Why there is hypermetropic astigmatism

Good eyesight is given to many of us from birth, but cases of congenital anomalies of visual perception are not uncommon.Astigmatism is considered one of the most complex visual defects, and its presence can greatly reduce the quality of life.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Types and Classification
  • 3Causes
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Diagnostics
  • 7Treatment
    • 7.1Medication Therapy
    • 7.2Surgically
    • 7.3Folk remedies
  • 8Prevention
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

Definition of disease

The optical system of the eye functions due to the passage of light rays through the cornea and the lens, and focuses on the macula (yellow spot) - the central area of ​​the retina, consisting of their nerve cells (cones).They transmit the image to the visual center in the brain.

Structure of the eye

For good vision, all points of the transmitted image should be displayed in the way they look in reality, i.e. in the form of a single point.However, if the refraction (refractive power) of the cornea and the lens, and the shape of the eyeball changes, the image becomes out of focus.

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In this case, instead of one point on the retina appear two, so the picture begins to blur, double and lose its true contours.

Astigmatism is such a visual defect when the rays passing through the cornea or the lens are refracted with varying degrees.T. e. The cornea does not have a spherical shape, but becomes elongated along one of the meridians - horizontal or vertical. When due to congenital or acquired causes the shape of the cornea is not convex enough, the image is formed in outside the eyeball, and in addition a person suffers from hyperopia (hypermetropia) - poor vision near.

Astigmatism, complicated by a too-flat cornea, is called hypermetropic.

Types and Classification

For ease of diagnosis use the following classifications of astigmatism:

  • Simple or complex- depending on the presence of deviations in one or both meridians;
  • Hypermotropic or myopic- depending on what kind of deviations are observed;
  • Mixed- when combined in one eye, hypermetropia and myopia in different meridians.

The disease can be congenital (due to heredity or developmental abnormalities) and acquired (due to surgical intervention, injuries, illnesses).There are also 3 degrees of astigmatism depending on the strength of the deviations: weak (up to 3 D), medium (3 to 6 D), strong (more than 6 D).

Hypermotropic astigmatism can be simple or complex, congenital or acquired, and also be different in strength deviations.


Heredity is a common cause of astigmatism of the congenital.If one of the parents has a deviation of this kind, the probability of developing it in a child is 50%. Although in some cases, the visual defect is the result of fetal development abnormalities.

Most children are born with varying degrees of astigmatism, as well as hypermetropia.Approximately by three years, these indicators come back to normal, as the child's eyes are constantly growing and changing their shape. Most people have a weak degree of astigmatism (before, D), which does not interfere with daily life.

However, some babies may experience abnormalities at the age of 1 year, and parents should be vigilant to begin correction on time.

Acquired astigmatism can develop under the following conditions:

  • Prolonged eye strain;
  • Eye trauma;
  • Keratoconus;
  • Consequences of infectious damage to the cornea or surgery on the eyes.


The danger of astigmatism is that its initial stages can be taken as a sign of eye fatigue:

  • Blur the contours;
  • Rapid eye fatigue with tension;
  • Increased dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • In the area of ​​the forehead and forehead painful sensations.
Symptoms of astigmatism

These symptoms can be diagnosed as a normal fatigue, but caution should be exercised, especially with prolonged overloads of the visual organ and in the elderly, when astigmatism is often complicated hypermetropia.

For parents of small children, an unusual behavior of the child may become an alarm:

  • Capriciousness and tearfulness;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Unwillingness to view pictures or do other favorite things that require working with small details.

This behavior of the baby is often perceived by the older generation as laziness and whims, but in fact it is due to headaches or dizziness when viewing objects. The child can squint, tilt his head and even reduce his eyes to the nose - in this case, you should immediately pay a visit to the doctor.

Possible complications

If there are even minor deviations from the norm with astigmatism, it is necessary to begin correction. This is of particular importance in the treatment of children, since the visual system of the child passes through several stages before adulthood, and any deviations may progress or be complicated by myopia and hypermetropia.

Complication with astigmatism - myopia

The most frequent complications of astigmatism are:

  • Decreased visual acuity. Since the eyes are in constant tension in trying to get a good picture, all eye structures work with overload. Exchange processes are violated, and visual acuity is steadily declining;
  • Amblyopia (lazy eye).To get a clear picture (especially often this happens in childhood), the visual center of the brain can try to turn off the image from one eye. And if this gives at least a miserable result, such an effect can go from a temporary to a permanent one, since the child's visual system is extremely plastic. Gradually, the vision on this eye is reduced because of inactivity;
  • Strabismus.It also develops as a result of the baby's attempts to get a good picture. This often occurs when the pupils are focused at a single point, for example, at the tip of the nose. The consequence is the appearance of friendly strabismus.
Complication with astigmatism - strabismus

Of course, controlling the formation of the child's visual apparatus is very important, but adults should also carefully monitor quality of visual perception, especially if you need a prolonged eye strain when working on a computer or in an elderly age.


The main method for diagnosing hypermetropic astigmatism is a shadow test (skiascopia), which an experienced ophthalmologist conducts even in young children.The method is based on the observation of the movement of shadows occurring in the pupil area after illumination by a light beam reflected in the mirror.

Other possible diagnostic methods include:

  • Visometry.Assessment of visual acuity with the help of tables;
Checking visual acuity (visometry)
  • Biomicroscopy.Investigation of eye structures using a slit lamp;
  • Ultrasound.It is performed for examination of the fundus;
  • Ophthalmometry.Allows to reveal deviations in the curvature of the cornea;
  • Autorefractometry. Another method of investigating refraction;
  • Tonometry.Measurement of intraocular pressure.


Among the treatment measures may include correction methods, surgical intervention, conservative therapy, as well as traditional medicine.

Medication Therapy

Since hypermetropic astigmatism is not so much a disease as a visual defect, its correction with medicines can be carried out with etiotropic drugs:

  • Moisturizing drops;
Drops Taufon used in the treatment of astigmatism
  • Vitamin complexes for the eyes;
  • Immunostimulating agents.

Conservative methods also include:

  • Proper nutrition;
  • Normalization of visual loads;
  • Swimming, massage;
  • Gymnastic complexes for the eyes.

However, in the first place, especially in childhood, the doctor recommends a correction of vision:

  • Points.For this, special cylindrical lenses are used, which, with the presence of long-sightedness, also correct this visual perception defect. The disadvantage of the method is the poor tolerance of glasses with a high degree of astigmatism;
  • Contact lenses.This method of correction in terms of medicine is preferable, because the lens does not create additional distortions, which are unavoidable when wearing glasses due to some distance to the eye. However, a small child can not wear a lens for security reasons, so lenses are the preferred choice for the older generation.
Astigmatic contact lenses

Correction methods, gymnastic complexes and other methods of conservative treatment do not give a 100% guarantee even simply fixing the level of visual perception on a stable indicator. Therefore, preventive examinations with an ophthalmologist are mandatory.


With the rapid progression of a visual defect for no apparent reason, and also in case of ineffectiveness The doctor may recommend one of the operational methods to improve the view:

  • Thermokerokerocoagulation.On certain peripheral parts of the cornea with a needle having a high t, tiny injections causing a contraction of the collagen fibers are applied. This causes a flattening of the periphery and an increase in the curvature of the center of the cornea;
  • Laser thermokerokerocoagulation.The principle of carrying out the operation differs only in the way of nicking - in this case it is laser radiation;
Thermokerquatoagulation with laser
  • Hypermetropic laser keratomileusis.The most effective method, because it allows to carry out correction with the least traumatism. The essence of the method - correction is carried out in the middle layer of the cornea after temporary removal of the finest superficial film - epithelium. At the end of the correction, it is returned to its place.

In some cases, when the above methods can not be applied, keratoplasty, removal of the lens, and as an implant, phakic intraocular lenses.

Folk remedies

The effectiveness of folk remedies with astigmatism, to put it mildly, is very doubtful.However, there are many recipes that help to normalize metabolic processes in the eye tissues, saturate them with the necessary vitamins, and improve blood circulation:

  • Make infusion of bilberry leaves: 3 h. l. in 200 ml of boiling water. After insisting for an hour, strain and drink for a day;
  • Spray cold water on the eyes to 30-40 times. This stimulates blood circulation and, if necessary, stabilizes it;
  • Make from the pulp of sweet cherries daily lotions for the eyes;
  • 50 g of dry herb eyes fill 1 liter of boiling water, then insist 3 hours. After this, strain and drink in equal parts for 3 days (at a time - not more than 100 ml).

One of the most effective folk techniques is juice therapy: drink in turn every day 200 ml cherry, blueberry, carrot, cucumber, beet juice. Effective in the treatment and decoctions of berries.


Prevent the progression of a visual defect or avoid its acquired forms using simple measures:

  • Observance of vision hygiene;
  • Correct distribution of eye strain;
  • Gymnastic eye complexes;
  • Timely treatment of eye pathologies;
  • Avoidance of traumatic injuries;
  • Prophylactic examinations.



Timely detection and correctly performed correction can slow progression or even (at a younger age) completely relieve hypermetropic astigmatism.After the end of the formation of the visual organs, the correction will not be so fast, but surgical correction methods become available, many of which are very effective.

The main thing, as well as in the treatment of other pathological conditions, is not to start the process and react in time.Therefore, if there is discomfort in visual sensations, do not delay the visit to the ophthalmologist for a long time.

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