Otitis media of the middle ear treatment with antibiotics

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Otitis of the middle ear: treatment with drops, antibiotics. Otitis media of the middle ear: chronic, catarrhal, acute, purulent

The ear is a very important sense organ, and if it gets sick, then the world is not nice to the person. Naturally, pathologies are different, but some are rare, others are not. Quite often people suffer from such a disease as the otitis media of the middle ear. Treatment of this pathology should be comprehensive. That is, you must not only eliminate the symptoms, but also get rid of the underlying cause that caused the development of the problem.

What characterizes the disease?

So, the otitis media of the middle ear, whose treatment the doctor should prescribe, is an inflammation that is localized between the inner ear and a thin film (the tympanic membrane). This pathology most often affects children, as well as people with very weak immunity, diabetes and some other chronic problems.

It must also be said that infection can develop due to the fact that a person does not cure otitis externa. In children, the disease appears due to imperfections in the structure of the hearing aid. And it can cause any reasons, even the most "harmless". Naturally, it is necessary to choose the right methods of treatment, which the doctor will tell. Otherwise, inflammation can lead to serious consequences (partial or total loss of hearing and others).

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The causes of the appearance of pathology

Otitis of the middle ear, whose treatment is not only treated with antibiotics, arises for certain reasons. Among them there are such:

1. Respiratory viral pathologies (influenza, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, and others).

2. Penetration of infection due to any ear trauma.

3. Overcooling and sudden pressure drops.

4. Dirty water enters the ear (during bathing or washing).

5. Other diseases that lead to a decrease in immunity.


Now let's look at the signs that the disease has. If you have otitis media, treatment should be started only after a thorough examination of the doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis. It is not necessary to fight the disease independently, as this can lead to undesirable consequences. As for the symptoms of pathology, they can be:

- Pain sensations in the ear, which can have a pulsating or aching character.

- Muffled hearing, as well as a feeling of stuffiness.

- Feeling of noise in the ears.

- Increase in temperature, and significant.

If the disease is started, then pus can flow out of the hearing organ, while the tympanic membrane is torn. As for the pain, it can intensify overnight, and it gives even to the teeth, the head. A person can not practically sleep, his appetite is gone, his work capacity is significantly reduced. Symptomatic of the pathology is reddening and swelling of the tympanic membrane. However, you will not see this sign on your own, only a doctor can recognize it.

Varieties of pathology

The average otitis of the ear, which is treated under the supervision of a specialist, can be of different types:

1. Acute. It develops after infection enters the body. Most often it is caused by acute respiratory diseases.

2. Purulent. It is accompanied by unpleasant secretions of a greenish or yellowish hue from the ear.

3. Chronic purulent otitis. It develops if the acute form has not been completely cured. This form of pathology can last for several weeks or more. In this case, hearing can greatly deteriorate.

4. Serous otitis media. It is characterized by sucritic discharge from the ear.

Symptomatic in all cases is almost the same, so in any case you will need to consult a doctor.

How to diagnose a disease correctly?

If you think that you have an otitis media, you can start treatment only after seeing the doctor. For accurate diagnosis, not only your complaints and a list of symptoms will be required. The fact is that these signs are not specific and can talk about another disease.

Further, the doctor performs palpation of the ear and examines its internal part with a special medical device (otoscope). Naturally, during the examination he is obliged to take into account the patient's age, to note any features of the structure of the hearing aid, to fix the condition of the lymph nodes.

On a mandatory basis, the patient must submit blood tests, in which some indicators will be overestimated if the pathology is confirmed (ESR). Naturally, the doctor should check your ears and the mobility of the eardrum. If a person is suspected of any complications associated with otitis, then he may be assigned a radiographic examination. During the examination, not only the mobility, but also the position, as well as the color and condition of the tympanic membrane are taken into account.

Complications of pathology

If you have acute otitis media of the middle ear, treatment should be started immediately. The fact is that the disease is characterized by a high probability of complications. First of all, the acute form with improper therapy can quickly go into purulent and chronic. In this case, you will constantly suffer from a disease of the ears.

In addition, during the development of the disease, the mobility of the tympanic membrane may deteriorate, or it breaks. This provides hearing loss or hearing loss. This function can not always be restored. That is, the patient has a new problem: acquired deafness, which significantly worsens the quality of his life.

The consequence of otitis may be damage to the auditory nerve. And still it is necessary to allocate such complications of the presented pathology:

1. Mastoiditis. In this case, the mastoid process is affected. This disease already requires a surgical operation.

2. Purulent meningoencephalitis. When he is affected by the brain.

3. Labyrinth.

4. Sepsis.

The last complication can lead to a lethal outcome, therefore, otitis requires comprehensive and thorough treatment.

Features of treatment of different forms of otitis media of the middle ear

Now consider the main question: "How to get rid of this pathology quickly and effectively?" It all depends on the type of disease, as well as the degree of its development. If you have acute purulent otitis media of the middle ear, treatment involves the use of antibiotics. You will need to consume medicines for about 7 days. Naturally, the patient will also have to clear his ear from pus with cotton turunds moistened with hydrogen peroxide. However, to carry out this procedure should be very careful not to push the unpleasant discharge deeper. As for the treatment with heat, then with a purulent form of pathology it can not always be used. That is, do not put the hot-water bottle on the ear. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe other physiotherapy procedures. If you have viral otitis media of the middle ear, antibiotic treatment will not help. Here it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of the disease.

In the case of severe pain, a person can be prescribed special drops that not only relieve the symptom, but also fight infection. Sometimes the doctor prescribes tablets or suspensions. If you have otitis media, treatment (the drops are desirable in this case) must be comprehensive. That is, you first need to know the cause of the development of pathology. As far as medications are concerned, the most effective drugs for today are Sophradex, Dexamethasone, Otipax, Otisol. Note that the ear drops must be heated to room temperature before use. In addition, these drugs can not be used if the tympanic membrane is damaged.

If a person has catarrhal otitis media of the middle ear, the treatment involves the use of antipyretic agents and expectant management. If after a few days the pathology began to develop further, it means that the patient is prescribed vasoconstrictive drops in the nose, dry thermal procedures.

With purulent otitis, the doctor can pierce the eardrum himself, so that the contents can come out. Sometimes, in order to minimize discomfort during the operation, a local anesthetic can be made to the patient. Physiotherapy methods are very good: ultraviolet light, UHF and laser procedures.

Features of surgical and folk treatment

If the patient is diagnosed with otitis media, symptoms (treatment is not only based on them) are a very important signal for a visit to the doctor. Sometimes in the case of ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, the ENT is forced to resort to a surgical operation. This procedure is especially important when there is a threat of pus penetration into the brain.

The most important action performed by the surgeon is the elimination of secretions from the ear cavity. The operation is performed in two ways:

1. Opening of the tympanic membrane and removal of pus by means of a special syringe or catheter.

2. Anthotomy. It can be done only for urgent indications. Its peculiarity is that even children can undergo such a procedure.

Naturally, before the intervention, it is necessary to assess the general condition of the patient and the threat of complications.

If you have a diagnosis of purulent otitis media of the middle ear, treatment may include the use of folk remedies. However, before using them, be sure to consult a doctor. You can use home recipes in other forms of the disease. The most effective of them are:

1. Compress of vodka (or alcohol). Its preparation is easy. You just need to take a gauze napkin and moisten it with vodka. Then the compress is superimposed on the ear, and then it is closed with wax paper and cotton wool. For a good effect, you should hold the napkin for several hours.

2. If the patient has a chronic otitis media of the middle ear, the treatment involves using tincture of juniper, which not only helps to eliminate pain, but also possesses anti-inflammatory action. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

3. Juice of onion helps to cope with the disease. You just wet a cotton swab in it and put it in your ear. A few hours later the turundochka is changed.

4. Anti-inflammatory properties have aloe juice. And you can dilute it with warm boiled water in the following proportions:. Bury such a homemade "medicine" with a pipette several times a day.

How to properly treat otitis media of the middle ear in children?

Not only adults can suffer from this disease. Babies very often can catch such an infection. In addition, the most common disease of early years is otitis media of the middle ear. Treatment for children of this pathology takes place in different ways. Everything depends on the degree of development of the disease, as well as the reaction of the baby to it.

Try to always keep the child's ears warm, even if it's not cold outside. Only in this case you will be able to cure the pathology quickly. If the cause of otitis is acute respiratory disease, you will have to treat it in the first place. Often the baby is prescribed antibiotics (in the form of syrups, for example, the drug "Ospamox or tablets). Naturally, if the doctor resolves, you will need to use ear or nasal drops that narrow the vessels and facilitate breathing, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

If the temperature rises to a very high level, give the child an antipyretic drug. One of the best medicines for such an action today is Nurofen.

During the treatment, the child should not attend the school. It is best to provide him with bed rest with constant monitoring of body temperature. Be sure to give a warm drink. A cotton swab dampened with boric alcohol helps a lot. Note that if the baby has a temperature, compresses can not be applied to the ear. Sometimes a doctor has to do a small operation for the child (if the pus itself does not go out). Naturally, for this, the baby is anesthetized.

The most correct decision of parents in case of illness of children will be an appeal to a specialist - LOR. Self-medication can not be done in any case, since this pathology is fraught with serious complications that the child develops faster than the adult.

Prevention of disease

If you have chronic otitis media, medication at home can only be used after consultation with the doctor. However, in order to significantly reduce the number of relapses of the disease, it is necessary to carry out certain preventive measures, which you will now learn.

First of all, you need to try to treat any colds that can provoke the middle otitis: ARVI, sore throat, laryngitis. Also learn how to blow your nose properly (the nostrils should be closed in turn).

Naturally, you need to take care of your immunity. That is, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, tempered, and if necessary, use multivitamin complexes (especially in late summer and winter). Temper, give up bad habits. Be careful while cleaning the ears with cotton buds (if you do this procedure). Avoid any injuries to your ears, or hypothermia. Do not give up the hat in the winter.

A very important part of the prevention of otitis media is proper oral hygiene. That is, ordinary tooth decay can be a good stimulus for the development of infection in your auditory organ.

As for babies, then try to bathe them very carefully so that water does not get into your ear. If this is not the case, use special antibacterial drops after each bath.

If it has already happened that you are sick, then immediately go to the doctor. It will help you to establish an accurate diagnosis and will prescribe adequate therapy. The longer you delay the moment of a visit to the ENT, the more difficult will be the treatment, and the more likely the occurrence of complications. Therefore, take care of your health on time.


Otitis of the middle ear - treatment, antibiotics

Otitis- an inflammation of any part of the ear, for example, distinguish between otitis media and external otitis media. This disease can be acute or chronic. Infection, most often, manifests itself after or during a cold. It can be a complication after a previous illness, an infection can simply be "puffed up with a draft".

Antibiotics for otitis media

The most common symptoms of otitis media are ear pain, hearing loss, and fever. If you suspect that you have otitis, then you should see a doctor. It happens that the disease itself passes in a few days, but it does not make sense to wait, because Otitis can lead to serious complications, for example, to complete hearing loss. In addition, the infection causes accumulation of fluid in the ear - an effusion in which various bacteria feel favorable, provoking pressure on the tympanic membrane. Therefore, it is better to go to the doctor, than then "rake" the problems.

The otolaryngologist will examine the ear with an otoscope and make an accurate diagnosis. If your assumptions are confirmed, then with otitis media, antibiotics are prescribed. You may also be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, some pain medication. What antibiotic to take a patient with otitis - the doctor decides, depending on the severity of the disease, on its duration.

Such drugs as:

  • ampicillin;
  • amoxicillin;
  • spiramycin;
  • ciprofloxacin;
  • azithromycin;
  • phenoxymethylpenicillin and others.

These antibiotics act in a complex manner. All these drugs are administered orally, the dosage must be prescribed by the attending physician, and he will warn you about contraindications or side effects. There are antibiotics for injections:

  • cefazolin;
  • netilmicin and others.

You can take drops of chloramphenicol for instillation in the ear. Quite good means for acute otitis are considered to be normax, otofa, fugentin. So, to determine what antibiotics to drink when taking otitis, you need to know whether it is acute or chronic. In general, preparations for oral administration do not differ, but ear drops can be different.

In the treatment of middle purulent otitis with antibiotics, recovery occurs within a week. But the treatment is continued until the hearing is fully restored.

Otorhinolaryngitis - treatment with antibiotics

If you have managed to get sick with these kinds of otitis, then again you need to start with a visit to the room of an otolaryngologist and not neglect treatment. Symtom in this disease - a sense of congestion in the ears, pain even when touched to the ear, an increase in lymph nodes, temperature, pus, which is released from the ear.

Recommended antibiotics for external otitis:

  • nystatin;
  • azithromycin;
  • ampicillin and others.

For those who prefer droplets:

  • sophrax;
  • ofloxacin, etc.
General recommendations

Antibiotics for sinusitis and otitis began to be used not so long ago, but this treatment is justified, because. allows you to quickly remove the pain,

to restore hearing, to avoid consequences. Of course, it's better not to get sick, but if such a nuisance has happened to you, then do not delay, be sure to be treated, because all the organs of our body are interconnected and one disease can cause other. Antibiotics should not be prescribed to yourself, but according to the prescription you can drink them without fear for your health, or rather, thanks to them, your health will improve. Along with antibiotics, you need to take probiotics, which will eliminate the dysbacteriosis that is unavoidable in such treatment.

Take care of your ears and ears, wear hats, avoid drafts, and cure colds on time. And be healthy!


How to treat external otitis depending on the causes of its appearance

The outer ear is the outer part of the hearing aid. Its border from the middle ear lies through the tympanic membrane.

Otitis of the outer ear in common speech is called "swimmer's disease".

This name has arisen because of this disease among swimmers, as a group of high-risk.

In the summer season, the disease of the external ear manifests itself most often.

How to treat external otitis depends on the nature of its occurrence. External otitis media is divided into an infectious and non-infectious disease.

Infectious otitis media:

  • inflammation of the cartilage of the ear (perichondritis);
  • herpes in the auricle;
  • furuncle;
  • erysipelas.

Non-infectious otitis media:

  • eczema;
  • otomycosis - fungal infection;
  • otalgia - nerve damage;
  • atresia - a birth defect;
  • exostosis - bone growth.

Before deciding how to treat external otitis, it is necessary to find out the cause that led to the disease. Then, with the help of treatment, to eliminate this cause or its consequences, to take preventive measures to avoid recurrence of the disease.

Often, the penetration of the causative agent of the external ear disease occurs for the following reasons:

  • damage (injury);
  • presence of foreign body;
  • hit of an aggressive chemical;
  • improper ear hygiene;
  • independent extraction of sulfuric cork;
  • constant moistening of the ear of water falling into it;
  • combing the ear with itching dermatosis and diabetes mellitus;
  • decreased immunity;
  • chronic diseases: tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, syphilis, tuberculosis, etc .;
  • severe exhaustion (chronic fatigue);
  • avitaminosis.

The cause of external otitis may be a complication of otitis media of the middle ear.

External otitis media can be caused by:

  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • a hemophilic rod;
  • pneumococcus;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • mora sella;
  • fungus candida.

Depending on the etiology of the disease of the external ear, treatment is prescribed accordingly.

The methods of exposure can be as follows:

  • antibiotics;
  • antifungal agents;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • folk remedies.

The use of antibiotics and ear drops with external otitis. Treatment with folk remedies

In case of external ear disease, an outpatient examination is performed.

After diagnosing the disease, it is determined how to treat external otitis media.

A drug is prescribed for otitis in the form of antibiotics and ear drops.

Folk remedies are offered as an auxiliary treatment. Often in the treatment of external otitis resort to folk remedies. For example, boric acid is buried in the ear. The use of this tool requires caution, so be sure to consult with your doctor, whether it is appropriate for you to use this tool.

External otitis media. Treatment with antibiotics.

Treatment of external otitis with antibiotics is prescribed in case the disease has become acute or chronic form, in the place where it is localized there is a purulent content, when the ear pain does not pass and the severity decreases hearing.

For the treatment of external otitis, the following antibiotics are used:

  • Ampicillin. For adults gr. per day for 2-6 receptions. Children - at the rate of 100 mg / kg.
  • Oxacillin. For adults - 2, 4 gr. per day for 4 hours. Up to 6 years - based on age and weight.
  • Amoxicillin. For adults gr. per day for 3 hours. Children 25 5 gr.
  • Cefazolin. For adults 5-1 gr. in 6-8 hours. For children - 20-50 mg.
  • Cephalexin. For adults 5 gr. per day for 4 hours.
  • Agumentin. For adults 5-2 gr. per day for 2-4 admission.

In addition to taking antibiotics in the form of tablets, injections and ear drops with antibiotics can be prescribed. What are the best antibiotics to take and in what dose, the doctor should decide.

Ear drops with external otitis.

Ear drops are prescribed depending on the nature of the disease and can be of the following types:

  • Corticosteroids- rapid removal of inflammation.
  • With antibioticsTreatment of bacterial infection.
  • Antifungal- elimination of fungal infection.
  • With boric acid- Destruction of pathogenic bacteria.

The most common ear drops with external otitis:

  • Otypax: 3-4 drops / 2-3 procedures per day - eliminates inflammation, itching and pain, is a good antiseptic.
  • Otofa: 3-5 drops / 3 procedures per day (treatment no more than three days) - destroys bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus.
  • Anauran: 3-5 drops / 3 procedures per day - antiseptic, relieves inflammation, fights against microbes.
  • Otinum: 3-4 drops / 4 procedures per day - has anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain.
  • Sofradex: 2-3 drops / 4 procedures per day - has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

Burying in the ear is done after a preliminary cleansing of the auricle with the help of cotton buds. The procedure is better to hold lying on its side. After instillation - lie down a bit, giving the drug to penetrate into the inside of the ear.

External otitis media. Treatment with folk remedies.

Treatment is carried out in the form of instillation, putting tampons in the ear with medicine, applying warming compresses. For the treatment of external otitis folk remedies are used infusions of herbs, juice of medicinal plants, oils.

Than to treat an external otitis in the form of instillation:

  • onion juice;
  • tincture of mint leaves;
  • tincture of calendula;
  • tincture of cranberry leaves;
  • tincture of juniper berries;
  • decoction of laurel leaves;
  • a mixture of juice of garlic and olive oil;
  • horseradish juice.

It is worth noting

If the focus of the disease is outside, then instead of the instillation procedure, you can put a swab dipped in the medication in the ear concha.

Heating compresses are made primarily by heating alcohol or vodka to 40 degrees.

Compress is done as follows:

  • attach gauze moistened with alcohol to your ear;
  • pass the ear into the previously cut in the middle;
  • apply polyethylene and cotton wool layer;
  • fix the compress with a bandage.

Only the doctor will tell you how to treat external otitis. Treatment with folk remedies is ancillary, but, like the main one, requires expert advice.



Ear Otitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. How to treat otitis with folk remedies

Otitis is a disease that occurs because of the development of the inflammatory process in various parts of the hearing organ. Most often this illness manifests itself with pain and intoxication syndrome, fever, and in some cases even hearing impairment is observed.

Why there is an external otitis

Often the otitis of the external ear is accompanied by lesions of the middle and outer parts of the organ. An external disease can develop as a result of an infection that penetrates tissues through minor scratches that occur when the outer shell is damaged. The cause of this can be thermal, chemical burns, mechanical injuries and so on. In this case, the main causative agents of the disease are staphylococci and streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus and so on. Also, external ear otitis most often occurs in people who suffer from metabolic disorders in the body, hypervitaminosis, gout and diabetes.

It should be noted that this ailment begins with an inflammatory process, which initially captures only the surface layer of shells. Gradually, the otitis is transferred to the surrounding tissues. Often, the disease spreads to the eardrums.

Causes of otitis media

As for otitis media, it develops mainly due to infections of the nasopharynx. In this situation, the causative agent of the disease penetrates into the middle ear cavity through the auditory tube. In this case, the agents of ARVI will cause otitis media. Treatment will be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. What provokes such a disease? Often the middle ear otitis occurs with parainfluenza, influenza, rhino- and adenovirus infection, respiratory syncytial disease and others. Also, this ailment develops in diseases caused by such bacteria as hemophilic rod, moraxella, streptococcus pyogenic, pneumococcus.

Most often there is an average otitis of the ears in children, since the auditory tube is short and wide. It is worth noting that the infection can penetrate and outside with a barotrauma of eardrums or mechanical damages. Also, this infectious disease is promoted by such infectious chronic diseases as adenoids, sinusitis, tonsillitis.

In the beginning, the otitis media of the middle ear occurs as an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the organ. At the same time, active fluid production takes place. In viral diseases, exudate is serous. If the process is caused by various bacteria, then purulent otitis of the ear may begin with the corresponding secretions. Often, the accumulated fluid causes protrusion of the tympanic membrane. In extreme cases, it breaks. This is what is the main cause of hearing loss in the middle ear otitis.

Main symptoms and signs of external otitis media

With this disease the patient suffers from severe pain in the area of ​​the auricle or inside the organ. Often patients complain of itching of the skin. At the same time, from the external part of the auditory organ there is separation of putrefactive secretions, which have a rather unpleasant odor. With the development of external otitis often there is an increase in temperature to subfebrile indicators.

Main symptoms and signs of development of otitis media

Begins otitis media of the middle ear acutely. In this case, strong painful sensations of the shooting or pulsating character are manifested. This disease causes a rise in body temperature, usually up to 38 ° C and above. There are also symptoms such as intoxication, manifested by muscle pain, loss of appetite, headache, weakness. Often, when otitis media appear signs that correspond to acute respiratory infections, such as coughing, swelling in the throat, runny nose. In this case, the patient is greatly concerned about the decrease in hearing, noise and stuffiness in the ears.

In newborns, the otitis media of the middle ear appears slightly differently. The child is constantly naughty and worried. In this case, the baby is not able to suck. A few days later the perforation of the eardrums takes place. As a result, the pain sensations decrease. From the ear canal, fluid gradually begins to flow out. It can be in the form of pus or transparent. Over time, the number of excretions decreases, as the eardrum begins to scar, and pain sensations decrease. With proper treatment, the ear otitis in the child disappears, and the hearing organ is fully restored.

Complications of otitis

If you do not engage in timely treatment of the disease or treat it incorrectly, the following complications may occur: thrombosis of venous sinuses, and in rare cases even sepsis, abscess and meningitis, labyrinthitis and purulent mastoiditis, impaired hearing functions and even deafness, cohesive otitis media of the middle ear, chronic inflammation, persistent perforation of the drum webbeds.

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose "an otitis of an ear" the expert of a narrow profile can only. Diagnosis of the same disease is based on otorhinolaryngological and clinical examination of the patient. With the instrumental method of identifying the disease, otoscopy is usually used, which allows to examine the drum membranes and an external auditory canal with the help of an otoscope, as well as omicroscopy, carried out with the help of surgical optics. Often used audiometry, determining the severity of hearing, and tympanometry, which is a study of the mobility of tympanum membranes.

In order to exclude the development of complications of this disease, the doctor can apply a computer tomography of the skull bone structures, as well as brain research using radiography.

Often, to produce the correct diagnosis and to distinguish purulent and viral otitis media, a puncture of the tympanic membrane is done. This allows you to extract a certain amount of accumulated liquid for its further investigation. In this case, even bacteriological culture can be made, which allows to determine what is the causative agent of the infection. After all, before treating the otitis of the ear, it is necessary to know the cause of its occurrence.

Treatment of otitis media

So, otitis ears - how to treat this disease? Most often, his therapy is conservative and is performed on an outpatient basis with an easy flow in the otorhinolaryngologist. Mandatory patients are hospitalized, who have severe otitis media in their ears. Treatment of such a disease under the supervision of a doctor allows you to avoid complications. Children with otitis media of any degree are also in need of hospitalization. At the same time, the definition of tactics of combating the disease and its direct treatment is carried out only after a thorough examination of the patient by the doctor.

Usually, the patient is prescribed antibiotics if he has a bacterial otitis of the ear. Treatment in this case is carried out by such drugs as "Ceftriaxone" Cefotaxime "Cefuroxime" Clavulanate "Amoxicillin and also by means of" Midekamycin "Azithromycin" Clarithromycin ". If the patient suffers from purulent otitis, then his therapy uses respiratory fluoroquinolone, for example, the drug "Moxifloxacin" or "Levofloxacin". For the treatment of external diseases apply special drops in the ears with otitis. For example, it can be means of "Polidex" or "Otofa".

To reduce pain and other manifestations of the disease, drops are used in the ears in otitis, which are used in complex therapy: Otopix and Otisol. Many specialists prescribe washing with solutions of antiseptics of auditory canals. However, this method is effective only in otitis externa. In order to overcome the inflammatory process, the doctor can prescribe for the intake of antipyretics - ibuprofen and aspirin. These medications have moderate analgesic properties.

As for warming up and physiotherapy, these methods of treatment are allowed only after consulting with specialists. In most cases, everything depends on the degree of the disease.

Bee products for otitis treatment

To cure otitis media, it is possible to prepare drops based on honey. For this, it is necessary to dilute this product in warm water, observing the proportions one to one. Several drops of solution are added to the patient's ear.

Supplement this therapy can be tincture of propolis 20%. This means is impregnated with a tampon made of gauze, which is injected into the diseased ear. The course of such therapy is two to three weeks.

10% tincture of propolis can be used to instill ears. To do this, you need to tilt your head to your shoulder and drop just a few drops into your ear canal. So the remedy will penetrate into the middle ear. The head should be held in this position for several minutes.

Tincture of mint at otitis

So, than to treat otitis in the home? Of course, herbs. An excellent remedy for this disease is tincture of mint. For its preparation, several spoons of dried mint should be poured with about a glass of ordinary vodka. The drug should stand for several days in a closed container. In the finished product, pieces of gauze are moistened and injected into the ear. This tincture can quickly eliminate otitis media. Treatment can be supplemented with medicines with the permission of the attending physician.

Herbal tincture

This is another tincture, which is considered to be quite effective in otitis. To make it, you need to take a few spoons of dried herbs and pour 100 milliliters of vodka. The drug is injected seven days in total darkness. Gauze turundas are wetted in the finished tincture, and then they are put in ears.

The same method prepares tinctures of calendula and St. John's wort. These funds can eliminate the main symptoms, ease the patient's condition and eliminate otitis media.

Teas and tinctures against otitis of the ears

Improve the overall condition of the patient allows a variety of teas made from plants. Healing qualities are possessed by a drink prepared from the petals of a red rose, black currant berries, dog rose and raspberry roots.

To wash the ear can be used infusion of leaves of the noble laurel. To make it, take a few spoons of pre-crushed leaves. This amount of grass is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for several hours. The present leaves are filtered, and the infusion is used to treat otitis. Before use, it should be heated to be slightly warm. With purulent otitis, the infusion of leaves of the laurel is buried right in the ear.

Medicine from vegetables

Against purulent otitis can be used ordinary garlic. For this, the cleared tooth is inserted into the ear. A good drug for otitis ear is the onion, the gruel of which is laid out on a piece of gauze. The received compress is put in a sick ear. Red beet has the necessary properties. The vegetable is rubbed on a grater and transferred to an enameled container. To the resulting gruel is added a glass of water and a dessert spoon of honey. Capacity is put on a small fire, and its contents are brought to a boil. Keep the broth on fire for another 15 minutes. The finished mass is cooled and used as compresses, wrapped in a piece of gauze. Polyethylene film and cotton wool are placed on top. It is fixed with a warm scarf for several hours. Follow the procedure should be several times a day.


When otitis external or middle ear, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice. A neglected disease without timely treatment entails severe consequences. Before treating the otitis of the ear, you need to undergo a complete examination. It is not necessary to engage in the therapy of folk remedies on your own, as an incorrectly selected medication can only lead to a worsening of the patient's condition.


Otitis media of the middle ear - symptoms and treatment

Thanks to the organs of hearing, a person has many opportunities. He enjoys the beautiful sides of life: he listens to music, the singing of birds and the sound of the sea, he hears the voices of close people, perceiving it as a reality. Do you know what can cause inflammation of the organs of the hearing aid and as a consequence - a temporary decrease or even a complete loss of hearing? In this article, you will learn everything about the otitis media of the middle ear - symptoms and treatment of this disease using traditional and traditional medicine. You will understand how to effectively cope with such a disease and quickly return to the form.

Symptoms of otitis media

Otitis media of the middle ear is an inflammatory infectious disease, which is often a complication after suffering a cold, sore throat or flu. When the nasal mucosa is affected by viruses or bacteria, these pathogens from the nasopharynx through the Eustachian tube can enter the middle ear cavity. Infection develops in this area, causing incredibly painful sensations. Depending on what kind of ear hurts, diagnose the right of left-sided or bilateral otitis. Physicians distinguish three stages of this inflammation. Let's consider their symptomatology.


This is the initial phase of inflammation. Exudative otitis media is often called catarrhal, it has the following characteristics:

  • the ear is laid, there is a pressure in it, because in the middle section a liquid is collected, which can not normally flow out of the cavity;
  • pain shot through the head, teeth, temple, intensified at night;
  • the body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees;
  • noise in the ears, hearing worsens;
  • dizziness and coordination disorders are possible.

Sometimes in the middle ear there is a congestion of a non-purulent serous fluid without a bright manifestation of inflammation. In such cases, serous otitis media are diagnosed. It arises from the violation of the functions of the Eustachian tube. The natural withdrawal of fluid from the ear cavity deteriorates. The disease is sluggish, does not cause acute painful sensations, but noticing the noise in the ear and decrease of acuity of hearing, it is necessary to go on consultation to the doctor to stop a progressing deafness.


If the catarrhal otitis media is not treated promptly, the disease passes into a form of purulent inflammation. Gathering in a cavity of a liquid becomes more and more, it presses on a tympanic membrane. The patient has such symptoms:

  • morbidity grows, fever rises;
  • pallor, weakness in the body due to intoxication;
  • there is a perforation - a rupture of the tympanic membrane, while pus begins to flow out into the auricle.


After perforation, ear soreness decreases, body temperature decreases. With the onset of relief, treatment should not be stopped, so that the purulent otitis does not go to the chronic stage. With this outcome, the disease will periodically become more active with a decrease in immunity. This form does not cause strong painful sensations, but discharge appears constantly or periodically from the ear, patients notice a decrease in hearing.

Periodic recurrences of chronic otitis media of the middle ear cause the following form of the disease - adhesive otitis. At this stage, due to a disturbance in the normal outflow of fluid from the middle ear, spikes are formed in it, which are not give a correct move to the auditory ossicles, because the patient feels a constant noise in the ears and an increasing decrease hearing.

Treatment of otitis media of the middle ear in an adult

This inflammation is very dangerous due to its complications (from hearing loss to purulent meningitis), therefore otitis media - its symptoms and treatment should be determined by the doctor. For a successful recovery, an infectious disease must be treated, which provoked the development of ear inflammation. For this treatment scheme often include the use of antibiotics, and painful symptoms will help to remove drops. Good auxiliary results also give otitis treatment at home by folk remedies. Let's talk about the application of these methods in more detail.

At home, folk remedies

The very first help will be this: put the patient in your ear with a warm bandage with cotton wool or wrap it with a woolen scarf. Heat will help reduce pain. To facilitate the use of such means:

  1. Insert in the ear tampons from the lobes of the onion, wrapped in cotton wool.
  2. Onions are ground to the state of gruel, squeeze the juice, which is heated to body temperature. In order not to burn, add a couple of drops of vegetable or butter to this liquid. This mixture is moistened with a swab that closes the ear canal.
  3. Baked clove of garlic is cooled, so as not to burn yourself, and put into the ear.

But it is extremely important to understand that the ear can get sick for various reasons and it is impossible to do self-medication, so you actually only soften the consequences of the infection. The necessary treatment to eliminate the causes of the disease will be prescribed only by an experienced otolaryngologist who will establish an accurate diagnosis after analyzing the available complaints and examination. A visit to the doctor will save you from the development of complications and worsening of the function of hearing.


In the treatment of otitis media of the middle ear, as prescribed by the doctor, nasal drops are used, for example, Naphtizin, Otrivin, Nazivin or others. This removes the swelling of the mucous by narrowing the vessels of the nose, and then the fluid can be removed from the ear canal into the nasopharynx. It is important to know that you need not take more than a week to use these medications to avoid getting addictive.

Ear drops with anti-inflammatory action on an alcohol basis, such as Oticin, Otypax, Droplex, contain lidocaine in their composition to relieve acute pain. If an infection causative agent is established by analysis of the fluid released from the ear, drops with antibiotics of a directed spectrum of action are prescribed that are effective for controlling these microorganisms.


These drugs are prescribed when treatment of otitis media of the middle ear in adults at an acute stage does not bring the desired result. In this case the patient develops an intoxication of the organism. Apply a wide range of drugs, for example, tablets Amoxicillin. Physiotherapy is used for complex treatment. It is aimed at strengthening immunity, helps improve the blood supply of the inflamed area and reduces ear swelling. By alternating the air pressure, the eardrum is massaged to prevent the occurrence of adhesions of the middle ear.

Treatment in children

Children are much more likely to have otitis, because they are more likely to suffer from colds, and Eustachian tubes are narrower. Nasal drops (Naphthyzine, Nazole, Galazolin, etc.) are used for treatment, and ear drops (Otipax, Sofrax, etc.). Antibiotics for otitis media in children are used strictly under the supervision of a doctor. We emphasize that if a child is suspected to have otitis media, his symptoms and treatment should be established by an otolaryngologist. So time will not be wasted and all chances are used that the deterioration of hearing or other complications does not develop.

Video: what is otitis media

To understand the mechanism of inflammation in the ear and why the infection often affects its middle section, see a short video. The video clearly shows the structure of the organ. You will see which of its departments become inflamed with the average otitis, why it is possible to temporarily reduce the hearing in the disease. Do not forget that in the treatment of the organs of hearing it is necessary to be observed at Laura in order to prevent irreversible complications!


Effective treatment of otitis in adults with antibiotics

Ears - this is one of the weakest organs of man. Skvoznyaki, infection, water after a shower - all this can lead to inflammation, requiring urgent treatment, otherwise the consequences of inaction can be serious. And deafness is considered one of them. The inflammatory process in the ears is called otitis media. But what is this pathology? And what antibiotic for the ears will help quickly and without consequences get rid of the disease?

Otitis: What is this ailment?

Otitis is an acute or chronic form of inflammation that can develop in one or more of the ear zones: external, middle or inner. Treatment of otitis in adults is prescribed by antibiotics. Without such drugs, it will be very difficult to quickly cope with the symptoms and microorganisms that caused inflammation.

Poorly cured pathologies of the ears require the use of antibacterial agents, and in some cases it is necessary at once use several of their types: drugs can be injected intramuscularly, in the form of drops directly into the ear or taken in the form of tablets orally. But what causes otitis? What kinds of diseases exist?

Types of otitis. Causes

Otitis is a disease that can affect any of the three parts of the ear, which is why, depending on the source of inflammation, the pathology is divided into three types:

  • otitis of the external ear;
  • otitis media of the middle ear;
  • inflammatory process of the inner ear, or labyrinthitis.

The reasons that cause this or that kind of pathology are huge, but the main ones are:

  • diseases of the nasopharynx, which lead to puffiness and inflammation of the middle ear;
  • pathologies that weaken immunity, including measles and influenza;
  • getting into the ear of cold water during water procedures or swimming in a pond;
  • injuries and damage to the tympanic membrane;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Depending on which causative agent provoked the disease, the otitis can be divided into these types:

  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • fungal.

Treatment of otitis in adults with antibiotics is effective, but what medications should be used for this or that patient should be decided by the doctor depending on the complexity of the disease and its course. But what symptoms can indicate an inflammatory process in the auricle?


Each type of otitis has its own symptoms, but the following are common:

  • pulsating pain in the ear;
  • unpleasant sensations behind the ear;
  • increased body temperature;
  • chills;
  • noises and discomfort in the ear;
  • hearing loss.

As already mentioned, every form of the disease has its own symptoms. Take, for example, otitis externa. Symptoms and treatment in adults cause a lot of questions. How do you know that this is exactly this form of the disease? How to eliminate discomfort? Whether it is necessary to accept antibiotics or it is possible to manage with national agents?

Otitis externa is an inflammatory process on the skin of the auricle, a fascinating and external auditory canal. Most often it is caused by fungal or bacterial infections. There are two types of external otitis: diffuse and limited. Most often in patients, this ailment manifests itself in the form of furuncles - an acute purulent process of the sebaceous gland, which was caused by pyogenic microorganisms.

Recognize the symptoms of external otitis media by the following criteria:

  • itching;
  • pain when touching an inflamed area;
  • edema, redness of the skin;
  • fever.

Otitis of the external auditory canal is one of the easy forms of pathology, but even in this case ear antibiotics are needed. Without such drugs, complications may develop.

The middle otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear. It is this form of the disease that most often occurs in both adults and children. What is required if otitis media is diagnosed, treatment? In adults, antibiotics can cause a lot of protest, but it is the drugs of this group that are prescribed first. Of course, the doctor will take into account the etiology of the disease. As mentioned earlier, the nature of the ailment can be both viral and bacterial. Among bacteria, streptococci and hemophilic rod most often cause inflammation of the middle ear. But among the viruses to provoke the development of pathology in the ear can both influenza, and rhinovirus or respiratory syncytial virus. Determine the presence of the inflammatory process can be on such symptoms:

  • throbbing pain;
  • shooting pain in the ear;
  • discomfort;
  • weakness;
  • sleep disorder;
  • lack of appetite;
  • worsening of hearing.

Also, the inflammation of the middle ear can occur as a result of a cold or flu, during which the immune system weakens and the number of bacteria in the nose and throat increases. The nasal cavity is connected with the middle ear, it accumulates liquid and bacteria, which provoke inflammation. And here it is just necessary to turn to a specialist, traditional medicine can not help a person. Treatment of otitis in adults with broad-spectrum antibiotics, which will kill all bacteria, remove the swelling and restore hearing, may be prolonged, but disregard therapy should not be. The disease can develop differently, if not taken in time, this can lead to more serious forms of the disease:

  • acute otitis media;
  • chronic otitis media.

Acute otitis is an inflammation associated with the localization of fluid in the middle ear region. With this form, the patient often raises the temperature and keeps within 39 degrees. It can not be knocked down, for a couple of hours - and it rises again. Often patients say that they hear somewhere inside their own voice. But the appearance of pus in the middle ear cavity suggests that acute otitis has already passed into the next stage. Purulent otitis in adults (treatment with antibiotics in this case is simply necessary, and the therapy should be started as soon as possible) is not a pleasant phenomenon, and self-medication is indispensable here.

But it is worth remembering that the first couple of days of treatment is not carried out, at this time most often there is a rupture of the tympanic membrane, and pus comes out. The patient feels relief, body temperature goes down and the pain recedes. In addition to pus, you can notice blood and serous discharge, but it's even for the better - it means that the ear is cleared.

The next type of pathology is chronic otitis media. Treatment (antibiotics including) is necessary. Ailment develops if you start acute therapy not on time or not to complete the course. The chronic form of the disease is manifested in the same way as acute: there is an increase in temperature, worsening of the general condition, itching, discomfort in the ear, hearing loss, etc. Chronic otitis can be of several types:

  • tubotimponal;
  • epimezotimpanit;
  • epitimpanitis.

In addition to all the forms of otitis described above, there is one more - bilateral otitis. This pathology affects both ears. If you do not start treating otitis in adults with antibiotics, then this form can lead to perforation of the tympanic membrane. If the pus accumulates long enough, the pressure in the middle ear increases, and eventually the membrane becomes thinner, and there is a risk of rupture. In some cases, doctors advise to perform a surgical procedure, to make a puncture in the eardrum, and not wait until everything happens by itself.

Inflammation of the inner ear is another form of pathology, which doctors call labyrinthitis. This disease is much less common than external and otitis media. Treatment (antibiotics are vital) is quite heavy and protracted, and the disease itself is considered the most dangerous, it can even threaten the life of the patient. Purulent processes affect the bone tissue, which leads to serious consequences.

What complications can occur after otitis media?

At the slightest suspicion of otitis treatment (in adults, antibiotics in this case - a stick-rescue, but their use is not always necessary) must begin immediately. If time is lost, the acute form will develop into a chronic one, and then into the labyrinth, which eventually can end badly, even to a lethal outcome. But this is not all, inaction can lead to other conditions - intra-temporal complications:

  • violations of the integrity of the tympanic membrane;
  • inflammation of bone tissue cells - mastoiditis;
  • paralysis of the facial nerve.

In addition, intracranial complications can occur, including:

  • inflammatory process in the brain envelope - meningitis;
  • inflammation of the brain - encephalitis;
  • accumulation of fluid in the cerebral cortex - hydrocephalus.

But even all these complications sometimes do not scare people as much as antibiotic therapy, and many patients ask the doctors the question: Do you need to take such a large list of drugs? What antibiotics for otitis produce the best result, and which ones can be simply excluded from the list recommended by the doctor?

Whether it is necessary to accept antibiotics at otitis?

Antibiotics are very important in almost any inflammatory process in the body. But still, many doctors believe that, until spontaneous perforation of the ear membrane and the outlet of the fluid occur, there is no need to take such drugs. The acute stage of the uncomplicated form of the disease lasts about 5 days. Antimicrobial treatment is used only if systematic therapy does not bring the desired relief: the pain does not pass, the hearing has worsened even more, symptoms of general intoxication are noticeable organism.

After the first signs of an outgrowth appear, immediately take an analysis for the content of microflora and determine which antibacterial agents it is sensitive to. After that, they select the appropriate drugs and begin treatment of otitis media adults. Antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are the best choice, after all it is not always possible to take exudate for the analysis.

After the completion of therapy, it is better to be reinsured and to engage in the prevention of relapse (more on this later).

Which antibiotics are better for otitis treatment?

There are a huge number of drugs that can cope with any kind of inflammation, they help in the treatment of otitis. One of the most popular is "Amoxicillin". This drug has an excellent antimicrobial and antiseptic property. But accept it is advised only to those patients who do not have an allergic reaction to semisynthetic penicillins. In addition, it is worth remembering that this medicine is contraindicated for people with impaired liver function, pregnant and lactating women.

Aminoglycoside netilmicin is a means for conducting local injections, but it is only allowed to use it for the first two weeks, not more. Thanks to him, it is possible to effectively and quickly treat otitis media in adults. The drugs should be selected individually for each patient, but there is a list of those medicines that will help everyone cope with inflammation in the ear:

  • "Levomycetin" (alcohol solution) - it is recommended to drip 2 drops in the ear, if the patient has a purulent form of otitis;
  • "Amoxicillin" - take inside 3, gram per day (at one time or divided into several);
  • "Augmentin" - 375 mg three times a day;
  • "Cefuroxime" - is used in the form of intramuscular injections;
  • "Ceftriaxone" - once a day intramuscularly;
  • "Ampicillin" - intramuscularly.

Rules for taking antibiotics

Each antibiotic has an instruction for use, which must be read before proceeding with therapy. Each patient with otitis treatment is selected individually, taking into account the form and course of the pathology. The dose is selected depending on the causative agent of the disease, the severity of the disease, the patient's body weight and age.

The shock dose can be applied only in the first three days. If there is no relief during this time, you need to change the form of administration of the drugs. The course of treatment is determined depending on the data of clinical studies, you can change the tactics of therapy only if there is a persistent remission.

Basically, the course of treatment is 7-10 days. But it is worth remembering that there may be side effects from taking antibiotics, and they need to be told to the treating doctor. It is very important to monitor the kidneys and liver. If serious changes are detected in the regular laboratory tests, the treatment tactics will have to be changed urgently. In addition, antibiotics for ear treatment are available in the form of a solution for injections or tablets, so there are also drops that also help to quickly cope with the symptoms of the disease.

Drops from otitis in adults

Due to the huge variety of ear drops, you can quickly get rid of inflammation and thus cure otitis effectively. Symptoms and treatment in adults are often identical, but still the choice of drugs should be carried out by a doctor, because everyone organism, one and the same medicine in two people with one form of pathology can cause different reaction. Remove inflammation in the ear can be such drops:

  • hormonal - "Otipax" or "Otinum
  • antibacterial - "Tsipromed" or "Levomycetin
  • combined - "Anauran" or "Sofraks".

But it is worth remembering that if there is swelling, itching or a rash after the application of drops, then they must be urgently canceled. Most likely, they just do not fit, but as practice has shown, the drops of "Sofraks" are often recommended to use for treatment of adults and children, because they have almost no contraindications and side effects, and they are excellent at coping with inflammation.

General methods of otitis treatment

Treatment of otitis should be combined. Therapy should be aimed at removing all symptoms in the very first days, and after removing all the liquid from the ear and removing the inflammatory process. Many doctors use a special strategy, which includes several basic points:

  • Reduction of pain syndrome. To relieve pain, it is advised on the first day to begin taking paracetamol 1 g four times a day. Also, Otopiphe drops are well anesthetized - 4 drops up to three times. You can remove the pain with the help of a compression on Tsitovich - mix 3% boric acid and glycerin, make a swab, soak in the solution and insert into the ear, keep the compress for at least 3 hours.
  • Remove the edema and improve the outflow of pus from the middle ear. For these purposes, it is advised to use drops in the nose - "Nazivin "Tizin" or "Naphthyzine" 2 drops up to three times a day.
  • Remove the edema of the mucosa of the Eustachian tube. In this case, it is advised to use antihistamines such as "Dimedrol "Suprastin" or "Tavegil". These medications are advised to be used in the event that the otitis is caused by an allergy.
  • Remove ear inflammation. Treatment in adults with antibiotics in this case includes mandatory. Select the drugs from the list that was presented above.

If inflammation in the ear bothers very often, then in this case, without preventive measures can not do.

Prevention of otitis

To reduce the likelihood of frequent development of otitis media, it is first of all necessary to treat the runny nose and other pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. In the cold season wear a hat to protect the hearing organs from wind and frost. Carefully conduct hygiene of the ears, then you do not need to use an antibiotic for the ears.

In addition, in order to protect themselves from the chronic form of the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract and mucous membranes, which can become a provoking factor in the development of pathology, should abandon bad habits - abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking. You also need to monitor your health, and then treatment of otitis may not be necessary.

Especially important is the prevention of the disease in people with reduced immunity. They have catarrhal diseases developing very quickly, and, therefore, the risk of developing otitis is high.


Than to treat an external otitis in house conditions

With such a disease as external otitis people face more often than they think. It is a focus of inflammation located in the cavity of the external ear or auditory canal (passage). Often this disease falls under the definition of "pain in the ear which is written off for changes in atmospheric pressure, a strong wind "puffed in the ear a runny nose, etc. However, the true causes of the development of the inflammatory process differ somewhat from these concepts.

The essence of the disease is inflammation of the skin of the external ear and auditory canal, which can be caused by bacteria or fungi, less often by viruses. Outer otitis occurs in people of different ages, but most often the disease develops in children. Treatment of external otitis media at home, with the help of drugs selected and prescribed by a doctor in most of the time, is a very effective exercise and allows you to quickly get rid of ailment. How to treat external ear otitis and avoid complications?

Medicines for the treatment of external otitis media in the home

What can I do to treat external otitis, what drugs will be needed for this? Treatment of the disease is carried out using modern anti-inflammatory drugs based on steroids, as well as antibiotics. Preparations are issued in several dosage forms. It can be ointment when otitis external ear or drops, depending on the extent and location of the inflammation focus.

Among the medications frequently used for external otitis media are "Sofradex" and "Garazon which can be prescribed only by a doctor.

In addition to taking antibiotics for external otitis in adults in children, treatment involves the carrying out of hygienic procedures according to a special scheme. They help to cleanse the skin and accelerate recovery.

It is important to understand that when using cotton buds incorrectly, earwax is rammed and corks are formed that injure the skin in the ear.

Treatment of external ear otitis by antibiotics

Antibiotics for external otitis are used to kill the foci of infection and gradually reduce pain, since most ear drops also contain painkillers. In this case, their use will be more effective, since after suppression of microbial activity by an antibiotic, the steroid reduces the inflammatory process and the pain decreases and then disappears.

What exactly is the treatment of otitis externa, and according to which scheme to take the drug can only be determined by a doctor. In the event that the antibiotic is selected incorrectly, serious complications may occur. Sometimes, when using antibiotics, there are side effects in the form of partial or complete hearing loss, as well as a decrease in overall performance and worsening of well-being.

Treatment of external otitis with antibiotics should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician with a regular evaluation in the absence of improvements in time to replace the drug and prevent the transition of the disease in chronic form.

The recommended ways to treat external otitis media, which can quickly and effectively cope with the disease, are:

  • passing the full course of antibiotics, the type and dose of which is prescribed by the doctor;
  • use of warm compresses;
  • treatment of rhinitis;
  • reception of vitamin complexes, which increase the body's defenses.

How to treat external ear otitis in folk ways

The first and most important stage of treatment, of course, is radical therapy with the use of antibiotics and hormonal topical agents. Further, to accelerate the recovery process, you can use folk methods to combat this ailment in addition to drug therapy.

The effectiveness of otitis treatment is enhanced by the use of such medicinal plants as:

  • flowers of calendula;
  • yarrow herb;
  • buds of pine;
  • leaves of eucalyptus and plantain;
  • liquorice root.

All these ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and brewed with hot water (for each tablespoon of a mixture of herbs is required, a liter of water). The resulting composition is infused under a closed lid for 30 minutes, then filtered and taken inside at 100-150 ml before meals 3-4 times a day. The remaining cake can be used for a warm compress on the sore ear.

Ointments for the treatment of external otitis media: tetracycline and Levomecol

Ointments with external otitis are used very often, since they are easy to use and tested for years. One of them is the ointment of levomecola with external otitis, which has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The main active ingredients of the drug are the antibiotic levomitsetin, methyluracil, responsible for the regeneration of tissues and the production of interferon. The auxiliary component of levomekol - ethylene glycol, it provides absorbing properties of the drug.

Also often used tetracycline ointment with external otitis, which is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The active substance of the drug inhibits the synthesis of protein bacteria and promotes the speedy recovery and healing of inflamed skin.

Ointment for the treatment of external otitis should be applied with a sterile cotton swab, gently laying it on the affected area. For each procedure it is necessary to take a new cotton "tool". How many times to apply ointment, and in what quantities determines the attending physician based on the severity of lesions.

Risk factors for external otitis media

In order not to provoke the development of this disease, it is necessary to exclude all risk factors and provide your body with adequate protection.

The main risk factors for the development of external otitis media are:

  1. The presence of minor erosion on the skin of the auditory canals, resulting from improper hygiene of the ears;
  2. Sulfuric plugs, traumatizing the skin of auditory courses;
  3. Narrow passageways and the presence of otitis media of chronic course;
  4. Diseases, accompanied by a decrease in body immunity (HIV, diabetes).

In addition, frequent ingress of water into the auricle due to swimming in open water can cause outdoor otitis, therefore, after such water procedures it is recommended for the prevention of burying ears with antibacterial ear drops.


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