Pain in the sternum and lump in the throat: what can it be?

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  • 1Pressing pain in the throat and in the chest, pershenie, com: causes, treatment
    • 1.1Causes
    • 1.2Inflammatory diseases
    • 1.3Problems with the digestive tract
    • 1.4Injuries
    • 1.5Other reasons
    • 1.6Symptom after illness
    • 1.7When you need to see a doctor urgently
    • 1.8Diagnostics
    • 1.9Treatment
    • 1.10Than the state is dangerous
  • 2Causes of pain in the sternum and coma in the throat
    • 2.1Common causes
    • 2.2Hernia
    • 2.3Gastroesophageal reflux
    • 2.4Osteochondrosis
    • 2.5Iodine Deficiency
    • 2.6Angina pectoris
    • 2.7Ulcer
    • 2.8Herniated disc
    • 2.9Diseases of the respiratory system
  • 3Sore throat and chest pain: what diseases cause pain in the chest, giving up in the throat, what is the danger of these symptoms
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Respiratory tract infections
    • 3.3Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract
    • 3.4Neurological and degenerative disorders
    • 3.5Diseases of the cardiovascular system
    • 3.6Injuries
    • 3.7Concomitant symptoms
    • 3.8To what doctor to address?
    • 3.9Diagnostics
    • 3.10Treatment
    • 3.11Complications
    • 3.12Prevention
    • 3.13about diseases that cause pain in the throat
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Feeling of a coma in the esophagus - pressing and hurting behind the sternum
    • 4.1Causes
    • 4.2Pathological processes in internal organs
    • 4.3Damage
    • 4.4Oncological diseases
    • 4.5Pathology of the thoracic spine
    • 4.6Bronchial pathology
    • 4.7Formation of diaphragmatic hernia
    • 4.8Therapeutic methods
    • 4.9Preventive treatment
  • 5Pain and obstruction behind the sternum, lump in the throat and dry cough
    • 5.1Diseases that cause cough and pain in the sternum
    • 5.2Pain behind the sternum and lump in the throat
    • 5.3Symptoms of chest cough
    • 5.4How should I get rid of unpleasant symptoms?
    • 5.5Treatment with folk remedies
    • 5.6Helpful Tips

Pressing pain in the throat and in the chest, pershenie, com: causes, treatment

The combination of discomfort in the chest and sore throat is often present. This condition indicates a variety of ailments. To cope with the problem, you need to go to the doctor and do research.

This symptom is a signal to a person. He talks about the development of a variety of ailments. Pain in the chest is always frightening, because they usually talk about heart damage. But in this area other important organs are localized:

  • respiratory system;
  • large vessels;
  • digestive organs;
  • muscles and nerve fibers.

The defeat of each of these elements can provoke discomfort in the throat and chest.


A variety of factors can lead to such a clinical picture. To determine the cause, it is worth to see a doctor.

Inflammatory diseases

Symptoms lead to such ailments:

  1. Bronchiolitis is a disease of bronchioles. In this case, there is coughing, shortness of breath, breathing disorders, whistling during exhalation.
  2. Tracheitis - trachea injury. In this case, a burning sensation is observed. Often there is pain in the chest, which occurs in the upper region. An unproductive cough may occur.
  3. Bronchitis - the defeat of the bronchi. Characterized by a dry cough, which then gives way to more productive. Often there is pain in the chest. With bronchospasm there are difficulties with exhalation.
  4. Pneumonia is a pathology of lung tissue. There are difficulties with breathing - suffers both inhalation and exhalation. With strong breaths, there is a cough. Often pale skin.
  5. Laryngotracheitis. He has a hoarse voice, difficulty breathing, a rough cough.

Problems with the digestive tract

The pain in the chest is caused by the pathology of the digestive tract. There is a lump in the throat, often there is a burp, perspiration. Such manifestations confirm the diseases of the stomach, esophagus. In addition, the duodenum may suffer.

With lesions of the chest, one can suspect problems in the work of the esophagus - esophagospasm. Such signs appear sharply at different times of the day. They are present after eating, during physical exertion and even in sleep. In addition, there is a perspiration in the throat, belching.

Esophagus is located near the heart, so with this pathology, there are manifestations resembling angina.

With a spasm of the esophagus there is a risk of a pressing coma in the throat and a pain in the chest. Pain is felt between the shoulder blades, in the armpits.

If the contents of the stomach penetrate the esophagus, burning occurs. Under stress, the patient's condition worsens.

Another anomaly with such manifestations is a hernia of the esophagus. Symptoms increase with inclination or in a supine position. There is a risk of burning pain behind the sternum, dryness in the oral cavity, burping and perspiration.

When reflux, there are pains in the lower part of the chest. This is due to the problem with the sphincters of the stomach. An eructation leads to heartburn. It causes pain and burning.

With pathologies of the gallbladder or pancreas, too, there is pain. Often the symptoms worsen after eating. The patient develops dryness in the oral cavity, pain behind the breastbone, discomfort in the epigastrium. Belching does not help to cope with the weight.

Pain in the chest, as a signal of problems in the heart and the digestive tract:


Any damage can lead to pain in the chest. They include:

  • damage to the lungs;
  • esophagus rupture
  • damage to the bronchi;
  • broken ribs.

All these conditions provoke severe pain, intoxication, an increase in temperature.

Other reasons

The data are typical for such anomalies:

When angina suffers blood circulation in the heart, which leads to sudden pain, chest tightness. Often there is a fear of death. The pain persists for several minutes, after which it passes.

Pericarditis is characterized by a long presence of pain pricking. It is localized behind the breastbone and gives to the upper abdomen, neck, throat. Discomfort increases with inspiration, coughing and swallowing.

With osteochondrosis, there is a risk of pain in the chest. In addition, there is numbness of the extremities and discomfort in the throat. A combination of pain in the throat and chest can talk about neurosis.

Causes of sore throat

Symptom after illness

This symptom can be caused by infectious anomalies. The main of them are ARVI, which are the result of infection with viruses. Most often, this condition is accompanied by pain in the chest and throat. Often enlarged lymph nodes.

Such symptoms can be a consequence of infectious anomalies:

  1. Allergy. In addition to pain, it provokes swelling and coughing.
  2. Cardiopsychoneurosis. Causes spasms in the throat and muscle tissue. In addition, there is pain.
  3. Penetration of a foreign object in the throat. It provokes not only pain, but also coughing.
  4. Adverse environmental conditions. These signs may be associated with chemicals. All this provokes irritation of the throat and respiratory system.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

If you do not start treatment on time, some diseases can lead to dangerous consequences. So, the doctor should address in such situations:

  • the appearance of cough and an increase in temperature;
  • an increase in the number of coughing attacks;
  • severe malaise;
  • violation of breaths and exhalations;
  • presence of cough for a week;
  • excretion of mucus with bloody impurities;
  • pallor of the face.


If you have problems, you need to consult a therapist, neurologist and pulmonologist. If the causes of pain can not be identified, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies:

  • general blood analysis;
  • radiography of the lungs;
  • tuberculin test;
  • sputum culture.

To exclude tumor lesions of the lungs, a puncture of the organ tissue is performed and a histological examination is performed. If there is a suspicion of bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, there is a need for radiography of the lungs. Sputum analysis is also performed.


Since these symptoms indicate different pathologies, self-medication is strictly prohibited. Therapy depends on the cause of the disease.

At pathologies of heart the doctor writes out preparations for blood circulation improvement. If there is evidence, arrhythmia can be used. Thanks to this, it will be possible to prevent a heart attack.

For pathologies of the lungs, antimicrobial agents or antiviral drugs should be used. If there is a problem with blood supply to the lungs, medicines are shown to improve blood properties. This facilitates its movement through the vessels.

When the digestive organs are affected, antispasmodics are shown. Also, funds can be prescribed to reduce the acidity of gastric juice. If neuralgia is diagnosed, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. With a hernia, there is a need for surgery.

What does the pain in the chest say:

Than the state is dangerous

The consequences depend on the cause. Sometimes heart disease or digestive system leads to death.

Inflammation of the respiratory system can become chronic, which also significantly worsens the prognosis and complicates the treatment.

The prognosis is determined by the nature of the pathology. Usually, viral diseases are treated quite simply. If the cause lies in heart disease, there is a need for complex therapy.

How to identify a dangerous pain in the throat and chest:

To maintain health, you need to adhere to such rules:

Pain sensations can be a symptom of a variety of ailments. To cope with the disease, you need to see a doctor who will choose the optimal complex therapy.

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Causes of pain in the sternum and coma in the throat

The human body consists of a multitude of systems in which disorders there is discomfort and pain. Such a sensation as the pain in the sternum can be caused by many diseases, which were triggered by a malfunction in the work of this or that system.

Common causes

A symptom such as chest pain and a feeling of a coma in the throat can be caused by the following disorders:

  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroesophageal pathology, ulcer in the stomach);
  • pathologies of the respiratory system (pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, tuberculosis, pleurisy, lung cancer, influenza);
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, mitral valve prolapse, pulmonary embolism, aortic aneurysm);
  • lesions of blood (acute lymphoblastic leukemia, paraproteinaemia);
  • Breast Injury;
  • psychogenic diseases (vegeto-vascular dystonia, hysteria).

The pathologies listed are far from all diseases that can provoke the soreness of the chest and the feeling of coma in the throat. This sign can appear in the following diseases.


The appearance of a coma in the throat, which is worse when swallowing, is a sign of a pathology such as a hernia under the (esophageal diaphragm). This disease is caused by the displacement of some muscle mass of the esophagus. Most often it appears when:

  • excess weight;
  • prolonged cough or nausea;
  • frequent problems with stools.

Heredity increases the risk of developing a hernia. A possible cause may be muscle spasm caused by psychoemotional stress. To relieve the discomfort in the chest, you need to slowly drink warm milk with the addition of honey.

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Signs of HF undergrowth are not only the appearance of pain in the sternum and a sensation of a coma in the throat when swallowing, but also the frequent occurrence of heartburn and hiccups.

The appearance of such symptoms requires a visit to the gastroenterologist, who will select effective ways to get rid of the disease.

Usually, such treatment is based on the use of drugs that help reduce acidity, and the proper diet.

With a neglected disease, there is a risk of developing gastroesophageal reflux.

Gastroesophageal reflux

This disease is caused by a violation of the stomach, which causes the acidic liquid to be thrown into the esophagus.

In addition to a hernia to the development of gastroesophageal reflux may be involved:

  • high peritoneal pressure;
  • high level of acidity;
  • harmful nutrition and other factors.

Signs include presence:

  • sensations of a coma in the throat when swallowing;
  • frequent eructations;
  • a hoarse voice;
  • nausea;
  • bloating;
  • sensations of rapid saturation.

The main aspect of effective treatment is the modification of some rules in the way of life and nutrition of the patient. A person is forbidden to drink coffee, chocolate, soda. It is necessary to normalize the weight.

Proper distribution of food is also very important, the main rule is eating no later than 2-3 before bedtime. The doctor will tell you about what foods and at what time it is better to take, as some are digested well in the morning or evening.

Do not do without treatment with medicines to improve motor and acidity. Operative intervention is appointed in case of neglect.


  • The appearance of a sensation of a coma in the throat during swallowing can cause the development of osteochondrosis. Recognize this disease is possible by appearance:
  • headaches;
  • nausea or vomiting (not always);
  • pressure drops;
  • pain in the back or neck.

If the result of a doctor's visit is the detection of this disease, then appropriate treatment is prescribed, the basis of which is massage and gymnastic exercises.

It is necessary to change the way of life, in particular: to keep the posture smoothly, to choose good attributes for sleep (mattress and pillow). Often, such changes are sufficient and there is no need for drug treatment.

Iodine Deficiency

If the throat hurts under an Adam's apple, then this is a sign of iodine deficiency. To establish a diagnosis, you need to visit a doctor. But there is a way to do the test yourself.

To determine whether the body needs iodine or not, it is necessary to apply iodine on the nail plates of one hand before bed.

If the morning on the nails do not have a trace of iodine, then you should contact the endocrinologist, as it signals his lack.

Angina pectoris

With this disease, there are short seizures, manifested by compressive pain in the chest.

Soreness can appear in the back, more often on the left. Painful sensations can also cover the shoulder blade with the arm.

The appearance of such attacks is associated with physical stress, and after rest everything passes.


Sometimes the appearance of pain in the chest is not associated with heart disease. They differ in their duration and have other characteristics.

The presence of an ulcer causes pain when eating or, on the contrary, the stomach can get sick, and after eating the pain subsides.

In addition to pain in the stomach, there is a feeling:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • pain in the sternum and others.

The soreness of the stomach is removed by nitroglycerin. Also, medicines that relieve muscle spasms of organs - spasmolytics (Papaverin, No-shpa) will also help.

Herniated disc

The appearance of pain in the chest can be caused by lesions of the spine, although they remind the heart. One of the most complex diseases is the intervertebral hernia. It is caused by the displacement of the deformed disk between the vertebrae.

  • Hernia causes compression of the nerve root, which contributes to the appearance of swelling in the tissues located around it. The first symptoms include the appearance of:
  • rapid fatigue;
  • uncomfortable sensations;
  • severe back pain.

The treatment of this disease can be carried out both surgically and conservatively. Special gymnastics, manual therapy, physiotherapy can be prescribed. But it is forbidden to prescribe one or another method of treatment independently, because there are contraindications.

Diseases of the respiratory system

When it seems that the stomach hurts, and when swallowing the throat hurts, the cause of such discomfort can be the disease of the respiratory tract and lungs.

For example, tracheitis, which is caused by damage to the mucosa of the trachea.

At the first manifestations of this disease, urgent treatment is required, the absence of which will allow inflammation to spread to the bronchi and lungs.

In addition to soreness, a strong cough may appear, which does not disappear even after the use of medicines. Cough is worse every day, which leads to pain in the throat, both when swallowing, and in a calm position. If the infection has reached the lungs, then pneumonia develops.

For her typical appearance:

  • shortness of breath;
  • high temperature;
  • pain in the chest when inhaled, sometimes giving up in the stomach.

These signs are basic, in addition, there is muscle soreness, chills, severe sweating, headaches and general weakness. Of course, there can not be any self-medication, since this disease is very serious.

When there is pain in the chest, back or throat when swallowing, it seems that the stomach hurts, then do not guess and make a diagnosis yourself. After all, as it turns out, the appearance of discomfort in one place can mean the disease of an organ located in another part of the body.

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Sore throat and chest pain: what diseases cause pain in the chest, giving up in the throat, what is the danger of these symptoms

To solve this problem it is necessary to consult a doctor-therapist who, through examination, analysis and hardware diagnosis can put a preliminary diagnosis and send the patient to a more focused specialist.

Pain therapy depends on the cause of their origin - this can be a medical treatment with use of antibiotics, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs, as well as physiotherapy.


The classic cause of pain in the chest and throat are infections of a viral, fungal or bacterial origin, for example, various types of sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, scarlet fever.

But in the sternum there are other organs: the heart, large blood and lymphatic vessels, part of the digestive tract, large nervous plexus, so the discomfort inside the chest, giving into the larynx, does not always indicate an inflammatory process, provoked infection.

In addition to violations of the endogenous nature, the patient may have various injuries, for example, injuries of ribs and nearby tissues that give similar symptoms.


One of the questions that worries patients is: why can the pain inside the chest be shed in the throat, even when there are no obvious signs of infection, trauma or inflammation? The fact is that in the neck, collarbone and thorax there are a lot of nerve plexuses coming from the brain or spinal cord, through which pain signals are transmitted to different parts of the body.


In the throat there are large knots associated with the same structures of the sternum, therefore the emerged impulses from one location can be transferred to another.

The main causes of pain in the chest and throat are:

  • infectious inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • pathology of the digestive tract;
  • neurological and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncology;
  • injury.

Respiratory tract infections

The first bastion for infectious microbes is the oral cavity and pharynx, where lysozyme saliva, glands and active local immunity protect the body from the further spread of pathogens, so the common cold is often limited to unpleasant sensations in this region. But sometimes the defensive system does not cope with its functions, then the infection descends down the respiratory tract, affecting the trachea, bronchi, lungs and lungs and lungs.

Pain in the chest gives up in the throat with tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy, while the patient's body temperature is raised, weakness, fever, coughing and aching muscles. Unpleasant sensations often have a burning or strong aching character, they build up after physical or emotional loads.

Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

In the sternum there is an esophagus - one of the initial parts of the digestive system, through which chewed food enters the stomach.

Because of the violation of the nervous regulation of his muscles, spasms may appear, which are expressed by pressing pains in the chest, giving up in the throat, a person there is a sensation of a lump.

Spasms of the esophagus due to the proximity of this organ to the heart can resemble myocardial infarction or an attack of angina pectoris, there is a burning or cramping pain in the chest, giving in the throat, less often in the region of the clavicular cavities, armpits and scapula. In addition to unpleasant sensations, sometimes there is burp, perspiration, dry mouth and weakness.

When chest pain rises in the throat, in addition to spasms of the esophagus, other pathology: gastritis of the stomach or intestines, peptic ulcer, hernia in the esophageal musculature, pancreatitis and others.

Neurological and degenerative disorders

Neurological (intercostal neuralgia, pinched nerves of intervertebral discs) and degenerative (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis) disorders of the musculoskeletal system in the thorax can cause shooting or aching pain in this area, giving off in neck and throat. Because of the overexcitement of nerve endings in such diseases, discomfort is enhanced by emotional stress.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Sometimes, patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system have chest and throat hurts, as the organ and large arteries and veins are in the chest.

An angina pectoris or myocardial infarction is characterized by pressing pains behind the sternum, giving to the clavicle and between the scapula, in addition, the patient has a sensation of a lump in the pharynx.


Often such critical conditions are accompanied by a fit of growing panic due to jumps of adrenaline.


The appearance of large atherosclerotic plaques or myocarditis - an inflammatory process in the heart muscle, is also accompanied by discomfort in the chest, but it resembles a burning sensation, there is also a "lump in the throat" and weakness due to the increasing hypoxia.


Trauma in the sternum (esophageal rupture, fractures or cracks in the ribs, lungs, pleural tissues, trachea and bronchi) are not so common, they are all critical to the patient's health. Painful sensations have an acute burning character, besides them, spasms in the throat, elevated temperature and general intoxication are observed.

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Concomitant symptoms

Concomitant symptoms depend on the cause of sore throats, giving off in the sternum, since they can significantly differ, because even the pain in various diseases have a different character (burning, aching, acute, pulling). Additional features include:

  • weakness, dizziness;
  • com or a sore throat;
  • dryness or bitterness in the mouth;
  • indigestion (belching, heartburn);
  • fever, fever.

To what doctor to address?

First you need to seek advice from the therapist, since to make a diagnosis you need to perform an external examination, collect anamnesis, take blood, urine for analysis, and also resort to basic methods of hardware diagnostics (ultrasound of the chest, examination esophagus). After this, the patient will be referred to a more specialized doctor: cardiologist, gastroenterologist, traumatologist, surgeon or ENT.


Diagnosis is necessary to establish the exact cause of the disease, as the further treatment plan depends on this. The diagnostic complex includes different procedures:

  • differential blood count (counting the number of immune cells, erythrocytes, platelets);
  • qualitative analysis of blood and urine;
  • Ultrasound of the thorax;
  • examination of the esophagus;
  • chest X-ray;
  • CT scan.

The attending physician may prescribe additional diagnostic procedures, if the above can not create a complete picture of the patient's condition.


Therapy depends on the cause of the disease, for example, when diagnosing a bacterial infection, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, the virus - antiviral, fungal - antifungal drugs, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs, sometimes anesthetics and medications for the external treatment of the throat.

When the cause of discomfort in the chest and throat become abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to eliminate them, and not to fight with painful symptoms, the same applies to diseases of the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system, various injuries.


Without the timely diagnosis and treatment of pain in the chest and throat can increase, there are complications of pathologies that provoked these unpleasant sensations.

Infectious diseases descend down the respiratory tract. It is important to remember that tracheitis, bronchitis, and especially inflammation of the lungs are treated much more difficultly than angina or pharyngitis.

If the pain in the sternum, giving up in the throat, was a signal of disorders of the cardiovascular system, then complications will be manifested in the form of disruption of the work of the central organ, the most dangerous of them is myocardial infarction myocardium. Trauma to the thoracic organs should be eliminated within 24-32 hours after they are received, since in the future the patient's condition becomes critical, and the recovery process can be delayed.


Describe the prevention of pain in the chest and throat is difficult, because they are a consequence of various diseases. It is possible to single out general rules that allow to preserve health and prevent the development of chest pains:

  • it is necessary to timely eliminate infectious diseases, until they deplete the defenses of the body;
  • to prevent gastrointestinal diseases, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of foods rich in dyes, flavors, acids and other aggressive substances;
  • to maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system, it is important to engage in active sports, walk more, injuries, inflammatory processes in the joints to eliminate immediately after their occurrence;
  • strengthening immunity with proper nutrition, quitting smoking and alcohol, as well as a full rest will improve the protective function of the body.

Pain sensations in the sternum, giving up in the throat, arise under the influence of different factors (respiratory tract infection, gastrointestinal tract pathology, musculoskeletal apparatus and cardiovascular system, trauma) therefore for their treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor, carry out diagnostics, do not fight only with symptoms. The therapist will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis, after that you need to turn to a more narrowly focused specialist to confirm it and get the right therapy.

Valentina Melnik, specialist,
Specially for

about diseases that cause pain in the throat

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Feeling of a coma in the esophagus - pressing and hurting behind the sternum

Many people have a feeling of a coma in the esophagus, but few people attach great importance to this, especially when the phenomenon lasts a short period of time. There are enough reasons for this. It is necessary to know the main factors in order to promptly seek the help of a qualified specialist.

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More often it is the incorrect work of the nervous system that leads to a person feeling a lump in the esophagus.

With such problems, the patient should visit a neurologist or psychotherapist.

Against the background of severe stress or a depressed state, the amount of necessary mucus in the area of ​​the esophagus and stomach decreases.

Because of this, the process of food passage is difficult, against which the patient feels a lump in the stomach. These are not the main reasons that contribute to its appearance. There are other, more serious factors, provoking violations in the human body.

Pathological processes in internal organs

Problems associated with the work of the heart and blood vessels cause a sensation of a coma in the chest.

Constant discomfort indicates the development of more serious pathological processes.

With angina, heart function is disrupted, stagnant phenomena that cause characteristic symptoms are formed. When myocardial infarction, a person feels severe pain.

Vice can be congenital or acquired, doctors diagnose it in their patients in the early stages. It is recommended that a person be under strict doctor's control constantly. Moreover, do not forget to undergo medical research and therapy in a timely manner.

Myocarditis is an inflammatory-dystrophic process, against which the work of the heart is disrupted. There is a feeling of coma in the chest.


The sternum is the place where the nerve plexuses are located most of all. That is why various problems associated with the chest, cause a lump in the stomach and severe discomfort.

If this is a hemorrhage, it can not be visually determined. Only on cyanotic shades in the middle of the sternum. In case of such damage, immediately call a physician.

Against the background of a fracture or contusion of ribs, a person feels a coma in the sternum in the middle. This is because soft tissues are squeezed after trauma. The patient needs an ambulance, otherwise the stopping of breathing can be a complication.

Oncological diseases

Malignant neoplasms also cause a feeling of coma in the esophagus. Cancer cells expand, the tumor grows and presses on nearby tissues, organs. This leads to the fact that the patient is uncomfortable with the discomfort and the corresponding feeling of pressure.

At an early stage of the patient, the sensation of a lump in the esophagus is disturbing. When the tumor grows in size, the heart is affected. There are accompanying signs, among which not only a lump, but also heartburn, difficult swallowing.

Pathology of the thoracic spine

Most often, qualified specialists diagnose intercostal neuralgia in their patients. Accompanying characteristic signs is not only pain behind the breastbone, but also discomfort in the esophagus. Sensations increase if the patient moves or lifts heavy objects.

Bronchial pathology

Provoke the pain and sensation of a lump in the chest, heaviness, as well as impaired breathing may the following pathologies:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • infectious pneumonia or traumatic type;
  • benign tumor or cancer cells;
  • Pleurisy, accompanied by the formation of purulent or serous fluid.

Developing pathologies disrupt the functions of the respiratory system, the lungs stop functioning correctly. Against this background, characteristic symptoms appear. Patients feel pain behind the sternum and lump in this area, difficulty breathing.

With the development of bilateral pneumonia, the patient's condition is more complicated. The disease is accompanied by a large area of ​​lung damage, a decrease in their volume.

In addition, there is pressure on the stomach and nearby organs located.

This causes the patient to feel a coma in the chest and throat.

Pleurisy is characterized by fluid accumulation, against which the pressure on the heart and blood vessels increases.

Due to impaired blood circulation, the symptomatology of the disease will increase. Concomitant angina increases the risk of worsening the patient's condition.

It is necessary to consult a qualified specialist and complex treatment.

Formation of diaphragmatic hernia

The disease has no external signs, accompanied by severe symptoms, similar to the pathologies of the heart.

Hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm (AMP) is a common disease characterized by its enlargement.

Violations lead to the fact that a person encounters a feeling of a lump in the chest.

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This is due to the release of some part of the stomach through the opening of the diaphragm. The same goes for the abdominal segment of the esophagus.

In the normal state, these organs should be located in the abdominal cavity.

Pathologies lead to the penetration of them into the chest, where they squeeze the lungs and the heart.


External obvious signs in a person is not shown, but there are characteristic symptoms that will help to suspect problems and contact a qualified specialist:

  1. There is a feeling of a lump in the esophagus and a strong shortness of breath after eating. The filled stomach exerts pressure on the lungs and diaphragm.
  2. The patient feels nauseous, vomiting after eating. This is also explained by a filled stomach that presses against the walls of the diaphragm.
  3. Reflux esophagitis. Disease is characterized by ingestion of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract into the esophagus. This causes the development of the inflammatory process. The patient is worried not only by a lump in the esophagus, but also by accompanying symptoms, including heartburn, hiccups, painful sensations.
  4. Heart palpitation is increasing. In the region of the heart, a man notices the appearance of pains of a stabbing character.

Determine the development of pathological processes can be, if you pass special studies. Doctors assign radiography to their patients using contrast agents.

Diagnostic measures allow you to see the picture of the border of the stomach and esophagus. For medical treatment, medically prescribed therapy is required.

In addition, the patient will need to attend therapeutic gymnastics, physiotherapy procedures.

Sometimes a diaphragmatic hernia can cause serious complications, in which surgical intervention is required.

Therapeutic methods

The sensation of a coma in the stomach, for a short period of time, is not dangerous to human health.

If tachycardia or painful sensations are worried constantly without a specific reason, a qualified specialist should be consulted.

But there are signs of a serious pathology. When pain and discomfort do not stop, you need to call an ambulance.

A person needs medical help if:

  1. Heaviness in the heart is constantly present, even when the patient is calm.
  2. Painful sensations increase, especially if the patient tries to inhale.
  3. In the chest area there is a painful syndrome of shooting character.
  4. The patient complains of too rapid pulse, he has a feeling that his heart is bursting.
  5. The lump in the throat is accompanied by a lack of air, shortness of breath.
  6. A person can not align his / her back, because the thorax strongly hurts.
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Consultation of a qualified specialist is necessary. He will conduct an examination, appoint additional tests and studies, diagnostic procedures.

Based on the results, he will select an effective treatment, give useful recommendations.

Depending on the individuality of the case, pharmacotherapy can be prolonged in a hospital or at home.

If it is an oncology, surgical intervention is necessary to remove the cancer cells. With an increase in the tumor accompanied by a sensation of a lump in the stomach.

If the cause of discomfort is high acidity, the doctor will prescribe special medications that will help reduce its concentration.

If the heart is broken, you will need the help of a cardiologist.

He will conduct a survey of the patient, prescribe the appropriate drugs that will help restore the cardiovascular system.

It is not recommended to establish a diagnosis and conduct therapy independently. You can aggravate your health, cause complications and consequences. Only the doctor will determine the main sources of coma in the stomach, the causes of the violations and prescribe all the necessary medications.

Preventive treatment

Preventing a disease is always easier than dealing with it or its complications.

To avoid the pathology of the cardiovascular system, it is enough to stick to a healthy lifestyle.

Abandon misuse of bad habits, including tobacco products and spirits. It is more to walk outdoors, not to be carried away by heavy physical exertion.

To prevent a lump in the stomach, it is necessary to keep diet, to surround yourself with positive emotions, to avoid disturbances of psychological discomfort.


If the cause of problems in the chest are diseases of the spine, you need to more often ride a bike, go for a walk, use exercise equipment. This is a good prevention not only for the heart and vascular system, but also for the musculoskeletal system.


To the human body was healthy, it is necessary to increase its protective forces. In addition, that it is necessary to exclude bad habits, it will be necessary to replenish stocks of vitamins and microelements, useful substances.

For this, it is recommended to dilute the ration with vegetables and fruits.

If you adhere to all the medical recommendations and rules, you can avoid the development of numerous pathologies, especially those that cause a feeling of a lump in the stomach.

Symptoms such as bloating and flatulence (abundant release of gases) - may be signs of the presence of developing inflammation! To extinguish an inflammation it is possible by means of the checked up tool. Read more ...

It is important to determine the development of pathological processes in the initial stages, in order to get rid of the disease in a timely manner. Otherwise, without the help of a specialist, the symptoms will only increase.

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Pain and obstruction behind the sternum, lump in the throat and dry cough

The most unpleasant sensations a person experiences when he has a stiffness in the sternum, accompanied by a dry cough. This can indicate the presence of serious human diseases. A chest cough accompanies a number of certain diseases:

  1. Tuberculosis - affects the pleura, there is a dry cough and there may be pain behind the sternum and in the throat.
  2. Thromboembolism is a pulmonary artery disease. There is a feeling of discomfort in the chest, the patient is uncomfortable with a deep and strong dry cough. In the chest there are pain and tickling sensations. In the phlegm there are impurities of blood.
  3. Pericarditis is a respiratory disease that occurs in a complex form. In the chest appears acute and pressing pain, it is difficult for a person to breathe.

This is only a list of some diseases that cause zalozhennost in the sternum.

Diseases that cause cough and pain in the sternum

Such feelings occur during viral and bacterial infections. During treatment, viscoussputum begins to gradually recede.

  • Ornithosis caused by chlamydia and not cured to the end also has characteristic symptoms. In the sternum there are pain, burning and stuffiness, there is a strong dry cough, sometimes it happens with the spitting of phlegm. Complications can be pneumonia.
  • With prolonged use of antibiotics, immunity is inhibited, fungal diseases appear. Germs penetrate into the mouth, larynx and lungs. Fungal infection is difficult to distinguish from viral and is easily confused with bronchial inflammation or bacterial pneumonia. A fungal infection is diagnosed when the chest cough lasts for a long time. Then in a sputum which is allocated, there can be purulent impurity. With improper treatment, fibrotic or exudative pleurisy can develop.
  • It happens that there is stuffiness and chest pain and there is a lump in the throat, it is difficult to breathe, but there is no viral infection. Such a condition may indicate the presence of an allergy. Allergies can be on animal hair, vegetable pollen or simply on house dust. The disease is professional or seasonal.
  • Occupational diseases can be accompanied by symptoms of dry cough and zalozhennosti behind the breastbone.

Pain behind the sternum and lump in the throat

Such symptomscan be for different diseases.

  1. Disease of the heart, lungs or esophagus delivers changes in the chest and there are such symptoms.
  2. With the pathology of the chest. The nerve plexuses are in the chest area, so when you transform on this site there may be discomfort and pain.
  3. With various injuries on the chest. Soft tissues are squeezed and unpleasant sensations appear: it becomes difficult to breathe and a lump appears in the throat.
  4. Oncology. Emerging neoplasms in the chest. The tumor begins to squeeze the organs, there may be a feeling of coma and pain.
  5. With pathologies of the thoracic spine. Intercostal neuralgia causes pain and nausea behind the sternum. Pain can become worse when the patient lifts the heaviness or makes movements with the body.

Symptoms of chest cough

Sputum is expectorated from the respiratory tract of the lower part. This is the first reason for the presence of discomfort and unpleasant sensations. It happens thatthe chest is laid, and there is absolutely no coughing. When a person inhales or exhales, whistling or wheezing comes from within.

This means that the lungs are filled with excreta, but they can not go out on their own. In children under the age of three years, such sputum is removed by a hardware method. Having performed such a procedure, the effect appears instantly.

But it is quite unpleasant, therefore it is not practiced by adults.

How should I get rid of unpleasant symptoms?

Treatment of dry cough behind the sternum, when there is no sputum, is selected with consideration of the factors why it arose.

With an infection of the respiratory tract, stimulation can be made to dilute the sputum, so that it begins to retreat and it becomes easier to breathe. Always ventilate the patient's room tothe air was damp and cool.

Daily spend wet cleaning, so the patient will quickly recover and unpleasant symptoms will stop him from tormenting.


To restore the water balance, let the patient drink more fluids. It will moisturize the mucous membrane and dilute sputum. Liquid discharge does not stagnate in the lungs and quickly clears throat.


Often such symptoms occur in athletes after heavy physical exertion, as there is a stretching of the muscles. Then the treatment is appointed by the surgeon and prescribes ointments that warm and eliminate muscle pain.

With an infection of the respiratory tractcan not take antitussives, from their reception of a sputum stagnates. And you need to make sure that the dry cough has passed into the wet cough. For this it is necessary to take expectorant or combined means:

  • Gedelix;
  • Herbion;
  • Broncholitin;
  • Doctor IOM;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Syrup of licorice root.

The doctor will tell you what medicine to take better, depending on the disease. If the disease is serious (asthma, tuberculosis, etc.), then powerful drugs are prescribed against coughing.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment in an unconventional way can be carried out in the event that,when there is no allergy to herbs. To dilute sputum and moisturize the respiratory tract, in addition to medicines, it is recommended to drink miraculous beverages:

  • dried fruits compote;
  • broths from herbs;
  • tea with raspberries or lemon;
  • berry fruit drink.

And it is also recommended to drinkfruit or berry juice in a warm state.

It helps to eliminate symptoms, saturates the body with vitamins and increases immunity. Drink hot tea with mint, rosemary, ginger, adding honey to it.

It is good to carry out inhalations, but you can do them only when the temperature drops.

To get rid of zalozhennosti behind the chest and pain, make a medicinal herbal drink. In a cup of milk, add a pinch of saffron and heat. Then add honey and lemon juice to taste. Take this medicine should be hot.

It is useful in this disease to rinse your throat. Dissolvea teaspoon of salt and a little turmericin, a glass with warm water. Stir the salt to dissolve completely. Rinse your throat for 2 minutes to 4 times a day.

Take inhalation

  • Dissolve honey in hot water in the ratio inhale with your mouth and nose alternately.
  • 2 tbsp. Spoon a sage with a glass of boiling water, cover and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  • A liter of steep boiling water takes 2 tbsp. spoons of soda. Soda inhalations do not cause allergies and relieve cough.

Track your diet. For the duration of the illness, sugar, salt and flour products should be discarded. These products increase the amount of sputum.

That the airways are not closed,refuse to take cold food. Eat more foods that are good.

In this case, you can: ginger, spicy food, garlic and citrus.

Helpful Tips

  • If you smoke, you will have to give up, even for the time of illness.
  • Take spicy food in moderation, otherwise it will only harm your body.
  • Taking medications, try not to drive.
  • If the breast is implanted in the child, do not take any action on your own without consulting the doctor.

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