Crushes in the sternum in the middle: the causes


  • 1Davit in the sternum on the right, left and in the middle: the causes of the disease and the appearance of pressing pain in the chest
    • 1.1Intercostal neuralgia
    • 1.2Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
    • 1.3Myocardial infarction
    • 1.4Angina pectoris
    • 1.5Acute gastritis
    • 1.6Pressing pains in the middle of the chest
    • 1.7Why presses in the sternum on the left
    • 1.8Causes of squeezing on the right side
  • 2Why pressure in the sternum in the middle and hard to breathe?
    • 2.12 Cardiac and neurotic origin
    • 2.23 Problems with the lungs
    • 2.34 Gastrointestinal etiology
    • 2.45 From the musculoskeletal system
  • 3What to do if it is difficult to breathe and press in the chest to the right, left or in the middle?
    • 3.1In the middle
    • 3.2Left
    • 3.3On right
    • 3.4The reasons for which it is difficult to breathe and not enough air
    • 3.5What to do?
    • 3.6Conclusion
  • 4Heaviness in the sternum in the middle of the pressing
    • 4.1Chest pain in the middle
    • 4.2Pressing pain in the chest
    • 4.3Chest Pain Treatment
  • instagram viewer
  • 5All about pressing chest pain
    • 5.1Causes of pressing pain
    • 5.2When it hurts on the left side
    • 5.3When pressed on the right side
    • 5.4If it hurts in the center of the chest
  • 6Pressing pain in the chest
    • 6.1Why squeeze the chest?
    • 6.2Pressure in the chest and difficult to breathe
    • 6.3What if I have a lot of pressure in my chest?

Davit in the sternum on the right, left and in the middle: the causes of the disease and the appearance of pressing pain in the chest

A small pressing pain in the sternum, many people take for the pathology of the cardiovascular system and simply take nitroglycerin or validol, letting everything go in its own right. However, the causes of such pain can be associated with diseases of the lungs and the musculoskeletal system.

In any case, such an ailment should not go unnoticed. It is necessary to consult a doctor. To find out which specialist to contact, you can first try to systematize the symptoms.

The emergence of pathology can contribute to various diseases and conditions.

Neuralgic pathologies. The main causes of the disease can be depressed, stress, nervous overstrain, hysteria. As a result, there is a feeling of tightness in the sternum, quickening of breathing and palpitation.

Clinical manifestations of neuralgic pathologies are:

  • pain in the sternum during inspiration;
  • panic attacks;
  • loss of orientation;
  • impaired breathing;
  • redness of the skin.

With such symptoms, the patient is prescribedcomplete peace and sedativesin the form of Dormyplant, Phytodesa, Persen.

Intercostal neuralgia

The cause of the disease may be osteochondrosis of the spine or injury. Quite often this pathology is taken for a heart attack. The main features of intercostal neuralgia include:

  • Pain sensations in the sternum on the left, which arise due to uncomfortable posture or sudden movements.
  • Coughing up pain.

When the disease inflames nerve fibers and soft tissue, so the main purpose of treatment is to remove inflammation and clinical symptoms. For this purpose,muscle relaxants and corticosteroids. Pepper bandage is applied to the edge area.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

With this pathology, due to the curvature of the vertebrae, the distance between the vertebral discs decreases. As a result, the nerve roots are squeezed and a spasm arises. Clinical symptoms:

  1. Limitation of sternum mobility.
  2. Appearance in the thoracic region "goosebumps".
  3. Strengthening during movements and inspiration-exhalation girdling discomfort in the chest.

When osteochondrosis, patients are assignednonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, relaxants and improving the circulatory process of Actovegin. Nervous and muscle tissue relaxes with acupuncture and massage.

Myocardial infarction

The main clinical manifestation of the disease is a severeintense pain in the middle of the sternum, which radiates to the left. Concomitant symptoms are: cold sweat; nausea; suffocation; fear of death.

In this case, you urgently need to call an ambulance to hospitalize the patient in the cardiology department.

Cerebral atherosclerosis. This is a pre-sultanal state that occurs as a result of blockage of sclerotic plaques of cerebral vessels. His symptoms include:

  • a feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • slowing or acceleration of the heart;
  • the appearance of noise in the ears;
  • difficulty and rapid breathing;
  • increase in blood pressure.

A patient in this state should lower blood pressure and normalize cerebral circulation. For this purpose,drops of Pharmadipine and Glycine.

Angina pectoris

This is a pre-infarction condition that can be caused by stress. Pain occurs after nervous overexertion or physical exertion.

Clinical symptoms of pathology areburning pressing painsIn the chest, which are felt in the left side of the trunk. Pain gives in hand, shoulder, shoulder blade. The attack is removed with Nitroglycerin.

Pulmonary embolism. The cause of the disease is the clogging of blood clots, due to which vessels and tissues can not transport oxygen. As a result, the patient feels:

  • Feeling of lack of oxygen.
  • Depression in the chest.

If such symptoms occur, it is urgent to call an ambulance. Otherwise, in the absence of treatment, this condition can lead to death.

Angina. With an increase in the tonsils andinflammatory lesion of the larynxthe patient can manifest:

  1. Increases respiration.
  2. Sharp compression and tingling in the sternum when turning the chest and neck.
  3. Blue nails and lips.

Treatment for angina should be comprehensive. It is necessary to gargle with antiseptic means and to do anti-inflammatory inhalations. The doctor is obligatoryprescribes antibacterial drugs, which include Flemoxin and Sumamed.

Acute gastritis

With many diseases of the digestive organs, a feeling of pressure on the chest appears.

This is due to the fact that the inflammatory process in the stomach increases the level of secretion of digestive juice and increases the volume of the stomach.

Symptoms of acute gastritis are:

  • feeling of raspiraniya in the abdomen;
  • stiffness during inspiration;
  • colic;
  • worsening of the general condition.

To eliminate symptoms and treat acute gastritis applyenterosorbents, cholinolytics, antispasmodics, prokinetics.

Pressing pains in the middle of the chest

String in the middle of the sternum can for several reasons:

  • With muscular spasms that arise as a result of nervous breakdowns, stresses and physical exertion. The problem can be solved with the help of muscle relaxants.
  • At a jamming of nerves. Soft tissue in the chest can be squeezed and jammed nerves with hernia of small vertebrae, osteochondrosis, scoliosis.

Why presses in the sternum on the left

The causes of severe breathing and pain on the left side of the chest can be:

  • diseases of the spine, in which pain increases with inspiration;
  • a stomach ulcer accompanied by squeezing in the chest after eating;
  • hernia of the diaphragm nut opening;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • Pancreatitis, in which the pain symptom in the chest on the left appears after eating;
  • stenocardia, with this pathology the left side of the sternum pains suddenly.

This list shows only the main diseases and the reasons for which there is a pressing feeling and pain in the chest to the left.

Causes of squeezing on the right side

Before determining the disease, at which pressing pain appears in the chest to the right, the specialist conducts diagnostics. For this, special test exercises can be used:

  1. If you swallow the chest at the top right as it contracts, then, most likely, the patient has a laryngitis. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact an otorhinolaryngologist who will examine the throat.
  2. The presence of the pathology of the esophagus and stomach is indicated by compression of the sternum on the right side when eating food. The doctor must determine the disease with the help of biochemical tests and esophagogastroscopy.
  3. If the burning in the chest is accompanied by rapid breathing and occurs during coughing, it is most likely a tracheitis. Remove the symptoms of inhalation on the basis of essential oils.
  4. With some lung diseases, there is a cough with phlegm and a chest tightness in the right. To diagnose pathology, an x-ray or fluorography is prescribed.
  5. If the feeling of pain in the sternum on the right is accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, then heart disease is not excluded. It is recommended to follow the pulse rate, consult a cardiologist and make an ultrasound of the heart.
  6. If the feeling of a depression of the heart appears when raising the right hand, then the cause of the ailment may be a panic attack or intercostal neuralgia.

Do not forget that the pain in the sternum and the feeling of depression in it can be relatedwith various injuries.

To the rupture of the muscles, blows are brought to the chest area, which are accompanied by severe pain, especially when the body tilts and turns, as well as with deep exhalations and inspiration.

About the cracks and fractures of the chest can indicate pain after pressing the middle of the sternum. Symptoms of pain and squeezing in the chest can be very much.

The cause of their occurrence can be determined only by the doctor, having carried out for this purpose diagnostics. When there is a pressing pain in the sternumpostpone visit to the doctor is not worth it. Even the most harmless diseases can lead to unexpected serious consequences.

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Why pressure in the sternum in the middle and hard to breathe?

Such manifestations as unpleasant sensations in the sternum can be divided into acute and chronic.This can occur against the background of an obvious cause and / or without it. There are serious pains that require urgent measures.

Pain in the chest in the middle can also be inoffensive, temporary. Therefore, it is important at the initial stage to determine whether a person needs urgent hospitalization or not. Pressing pain is dangerous in the case of cardiovascular and respiratory pathologies.

It will be accompanied by a pronounced dysfunction of breathing and heart work, heartache. This happens under the following conditions:

  • acute unstable angina;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • exfoliating aortic aneurysm;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • intense pneumothorax;
  • pathology of the aorta, pulmonary artery and its ramifications.

In order to correctly interpret the disease, at least a minimum number of diagnostic methods should be used at the initial stage.

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Failure and failure to provide assistance can lead to irreversible consequences.

Heaviness in the sternum in the middle can cause other pathologies. This sign develops in the background of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.

Nerve compression gives a spasm and aching, sharp pain. The patient complains that he is squeezing the chest after a little physical exertion.

It is difficult for him to breathe.

Presses on the chest with intercostal neuralgia, a complication that provokes a chest osteochondrosis or a chest injury. Intercostal nerve fibers become inflamed, and the sick person feels that he hurts and presses in the chest when turning the trunk.

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The causes of discomfort can be associated with peptic ulcer, gastritis. These diseases are accompanied by increased production of gastric juice and gases. An enlarged stomach presses against the diaphragm. In this case, a person feels that he presses the chest and burns.

2 Cardiac and neurotic origin

Cardialgia occurs frequently. It can be triggered by cardiovascular pathology, vascular syndrome by neurotic type, neurocirculatory dystonia, pathology of the pericardium, myocardium, myocardial dystrophy, alcoholism, beriberi.

Predisposing factors include:

  • age after 50 years;
  • hypertension in the anamnesis;
  • burdened heredity for cardiovascular disease;
  • bad habits.

It hurts in the chest in the middle after stress or strong emotional stress.

By duration, the pain can be short, temporary, lasting several minutes. The patient characterizes it as oppressive, burning. After rest and nitro drugs under the tongue, unpleasant sensations gradually fade.

Pressure in the chest and pain in the heart with neuroses and neurocirculatory dystonia appear. The ill complains that it is hard to breathe and this is accompanied by aching or stitching pains.

They can vary in intensity from short-term (several minutes) to long (about a day). By localization, in addition to the mediastinal in the middle, they can migrate to the sides, amplify from the slightest physical exertion.

Nitro drugs in this case do not give any improvement in the condition.


With neurotic dysfunctions, along with compression in the sternum there are: sweating, unstable pulse with pressure, anxiety, depressive state, phobias.


Usually all this is observed in young patients and middle-aged people, and women suffer more often. Diagnostic measures in this case do not reveal a clear pathology.

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Discomfort in the sternum in the middle can develop as one of the signs of hyperventilation syndrome. Symptoms:

  • voluntary or involuntary rapid breathing;
  • tachycardia;
  • poor psycho-emotional state.

The pain is accompanied by paresthesia, muscle twitching.

3 Problems with the lungs

Pain in the chest can develop against the background of diseases of the bronchopulmonary complex and pleura. It accompanies both acute and chronic pathology. It can be pneumonia, pulmonary abscess, tumors, pleurisy, diaphragmatic hernia. Signs of severe diseases of the pulmonary system:

  • moderately or severely depressed respiratory function;
  • fever;
  • confused consciousness;
  • rapid breathing;
  • tachycardia;
  • hypotension;
  • pallor or cyanosis of the skin.

Uncertain and isolated pain in the sternum is observed in the early stages of bronchopulmonary cancer.

The tumor squeezes the nerve trunks and plexuses, and the pain from the middle can move or give to the shoulder, arm, thorax.

Pain sensations in pleurisy are no different from pain in intercostal myositis or intercostal injuries.

With pulmonary embolism, when there is a blockage of the pulmonary artery by a thrombus and embolus, the pain behind the breastbone is a squeezing, intense, unbearable. She is even more exhaled by inhalation and exhalation.

It is difficult to breathe, the attack of a strong cough begins, and there is a sputum with an admixture of blood. This is a difficult condition, and the patient's life is in danger.

With such symptoms, you urgently need to hospitalize the victim in the hospital.

4 Gastrointestinal etiology

Pain in the sternum of the gastrointestinal origin provokes the use of alcohol, smoking, irrational nutrition. It begins after eating or on an empty stomach. The duration may be from a few minutes to several hours.

It feels like a drilling, pressing pain. Antacids, antihistamines and eating in small amounts eliminate pain syndrome. A bright pain syndrome with a heaviness in the sternum in the middle, severe pancreatitis can accompany severe breathing.

According to clinical manifestations, it is often confused with cardiovascular disorders. Therefore, it is possible to determine the exact cause only by a detailed examination.

With diseases of the esophagus, the pain behind the sternum is strong, burning. It occurs after eating and can be strengthened in prone position.

Also there is heartburn with eructations.

The symptomatology is very similar to angina pectoris: it gives to the chest, shoulder, arm.


But if you carefully consider, all manifestations begin and depend only on the intake of food.


An additional sign for pain of gastrointestinal origin: they are enhanced by palpation of the epigastric region.

Vaginal spasm accompanies gastroesophageal reflux and esophagitis. To confirm the diagnosis are appointed: endoscopy, biopsy, X-ray, pH monitoring.

5 From the musculoskeletal system

Pain behind the sternum with spinal pathology is quite common. It provokes degenerative changes in the cervical and thoracic areas. This may be osteochondrosis, secondary radicular syndrome, the presence of osteophytes and thickening of intervertebral discs.

Predisposing factors for the development of pain syndrome are: excessive physical activity, the position of the body for a long time in an unusual position, monotonous monotonous movements.

By duration it can be from several hours to several days. Pain acute, local, accompanies any movement of the body.

It can give to the left shoulder, arm, half of the neck and is accompanied by shortness of breath, inability to take a deep breath.

To avoid mistakes, to make the right diagnosis and exclude acute cardiovascular pathology, the doctor prescribes ECG, radiography and finds out the features that accompany painful sensations.

Pain of musculoskeletal origin, in addition to physical exertion, varies depending on the position of the body, can be strengthened by coughing, with deep inspiration. Pain can subside if a person takes a comfortable position.

Analgesics stop the attack.

What should I do if it hurts in the sternum in the middle? Find out the cause, diagnose and prescribe a treatment. It can only the doctor after examination, questioning, additional diagnostic measures.


It should be remembered that the pain in the sternum and the accompanying symptoms can develop rapidly and pose a threat to life.


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What to do if it is difficult to breathe and press in the chest to the right, left or in the middle?

Most of the symptoms can not be treated unequivocally. In two different people, similar manifestations can be a sign of different pathological conditions.

That's why, if it's hard to breathe, presses on the chest, does not have enough air, then you need to turn to a specialist. A similar condition can signal a non-dangerous diagnosis, but in some cases is a messenger of serious diseases.

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The thorax is a conical part of the trunk, which has a somewhat compressed shape. It contains respiratory organs, heart muscle, thyroid gland, etc.

Pathologies that lead to the development of chest pain are very diverse and can affect any system localized in the field. To differentiate the symptoms, a comprehensive assessment of the patient's condition is necessary.

When pressed in the chest, the following parameters have values:

  • localization of pain;
  • nature of pain;
  • duration;
  • associated symptoms;
  • than the sensations are cut off;
  • after which pain increases, etc.

In the middle

Localization of sensations is an important diagnostic sign. If the chest is pressed in the middle, then it can talk about such diseases as:

  1. Myocardial infarction. To the reasons why pressure in the chest, is one of the forms of IHD, leading to the necrosis of the muscle tissue of the heart. The main cause of myocardial infarction is the scarcity of blood supply.
  2. Stratification of the aortic aneurysm. The condition is a consequence of pathological changes in the aorta that have arisen due to various causes (atherosclerotic or inflammatory processes, hereditary changes, trauma, etc.).
  3. Intercostal neuralgia. The main cause of the development of the condition is hypothermia. It is a squeezing of the roots of the nerves between the ribs. It is not considered a dangerous disease, but it causes considerable discomfort and worsens the quality of life.
  4. Pathologies of the bone system. If the chest is pressed, then this may be a consequence of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, scoliosis, etc. These diseases affect bones and cartilage, leading to unpleasant sensations.
  5. Rheumatic diseases. The defeat of the joints and bones also leads to the pressure on the sternum. Among such pathologies, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, etc.
  6. Neoplasms. If the pressure on the chest, the reasons can be in the development of a malignant or benign tumor. In some cases, metastases in lung, breast, stomach cancer can germinate, leading to pain.
  7. Consequence of injury. Pain in the chest can occur due to a fall, stroke or tissue rupture. In some cases, trauma can lead to dangerous conditions, for example, rupture of the lung.

Table 1. Distinctive features of pathologies leading to pain in the middle of the chest

Name of Symptoms
Myocardial infarction Pain with an infarction does not have a clear localization. The person experiences a burning sensation, he is pressed by a thorax, it is difficult to breathe. Sensations are prolonged, not stopped by nitroglycerin, often irradiated to the lower jaw or arm. The patient feels a strong fear of death.
Stratification of aneurysm Sensations pressing, rending. Arterial pressure and pulse decrease, loss of consciousness is possible. Pale, shortness of breath.
Intercostal neuralgia Sensations are clearly localized, exacerbated with increased activity, coughing, deep breathing. Do not stop with nitrates. Strongly presses in the chest, the condition is observed around the clock, amplified during palpation.
Diseases of the bone system Feeling of stiffness, swelling of the damaged area, increased meteosensitivity, increased sensation during activity. It is stopped by anesthetics.
Rheumatic pathologies Weakness, fatigue, joint pain, rheumatoid nodules, ring-shaped erythema.
Neoplasms If the pressure on the chest, the causes can be in the sarcoma of the bone / tissue. Pathologies are characterized by anemia, weakness, irritability, fever.

This is not a complete list of possible causes of pressing pain in the anterior part of the sternum.It is very difficult to diagnose independently, it is recommended to visit a specialist.


Most people believe that if the pressure in the chest to the left, it is certainly pathology of the cardiovascular system. In practice, the manifestation can be provoked by a number of diseases. In particular:

  1. Angina pectoris. Pain pressing, compressive, burning. It is localized in the region of the heart, in rare cases in the anterior part of the sternum. Other forms of IHD can lead to similar sensations. The condition can be observed at any time of the day.In some patients, angina pain is recorded only in a horizontal position. The pathology is called stenocardia rest.
  2. Pericarditis. An inflammatory pathology affecting the pericardium (heart tissue).
  3. Pulmonary embolism. It is a violation of blood flow due to a thrombus. A condition that threatens life often leads to death in a short time.
  4. Pleurisy. It is a lesion of the pleura (lung membrane) of an inflammatory nature.
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Painful sensations in a number of pathologies can spread to the left side of the chest.

Table 2. Distinguishing signs of pathologies leading to pain in the left part of the sternum

Name of Symptoms
Angina pectoris Especially strongly presses in the left part after stress or activity. Sensations, as a rule, affect the epigastric region, they can lead to discomfort in the head region. The attack is provoked by overeating, hypothermia, increased blood pressure. It is stopped by nitroglycerin.
Pericarditis The pressing pain is gradually increasing. In some cases, it manifests itself suddenly and clearly. There are peripheral edema, swelling of veins on the neck, ascites.
Thromboembolism Other manifestations may be absent. In some cases, there is tachycardia, loss of consciousness, coughing, fever, hemoptysis.
Pleurisy It presses on the chest, it is difficult to breathe. Fever, cervical veins swelling, shortness of breath.
Diseases of the digestive tract Localization in the left and in the epigastric region. Increased pain immediately after eating or when feeling hungry. Disorders from the digestive tract.
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If the pressure is on the left side, then the pathologies described above are also probable:

  • the presence of neoplasms;
  • pathology of bones, joints, cartilage;
  • mechanical damage;
  • intercostal neuralgia, and so on.

At pains at the left it is not necessary to be written down on reception to the cardiologist. The initial reception is performed by a therapist doctor who will prescribe a diagnosis and, if necessary, send to a specialist: a neurologist, a rheumatologist, a gastroenterologist, etc.

On right

The cause of what presses on the right, can be any of the abovementioned disease. Pain can talk about:

  • right-sided pneumonia (pneumonia);
  • infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • oncological diseases;
  • lesions of the bone system;
  • neuralgic pathologies, and so on.

Often presses in the right side when stretching muscles or overcooling. Systematic paroxysmal pain is a serious reason for taking action.

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The reasons for which it is difficult to breathe and not enough air

Disturbances of breath frighten and force to reflect on own health.If the pressure in the chest and hard to breathe, then you should not give way to panic. It only aggravates the situation.

Among the possible causes (besides the above):

  1. Cerebral atherosclerosis. Pathology, expressed in the violation of blood flow of cerebral vessels due to obstruction by atherosclerotic plaques. Characterized by increased blood pressure, a violation of the rhythm of the heart, noise in the ears. Nitroglycerin helps alleviate the condition.
  2. Acute gastritis. Inflammatory disease, leading to the death of the gastric epithelium. When the disease can be difficult to breathe, presses on the chest.
  3. Angina. The pain is accompanied by the principles of choking, enlarged tonsils, reddening of the throat. Sensations increase with inspiration and movement.

It is hard and difficult to breathe with such diseases as:

  • myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock; angina, pericarditis, endocarditis, and so on. ;
  • pulmonary thromboembolism;
  • pneumonia, pneumothorax, pleurisy;
  • some forms of allergic reactions (Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis; false cereals; laryngitis, and the like.

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What to do?

The first rule for the detection of pain - do not make a diagnosis yourself. If it presses what to do:

  1. In case of prolonged or acute sensations, call an ambulance.
  2. Waiting for doctors to lie down, placing a pillow under their heads.
  3. Loosen clothes, provide access to oxygen.
  4. If there is a suspicion that the sensations have arisen because of heart disease, take a tablet of nitroglycerin.

It is strictly forbidden to leave the patient unattended. If the situation is not critical, then you should visit the doctor yourself in the near future.

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How to know what hurts behind the sternum? See the helpful information in this video:

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  1. Sometimes even minor discomfort in the chest is the "first sign" of a serious diagnosis.
  2. Early detection contributes to a speedy recovery, and in some cases saves lives.
  3. However, most often a symptom occurs with non-dangerous pathologies, to get rid of which is real.

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Heaviness in the sternum in the middle of the pressing

Hello friends! Pain in the chest in the middle never occurs accidentally and is the result of physical overstrain or serious illness.

The reasons for this condition can be very much, so if pain occurs in the middle, it is better to go through the examination.

Chest pain in the middle

It is known that the sternum is a flat bone, which is located just above the center of the trunk and articulates with the ribs.

It consists of three parts, which can move with injuries and bruises. In principle, this is the first reason, which can lead to unpleasant sensations.

The second reason why there may be pain in the chest in the middle is the diseases of the heart and its vessels.

For example, with an aortic aneurysm, unpleasant sensations will be localized not only in the middle, but also in the upper part of the chest. They will be long-lasting and will increase even with minor physical exertion.

Another disease that can cause it, is angina. In this case, the sensations will manifest themselves in the form of squeezing attacks, and go with walking or any other physical activity.

Another, perhaps, the most dangerous disease, which occurschest pain in the middleIs a myocardial infarction (can give under the left scapula), which requires immediate medical attention.

Painful sensations in this disease are very similar to angina pectoris, however, are more acute and lasting. At the same time, unpleasant feelings in the middle do not pass either during movement or at rest.

To cause trouble, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the cause of pain in the middle are spasms of the muscular walls of the stomach.


Such spasms are characterized by specific manifestations, for example, they can appear on an empty stomach or after a certain time after eating. A person can observe nausea, vomiting and / or heartburn.


Severe contraction of the gallbladder can also cause this symptom. In this case, spasms are intense and are given to the left side.

Quite often the sensations can be so strong that a person can not tolerate. In this case, developed pancreatitis, the symptoms of which are very easy to confuse with a heart attack.

There are other causes that cause pain in the chest in the middle. These include:

  • An enlargement of the thyroid gland.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia.
  • Disturbances in the structure of the spine.
  • Tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy.

Only the doctor can make a definitive diagnosis, having carried out the research.

This should be remembered and do not let things go by themselves.

Pressing pain in the chest

If you have feelings of a pressing nature, they indicate myocarditis or cardioneurosis.

Myocarditis is a pressing or aching sensation, most often appearing in the heart area. With this disease, there is no tracking of the connection with physical exertion.

In rare cases, there may be an increase in pain during the following days after exercise. Preparations of nitrates in this case are useless.

Pressing pain in the chest, resulting from cardioneurosis, a constant character, often arises against anxiety and fatigue. In addition, there is dizziness, excessive sweating, fainting and insomnia.

Chest Pain Treatment

It is one thing if it is caused by problems in the gastrointestinal tract, and quite another, if it is caused by "malfunctions" with the heart.

In the event that suddenly there was a pain in the chest, the treatment should be prompt and necessarily medical.

The only thing that can be done is to provide first aid and resort to:

  1. Gorchikniku or pepper plaster, which is superimposed on the heart area.
  2. Compress of camphor or ethanol.
  3. Rubbing analgesic drugs, such as vipratox, finalgon, efkamon, naphtalgin or menovazine.
  4. Taking analgin, aspirin or other means for cupping.
  5. The intake of nitroglycerin, if previously noted problems with the heart.

Independently, without examination, you should not do anything any more, because you can aggravate the situation. However, if the pain in the chest in the middle of you already got and you do not know what you can do - here's the treatment technique:

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All about pressing chest pain

Any person begins to panic when chest pain occurs, as during pressing on it, and without it, since the root cause of its occurrence, as a rule, connects with the heart.

Very often, such pain is a fact of myocardial damage or is associated with cardiac muscle problems.

However, pain in the center of the chest can occur due to a malfunction in the organs: the digestive tract, lungs, blood vessels, heart, bone-cartilage structure.

Until recently, it was believed that a heart attack relates to the problems of the older generation. Today, this disease is increasingly affecting the younger generation. Often in the department of cardiology, you can meet 20-year-old patients.

For this reason, in most people, when there is a pressing pain in the chest, the thought appears that this is a dangerous disease.

For what reason does such an idea arise? Because the disease called "myocardial infarction" is characterized by the death of the tissues of the heart muscle as a result of a violation of its supply of blood. This disease is very serious.

Causes of pressing pain

There are a number of other reasons:

  • intercostal neuralgia: with her painful compressive sensations may occur next to the heart or in the ribs. During an attack a person can hardly breathe. Inhalation and exhalation are accompanied by pain and it even hurts to move.
  • dysfunction of the joints in the costal-vertebral department: pain, as a rule, occurs between the scapulae. During its appearance, you can hear a faint click. There is a jamming of the joint between the rib and the vertebral column with subsequent blockage.
  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic region: painful sensations arise if the person has been sitting for a long period of time or has received strong physical exertion. In the spine, there may be a slight pain and some burning sensation in the thoracic region.
  • diseases of the thoracic region in chronic form: the cause can be bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis. These diseases are very common in recent times. For any of these diseases, the patient has cough, breathing disorders and even high body temperature.
  • fracture of the ribs: (pain is several times increased with pressure in the chest area), angina pectoris, renal colic. Such diseases can occur due to various injuries or bruises (if it is a fracture). In addition, the basis for these diseases can be violations of heartbeat and breathing or a sharp weight loss.

Above listed are not all the reasons that contribute to pathologies, in which there is a squeezing pain in the chest.

For a more detailed study of the causes of pain in the chest, you should pay attention to the location of its location and nature.

In this case, the following places of pain location are distinguished: in the left part of the chest, in the right part of the chest and in the middle of the thorax.

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When it hurts on the left side

Causes of pain in the left part of the chest can serve as the following diseases:

  1. Pancreatitis. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the pancreas, accompanied by pain in the left side of the chest, which increase during eating. The patient sometimes has difficulty in breathing.
  2. Disease of the spine.
  3. Herniated in the area of ​​the esophageal opening of the diaphragm. The cause of the disease is the prolapse of the intestine into the chest cavity, and the characteristic sign is heavy breathing after eating.
  4. Aneurysm of the aorta. The disease is characterized by an enlargement of the aorta that can be detected by radiographic examination of the vessels.
  5. Stomach ulcer. The main symptom of this disease is a feeling of chest tightness after eating. The painful syndrome is removed by antispasmodics.
  6. Pericarditis. The pain manifests itself in the form of a burning sensation in the chest area, and during inspiration, there is an intensification of the pain sensation. The disease occurs because of an inflammatory lesion of the serosa of the heart.
  7. Angina pectoris. The appearance of pain is characterized by suddenness. The pain that appears is spreading to the entire left chest region. Sometimes the pain syndrome can pass into the kidneys or under the scapula and even the lower jaw. During an attack of angina, the patient has a feeling of anxiety, and sometimes, on the contrary, depression. Some experience mental stress. The reason may be hiding in physical or emotional exhaustion.
    Above are listed the most common causes of pain in the left side of the chest. The full medical list is not limited to them.

When pressed on the right side

There are numerous pathologies that can cause painful compressive sensations in the chest area on the right. Diagnosis of such pathologies is carried out with the help of some exercises.

  1. Neuralgic condition can be identified by raising the right arm. A characteristic feature will be the presence of a feeling of compression of the heart muscle on the right side. For example, it can be intercostal neuralgia.
  2. Heart disease can be detected by tracking the rhythms of the heart. Rapid rhythm can indicate heart disease. In addition, with such "suspicions" should make ultrasound of the heart muscle and turn to the cardiologist.
  3. Tracheitis can be detected with rapid breathing or during a cough. Sign of burning sensation in the chest. The disease is accompanied by high body temperature, dry mouth, and also wheezing. It arises due to ARI, ARVI. With such a disease it is useful to do inhalations, based on essential oils that help to remove these symptoms.
  4. Laryngitis will show its signs in the event that the patient will be difficult to swallow and at the same time he will have a feeling of constriction in the right upper part of the chest. For the final diagnosis, you should consult an otorhinolaryngologist. If there are suspicions and more on a genyantritis, it is necessary to make an x-ray of nasal sinuses.
  5. Problems with the lungs manifest themselves in the presence of a feeling of chest tightness and coughing with sputum and elevated temperature. When the patient is treated, the doctors in such cases do an x-ray or a fluorography.
  6. The pathology of the stomach or esophagus can be detected with a squeezing pain in the right side of the chest during a meal. To identify the cause of pain syndromes, doctors conduct various biochemical studies and esophagogastroduodenoscopy.
  7. Depression in the chest can be caused by a fracture of the ribs on the right.

If it hurts in the center of the chest

The appearance of pain in the center of the breast is facilitated not only by the reasons discussed above. Pain syndromes can also be caused by specific pathological conditions.

The feeling of chest tightness in the middle can arise due to strong physical exertion, nervous breakdowns and stress.

Painful syndromes of this origin are eliminated with muscle relaxants.

In addition, the feeling of chest tightness in the middle can be caused by osteochondrosis, hernia vertebrae, scoliosis. The main cause, as a rule, is jamming of nerve endings.

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Pressing pain in the chest

: 2015-01-21 in 1 2 | Tatyana

A person often worries when he has severe severe pressing pain in his chest.

This ailment is often compared with diseases in the heart, because chest pain is often accompanied by tingling in the heart muscle.

Indeed, a feeling of tightness in the chest can arise due to the weakness of the heart muscle, but there are other diseases that are accompanied by the aforementioned ailment.

It is difficult to find out on your own why you are heavily pressed in the chest, but a visit to the doctor will help you to find out the root cause of the illness that has appeared.

But the most common signs of the phenomenon, if the pressure in the chest can be called: a broken heart, osteoporosis of the costal part, neurosis.

There are other causes of this indisposition.

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Why squeeze the chest?

The most common question among patients: why presses in the chest? There may be several explanations for such an ailment. Let us single out the most basic of them.

  • Osteocondritis of the spine. In this case, presses in the chest in the middle, if there is an ailment in the thoracic part of the spine. The reason for the pains is that nerves are jammed, in connection with all this there is an acute pain in the chest, with pain manifested in the active state after a great physical load. Read about how the pain manifests in the humming during osteochondrosis.
  • A malaise of the esophagus. In this case, most often presses in the chest after eating. After eating, the consumed foods from the stomach are suddenly thrown into the esophagus, in connection with this the chest is squeezed because of the spasms that arise. To the soreness of the chest is added and the state when a person is difficult to breathe.
  • Neuralgia of the intercostal part. In some cases, when the chest is pressed, the causes of the ailment are the trauma or previous consequences of an osteochondrosis. Neuralgia arises on the same grounds, after the transferred diseases or traumas it inflames nerve fiber, and then with movements of the body manifested soreness, giving to the thoracic region cells.
  • Gastric diseases. Most often, gastritis or ulcer can be included. Because of the increased secretion of gastric juice, the stomach begins to spontaneously increase in volume. Such a painful condition causes a squeezing pain in the chest.
  • Embolism of the lungs. This disease is deadly to humans. In the lungs there is a blockage, which is accompanied by the formation of blood clots and thrombi. After such education, a person suffers compression and pressing pain in the chest in a part in the middle. If the healing measures are not taken in a timely manner, then a person can die because of this disease.
  • Nervous state. With a strong emotional stress, a person can have sharp spasms in the chest that are accompanied by soreness. In addition, heart rate increases, there is a rapid onset of breathing, redness of the skin.
  • Angina pectoris. Heart disease often provokes a feeling of tightness in the chest. Not always angina arises against the background of weakness or soreness of the heart, such an ailment can be provoked and frequent nervous shocks.

An accurate diagnosis of the disease is able to put only a doctor, it is almost impossible for the person to determine the real cause of the disease. Therefore, at the first manifestations of the slightest soreness and a feeling of compression in the chest, it is recommended that a person go to see a doctor.

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Pressure in the chest and difficult to breathe

Only a qualified doctor can determine why his patient squeezes his chest, breathe heavily, and he feels the general weakness of the body.

To determine the accuracy of the diagnosis, many tests and laboratory tests are carried out.

The work of the cardiac muscle is checked without fail, the diagnosis of the presence of a malignant or benign tumor is carried out, gastrointestinal tract studies are conducted, etc.

When the chest is pressed down, it is difficult for the patient to breathe, then speech in such cases can go about the following ailments:

  • neurological diseases;
  • cardiac or vascular diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • laryngitis;
  • consequences or presence of an injury.

When unpleasantly presses in the chest to the left, the following morbid manifestations can be called the causes of this indisposition:

  • aortic aneurysm. A dangerous disease that is accompanied by the presence and accumulation of blood clots in the vascular membranes;
  • ischemia or myocardium. Often, such a pressing pain in the chest in the area on the left is accompanied by a panic fear for one's life, against the background of such sensations the pain is further intensified;
  • ulcer. With this disease, soreness subsides after taking painkillers, such as No-shpy;
  • pancreatitis. Often presses in the chest area because there is a serious disease of the pancreas;
  • hernia;
  • neurological diseases of the spine.

Pressing pain in the chest in the right part can also occur against the background of all the above ailments.

Plus, the condition when pressed in the chest area to the right, can always be caused by increased physical exercise or difficult physical work.

Stress and depression also lead to soreness in the chest on the right side.

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What if I have a lot of pressure in my chest?

Every person should always remember that a condition where it burns and crushes in the chest can be very dangerous for him. Therefore, with a strong and acute painful condition, a person must first of all perform the following actions:

  1. immediately and immediately call an ambulance team, as the above symptoms can be triggered by a complex disease;
  2. You can not lie on your back or on your stomach. It is best to take a sitting position, and also try to relax as much as possible;
  3. if a person suffers from angina pectoris, then, before the ambulance arrives, put a tablet of nitroglycerin under the area of ​​the tongue;
  4. Try to keep your breathing steady and steady.

Advise and you to us, what actions can be undertaken at a strong morbid state in the chest area.

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