly cure bronchitis, you should definitely do inhalation. Just first make sure that there is no heat and no palpitations.

Recipes for steam inhalations in bronchitis are many - this is saline, and soda solutions, and essential oils of eucalyptus, pine, grass, herbal collections, the inhalation of phytoncides, which are rich in essential oils of garlic, rosemary - reduce coughing jerks and facilitate the process coughing up. However, it is not uncommon for allergic reactions to essential oils and medicinal herbs and therefore people prone to allergies (pollinosis) it is better not to take risks and avoid using different herbs and essential oils.

Also for those who have a home inhaler, you can perform inhalation in bronchitis with a nebulizer with Lazolvan, Ambrobene, etc. Special medicinal solutions designed to improve the release of bronchi from sputum.

In the case of obstructive bronchitis in children or adults, the effective bronchodilator is Berodual, special solutions are available for inhalations.

Massage, breathing exercises

Always effectively and quickly helps to cope with almost all diseases - massage, with bronchitis it can be done only in case of normalization of body temperature, you can do it yourself, with the help of various massagers, Kuznetsov's applicator, or vibrating massage. To date, there are many different types of massagers, so you can buy any of them.

After the acute period of inflammation ends and there are only residual effects in the form of a rare cough, you can begin to do therapeutic respiratory gymnastics, for example, according to Strelnikova. Women can try to perform simple exercises from breathing exercises Bodyflex, which strengthens not only the respiratory system, but also normalizes metabolism and promotes weight loss.

On the recommendation of a doctor, you can also take a course of physiotherapy.

Oddly enough, old proven tools are forgotten by modern people, and methods such as cans, mustard plasters, warming compresses are rarely used by people. But these are safe and very effective procedures.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis with folk remedies

In each family there are grandmothers, great-grandmothers, who used to treat all diseases, exclusively with folk remedies. Among all the methods of treating chronic bronchitis with folk remedies, we will talk about the simplest and most accessible to everyone:

Radish, honey

A very ancient and effective recipe is a radish, in it a small indentation is made, in which is laid a teaspoon of honey. After a while, the radish gives juice and you can eat it 3 times a day. This is a good way to relieve cough, if there is no allergy to honey.

Chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, calendula, calamus

Such medicinal herbs as chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, calamus, calendula possess anti-inflammatory properties and in the absence of allergies you can make infusions - 1 st. spoons on a glass of boiling water, insist for one hour and drink 3 r / day.

Garlic, dill, butter

Sandwiches with garlic, dill and butter - to make a sandwich, take 5 denticles garlic, squeeze through garlic, mix with butter 100 gr., you can add finely chopped dill or parsley. Eating a sandwich 3 times a day.

Medicinal Herbs

  • Plantain has always been valued by folk healers for its excellent expectorant properties. Therefore, to treat bronchitis, you can buy leaves of plantain, 4 tbsp. Spoon the leaves with chop, pour half a glass of boiling water, allow to stand for 4 hours, drain and drink this amount during the day.
  • Such medicinal plants as thyme, eucalyptus, pine buds, cumin, St. John's wort, fennel have an expectorant effect, so they can also make infusions and inhalations.
  • To increase immunity in chronic bronchitis, such medicinal plants as decoctions of plantain, yarrow, violets, althea roots, mother-and-mahihi help.
  • The intake of natural mummy, tincture of echinacea, licorice root syrup also helps to increase immunity.
  • Decoctions of parsley, juniper, horsetail, birch, cowberry leaves. These remedies are not direct methods of treating acute bronchitis at home, but they help a lot to strengthen the body and speedy recovery.


To remove the symptoms of intoxication in viral and infectious diseases, in order to quickly remove toxins from the body, you can use and pharmaceutical means sorbents - Polysorb, Enterosgel, Filtrim STI, Polyphepan, etc., but they must be taken in the gaps between drug and food intake, is best 1 time per day at night, 2 hours after the last meal and medication and short course.

Psychological attitude

It is possible that many will seem strange and unacceptable, but psychological, emotional, a positive mood for recovery is always very important, especially for chronic diseases. Faith in healing - gives the brain a very strong push to strengthen the struggle of the body with the disease. Daily reading of positive attitudes, which you can think up for yourself, pronouncing affirmations, self-hypnosis, meditation - can help more than some medicinal facilities. The main thing is to believe that it works, to believe in the strength of your body and the illness will go away.


Sokoterapiya has long been considered the most powerful way of healing the whole body. Especially useful are vegetable juices:

  • Beet juice is considered to be the most highly effective juice for cleansing the blood of toxins, it helps to normalize the blood composition, especially increases the platelets, the only condition for its reception is that you can not drink freshly squeezed juice, first the raw beetroot rubbed on the grater, squeezed the juice, and then put in the refrigerator, after 3-4 hours of it You can drink.
  • Carrot juice - a lot of beet juice is not recommended to drink, not more than 100 ml., It is better to dilute it with a useful carrot freshly squeezed juice. It's tasty, and extremely useful.
  • Cowberry juice - very good for sputum.
  • Cabbage juice is fresh, it's not very pleasant to drink, but if you add a little sugar, then as an expectorant it is very effective. In addition, cabbage juice helps and with diseases of the stomach.

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