Dacryocystitis occurs when the tear-nasal passage is blocked, and the cause is the inflammatory process in the tear sack.Tear secretions help prevent the drying of the eye shell and destroy on it pathogenic bacteria that provoke various diseases and infections. After washing the surface of the eye, the liquid gathers into points, especially those located in the corners of the eyes, on the eyelids.If clogging of one of the points occurs, dacryocystitis begins to develop, which causes edema and prevents the patency of the whole system of the tear-nasal canal.
1Symptoms of the disease
2Method definition
Symptoms of the disease
Symptoms of the disease are fairly easily identified and diagnosed. Characteristic features:
The copious discharge of tears begins and the swelling becomes visible.
With pressure on the teary bag, you can see a discharge in the form of mucus and pus.
The entire conjunctiva of the eye and eyelid swells and turns red.Manifestation of dacryocystitis
In the acute stage, the ocular gap blushes and closes. Fistula, ripens for several days and can be opened independently, but if this does not happen, you have to resort to surgical treatment.
The disease can be affected by both children, from infancy, and adults.
Dacryocystitis is dangerous because of the possible infection of the cornea.
Also, in a separate category, dacryocystitis of newborns is derived in connection with the peculiarities of the structure of lacrimal ducts in the first few months of life.
Method definition
Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes a special treatment, which consists of rinsing the tear ducts, removing the edema and massage, which helps to clear the blockage.
Massage helps the most effective way to get rid of accumulated purulent masses and stimulate purification ducts, improves blood circulation and allows you to accelerate the regeneration of tissues in this way, but most importantly, removes edema.
Massage at the child requires special care and sterility, as the skin of the baby is tender enough and under the influence of awkward movements can easily be damaged.
It is necessary before the beginning of the session to wash your hands and cut your nails as short as possible so that the skin or the eye can not be damaged by accidental movement.
Ideal option will be the use of special sterile gloves.
Prepare everything you need for the procedure:
A warm solution of furacilin and boiled water. The solution should be prepared from the calculation of 1: 5000 ml.
Sterile wipes and cotton swabs.
Package for materials used.
The purpose of these actions is the breakthrough of the film, which is a gelatinous structure in which suppuration accumulates.For a newborn child, such manipulations are quite painless, but for a more adult person everything happens differently. This is caused by the tightening of the walls of the purulent sac, and any touch brings painful sensations.
Massage is carried out as follows: gently with your fingers you need to create vibrating actions to the compaction in the lacrimal sac gradually dissipated until the purulent clusters begin to leave out.If you feel that the content does not come out under pressure, then it's best to postpone the procedure for the next time.
In any case, after the massage is over, it is necessary to drip the disinfectant medicine in the form of drops. Allowed in this case, Levomycetin (0, 25%), Vitabakt.
Levomechitin is used for dacryocystitis
Massage and removal of pus occurs throughout the day to several times a day, especially with a severe stage of the disease. The course for a baby or a newborn can last up to 14 days. An adult breakthrough can occur faster, it all depends on the immunity of a person, and the regularity of the procedures. Act very carefully so as not to damage the cartilage on the nose of the baby, and to ensure that the purulent masses do not hit the area of the other eye or ear.It can cause inflammation in the surrounding organs.
Massage for dacryocystitis
Massage in a child is best done during his crying, because Purulent contents will be washed away faster, and due to the strain of the whole body, a tear sack will be better cleaned. And remember that the older the child, the harder it is to break the gelatin film, over the years it becomes denser.
In those cases when the disease has an acute phase of development, you can easily stop it by the method of washing and massage.If you follow the recommendations of a specialist and do a certain number of procedures a day, an adult man can usually remove the inflammation in a few days. But in some cases, the inflammation does not respond to treatment and requires more radical measures of influence.
A variant is possible in which even after a massage the inflammation and swelling do not pass. In this case, there is a need for sounding. This procedure is carried out in a hospital, and in children also under general anesthesia.
It is also possible to use another technique for newborns.This is laser dacryocystorinostomy.In the postoperative period, massage is also required as a preventative measure.
For those children who are 3 years old or more, the method of external and endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy is used.Often also used UHF-therapy, washing with antibacterial and disinfectants.
Dacryocystitis is a serious disease that, if not treated correctly, becomes chronic. Therefore it is important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor, perform the necessary procedures, and, if necessary, resort to a radical method of treatment. Massage with dacryocystitis is not painless, so it is important not to neglect it, otherwise you can infect adjacent organs and tissues.