What is better from an adult cough?

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The best cough remedy. The best remedy for dry cough

What is cough is known to many, because not always this condition is associated with illness. In this way the body clears the respiratory tract from viruses, bacteria, dust or foreign bodies that have got into them. Cough can be caused by different reasons, but in any case it irritates and does not allow to work and rest normally. In most cases, it signals a serious illness and requires immediate treatment. Many people are looking for the best cough remedy, but it's impossible to understand the abundance of drugs without the help of a doctor. After all, if you choose the wrong medicine, you can only aggravate the problem. Therefore, before you start treatment, you need to consult a doctor and determine what cough worries the patient. In addition, in most cases, even the best cough remedy will not help, if its cause is not eliminated. On the contrary, it can only get worse.

Types of cough

Depending on the characteristics of the disease and you need to choose the drugs. After all, different drugs have different effects. And before you determine the best cough remedy, you need to know what it is. Usually, the instructions to the medicine indicate which form it is treating.

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  1. Dry cough can occur for various reasons. In general, it causes irritation of the mucous by chemical or physical factors. It also occurs with viral infection and colds.
  2. A wet cough is characterized by the spitting of sputum accumulating in the lungs or bronchi. It can be unproductive when it is viscous and coughs up with difficulty. Or wet, when there is a lot of sputum.

Causes of coughing

  • Catarrhal and infectious diseases - tonsillitis, tracheitis or SARS. They can be viral or bacterial. This is the most common cause of cough.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the bronchi and lungs - bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscess or tuberculosis.
  • Allergic reactions, such as bronchial asthma.
  • Irritation of the respiratory tract by chemical substances or dust.
  • Heart failure.
  • Ingestion of foreign body in the respiratory tract.
  • Organic brain damage or neurosis.
  • Smoking.
  • Taking certain medications, for example, drugs that lower blood pressure.

How correctly to cure cough?

Without determining the cause, it caused, to cope with the symptom will be almost impossible. And in some cases, and completely contraindicated taking antitussive or expectorant funds. But most often, when they are looking for the best cough remedy, they try to eliminate the most common cause of it - infectious and inflammatory diseases. In this case, you need to remember that the disease begins most often with a dry cough, which eventually turns into a wet cough. Therefore, treatment should be changed during the course of the illness. It is not recommended to suppress dry cough, it is necessary to try to translate it into a more productive one, so that the bacteria and viruses that caused the disease come out with phlegm. And with an allergic cough, on the contrary, preparations are prescribed that suppress the cough reflex and antihistamines. If the cough has arisen on the nerves or on the background of heart failure, you do not need to take any additional medicines at all. Having cured the underlying disease, a person gets rid of it.

Features of the action of cough drugs

When the cause and type of the disease is clear, then you can choose the drug for its treatment. All of them have different effects:

  1. Suppress the cough reflex. Such drugs can be based on narcotic drugs, and they can be purchased only on prescription. They are needed if the cough is painful and dry. He does not allow to communicate, eat, or sleep. But in no case can they drink with a damp cough, so that there is no stagnation of phlegm in the lungs.
  2. Expectorants increase the production of sputum and facilitate its excretion by stimulating the bronchi. Such medicines are used only for the treatment of a damp cough, if it is dry, they will be useless.
  3. If there are a lot of sputum, but she coughs up with difficulty, you need to use mucolytics. These are the means that dilute it and facilitate the excretion.
  4. There are also local cough remedies. They treat it with an anti-inflammatory and aseptic effect. Sometimes they have a local anesthetic effect, and if the cough was caused by irritation of the respiratory tract, it stops.
  5. Recently, there have appeared combined preparations that contain various substances and complex effects on the respiratory tract.

Types of cough drugs

  1. Tablets or capsules. Most often they are used to treat cough in adults. This form of the drug is convenient, if the treatment is long, and the drug should be taken several times. After all, they are easy to take with you and drink at work or on the road.
  2. Effervescent soluble tablets or powders have a more rapid effect, by facilitating absorption and a large amount of water drunk. But they can have a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Syrups, drops and medicines are most often used to treat children, since they have a pleasant taste. They are also easily and quickly absorbed.
  4. Tablets or lozenges for absorption are used mainly in the treatment of cough caused by infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract or allergic reaction.
  5. Means for inhalation, rinsing and compresses are used to relieve cough that has appeared as a result of inflammation.


In many cases, a dry cough is so painful and exhausting to a person that the only way to save it will be to suppress it. Such medicines are divided into two groups:

  1. Means for suppressing dry cough, affecting the cough center in the brain. They are used only in the absence of sputum and come in different bases:
    - with narcotic effect - preparations Codeine, Hydrocodone, Morphine Chloride and others, sold only on the prescription of a doctor;
    - without narcotic effect - means "Tusuprex "Sinekod "Glavent" and others (they can be purchased without a prescription, but it should be used cautiously).
  2. Drugs that affect the nerve centers of the middle parts of the respiratory tract. This means "Libexin" or "Levopron."

The best remedy for dry cough

But recently, most often prescribe drugs of a new generation, which have a combined effect. With infectious and inflammatory diseases, if cough is unproductive and there is no sputum, complications are possible, since the infection is not eliminated from the respiratory tract. Therefore, we need drugs that do not suppress cough symptoms, but help to sputum. But dry cough often so exhausts the patient that it is necessary to slightly reduce its intensity. Modern combination drugs have this property. The most famous of them are the funds Stoptussin, Tussin plus, Butamirat, Lorain, and others.

At the moment, the best remedy for dry cough is the drug "Broncholitin". Its peculiarity is that in addition to antitussive substances (glaucin and ephedrine), it contains basil oil. It expands bronchi, has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the viscosity of phlegm. This drug has a mild non-narcotic effect on the cough center and the musculature of the bronchi and is available as a syrup. Therefore, we can say that this is the best cough remedy for children over 3 years old.

How to take medications for dry cough?

Choose a tool you need strictly individually. For example, children are better suited medicine in the form of syrup, and soluble tablets are much faster than usual. But you need to know that, unlike expectorants, even the best cough drug without sputum has many contraindications. You can not take most of these medicines:

  • children under 3 years;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with allergic reactions;
  • those with respiratory failure or bronchial asthma.

In addition, it must be remembered that as soon as sputum begins to depart, it is necessary to change the drug. Suppress such a cough can not be in any case, as this can cause serious complications.

How to treat a wet cough?

It is very important that the sputum accumulating in the respiratory tract recedes easily. Many drugs for the treatment of wet cough are designed to enhance and facilitate its isolation. When there are a lot of sputum, you need to help the airway to get rid of it. Therefore, the composition of drugs for the treatment of wet cough includes substances that restore cells of the broncho-pulmonary tissue. In addition, they dilute sputum itself. Most often, these drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect and contain plant components. The best remedy for a wet cough is Bromhexine. It easily helps to cope with the disease and has few side effects. Therefore, it is given even to children.

The "ACC" tool dilutes sputum very well, making it easier to leave. In addition to these, the most popular preparations for wet cough, the following medicines are also effective: Sinupret, Gedelix, Glitsira, Ascoril and some others. But they should be used only according to the doctor's prescription.

The best expectorant

From cough, which is accompanied by a small amount of sputum, there are many medicines. Their purpose is to help in its passage by stimulating the bronchi or reducing its viscosity. Of course, according to the individual reaction, they need to be selected. But there are drugs that are not only effective, but also safe. They include plant components, and they can be given even to children.

  • Syrup of licorice root has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating action and helps to sputum.
  • The drug "Mukaltin" has been known for a long time. This medicine is based on the root of the althaea - the best remedy for a damp cough. In addition to the expectorant action, the "Mucaltin" agent has an anti-inflammatory effect and slightly dilutes sputum.
  • The drug "Thermopsis" is also a fairly well-known herbal remedy with an expectorant effect. It increases sputum secretion and reduces its viscosity.

How to help the child?

Cough exhausts any person, but is especially bad when children suffer. Respiratory ways of babies are very sensitive to any external influences, and the majority of effective preparations to them is contraindicated. In general, children older than 2 years are given plant-based syrups: the preparation "Pertussin "Thermopsis "Doctor Mom licorice root syrup or althea. Many parents are looking for the best cough remedy for children, not only among official drugs, but also in traditional medicine recipes. Long since this ailment cope with the help of broths of herbs, honey solution, inhalations and compresses.

Traditional medicine

Despite the abundance of drugs from different types of cough, many are still being treated with home remedies, using old recipes. Conveniently this is because all the ingredients for this are always at hand, and they cause less side effects. What are the most popular recipes?

  1. The best cough remedy is honey. It is used alone or in combination with other products. Those who do not have allergies to it, successfully cure both dry and wet cough. And such drugs are very popular with children. For example, a mixture of ground hazelnuts with honey. It helps a lot if you mix a spoonful of honey with warm milk or lemon juice. Even just dissolved in water this product works wonders. A juice of radish or onions with honey is the best cough remedy. The testimonies of those who tried it testify that it can cure even a persistent chronic illness.
  2. Often when coughing it is recommended to drink broths of herbs. It is best to help the chamomile, mother-and-stepmother, elecampane, oregano and sage. They can be used separately or in collections. But to drink such teas you need half a glass several times a day. You can also use such decoctions for inhalations.
  3. Onions and garlic are also an effective tool for alleviating the condition of the patient when coughing. And they use them both inside and outside for various compresses.
  4. Many healers recommend using cough to drink the juice of cowberry or viburnum with honey. Some people are helped by fresh carrot juice with milk.

But any means, both official and popular, should be used only after consulting a doctor.


What is the most effective cough remedy for adults?



You can treat your cough alone only with the slightest cold. In other cases, you should always seek help from a doctor. After all, very often we can not even determine the nature of cough. What can I say about the methods and methods of its treatment.
Effective cough remedy, tested by many generations.
Cook one lemon over low heat for 10 minutes. Cut it in half and squeeze out the juice. Pour it into a glass, add 2 tbsp. spoonful of glycerin. Stir thoroughly and top up the glass with honey. It is not only useful and effective, but also very tasty.
The dose of cough syrup is regulated by circumstances. If you have a rare cough, take 1 teaspoonful throughout the day. Before use, the mixture is shaken. If you are concerned about a cough at night, take 1 teaspoon at bedtime and one at night. If you have a severe cough - 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach, before lunch, after dinner and at night. As the cough decreases, reduce the number of times the mixture is taken.
You can also grate the black radish on the grater and squeeze the juice through the cheesecloth. Mix well with honey and drink 2 tbsp. spoons before meals and before bedtime in the evening.
You can advise and other recipes.
Mix radish juice or carrots with milk or a honey drink: half the juice and half of the milk or honey drink. Dose: one tablespoon six times a day.
Very useful when coughing boiled turnip juice with sugar or honey.




If you cough that Kafol syrup - you need to buy in good pharmacies.


Rinse your mouth with beets! With it comes mucus, the throat becomes easier.

Gulnara Gagarina

milk with honey

Natalia Alferova

To each his own, but I'm personally very helped by Fluimutsil. It is a powder that dissolves with water. The taste turns out to be something like an orange. Day or two and coughing passes. Get well))

Victoria Cher

Terflu, and Caldact

Ekaterina Grebleva

There is nothing better than folk remedies. Buy in the pharmacy chest collection, brew and drink warm, and even massage, bath, mustard and a healthy lifestyle. Better yet, do not get sick at all!

¤_ ° The little girl ° _ Ю


Olga Kamastra

As a former chronic bronchitis, who wanted to diagnose asthma say: drink water, it is desirable filtered or from the tap in this way: in the morning on an empty stomach 2 glasses + a pinch of sea salt under language. at night a glass is exactly the same. and if you like a lot to eat, take into account after each eating, drink as much water as you ate food, but only after an hour and a half after eating and you will forget about coughing 100%

Elena Mikhailova

I buy a black radish on the market, in it I cut out a small hole, there-a spoonful of honey. Give a stand-a radish will give juice. Take 3-4 spoonfuls a day. Remarkably helps!

Larissa Just good

) 1 tbsp. a spoonful of licorice syrup for 1 glass of mineral water, drink 3-4 times a day for 5-6 days.
in any drink add a little soda

Elena Gulina (Rozhina)

Grate onion mixed with honey 1/1 eat every 2-3 hours 2 days. passes quickly, checked

Diana Sabitova

For me it's Proshpan. I take it from a cough not for the first year. Treats effectively and carefully. A big plus is that. that the child can also be given it.

Mikhail Pechersky

It is better to consult a specialist.
In the Open Clinic, excellent doctors, he himself went here, for various illnesses and for various specialists.
Save time and nerves.

Rosa Ibragimova

To me the doctor wrote out syrup Проспан and tasty and tussis cured quickly! In this case, it is also plant, without chemistry. It's not scary to treat a child to an adult.

Tablets from dry cough to adults: a list of inexpensive and effective drugs

Cough is a protective reaction to various irritating factors. A similar symptom may occur if dust, smoke or chemicals get into the pharynx. Cough is often developed for allergies. But most often the cause of development of an unpleasant symptom is any infectious disease. Dry cough irritates the throat, does not allow to sleep at night. Initially, it is necessary to make phlegm less viscous. There are effective tablets from dry cough to adults, with which you can quickly get rid of the problem.

Why there is a dry cough?

In most cases, dry cough is observed with ARI or influenza. Such a symptom may indicate irritation of the mucous membrane with an extraneous object. Severe attacks of dry cough may indicate the development of bronchial asthma or pneumonia. A characteristic symptom is a whistle when inhaled. This condition requires urgent care. You will need treatment in a hospital. Effective tablets from dry cough will be part of complex therapy.

In rare cases, dry cough can occur when treating high blood pressure. Such drugs as "Maleate "Liznopril "Enalapril" can lead to irritation of the mucosa. For the treatment of cough in this case, no special medication is needed. It is only necessary to cancel the drug from high blood pressure or to reduce its dosage.

An allergic reaction to spring flowering or animal hair can cause bronchospasm. In this case, dry cough manifests itself sharply and does not stop until the patient takes an antihistamine. Frequent manifestation of an allergic cough is a serious problem. If you do not deal with its elimination, bronchial asthma can develop.

What medicine should I choose for a dry cough?

In pharmacies, you can find a lot of drugs with which you can overcome a dry cough. Treatment, tablets and medicines should be prescribed only by a doctor. To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, you must first identify the cause. The specialist conducts a series of tests that allow you to put the correct diagnosis. After all, the treatment of an allergic cough with mild expectorants will not yield any results.

If a patient has a dry, painful cough that does not allow him to sleep properly and perform daily duties, the combination drugs are usually prescribed. These are medicines that promote liquefaction of phlegm, and also relieve throat irritation. It is worth remembering that mucolytic tablets from dry cough to adults and children are never taken with antitussive drugs. Below is a list of tablets that are most often prescribed to adults.


A popular mucolytic agent with an expectorant effect. Assign the drug in the development of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum. Bromhexine tablets help to thin the secretion in the bronchi, so that the dry cough grows into a productive cough. The drug may be part of a comprehensive therapy of chronic pneumonia and bronchial asthma. Contraindications tablets almost do not have. In rare cases, there is an increased sensitivity to individual components of the drug.

Tablets "Bromhexine" can not be taken simultaneously with codeine-containing drugs. Such treatment will not give any result. Only under the supervision of a specialist should the drug be used by patients who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Adults take one tablet three times a day. As soon as the dry cough grows into a productive cough, you should stop taking Bromhexine.


Popular tablets from dry cough to adults, the main active substance in which is ambroxol hydrochloride. As auxiliary components are lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethyl starch and microcrystalline cellulose. The drug "Khaliksol" has an excellent mucolytic and expectorant effect. It is prescribed for the treatment of acute conditions of chronic respiratory diseases. If liquefaction of mucus is necessary for infectious diseases of ENT organs, the tablets "Haliksol" are also used.

Do not prescribe the drug to children until they reach the age of five. During pregnancy, tablets can be taken only from the second trimester under the supervision of a doctor. People with renal insufficiency do not prescribe the medicinal product "Khaliksol".


Popular mucolytic tablets from dry cough to adults. Like the previous remedy, the drug "Lazolvan" is made on the basis of ambroxol. Additionally used are lactose monohydrate, corn starch, silicon dioxide colloid, and also magnesium stearate. Tablets "Lazolvan" are excellent for treating dry cough with ARI and flu, as well as for liquefying sputum in pneumonia and bronchial asthma. Do not prescribe the drug in the first half of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. In juveniles, tablets "Lazolvan" are contraindicated.

It's worth remembering that Lazolvan tablets are a mucolytic drug. Therefore, it should not be taken together with antitussive drugs. This will only lead to difficulty in excretion of sputum from the bronchi.

When dry cough occurs adults take one tablet of the drug "Lazolvan" three times a day. As soon as the cough becomes productive, the medication is stopped.


Very good pills for coughing dry. Medication belongs to the group of mucolytic agents. The medicine, like the previous ones, is based on ambroxol hydrochloride. As auxiliary elements, calcium hydrophosphate dihydrate, carboxymethyl starch sodium, magnesium stearate, as well as silicon dioxide colloidal. If there is a dry cough, tablets from the cough "Ambroghexal" can give a positive effect in the first days of admission. The drug is prescribed for bronchial asthma, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis.

"Ambrohexal" in tablets is not prescribed for babies under 6 years, as well as for women in the first half of pregnancy. During the period of breastfeeding the drug is also contraindicated. Only under the supervision of a doctor should people take pills with peptic ulcer. In rare cases, there may be increased sensitivity to the main components of the drug.


A popular antitussive drug, made in the form of tablets. The main component is butamyrate citrate. In addition, hypromellose, silicon dioxide, colloidal anhydrous, lactose monohydrate, and also magnesium stearate are used. Tablets from dry cough "Omnitus" are prescribed for stopping severe attacks caused by infectious diseases such as influenza, whooping cough, ARD. The agent can also be prescribed to suppress reflex cough after surgery.

One of the least expensive are these tablets from a dry cough. The price of the drug in pharmacies does not exceed 200 rubles. But you should not buy a drug without the recommendations of a specialist. Often there is sensitivity to certain elements of the drug. Contraindicated tablets "Omnitus" also during lactation. In the second half of pregnancy, a drug should be used only if the potential benefit to the mother exceeds the potential harm to the baby.


If there is a dry cough in an adult, the tablets "Libexin" will be able to help. The main substance of the medicine is. As auxiliary components, talc, glycerin, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, and corn starch are used. Tablets from dry cough "Libexin" can be taken with various inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract. Often prescribe the drug before the bronchoscopic examination.

Tablets "Libexin" are contraindicated in patients with diseases in which there is an increased secretion of bronchial secretions. Children and pregnant women are not contraindicated. Treatment must necessarily take place under the supervision of a physician. In rare cases, increased sensitivity to the main components of the drug.


Not everyone knows if a dry cough develops, which pills take. Many seek to achieve several effects simultaneously. For such purposes, combined medicament preparations were created. A bright representative is the pill "Stoptussin which have an expectorant and antitussive effect. The main active ingredient is butamyrate dihydrocitrate. In addition, silicon dioxide colloidal, microcrystalline cellulose, glyceryl tribehenate, and magnesium stearate are used. Tablets "Stoptussin" appointed for the treatment of dry irritant cough, which develops due to infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Do not prescribe the drug "Stoptussin" for patients under 12 years, as well as women in the first trimester of pregnancy. During breastfeeding, tablets can only be used after consultation with the pediatrician.


Good and inexpensive tablets from dry cough to adults. The composition of the drug includes paracetamol, chlorphenamine, as well as phenylephrine. The drug has a combined effect. It should be taken when the first symptoms of a common cold appear in adults. Tablets "Lorain" effectively dilute sputum, help reduce body temperature, as well as general improvement in the patient's condition.

Medication is not prescribed for children under 6 years old, as well as pregnant lactating women. People with a tendency to allergic reactions and gastrointestinal problems should be taken with caution.

Can I do without medication?

With a dry cough, which pills will work best, only the doctor can tell. But what if I can not ask for help? There are folk methods that will temporarily remove unpleasant symptoms. Perfectly dilute sputum warm drinks. It is worth heating the milk and adding a teaspoon of honey. Such a drink is not only expectorant, but also removes the irritation of the pharynx. In addition, milk with honey is very tasty.

Good results are given by conventional inhalations with medicinal herbs. It is necessary to bring two liters of water to a boil and add a little chamomile. Breathing is necessary over a container with hot water, covered with a towel.


A cough medicine for children: a list of effective. What to give to children from a dry cough

Cough is the most common sign for respiratory diseases. Especially alarming is when it occurs in young children. Its causes are diverse, and, based on this, the methods of combating it are different. How to choose a cough medicine for children? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of occurrence of such a symptom.

The main causes leading to the occurrence of cough in children

Cough reflex is a natural process in the body. It can indicate the presence of the disease, but can only serve to purify the airways from accumulated secretions. A single unobtrusive cough, not accompanied by a rise in body temperature or any changes in the behavior of the child, should not cause parents special anxiety. If coughing causes anxiety, then it is necessary to find out its cause, in order to choose the most effective cough medicine for children.

There are two leading factors that cause the occurrence of cough: penetration into the body of a child the causative agent of infection (and the development of a corresponding catarrhal disease) or the presence of an allergic reaction. A child's organism, especially a newborn, is imperfect and very sensitive to various viruses and bacteria that cause respiratory diseases.

These harmful agents, falling into the respiratory system with a flow of inhaled air, get on the mucous membrane, are introduced into its cells and begin to actively multiply, while at the place of their introduction there is irritation and increased mucus formation, to which the body reacts cough. Similarly, a reaction to the ingress of allergens into the respiratory tract, whether particles of dust, animal hair or plant pollen, is formed. Cough is a protective reaction of the body to irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system or inflammatory process in them and releases them from various mechanical particles, microorganisms and accumulated mucus. The following types of cough are distinguished by the nature, productivity and sound.

Types of cough

Distinguish cough dry (in other words, unproductive), arising at the initial stage of the disease and not accompanied by sputum, and wet (or productive), which occurs as sputum accumulates and contributes to its spillage.

Dry cough is considered the most intrusive. It can pass paroxysmally or resemble barking. Such a symptom tires the child, prevents him from sleeping and can cause vomiting. Barking coughing attacks most often occur with the development of tracheitis or laryngitis and are associated with changes in the vocal cords. To soften the throat, you can use anti-inflammatory sprays or lozenges and alkaline drink to children from dry cough. The medicine will remove the mucosal edema and reduce the inflammatory process.

Sometimes you can come across such a rare type of dry cough at the moment, like pertussis. It became rare because almost all children now receive vaccinations against whooping cough, which reliably protects them from this disease. Cough with whooping cough is dry, paroxysmal, leading the baby's body to exhaustion. With this disease prescribe sedatives and recommend walking in the fresh air.

Quite infrequently occurring disease - respiratory chlamydia of newborns, in which there is a development of coughing of sonorous, jerky, dry - staccato cough. When cured of the underlying disease, it quickly disappears.

There are also types of cough that are not associated with catarrhal diseases:

  • cough of an allergic nature - manifests paroxysmally, often occurs at night, before the onset of an attack the child is cheerful, does not feel unwell, suddenly starts to cough often;
  • spastic - differs from the usual dry cough in that with it at the end there is a whistling sound; he is very intrusive and is not treated with antitussive drugs;
  • bitonal - occurs, in particular, when a foreign body enters the bronchi; with it, the low tone of the cough becomes high;
  • cough, which occurs with bronchial asthma, - appears with deep breaths and is accompanied by pain;
  • cough associated with food intake, sometimes arising in the pathology of the esophagus or stomach;
  • cough of psychogenic origin, which occurs in stressful situations; he appears exclusively in the afternoon, but regularly, has a metallic echo.

The cough medicine for children should be selected taking into account that all respiratory diseases, in mostly manifested first dry cough, which after a period of time passes into wet. But still, by the nature of the cough, it is possible to distinguish which part of the respiratory system has started the inflammation.

Features of cough in certain respiratory diseases

Laryngitis, or inflammation of the larynx, is manifested in the child by a dry cough, hoarseness of the voice, rapidity and difficulty breathing. There is a feeling of perspiration in the throat and severe pain when swallowing. After a while, the cough becomes wheezing due to a change in the airway lumen. Later, the swelling of the vocal cords subsides, and the cough becomes wet due to sputum discharge.

When tracheitis (trachea inflammation), the main symptom is a dry barking cough that starts suddenly, mainly during the night rest, and can last for several hours. Breathing can become whistling or wheezing. To alleviate the condition of the sick child, the doctor will suggest a cough suppressant, such as "Sinekod".

If the inflammatory process descends through the respiratory tract, then inflammation develops in the bronchial tubes (bronchitis) or in the lungs - pneumonia. These two diseases are distinguished from each other by X-ray examination. The initial stage of bronchitis is not different from other respiratory diseases - there are pain in the larynx, nose pawns, the child is sleepy and sluggish. Cough also from the dry at the beginning of the disease becomes wet. If there was an edema in the mucosa of the bronchus itself and the narrowing of its lumen, one speaks of obstructive bronchitis, which is quite common in allergies. If bronchitis is not cured, it can develop into a chronic form, which is fraught with depletion of bronchial walls and the emergence of bronchial asthma.

For the treatment of cough in children, many drugs are produced that have different active ingredients and differ in the mechanism of action. If you fight with children's cough alone, you need to understand them very well, so as not to harm and not aggravate the course of the disease.

Medicines against cough for children: classification

All medicines for cough are divided into two large groups - preparations of central and peripheral action.

The medicinal substances that affect the central nervous system include Sinekod's Tusuprex Libexin and others. They act overwhelmingly on the cough center in the cerebral cortex, very quickly inhibit the cough reflex and can be prescribed to children from a dry cough. The medicine is chosen for them only by the doctor, since it does not reduce the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract and with increased mucus formation it can be stagnant. Therefore, they should be used only on the advice of a pediatrician and only with a dry paroxysmal cough (for example, with whooping cough).

Preparations that have a peripheral effect, in turn, are subdivided according to the mechanism of action into several species. They include:

  • Coughing agents that envelop the irritated areas of the mucous membrane in the upper parts of the respiratory system and reduce the inflammatory processes in it. They are appointed with the appearance of initial signs of irritation. They are good for children from a dry cough; the medicine is prescribed in this case, taking into account their age.
  • Expectorants for cough, which contribute to the release of bronchi from accumulated exudate. They are also divided into subgroups. The main active ingredient in the first of these may be plant extracts (licorice, coltsfoot, marshmallow, plantain, thyme and thermopsis) or iodides (preparations "potassium iodide" and "sodium iodide"). Under the action of these agents in the cells of the bronchial mucosa, the production of mucus is increased, which liquefies phlegm, that is, it can quickly leave the bronchi. These medications are not suitable for infants and children with neurotic disorders or a tendency to vomiting. When prescribing drugs from the second group - mucolytics - liquefaction of the contents of the bronchi occurs without increasing its volume.
  • They also produce a combined medicine that suppresses coughing. For older children, it fits perfectly, since it not only affects the center of the cough, but also softens the irritation of the respiratory tract.

All medicines should be selected taking into account the stage of the disease, the manifesting symptoms and the age of the child. It is advisable not to engage in self-medication, but to consult a pediatrician. It is especially important to ask for medical help in case of a breast infection.

Features of the appearance of a cough reflex and an effective cough medicine for children up to the year

In infants quite often, especially after sleep or feeding, there may be a physiological cough (in the form of rare coughs), not associated with any disease. Since most of the time the child spends on the back, mucus from the nasal passages can sink into the throat, which will cause a cough reflex. May cause it and the ingress of milk or mixture into the respiratory system during feeding or saliva with increased salivation. Also, an external factor can cause such a reaction: dry air, dust or tobacco smoke. Such a cough should not cause much concern, you just need to eliminate the cause of its appearance. If the symptom is intrusive, and the child has a fever or behavior changes, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician.

The peculiarity of the course of catarrhal diseases is that with a dry cough a so-called "false croup" - swelling of the larynx and vocal cords, which leads to a decrease in their lumen, and the baby begins to suffocate. This is a very dangerous condition, requiring immediate help from specialists. The account is here for minutes.

Just as dangerous is a wet cough, which in a nursing baby very quickly descends into the lungs, and banal the runny nose may soon develop into pneumonia, so the babies with suspicion of bronchitis immediately put in hospital. If the situation is not so serious, then, choosing a cough medicine for an infant, it must be taken into account that not all dosage forms are suitable for them.

It is good to have at home a special compressor or ultrasonic inhaler that will deliver the medicine directly to the mucous membrane in the airways. You can use solutions for inhalation "Lazolvan" or "Ambrobene" (they are also prescribed for cough and inward). They are convenient in that they are dosed by drop. They can be dissolved in tea, juice or milk. A good cough medicine for children up to the year is Lazolvan cough syrup and its analogs, which contain the active substance ambroxol. The product has practically no side effects.

Preparations for cough treatment in children from the year

Effective cough medicine for children under 2 years - mucolytic expectorant "Ambrobene" or its analogues: medicines "Ambroxol" Lazolvan "Ambrohexal" Flavamed "Bronhorus". They are used to treat both acute and chronic bronchitis or pneumonia, when chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or bronchial asthma with hard-to-separate sputum, as well as with bronchoectatic disease.

The medicine for wet coughing to a child, very convenient and safe enough for children of different ages, - the drug "Bromhexin 8 Berlin-Chemie" (or his analogues: means "Bronchostop Flegamin"), having mucolytic (secretolitic) and expectorant action and a small antitussive effect. For one-year-old children, it can be used as a drop, solution or syrup. The disadvantages of this drug can be attributed to the fact that the therapeutic effect is manifested only after 2-5 days after the first use.

It is possible to dilute and speed up the secretion of the use in children from 6 months of herbal medicines, such as cough syrups "Gedelix" and "Linkas." When using them, it is necessary to take into account the possible manifestation of an allergic reaction. Preparations based on vegetable raw materials are recommended for children over 2 years of age.

Cough syrups based on herbal extracts

To facilitate a wet cough in a child, medicines can be chosen made from natural raw materials. In addition to common mucolytic drugs, such as "Syrup althaea" or "Licorice root syrup, many multicomponent products are produced, including extracts of herbs in various combinations. It is necessary to study their composition well before use if the child has allergies to plants.

Cedar syrup "Gedelix" on the basis of ivy extract is a cough medicine for children effective for kids aged from several months. It is used as an expectorant for infections in the upper respiratory tract and for bronchitis, accompanied by the formation of hard-to-separate sputum. After its application, the excretion of mucus as a result of its liquefaction and softening of its coughing is accelerated. When using this syrup for the treatment of an infant, the required dose should be diluted with boiled water and observe if an allergic reaction has occurred.

To reduce the intensity and increase the productivity of cough, you can buy a syrup "Linkas, which also has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. In its composition, you can see the extracts of the leaves adhatoda, licorice root, pepper, violets, hyssop medicinal, althaea and others. In the absence of a child's allergy, this drug can be recommended as an excellent cough medicine for children under 2 years.

A good expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect is the syrup "Bronchicum reducing the viscosity of the secret and accelerating its evacuation. The effect of this drug is based on the properties of the root of the primrose and thyme. Extracts of these herbs envelop the irritated mucous membrane, which facilitates a sensation of perspiration in the throat and softens the cough.

For better separation of sputum with a damp cough, use the agent "Herbion syrup plantain". This drug also has an immunomodulatory effect, protecting the respiratory epithelial cells from damage and increasing the body's resistance to infections.

Synthetic medicines for the treatment of wet cough

Children over the age of two years with diseases with hard-to-find secretion will help syrup "Ascoril is a combined a drug whose action - bronchodilator, expectorant and mucolytic - is based on the properties of bromhexine, guaifenesin and salbutamol. He is prescribed for such ailments as bronchial asthma, pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough and others.

A good medicine for a child from cough is the drug "Atsc which helps in sputum purification (including purulent) and its expectoration. It is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by the formation of thick mucus, such as acute and chronic bronchitis, including obstructive, bronchoectatic disease, tracheitis, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia and the like, as well as with certain ENT diseases (laryngitis, acute or chronic sinusitis, middle ear inflammation) and paracetamol poisoning (both antidote). Children can use it from the age of 2 in the minimum dosage.

Treatment of dry cough with drugs that suppress its occurrence

A great concern may be a dry cough in the child. Medicines for its treatment can be divided into two groups. The first include drugs that suppress cough centrally.

This group of drugs is not recommended to be used without prescribing a doctor, especially if it is a small child. Their use is justified only in the case of a prolonged dry nausea cough causing pain, vomiting or interfering with sleep. In such a situation, it is possible to use a medicine that suppresses coughing. For children for this purpose, prescribe drugs "Sinekod" Tusuprex "Glaucin" or "Libexin depressing the work of the center of a cough in the brain. For infants (only by prescription of a doctor), you can purchase the "Sinekod" remedy in the form of drops. The most important thing is that when you buy these drugs, you need to remember that they are consumed only with a dry cough and do not combine with funds that increase mucus outflow.

Similar effect is also available with the combination of drugs such as syrups "Tussin plus Broncholitin" and "Stoptussin." They, along with suppressing the cough reflex, envelop the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, soften the cough, help to eliminate inflammation and stimulate immunity. They are prescribed for dry and irritating cough of various nature, as well as in pre- and postoperative periods to facilitate coughing.

Drugs for the treatment of dry cough

To ease the condition with a dry cough in a two-year-old child in the absence of allergies, you can use the drug "Herbion syrup primrose." It is also used as an expectorant for inflammation of the respiratory tract with the formation of a viscous secretion (bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis).

Effective cough medicine for children 3 years - a combined drug "Doctor Mom: syrup from cough with aloe, basil sacred, elecampane, ginger, turmeric, licorice and others plants. It has a pronounced bronchodilator, mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended for dry cough or cough with hard-to-recover sputum in children from the age of three (with pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis). Contraindication for its use is the individual intolerance of some of its components.

Drugs for coughing a lot, and to choose a cough medicine for children, you need to proceed from each case, taking into account all contraindications and dosages. It is advisable to consult a pediatrician beforehand. To effectively combat colds of various nature, in addition to cough suppressants, it is necessary to use drugs that enhance immunity. The child is given peace and a special regime. It is necessary to give the baby a lot of fluid and maintain the humidity in the room. If the child does not have temperature - you can use warming with dry heat and rubbing with medicinal ointments. That is, treatment should be comprehensive.


"Mukaltin" or "Tablets from a cough" - what is better? Instructions for use, feedback

Everyone knows of such a disease as coughing. And only a few know that you can get rid of it quite quickly, using very inexpensive drugs. In this article we will try to consider the question: "Mukaltin" or "Tablets from cough" - what is better? How to take these drugs to achieve the best effect?


Coughing is a rather complex reflex phenomenon that occurs in the lungs as a consequence of the protective reaction that occurs when foreign elements or microbes or bacteria get into them.

Often cough can cause penetrated microbes, dust, sand. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body. And in most cases, he does not need treatment, only expectorants will suffice.

Sometimes the causative agents of coughing are different:

1. Allergic. Virus. Bacterial.

Cough is of the following types:

1. Wet is a cough accompanied by phlegm. The cause is, as a rule, the occurring inflammatory processes in the lungs and the respiratory tract. Dry. In this case, the sputum does not depart. The patient has a constant need to get rid of something superfluous in the throat.

In order to appoint an adequate cough treatment, you need to seek the advice of a specialist. But if there is no possibility to visit the doctor, then the cough that has arisen can be tried to cure by taking cheap "Tablets from a cough". Further in the article we will tell about preparations that will help to provide first aid in such a case. And also how to take "Mukaltin" in tablets.


When buying this remedy, the question often arises: "Mukaltin" from which cough?

This drug has been known to us since childhood. It has an expectorant effect, it is used to relieve cough in diseases of the respiratory tract.

The form of these tablets is biconvex, they are gray-brown in color. As a rule, they are packed in paper contour cells from 10 to 30 pieces. Also there are also cans in a dosage from 10 to 100 pieces in each. "Mucaltin" has a slight anti-inflammatory effect. It is important to remember that it does not eliminate the disease, but only facilitates its course. That is, a rough cough, becomes softer, and a sharp dry moisturizes.

Thus, one can unequivocally answer the question posed, "Mukaltin" from which cough - from anyone.

It is used for the following diseases:

1. Acute bronchitis. Inflammation of the lungs. Bronchial asthma. Tuberculosis with symptoms of bronchitis. Acute respiratory diseases accompanied by a severe cough.

Indications and contraindications

Sufficient studies that give a clear answer, "Mukaltin" can be children or not, in the required volumes was not carried out. Therefore, leading pediatricians in Russia recommend giving the children such a good expectorant drug only after the child reaches the age of two. However, it is possible to give "Mukaltin" to pregnant women. The only restriction is the althea extract included in the composition. Its use in the first trimester of pregnancy is not recommended. However, to be sure that the benefits of taking the pills will be much higher than the threat to the child, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor.

In this case, the reception of Mukaltina by pregnant women is significantly different: it is enough to take 1-2 tablets several times a day strictly after meals.

The method of use in women in the position is similar to the usual, but to achieve the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to crush tablets and take them, diluting in a small amount of water.

How to take "Mukaltin" in tablets

"Mukaltin" is recommended to be taken before meals, more precisely, for 30-60 minutes. An adult is recommended to take 1-2 tablets at a time. The daily rate can be divided by 3-4 times. Children under the age of 12 years are prescribed a regimen similar to that of adults. Children from 3 to 12 years of age, the drug is recommended to take the following scheme: 1 tablet 3 times a day. That is every 4 hours.

Children under 1 year to 3 years of age are prescribed a regimen: ½-1 tablets. Babies up to a year of taking the drug can take ½ tablets. But it is better for babies up to 2 years not to give this medicine.

"Mukaltin" is recommended to dissolve in the mouth. However, people who do not tolerate the taste of tablets, as well as children can dissolve tablets in a warm liquid. To do this, you can use water, juice in an amount of 150 ml per dose of the drug.

How to take "Mukaltin" in tablets to achieve a quick therapeutic effect? The time taken to take the medicine is 7 to 14 days. In this case, the use of a large amount of liquid is recommended.

Cheap "Pills for cough"

The modern pharmacy market is so rich that the presented cough remedies are divided into different price categories. In the pharmacy you can find such cough tablets, the names of which are familiar to many:

1. With an expectorant effect - "Stoptussin" Tussin ".2. Tablets against cough with anti-inflammatory effect - "Broncholitin" .3. Tablets with mucolytic effect- "Ascoril" Ambroxol "Gedelix."

There is also a drug, which is still called - "Tablets from a cough." He has no other name (international). By color this preparation is gray or greenish-gray in color. It refers to drugs that have an expectorant effect, and is also used to treat colds. Indication for the use of this drug is only one - chronic bronchitis. The form of the release of "Tablets from cough" is usually a paper packing of 10-20 pieces. The main component in the composition of these tablets is the extract of dry thermopsis, which has an expectorant effect.

Indications and contraindications

Choosing a cough pill for a child is possible only on the basis of recommendations from the treating doctor. He will conduct a preliminary study and establish the cause of the disease. It should be taken into account that "Tablets from cough" in the composition contains extracts of medicinal plants. Therefore, the child may have an allergy. In order to avoid such a complication, along with medications, the child is prescribed antiallergic drugs.

Also with caution should be taken and pregnant women to choose different tablets from cough. They may contain substances that are prohibited for reception in an interesting position.

Moreover, in the instruction "Tablets from a cough" it is registered, that it is impossible to take them to children under two years of age. They contain codeine, which also penetrates the placenta to the fetus.

Accordingly, the use of "Cough Tablets" during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding is prohibited.

Choosing a medicine for children and pregnant women, "Mukaltin" or "Tablets for cough" - what is better to buy? The conclusion is obvious.

The use of "Cough Tablets"

The drug "Tablets from coughs" should be taken strictly according to the doctor's recommendation. Do not prescribe this medicine yourself. It is contraindicated in some situations, and also has severe symptoms of overdose, such as nausea, vomiting. Adults "Tablets from cough" take 2-3 times a day, in an amount of 1 to 2 tablets, washing down with the necessary amount of water while doing so. The course of treatment lasts no more than 5 days.

Children over 12 years of age can take this medicine in a dosage of ½ tablet not more than 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment will be only 3 days. And the maximum allowable course of treatment for a child will be no more than 5 days.

However, one should pay close attention to the fact that with the use of this medication it is necessary with caution manage a vehicle, as well as engage in other activities that require concentration and attention. Also, patients with a violation of liver function should increase the interval between pills.


Let's try to answer the question: "Mukaltin" or "Tablets from a cough" - what is better? It is worth mentioning that among the listed drugs in this article is "Mukaltin" is the most budgetary means. Its price for today ranges from 10 to 20 rubles for 10 pieces. At the same time, "Tablets for cough, calculated for a minimum course of admission (5 days), cost from 45 to 75 rubles.

Reviews about "Tablets from a cough are contradictory." After all, using this drug yourself is not entirely safe. Moreover, they are forbidden for admission during lactation and pregnancy.

Reviews from the drug "Mukaltin" are quite positive, because many are familiar with this drug since childhood. "Mukaltin" or "Tablets from a cough" - what is better? Many prefer the first option.

According to the generally accepted opinion, "Mukaltin" moisturizes the dry cough rather quickly, and the coarse moist makes it more calm. This drug is absolutely safe for children, pregnant and lactating mothers.

It should be remembered that cough is a symptom of the disease, and it is not necessary to treat it, namely the disease that is its cause. And in order to understand which drug is better, it is first of all necessary to get qualified help from a doctor who, according to the results of the examination, will prescribe an adequate treatment.


Effective cough medicine for adults. Medications for nebulizer with cough

Coughing can not always be a symptom of the disease, it is an important defensive reflex of the body, which makes it possible to get rid of sputum and foreign bodies in the airways. When to start treatment and which cough medicine should be taken better, you should ask the doctor. After all, the most expensive drug is not always the most effective. If you understand, sometimes the best is just a cough medicine, the price of which varies within reasonable limits.


The disease can be caused by a number of negative factors. A sudden cough reflex helps to clear the throat and respiratory passage from foreign particles, microbes that irritate the mucous membranes. By its nature, it is both involuntary and intentional. There are three phases of the cough reflex:

  • inhalation;
  • The forced exhalation with the closed voice gap which is in an average part of a throat;
  • When opening the glottis, an explosive release of air occurs, so the cough has a characteristic sound.

The cause of the disease are respiratory tract infections, such as a cold or flu. Viruses can settle in the body and show up with various symptoms in a few days. Smoking also belongs to the category of the most common causes of the appearance of a cough with a characteristic sound, which is called "smoker's cough". In this case, the disease is chronic and poorly treatable. Asthma often develops in childhood and includes characteristic wheezing, which makes it easy to identify the disease. Severe forms of asthma require long-term treatment, otherwise the disease takes a chronic form and stays with the person until the end of life.

Other factors that cause a cough reflex include damage to the vocal cords, bacterial infections (pneumonia, whooping cough, bronchitis), pulmonary embolism, heart failure, gastro-food reflux, as well as psychological problems and some medicinal preparations.

Classification of the disease

Before choosing a cough medicine for adults, you should determine what type of cough it is. Distinguish the following types of manifestation of the disease:

  • acute - appears suddenly and lasts up to 2-3 weeks;
  • subacute - this type can last from 3 to 8 weeks;
  • chronic - persists for more than 8 weeks;
  • wet, moist or productive - flows with the formation of sputum, rising up the respiratory tract;
  • dry or unproductive - an agonizing barking cough, in which no sputum is formed;
  • night - occurs only at night, during sleep of the patient.

Correctly identified type of ailment will allow to choose an effective cough medicine for adults, which will quickly remove the symptoms of the disease and ease the patient's condition.

Diagnosis of the disease

Typically, an experienced doctor determines the nature of the disease, referring to his medical experience, but sometimes additional diagnostic tests may be required. Before deciding which cough medicines are better in this or that case, the diseases of the internal organs (heart, stomach, thyroid), which provoke an involuntary contraction of the lungs, diaphragms and cause disease.

Additional diagnostic tests include sputum specimens, chest X-ray, spirometry and the like. Cough infectious nature is treated with certain drugs, for bacterial use completely different medications. If, for example, a patient is diagnosed with asthma, the patient is prescribed specific drugs.

Than to treat an infectious cough

Infectious, or viral, cough has its own characteristics. Usually it develops suddenly, within 1-2 days, and can be quite irritating. Additional signs include headache, malaise, sometimes fever. In some cases, the infection affects not only the airways, but also the nasopharynx, then the symptoms are connected with a runny nose. The medicine for the throat and cough in this case should be aimed at combating the viral infection. Relieving the symptoms, as long as the immune system will get rid of the infection, will promote the use of drugs "Paracetamol" Ibuprofen "or" Aspirin. " They will help reduce heat, reduce the manifestation of pain. Prices for such drugs are low and range from 150-300 rubles. Before taking such a cough medicine during pregnancy, you should carefully study the instructions so as not to harm the future baby.

During treatment the patient should receive a plentiful drink to prevent dehydration and, as grandmothers like to say, "wash out" the infection from the body. An important component of treatment will be giving up smoking (if this harmful habit takes place). Tobacco smoke not only provokes the disease, but also aggravates its course. Do not use any medicine for dry coughing for adults. Sucking candies will help to remove irritation and sore throat. Antibiotics are usually not recommended, since they do not kill a viral infection.

Treatment of bacterial cough

Medications for bronchitis and cough are aimed at diluting sputum and improving the process of its withdrawal. A bacterial disease is a complication of a viral infection when a secondary infection with microbes (bacteria) occurs. Such phenomena can lead to the development of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, pleurisy and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In this case, the most effective cough drug for adults, called an antibiotic, is prescribed. It is necessary to eliminate bacterial infection, the symptoms of which are characterized by fever, fatigue, weakness, chest pain, heavy breathing, which is often accompanied by a whistle and wheezing. If the cough lasts a long time, then there may be blood in the sputum. Unfortunately, the bacteria adapt very well, prolonged use of antibiotics makes them more resistant to various therapies. In inpatient treatment, patients are prescribed medications for bronchitis and cough in various combinations of drugs in order to obtain more effective results of therapy.

It is important to remember that all antibiotics should be used for their intended purpose. The effect of these drugs on the body with time weakens. If the prescribed course of treatment is not completed, the likelihood of drug-resistant strains of microorganisms will increase. That is why it is very important to continue treatment with antibiotics as much as prescribed by the attending physician, without stopping therapy after the disappearance of the symptoms.

Productive or unproductive?

A productive, or wet, cough is often useful, because it helps the lungs and bronchi to get rid of mucus and sputum, so it does not make any sense to suppress it. In more serious cases, the doctor may prescribe a special cough medicine with sputum in order to improve the process of its excretion and to facilitate breathing to the patient.

Dry, or unproductive, cough is characterized by painful symptoms: a sensation of continuous perspiration in the throat, headaches and pains in the trachea (or bronchi). Sputum is not formed, which prevents the patient from clearing his throat.

The medicine for dry coughing for adults should help to soften it and remove the formed sputum. As soon as it starts to separate, we can assume that the recovery is already close, and until this time the infection will be firmly "sitting" in the airways. Which one to choose a cough medicine for adults, largely depends on the cause of its appearance (infection, allergy and so on). In the allergic nature of the disease, the patient is prescribed antihistamines, with viral - antiviral drugs, and for bacterial - antibiotics. To drugs that alleviate the symptoms of the disease and improve the process of expectoration, include funds "Bromgeksin" Ambroxol "Mukaltin" and other mucolytics. If the symptoms of the disease are so painful that they interfere with sleeping, the best cure for dry coughing for adults is suppressive drugs that suppress the cough reflex. They include medicines "Folkodin" Codterpin "Sinekod" and others. Very useful for non-productive cough milk with the addition of baking soda, mineral water "Borjomi" or any other natural mineral water. A good expectorant is syrups and potions, for example the preparation "Broncholitin syrups of plantain, althea root, ivy.

Cough medicines with sputum are called expectorants. They facilitate the passage of mucus from the bronchi and lungs and facilitate its rapid excretion. Taking expectorants is necessary if a large amount of thick mucus is produced. To this category of drugs, such as cough medicines with sputum, include tablets and syrups "Lazolvan" Prospan "Givalex" Flavamed "ACTS" and others. Prices for medicines range from 250-400 rubles. The same remedy can not be taken for a long period, as the body may become addicted to this drug, and treatment will become ineffective. Useful walks in the fresh air, copious drinking and inhalation, if a wet cough is diagnosed. The medications that the patient takes are to be prescribed by the doctor, since self-medication can have bad consequences.

Treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy, any treatment should be treated with great care, and coughing is no exception. Of course, expecting the birth of a baby, a woman should take care of her health and try not to get sick. In case of illness, one should not engage in self-medication, because the best cough medicine for pregnancy is that which does not harm the child. As a rule, future mothers prefer folk medicine, but there are also some pitfalls. The fact is that not all medicinal plants are equally useful: some of them may be poisonous or toxic. Before beginning treatment for cough during pregnancy, you should always consult with your doctor about the appropriateness and safety of taking these or other medications. Of the medications that are sold in the pharmacy, you can use the syrup of althea root and plantain, syrup "Prospan" Givalex "Erespal".

Folk recipes

A safe medicine for the throat and cough for pregnant women is home-made lollipops. The only contraindication to the use of therapeutic candies (or to reduce their number) is an increased level of sugar in the blood. To prepare medicinal candies, you need to mix the sugar with the broth of thyme. Proportions for mixing: 300 grams of sand 100 ml of broth. Dissolve the sugar in the broth of thyme, pour into enameled dishes and put on fire. Cook the syrup for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. As soon as the mass begins to solidify, spoon it into silicone molds for ice. Such candies can be absorbed throughout the day, the cough will pass by the end of the first - the maximum of the second day of treatment.

The cough medicine, the price of which is relatively small, is also prepared at home. For pregnant women, this remedy is the safest and no less effective. To make it, you need one liter of milk and 1 large carrot. Carrots cleaned, cut into 2-3 parts, put in milk and put on a slow fire to languish. When the milk boil half, it should be filtered, cooled and dripped during the day in small portions in a warm form.

Use of nebulizer in the treatment of cough

A nebulizer is a device that is used to deliver a medicine directly into the respiratory tract to the lungs. He does this by converting the liquid medicine into an aerosol that can be easily inhaled.

Medications for nebulizer for cough include:

  • Inhaled corticosteroids - drugs that reduce inflammation in the respiratory pass, which is due to its edema;
  • bronchodilators - drugs used in the treatment of asthma;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract, but do not control the symptoms of allergic asthma.

Prevention of cough in adults

If a person has a cough, treatment, drugs not only produce a positive effect, but also have a negative effect on the body: they undermine the immune system. Rather, it will deal with preventive measures and strengthen immunity to prevent disease. Preventive measures include the following:

  • It should avoid hypothermia, wear warm clothes in the cold season.
  • It is often necessary to wash your hands during the cold season and infectious diseases. This will help prevent the spread of the virus that causes the cough.
  • Avoid contact with people who have symptoms of colds or infectious diseases, of course, if possible.
  • Refuse to smoke any tobacco products (including hookah). A dry, jerky "smoker's cough" means that a person's lungs are constantly irritated. This circumstance can lead not only to any complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia, but also to more serious oncological problems.
  • It is important to avoid exposure to tobacco smoke (so-called "passive smoking") at home, at work, in public places.
  • Increase the amount of fluid consumed per day. This will keep the level of mucus in the respiratory tract within normal limits and prevent dehydration of the body.
  • During the cold season and infectious diseases, you should be vaccinated against the flu every year.


Syrup from dry cough to adults: advice of doctors

Dry cough requires special attention. Doctors call such a cough unproductive, because it is not accompanied by the separation of sputum and the removal of the harmful products of inflammation and pathogenic microbes from the respiratory tract. There is a dry cough with various infectious diseases, allergic reactions, inhalation of dust and irritants, with colds of the bronchi and lungs. Treat yourself cough only if you have common colds or mild bronchitis. In all other cases, treatment should be controlled by a doctor. The most affordable remedy to cure a dry cough is a syrup containing a combination of medications.

How to treat dry cough

With a dry cough caused by an infectious disease, it is required to strengthen the formation of bronchial mucus and activate the epithelium of the respiratory tract to bring it out. With frequent attacks prescribe drugs that depress the cough reflex. Most of them have their contraindications and side effects.

A minimum of contraindications are herbal remedies curing dry cough. Syrup from natural raw materials has practically no side effects, but it acts more slowly and less efficiently than complex preparations. When choosing a medicine, take into account the age of the patient, the state of the stomach and the cardiovascular system, how much weakened the function of breathing in general, how often there is a cough and how much it interferes recovery. A good syrup from a dry cough contains drugs that inhibit the cough reflex, substances that stimulate the phlegm and its dilution. When the cough turns to wet, that is, there is a large amount of bronchial mucus, then drugs that suppress cough can not be used.

Syrup "Broncholitin"

"Broncholitin" - a combined syrup from a dry cough to adults, which contains an antitussive a drug of non-narcotic effect (glaucin) and ephedrine hydrochloride, which has bronhorasshirating action.

Effective in the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, acute diseases of the upper respiratory tract. When an overdose, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, sweating, difficulty urinating, trembling of the limbs. Contraindications include pregnancy and lactation, hypertension, insomnia, thyroid dysfunction, heart failure. The syrup contains ethanol.

Syrup "Bronchicum TP"

This is a good syrup from a dry cough based on herbal preparations (grass thyme, roots primrose), but consider that it has mainly an expectorant effect. Also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

It is used when coughing with difficult sputum. Contraindicated in severe liver and kidney disease, cardiovascular system, congenital intolerance to glucose and insufficiency of sugar and isomaltase. The syrup contains,% ethyl alcohol, therefore it is not used in patients with alcohol dependence, pregnant and lactating women. Possible side effects: dyspepsia, nausea, gastritis, allergic rash, swelling of Quincke.

Syrup "Kodelak Fito"

"Kodelak Fito" is a dry cough syrup for adults, containing codeine and plant extracts. It is used for the treatment of dry cough of any origin, with bronchial and lung diseases.

Oppresses the cough reflex at the level of the central nervous system. It liquefies phlegm, promotes increased mucus secretion, has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action. When an overdose develops symptoms of poisoning with opiates: drowsiness, headache, vomiting, itching, impaired coordination, urinary retention, slowing of breathing and palpitations. With prolonged use, habituation develops. "Kodelak Fito" is contraindicated in pregnancy and breast-feeding, bronchial asthma, respiratory insufficiency, is incompatible with alcohol and can affect the reaction rate (during treatment is not recommended to drive a car).

Syrup "Herbion"

"Herbion" - a good natural syrup from dry cough in smokers, with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Contains plant components (plantain extract and mallow), which have an emollient and expectorant effect. Also suppresses the reproduction of bacteria and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is not recommended for use with pregnant and lactating women, it can not be combined with other antitussive drugs. Has contraindications: diabetes, intolerance to fructose, impaired glucose absorption.

Syrup "Stoptussin Fito"

"Stoppussin Fito" - syrup from dry cough to adults on the basis of plant extracts (thyme, thyme, plantain), it exerts an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces viscosity phlegm.

The preparation contains,% ethyl alcohol. It is not recommended for liver, kidney, cardiovascular, pregnancy and lactation diseases. Side effects are minimal: it is possible to develop allergic reactions. It is prescribed for removal from the respiratory tract of difficultly separated sputum during bronchitis and tracheitis.

Syrup "Sinekod"

The drug is vanilla syrup from dry cough to adults, whose main active ingredient is butamyrate citrate. It is a non-narcotic antitussive, it depresses the cough center, improves breathing and enlarges the bronchi.

It is used only to suppress dry cough, does not contribute to the separation of sputum. It should not be taken together with expectorants, as mucus will accumulate in the bronchi, which contributes to the development of infection. "Sinecod" can cause drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, a drop in blood pressure.

Syrup "Tussin Plus"

"Tussin Plus" contains expectorant (guaifenizin) and antitussive (dextromethorphan) components. The latter refers to narcotic antitussives, so in pharmacies "Tussin Plus" is released on prescription.

This is a very effective syrup from a dry cough to adults. Photo before and after taking the drug, according to doctors, shows an improvement in bronchi on X-rays. It is used for symptomatic treatment for ARVI and colds. Has many contraindications, characteristic for codeine and its analogues. It can not be taken with a damp cough with abundant phlegm.

Syrup "Linkas"

A dry cough syrup for adults, the photo of which is presented below, is a combined preparation from natural raw materials. It includes more than ten names of plants. The drug reduces the intensity of cough and at the same time contributes to the dilution of sputum, increases production bronchial mucus, has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, has sedative and antiallergic properties.

It is used to treat all types of cough with hard-to-recover sputum, including infectious diseases and a smoker's cough. There are no contraindications, an allergic reaction is possible from side reactions, with individual intolerance to the components. It is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, in case of diabetes it should be taken into account that the syrup contains sucrose.

Syrup "Ascoril"

Syrup from dry coughing to adults "Ascoril Expectorant" has a bronchodilator, expectorant and mucolytic effect. The composition of the drug include salbutamol, bromhexine hydrochloride, guaifenesin and menthol. Assign with bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, emphysema and other diseases with a violation of the structure of the bronchi and alveoli. It enlarges the lumen of the bronchi, strengthens the ventilation of the lungs, promotes the formation and separation of sputum. The drug is released by prescription. Has side effects: headache, dizziness, increased excitability of the nervous system, nausea and diarrhea, palpitations. It is possible to stain the urine pink.

With diseases of the upper respiratory tract, colds and bronchitis, you can independently take syrup from a dry cough to adults. Reviews of the drugs suggest that it is better to drink drugs on a plant basis and not containing strong substances. With prolonged coughing attacks, you need to see a doctor who will conduct the examination and prescribe the most appropriate drug.


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