Features of prevention of dysbiosis

  • Proper nutrition - the basis of prevention
  • Healthy lifestyle - a pledge of healthy intestinal microflora
  • Medication prophylaxis of intestinal dysbacteriosis
  • Prevention of dysbiosis in infants
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Prevention of dysbacteriosis is a complex of measures that prevent pathological changes in the composition of the intestinal microflora. It includes adherence to the principles of proper nutrition, the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, the use of specialized medicines.

Proper nutrition is the basis for the prevention of

Prevention of the development of dysbiosis in adults of all ages is followed by adherence to the principles of healthy eating and eating habits. In the diet must necessarily be present products containing beneficial microorganisms. The maximum benefit to a person in this regard is brought by sour-milk products and drinks, created on the basis of natural ferments - ayran, koumiss, tan.

To minimize the risk of dysbiosis, the following product categories must be present in the menu:

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  • sour milk - curds, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, yoghurts, cheeses, etc.;
  • fats of vegetable origin;
  • meat and fish of low-fat varieties;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits.

It is desirable to exclude completely:

  • lamb and pork;
  • whole milk;
  • conservation( domestic and industrial production);
  • by-products;
  • sweets, homemade cakes;
  • coffee;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • ice cream.

Correction of nutrition - the basis of prevention of intestinal microflora disorders

Nutritional balance is one of the main points of dysbacteriosis prevention. The daily menu should contain enough vitamins and microminerals. It is especially important that in the children's diet there are useful sour-milk products.

Healthy lifestyle - a pledge of healthy intestinal microflora

The main cause of the disruption of the intestinal microflora is the chronic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract: colitis and enteritis of various origins. Therefore, the prevention of dysbiosis is a timely appeal to the gastroenterologist. After all, only a specialist will be able to select an adequate therapy and eliminate abnormalities in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, caused by a lack of balance between "bad" and "good" bacteria.

Provoking disbacteriosis may reduce the immune defense of the body, so the prevention of the condition becomes the maintenance of immunity at the proper level. Doctors recommend:

  • hardening procedures;
  • presence in the diet of a sufficient number of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • daily walking;
  • age-appropriate physical activity.

Active lifestyle should be combined with other prevention items

Medication prophylaxis of intestinal dysbiosis

The main cause of dysbiosis is taking medications. Dysbacteriosis with antibiotics is very often developed, as the drugs of this category cause the microflora of the intestinal tract the strongest harm. When treating such medications, simultaneous administration of specialized agents that prevent the onset of dysbiosis is recommended.

More often for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, which can develop against the background of antibiotic therapy, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Prebiotics. Provide quantitative growth of microbes that are part of the normal intestinal microflora. To the group of prebiotics are Dufalac and Hilak-forte.
  2. Probiotics. Drugs contain live microorganisms. Most often, probiotics of the third and fourth generation are prescribed, since they include not only several types of beneficial bacteria, but also enterosorbents. To such include Lineks, Bifikol( 3rd generation) and Bifidumbacterin, Biosorb-Bifidum( 4th generation).
  3. Synbiotics. The product contains both a probiotic and a prebiotic. Due to this, it stimulates the growth of useful microflora and simultaneously replenishes the current shortage of microbes. To the preparations of the group of synbiotics include Maltodofilus and Bifidobac.

Synbiotics - a group of drugs used in the treatment with antibiotics

Medication prophylaxis is used during antibiotic treatment and the next two weeks after the completion of the course.

Prevention of dysbiosis in infants

To prevent intestinal problems in children under one year, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • , the expectant mother should be examined at the planning stage of pregnancy and, when problems are identified, completely eliminated;
  • vaginal flora at the time of pregnancy should be normal, and its level should remain so throughout the gestational period;
  • a woman's diet should not only be correct, but also balanced;
  • should avoid the development of intestinal infections;
  • , after the withdrawal of the amniotic fluid, the woman should be hospitalized, even if the delivery has begun - this will avoid fetal infection in utero;
  • breastfeeding should be practiced as long as possible, if this is not possible, then the infant should be fed with adapted mixtures.

Antibiotics for infants should be given only for the doctor's prescription

The health of the intestinal microflora must be treated with special gravity, because it is with the help of the intestine that our body receives all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.