Furagin (furazidine) is an antibacterial drug of the nitrofuran series. Has a damaging effect on the components of the microbial cell, which leads to its death.
It is used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system and the prostate (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatitis). Take pills is necessary during a meal rich in proteins, so that urine has an acidic environment for better absorption of Furagin.
For prevention, you must take 1 tablet once a day before bedtime. For the treatment of diseases - 2 tablets three times a day for 7-10 days, and on the first day you need to take 2 tablets 4 times a day. If necessary, after 2 weeks, the course of treatment can be repeated.
Clinical and pharmacological group
Antibacterial drug, a derivative of nitrofuran. Uroantiseptic.
Terms of sale from pharmacies
Can buywithout a doctor's prescription.
How much does Furagin cost in pharmacies? The average price in 2018 is at the level of250 rubles.
Composition and form of release
Furagin, according to the instructions, is released in tablets and capsules of 50 mg each, and also in the form of a soluble powder in cans of 100 g.
Each tablet contains 50 mg of active active substance - Furazidine, as well as a number of additional auxiliary components.
Pharmacological effect
Furagin is a representative of nitrofuran antimicrobial agents. The mechanism of action of furazidine, the main active substance of the drug, is aimed at restraining the process of nucleic acid formation in bacteria, and this, in turn, prevents their reproduction. Under the action of furazidine, cytoplasmic membranes and outer shells of bacteria are destroyed. When applying Furagin in microorganisms, the most important biochemical cycles are inhibited, in particular, the cycle of tricarboxylic acids and the respiratory chain. Thus, the further life of bacteria becomes impossible and the quantity of toxins and other products of their vital activity released by bacteria sharply decreases.
Bacteriostatic effect of the drug is the main one. Furagin shows activity against gram-positive (streptococcus and staphylococcus) and gram-negative bacteria (in particular salmonella, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella and Shigella). However, its use is ineffective in infections caused by enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, proteas and some other microorganisms.
Against the backdrop of applying Furagin, the immune system is activated, the ability of leukocytes to destroy pathogenic bacteria is stimulated. When using the drug in patients, there is an increase in nonspecific protective proteins in the blood. Due to this multifaceted effect on the body, it is considered one of the most effective antimicrobial agents. After oral administration of Furagin, the drug is quickly absorbed by the intestine and furazidine enters the lymph, stopping the further spread of bacteria through the lymphatic system, thereby blocking the development of infection. A few hours after taking the drug, furazidine enters the urine, which is removed from the body.
The main difference between Furagin and other antibiotics is the absence of systemic effects. That is furazidine, getting into the body, penetrates into the urinary system and produces an antiseptic effect on its organs (in particular the kidneys, urethra and bladder). Therefore, Furagin is indicated for use and as an antiseptic for purulent wounds and certain gynecological diseases.
Indications for use
The antimicrobial agent of the nitrofuran group is prescribed in the following cases:
- infectious and non-infectious inflammatory process of the prostate gland and urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis);
- in pediatric practice for young patients with congenital anomalies of urinary tract development;
- as a preventive agent for chronic forms of diseases of the genitourinary system, with catheterization of the bladder for a long time (to prevent the development of microorganisms accidentally penetrated into the urethra during the procedure).
Furagin with cystitis
Furagin is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for cystitis.
This popularity is due to the fact that this drug has a local effect on the organs of the urinary system, stopping the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, increasing overall immunity and eliminating inflammatory processes. Furagin has a specific composition, and it does not affect all microorganisms, but since it belongs to the group of nitrofurans and has a directed effect, it is in many cases more effective than systemic antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action.
In addition, strains of microorganisms living in the urinary system do not produce resistance to the drug, as occurs when many antibiotics, and therefore Furagin can be effectively used repeatedly, or as a preventive measure to prevent the development of relapses.
The drug has a number of contraindications, so before you start using tablets, you should carefully read the attached instructions. Furagin tablets should not be taken orally if there are one or more conditions:
- kidney disease, accompanied by a violation of the function of the body;
- impaired liver function;
- the child's age is less than 1 year;
- pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
- intolerance of derivatives of the nitrofuran series.
Intended use for pregnancy and lactation
Apply Furagin during pregnancy is contraindicated. If taking pills is necessary during lactation, breastfeeding is stopped and continued only after the remedy is completely removed from the body.
Dosage and route of administration
As indicated in the instructions for the use of dosages for adults at the beginning of treatment are 2 tablets 4 times in the first day after the onset of the disease. On the second day, you can reduce the dosage to 2 tablets 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days, and is determined individually, depending on the disease and the general condition of the body. If necessary, the treatment is repeated according to the above scheme after 10-15 days.
For children, dosages are determined from the calculation of 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Admission Furagina child must necessarily combine with protein food and a sufficient amount of water. At the indications, the course of treatment is repeated after 10-15 days.
Furagin can also be used to prevent the recurrence of diseases of the urinary system. To this end, it is sufficient to use 1-2 tablets once a day, preferably in the evening.
All this information is a general requirement to receive Furagin, and can not be used for self-treatment. It is necessary to consult with your doctor before starting therapy, and adhere to the prescribed scheme.
Adverse Reactions
When taking Furagin tablets, patients with increased individual sensitivity to nitrofurans may experience side effects:
- allergic reactions - rashes on the skin, hives, itching of the skin, angioedema, anaphylactic shock;
- from the side of the nervous system - headaches, polyneuritis, dizziness, irritability, sleep disturbances, aggression, apathy, lethargy;
- on the part of the digestive system - nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, impaired liver function, flatulence, diarrhea.
If you experience one or more side effects, stop taking the pills and consult a doctor for advice.
Symptoms of overdose:
- dysfunction of the central nervous system: inflammation of the peripheral nerves, psychosis, mood deterioration;
- allergic reactions: angioedema, urticaria, bronchospasm;
- nausea;
- violations of the liver.
In case of application of the drug in doses exceeding the norm, gastric lavage is prescribed, as well as medicamentous elimination of overdose symptoms. In severe situations, hemodialysis is indicated.
special instructions
To avoid nausea after taking the drug, the pill should be taken after a meal, not on an empty stomach.
In order to prevent side effects on the part of the digestive tract, the tablet should be washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid.
Experience in using the drug in pediatric practice is severely limited, but if necessary, Furagin tablets can be prescribed for the treatment of children older than 1 year. The doctor calculates the dose of the drug and the duration of the therapy course on an individual basis for each patient, depending on the weight of his body.
Compatibility with other drugs
Decrease in the effectiveness of the drug and increase in the concentration of its active substance in plasma is observed when combined with drugs nalididic acid, as well as drugs that increase the level of uric acid in the urine.
Interaction with drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice and include in the triloxad of magnesium, can lead to a marked decrease in the degree of absorption of the drug.
We offer you to read reviews of people who used Furagin:
- Margarita. Really working tool, I have absolutely no pobochek. I finish the course of admission (10 days) and from the beginning of admission there was not a single relapse. Combine with fitolizinovoy paste (well helped with exacerbation of cystitis, but did not clean "seizures") and diuretics phytotea / dues. The main thing in urological diseases is to drink at least 2 liters a day!
- Oksana. Thanks to the furagin I cured my cystitis. He was appointed to me by a doctor. Honestly, I've heard more than once that not everyone is helping and doubting whether it will help me. But all doubts are now behind us. The doctor told me that if I do not notice improvement after 1-2 hours of furagin application, then I need report it to her, and she, in turn, will look at what antibiotic or medicine to prescribe to me next.
- Angelina. I sat on the cold and the cystitis did not keep me waiting. Terrible symptoms in the form of burning, pain. Two days was treated with "Urolesanom", "Kanefron" - all is useless. It happened what I feared most of all - the inflammation rose on the kidneys. A terrible pain, a constant, which does not pass even at night. They wanted to go to the hospital, but I bought the Furagin myself and after the first pill I felt better, and in a day the pain completely receded. Small yellow tablets that are comfortable to swallow. No pobochek was not, except for expressed drowsiness, but it can and for other reason. Then she shut herself up with the "Monural" and took it off with her hand.
Furagin's structural analogues include the drugs Furazidine, Furamag or Furasol. In addition, with intolerance to nitrofurans, the doctor can replace Furagin with other antimicrobial agents with a similar therapeutic effect, for example, Furadonin, Monural or Fosfomycin.
Before buying an analogue, consult your doctor.
Shelf life and storage conditions
Keep the medicine in a dry and inaccessible place for the sun. The temperature should be up to 30 ° C. Keep away from children.

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