Therapeutic back massage


  • 1How to do a therapeutic back massage
    • 1.1Indications and general rules
    • 1.2Methodology
    • 1.3Contraindications
  • 2Therapeutic back massage: indications, contraindications, features
    • 2.1Indications for this massage
    • 2.2When you can not massage your back
    • 2.3Features of technology for various diseases
  • 3Therapeutic back massage
    • 3.1Indications for therapeutic back massage
    • 3.2Technique of therapeutic back massage
  • 4Therapeutic massage - the technique, the duration of the course, the health and preventive effect
    • 4.1What is a therapeutic massage?
    • 4.2Features
    • 4.3Kinds
    • 4.4Therapeutic massage technique
    • 4.5Persons
    • 4.6With osteochondrosis
    • 4.7Contraindications
    • 4.8Price
    • 4.9: medical massage
  • 5Back massage
    • 5.1I accept in the medical center "Expert". I leave on the house
    • 5.2Performing a therapeutic back massage for osteochondrosis
    • 5.3Conducting a therapeutic massage with radiculitis
    • 5.4The main massage techniques for lumbago and sciatica
    • 5.5Intervertebral hernia. Massage procedures
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Therapeutic back massage - effectiveness
    • 6.1Types of therapeutic back massage
    • 6.2Indications
    • 6.3Contraindications for back massage
    • 6.4How to make a back massage?

How to do a therapeutic back massage

Therapeutic back massage is widely used in the treatment of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

This is the same obligatory element, as well as medical treatment, physiotherapy procedures and health gymnastics.

But in order to massaging the back led to the desired result, certain rules must be observed. Otherwise, the massage will not benefit, but harm.

Indications and general rules

Therapeutic back massage is indicated for various inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the spinal column and the muscles, ligaments, nerve fibers located here. Among these diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • initial stages of disc hernias;
  • deforming spondylarthrosis;
  • sciatica, sciatica;
  • initial stages of lateral curvature of the spine - scoliosis;
  • myositis.

Massaging the muscles of the back and neck leads to the fact that:

  • pain decreases or disappears;
  • tension muscles relax;
  • relaxation is combined with increased tonus, strengthening of the muscular framework;
  • improves local blood circulation;
  • resolves inflammatory foci;
  • local metabolic processes intensify.

Yes, and the smooth touch of the hands of the masseur provides a general relaxation and causes positive emotions.

Besides, massage is not only treatment, but also to some extent - diagnostics. During the massage the most painful places are identified.

As a rule, these places correspond to the location of pathological foci.


Today, no one really knows exactly who and when the first time he developed a therapeutic massage. But, one way or another, the technique of massage procedures was developed over many years.

But the basic principles of massage remained practically unchanged. All massage effects should be carried out gently, while the patient should not experience any pain or discomfort.

The back massage is done in the supine position. Immediately before massaging, the masseur kneads hands to make them warm, flexible and sensitive.

On the surface of the back, waist and neck, a special massage gel is applied to facilitate the sliding of the hands of the masseur on the surface of the skin.

The back massage begins with stroking, and ends with it. Stroking involves soft circular movements along the spine in the direction upwards towards the neck. Movement can be not only circular, but also zigzag.

In this case, one rule must be strictly observed. Although massage is performed for the treatment of diseases of the spine, massaging does not affect the line of the spinal column.

This is one of the main differences between massage and manual therapy.

The next stage is a deep stroking or a massage with weights. Weighting involves strengthening the hand by placing a hand on it.

It is the deep stroking that reveals the most painful places.


After deep stroking, massage the massaged areas with the rib or the surface of the palm, with the pads of the fingers. Then kneading is carried out.


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Massage with cervical osteochondrosis

This type of massage is somewhat like a kneading test - the skin is folded, and this fold moves along the line of the spine.

It follows that in a simplified version, the back massage looks like this: stroking, rubbing, kneading and then stroking again.

During the massage, other types of effects can be used - vibration, tapping, patting the palm of the hand, fingers, a hand, folded "boat". Each type of action takes about 2-3 minutes, and the total duration of the massage is no more than 15 minutes.

A special skill and experience requires massage with scoliosis. The essence of this pathology is that the muscles on the concave side of the curvature are pathologically tense, and with the convex side they are too relaxed.

And so massaging on both sides pursues the opposite goal - to relax one group of muscles and strengthen the other. Massage with scoliosis should be performed only by a qualified specialist. Wrong technique will only exacerbate the degree of curvature.

And with a maximum of 4 degrees of lateral curvature, the massage is generally counter-indicative.


Because of the possible contraindications to massage yourself at home, you should be very careful. In addition, it is technically difficult to massage your own back.

Especially if you take into account the motor limitations, which in one way or another are accompanied by almost all diseases of the spine.

However, recently, the recommendations on the self-massage with the help of phalanges of large fingers wound behind the back are widely distributed. But the effectiveness of such a massage does not go to any comparison with a classic massage.

Therefore, it is better to entrust your back to a specialist. But what prevents to call a specialist at home? Moreover, such a service has recently been widely practiced among masseurs.

In any case, do not forget about contraindications. These include:

  • exacerbation of the existing spine disease, accompanied by severe pain, marked by sensitive and motor disorders;
  • exacerbation of any other disease;
  • any infectious diseases, incl. influenza, ARVI;
  • the heat of any cause;
  • severe chronic decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • any malignant tumors;
  • skin diseases, wounds, abrasions, hematomas in the area of ​​massaged areas;
  • some types of blood clotting disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental illness.

Therefore, before you start the massage, you should consult with the doctors (therapist, neuropathologist) and pass the recommended laboratory and instrumental studies.

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Therapeutic back massage: indications, contraindications, features

Therapeutic back massage is one of the many types of this treatment and healing procedure. With the help of massage techniques, you can not only treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also affect the internal organs of a person.

Indications for this massage

The back is the largest part of the body that extends from the neck to the sacrum and is formed by the spine, the posterior parts of the ribs and the muscles.

Since the backbone is made up of a spine with a ligamentous apparatus and numerous muscles: superficial, deep, small, it is most susceptible to various diseases.

But this is the largest reflexogenic zone, that is, when irritation of certain areas of the skin surface improves the function of the organs of the chest and abdominal cavity.

The therapeutic back massage restores the function of muscles and their contractility, speeds up blood circulation and metabolism, restores the elasticity of the ligament apparatus.

Of all the variety of types of massage (classical, canned, spot, segmental, vibro hydro massage, relaxing back massage, etc.), the most commonly used therapeutic.

This kind of massage can and should be done by healthy people who spend most of their time sitting and for those whose back is exposed to heavy physical stress.


Therefore, massage with back pain in healthy people helps to remove the pain symptom and relax tense muscles.


There are also many indications for this healing procedure. It:

  • traumatic spine injury;
  • various curvatures of the spinal column;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system - radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis;
  • migraine;
  • stroke;
  • weakness or insufficiency of the heart muscle;
  • cardioneurosis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • hypotension;
  • bronchitis;
  • gastritis;
  • hypotension of the intestine.

You can use massage to raise your mood during depression and stressful situations.

When you can not massage your back

Massage is not a panacea for all diseases. In some cases, massage aggravates the course of the disease or worsens the overall well-being of the patient. There are a number of contraindications for mechanical action on the back area. You can not massage with:

  • high temperature;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • purulent processes in the body;
  • hyper- and hypotonic crises;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • expressed cerebrovascular sclerosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • some blood diseases;
  • excitations of a mental nature;
  • alcohol intoxication.

Features of technology for various diseases

Therapeutic back massage is best done on a comfortable couch or on a hard surface.

The patient should be placed on the stomach, the pillow under the head, and the cushion under the tibia. The effect of the procedure will increase if the patient first takes a warm bath or shower.

Back to improve the slip of the hands of a massage therapist is lubricated with a massage cream or ointment.

The main methods of massage are: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. Hand movements should be in the direction of the blood flow - from the spine to the lateral surfaces of the trunk.

All movements of various receptions from the sacrum begin, then the hands of the masseur go along the spine to the neck and, describing the semicircles on the shoulders on each side, return to the lumbar region.

Stroking relaxes tight muscles, improves blood flow, soothes the patient and reduces painful sensations. This method is performed after each stage of the massage. They begin and finish the procedure.

Rubbing is an effect on the deeper muscles of the back for the purpose of anesthetizing and improving metabolic processes. Mud movements are a gymnastics for the superficial muscle layer and deep muscles.

Vibrations restore broken reflexes and, acting on active points, improve the function of internal organs.

The back massage should be performed by an experienced masseur.


He takes into account the disease in which this type of treatment is prescribed: in hypertension - the emphasis is on the cervical collar zone, with diseases of the heart and bronchitis - on the interscapular area and thoracic region, with radiculitis - on the lumbar region back.


It should be noted that in the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is first necessary to perform manual therapy, and then massage.

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Only in this sequence painful sensations are eliminated, the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus increases, the intervertebral discs are partially restored, the blood flow is normalized and inflammation of the strangulated nerves is reduced endings.

Massage for pain in the back should be done for a long time and gradually increasing the load during each reception and movement. Care should be exercised in the area of ​​the kidneys and thoracic spine, excluding vibration in these areas.

Stroking is the main technique for such conditions. It is important to relax the surface muscles as much as possible. Raziraniya and kneading takes a little time, are conducted with less intensity and should not cause unpleasant sensations in the patient.

Currently, many different devices for massage have been developed.

One of them is a massage mat for the back, which can massage the entire back or certain areas.

With the help of the regulator, you can set the massage mode, the duration of the session and the area to be affected. Massage with the help of such a device will calm, relax and lift the mood.

It should be aware that any kind of therapeutic effect, even a relaxing back massage is prescribed individually only by a physician, a neuropathologist or a physiotherapist.

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Therapeutic back massage

Massage is a medical and healing procedure, which has been known to mankind for a long time. Today, massage is used for a variety of diseases, and therapeutic back massage is one of the most often prescribed.

There are several types of therapeutic back massage: classical, spot, pneumomassage, hydromassage, vibromassage, etc. Back massage is performed on the area from the nape to the tailbone - massage of the collar zone, thoracic and lumbosacral sections.

Indications for therapeutic back massage

Massage is indicated for back pain, with diseases related and not associated with musculoskeletal system, as well as healthy people whose work is associated with prolonged sitting or physical loads. We list only a part of cases when a back massage is recommended:

  • trauma to the back and spine;
  • disorders of posture (kyphosis, scoliosis, lordosis);
  • diseases of the back and spine (osteochondrosis, lumbago, sciatica, etc.);
  • headache;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • bronchitis;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • impaired intestinal motility;
  • stress.

Contraindications for therapeutic back massage:

  • increased body temperature;
  • blood diseases;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • diseases and injuries of the skin of the back;
  • purulent processes of any localization;
  • sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • menstruation;
  • some mental illnesses.

Mechanism of action of therapeutic massage

The back is the largest reflexogenic zone. By acting on certain active points on the back for massage, one can not only improve the general state of a person, but also normalize the disturbed functions of the organs.

Therapeutic massage has the following effects:

  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • relaxes muscles;
  • increases the range of mobility of joints and muscles;
  • increases the level of endorphins;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • stimulates the immune system, etc.

Technique of therapeutic back massage

The way to do a back massage can only be determined by a specialist who knows the structure of the body and the functioning of its systems. With different diseases, the pattern of massage movements is not the same.

For example, a back massage in scoliosis is aimed at strengthening weak muscles and relaxing tension.

However, different types of scoliosis also require an appropriate type of massage, using different techniques for different muscle groups.


In general, we can distinguish four main techniques used in the treatment of back massage, which are based on auxiliary:

  1. Stroking.This technique is always performed at the beginning and end of the procedure. It is a light effect, which consists in stroking the skin. The main purpose of this method is to improve the tone of blood vessels, blood circulation, the state of the peripheral nervous system, reduce pain. Depending on the type of stroking, you can achieve two different effects: slow and shallow has a calming, relaxing effect, and a fast and energetic - exciting, tonic act.
  2. Trituration.This is a more intense technique, which is performed by movement on the skin with its shifting. The purpose of grinding is to improve the dynamics of the tissues, the disintegration of deposits, the expansion of blood vessels and increased blood flow to the necessary areas.
  3. Kneading.This technique can be called a kind of passive gymnastics for the muscles, in which they then contract, then relax. In this case, squeezing, lifting, pulling, pushing and gripping of tissues is applied. Kneading can be superficial and deep, intermittent and uninterrupted. As a result, the natural functions of muscles are restored.
  4. Vibration.This method consists in transferring to tissues the vibrational motions of a certain frequency and force. There are several types of vibration: shaking, shaking, pushing, rubbing, quilting, fretting, etc. Vibration can cause amplification and restoration of lost reflexes.
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Therapeutic massage - the technique, the duration of the course, the health and preventive effect

The popularity of therapeutic massage sessions is due to the fact that with small restrictions this procedure is indicated for problems with health and for the treatment of many diseases.

In addition, therapeutic and prophylactic massage with proper application, does not cause side effects.

It is part of a set of healing procedures aimed at restoring people who have suffered serious injuries.

What is a therapeutic massage?

The description of the technique of performing therapeutic massage was discovered even in the papyri of Ancient Egypt. This procedure was later adopted by the Greeks, who began using it to treat various diseases.

Today, this is one of the main directions of manual therapy, which has a wide range of applications. Massage Therapy is a procedure used to accelerate the restoration of organs, parts of the body in cases of injuries and diseases.

It is used in medical institutions and sports schools.

Treatment with massage helps to reduce the period of rehabilitation of the patient with damage of different degrees.

Under the influence of the procedure, the pain sensations decrease more rapidly, the formation of the callus is accelerated, edema, improves the elasticity of muscle fibers, normalizes the metabolic process, a person has energy and cheerfulness.

Medical massage affects the receptors located on the surface of the body.The procedure actively affects the vessels, muscles, internal organs.

Massaging as a rehabilitation and therapeutic agent must necessarily appoint a specialist after a thorough examination of the patient.

This procedure can be used in cosmetology when eliminating lymphatic edema and for fighting cellulite. It is carried out with increased skin tone, fluid retention, excess weight.

In addition, the procedure is assigned with such problems:

  • pathologies of the digestive tract (flatulence, constipation);
  • rheumatic diseases of the motor system (arthritis, radiculitis);
  • ailments of the nervous system (overwork, headache, insomnia, stress);
  • diseases of the respiratory system (chronic and acute bronchitis);
  • muscle spasms and increased physical exertion;
  • pathological processes that occur in the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure);
  • functional disorders after fractures (muscle changes, stiffness of the joints).

Massaging can be used for:

  • reduction of physical and psychological fatigue;
  • stimulation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • improvement of general well-being;
  • anesthesia, sedation, relaxation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • expansion of the vessels of the skin;
  • improvement of blood circulation, activation of metabolism in the body.


Therapeutic professional back massage is a common type of classical procedure. The regular conduct of such therapy contributes to improving the body's defense and the emergence of positive emotions.

Specialists recommend to their patients at least 2 times a year to undergo a course of manual therapy.

Thanks to this, immunity will be strengthened, and the patient will be healthy and vigorous throughout the year.

The specific features of the healing procedure include a clear planning of the number of receptions used and the time of the session.

If you have one hour to give to kneading with one ailment, then the other - you need to focus on rubbing. These subtleties can only be determined by a doctor.


The first sessions must necessarily be introductory, sparing - the procedure is performed slightly above the injured place. After 3 sessions, you can already go to the main part.


On the baby's body massaging has a comprehensive impact. It stimulates the development and relaxation of soft tissues, helps to quickly identify tense zones where the baby feels uncomfortable.

A therapeutic session of manual therapy for children is considered to be a constructive and effective means that completely satisfies the need of the baby in physical contact.

Regular procedures create excellent conditions for the full development of the child.

Massage is useful for babies, whose age is more than three months and older. The procedure can be done by parents independently or by inviting a specialist home.

All manipulations should be applied one hour after a meal, they can not be performed before bedtime. In this case, doctors do not advise using a cream. A child's session is performed while monitoring the reaction of the baby, he should not cry.

The main methods of manipulation are rubbing, stroking, kneading, vibration.


Therapeutic massage can be divided into general and local. At the general the expert massages all body (except for a head) with influence on the amazed sites of a body.

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Before the procedure, the doctor should conduct a diagnostic and visual examination, get acquainted with the patient's anamnesis. Only after this, he can give an opinion about the effectiveness of the selected therapy.

Carry out manipulations better in the morning, after breakfast, but not every day. The time of the session should be increased gradually - from 20 to 60 minutes.

A local therapeutic massage is a procedure in which only one part of the body is massaged. All movements should be performed according to the current of the lymph - towards the lymph nodes.

The effectiveness of the local procedure will be higher if combined with medicinal preparations, ointments. Well, when the treatment process includes exercise therapy and physiotherapy. Typically, the session, depending on the illness, lasts from 15 to 40 minutes, and is conducted every day.

There is also a non-medical massage, which includes preventive, relaxing.

Therapeutic massage technique

The course of therapeutic massage, as a rule, consists of 10 or 20 procedures.Prescribe the procedure daily, after which a rest period of 30 minutes is recommended.

Breaks between the basic methods can last several months. The massage consists of an introductory, basic, final stage.

Often, in order to achieve maximum effect, a specialist can apply them all in a complex:

  1. Introductory period (1-3 procedures). Assumes sparing tricks (rubbing, stroking) that prepare a person.
  2. The main section (3-16). Includes a differentiated massage, which is performed according to the clinical features of the disease and the patient's condition.
  3. In the final section for 3 minutes, the specialist reduces the intensity of the techniques, ending with the therapy stroking the massaged area. If necessary, at this stage the patient can be taught self-massage using a massage machine.


Therapeutic procedure of facial massage is carried out for medical reasons: skin diseases, seborrhea, acne.

All these diseases have a common etiology, they are caused by poor work of the sebaceous glands, which often provokes eruptions on the head and face. Indications for the massage may be scars and scars, comedones, skin pigmentation.

This type of manual therapy does not have the effect of braces. Though thanks to this procedure the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the skin is cleared, the inflammation decreases.

Facial massage involves the presence of classical techniques: kneading, stroking, rubbing, although they are given little attention. The main are pinching. They are held by pads of the thumb and index finger.

The technique of the plucked procedure improves metabolic processes and blood circulation, takes an active part in the restoration of skin cells. Movements do not allow tenderness and smoothness, everything is done intensively.

At the same time, skin stretching and excessive shear can not be tolerated. The procedure is painful.

With osteochondrosis

A complex of disorders in the joints or osteochondrosis of the cervical department is diagnosed in people of different ages. The main cause of the appearance of the disease is the deformation of the intervertebral discs. Massage with osteochondrosis can help with the first symptoms of the disease.

It involves the use of techniques such as squeezing, stroking, rubbing, shaking, kneading, active movements with resistance, shocks and shaking.The back massage should consist of at least 10 procedures.

When observing an exacerbation of the disease, the effect on the affected area may change. At the beginning of the course less active movements are used. Then the degree of their strength is increased. In this case, the masseur is guided by the patient's condition.


During the treatment procedure, the specialist works on special areas. These are points that have a reflex connection with the blood vessels, nerves, muscles.


Such manipulations relax them, restore the natural position of the spine.


The procedure, duration and number of sessions for each patient is selected individually.

You can not use medical massage in case of a serious condition of the patient, inflammatory processes, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Massage of muscles, thighs, abdomen, waist can not be done during pregnancy, menstruation, hernia. In addition, the contraindications for the procedure are:

  • feverish conditions;
  • blood diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • skin diseases;
  • purulent processes;
  • atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels;
  • damage to the skin,
  • thrombosis;
  • kidney disease;
  • angiitis.


Therapeutic massage can not be carried out independently, only after visiting a specialist. This service is offered to conduct different clinics. The price will depend on the part of the body on which it will be produced. The average cost for massage services in Moscow is presented in the table:

Massage Time in minutes Price in rubles
cervical spine 15 860
backs 40 1200
children's 20 1000
lumbar spine 30 800
chest 60 1500
anti-cellulite 60 3200
head 20 1030
faces 20 1200

: medical massage

A source:

Back massage

I accept in the medical center "Expert". I leave on the house

I accept in the medical center "Expert" at the address: st. Deguninskaya d. 23 cor. 1. CAO. Metro station "Seligerskaya". Metro station "Petrovskoe-Razumovskoye".

I leave for the house to the patients. Departure is carried out with your massage table. In general, the departure takes place in the following districts: CAO. NEAD. SZAO.. I also go to Khimki. LONG-RELATIVE. Departure to other areas is negotiated separately.


Back massage in the clinic - 1 200 rub - 40 min

Back massage with exit - 1 200 rub - 40 min

Record by phone: 8 (926) 182-03-03

From the earliest times it was known that the spine is the basis of life, health and longevity of a person.

According to medical statistics, about 70% of those who seek medical help in hospitals and polyclinics are people who complain of back pain.

Feeling the first symptoms, in no case should you delay, engage in self-medication, rubbing painkillers ointments and gels, in the hope that the pain will soon pass by itself.

Back pain is the first symptoms that speak of dystrophic disorders in various parts of the spine. While doing "poultices rubbing pain medication, you only relieve back pain without eliminating the main problem, which in the future can lead to serious diseases of the spine.

One of the most effective methods of treatment of diseases of the spine and back pain is massage therapy.

Conducting a course of therapeutic back massage will help improve the blood supply of intervertebral discs, improve blood circulation of the spine, and conductivity of nerve endings.


The therapeutic back massage strengthens the hypotrophic muscles, helps prevent muscle atrophy. Helps reduce pain syndrome. And most importantly, it gives a steady curative effect.


Therapeutic back massage is prescribed by courses of 10-15 procedures depending on the disease. As a rule, many diseases of the spine at the time of treatment, already have a chronic form, chronic dystrophic changes, so it is desirable to do massage courses at least a couple of times a year. And ideally - every three months.

Performing a therapeutic back massage for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease of the spine, which is often the cause of back pain and is divided into types: osteochondrosis of the cervical region, osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral section, widespread osteochondrosis (can be affected several times departments).

Symptoms of osteochondrosis: persistent acute or aching pain. Pain can increase with physical activity, lifting weights. The amplitude of movements decreases. There are spasms in the muscles. A feeling of numbness and a feeling of aching in the limbs.

Therapeutic back massage is one of the main types of treatment for osteochondrosis. It improves blood circulation, relieves back pain.

Promotes restoration of muscle and spine functions. Correctly performed therapeutic massage procedures do not cause harm to the body.

Gives a stable therapeutic effect.

In the first session, I try to find out the symptoms that disturb you. You tell me if there are pains in the back. On which side does your back hurt, in which part of the spine? Do you have numbness in your limbs. Or maybe pain gives to internal organs.

It is desirable to describe in more detail the picture of the disease. Also, if you have recent X-rays or MRI photos, it is advisable to ask the doctor to decipher and describe, and bring them to me for the first session.

Massage techniques for osteochondrosis begin to perform with light stroking movements. Stroking relaxes the muscles of the back. Then rubbing is performed, with which we achieve increased blood flow in the tissues, warm up the muscles. Then we proceed to kneading.


Reception kneading leads to an increase in the tone of the muscles of the back, increases the blood supply of tissues.


Usually, with osteochondrosis, I recommend not to be limited to a certain area - cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral, and perform massage techniques along the entire back, for greater effectiveness.

Sometimes people call, complain of pain in the back and ask to do a couple of sessions. I always try to explain that from two to three sessions there will be no effect.

It's just thrown away money and wasted my time, mine and yours. As a rule, degenerative changes in the spine are already chronic.

In order to really achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to do at least ten sessions.

Conducting a therapeutic massage with radiculitis

Radiculitis is a disease of the peripheral nervous system that occurs against the background of a degenerative lesion of the roots of the spinal nerves.

Symptoms of radiculitis: as a rule, with radiculitis there are constant or periodic dull pain in the back. Wandering pains can be given from the neck to the hand, from the waist region to the legs.

Violated sensitivity - numbness in the limbs, light tingling, burning. There is also weakness in the muscles of the back or lower limbs. Sometimes this weakness is isolated, i.e.

affects only certain muscle groups.

As a result of the lesion of the roots of the spinal nerves, there is a disturbance in the arrival of impulses, and the muscles gradually stop working normally. In the absence of timely treatment occurs muscle atrophy or flaccid paresis (paralysis).

With radiculitis complex treatment is prescribed. Medicamentous: anti-inflammatory and vitamin preparations. With severe pain in the back - novocain blockade. Also prescribed therapeutic massage procedures, electrophoresis, acupuncture, exercise therapy, etc.

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At the first meeting, tell me in detail what's bothering you. Is there pain in the back, "lumbago" in the lumbar region. Does the pain from the back extend to the buttocks, thigh, and shin.

Bring the description of X-rays and MRI (if any). Massage procedures with radiculitis is appointed after the end of the acute phase of the disease, when the inflammatory process becomes subacute and chronic phase.


Massage can be local (affect only certain muscle groups), and general.


At a radiculitis I recommend to be not limited only to local massage of a back, and to carry out the general or common when the upper and lower extremities are also worked out, which makes it possible to improve blood supply and innervation in all organism.

The first two, three sessions are made more sparing. We exclude any abrupt tricks. Reduce the pressure of the masseur on the muscles of the back. The session is done shorter for 5-10 minutes.

Gradually, with 2-3 sessions, the intensity of movement and the load on the muscles increases. With radiculitis, a session of therapeutic back massage lasts about 30 minutes.

The session of the general massage lasts 50-60 minutes

The main massage techniques for lumbago and sciatica

Lumbago and sciatica are different diseases, but they have similar symptoms, so they are easily confused.

Sciatica is an inflammatory process in the sciatic nerve caused by an infectious disease or inflammation of the femur.

Lumbago is an attack of acute pain in the lumbar spine, caused most often by osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia.

Symptoms of lumboschialgia: pain in the lower back, giving off in one or both legs. Perhaps the spread of the buttocks or the backside of the leg, shin. Pain appears unexpectedly and abruptly.

Provoke it can an uncomfortable position, a lot of physical activity, a sharp movement. Perhaps the appearance of such signs as a feeling of chilliness in the affected area, a feeling of heat and tingling.

One of the most common and effective methods of treating this disease is therapeutic massage procedures.

They help to relieve tension, reduce muscle tone, make them more relaxed, get rid of sciatic nerve pinching, make the limbs more flexible and light. During the therapeutic massage improves blood circulation, improves nutrition of soft tissues and bones.

Removed puffiness and numbness. The outflow of lymph is normalized and the release of biologically active substances that help to reduce the inflammatory process is stimulated.

At the first meeting, tell the symptomatology. If there is, bring the pictures. When performing massage procedures, techniques such as stroking, patting and rubbing are used.

In the early days of the procedure, softer techniques are used, which do not cause discomfort to the patient and do not cause him unpleasant sensations.

After easy stroking, a shallow kneading of the back muscles is performed.


In order to completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to hold at least 10 sessions. Although the patient can improve the improvement after the first two sessions.


However, one should not abandon other procedures that will help to consolidate the effect and relieve relapse. The optimal number of sessions for these diseases is 15.

Therapeutic back massage with lumbago and sciatica not only helps to reduce the pain syndrome, but also helps to improve the general condition of the body. This will help to recover as much as possible.

Intervertebral hernia. Massage procedures

The intervertebral hernia is the result of degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs. Such changes can be associated with a metabolic disorder in the body.

May be a consequence of previous injuries or increased physical exertion on the spine. They can also be a consequence of a neglected, unhealed osteochondrosis.

As a result of these degenerative changes, the structure of the intervertebral disc is destroyed, which leads to bulging (protrusion) or prolapse of its nucleus.

When identifying the hernia of the spine complex treatment is recommended. It is important to wait for the pain syndrome to decrease with the help of drug treatment. In particularly difficult cases, surgical intervention is possible.

Therapeutic massage is indicated in the recovery phase. You can not carry out massage procedures in the first days of the disease. It can cause spasms of the muscles of the back, increase pain.

Mandatory condition - massage procedures should be performed only by a qualified specialist with medical education.


Improper performance of massage techniques can lead to serious complications, up to surgical intervention. During the session, the masseur excludes strong rubbing and kneading.


You can not carry out massage techniques at the site of localization of the hernia, but only in the surrounding tissue. A sign that the therapeutic massage is done correctly is a feeling of relaxation and warmth in the muscles.

The technique is determined each time individually by the masseur, depending on the clinical situation.

This takes into account the location of the hernia, symptoms, the course of the disease, the presence of concomitant diseases, the individual characteristics of the patient.

It is possible to use different methods of therapeutic massage: point, segmental, reflex, classical, etc. Also individually set and the duration of procedures, which can range from a few minutes to an hour.

One of the most important conditions for the treatment of a spinal hernia is a systemic approach. This means that by themselves massage procedures can not completely rid of the disease and its symptoms.

It is important to combine them with other medications: medicines, exercise therapy, physiotherapy.

The task, with the help of massage techniques - to remove the pain symptom, improve blood circulation and lymph flow, saturate tissues and bones with nutrients, reduce the tone and tension of the muscles of the back.

Last modified Wednesday, January 10, 2018 0: 5

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Therapeutic back massage - effectiveness

Therapeutic back massage is a set of certain mechanical effects on the skin, muscles, joints and spine. Our back is covered with deep and superficial muscles.

The active activity of modern man is reflected in the health of the back. The strongest voltage accumulates in deep fibers.

Remove muscle fiber tension, relax the body and, accordingly, relieve the body of accumulated stress will help massage the neck and back.


The back is considered the largest reflexogenic zone. On it there are sections corresponding to all internal organs.


Thus, therapeutic back massage positively affects the whole body.

In addition, the sedentary lifestyle of many people, environmental problems, lack of sleep and rest, low physical activity led to the fact that people with a healthy back almost no.

Types of therapeutic back massage

Depending on the way the massage is performed, the following types of massage are distinguished:

  • Classic (is the most common and popular, suitable for any age);
  • point back massage (also called acupuncture, the essence of this type is the effect on certain points that are responsible for certain organs);
  • vibromassage (one of the types of hardware massage, the essence of this type is the transfer of vibrational movements by the vibrational apparatus, different in frequency and amplitude);
  • hydromassage (one of the types of hardware massage, the essence is the effect of water jets on certain parts of the body);
  • caned back massage (contributes to increased blood flow, performed with the help of special medical cans).

Depending on the purpose, the following types of massage are distinguished:

  • Relaxing (relieves fatigue, improves mood, helps fight depression);
  • lymph drainage (has a cleansing and rejuvenating action, helps to remove excess fluid from the body);
  • anti-cellulite (makes the skin softer, and the figure is slimmer, helps to get rid of cellulite);
  • massage with various diseases of the spine (this massage back in scoliosis, back massage with hernia, with osteochondrosis and other diseases; helps relieve pain, normalizes blood flow in muscles, relaxes, relieves spasm).


Therapeutic massage is most effective for spine and nervous system injuries:

  • consequences of fractures, curvature of the spine, sprain;
  • pain in the spine;
  • decrease or increase of muscle tone;
  • radiculitis;
  • presence of shallow scars or scars on the back;
  • violations of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, etc.

In uncomplicated forms of many diseases of the spine, it is sufficient to perform exercises for the muscles of the back and therapeutic massage to significantly improve the patient's condition.

Contraindications for back massage

Contraindications for therapeutic massage are such conditions as:

  • fever or fever;
  • presence of pustules on the skin of the back;
  • blood diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypertensive and hypotonic crises;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • acute myocardial ischemia;
  • mental illness, accompanied by excessive excitement;
  • sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • alcoholic intoxication.

How to make a back massage?

Each type of massage is performed in different ways. Nevertheless, it is possible to designate general rules for any kind of therapeutic massage:

  • the patient's skin should be clean;
  • The hands of the masseuse are treated with petroleum jelly, cream or talcum for better slip;
  • Massage is effective after a warm bath, shower or bath;
  • therapeutic massage is performed before exercise therapy to relieve muscle tension, activate blood circulation, remove pain, accelerate metabolism (so, exercises with dumbbells for the back will have a greater effect after massage);
  • movements of the masseur are directed from the spine to the sides;
  • the direction of movement coincides with the direction of the blood flow;
  • therapeutic massage is performed on a hard couch (to strengthen the inflow of blood to the back of the blood, place a low cushion under the tibia).

Therapeutic massage is performed by stroking, rubbing, kneading and squeezing.

First, light strokes are performed, which are designed to relax the muscles of the back, calm the nervous system, improve blood flow and reduce pain.

Then - rubbing, with the help of which increases blood circulation in each rubbed area, improves nutrition of tissues.

Kneading is performed with great pressure. Using a brush, grasp the relaxed muscle, pull it back and rotate along. Kneading and squeezing affect the deep tissues.

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