Gymnastics with strabismus: the benefits of classes and types of exercises
Most of the information from the outside world people get through the system of vision. If it works incorrectly, not only the reliability of the image of objects suffers, but the quality of life in general. Strabismus in modern ophthalmology is treated with special glasses and a set of exercises. Gymnastics - a simple, accessible to everyone and thus an effective way to restore vision. It helps with all kinds of strabismus (congenital, acquired, vertical, horizontal, convergent).
1How useful is gymnastics
2The list of exercises
How useful is gymnastics
Acquired and congenital strabismus is treated in two ways - with the help of glasses and gymnastics.Exercises are highly effective, but they need to be performed regularly. In addition, gymnastics for adults and children will be different.
Types of strabismus
Exercises help with all kinds of strabismus. For children and adults there are different complexes.
Principles of performance and the benefits of charging for the eyes:
Exercise helps to relax the muscles, as a result of which the normal joint movement of the eyeballs is restored.
The view is focused on one point, in the process of training a person begins to get used to this situation.
Eyes learn to combine two pictures simultaneously.
Gymnastics with strabismus gives very good results. The main condition is regularity.
The list of exercises
Next, we give a list of exercises for people with strabismus.Each must be done 16 times a day.
You will need to practice daily.The complex can be done by everyone.
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Gnoyatsya eyes in an adult - than to treat
Consider exercises for adults:
Pull your arm forward in front of you, focus on your index finger. Gradually, start to bring your finger to the bridge of your nose, you can not tear it away from it. Similarly, move your finger up and down.
Mentally draw a figure eight - drive them up and down and left to right.
Watch for the thing that is moving away from you and approaching you - for example, behind a ruffle or a ball. Itself is not necessary to play.
Look far into the window, and then focus on closely located objects.
Turn your back to the sun, close your healthy eye with your palm. Begin to turn your head toward the sick eye, until you see oblique rays of the sun. Do not rush and do not make sudden movements.
Turn left eye to the bridge of the nose, close the healthy one. Expose the right foot in front of you and reach for it with your left hand, unfold the body, stretch the same hand to the sky.
You need to work with two eyes in turn. Exercise at the window and the figure-eight can be done at any convenient time (for example, in transport).
Now let's see what kind of gymnastics with strabismus is recommended for children. Remember that for more than 20 minutes (and then at best) the kids will not exercise, so carry them away with the game and conduct classes when the child is not tired yet:
Show the son or daughter two similar patterns and ask for differences. For older children fit images of labyrinths (they will need to concentrate their eyes to find a way out).
Buy a development lacing (if you wish, you can do it yourself - 12 holes will be enough). Let the child stretch the string through all the holes.
Divide a sheet of paper on a cell, in each make figures (they should be repeated periodically). Ask the baby to find the same ones and cross out them.
In a conventional table lamp, twist a 60 W bulb, place a plasticine ball at a distance of 5 cm from it. Now tie a healthy eye and ask the child to look at the ball for 30 seconds (continuously). The distance between the lamp and the eyes should be about 40 cm. Then show the child cards with letters, continue training until he sees images of objects.Divide a sheet of paper on a cell, in each make figures (they should be repeated periodically). Ask the baby to find the same ones and cross out them.
In parallel with the exercises from strabismus, it is recommended to do gymnastics aimed at increasing the mobility of the eyes.
Selection of contact lenses
What are carnival lenses and the features of their wearing are described in this article.
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Gymnastics is used as an independent way of correcting eyesight with strabismus or in addition to glasses. Do it regularly - that is, every day. For adults and children there are various exercises aimed at restoring normal visual function.
Also, read about ways to restore vision with myopia and hyperopia.