Can there be bronchitis without fever

Is there bronchitis without a temperature

Who among us has not had bronchitis? It is unlikely that there will be such a person. Bronchitis is the temperature, cough, general malaise. But bronchitis also does sometimes without temperature. As far as this phenomenon is dangerous, why this happens - the questions to which we will try to answer.

First, let's figure out what bronchitis is. It is an inflammatory disease of the bronchi - the tubes that connect the lungs with the trachea. The nature of this disease can be different, both viral and bacterial. As a rule, at first a person falls ill with ARVI or influenza, and this is known to be viral diseases. Then a bacterial infection joins - and here it is, bronchitis. Although sometimes there is bronchitis, which was caused by atypical pathogens: chlamydia, mycoplasma. The cause of the disease can serve and potent substances that have fallen into the human respiratory tract.

Bronchitis without temperature - it's bad or good

A rise in body temperature for colds is the response of the human immune system to a threat in the form of viruses and bacteria. Therefore, it is generally accepted that a high fever is good. Say, the body fights, immunity works. In the case of bronchitis, much will depend on what kind of bronchitis it is, because it can be of several kinds. So, let's deal with it.

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  1. Acute bronchitis. Most often acts as a complication of viral infections or influenza. This form of bronchitis, as a rule, is accompanied by a high fever and a general severe condition of the patient( especially the child).
  2. Obstructive bronchitis. This type of disease is accompanied by pulmonary edema, the patient develops not only cough, but severe dyspnea. This form of the disease can also proceed without hyperthermia( temperature increase).This will depend on the characteristics of the organism of each individual person.
  3. Chronic bronchitis. It occurs if there was no adequate treatment for acute bronchitis. With this disease, the patient suffers from coughing, shortness of breath, general weakness. And this is almost always against the background of a normal or slightly elevated temperature.
  4. Bronchitis relapsing. Most often they suffer from children, several times over a short period of time. Since the body gets used to this disease, it can also proceed without temperature.

As can be seen, there will be bronchitis with or without fever, depending on the type and characteristics of the body.

How to treat bronchitis

Regardless of whether or not there is bronchitis with or without temperature, only a doctor should treat this disease.

After all, under his symptoms can be hidden such a dangerous disease as pneumonia. And with this ailment, jokes are bad. Therefore, without an experienced doctor, armed with a phonendoscope, you can not do. However, it is possible and necessary to use general recommendations that will lead to a speedy recovery:

  • drink plenty of fluids( water without gas, tea, juice) - this will help to dissolve sputum and facilitate coughing;
  • moisten the air in the room where the patient is;
  • take herbal remedies that will help the fastest sputum discharge;
  • do inhalation with soda or herbs;
  • ensure constant access of fresh air to the room;
  • do not smoke and do not breathe tobacco smoke - this will only aggravate the cough;
  • take drugs to improve immunity;
  • enrich your diet with vitamin products;
  • can resort to various compresses and warming bandages.

To prevent bronchitis

It can be argued that bronchitis without fever is a clear sign of a malfunction in the immune system. Quite often, this phenomenon occurs in children, because their immune system has not yet been fully formed. If the body does not react to the disease, then you need to help him:

  • in the spring and autumn drink the course of vitamins with microelements;
  • in the period of colds take drugs that increase immunity;
  • always do preventive vaccinations against influenza( especially for children, the elderly and pregnant women);
  • rationally eat, rest fully, exercise - in general, lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • try to heal catarrhal diseases in time, and avoid them if possible.

Secrets of Traditional Medicine

The main thing in the treatment of bronchitis is not so much to fight with the cough itself, how much to make it more productive. This will help the early release of bronchi from sputum, and with it and from pathogens.

With any form of bronchitis can not do without potent medicines. However, to ease the symptoms of the disease, you can use simple recipes of traditional medicine, which have been tested for many decades.

  1. Make an infusion of sage, linden and elderberry flowers in a ratio of 1: 1: 1.Drink a day for 3-4 cups. This diaphoretic will help to cope faster with the disease.
  2. Very compressive with gum. To make it, take 100 grams of gum, 50 g of beeswax. These ingredients need to melt over low heat. After we add 1 spoonful of honey. We let the composition cool down a bit, and then we put a few spoons of the mixture into the area of ​​the bronchi, after putting a piece of gauze. Do the procedure at night. The effect comes, as a rule, after 2 days of using the medicine.
  3. Hot milk with the addition of loya( goat fat) - an excellent remedy for bronchitis, especially chronic. Take 300 g of milk, add 1 tbsp.spoonful of loy and 1 tbsp.spoon of honey. Drink in the warm form in the morning and in the evening - and you will forget what bronchitis is.

Treatment of bronchitis, which is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature, almost does not differ from the treatment of conventional bronchitis. The main thing is that the absence of temperature does not lead you astray. After all, the main task - to cure the disease to the end and prevent its overflow into a chronic form.

Bronchitis without temperature

Bronchitis is a common disease in which inflammatory inflammation of the bronchi is associated with various provoking factors. Typically, the characteristic symptoms of bronchitis are: cough, malaise and fever. But does the temperature of the body always increase with this disease, and can there be bronchitis without temperature? We will try to understand it. Is there bronchitis without fever?

The increase in body temperature in various pathologies is a normal protective reaction of the body, which contributes to the rapid development of protective substances to combat pathogens that caused inflammation. If an infectious-inflammatory disease is diagnosed without an elevated temperature, it can be assumed that there are malfunctions with the functioning of the immune system.

Inflammation of bronchus with normal body temperature is sometimes found in medical practice, and without a rise in temperature, both acute and chronic bronchitis can occur. Most often, this symptomatology is observed in bronchitis caused by the following factors:

  • exposure to allergens( dust, plant pollen, household chemicals, food, medicines, microorganisms, etc.);
  • penetration of toxic chemicals through the respiratory system;
  • inhalation of contaminated air for a long period of time;
  • smoking.

In some cases, without an increase in body temperature, infectious bronchitis occurs in mild form, and often all other symptoms are weakly expressed.

How to treat bronchitis without fever?

Regardless of whether bronchitis is accompanied by an increase in body temperature or not, a doctor should treat the disease. Therefore, if a symptom is found, you should consult a therapist who can, if necessary, send for consultation to an immunologist, an allergist or other narrow specialists to find out the causes of the pathology.

As a rule, medication is prescribed, which can include reception:

  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral agents;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • mucolytics;
  • immunomodulators, etc.

Also recommended is a generous warm drink, observance of a sparing diet.

Often, bronchitis is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • inhalation;
  • ozocerite applications;
  • UHF-therapy, etc.

Is there an obstructive bronchitis without cough and temperature? ??



Yes it happens! !!!Temperature - this is not an indicator, so immunity is reduced! !Shortness of breath and weakness symptoms are bad, if the breath is strong - drink neofillin, it will be easier, antibiotics for 5 days, drink more, and preferably mucoid! !!

valery and why

bronchitis cases bad. ... you need to be treated seriously and for a long time. ... I wish you a normal doctor. ..

Irina Filippova

ORZ, it could be complicated by bronchitis.
There is also such a current.
But I'm always amazed why X-rays of the lungs are not done. ...
You would still have bronchodilators.


Yes against the backdrop of a drop in immunity. And the hell did the doctor antibiotic? With obstruction of the lungs - antibiotics only aggravate the situation. I give the certificate
Bronchitis obstructive. Both forms - obstructive bronchitis and bronchiolitis differ only in clinical manifestations. Bronchiolitis is more often observed with the first obstructive episode, obstructive bronchitis - with repeated.
Etiology. The first episode is usually caused by PC-viral or parainfluenza type 3 infection, repeated - often by other viruses.
Pathogenesis. Hyperplasia of the epithelium of bronchioles, hypersecretion of mucus complicates exhalation, as a result of which adequate ventilation is possible only with an increase in exhalation pressure;the latter leads to the collapse of large bronchi and the appearance of the phenomenon of "expiratory whistle".In the genesis of repeated episodes, the role of allergic predisposition and the presence of bronchial hyperreactivity( congenital or acquired) is great.
Clinical picture. The beginning is the same as in ARVI, then( with the first episode on days 2-4, with repeated ones - on the 1-2th) develops expiratory dyspnea with a respiratory rate of 60-80 per minute, sometimes a cough. The prevalence of symptoms of major bronchial lesions( wheezing, dry, often musical wheezing) is characteristic of obstructive bronchitis, a more "wet" picture( the mass of diffuse small bubbling rales) is typical for bronchiolitis. With a significant increase in breathing, the expiration of the exhalation and the whistling sounds can be reduced until completely disappearing. Therefore, in assessing the severity of obstruction, one should focus on the severity of pulmonary swelling( percussion of the borders), the frequency of breathing and the degree of retraction of the "compliant" places of the chest, and also on the levels of Po and Pco2. Severe obstruction persists for 1-4 days( with bronchiolitis longer)complete normalization of the condition is delayed for 1-2 weeks. Radiographically determined bloating, displacement of the pattern of large vessels and bronchi to the mediastinum, creating a picture of "succulent roots."
Diagnosis. Based on clinical data, it is not difficult. It should be differentiated from bronchial asthma, the presence of which is likely when typical seizures occur, especially in response to non-infectious allergens, outside of the association with ARVI;differentiate from pneumonia( community-acquired) is easy because of the rare occurrence of obstruction in pneumonia.
Forecast. Despite the severity of the acute period, a favorable, consistent development of pneumonia in the absence of superinfection is not observed. Many people may have repeated episodes of obstructive bronchitis in ARVI.
Treatment. In case of an acute episode, relief of respiratory function( rest, avoidance of unnecessary manipulation, copious drinking) is required, in severe cases - oxygen therapy.
Antibacterial agents are not indicated, interferon is used from etiotropic agents in the early stages of infection. Bronchospasmolytic agents are indicated with severe obstruction. The most effective use of sympathomimetics inside, intramuscularly or in the form of an aerosol( Berotek, Salbutamol, Astmopent, etc.), alone or in combination with ipratropium bromide( metered aerosol Berodual).Dosed aerosols are used directly or via a spacer. The effect occurs in half with the first and in 80% with a repeated obstructive episode. The use of euphyllin and less effective than the use of sympathomimetics is also successfully used, especially at the stage of healing. The use of corticosteroids is justified in the absence of the effect of the above funds. In cases of severe obstruction or its progression, it is justified to administer these drugs( preferably fluorinated, eg dexamethasone) at the beginning of treatment, with rapid cancellation 1-3 days after the onset of the effect. Antihistamines are indicated for skin manifestations of allergies.
Prevention. To prevent relapse of obstruction, a ban on smoking indoors, removal of obligate allergens is necessary;it is desirable to improve living conditions.


Obstructive breathing is required when obstructing. Especially exhale. How is your breathing? Bronchitis without a cough can be and even inflammation of the lungs - without a single kashlik. But that's obstructive. ..Shortness of breath, apparently the only siptom. By the way, do you know that the company producing Lazolvan was fined for lying ads? Stop drinking it. By the way, obstruction is often from allergies( so you were prescribed Neofillin, which I personally do not care at all, just like Euphyllinus).Look for the cause of allergies: what was treated( some oils, make up potions, that dripped into the nose, etc.).
I saw that Loraxon is an antibiotic( a derivative of Ceftriaxone).Do you have a temperature? What for also to prick? Pneumonia is not. ...It would be necessary from an allergy something, for example, Loratadin.

Marina Krupskaya

lazolvan is a cough drug, but for dilution of sputum and its best elimination

Julia Rumyantseva

Alenka, you are treated the way your lech has told And do not listen to anyone. We did not examine you and say of course we can that
obstructive bronchitis is not a simple disease, but you must fulfill all the appointments only of your And antibiotics are prescribed for your disease, too.

Can there be bronchitis without fever?



Maybe, and pneumonia too, checked)

elena m

as long as the immunity withstands
but can at any time rise

PersikoVa countess - Valkyrie ©

No! Yes, if the immunity is weak. Pulmonary infections can hide.

Harry Cramp

He's always without temperature!

Yulia Tymoshenko

In general, the most bronchitis temperature is subfebrile - 37.2.The main thing is for the doctor to listen well to the lungs, then the diagnosis is not difficult to put.

Olga Taichinacheva

Of course it can. The temperature is when the body is struggling with the disease, and if the immunity is weak, the body does not have the strength.


yes if the chronic rate rises for a short time in the evening or when bronchitis is fatigue this complication after catarrhal diseases inflame bronchi cilia trachea poorly withdraw phlegm therefore use expectorants



Aliis inserviendo consumor

Can not.


Yes. Can. With bronchitis may not be elevated temperature.

Can there be bronchitis without coughing and fever?

Inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs deliver a lot of discomfort and are mainly accompanied by characteristic symptoms: fever, severe cough. If such signs are absent, do not hope for an easy course of the disease. Most often, bronchitis without a cough is observed in chronic form. Without the help of a specialist, it will be difficult to cope with such a disease. In addition, self-medication almost always leads to a worsening of the condition. Let us consider in more detail whether there can be bronchitis without a cough, what are the methods of treating this ailment.

Bronchitis - What is the disease?

Pathologies of the upper respiratory tract are very common among the population of different age categories. One of the most common diseases is bronchitis. This ailment is associated with inflammation of the bronchi - tubes, connecting the respiratory parenchyma of the lungs and the trachea. They serve as part of the airway.

Bronchitis manifests itself in acute and chronic form. The second type often arises against the background of improper treatment or complete absence of therapeutic manipulations. Depending on the form of the disease, there are different symptoms and treatment methods. Recently, doctors are faced with a lack of characteristic for the disease signs. Can there be bronchitis without coughing and other signs of pathology? Specialists answer this question in the affirmative and recommend that they seek medical help as soon as possible.

Causes of development of pathology

Viral and bacterial agents are the main culprits of this disease. Bronchitis often develops against the background of a cold, with constant contact with allergens or toxic substances. Dust is another factor that can trigger the development of the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract. For reasons that increase the risk of any form of bronchitis, includes:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • decreased immunity;
  • smoking;
  • adverse climatic conditions;
  • is a bad environmental situation.

How is bronchitis manifested?

The main sign that allows you to distinguish inflammation of the bronchi from other ailments - cough and secretion of thick sputum. The mucous secret performs a protective function - is responsible for local immunity and purifies the air that enters the bronchi during inspiration. An increased amount of sputum begins to be produced during the inflammatory process, because of which the lumen in the bronchi narrows. The intensified breathing of the patient provokes a cough.

Bronchitis can also be accompanied by fever, fever, weakness. At night, sweating in the neck, back and head increases. Coughing attacks at this time also intensify. Is there bronchitis without a cough?

Cough is a reflex of the body, triggered by the ingress of foreign particles into the respiratory tract. Thanks to this reaction, the bronchi are cleaned and can function normally. However, this characteristic feature is not always present from the first days of the disease.

Patients who often have bronchitis without a cough often turn to doctors. Symptoms can be limited to hard breathing, nasal congestion, general weakness. In this current pathology is often confused with acute respiratory disease. Absence of cough and separation of mucous secretion requires obligatory medical treatment, which can be selected only by a doctor.

When is the cough absent?

Sputum smear and adequate drug therapy can quickly get rid of the disease. If there is bronchitis without cough, it is necessary to establish the diagnosis correctly for the beginning. A similar situation occurs in both children and adults. The main symptom of bronchitis can be absent in the following cases:

  1. The initial stage of the disease - the first few days the patient is unaware of the development of the inflammatory process in the bronchi. The pathological condition is more like a cold or SARS.The first attacks of coughing start sometimes only for 5-7 days.
  2. Chronic form of bronchitis - a cough reflex may be absent completely or manifest only in the morning or after a heavy physical exertion. Determine the pathology can be through hard breathing and dyspnea. Bronchitis without cough and temperature sometimes indicates the presence of a chronic form of the disease.
  3. Bronchiolitis - when infectious pathogens get into bronchioles, cough is also absent. Bronchioles are the smallest sections of the bronchi, in which there are no receptors responsible for the cough reflex.

How does bronchitis occur in children?

Children are the most vulnerable part of patients before viral and infectious diseases. An imperfect immune system is the main reason. As a complication after the flu, an acute respiratory illness often develops bronchitis. Without coughing, a child's inflammatory process in the bronchi usually occurs only in the first days.

The tactics of treatment depend entirely on the diagnosis delivered by the doctor. In children, the pathology most often occurs in an acute form, characterized by symptoms such as severe coughing( mostly dry), fever. Similar signs have an obstructive type of ailment, which also causes rales, whistles and noise in the bronchi. The temperature is raised slightly( 37-37.5 ° C).

Acute bronchiolitis is a type of bronchitis, in which the child develops a lack of respiratory system and shortness of breath, the frequency of inhalation increases. Recurrent bronchitis occurs in the same way as the acute form of the disease. Chronic pathology is not always accompanied by a cough reflex from the first days. The number of relapses depends on the state of the immune system of the child.

Than lack of coughing in bronchitis?

With inflammation of the bronchi, cough is a "useful" symptom, the presence of which indicates that the body is trying to get rid of excess phlegm with pathogens. There is a bronchitis without a cough, when only whistles and wheezing on exhalation are audible. Such a situation says that in the bronchi a lot of mucus accumulated, which should be removed as soon as possible. If you do not take the necessary measures, severe complications can develop:

  • pneumonia;
  • respiratory failure;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • bronchiolitis in acute form.

Infection, located in the bronchi, is able to penetrate deep into the respiratory system, complicating the course of the disease. This development is particularly dangerous for young children and infants.

What should I do if I have no cough?

Specialists pay special attention to patients who have bronchitis without cough and fever for more than three days, with shortness of breath, whistles and wheezing when listening.

It is important to begin therapy as early as possible to prevent the development of complications in the form of pneumonia, chronic bronchitis. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to make laboratory tests of blood serum and hand over sputum culture to flora.

Bronchitis without cough: treatment with

Treatment should begin with taking medications that have mucolytic effects. Such drugs contribute to liquefaction of a viscous, hard-to-separate secret, stimulate a cough reflex. Antibacterial and antiviral agents are used depending on the type of pathogen of bronchitis.

Antipyretics are used if the temperature rises to 38.5 ° C. Children are allowed to give medicines based on paracetamol and ibuprofen in the form of a syrup.

The conditions in which the patient is affected affect the process of recovery. If sputum inflammation does not clear the throat or cough is completely absent, it is necessary to increase the humidity in the room. For this purpose it is better to use special humidifiers. Such a device must necessarily be in a house where there is a small child.

Special attention should be paid to nutrition. Regardless of the form of the disease, one should adhere to proper nutrition, exclude harmful foods( fatty, smoked, salted).The menu should consist mostly of dairy and vegetable products.

Cough medications

Regardless of who develops bronchitis without cough and temperature - in a child or an adult - you should seek help from a doctor. Only a specialist can choose the appropriate medication depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Mucolytics are used to separate and dilute sputum. They can be of vegetable or synthetic origin. Expectorant and mucolytic effects have the following medicines:

  1. Ambroxol.
  2. "Broncholitin".
  3. "Herbion".
  4. "Ambrogen".
  5. "Bromhexine".
  6. "Lazolvan".
  7. "ACTS".
  8. "Mukaltin".
  9. "Stoptussin".

Bronchodilating effect is provided by means of "Erespal", manufactured in the form of tablets for adults and syrup for children. It is prescribed more often with respiratory failure. In addition to the medicamentous effect, respiratory gymnastics, massage, physiotherapy exercises and inhalation therapy will benefit. The latter method allows you to work directly on the focus of the disease, avoiding the passage of drugs through the gastrointestinal tract.


Considerable relief can be provided by inhalation with various medicinal herbs or preparations. The therapeutic effect is due to the effect of drugs on the bronchial mucosa. Preparations for inhalation can eliminate the inflammatory process, have antiseptic and bronchodilator effect.

Bronchitis without cough, accompanied by obstructive syndrome, can be completely cured due to daily inhalations. Depending on the type of inflammation in the bronchi, a certain type of procedure is selected. Inhalations are heat, steam, oil and wet. In the treatment of obstructive, recurrent, chronic bronchitis, inhalation is recommended with the help of a nebulizer.

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