Treatment of a wet cough in a child

Wet cough in a child: causes and ways of treatment

With such a symptom as cough is encountered by every person. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period of time, because cough most often indicates an infection of the respiratory tract in ARI and ARVI. It is a protective function of the respiratory system, which helps to cleanse the respiratory tract from foreign bodies, mucus, phlegm, microbes. Depending on the productivity of cough, they distinguish:
  • dry cough (without sputum);
  • wet cough (with phlegm).

The treatment of these two types of cough should be approached seriously, taking into account individual characteristics, since it can be symptoms of different diseases, SARS, allergies, tuberculosis, oncology neoplasms. Successful and rapid recovery directly depends on a thorough diagnosis and timely appropriate treatment. We will stop our attention on the methods of diagnosis and treatment of such a disease as a wet cough in a child.

Causes of wet cough

The most common cause of a wet cough in a child can be:

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  • acute respiratory-viral infections of the respiratory system (laryngitis, tracheitis, obstructive bronchitis);
  • an allergic reaction that is characterized by a lack of temperature (bronchial asthma);
  • pneumonia;
  • inflammatory diseases of the nasal passages, accompanied by abundant release of mucus;
  • as a complication of gastro-esophageal reflux;
  • congenital pathology (cystic fibrosis, Kartagener's syndrome).

In infants, a wet cough is often caused by an inadequate musculature development

In infants and children of the first year of life, a wet cough may be associated with insufficient development of the muscles of the esophagus and stomach, and also with the eruption of the first teeth. In these cases, do not panic and go to extremes, all these problems will disappear with the child's growing up. By itself, a wet cough in a child does not carry danger, but the parents should be alert to the symptoms of coughing:

  • long and sudden;
  • high temperature, which lasts longer than 3 days;
  • the presence of wheezing;
  • pain in the chest;
  • lack of appetite in the baby;
  • an admixture of pus and blood in the sputum.

Mechanism of wet cough

The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is lined with glandular cells that are capable of producing mucus. By its structure, mucus can be serous, purulent, bloody. In inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, the amount of mucus released increases many times, it acts as an irritant, triggering a response from the body in the form of a cough.

Treatment of cough with phlegm

Drug treatment is the use of pharmaceuticals

  1. Promoting the withdrawal and excretion of sputum in a child (mucolytics and expectorants) of synthetic and plant origin:
  • syrups "Doctor Mom "Alteika "Prospan "Pectusin "Bronchicum" - herbal preparations
  • Mukaltin, "Ambroxol "Lazolvan" - synthetic preparations
  1. Thinning phlegm:
  • carbocysteine
  • acetylcysteine
  • preparations containing soda, dry cough syrup
  1. Relieving spasm, enlarging the lumen of the bronchi:
  • salbutamol
  • bronchocin
  • papaverine

Physiotherapeutic treatment

  • Inhalations. To alleviate the condition of a sick child, it is very useful to make steam inhalations with essential oil of eucalyptus or pine. A good remedy for cough control are finely dispersed inhalations that can be taken at home with an inhaler, such as a nebulizer. As a medicine for inhalation, you can use alkaline mineral water such as "Borjomi herbal decoctions, ATSTS solution;
  • Paraffin or ozocerite applications on the chest area, improve blood circulation in this area, relieve inflammation. If the child's body temperature does not exceed 370, then it is appropriate to do homemade applications with a mustard plaster or potato cake, which have the same effect as paraffin and help to cure cough with sputum faster;
  • Ultrasound and UHF act on the deep parts of the respiratory system;
  • Massage vibration and respiratory gymnastics. If there is no possibility to go to a massage session to a professional or a child negatively transfers them, then the mother will be able to cope with this task at home. As breathing exercises you can offer the child a fun game, who more than air balloons will cheat or how to make a storm in a glass of water using a cocktail tube. To make a vibrating massage for a child, it is enough to play with him in the well-known game "Rails-rails, sleepers-sleepers in addition to having fun, you will make a number of useful procedures for the child.

Folk remedies

  • A plentiful warm drink in the form of compotes, teas, wild rose hips, fruit drinks;
  • Warm alkaline drink (mineral water such as "Borjomi" or "Polyana Kvasova");
  • The use of warm milk diluted with alkaline mineral water in the ratio
  • Drink instead of tea broths of medicinal herbs (mother-and-stepmother, elderberry and linden, sage, chamomile);
  • Home cough syrup: 1 white onion cut finely, mix with 2 tablespoons honey, 1 tsp. lemon juice, let it brew overnight and drink the juice formed over the next day;
  • No less effective means, curing cough, will be a syrup, prepared from berries of viburnum with sugar. Such a tasty and varied treatment will satisfy any child.

It is forbidden to give children antitussive drugs, in the presence of bronchial and light wet rales with phlegm. Because instead of good, you can cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby. The fact is that with prolonged exposure to mucus in the respiratory tract, it becomes a nutrient medium for many bacteria and can have complications in the form of pneumonia, lung abscess, respiratory insufficiency.

To cough with phlegm did not annoy you and your child, you need to follow certain preventive measures:

  • Correctly organized mode of the day;
  • Walking in the fresh air in any weather;
  • Hardening;
  • Personal hygiene of the child;
  • In the season of colds, enhanced personal hygiene, washing of the nasal passages with water and sea salt;
  • Use of vitamin therapy and antiviral drugs as needed;
  • Organize in the room daily wet cleaning with ventilation.

If the child has a cough, dry or with phlegm, it is necessary to see the doctor, take blood and urine tests, need to make a sputum culture with bacteria and sensitivity to antibiotics in order to obtain adequate treatment.

Remember! Rapid recovery depends on proper diagnosis and on time of treatment.

Tip 1: How to treat a wet cough

Treatment of a wet cough is to facilitate the exit of phlegm out. Because of the viscous composition, it can not retreat quickly, so it is necessary to take the drugs to dilute it. Otherwise, congestion of sputum will provoke the development of a new foci of infection.

What is a wet cough and why does it occur?

Coughing is a protective reaction of the organism, which ensures the cleansing of the tracheobronchial tree from irritants. A dry cough caused by the action of an irritant becomes wet (productive) when the bronchi are unable to cope with the excretion of sputum. Gradually accumulating and affecting the cough receptors, it provokes a cough. Thus, a wet cough can be called an independent attempt of the bronchi to get rid of sputum and pathogenic bacteria.

Any attempt to eliminate it will be useless without knowing the exact cause of the occurrence. As a symptom, a productive cough can indicate such pathologies as:

- Allergic reactions caused by exposure to foreign bodies, gases, dust, odors on the respiratory tract;

- acute respiratory disease or cold, which have developed as a result of the defeat of the respiratory tract by viruses and bacteria;

- chronic diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system;

- a disturbance in the work of the nervous system that causes a neurogenic cough.

Drug treatment for wet cough

Often people make the mistake of trying to simply eliminate the annoying symptom. This approach inhibits the recovery process, as the sputum does not go out, but remains in the bronchi and accumulates, provoking the development of serious diseases of the respiratory system. Therefore, the treatment of wet cough should be done with drugs that are able to withdraw phlegm and improve the airway. It happens that after recovery cough continues to bother, but sputum is no longer allocated. In this case, you can take drugs that only eliminate the cough reflex.

To improve the clearance of sputum, doctors prescribe Bromhexine, Ambroxol, ATSTS and syrups. And that the accumulated sputum was easier to expectorate, the treatment is supplemented by the use of Broncholitin or Muciltin. Useful during the treatment of wet cough will be inhalations, performed using chamomile, mint, sage, althea, and warm drink.

Treatment of moist cough with folk remedies

Black radish is a component of many folk recipes associated with the elimination of a damp cough. You can use it in different ways. For example, in a clean dry radish cut out the groove and fill it with honey. To accumulate natural syrup does not spread, radish is put in a deep plate. Such a delicious medicine can be taken by adults and children.

Homemade medicine from black radish is prepared by mixing 1 part of its juice with 2 parts of warm milk. In the resulting product, dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey (preferably linden). Healing should be taken orally after meals 3-4 times a day for 1 tablespoon.

For inhalation, several spoons of dry raw thyme or mother-and-stepmother are poured hot water, then add 2 teaspoons of soda and a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Leaning over the container, the head is covered with a towel and inhaled the healing steam for 10-15 minutes. This procedure well dilutes sputum.

How to treat a wet cough in a child?

Cough is considered one of the main signs of pathology of the respiratory system. It can appear with colds, flu, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis and other diseases. Causes can be non-pathological. Cough is divided into dry and moist. The latter is characterized by the appearance of sputum and is also called productive. It is believed that a wet cough appears with a positive dynamics of treatment and suggests that it is a matter of correction. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to treat a wet cough in a child.

Is it necessary to treat a wet cough in a child?

The appearance of sputum and its expectoration helps to cure the body as soon as possible. In some cases, a special treatment for a damp cough in a child is not required. For example, if it occurs as a consequence of a runny nose and the flow of mucus down the inner surface of the throat. In such cases, only treatment of the underlying disease is needed.

However, in most cases, the causes of wet cough are more serious. It can be diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, lung abscess and others. A doctor's consultation is desirable for any cough, but the following signs should additionally alert the parents and become an unambiguous reason for calling a doctor:

  • a frequent strong moist cough, especially if it is observed at night or is of a paroxysmal nature;
  • green color of phlegm, its turbidity, the presence of traces or veins of blood in it;
  • duration of cough more than a month;
  • presence of high temperature;
  • wheezing in the chest.

How to properly cure a wet cough in a child?

The most complete and correct treatment of a damp cough in a child will be able to pick up a doctor after necessary tests and examinations. Therapeutic measures will depend on the diagnosis. It is not worthwhile to start treatment independently, as this can lead to serious consequences. But parents should provide the child with a certain care and try to alleviate his condition.

  1. When deciding how to properly cure a wet cough in a child, you should categorically reject the drugs that suppress and eliminate cough. In such situations expectorants and mucolytics are more suitable. They make the phlegm less viscous and remove it from the bronchi.
  2. If the baby has a fever, then he is shown bed rest, which should not be violated.
  3. If the normal temperature is maintained, even when coughing, it is desirable that the child, at least once a day, walk in the fresh air. If the weather is not conducive to this, then it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room where the baby is, and also to moisten the air in it.
  4. An important factor in the treatment of any cold and infectious diseases is a profuse warm drink. In this capacity, you can use compotes of fresh and dried berries and fruits, cranberry, currant, raspberry and other berries, teas that can add lemon or honey and the like.

Wet cough in a child: what to treat?

Treatment of a wet cough in a child, as already mentioned, should be prescribed by a doctor. Usually it includes the use of expectorants, physical therapy, inhalation, warming and other methods. It is also possible to use folk remedies that can help cope with a child's wet cough.


Preparations of this group contribute to the dilution of too much sputum and the excretion of it from the bronchi. It is accepted to divide all expectorants into two types according to their origin: synthetic and plant.

Among the group of expectorants of plant origin are Prospan, Pertussin, Mukaltin, Doctor Mom, Alteyka and others. The most famous and available of these drugs is Mukaltin. It is used in the treatment of diseases characterized by damage to the lower parts of the respiratory system and a prolonged cough. This drug has expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. It strengthens the work of the bronchial glands, as a result of which the mucous secretions are produced more intensively, the phlegm becomes more liquid. Mucaltin is recommended for children over 12 years of age, in addition, it is prohibited in case of peptic ulcer and can cause allergies, like other herbal remedies.

Most parents when choosing a drug to treat wet cough in a child give preference to herbal remedies, which is not always correct. As a rule, their effectiveness is lower than for preparations of synthetic origin. So, for the treatment of cough in infants, doctors are more likely to prescribe exactly such remedies. These include Lazolvan, Ambroxol, ATSTS and others. Preparations of this group more quickly eliminate coughing attacks and are often more effective. In any case, when determining the methods for treating a damp cough in a child, it is better to trust the professionals.

Folk remedies

There are quite a lot of prescriptions for folk remedies for the treatment of wet cough. It is advisable to consult a doctor before applying these methods of treatment.

  1. Badger fat. For young children, it can be used for grinding breast, back and foot. After that, the baby is properly wrapped when he sweats, the child is changed into clean dry clothes and again covered with a blanket. Children, age of more than 3 years, badger fat give a small spoon inside 2-3 times a day. It can be dissolved in a glass of warmed milk, where it will be useful to add honey.
  2. Sheep and goose fat. Ways of using them are similar to badger fat.
  3. Infusion of pine buds. It is cooked on water or milk. For cooking, a liter of milk or water is brought to a boil and added to it a large spoonful of kidneys, then the remedy is insisted for an hour. Drink infusion should be 50-70 ml every 2-3 hours.
  4. Radish with honey. You can prepare a folk remedy based on radish with the addition of honey in several ways. The most common of these is to make a deepening in the radish and pour a little honey. After a while, a mixture of radish and honey juice is formed in this cavity, which helps to cope with the cough.
  5. Bow. From it you can prepare an infusion of hot milk, for which a finely chopped onion is poured into a glass of milk and left to be infused. Then the product is filtered and heated. You can drink it on a large spoon every hour or at once the whole glass.
  6. Various compresses on the chest or back. For their preparation, honey and mustard powder, boiled potatoes, camphor alcohol and other ingredients can be used.

Widely used in folk medicine to treat wet cough in a child and medicinal herbs. For this purpose, usually used raspberry leaves, lime blossom, mother-and-stepmother, thyme, sage, chamomile, St. John's wort and others.


Inhalations contribute to better mucus clearance and cough relief. For their conduct can be used decoctions of herbs, for example, thyme and coltsfoot, essential oils, soda, menthol, iodine and others. It is important to follow the safety rules when performing this procedure:

  • the liquid should not be too hot, otherwise the child can be seriously burned;
  • Inhalation is usually recommended for children older than 3 years;
  • duration of one session is about 10 minutes;
  • the child should be calm;
  • Do not inhale immediately after eating;
  • After the procedure, do not go out for several hours.

For inhalation, you can use an ordinary teapot, a special inhaler or a device such as a nebulizer. The latter allows you to make the procedure more safe and effective.

In addition, it must be remembered that inhalation can not be given to children with fever, during the first days of the disease, with a purulent sputum character, and also when barking coughing and shortness of breath.

How to treat cough with phlegm?

Cough with phlegm in a child is a protective mechanism by which the respiratory system is cleansed of substances that irritate it. These can be chemical or physical substances. Most often, coughing in children is provoked by bacteria, toxins, dust, smoke, foreign bodies. Due to wet cough, a large amount of sputum is released outside. If it is rare it is normal, thus, outwardly displays an excess amount of guttural mucus.

When a child is healthy he coughs no more than 15 times a day, he does it in the morning, this way the respiratory system is cleared. A baby can cough because of getting into the respiratory tract milk, mucus of the nose, tears. In infants, a wet cough is triggered by increased secretion of saliva during teething.

When should you take measures when you have a wet cough in a child?

1. The child begins to cough suddenly, he does not get to clear his throat, he starts to choke.

2. In addition to a damp cough, shortness of breath occurs.

3. High body temperature above 38 degrees.

4. The child does not eat for a long time.

5. Cough accompanied by strong wheezing.

6. Sputum in a child with blood, green.

7. The child complains of chest pains.

8. Cough strangles the child at night, he can not fully sleep.

9. A wet cough lasts more than two weeks, for months.

All this indicates a serious illness of the respiratory system, so it is very important to take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Causes of wet cough in children

1. Infections that affect the upper respiratory tract - ARI, ARVI.

2. In cases of obstructive bronchitis.

3. Because of pneumonia.

4. Cough is typical for bronchial asthma, various allergic reactions.

5. Because of a common cold, most often allergic.

6. With tuberculosis, lung abscess.

Sputum type in a child with a damp cough

Treatment will depend on the type of secretion secreted:

1. For bronchitis, tracheitis is characterized by a large amount of sputum.

2. Pneumonia is characterized by sputum rusty color.

3. In the inflammatory process of the respiratory tract, sputum is watery.

4. Bronchial asthma is accompanied by viscous vitreous sputum.

5. In cases of tuberculosis, heart problems, sputum appears with blood.

6. With abscess of the lungs, bronchiectasis, sputum with pus and unpleasant odor.

Methods for treating wet cough in children

Note that in childhood, sputum departs worse than in an adult. Because sputum differs in its viscosity, the respiratory musculature of the child is not developed. If a child has a long time in the bronchi, the bacteria multiply actively in it, because of this the disease is complicated, a person can not recover for a long time. To cure a wet cough in a child, you need to withdraw sputum as soon as possible.

Drugs include mucolytics, with the help of which they can form sputum, and dilute it, to relieve the viscosity I will help expectorant medications - Pectusin, breastfeeding, Dr. Mom, solutan. Also used are synthetic drugs such as ATSTS, ambroksom, bromheksin, often prescribed treatment with lazolvanom. With the help of their fast output in the child thick sputum, which is typical for pneumonia and cystic fibrosis.

In no case can not be used from a wet cough medicine for coughing, they will further aggravate the disease, sputum will settle in the bronchi or lungs, the inflammatory process will begin to develop.

When the child becomes easier, you do not need to continue to give medicines, especially if the baby is eating normally, actively moving, he can cough it up himself.

Breast children can get rid of sputum with the help of rubbing your back, chest, you need to do this very carefully. Children who are more than 5 years old can be treated with a wet cough with steam inhalations, using soda, herbal infusions, essential oils and iodine.

Children often suffer from various allergic manifestations, so if you notice a rash on the skin, a pain in the abdomen, you should immediately contact your doctor and cancel the drug.

What are the conditions for a child with a wet cough?

1. The optimum room temperature is 20 degrees.

2. The air must be clean, free of dust, because it can further aggravate the disease, negatively affects the condition of the lungs.

3. In the room where there is a sick child, there should be no carpets, blankets, soft toys.

4. When you do the vacuuming, the child needs to be moved to another room.

5. Refuse the means of household chemicals, perfumes, aerosols, paints.

6. To monitor the humidity of air, it should not dry out. Because the child will not develop protective substances that enter the mucus. The sputum thickens, it will be difficult to expectorate it. Note that in the viscous sputum bacteria like to breed.

7. The higher the humidity in the room, the more productive the cough.

8. As much as possible the child should drink fluids - tea with lemon, mors, compotes with dried fruits, mineral still water.

9. To saturate the body of the child with the necessary amount of salts, minerals, it is necessary to use Regidron.

10. To walk with the child in the open air. So he can quickly get stronger. But do not let the child run actively, you should not allow increased sweating, because if he loses fluid, the viscosity of phlegm will increase even more, the mucous membranes will be inadequate to work, cough even more will increase.

11. With a wet cough, a child should not constantly adhere to bed rest, the more he moves, the faster the sputum goes.

Thus, before you treat a wet cough in a child, you need to consult a doctor who is treating you if you need to do this. Then create all the necessary conditions and apply only medicines to the doctor's prescription. Treatment is necessary in the event that the disease is aggravated, and for a long time does not pass.

Wet cough in the baby

The youngest children are most often affected by colds. And sometimes a cold or flu is accompanied by a cough. If at the beginning of the disease there is a dry cough, then closer to the end of the disease you can observe the so-called wet cough, which the doctors call productive. This is due to the fact that the spitting out of the sputum in children indicates recovery, as the mucus that is on the bronchi moves out together with the cough.

Is it always necessary to treat a wet cough in a child?

It should be distinguished wet cough as a symptom of the underlying disease or cough everyday, which can normally be a child up to 15 times a day. This is due to the fact that the child has yet low growth and below is a large accumulation of dust and other microparticles that can enter the larynx at the time of inspiration. Cough in this case is a way to get rid of accumulated dust. Most often coughing infants, in which the mucosa is less perfect and more susceptible to external influences: milk flowed wrong, tears or snot flow down to the mouth area. When teething, the baby has a large amount of saliva, which can also cause frequent coughing. In view of the difficulty in diagnosing the presence of a pathological cough from a physiological one, it is necessary consult a doctor before treating a cough that may not be a symptom disease.

Strong lingering wet cough in a child

There are a number of symptoms that need to be addressed if the child coughs:

  • The cough appeared suddenly and does not stop for a long time;
  • dyspnea;
  • increase in body temperature above 38 degrees;
  • deterioration of appetite or even refusal to eat;
  • presence of wheezing with an admixture of blood or without it;
  • sputum green;
  • cough arose as a result of a long catarrhal disease (more than three weeks);
  • cough, which lasts for months and does not pass despite the course of treatment.

Only in the presence of these symptoms it is necessary to consult a doctor and treat first of all not the cough itself, but its original cause is a disease that caused a wet cough. If the baby is active, eats well and does not feel uncomfortable during the day, then the cough in this case does not require medical assistance.

What if the sputum is poor in the baby?

At children of younger preschool and school age the sputum by the consistence viscous enough that complicates its or her departure. To facilitate the process of coughing and diluting sputum in children use special expectorant and mucolytic drugs, since the accumulated mucus in the bronchi is an additional source of development of pathogenic bacteria, which can aggravate the process treatment. Expectorants are divided into two types:

  • vegetable origin (Dr. Mom, Alteyny syrup, bronchicum, bronchocine, glyceram, pectusin, solutane, thermopsis, terpinhydrate, tussin);
  • synthetic origin (ATSTS, mukobene, mukonist, fluviert, bisolvon, solvyn, flegamin, lazolvan, medovent, ferveks from cough, pulmozim).

The use of drugs of the first group can often have less therapeutic effect and cause allergic reactions in the child. Therefore, pediatricians often prescribe synthetic drugs.

The most effective are steam inhalations. However, they should be used very carefully to treat very young children (up to one year). Once the child has learned how to successfully expectorate mucus, inhalation should be discontinued.

To treat wet cough in infants, you can use a back and chest massage by rubbing the area. In this case, it is necessary to control the degree of pressure during the massage, so as not to harm the child with excessive pressure.

How to cure a child a wet cough with folk remedies?

Children older than six months can give herbal tea or infusion three times a day, not more than one teaspoon. However, it should be remembered that treatment, even folk remedies, must be controlled by a doctor. There are a number of recipes that can successfully remove sputum from the child's bronchi:

  • drink from milk and birch juice with the addition of flour or starch;
  • juice of onion with honey;
  • at night you can offer the child to drink hot water with the addition of a few drops of iodine tincture;
  • after awakening to ease the expectoration will help decoction of garlic, sugar syrup and starch;
  • infusion of radish with honey.

In the case of properly selected treatment over time, the baby more effectively coughs up and a wet cough passes. If no visible improvement is observed, then it is necessary to visit a pulmonary physician and take additional tests blood, carry out radiography and bronchoscopy in order to avoid complications after a cold disease.

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