How to get rid of a cough during pregnancy

How to get rid of a cough during pregnancy

Unfortunately, the body of a pregnant woman is especially prone to colds. And the main difficulty of treatment is that most drugs are contraindicated to the future mother. Fortunately, not medicinal ways to combat colds, and in particular with a cough, are no less effective than traditional treatment.


  1. Effective, and at the same time soft, way of treatmentcoughingare inhalations. They help to soothe dry cough, which is especially painful for a pregnant woman. The beauty of the method lies in its availability and cheapness. An ideal method of treatment will be the use of an inhaler or a nebulizer. Butattheir absence can do with improvised means.
  2. Boil potatoes, preferably with onions and garlic. Breathe in hot steam over the pan. This simple method perfectly softens the cough and promotes the excretion of viscous sputum. In addition to inhalation, potatoes can breathe the broths of various herbs. With a dry cough, sage, St. John's wort, thyme, chamomile, andatdamp - a string, mother-and-stepmother, yarrow and plantain.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. For inhalations, aromatic oils can be used as an alternative to herbs. They also do not pose a threat to pregnant women. Drip 2 drops of pine, peppermint, eucalyptus or rosemary oil in a cup of hot water and, covered with a towel, inhale the steam for about five minutes. The effect of inhalation will continue for about an hour, so it is recommended at this time notatDo not breathe cold air.
  5. At elevated body temperature, the administration of steam inhalations is undesirable. But you can put on a handkerchief a drop of aromatic oil and periodically inhale it. For the same purpose, balsam "Zvezdochka but do not overdo it! For cold inhalations, the smallest amount of balm is needed.
  6. A plentiful warm drink is essentialattreatmentcoughing. Tea, milk, herbal decoction or mors - it does not matter, you can drink what you love. The main thing is that the daily volume of consumed liquid is not less than two liters. Warm milk with the addition of "Borjomi" promotes the production of sputum. A similar effect has milk with honey, butter and a pinch of soda.

What is the cure for pregnancy during early and late periods?

Cough, as one of the symptoms of colds, causes discomfort to any person, and what to say about pregnant women.

It can happen on any day of long-awaited pregnancy - the immunity in these 9 months is significantly weakened, hypothermia or the slightest contact with a sick person, which may seem healthy in appearance, easily leads to cold, acute respiratory infections.

It is important to understand that coughing is not a disease, but a symptom of a variety of diseases and is a reflex reaction of the organism, which facilitates the release of the respiratory tract from the pathological bronchial secret. That is, one should not cure a cough, but a disease that caused it. Sometimes, coughing can be a consequence of an allergic reaction of the body to any external stimulus (see. allergic cough: symptoms, treatment).

Treatment of cough during pregnancy is a serious problem, since most effective combined antitussive drugs or expectorants for cough, including plant, is prohibited pregnant. And not infrequently pregnant women with caution perceive the appointment of even approved medications, fearing to harm the baby, and using cough medicine from traditional medicine. But you should know that some medicinal plants are also contraindicated and have side effects, not less than medicamentous.

Another wrong way is to use children's syrup from cough during pregnancy and other medications used for cough treatment in infants up to 3 years of age, since the approved cough for children can not always be safe for the fetus. Every future mother should know that cough should be treated, and treated according to the doctor's recommendations.

What is dangerous cough?

Since cough, as a rule, accompanies a viral or bacterial disease of the respiratory system, the lack of adequate treatment is dangerous both for the mother (complications, the transition of the disease in a chronic form), and for the child, as it creates a real threat to pregnancy - the risk of intrauterine infection, premature birth or miscarriage, malformations of the fetus.

Cough itself, as a reflex action, leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus - a dangerous condition that does not abort pregnancy and fetal hypoxia. Women with low placenta or with placenta previa cough due to significant muscular strain threatens with uterine bleeding.

A severe cough during pregnancy causes an attack of nausea and aggravates the course of toxicosis, if any (see. nausea in pregnancy, gestosis during pregnancy).

1 trimester of pregnancy - what drugs to cure cough?

The first 2 months of fetal gestation are the most important, since it is during this period that the main formation of systems and organs, and a small fertilized egg acquires real human features, as parents are convinced at the first screening.

The most serious pathologies and malformations of the fetus occur precisely in the first trimester, and to provoke them, including, the reception of a contraindicated drug.

It is advisable not to get sick in the first weeks, but if this happens, you should immediately visit a doctor - it's the doctor will determine the cause of the cough, hold the necessary examinations and recommend how and what to cure when pregnancy.

Initially, the doctor will be appointed sparing methods of fighting cough, and only then drugs, albeit relatively safe. The word is relatively well-used - an individual negative reaction to the active substances of the drugs is not ruled out.

Some future mothers use so-called cough drops, which are freely sold in supermarkets. To say that they will be of great benefit is wrong. Most often these sweets are saturated with extracts of mint and eucalyptus, along with preservatives, sweeteners and aromatizers, and the relief is very short, which forces the lozenges to dissolve one by one one.

The table shows cough preparations, the use of which is acceptable in pregnancy in the first trimester (see Table 1). a calculator for calculating the length of gestation by weeks).

Herbal preparations Homeopathic remedies Supplements - any permitted restorative action and multivitamins Preparations of synthetic origin
Dry cough
freely applied
  • Mukaltin
  • Althea root (syrup)
  • Pulsatilla
  • Stolid
  • Broncho-gran
  • Pregnacare
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force
  • Mamavit
However, there is insufficient medical data on the effect on the fetus
  • Doctor Mom
  • Gedelix
  • Bronhicum
It is only used when the probable benefit to the mother's organism exceeds the likely risk of exposure to the fetus Libexin
Moist cough
freely applied
  • Dr. Theiss
  • Pulsatilla
  • Stolid
  • Broncho-gran
  • Pregnacare
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force
  • Mamavit
However, there is insufficient medical data on the effect on the fetus
  • Bronhicum
  • Bronchipret

2 and 3 trimester of pregnancy - what drugs to cure cough?

In the second and third trimesters, the formation and maturation of all organs and systems of the fetus takes place. The colossal changes prepare a small person for independent life outside the mother's womb. Therefore, the 2 trimester, as well as 3, is undesirable to be aggravated by taking medications, but in comparison with 1 term, restrictions are not so strict, if necessary, preparations of synthetic origin.

Herbal preparations Homeopathic remedies Supplements - any permitted restorative action and multivitamins Preparations of synthetic origin
Dry cough
freely applied
  • Althea root (syrup)
  • Mukaltin
  • Pulsatilla
  • Stolid
  • Broncho-gran
  • Pregnacare
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force
  • Mamavit
However, there is insufficient medical data on the effect on the fetus
  • Gedelix
  • Bronhicum
It is only used when the probable benefit to the mother's organism exceeds the likely risk of exposure to the fetus
  • Libexin
  • Akodin
  • Bromhexine
  • Stopoutsin
Moist cough
freely applied
  • Dr. Theiss
  • Pulsatilla
  • Stolid
  • Broncho-gran
  • Pregnacare
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force
  • Mamavit
However, there is insufficient medical data on the effect on the fetus
  • Bronchipret
  • Bronhicum
It is only used when the probable benefit to the mother's organism exceeds the likely risk of exposure to the fetus
  • Ambroxol
  • Fluviert

Physiotherapeutic treatment of cough - official and home

Physiotherapy, as a non-drug treatment for cough, is the most optimal and perhaps the safest way to treat a cough (more dry) in a pregnant woman.

It is permissible to apply: You can not use:
  • inhalation
  • gargle
  • any radiation
  • mustard plaster
  • banks
  • electrotherapy
  • hot tubs
  • steam baths for feet

Since there is a very high risk in the physiotherapy rooms of polyclinics to catch an additional infection from other patients, elementary physiotherapy can be done at home.


As an inhaler, it is possible to use modern devices for these purposes (such as a nebulizer) or an ordinary teapot (to inhale the vapors through a teapot spout), a funnel twisted from cardboard (see Fig. how and what to do with inhalation for bronchitis, laryngitis). There are 4 important rules to follow:

  • there should be no elevated body temperature;
  • the temperature of the solution for inhalation should be in the range of 30-40 C;
  • apply 3-6 times a day for several minutes (up to 10);
  • after inhalation for about half an hour to refrain from eating and talking.

As solutions for inhalation are allowed:

  • 50 grams of normal baking soda per liter of boiling water, then cool to an acceptable temperature;
  • 10 grams of bee honey for a glass of warm water;
  • 10 grams of chopped garlic and eucalyptus leaves per liter of boiling water, then cool to an acceptable temperature;
  • 20 grams of herb sage for a glass of boiling water, then cool to an acceptable temperature.
Throat rinses

Rinse solution should be prepared immediately before use and cool to a warm state. As a rule, a glass of solution is enough for 1 rinse, in the day you can do 6-8 rinses after eating. As solutions for rinses are permissible:

  • half a teaspoon of baking soda for a glass of boiling water, cool;
  • 10 grams of chamomile flowers for a glass of boiling water, cool;
  • 10 grams of lime color for a glass of boiling water, cool;
  • 10 grams of leaves of plantain on a glass of boiling water, cool.

Cm. also gargling with angina

Folk cough treatment during pregnancy

Folk methods that facilitate and treat cough should also be agreed with the attending physician. It is necessary to track the individual reaction of the body to the primary application of one or another method.


This cough remedy is used both internally and externally. If a dry cough during pregnancy begins, then honey will contribute to its productivity. But a wet cough during pregnancy is also treated with honey - sputum will be easier and faster to get out of the bronchi.

External application Internal application
  • Easy rubbing with warmed honey of the breast area - morning and evening
  • Compress from warm honey to the chest area - overnight. As an insulating material, parchment or food film
  • Resolving 1 tsp warmed honey - 3 times a day before meals
  • As an additive to warm any drink by 1 tsp. on a glass of liquid
  • Honey mixed with fresh black radish juice in the proportion: - 3 times a day for 2 tablespoons.

Honey is a powerful allergen. At the slightest reaction of an allergic nature to honey it is necessary to stop its application.

  • Warm milk softens the sore throat, suppresses the cough reflex and soothes the nervous system. Take it should be warm, slow sips.
  • You can mix milk in half with alkaline mineral water without gas (canteen) - this drink contributes to the productivity of cough and the excretion of phlegm.
  • Good milk helps, boiled with sage - a tablespoon of herbs for 200-300 ml of milk. Take 1 tbsp. just before bed.
  • Recommended and milk-fig drink: four fruits of dried figs boil in 600 ml of milk until a brown color. Take 100 grams three times a day in a warm form.
Onion and garlic

As you know, these are natural antiseptics, powerful phytoncides of which are harmful to viruses and bacteria.

  • You can use these vegetables for natural disinfection of premises and indirect inhalations: cut onions and a few slices of garlic in small pieces and spread out on plates that are then placed on room.
  • Apply and juice of these plants (separately). The onion head or a few cloves of garlic is ground and mixed with a tablespoon of honey. In half an hour, juice will be allocated. You can strain the liquid through gauze, and you can carefully collect the juice with a teaspoon. Take 1 tsp. 2-3 times during the day.

Antitussive drugs and plants that are prohibited during pregnancy

Drugs proven to have a negative effect on the fetus:

  • Alex plus, Ascoril, ACC, Grippex, Broncholitin, Glycodine, Josette, Tussin plus, Codelac (phyto, bronchus), Insti, Codterpine, Terpinkod, Thermopsis, Pertussin, Travisil.

Plants that are inadmissible for use during pregnancy (both in kind and as additives to preparations):

  • mother-and-stepmother, comfrey medicinal: contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which exert mutagenic and carcinogenic effects;
  • Ginkgo biloba: reduces blood clotting, provokes uterine bleeding;
  • St. John's wort: reduces the analgesic effect of analgesics, i.e. can reduce the effectiveness of anesthesia in COP;
  • eleutherococcus, ginseng, echinacea: increase blood pressure, provoke an allergic reaction.

Preventing cough during pregnancy

Future mothers bear a huge responsibility for their health, because the health of the child directly depends on this. It is very, very desirable not to be ill with any diseases and not to allow the occurrence of any symptoms, including, coughing. In order not to rack your brains, how to cure a cough during pregnancy, it is better not to admit it!

  • Avoid public places and contact (even at a distance) with people with colds.
  • If necessary, visiting public places to protect the natural gate of infections: mucous membranes Nasal passages lubricate with oxalic ointment or vaseline, any fat cream, and always keep the mouth closed.
  • After visiting public places, carefully wash your hands with soap, rinse your nose and rinse your throat with cooled boiled water or saline.
  • Often to ventilate the premises with a constant stay, regularly moisten the air.
  • Every day to walk on fresh air, preferably in a forest-park zone, the air of which is filled with natural phytoncides.
  • Do not overcool and do not overheat, avoid long trips and climate change.
  • At the first symptoms of the disease visit, and it is better to call a doctor (additional contact with sick people sick woman is highly undesirable).

Treatment of cough during pregnancy

A pregnant woman is often sick, because she has to visit clinics, her immune system is lowered, seasonal infectious diseases begin to attack her. Especially dangerous is coughing during pregnancy, it can be complicated and harm the future fetus, also cause placental abruption, severe bleeding, premature birth, because the woman strains the muscles during cough. Take different medications for coughing during pregnancy is prohibited.

Inhalation for cough for pregnant women

1. The nebulizer is the best modern inhalation method.

2. Breathe over the kettle using a constructed cone from the paper, you can breathe in pairs over a bowl, pans, covering your head with a towel.

3. Potato inhalations are also useful and safe, they also recommend breathing in pairs of onions, garlic, over various medicinal herbs to take into account their individual tolerability of the plant.

4. If the cough is just beginning, you should immediately make inhalation, it will require chamomile, linden and thyme. You can use the collection of sage, althea, plantain, triple-leaf watch.

5. At a late stage, when a frequent wet cough worries, you need to breathe over the herbal decoction, in which includes psyllium, Labrador tea, a string, a snake mountaineer, a string, mother-and-stepmother, cowberry, yarrow, eucalyptus. Sometimes doctors recommend drinking tea inside with herbs, but one must be careful, some herbs negatively affect the fetus, can cause miscarriage, premature birth and various pathologies.

6. Effective is a prescription for inhalation, for it to use eucalyptus, pine needles, menthol, garlic (rubbed down when water boils).

7. Honey inhalation relieves spasm from the bronchi, you need to dilute the product with water, then boil it and breathe with your mouth over the steam.

8. Chop the sage, pour it with boiling water - 200 ml, insist 30 minutes, then put on fire, bend over and breathe in pairs.

9. Dry cough will cure soda inhalation, take a liter of water, soda - 3 tablespoons, boil. So you can get rid of the spasmodic cough that is characteristic of acute bronchitis, asthma. Advantages are inhalations, it will not cause an allergic reaction.

Different types of rinses during coughing during pregnancy

With this method, you can remove irritation from the mucous membrane, facilitate breathing and improve your well-being. Gargle is necessary after you ate immediately. The procedure is safe, performed up to 5 times a day. You can use for rinsing different herbs, warm water with soda, add apple cider vinegar. They take off the inflammatory process, irritation of rinsing with chamomile, calendula and sage.

The Importance of Drinking Cough for a Pregnant Woman

It is important to drink as much warm water as possible, avoid allergenic drinks. Recommend to drink black or green tea, you can add rosehips, chamomile, mint, lemon, honey. This is the best remedy for catarrhal and viral diseases.

For a long time from cough use the well-known recipe - hot milk with fat or butter, honey, alkaline mineral water. You can add just a little soda.

With a painful cough, you need to drink birch juice, add milk, starch, flour.

Tinctures and broths for pregnant women from cough

To herbal medicines should be treated with extreme caution, they should not cause an allergic reaction. During pregnancy, such broths are recommended:

1. In milk, brew the figs, the broth should go brown. Drink hot, three times a day.

2. Peel the onion, grind it, then add honey, sugar, boil for 4 hours. When cool, strain through a sieve. Drink warm until 5 times a day. It is especially useful to use the infusion, if you disturb a throttling and rending cough.

3. During pregnancy, a cough saves such a recipe, take onions, garlic, chop everything, boil in milk, add ivy grass. To eat all day. So you can easily liquefy, withdraw phlegm, get rid of a strong cough.

4. To mix hazelnuts with honey of May, use a mixture with hot milk.

5. Bran the brew in boiling water, drain and consume the broth, add honey to taste.

6. From a cough during pregnancy, this recipe will save, it will need raisins, onion juice, mix everything and use in small amounts.

7. Take birch buds, butter. Warm up on fire, put in the end of honey, eat before eating.

8. Overripe bananas need to grind with sugar, add water, boil, drink with a strong cough. The prescription is safe during pregnancy.

9. Boil the turnips with honey. Use during pregnancy for colds, flu.

10. Prolonged cough with child bearing can be cured with the help of infusion with aloe, honey. Boil, cool, drink before eating.

11. A woman in the situation will help get rid of a cough such a recipe, it will need cucumber juice, garlic, honey. Use in the morning and at night before eating.

Medications for coughing during pregnancy

Do not use medicines on your own, only after consulting a doctor. The most commonly prescribed syrups and medications, which can be used by children under 3 years. Will help Mukaltin, Bronchipret, Doctor Mom, syrup based on plantain.

Diet of a pregnant woman with a cough

With a strong cough, you need to eat mashed potatoes, so you can get rid of bronchospasm, be sure to mash a large amount of milk. So you can get rid of spasm.

To make mashed potatoes, you need to boil potatoes in water, then put butter, milk, onion, garlic. With the help of it you can get rid of a protracted cough.

So, during pregnancy it is better to give preference to home methods of treatment, you can not engage in self-medication, it is dangerous, both for the health of the future mother, and for the development of the future baby. Using all medications, you must first consult with your doctor. Before taking folk remedies, follow your individual reaction to individual foods.

Means for coughing during pregnancy

Any cold is undesirable when carrying a baby, and problems with the bronchopulmonary system in particular. After all, this can be covered completely different reasons, and some of them negatively affect both the baby and the placenta. To get rid of the disease as soon as possible, you need to know what cough remedy you can use during pregnancy.

Allowed cough remedy for pregnancy in the first trimester

At a time when the fetus is forming internal organs, cough treatment can have a bad effect on this process. That's why it's so important to seek help from a doctor, refusing self-treatment.

An effective and safe cough remedy for pregnancy is honey, provided that the mother is not allergic. It can be used in a snack for tea, and with milk. It will be good to remember childhood and to prepare radish juice with honey.

In addition to internal use, it is possible to use this beekeeping product externally. For this honey and flour are cooked warm honey cakes and superimposed on the area of ​​the bronchi. Instead, before bedtime apply honey rubbing back and chest with subsequent wrapping.

To improve the passage of mucus from the bronchi it is recommended to drink warm milk with boiled in it a fig or banana. This proven tool helps to quickly get rid of annoying cough.

Of expectorants, at this time, few are allowed - Mukaltin, althea root, Dr. Mom, Gedelix, Herbion, Doctor Tays, Bronchipret, Bronchicum, and also the drug Malavit.

Means for cough for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester

With the onset of the second trimester, the placenta has already been formed, which protects the baby from external influences. But this does not mean that you can start self-medication. At this time, the same medicines are recommended as in the first trimester, but only after a full-time doctor's consultation.

In addition, warm inhalations with fir, eucalyptus, soda and sage oil are good for coughing. In order for this method to work, it will be necessary to perform inhalation at least 5 times a day, alternating with rinsing of sage grass, chamomile and soda.

Cough for pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

It is believed that the third trimester is the safest for the baby. The fetus is no longer so coughing mother, but it must be treated. Untreated cough leads to the aging of the placenta and, as a consequence, the deterioration of the baby's nutrition.

At this time for pregnant women, we accept the use of a synthetic expectorant against coughing. Most often used Ambroxol, Stoptussin and Bromhexine. It is especially important to be treated before the birth, because after the appearance of the baby a sick mother may infect a newborn, and treatment will be needed for two.

I caught a cold and I had a cough as get rid of it tell me ??


Ivan Ustyugov

How to get rid of a cough in one day? In the first
turn, you need to determine what kind of cough -
wet or dry. With a dry cough is not allocated
sputum, while wet coughing is mandatory
is accompanied by its allocation. Treatment of wet
The cough is completely different in its specificity from
treatment of a dry cough, and treatment of it during pregnancy
has its own specifics.
Treatment of cough with folk remedies
Treat a wet cough, like a cough dry, with the first
signs of its appearance can be at home.
It is not always expedient to start it with the application
antibiotics or some other medicine. Treatment
coughing folk remedies includes
fairly simple techniques to get rid of
in a short time. But not all of them can be
used during pregnancy.
There are several proven tips, like
get rid of cough at home.
1. One of them is as follows: boil
a glass of milk, pour into it two tablespoons
dry figs, the mixture is brought to a boil and
insist thirty minutes. Then it is ground to
obtain a homogeneous mass and take
half a cup two to four times a day. Suitable for
use during pregnancy.
2. Another tip is how to get rid of a strong cough:
mix in equal proportions honey and cranberry juice.
Wet cough can be eliminated with the help of
such composition: one glass of lime honey, one
a glass of lime color and half a glass of birch
Knead half cups of water and boil over
slow fire for five minutes. Then the mixture is filtered and
add to it aloe and honey. The solution is taken by
one tablespoon three to four times a day. When
pregnancy, you must apply this medication
How can I get rid of dry cough with
collecting various herbs?
1. Two parts of the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother, two parts of the althea and
one part of oregano, which together make up one
a tablespoon, pour half a liter
boiling water and insist for four hours in
tightly closed dishes. Then the mixture is filtered,
Pressed and in a warm state is taken by
half a glass, like a drink, all day long. In pregnancy
to drink infusion is undesirable.
2. Wet cough treatment involves this:
boiled for a few minutes
The viburnum is wiped through a sieve and mixed with honey in a
equal proportions. The obtained composition is taken in
the course of the day. When pregnancy should be reduced
amount of honey.
3. In addition, a wet cough can be treated like this: two
Tablespoons collection from one part of the Ledum
marsh, two parts of the root of the althea, two parts
leaves of mother-and-stepmother fill in half a liter
boiling water and infuse for four hours in a dense
closed dishes. Then the mixture is filtered,
it is squeezed and taken half the glass
several times a day. During pregnancy, this infusion
it is better not to drink.
Cough can be relieved with the help of badger
fat - it's just a magic tool! Our
ancestors used badger fat from prolonged
coughing along with bear fat, rubbing their breasts
patient for several days. Means
absolutely harmless in pregnancy. With his
help managed to get rid of the protracted
malaise in a very short time. Treatment of cough
popular means has long been recognized as one of the
The best ways, allowing without special work
eliminate this problem. Treatment of cough
folk remedies for children is as relevant as

Elena Denisenko

Drink herbal teas) In pharmacies are sold! Also Dr. Mom can help)

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