Persistent cough with phlegm

What can be a strong cough with sputum

Causes of severe cough with phlegmA strong cough with phlegm is always unpleasant, constant attempts to clear throat, secretion of a badly smelling liquid irritate the patient and surrounding, a similar condition occurs in different diseases, but in order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause disease.

Cough with phlegm is a syndrome of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, in which purulent or serous discharge accumulates in the bronchi and lungs.

Causes of cough with phlegm

1. The most common cause is viral diseases in the resolution stage, cough is not too strong, there is little sputum, it is clear and liquid, in case of bacterial infection, sputum becomes more abundant, thick, yellow or greenish in color, with an admixture pus. If after an acute respiratory viral or cold the cough has increased in the child, and there is abundant sputum, then you should carefully monitor its condition: increase body temperature, severe deterioration of the condition, frequent, severe cough suggest the spread of inflammation in the lower parts of the bronchi and lungs.

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2. Sinusitis and sinusitis - inflammatory diseases of the nasal sinuses are often accompanied by a strong moist cough due to the flow of fluid in the respiratory tract. In this case, the patient has a cough without raising the body temperature, increasing in the morning hours. In such a situation, you need to treat the underlying disease, and not a symptom.

3. Bronchitis is a strong moist cough with hard-to-separate sputum, the main symptom of progressive inflammation bronchus, as the disease develops, cough becomes more severe, and sputum is released in more quantity.

4. An excruciating frequent cough with hardly-detachable sputum in a child occurs with such an infectious disease as whooping cough, This disease is characterized by very strong, painful attempts to clear the throat, possibly the occurrence of vomiting, loss of consciousness and dyspnea. If the child has an increase in body temperature, wheezing and frequent coughing attacks, it is necessary to urgently consult a pediatrician, since it is necessary to treat whooping cough in the hospital.

5. Pneumonia - frequent and severe cough, accompanied by the release of a large amount of purulent sputum, occurs with pneumonia, in In this case, a child or an adult has a sharp increase in body temperature to 39-40, weakness, chest pain and general worsening state.

6. Chronic diseases - a constant cough with phlegm, without raising the body temperature, may be a symptom of such chronic lung diseases, such as: tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, oncological processes in lungs.

7. Allergic diseases - constant irritation of the mucous membranes with allergies can trigger the appearance of a moist cough that intensifies in the morning hours with a scant separation of a transparent "glass" phlegm.


To treat a moist cough you need to start by determining the cause of its appearance. Most often it occurs due to a viral or bacterial infection, in this case, the main purpose of treatment is the removal of microorganisms from the respiratory tract, their purification and regeneration.

1. Mucolytic and expectorant drugs - dilute sputum and promote its excretion from the bronchi and lungs. In the treatment of a child most often used: Bromhexin, Ambro (Ambroxol, Ambrobene), licorice syrup, ACC, Lazolvan and other expectorant sprays or syrups.

2. It is necessary to drink a few liters of alkaline liquid per day, this will help to avoid dehydration and facilitate the excretion of phlegm.

3. Very useful physiotherapy procedures - especially when treating a child of the first years of life, consult your doctor about the possibility of prescribing physiotherapy or spend it at home - for this use warming ointments and compresses on the chest, mustard or just dry heat on the neck and breasts.

4. Folk methods - "grandmother's recipes" can be used as an additional treatment or mild forms of the disease, but, in any case, it is necessary to consult with your doctor doctor.

  • lemon with honey - mix 100 grams of honey and 1 mashed lemon, use 1 teaspoon before eating,
  • sage infusion - a full tablespoon of dry leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist, dilute with the same amount of warm water or milk and drink during the day. Infusion is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers,
  • juice of black radish with honey - mix 100 g of honey with the juice of 1 black radish, the dose for an adult patient - on a half-spoonful of the composition 2-3 times a day.

Treatment for a wet cough should be done under the supervision of a doctor, since only a qualified specialist can determine the cause of the disease precisely.

Severe cough with phlegm


When there is a strong cough with phlegm, the first thing to keep in mind: the cough itself, and the significant, unintended norm, the volume of secretions with it is the response of the body to the presence of a foci of infection or irritation of the mucosa in the respiratory ways.

Causes of severe cough with phlegm

The most common causes of severe cough with sputum, that is, with pathologically increased education and secretion of mucous secretions, are diseases such as acute respiratory disease, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, exudative pleurisy and pleural empyema, bronchiectatic disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (collective name for chronic bronchitis and emphysema, usually caused by smoking).

For the chronic form of bronchitis due to increased mucus formation in the bronchi, their inflammation and pathological changes in bronchial tissues and lungs characterized by a strong cough with phlegm and with blood, which appears due to damage to blood vessels located in the mucous membranes. When the disease worsens, sputum may have purulent inclusions in its composition. However, doctors warn: the presence of blood in the sputum may indicate such pathologies as bronchiectasis or pulmonary tuberculosis. And in the case of a purulent foci (abscess) in the lungs during its breakthrough and the ingress of pus into the bronchi, the sputum, which goes away when coughing, will have a characteristic putrefactive smell and a greenish color.

In addition to shortness of breath, wheezing and attacks of weakening respiratory function of the bronchi, a strong cough with sputum discharge (often at night) accompanies bronchial asthma associated with airway response to allergens.

With edema of the lungs, there is also an intense productive cough. And with a pulmonary etiology of this state after coughing, it becomes easier for a person. And when the swelling of the lung tissue is caused by left-sided heart failure with stagnation of blood in a small circulatory system, cough does not bring relief, and in severe cases, sputum is colored in pink Colour.

Also, a strong cough with sputum is one of the symptoms of cystic fibrosis - an incurable genetically determined disease that affects mucus-releasing organs. An indication of the respiratory form of this disease is an intense paroxysmal cough with mucopurulent sputum.

Strong cough with sputum

Sputum is a secretion that forms in the trachea and in the bronchi. They are produced by special glands of tracheobronchial walls together with goblet cellular structures. Such discharges are also characteristic of healthy people, but in a much smaller number. A healthy secret has bactericidal abilities and serves as a natural prophylaxis for many respiratory diseases. Normally, mucus helps to remove from the respiratory tract toxic products, exfoliated epithelial cells and dust particles trapped in the respiratory system during inspiration. The mucous secret is removed outwardly towards the larynx with the help of ciliated epithelium and exhaled airflow. The function of the cilia can depend on the temperature indexes, on the acidity of the medium, and on the mucus yield on the density and secretion properties.

A strong cough with hard-to-recover sputum is typical for bronchial asthma (with sputum without impurities, vitreous), for obstructive bronchitis or cystic fibrosis (phlegm-mucous sputum character). The most severe excretion of sputum is observed with pulmonary cystic fibrosis.

A strong cough of sputum with blood in small amounts can mean that a small blood vessel in the airway burst during an attack. However, such a symptom may be a sign of a stagnant phenomenon in the lungs, an infectious inflammation such as pneumonia or tuberculosis, the presence of a neoplasm in the lungs. If the patient does not make serious complaints, and blood in the sputum is not a constant symptom, then, as a rule, there is no cause for concern. However, the repetition of secretions with blood, as well as the addition of other signs of disease can speak of a serious pathology. What should alert:

  • increased body temperature;
  • persistent prolonged cough that does not respond to conventional treatment;
  • regular appearance of impurities in mucous secretions;
  • increased sweating;
  • appearance in the lungs of various wheezing, whistles, bubbling sounds.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately contact the appropriate medical specialist - therapist or pulmonologist.

Who to contact?


Diagnosis of severe cough with phlegm

The wording "symptoms of a strong cough with phlegm" from a medical point of view is not entirely correct, since the cough itself - slight or strong, dry or with phlegm - is a symptom. Developing symptoms of a strong cough with phlegm combined with other symptoms and taking into account the nature of the cough phlegm enable doctors to establish a diagnosis.

So, with bronchitis and pneumonia, phlegm first mucous, and then mucopurulent (with croupous pneumonia - color rust); at a bronchial asthma the thick mucous expectoration, as a rule, not having certain colors. If the consistency of the cough secretion is liquid and foam is formed, then it is most likely due to the swelling of the lung tissue. About a sputum with a blood already it was spoken above.

Diagnosis of severe cough with phlegm - determining the cause of its occurrence - includes mandatory general and biochemical blood test, as well as the study of blood serum for tuberculosis, antigens, eosinophils, mycoplasma. Sputum examination on the microflora should be carried out without fail.

The diagnostic standard is the use of the fluoroscopic method of examination of the thoracic organs cells in patients with complaints of severe cough with sputum, as well as removal electrocardiograms. Spirometry is indispensable for determining the functional level of the respiratory system, and with the aim of examination of bronchial conditions using the method of bronchography - fluoroscopy of the bronchi with contrast medium. If necessary, endoscopic examination of the bronchi (bronchoscopy), ultrasound and computed tomography of the bronchi and lungs.

Treatment of severe cough with phlegm

In practice, the treatment of a strong spit with sputum means symptomatic therapy aimed at reducing the viscosity of sputum and removing it from the respiratory tract. For this, medicines with an expectorant effect are used.

Acetylcysteine ​​(Acestin, ACTS, Fluimutsil, Tussikom, Mukobene, Mukoneks, etc.) - adults and children after 14 years, 3 times a day. Effervescent tablets ATSTS - 1-2 pieces twice a day. Tussikom (20% solution) is designed for inhalation - 2-5 ml per procedure, which is recommended for a quarter of an hour up to four times a day.

Bromhexin chloride (Bromhexine, Bisolvon, Mugotsil, Mukovin, Solvin, etc.) in tablets of 8 mg - adults and children over 14 years 1-2 tablets three times a day; children 6-14 years - one tablet three times a day, 3-6 years - 4 mg three times a day day. There is a solution for inhalations, which should be done twice a day: adults - 4 ml, children 10 years and older - 2 ml, 6-10 years - 1 ml, 2-6 years - 10 drops, under 2 years - 5 drops per one procedure.

Mucolytic preparation Ambroxol hydrochloride (Ambroxol, Ambrohexal, Lazolvan, Bronhopron, Mukozan, Mukovent, etc.) - adults and children over 12 years, one tablet 2-3 times a day, after eating; in the form of syrup - 10 ml 3 times a day. Children 6-12 years of age, the dose is reduced by half, 2-5 years - the fourth part of the adult dose twice a day. Pregnant drugs based on ambroxol hydrochloride should not be used in the first trimester. This remedy can cause dry mouth, heartburn, pain in the stomach, nausea. It should also be taken into account that all preparations containing this active substance increase the absorption of antibacterial agents of bronchial mucosa.

Muciltin tablets are prescribed on, 5 g 2-3 times a day (before meals); Tablets Terpinhydrate - po, 5 g three times a day. Potassium iodide (1-3% solution of potassium iodide) for the expectoration of sputum, doctors recommend taking two tablespoons 3-4 times a day. This drug is contraindicated for pulmonary tuberculosis.

In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchial asthma, a strong cough with sputum is treated with using inhalations with drugs of the group of blockers of m-holinoretseptorov, which expand the bronchi and reduce the production mucus. For example, Atrovent (an aerosol with an active ingredient ipratropium bromide) is prescribed 3-4 inhalations per day.

In cystic fibrosis, bronchial drainage, inhalation with corticosteroids, taking medications, for example, Pulmozyme in the form of daily inhalations (using a nebulizer) - by, mg once a day for days.

A strong cough with sputum discharge can also be treated with traditional breast pills with such medicinal plants as licorice root, althea root, oregano grass and coltsfoot, plantain large (leaves), black elderberry (flowers): a tablespoon dry collection per glass boiling water. Insist for 1 hours and take 3-4 tablespoons after meals several times a day. Coughing up sputum is also promoted by steam inhalations with a decoction of leaves of eucalyptus, sage, peppermint (50 grams per cup of boiling water) or with eucalyptus oil (4-5 drops per 200 ml of water).

Patients with chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease need functional treatment in sanatorium conditions with the use of aerotherapy and barotherapy, respiratory gymnastics, postural drainage of respiratory organs, massage of the thoracic cells, etc.

Herbs from strong cough with phlegm

Expectorant medications for reflex action can be a collection of medicinal herbs and extracts from them. Such medicines increase and activate the release of mucous secretions from the trachea and bronchi. The medicinal group of preparations based on herbs is quite extensive, because expectorant abilities are possessed by many herbs. Medicines based on licorice, thyme, thyme, althea, pine kidney, mother-and-stepmother, elecampane, thermopsis, oregano, anise, sundew, plantain, ledum, violet, etc. are known.

Plants and extracts from them are used in the composition of various chest charges and mixtures, as well as potions, tablets, syrups.

  1. Dr. Mom can be presented with tablets, lozenges or syrup based on elecampane, aloe, basil, pepper, ginger root, turmeric, licorice, nightshade. It is a combined anti-inflammatory and expectorant drug, bronchodilator, secretolytics. Pastilles and tablets are used from 14 years, and syrup is used for children from three years of age. Small children drink this syrup with pleasure, since it comes with various attractive fruit and berry flavors.
  2. Mukaltin is nothing more than an extract from an althea plant. This drug has long been known for its anti-inflammatory and expectorant action, in addition, mukaltin enhances the peristaltic movements of bronchioles and stimulates the secretory activity of the bronchi. In addition to the althaea, tablets contain baking soda, which liquefies mucus and increases the amount of secretions.
  3. Thermopsis - is part of the long-known "Tablets from a cough". These tablets are devoid of any additional harmful substances, since they contain only thermopsis and baking soda - the leading expectorant of traditional medicine.
  4. Other expectorants on a plant basis - they can include more expensive foreign drugs. These are such medicines as bronchicum, eucabal, gedelix. Such medicines are prepared on the basis of the above mentioned herbs and have a similar composition with similar domestic preparations.

Herbs when coughing help not only improve the condition of the patient, but also support its immunity. So the body will be easier to cope with the disease. The main thing is to remember that a strong cough with sputum should be treated as quickly as possible, without waiting for self-healing. If everything is done correctly, that is, to conduct competent and timely treatment, then recovery will come soon and without negative consequences.

Prophylaxis and prognosis of severe cough with phlegm

Prevention of severe cough with phlegm is the prevention of any diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and in the case of their occurrence - adequate treatment, so that the usual, at first glance, cold does not go to bronchitis or pneumonia.

Without observing the rules of personal hygiene, without proper care for residential and industrial premises, because the infection and air polluted by harmful substances enter the body during its inhalation.

In order not to develop chronic bronchitis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, it is first of all necessary to give up smoking. It is also necessary to observe all the precautions provided for work in harmful production conditions: when increased dust content of coal, cement, asbestos, flour dust, as well as gas contamination with ammonia, chlorine and other It is necessary to undergo fluorography once a year - for the timely detection of changes in the lungs associated with tuberculosis.

However trite it may seem, but a healthy lifestyle - a sufficient amount of vitamins in food (in winter - the use of vitamin complexes), physical culture, outdoor recreation, rejection of bad habits - the most accessible to each preventive measures of diseases accompanied by a strong cough with sputum discharge.

The prognosis of a strong cough with phlegm - with the timely and correct treatment of acute bronchitis or pneumonia - is absolutely positive. What can not be said about the protracted infectious diseases of the respiratory system, which pour out into the chronicle.

According to medical statistics, in Ukraine, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is present in almost 5% of adults and contributes to the disability of the population. And according to WHO, from 1979 to 2009 the lethality due to this disease on a global scale has increased by more than 160%.

If you or your relatives have a strong cough with phlegm within a month or more, please consult a pulmonologist or a therapist.

What does cough with sputum mean?

Cough with phlegm is a symptom of not one disease. Such a reflex is given to man by nature, so that the body can get rid of the mucus that can accumulate in the pulmonary system. In no case can cough be cured, as this leads to a delay in sputum inside, which will be an excellent environment for the development of pathogens.

Expectorant cough with bronchitis

Many people, having an expectorant cough, do not give it proper value, either they try to contain it, or simply do not get rid of the sputum that is excreted. Such actions can result in serious complications: shortness of breath, a cough with blood, pain in the chest, constant respiratory diseases. If to the doctor to address already at such stage of development of the disease, the treatment will be much more difficult and it will take much more for this time.

Consistency of mucous secretions

In fact, when a person comes to a doctor, he begins, first of all, to ask about wet cough, is more precisely interested in external data of the allocated content: color, smell and consistency. These indicators can help to narrow the search for the cause of what a person is sick.

Allocations for coughing can be as follows (in both adults and children):

Dizziness with a fit of coughing
  • transparent and liquid - these characteristics are characteristic of colds or other diseases that are affect the upper respiratory tract, but it is still worth adding asthma, allergies and irritation to tobacco smoke;
  • thick, with a yellow or green shade - a symptom of the development of sinusitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia;
  • mucus with bloody inclusions, brown or burgundy color - signals a possible trauma or may indicate the development of pneumonia, tuberculosis and even a cancerous tumor.

If suddenly a strong cough with sputum begins, then you should immediately seek help from specialists, since this situation can pose a threat to life. This is especially true of the last case, when blood is extracted along with the mucus.

If the patient not only has a prolonged cough with phlegm, but he feels dizzy during seizures, problems with breathing begin, then such a situation can indicate a disease of the respiratory system, and it is in acute form. If you do not provide timely assistance to such a person, then the ailment can go into a chronic form.

It is very important for a coughing person to remember about security measures, both for himself and for others:

  • During an attack of a cough, the mouth and nose should be covered, and it is desirable for such purposes to use not hands, but a scarf;
  • All allocation should spit, ideally in a container that can be tightly closed;
  • it is necessary to carry out the most frequent cleaning of hands, since they often contact the face.

Well, the most important thing is to see a doctor.It is worth remembering that a wet cough can be a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Cough with phlegm: the causes of its appearance

Cough as an allergic reactionFirst of all, this unpleasant situation is caused by smoking. The fact is that tobacco smoke has a very large effect of irritation, which is on the respiratory tract. The body begins to produce more mucus, and with a large accumulation of it tries to get rid of it by coughing. Also, the composition of the cigarette includes components that have a paralyzing effect on the hairs, which are strewn with respiratory tract. Namely, by their movement they facilitate the removal of mucus from the body. In addition, it is noted that smokers endure respiratory diseases and cough for longer, as these functions of the body are constantly in a depressed state.

Also, a cough with mucus secretion can talk about the presence of other diseases in the body in humans:

  1. Asthma. The initial symptoms of this illness are expressed in a dry cough and insignificant hoarseness. But the further the disease progresses, the stronger the wheezing becomes, and the cough becomes wet. Allocations will have a thick consistency.
  2. Bronchitis of chronic form. In this case, the airways are in a blocked state, which is why initially coughing arises dry, but in the future, because of stagnant processes in the pulmonary system, there appears a cough with purulent phlegm. Such emissions will have an extremely unpleasant odor.
  3. Cold. With such diseases, sputum may be clear or contain pus. Everything depends on what kind of ailment a person has and at what stage of development he is.
  4. Allergic reaction. Such cough is very often found in children, as their body reacts more violently to external stimuli. Such a symptom can cause ordinary dust, household chemicals, cigarette smoke, etc. For adults, this situation is typical if they have chronic sinusitis or allergy.
  5. Pneumonia. In this case, the disease begins with a dry cough, gradually turning into wet. As for the color of excretions, everything will depend on the bacteria that conduct activity in the body.
  6. Cancer of the lungs. Such a problem manifests itself in the early stages of a cough with sputum, but there will be few discharges. Because of this, people do not give due importance to this phenomenon. But further in the mucus will begin to occur bloody inclusions, and at later stages pus will join them.
  7. Tuberculosis. Here the secretions can be in different amounts, but they always contain mucus, pus and blood. And the more the disease progresses, the more such a mixture will be. This disease without treatment can lead to death. Tuberculosis manifests itself not only as a cough, but also shortness of breath, pain in the chest, intense sweating at night.

All these conditions are accompanied by a cough with phlegm: some more, and some less. But they all require the help of a physician, since apart from complications, they can lead to the death of the patient. Especially it is necessary to hurry, if there is a cough with hardly detachable sputum. The fact is that if the mucus accumulates, then it starts to thicken. It is more difficult to get rid of it, and the accumulation of sputum in the pulmonary ways leads to the fact that the pathogenic microbes begin to multiply actively there. And that's without saying that the patient becomes very difficult to breathe.

If a scandal is added to an impartial kind, it means that the body has begun to suffer from a fatal illness. This situation is common in bronchitis, lung abscess and tuberculosis.

How to withdraw phlegm from the body with respiratory gymnastics?

In fact, in addition to expectorating drugs, there is also a category of exercises that helps to remove all mucus from the respiratory tract. In addition to their implementation, you should get rid of mucus, and not restrain it.

Gymnastics for getting rid of sputum is as follows:

Respiratory gymnastics is an effective way to treat bronchitis
  1. The position is lying on the back. One hand fits on the chest, and the second one is slightly lower, so that the palm rest on the upper abdomen, at the base of the chest.
  2. Legs bend at the knees and back with a pillow. If the exercise is performed by a person who has recently undergone surgery in the chest or abdomen, then another pillow is placed under the waist to fix the position.
  3. A full exhalation is made, after which the mouth is closed and a full breath is carried out by the nose. In such a procedure, the stomach should be involved, not the thorax. Breathing is delayed by 5 accounts, after which they breathe out with their mouths.
  4. Exhale through closed lips, like a whisper. In this case, the cheeks should also remain stationary. In this process, you need to maximize the use of abdominal muscles. In this case, the exhalation of time should be given 2 times more than inhalation.
  5. After completing the exercise 2-3 times, a minute break is made, after which everything repeats.

In the first days, 5 approaches are implemented, and then their number is increased, gradually reaching 10. A day is worth doing such an exercise every 2-3 hours.

Breathing exercises not only help to clear the respiratory tract from mucus, but also prevents the onset of a pulmonary infection.

As a conclusion

The first manifestations of diseases usually begin in the morning, so if a cough occurs in the morning, this should be noted.


In fact, pulmonary diseases have the ability to develop very quickly, therefore, if one begins to feel unwell, it is worth immediately seeking help from a medical institution. And of course, in order to alleviate somehow your condition, you need to stop smoking, as tobacco smoke aggravates the situation with a cough.

Wet expectorant cough: symptoms, causes

Wet coughA wet cough called reflex action, which is accompanied by expectoration of sputum. He may be preceded by a dry involuntary act, which appeared due to a cold or hypothermia. By the way, the child is quite enough, simply to breathe in the frosty air. A strong expectorant cough does not always bring relief to a person after coughing. Here everything depends on the nature and duration of the jerky act.

There is a significant number of varieties of wet reflex action. An involuntary act may differ in the presence of the following significant symptoms:

  • Type of secreted phlegm.
  • Duration of cough.
  • Is it chronic and other properties.
Wet coughIt is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the expectorant involuntary act, as this directly affects the effectiveness of his treatment. Precisely to establish that, because of what the reflex action has appeared, the analysis of available signs will help. And it is necessary to consider not only those that are present at the moment. It is necessary to take into account the etiology of the development of the disease, that is, how the external signs have changed over time.

Causes of a wet cough

Involuntary act with sputum discharge can speak not only about the presence of any diseases, but also testify to the normal functioning of the respiratory system. In both cases, mucus can be removed. However, in a healthy person its volume is much lower. A strong wet cough can be provoked by various causes:

  • Causes of a wet coughNatural nature - when breathing air into the bronchi and lungs, the smallest particles of dust, chitin of insects, harmful emissions enter. The body gets rid of them, which causes a slight productive cough.
  • Effects of pathogens. This group includes all types of expectorant cough, which can be caused by various pathogens. They are divided into the following types of pathogens: bacterial, viral, ornithic, rickettsial, mycoplasmal, fungal, allergic, infectious-allergic, mixed, unidentified etiology.
  • Inhalation of foreign bodies. Most often this cause of severe wet cough is observed in young children. In addition to mucus secretion, there is usually a pain in the throat.

No matter what the reason provoked the appearance of a wet cough, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination. Even if its origin is of a natural nature, from a complete examination and the delivery of tests should not be abandoned.

Symptoms of a wet cough

The main symptom of a strong wet cough is mucus secretion when performing reflex action. However, this is by no means the only external manifestation of an involuntary act. The presence of the following concomitant symptoms indicates severe illness:

  • Symptoms of a wet coughFrequent prolonged chest wet cough accompanies such ailments as bronchitis and pneumonia. It should be borne in mind that these diseases arise from the effects of various types of pathogens. Depending on their variety, medication is prescribed. After stopping medication, a wet cough does not go away. It can persist long enough - 2 or 3 weeks.
  • If there is pain in the chest in case of an impassable severe wet cough, then this can indicate the presence of such ailments as pulmonary embolism, severe tuberculosis, pericarditis. With such diseases, the involuntary act lasts a long time, has a paroxysmal character.
  • A strong crude reflex action, accompanied by a runny nose, is the first sign not only of influenza, ARVI or common cold, but also allergies to dust, dog hair, insect chitin, pollen of plants and others pathogens. External manifestations in both cases are almost identical and it is very difficult to identify belonging to a particular disease: the person strongly coughs, white pieces can be expectorated and there are pains in the throat, there are snot.
  • A strong wet cough that appears lying down, and only on one side and when turning, it disappears. In the sputum, there may be blood. This symptom is characteristic of a unilateral bronchoectatic disease. This is a chronic illness. Its aggravation is during the off-season.
  • Simultaneous withdrawal of a significant amount of sputum "full mouth" is a sign of emptying the lung abscess. As a rule, such a symptom is observed only in a certain position of the body. Most often at night or in the morning, when the human body is in a horizontal position for a long time.
  • A constant lingering, wet cough is a sure sign of having a certain chronic disease. Usually people with such illnesses have such a symptom as a cough can not last a month or more, in addition, there is a temperature increase. After taking antitussive drugs, relief comes. However, this effect does not last long.
Symptoms of a wet coughIt turns out that although in the performance of any productive reflex act sputum is observed, it is necessary to accurately analyze the accompanying visible signs. Wet cough can be a symptom of serious illnesses, and not a common cold or SARS. To establish a correct diagnosis in some cases, it is necessary not only to examine the specialist, but also to submit specific tests.

Species of mucus with wet cough

A productive involuntary act is performed with sputum expectoration. By its consistency, color, volume, the doctor is able to establish a preliminary diagnosis. Now doctors distinguish several varieties of mucus, formed with a wet cough:

  • Green - indicates the presence of pus and veins of blood. As a rule, in this case, the reflex action is accompanied by wheezing, high fever, dyspnea.
  • Brown - this color indicates the presence of blood in the sputum.
  • Transparent - is present in cases when the function of natural cleaning of the respiratory system works with impairments.
  • White mucus with lumps - occurs with pneumonia, the cause of which is the effect of fungus.
  • Yellow sputum is secreted by the smoker's cough and by hookah lovers. There is another reason for the formation of mucus of this color - the onset of bronchitis or pneumonia. It should be noted that yellow sputum can contain blood in its composition.
  • Foamy - occurs with chronic bronchitis, cardiac asthma, pulmonary edema.
  • Rusty - croupous pneumonia.
  • Bloody mucus is secreted in tuberculosis and neoplasms of the respiratory tract, bronchiectasis.

Sputum analysis is one of the most important studies in the diagnosis of pulmonary diseases. It is on its basis that medical reports are made.

Wet cough: age characteristics

Wet coughIf an adult has a wet cough, usually due to colds or viral diseases, then in children and the elderly, he can start because of many other reasons. That's why doctors pay close attention to the emergence of an expectorant reflex act in children and the elderly. In children, involuntary action can be triggered by the following reasons:
  • Presence of snot. If the baby is dripping his nose, then the raw, frequent cough stops.
  • Teething. This physiological process is accompanied by an abundant salivation, which irritates the cough receptors.
  • Ingestion of milk "in the wrong throat".

In the elderly, a constant involuntary action arises from the influence of the following factors:

  • Age changes in the body. They are accompanied by significant secretions of clear mucus. The reason for this is the loss of the natural ability to self-purification by the respiratory tract.
  • Accumulation in the lungs of sputum leads to the development of emphysema.
  • Chronic bronchitis, the cause of which is a significant violation of pulmonary ventilation. There is severe shortness of breath, because of the difficulty of exhalation, cyanosis develops.

The exact cause of the appearance of a wet cough in elderly people is only possible by a specialist. The main difference between a prolonged involuntary act caused by age-related changes in the body, from the pathogen triggered by the action, is the absence of leukocytosis. That is, the number of leukocytes in the blood is almost normal.

Cough with phlegm without temperature: how to get rid?

A constant cough that bubbles in the bronchi, in the lungs, in the trachea, shakes the entire body, does not let you breathe freely - it's a terrible sensation. And it can be quite difficult to get rid of. Treatment may not produce significant results. Cough with phlegm without temperature exhausts even more than fever.

Cough without phlegmImprovements occur for a short time, but then everything starts anew. You tried everything: injections and pills, and inhalers, but there was no relief, a cough with phlegm without temperature does not stop. Sometimes this phenomenon overtakes even pregnant women, in whose case it is not only painfully unpleasant, but also dangerous. Children also often suffer from cough with phlegm without temperature, and it can last several weeks in a row. For successful treatment of this phenomenon, one must remember that it is not an independent disease. This is just a symptom of the disease, the consequence of the inflammatory process in the airways. This situation leads to a cough with phlegm without temperature. Sputum is a slime with the products of the body's struggle against viruses and bacteria.How to cure cough with phlegmTogether with her, there are particles of mucous membranes. Sometimes the patient discovers blood in the sputum (but this phenomenon is not always a serious cause for concern).

A long cough with phlegm can be caused by many reasons on which the direction of treatment depends. Worthy results in this case can be achieved only if the cause of the phenomenon is established accurately. That's why only a qualified doctor can tell how to cure a cough with phlegm.

Sputum itself can say a lot. For example, its color can range from green to black. A consistency - from thick to curdled. Some pathological conditions of the respiratory tract give a phlegm smell to the phlegm.

If the mucus is green or yellow, then its nature is bacterial. Green indicates the presence of pus. Such a sputum is thick, has an unpleasant smell of rot (as already mentioned). If the discharge is abundant, and the cough is prolonged, then it can be said that there is a large abscess in the lungs. Also this kind of sputum can talk about sinusitis or sinusitis. Then, however, the cough is of a different nature.

Long cough with phlegmWhen treating a cough, it is important to record the time of seizures. If the sputum is separated in the morning, then most likely it's bronchitis, sinusitis, bronchiectasis or cystic fibrosis. With the first and second diseases, sputum is abundant and clear enough to clear. With bronchoectatic disease, cough is painful, painful, long. Cough up to the end and does not work. If such a phenomenon, as a long cough with phlegm worries in the morning, while you are smoking, then, perhaps, this is the manifestation of the smoker's bronchitis, in which the bronchi are deformed. In cystic fibrosis, sputum is viscous, lean, separated severely. In this disease, changes in the stomach and liver are also observed.

Cough with phlegm in the morning can be a symptom of asthma or tracheitis. With asthma, the patient is hard to exhale, the attack ends suddenly. When tracheitis cough does not recede at any time of the day.

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Sputum in the throat

Sputum in throatSputum in the throat is a secret secreted by the respiratory system. She can go out, or expectorate, when she coughs. The sputum contains a special liquid and saliva.

Sputum in the Throat: Causes

In respiratory organs, sputum may appear for the following reasons:

  1. Sputum is one of the symptoms of developing bronchitis.
  2. Education and sputum discharge accompanies laryngopharyngeal reflux. This pathology often causes sputum in the throat. In such cases, the greatest amount of sputum accumulates in the morning hours. This causes irritation of the mucous membranes, which can result in attacks of severe cough.
  3. The appearance of phlegm in the throat can be noted and with many other diseases affecting the respiratory system. The nature of the pathology can be different: bacterial or viral.
  4. One of these diseases, which requires special mention, is a banal ARVI. With this infection, in addition to phlegm in the throat and cough, patients usually complain of headaches, fever, rhinitis, deterioration of the well-being, redness and swelling of the mucous membranes and other symptoms.
  5. Bacterial infections that cause sputum in the throat are more dangerous than viral diseases, especially in cases of streptococcal or staphylococcal infection.
  6. Other pathologies accompanied by this symptom are rhinitis, tonsillitis, and sinusitis in chronic form.
  7. Sputum in the throat can appear and with various diseases of the bronchi or lungs.
  8. Possible causes and not related to pathology. These include smoking, drinking alcohol, sometimes phlegm in the throat may appear when eating too cold or too hot food.

Sputum in throat

By itself, sputum in the throat is not a disease, it is only one of the signs of any malfunctions in the body. The exact cause of this symptom can only be determined by a competent specialist. The presence of phlegm in the throat is easy to establish. It feels like a kind of lump in the pharynx, especially well felt when swallowing. A person has a desire to cough up a disturbing lump of mucus, in some cases sputum in the throat causes prolonged painful coughing attacks. They, as a rule, happen, when a sputum badly departs. This condition is also usually accompanied by pain in the throat, signs of rhinitis and other symptoms of colds.

A phlegm in the throat, how to get rid?

With the accumulation of phlegm in the throat is often enough local treatment. In parallel with this, it is worthwhile to conduct therapy aimed at getting rid of the disease that caused sputum. A competent and full-fledged treatment can be selected only by a doctor. The specialist, after analyzing the patient's complaints and visual examination, determine the need and the composition of the diagnostic measures and will prescribe the required course of treatment.

Cope with colds can be treated with infusions and herbal decoctions. Expressive expectorant effect has such plants as oregano, chamomile, althae, sage, mother-and-stepmother, St. John's wort. For the same purposes, broths from the needles of larch and pine bark are not bad.

To prepare a medicinal broth, the raw material should be poured with boiling water, while the following ratio is observed: one large spoon per glass of water. After that, boiling water with grass is put on the gas, turning on a weak fire, and boiled for several minutes. Then the broth should be filtered and cooled. Take the medication for a glass a day, dividing it into three meals.

Broth based on bark and needles is prepared a little differently. For this, the needles and bark are mixed in equal parts, two half-liter of boiling water is taken for two spoons of this mixture. Then the mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for a quarter of an hour. Then you need to remove it from the heat and leave it with the lid closed in a warm place for about an hour for infusion. A single dose of broth is 2 large spoons, take it three times a day.

Since herbal medicine has a mild effect, treatment with medicinal herbs should last about a month, and during this entire period it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage. In this case, you can get the result in the form of complete healing.

In addition to infusions and broths, with respiratory diseases a good effect is provided by inhalation with the addition of medicinal plants. To this end, St. John's wort, sage, oregano, mint, chamomile and other herbs are used.

It is quite difficult for children to carry out this procedure, the baby can also refuse from infusions and herbal medicinal herbs. To help parents come other methods of traditional medicine, for example, black radish and honey. For treatment, a large fruit of the radish will be needed, in which a large depression is made, into which honey is poured. In this form, the radish is left for several hours. Gradually, the radish emits a juice that mixes with honey. The resulting mixture is a very effective expectorant, which is remarkably suitable for both children and adults.

Sputum in the throat: treatment

However, there are cases when the cold has completely disappeared, and phlegm in the throat continues to interfere with the person. In this case, a thorough examination will be required to identify the cause.

Such a condition can be a consequence of sinusitis, sinusitis or rhinitis, it is due to the fact that mucus, accumulating in the nasal sinuses, gradually drains from there to the back of the pharynx. The main disease should be treated, as phlegm in the throat and in this situation is just a symptom that will disappear along with the disease. Do not let things slide, because such an attitude can lead to the development of complications.

If the feeling of sputum in the throat is accompanied by regular heartburn, then, most likely, the patient has problems with the digestive organs. With such symptoms, you need to contact the gastroenterologist for the diagnosis, on which the choice of treatment depends.

For smokers and fans to drink phlegm in the throat can become a habit. To cope with it, you must first abandon bad habits in favor of a healthy lifestyle and sport.

Another reason is the lack of water in the body. A solution to this problem can be the consumption of a sufficient amount of liquid per day.

Sputum in the throat, appearing in small amounts and not accompanied by a cough temperature and other signs of the disease, is not a cause for concern. In this way, the body displays harmful substances that have accidentally entered the respiratory system, dust particles and harmful substances.

There may be other causes of sputum. Each of them requires its own medical treatment. In order not to be mistaken and not to harm the body, it is worth to visit a doctor.

Sputum in the throat

Sputum in the child's throat

In young children, the appearance of sputum in the throat is often associated with an insufficient development of immunity, due to which the child is more susceptible to various diseases. Colds in babies need to be treated, otherwise the bronchi and lungs can be drawn into the process. Of great importance is the character of coughing in many diseases. So, dry, barking - speaks about the beginning of the disease, and wet, with outgoing sputum - is considered more productive and indicates a fracture of the disease towards recovery.

Treatment with phlegm in the throat should be primarily aimed at getting rid of the underlying disease. To do this, you must fulfill the assignments made by the specialist. Independently, in the absence of contraindications and high temperature, it is possible to conduct home thermal procedures. These include mustard plasters, foot baths, warming of the breast and legs of the baby with warm clothes. A good effect is given by inhalation over potato steam.

In the fight against cough and cold, ordinary cabbage can come to the rescue. The leaf of this vegetable is smeared with honey and used as a compress on the baby's chest.

Often sputum in the throat is too thick consistency and poorly departs. In order to make it liquefied, you can drink warmed milk with a spoonful of honey. Vitamin drinks and compotes, broth of a dogrose and other agents possess the same action. The conditions in which the baby is located are also important. In respiratory diseases, the child needs fresh air and a generous warm drink, and it must not be allowed that the air in the room where the baby is located is too dry. When the acute period ends and the body temperature drops to normal values, the child can be taken out for short-term quiet walks to the street.

Persistent phlegm in the throat

With complaints about the constant presence of phlegm in the throat, otolaryngologists often have to face. Symptom is accompanied by many colds of infectious diseases. In some cases, phlegm accumulating in the throat is a local problem. Then, along with this sign, there are others: perspiration, constant coughing, a sensation of a coma in the throat. In this case, from the side of the lungs and bronchi, there can be no changes and pathologies.

Analyzing the patient's complaints, the results of the examination and laboratory tests, the doctor can establish that the cause of phlegm in the throat was LFR, or laryngopharyngeal reflux. Such a diagnosis suggests that some of the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, and thence to the throat. In the case where such content has an acidic environment, a person has heartburn. If the contents of the stomach, which gets into the throat is not acidic, there will be no signs of heartburn, but irritation of the mucous throat is still observed. This irritation also causes the formation of phlegm in the throat, perspiration, muscle spasm, coughing and other phenomena.

Treatment of this condition consists in taking a course of certain drugs, most often, proton pump inhibitors, such as omez, omeprazole and others. With light forms, you can do without taking medications, simply following certain rules that significantly reduce the risk of an attack:

  1. Do not eat immediately before going to bed.
  2. It is necessary to give up fried, fatty and spicy food.
  3. Harmful also all drinks containing caffeine and alcohol.
  4. For sleep it is better to choose a pose with an elevated upper body, to create it you can buy a special mattress or use a high pillow.

Severe cases of laryngopharyngeal reflux are treated by surgical methods.

Another reason for the constant presence of phlegm in the throat may be the so-called postnatal syndrome. It is the drainage of the mucus that forms in the nasal cavity at the back of the pharynx, which causes the mucus to accumulate in the pharynx. You can fix this with a visual inspection. Treatment of postnatal syndrome is a complex of measures to eliminate the underlying disease, which was the cause of sputum in the throat.

In rare cases, mucus in the throat can form with individual food intolerance of certain non-allergic products. Most often, this reaction is caused by the use of dairy products.

Accumulation of phlegm in the throat may be accompanied by diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome, which are characterized by a decrease in salivary secretion. The sensation of a clot of mucus in the throat appears also during dehydration, prolonged breathing with the mouth.

One of the most rare causes of sputum congestion is a special disease of the esophagus, which is called Zenker's diverticulum. With such pathology in the esophagus, a kind of groove in the form of a pocket is formed, where food is stored and stored.

Cough with phlegm in the morning

Causes of coughing with phlegm in the morningCough in the morning with phlegm can occur due to the common cold, chronic smoker's bronchitis, exacerbation of allergic diseases and in a number of other cases. If such a cough constantly torments you in the morning hours, or appears with a certain periodicity, do not be engaged self-treatment, or let the matter go by its own accord, only the doctor will be able to pinpoint the cause of the disease and treatment.


Coughing is a reflex contraction of the musculature of the chest, through which the body gets rid of accumulated mucus, bacteria, various pollutants, such as dust, and cleanses Airways. Sputum most often occurs due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea or bronchi and accumulates in the lungs, interfering with normal breathing. Treatment begins by determining the cause of this symptom, and to facilitate the patient's condition and speed up recovery, are given expectorant and mucolytic drugs that facilitate the withdrawal of sputum from bronchi.

Cough with phlegm can be caused by a cold disease, bacterial or viral infection, ingestion of a foreign body in the respiratory tract, development of an allergic reactions of the body, smoking or occupational hazards, a strong emotional shock and some diseases of other organs, for example, cardiovascular system.

Most Common Causes

  1. Cough smokers - people who breathe in the lungs smoke, the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract is constantly irritated, it is easy Infects with any viral infection or hypothermia, and develops the smoker's bronchitis, which is very hard to give treatment. And in a few years he can go to a chronic stage and even giving up a bad habit will not help cope with the disease.
  2. Chronic bronchitis - if you do not heal or go "on your feet" cold or ARVI, bronchitis can easily occur, and after any hypothermia or infection will provoke its aggravation and the disease will pass into its chronic stage.
  3. Laryngitis is a painful, very frequent and exhausting cough that occurs with laryngitis. Sputum in this case is small, it hardly leaves, very dense and transparent. Coughing attacks are strong, frequent, tired of the patient, characteristic of the change in voice - hoarseness and coarsening and coarse "barking" cough of the patient.
  4. Bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases - in this case, cough is sharp, phlegm is separated little, it is transparent, dense "vitreous an attack occurs in the morning hours or after physical exertion, nervous tension or any strong emotions. Such attacks are accompanied by shortness of breath, possibly choking, the patient can not exhale the air, his face turns red or pale, and the usual cough suppressants do not help.
  5. Pneumonia - with lung inflammation cough is frequent, strong, sputum is separated in large amounts, it is white-yellow or greenish in color, with an unpleasant odor, impurities of pus. With pneumonia, the patient feels bad, the body temperature reaches 39-40 degrees, chest pain, fever, headache and weakness are noted.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases - a constant cough with scant sputum without other signs of lung disease with cardiovascular diseases in the decompensation stage, in this case it is necessary to urgently consult doctor.
  7. Other diseases are frequent, severe painful cough, accompanied by pains in the chest and general deterioration of the condition, without an increase in body temperature and other signs of intoxication may be a symptom of pulmonary tuberculosis or cancer diseases. Sputum secretes a lot, possibly expectoration with a "full mouth it can contain veins of blood and other impurities.

The reasons for which there is a cough in the morning is quite a lot and you should not self-medicate, relying only on 1-2 signs, only an experienced specialist, after a thorough examination, will be able to accurately determine the cause of the ailment and prescribe the correct treatment.

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